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Made in dk
Regular Dakkanaut

after having seen all proxyhammers dark reaper praise on youtube i actually gave them a spin yesterday for the first time in tenth.

They were super good! i ran a tempest in each of the 2 5 man squads and the killed a lot of battle sisters. My opponent didnt find time to target them even once as there was so much else to shoot at. so they started at ground level shooting just indirect and then went up the ruin they where hiding in to plungefire down in turn 3-4-5. Suddenly ap 2 ignores cover was decent and the 2d6 s4 ap2 shots from the tempest became something my opponent had to consider when moving across the board. Really a shame that the tempest launcher doesnt ignore cover. I had a unit of shroud runners in there to grant the reapers lethal hits but vs t3 sisters it wasnt that important.

at 85 points i feel these guys are okay. if not great.
Made in de
Defending Guardian Defender

Not necessarily the right place for my question.

However, does anyone have an overview which base size is currently "official" for which eldar unit?

If I'm not mistaken even the Games Workshop page doesn't show which bases are currently included.
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 Bego wrote:
Not necessarily the right place for my question.

However, does anyone have an overview which base size is currently "official" for which eldar unit?

If I'm not mistaken even the Games Workshop page doesn't show which bases are currently included.

At least some of them do? I just spot check the rangers, and while I needed to click “read more” the base info was there.

Are there units in particular you are looking for?

Someone might have put together a master list, but I’m not aware of one. That said, I’ve never felt the need to look for one, so that’s not saying much…

Made in de
Defending Guardian Defender

 Nevelon wrote:

Are there units in particular you are looking for?

Swooping Hawks, Dire Avengers, Guardians. Going to paint old models and thought it's easier to rebase them now if necessary instead of afterwards.
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Guardians per web are on 28.5mm bases, gun on a 40.
Hawks are on 25s per web
DAs don’t say on the web, but the last ones I picked up were on 25s.

In general it looks like every basic infantry kit they are re-doing is ending up on the larger 28.5mm bases. If you don’t have easy access to base extenders, I might just run with those to start. Especially with the hawks, as top heavy models really benefit from the wider base.

But strictly speaking, there is a mix of sizes in the army right now. And if you are playing in venues that are fussy about that, base with the right sizes.

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