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2020/07/01 13:03:34
Subject: Painting stained glass effect.
Fresh-Faced New User
Specifically on the Sisters Immolator.
Any tips appreciated, I don't think there will be any do-overs looking at it
2020/07/01 13:09:53
Subject: Painting stained glass effect.
Thane of Dol Guldur
is it a clear piece of plastic, or are you trying to get an effect on an opaque piece?
Heresy World Eaters/Emperors Children
Instagram: nagrakali_love_songs |
2020/07/01 13:34:09
Subject: Painting stained glass effect.
Fresh-Faced New User
It's clear,
I'm guessing super dilute a primary colour and lay the piece flat for applying.
Just wanted to double check for some confidence.
2020/07/01 13:42:59
Subject: Painting stained glass effect.
Death-Dealing Dark Angels Devastator
Not done it myself - but I've seen reports of contrast being great for this purpose.
2020/07/01 13:54:46
Subject: Painting stained glass effect.
Utilizing Careful Highlighting
Also not done it, but look into inks and translucents (vallejo has some)? Probably also look into googling people who paint glass/plastic home decor as a hobby, who I know exist, but don't know what the search term would be...
2020/07/01 18:13:35
Subject: Re:Painting stained glass effect.
Grumpy Longbeard
Never done it before.
Sharpie markers? maybe
Print on thin paper and coat with with shiny Mod Doge? maybe
2020/07/02 20:07:54
Subject: Re:Painting stained glass effect.
Regular Dakkanaut
You can buy paints specifically to paint glass. Just do a search for "glass paint". I don't know how it works on plastic though.
2020/07/02 21:37:55
Subject: Painting stained glass effect.
Thane of Dol Guldur
It depends whether you want to keep the clear effect or not. If you do, then you can try the things mentioned above. If not, you could paint the parts with opaque paints, and create the effect of glass. Similar to how some people paint aircraft canopies.
Heresy World Eaters/Emperors Children
Instagram: nagrakali_love_songs |
2020/07/03 05:59:24
Subject: Painting stained glass effect.
Anti-Armour Swiss Guard
Tamiya does a range of clear acrylic paints. Red, blue, yellow, green and orange at least. Those should do you for stained glass. They dry glossy and clear.
I'm OVER 50 (and so far over everyone's BS, too).
Old enough to know better, young enough to not give a ****.
That is not dead which can eternal lie ...
... and yet, with strange aeons, even death may die.
2020/07/03 06:33:56
Subject: Painting stained glass effect.
Locked in the Tower of Amareo
I used contrast with good enough effect. Maybe for next use bit of contrast medium to further thin it down. Still I can see through it even now.
2024 painted/bought: 109/109 |
2020/07/03 07:34:14
Subject: Painting stained glass effect.
Regular Dakkanaut
2020/07/03 07:40:10
Subject: Painting stained glass effect.
Been Around the Block
In the webway with Ahriman
I heard tamiya clear paint of a satin varnished immolator's plastic stained glass is working quite good. Personnaly, I did it ol' fashionned, contrast of very bright metalic paint - so no transparency.
2020/07/03 08:35:15
Subject: Painting stained glass effect.
Fresh-Faced New User
Thanks all for some good suggestions.
Using the old adage of use what you have, I trialled my initial thought of diluting a standard paint on a scrap piece of plastic.
The result was not good.
Then I moved on to Sharpies with paint for the flashing.
This works well and gave a result close to what I want. However in the words of Teddy KGB, I found the process 'so unsatisfying'.
Next step is to look at Contrast or Tamiya. Time and budget are not my friends this month though. Grrr, wanted it done.
2020/07/03 08:45:50
Subject: Painting stained glass effect.
Thane of Dol Guldur
To paraphrase toy story 'you can't rush art' although I'm often guilty of violating this principle myself.
Heresy World Eaters/Emperors Children
Instagram: nagrakali_love_songs |
2020/07/03 11:41:09
Subject: Painting stained glass effect.
Locked in the Tower of Amareo
For record here's mine
2024 painted/bought: 109/109 |
2020/07/03 13:50:36
Subject: Painting stained glass effect.
Fresh-Faced New User
Oh that's very good.
The varying translucency is what I'm after.
Much appreciated, many thanks.
I'm hoping to do the flashing with more of a lead finish.
If I work out how, I will put a pic up of mine when I get it done....don't rush me though....