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Company Ancient/Astartes Banner - Shooting while locked in combat  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Been Around the Block

Let's say the there is an Assault Squad and one model has a special weapon, let's say a Flamer. The unit is within 6" of the Company Ancient for the Astartes Banner ability but also was charged by its mirror image and takes some casualties. The model with a special weapon gets it's 4+, so can it shoot it's Flamer (Locked in Combat is only for the Shooting phase and we aren't technically in the shooting phase) or only make a melee swing? If the squad is completely wiped out, does this change? What if it was a Plasma Pistol instead?

I am pretty sure it's still locked in combat (which locks the flamer but not the pistol), but would be nice if it was otherwise.

Astartes Banner (Aura): While a friendly <CHAPTER> CORE unit is within 6" of this model, add 1 to the Leadership characteristic of models in that unit. In addition, each time a model in such a unit is destroyed by an attack made be a enemy model, roll one D6. On a 4+, do not remove the destroyed model from play - it can, after the attacking model’s unit has finished making its attacks, either shoot with one of its ranged weapons as if it were your Shooting phase, or make one attack with one of its melee weapons as if it were the Fight phase. After resolving these attacks, the destroyed model is then removed.
Models cannot make attacks with ranged weapons while their unit is within Engagement Range of any enemy models. Models also cannot target enemy units within Engagement Range of any other units from your army – the risk of hitting your own troops is too great.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/09/22 06:28:37

Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

The normal restriction applies. You cannot shoot an assault weapon into close combat. A pistol would be fine.

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Nihilistic Necron Lord


Agreed. Shooting with a pistol while still in engagement range is fine, other weapon types cant be fired. If a model uses an "as if" rule, all the normal rules from that phase still apply.

Some rules allow a model or unit to move, shoot, charge, fight or attempt to manifest a psychic power outside of the normal turn sequence. If such a rule explicitly mentions to do so as if it were a different phase than the current one (e.g. ‘that unit can shoot as if it were the Shooting phase), then any rules that are normally used in that phase (in the example, this would be the Shooting phase) apply when that unit shoots.
Made in us
Confessor Of Sins

Tacoma, WA, USA

The model is allowed to shoot as if it were the Shooting phase. During the shooting phase, you cannot shoot with a model that is in a unit that is within Engagement Range of any enemy unit, except with a Pistol. As the Flamer is not a Pistol, it cannot be fired. You also cannot fire at an enemy unit that is within Engagement Range of a friendly unit, unless you are using a Pistol and the target unit is the closes enemy unit to the model.

So it's time to shoot that Bolt/Plasma Pistol.
Made in us
Captain of the Forlorn Hope

Chicago, IL

 alextroy wrote:
You also cannot fire at an enemy unit that is within Engagement Range of a friendly unit, unless you are using a Pistol and the target unit is the closes enemy unit to the model.
Where is this rule, in an FAQ?

I could not find it in the books.

"Did you notice a sign out in front of my chapel that said "Land Raider Storage"?" -High Chaplain Astorath the Grim Redeemer of the Lost.

I sold my soul to the devil and now the bastard is demanding a refund!

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Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

 alextroy wrote:
The model is allowed to shoot as if it were the Shooting phase. During the shooting phase, you cannot shoot with a model that is in a unit that is within Engagement Range of any enemy unit, except with a Pistol. As the Flamer is not a Pistol, it cannot be fired. You also cannot fire at an enemy unit that is within Engagement Range of a friendly unit, unless you are using a Pistol and the target unit is the closes enemy unit to the model.

Pistol rules on p218 in the BRB let you ignore the rule that prohibits firing into melee (p217 of the BRB - Locked in Combat).
But only if the firing unit is also in engagement range with the target unit.
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

You missed DRs point - there is no closest requirement. Just engagement range.
Made in us
Confessor Of Sins

Tacoma, WA, USA

Sorry. 8th edition hangover there.
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