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Made in gb
Osprey Reader


Arriving from the distant depths of pre-lockdown history with less warning than a new taylor Swift album release, these 3 Madaxeman.com "Doubles" match reports finally emerge into the light of day blinking as furiously as an Amish buggy's indicators with a flat battery.

The mighty forces of Persia ride across the North American plain and engage in wanton warfare in the bowels of the Cold Wars 2020 auditorium against the Classical Indians, the 100YW French and Alexander the Great.

There are beers, maps, pizza slices and almnost certainly a foot-long hotdog in these American-tastic 3 widescreen 20 Floz match reports with a side of fries and a portion of salsa.

Let's make Wargaming face-to-face Great again with these 3 Madaxeman.com "Doubles" match reports

See more of this rubbish there 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


Oh, wow. Cold Wars feels like a decade ago now.

It was definitely a weird convention. Right on the cusp of the lockdown, with a paranoid pall over the whole thing. Games were being cancelled left and right. I played in two participation games on Friday and then bailed.

And that Classical Indian list was, like, for sure different from what I've usually seen on the table.

Hopefully you'll return to the states once things get back to normal... so maybe 2025?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/07/30 14:46:17

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Cheyenne WY

Fun write up. Well played sir.

The will of the hive is always the same: HUNGER 
Made in gb
Osprey Reader


 infinite_array wrote:
Oh, wow. Cold Wars feels like a decade ago now.

It was definitely a weird convention. Right on the cusp of the lockdown, with a paranoid pall over the whole thing. Games were being cancelled left and right. I played in two participation games on Friday and then bailed.

And that Classical Indian list was, like, for sure different from what I've usually seen on the table.

Hopefully you'll return to the states once things get back to normal... so maybe 2025?

Yeah - stuff seemed superficially to be kinda fine until Trump banned all travel to/from Europe on Wednesday evening, after that the whole place caught a very big chill almost instantly (quite rightly in retrospect).

It's hard to see when it'll be possible to hold a convention almost anywhere, and as for travelling to the US... who knows

See more of this rubbish there 
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