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![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2020/06/11 23:49:06
Subject: Dropfleet/Dropzone/Battlezone Commander news. DFC 2.0 out now. Plastic Battleships!
Legendary Master of the Chapter
This system hasn't seen much discussion on Dakka recently, other than rumors of its demise. I'll try to keep everything updated as often as I can. However, TTCombat's new site is difficult for anyone using an Apple product who wants to share photos.
First of all, Battle For Earth is the latest expansion for both games, with DZC 2nd Ed rules and DFC rules for destroyers, monitors, Dreadnaughts...and the Resistance faction. The Resistance fleet has some of the best spaceship miniatures ever released in my opinion, so well worth checking out. If you just want to play DZC, there is a rulebook for 10 pounds.
New releases:
There is a new 2 player starter set:
New starters with TWICE as many minis for Scourge, UCM and now Shaltari, each 35 pounds (about $50).
They are also selling the cardboard terrain for 20 pounds per pack, both in whole and ruins form.
They have also released variant tanks and air units for each faction over the last few months. Not going to link them all.
The behemoths are in the rule book, and some pictures of them are floating around the web. Each faction gets 2 options for heavy and light mechs.
There have also been images of Kalium vehicles spotted, and possibly a plastic Resistance starter on the horizon.
The huge anti-starship laser has a model in scale with DZC out there, but I'm not sure it's official or upcoming or what.
For Dropfleet, they released some new play mats:
And for anyone who hasn't seen the Resistance fleet, here you go:
Grand Cruiser:
Grand Battlecruiser:
Grand Battleship:
Resistance have yet to see destroyers and monitors. Every faction is getting a Lighter. Some other type of vessel is also upcoming, possibly a minelayer or boarding vessel. And Andy Chambers confirmed he is working on something for TTCombat, most likely Dropverse-related.
This message was edited 16 times. Last update was at 2024/12/25 16:26:06
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2020/06/11 23:54:31
Subject: Re:Dropfleet / Dropzone Commander news and rumors (New DZC starters)
Fixture of Dakka
West Michigan, deep in Whitebread, USA
Both Resistance fleets are damn beautiful, and the fluff is a great way to include them, from what little I have gleaned online.
"By this point I'm convinced 100% that every single race in the 40k universe have somehow tapped into the ork ability to just have their tech work because they think it should." |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2020/06/12 00:07:08
Subject: Dropfleet / Dropzone Commander news and rumors (New DZC starters)
Legendary Master of the Chapter
They are the best faction for creating your, “chapter”. The background for the two official flavors is really fun, while blowing the potential sandbox way open for players who want to do their own thing.
On the FB group there are people converting Resistance fleets Modeled after BSG, B5 and even Star Wars. It’s a tremendously versatile kit.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/06/12 00:07:49
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2020/06/12 00:21:13
Subject: Dropfleet / Dropzone Commander news and rumors (New DZC starters)
Villanous Scum
Do love those Resistance ships, am intrigued as to what people are using them for in B5, Raiders fits nicely but anything else Bob?
On parle toujours mal quand on n'a rien à dire. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2020/06/12 00:41:16
Subject: Dropfleet / Dropzone Commander news and rumors (New DZC starters)
Legendary Master of the Chapter
I’ll see if I can find and link to the images, but there were a couple guys who used the Resistance and station kits to create “close enough” facsimiles to Earthforce One, Omega Class Destroyers, Hyperions, and I think a Nova Class? Ironic because none of them made a Warlocke Class Destroyer even though that should have been the most straight-forward conversion.
Also, a lot of Scourge conversions take visual cues from the Shadows or Minbari. Automatically Appended Next Post: Can’t get the pictures to copy on my phone. I’ll try the computer tomorrow.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/06/12 00:56:19
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2020/06/12 02:28:03
Subject: Dropfleet / Dropzone Commander news and rumors (New DZC starters)
Krazed Killa Kan
I believe that's a new sculpt for the UCM light dropships, looking good.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2020/06/12 03:55:50
Subject: Dropfleet / Dropzone Commander news and rumors (New DZC starters)
Longtime Dakkanaut
Cool news.
For comparison with the original DZC starter, did the old one include a mat and cardboard buildings along with the book and 2 forces?
Thread Slayer |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2020/06/12 04:01:21
Subject: Dropfleet / Dropzone Commander news and rumors (New DZC starters)
Legendary Master of the Chapter
The plastics are the same, but each starter comes with a resin leader vehicle and a special (resin) dropship, which you’re probably right about being new. (The Shaltari get a far-gate or something.) However, there is also a new UCM Titania pattern dropship (in resin) that looks like a buffer, more angular version of the plastic drop ships for anyone who doesn’t like those.
We’re still waiting for the reboxed PHR starter and hopefully a Resistance starter in plastic.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2020/06/12 04:46:04
Subject: Re:Dropfleet / Dropzone Commander news and rumors (New DZC starters)
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran
A resistance starter in plastic would be tempting.
I see what you mean about the unified paint scheme for the fleet now. Some of those big ships are mighty fine looking!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2020/06/12 05:03:19
Subject: Dropfleet / Dropzone Commander news and rumors (New DZC starters)
Member of the Ethereal Council
Depending on the price i might just pick up a started resistance for fun. The game is still i think one of the most well crafted, well lored and well thought out games in the market. Also, What is Kalium?
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/06/12 05:07:42
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2020/06/12 05:09:40
Subject: Dropfleet / Dropzone Commander news and rumors (New DZC starters)
Krazed Killa Kan
Kalium, I think, is the resistance colony that went dark and just kept building ships, declaring itself independent from the UCM. This is why there's now a Resistance fleet in DFC beyond just a bunch of cobbled together ships.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2020/06/12 05:13:49
Subject: Dropfleet / Dropzone Commander news and rumors (New DZC starters)
Legendary Master of the Chapter
privateer4hire wrote:Cool news.
For comparison with the original DZC starter, did the old one include a mat and cardboard buildings along with the book and 2 forces?
Yes it did. The new starter doesn’t come with the cardboard terrain, but it comes with leader minis ...and I think it’s cheaper than the old one was. (I forget the retail price because it’s been years since I’ve seen the old starter not either discounted to move or jacked way up on the algorithms.)
Automatically Appended Next Post:
Kalium is a colony that broke off from the UCM early on by reconfiguring their Foldspace Nodes. They had a massive shipyard capable of building all the prewar ship designs, and they’ve kept it going for 170 years.
Kalium has a heavily-militarized population and extensive espionage network. They seem to be recruiting some of the worst “feral” warlords on the (Scourge-held) Cradle Worlds, and have gone to great lengths to acquire Scourge tech, including cloning vats.
Early on they experienced a lot of coups and civil strife before settling into the current totalitarian regime. Visually, Kalium takes a lot of cues from the Soviet Union and North Korea. (This leads to one blurb where Kalium insisted on taking Moscow and then got caught in the infamous Russian winter until the UCM sent cold-weather experts with proper gear to save them.) Anyway, their inclusion gives a template for what a colony isolated from the UCM might have looked like militarily. Many players have Resistance fleets that are at least in part composed of Kalium defectors or governments-in-exile, that kind of thing.
This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2020/06/12 05:28:57
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2020/06/12 19:41:08
Subject: Dropfleet / Dropzone Commander news and rumors (New DZC starters)
Fighter Ace
Thanks for starting this page, Bob. I really like the look of those Resistance ships for kitbashing potential. To be honest I'm more of a BFG man but the possibilities ALL of the DFC kits presents are very good indeed.
Is there any way you can post pictures of what others have done with these kits without me embracing Facebook?
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2020/06/12 20:25:45
Subject: Re:Dropfleet / Dropzone Commander news and rumors (New DZC starters)
Fixture of Dakka
The photography is fantastic, paintjobs too.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/06/12 20:25:57
Do you play 30k? It'd be a lot cooler if you did. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2020/06/12 20:33:48
Subject: Dropfleet / Dropzone Commander news and rumors (New DZC starters)
Longtime Dakkanaut
Resistance looks great.
Still haven’t even played the game, despite backing it from the start.
Made several Scourge, and UCM are ready to build.
Just never got round to looking at what’s best for a list..
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2020/06/12 20:38:48
Subject: Dropfleet / Dropzone Commander news and rumors (New DZC starters)
Legendary Master of the Chapter
Ragsta wrote:Thanks for starting this page, Bob. I really like the look of those Resistance ships for kitbashing potential. To be honest I'm more of a BFG man but the possibilities ALL of the DFC kits presents are very good indeed.
Is there any way you can post pictures of what others have done with these kits without me embracing Facebook?
I’ll try. For some reason, Facebook won’t let me direct link to images or save them on my phone to upload here. I do have a collection from around the web, but it’s limited. Are you mainly looking for Resistance builds? Also, I have a blog in the Painting and Modelling section with a few DFC kit bashes mixed in, and so do Kid Kyoto and Kestral. Automatically Appended Next Post: Danny76 wrote:Resistance looks great.
Still haven’t even played the game, despite backing it from the start.
Made several Scourge, and UCM are ready to build.
Just never got round to looking at what’s best for a list..
Depends how competitive you want to be. There’s a tactics page for Dropfleet on ...4chan?... that discusses the relative strengths and weaknesses of each ship in a faction, although it’s pretty heavy on the meme-speak. Typically, the gamers on Facebook recommend you have 2 strike cruisers per “starter set” (~500pts) and one troop ship per 1000pts (2 if you’re PHR), as well as plenty of fighter and bomber launch capacity. Resistance (And to a lesser extent Shaltari) is the odd faction out for this kind of list building. Resistance heavy frigates are very good gun-brawlers, along with the grand cruiser, but the cruisers seem to be most effective as troopships and launch carriers.
But for me, I just build the ships to look cool and then proxy them as whatever sounds fun. I don’t ever plan to play in a tournament.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/06/12 20:46:15
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2020/06/12 21:54:05
Subject: Re:Dropfleet / Dropzone Commander news and rumors (New DZC starters)
Legendary Master of the Chapter
Ok, I contacted the guy with the awesome B5 conversions and got the files directly. This post’s for you, Intgaer.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2020/06/14 20:56:07
Subject: Dropfleet / Dropzone Commander news and rumors (New DZC starters)
Longtime Dakkanaut
BobtheInquisitor wrote:
Automatically Appended Next Post:
Danny76 wrote:Resistance looks great.
Still haven’t even played the game, despite backing it from the start.
Made several Scourge, and UCM are ready to build.
Just never got round to looking at what’s best for a list..
Depends how competitive you want to be. There’s a tactics page for Dropfleet on ...4chan?... that discusses the relative strengths and weaknesses of each ship in a faction, although it’s pretty heavy on the meme-speak. Typically, the gamers on Facebook recommend you have 2 strike cruisers per “starter set” (~500pts) and one troop ship per 1000pts (2 if you’re PHR), as well as plenty of fighter and bomber launch capacity. Resistance (And to a lesser extent Shaltari) is the odd faction out for this kind of list building. Resistance heavy frigates are very good gun-brawlers, along with the grand cruiser, but the cruisers seem to be most effective as troopships and launch carriers.
But for me, I just build the ships to look cool and then proxy them as whatever sounds fun. I don’t ever plan to play in a tournament.
Definitely not gonna be doing tournaments.
I got Scourge, quite a bit of it.
I just made one each of Raiju, Shenlong, Ifrit, Wyvern, Hydra, Chimera. Then an extra Hydra and Chimera.
And then just 4 of every frigate sized one.
Hadn’t even read the rulebook as to what does what..
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2020/06/15 00:00:50
Subject: Dropfleet / Dropzone Commander news and rumors (New DZC starters)
Legendary Master of the Chapter
Scourge have that great Shadow/evil organic tech design, with a dash of Giger. They make such fun baddie ships.
As for what their ships do and how they play, I’m mostly going by FB discussion and the Tactics page (if Dakka doesn’t mind this link), but Scourge are basically the sneaky-stabby faction. The two heavy cruisers have partial cloak (so they can’t get major spikes from scans or lasers or going weapons free) and stealth (so they can still shoot some of their guns on silent running). Very sneaky. Their carriers hold more bombers than the UCM equivalent, and the bombers have scald (reduces armor effectiveness). Their frigates can all hide in the atmosphere until ready to strike, like Zergs buried in ambush, and their close action cruisers are glass hammers.
If you still have a lot of your leftover bits, you can also convert some corvettes pretty easily and maybe even some destroyers or monitors.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2020/06/15 00:05:53
Subject: Dropfleet / Dropzone Commander news and rumors (New DZC starters)
Decrepit Dakkanaut
Also don't forget the space ship games aren't about pure combat; they are dropship games so you have as much to consider with regard to dropping stuff planetside during the fight not just obliterating the enemy.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2020/06/15 07:27:59
Subject: Re:Dropfleet / Dropzone Commander news and rumors (New DZC starters)
Powerful Phoenix Lord
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2020/07/04 23:58:00
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2020/06/15 08:25:12
Subject: Dropfleet / Dropzone Commander news and rumors (New DZC starters)
Foxy Wildborne
The starters seem like a great price. The rest not so much. Feels like about the same cost as eBaying for Epic / BFG models that have a cult following and have been out of print for 20 years, ie not exactly reasonable.
How do the games play? I have a friend who went all in on the DFC kickstarter but was so disgusted by its mishandling and the clusterfeth that was the rules errata that he never touched a single sprue, it's all in his basement. Is there a single volume for up to date rules?
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2020/06/15 08:27:09
Posters on ignore list: 36
40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.
Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2020/06/15 16:13:57
Subject: Dropfleet / Dropzone Commander news and rumors (New DZC starters)
Legendary Master of the Chapter
The starters really are the soul of the game. However, I bought a resin battleship for $40 in the last year, and paid $35 for a BFG battleship in 2005, so I wouldn’t go quite so far as to say Dropzone is that much more expensive per mini than OOP BFG. And they would probably be too expensive for me if they didn’t come with so many extra bits, especially the Resistance Grand Battleship. The destroyers and monitors seem to be the most pricey for what you get to me, which is why I would convert them from plastic rather than buying the resins (except for the PHR destroyers that really speak to me). (Most UCM players can get about 8 destroyers out of the resin blister and a bunch of plastic leftovers.)
I’ve seen PDFs of the rule books online—don’t think I’m allowed to post them—but the original KS rulebook is still the main rule book. The errata are added to the fleet builder on TTCombat’s site, so you can print all the current stats for your faction and be completely up to date.
Pick a faction, go to the fleet building page, choose view/print, and then the last option is to print all ships. Gets you everything you need in addition to the original book.
This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2020/06/15 17:39:58
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2020/06/16 04:28:04
Subject: Dropfleet / Dropzone Commander news and rumors (New DZC starters)
Longtime Dakkanaut
Should probably mention that DZC officially has a free online rulebook PDF:
Note: They've done a round of changes since BfE dropped, the blog post explains the major ones, and the PDF includes the changes. These changes are also in the new "slim" rulebook, but I do not believe that they've included them in reprints of BfE.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2020/06/19 19:03:05
Subject: Re:Dropfleet / Dropzone Commander news and rumors (New DZC starters)
Been Around the Block
I’d love a PHR dropzone starter like the new big three
9,000 pts
8,000 pts
9,000 pts
9,000 pts
10,000 pts
10,000 pts
7,000 pts
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2020/06/19 19:43:06
Subject: Dropfleet / Dropzone Commander news and rumors (New DZC starters)
Legendary Master of the Chapter
I’d love one, too. The larger plastic starters are great for kitbashing.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2020/06/20 09:36:03
Subject: Re:Dropfleet / Dropzone Commander news and rumors (New DZC starters)
Thermo-Optical Hac Tao
I assume one is coming, right?
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2020/07/03 17:21:34
Subject: Dropfleet / Dropzone Commander news and rumors (New DZC starters)
Legendary Master of the Chapter
The big news today is that TTCombat now sells Vallejo Game Color paint, which is great for those times one is just shy of the free shipping threshold.
And TTCombat has updated the Dropzone army builder program.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2020/07/07 18:05:07
Subject: Dropfleet / Dropzone Commander news and rumors (New DZC starters)
Legendary Master of the Chapter
The TTCombat blog has a preview of new ships going on sale this Friday: lighters.. These are smaller ships, six per pack, with specialized roles,
The UCM get a stealth lighter that can drop off troops and perhaps attack with minimum detection.
The Scourge get a boarding ship that latches onto enemy cruisers.
The PHR get some kind of E-warfare ship that messes with enemy ships’ functions.
The Shaltari get a little attack ship that can use void gates to teleport itself all over the board for surprise attacks.
The Resistance get a cargo ship full of explosives.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2020/07/07 18:26:58
Subject: Dropfleet / Dropzone Commander news and rumors (New DFC Lighters)
Decrepit Dakkanaut
This is such an awesome model and concept! A huge boarding leach that just slams into bigger enemy ships and floods them with Scourge!