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Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


This is a campaign by Lazy Forger to raise funds for their new wargame rules set and twl model armies. This is a rules set for 3-20mm wargames and the models are sculpted for 6mm, but can easily be rescaled all the way up to 15 and 20mm if desired. The terrain alone can be ideal for games such as Adeptus Titanicus whilst the armies and rules themselves provide you with all the tools to build an entire game.

They've already funded to $25K and hit several major milestones (same as stretchgoals). https://www.myminifactory.com/frontier/full-spectrum-dominance-1309

Frontiers are My Mini Factories style of crowdfunding campaign. A core difference being that you are charged when you pledge (not at the end) and you get acces to all developed material right there and then, no waiting till the end save for new material being paid for from the Frontier funds.

These are some fantastic models and well worth checking out if you own a 3D printer (or aspire to own one soon or just need a good excuse to get one). As noted these are the last few days to get in on the campaign before it closes.


A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in es
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer

I only got the game because I already had everything else ^^
Made in us
Veteran Knight Baron in a Crusader

Oakland, CA

Their last game, Round of Fire, had some real innovative mechanics, so I'm very curious what they'll do here at "Epic" scale.

Worth it for the rules alone, IMO.
Made in ie
Longtime Dakkanaut


Would be tempted, but I don't have a 3D printer, so the STL files are useless to me. Nice models however.

The objective of the game is to win. The point of the game is to have fun. The two should never be confused. 
Made in au
Grizzled Space Wolves Great Wolf

 Albertorius wrote:
I only got the game because I already had everything else ^^

Do you already have the STL files? How have you found them? How's the detail on the infantry?

I kind of like the style, but the pictures make them look less detailed them a lot of the free stuff I've downloaded, lol. It's probably just the pictures though, the vehicles and terrain do look nice.

Tempted to get one of the packs.
Made in es
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer

The infantry is so-so... I mean, it's perfectly good for the scale they are, but they are too low detail to scale up too much.

The vehicles and mechs are amazing and the scenery is breathtaking, though.
Made in au
Grizzled Space Wolves Great Wolf

 Albertorius wrote:
The infantry is so-so... I mean, it's perfectly good for the scale they are, but they are too low detail to scale up too much.

The vehicles and mechs are amazing and the scenery is breathtaking, though.

Thanks for the confirmation. I was thinking of scaling the infantry to 7mm to the eye, since my Marines are 8mm to the eye.

I may get a terrain pack, the vehicles do look cool but I literally just printed 50 or so Imperial Guard tanks, so that'll probably do me for a while in terms of human vehicles, lol.
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


I think for the scale the models are great, sure you could put super amounts of detail onto them, but at the size they are intended to be printed at that detail would vanish/be impossible to print and impossible to paint or see. Its a great example of where looking at an STL Render might look less exciting, but if you look at the actual painted models, which give a sense of scale, then you can see that they fit with the intended scale (and those close to it) really well.

The STL quality was a worrying thing for me at first when I opened the files in lychee because the designer had used chitu for all their work and chitu doesn't really tell sculptors when there are mesh issues. That said I've seen some of the revised work and he's put a lot of work into fixing them up to look great So I've honestly zero worries on that front.

Also there's still a few hours to go and they've hit $30K now!!

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

We need more 6mm scaled awesomeness!!!

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


You can pair them up with the Legion of Cendre who did a good campaign not too long ago


A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

I need to obtain some graphic design skills and then run my own campaign too! Really loving all this stuff.

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

 schoon wrote:
Their last game, Round of Fire, had some real innovative mechanics, so I'm very curious what they'll do here at "Epic" scale.

Worth it for the rules alone, IMO.

I really enjoyed RoF and was kind of hoping for more content, but didn’t it basically just repurpose the Hackmaster initiative system? Clock and all.
Made in es
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer

Roll Three Dice wrote:
 schoon wrote:
Their last game, Round of Fire, had some real innovative mechanics, so I'm very curious what they'll do here at "Epic" scale.

Worth it for the rules alone, IMO.

I really enjoyed RoF and was kind of hoping for more content, but didn’t it basically just repurpose the Hackmaster initiative system? Clock and all.

I mean... only if you believe that Hackmaster is the only game ever that's done that. It's not. It's just an action cost initiative system instead of a round-by-round one.

It actually looks more similar to the system in Exalted 2nd edition or Feng Shui 2nd edition than Hackmaster.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/01/02 17:26:23

Made in au
Grizzled Space Wolves Great Wolf

 Overread wrote:
I think for the scale the models are great, sure you could put super amounts of detail onto them, but at the size they are intended to be printed at that detail would vanish/be impossible to print and impossible to paint or see. Its a great example of where looking at an STL Render might look less exciting, but if you look at the actual painted models, which give a sense of scale, then you can see that they fit with the intended scale (and those close to it) really well.

It was more that the detail looked a bit soft and chunky in the images (the painted models, I didn't know there was pictures of STLs anywhere).

Not actually in terms of more detail to paint, as I'd just be throwing a contrast over them anyway!

Still haven't decided which way to go, either just grab the terrain pack for $38 or grab the combined pack for $85.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2023/01/03 11:14:18

Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

 Albertorius wrote:
Roll Three Dice wrote:
 schoon wrote:
Their last game, Round of Fire, had some real innovative mechanics, so I'm very curious what they'll do here at "Epic" scale.

Worth it for the rules alone, IMO.

I really enjoyed RoF and was kind of hoping for more content, but didn’t it basically just repurpose the Hackmaster initiative system? Clock and all.

I mean... only if you believe that Hackmaster is the only game ever that's done that. It's not. It's just an action cost initiative system instead of a round-by-round one.

It actually looks more similar to the system in Exalted 2nd edition or Feng Shui 2nd edition than Hackmaster.

Oh, interesting, I will investigate those. Thank you! If I could perhaps suggest that you dial down the passive-aggressive sarcasm when you’re correcting somebody in future, it makes for a more pleasant exchange. Have a good one.
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


The models are all presupported so you can just throw them on a buildplate and print away happily.

If you use lychee though it flags up a lot of sculpting errors and voids and such. HOWEVER its very important to note that the creator has been working through fixing all of those issues and the few bits I've seen of the fixed stuff show that he's done a really good clean job of it. I believe he's done all of the Tec (I don't think its uploaded to MMF yet - which is understandable as MMF is a bit wonky at the start of the month); and is working on the buildings.

There's also a good number of people showing off their own printed versions so the models do print.

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in es
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer

 Overread wrote:
The models are all presupported so you can just throw them on a buildplate and print away happily.

If you use lychee though it flags up a lot of sculpting errors and voids and such. HOWEVER its very important to note that the creator has been working through fixing all of those issues and the few bits I've seen of the fixed stuff show that he's done a really good clean job of it. I believe he's done all of the Tec (I don't think its uploaded to MMF yet - which is understandable as MMF is a bit wonky at the start of the month); and is working on the buildings.

There's also a good number of people showing off their own printed versions so the models do print.

I printed some of the tech a while ago for my Lancer campaign:

Made in au
Grizzled Space Wolves Great Wolf

I ended up buying, 3D printing isn't cheaper than physical models when I keep buying stuff

 Overread wrote:
The models are all presupported so you can just throw them on a buildplate and print away happily.

If you use lychee though it flags up a lot of sculpting errors and voids and such. HOWEVER its very important to note that the creator has been working through fixing all of those issues and the few bits I've seen of the fixed stuff show that he's done a really good clean job of it. I believe he's done all of the Tec (I don't think its uploaded to MMF yet - which is understandable as MMF is a bit wonky at the start of the month); and is working on the buildings.

There's also a good number of people showing off their own printed versions so the models do print.

Yeah, we'll see how it goes, last thing I would want to do after buying models is have to fix them, I do enough of that with the free models, lol.

It might just be me, but does Lychee seem a bit over-aggressive when it comes to painting models red? I had one of mkhand's Battle Tank models, it was a mess and in Photon Workshop it had lots of stringy bits and holes from broken geometries, I spent a lot of time in Blender fixing the geometries, completely remade the tracks and the sponsons. By the end, Blender showed no loose geometries and no non-manifold geometries and Photon Workshop sliced it perfectly... but Lychee still showed it as red and was unable to fix the flaws.

I have also noticed a lot of presupported models I've downloaded have non-manifold geometries in the supports themselves, I don't know what slicer is doing it, and it generally prints fine, but it's bloody annoying when you have a geometry that needs fixing and all I can see when I select non-manifold geometries is all the stupid supports, lol.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/01/03 12:53:01

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


I think with Lychee its an element of lychee being oversensitive but also chitubox being just not sensitive/warning users at all. So on one side you've a program warning a little too much and on the other a program not bothering at all.

Thing is you pull models into windows 3D builder or Netfabb and you can see the errors so they are certainly issues with the models when lychee flags things. So its not just lychee being mean, its more that I think they aim for a higher standard.

Presupports can cause issues with how lychee/chitu renders them and most of the time they are fine.

What I do is I click on the supports tab in lychee and scroll through the layers - if you can't see holes and you can't see errors or glitches it might mean that even if its red, it might still be perfectly fine to print without error. It's when you can see errors in that window and view that you know you've got problems.

And in general when you see models from most creators you can tell when they've got a hold of how to sculpt and prep for 3D printing and which ones are sculpting well but not prepping for 3D printing.

As I said the fixes I've seen so far from Lazy Forger are great. I've full confidence in him fixing everything up, esp as he's basically just had a massive amount of money and marketing from the Frontier and he'd be an utter fool not to fix things up and then take those lessons forward into the new armies and models he is producing for his range of models.
I've seen this before when creators have used chitu or are just new to the 3D print world and many do take the time to fix things up and get them ready to print and once they've gone through that process and learning curve the models the put out after that are greatly improved. don't forget 3d printing is only a few years old to many sculptors and much of the market

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in ie
Longtime Dakkanaut


Ended up buying the rules, will pick up the miniatures from a licenced seller (hopefully in the EU to avoid customs).

Finished reading the rules and it is a very tight system that does some interesting things. While not at the same sort of engagement level of the old Epic games, this feels more like a near future skirmish level game. Having looked through the unit cards, I think I can find use for my Orks, Chaos and Marines, the flexibility in force creation really promotes building the force you want to play.

The objective of the game is to win. The point of the game is to have fun. The two should never be confused. 
Made in au
Grizzled Space Wolves Great Wolf

 Overread wrote:
I think with Lychee its an element of lychee being oversensitive but also chitubox being just not sensitive/warning users at all. So on one side you've a program warning a little too much and on the other a program not bothering at all.

Yeah, I was talking about Blender rather than chitu, I've still never used chitu, though I think photon might be an adaption of it?. But Blender has an option to "select loose geometry" or "select non-manifold geometry". So the Leman Russes I was talking about, I literally loaded them into Blender, made sure they were water tight, and got rid of all loose and non-manifold geometries, and STILL they appeared red in Lychee, even though they sliced fine.

So either Blender is too dumb to find the flaws (maybe, but it'd surprise me given how ubiquitous Blender is in the 3D modelling world) or Lychee is finding errors that don't exist (maybe some truncation errors with how it detects holes or flaws).

Anyway, I did load up a couple of the Shanty Town buildings and they were red in Lychee, and I loaded them into Blender and could immediately see the errors, lol, pretty easy errors to fix, a few superfluous non-manifold faces and some vertices that split edges but don't actually form a face, but it'd still take me a couple of hours to go through the half a dozen Shanty Town buildings to fix them, so hopefully they get around to fixing them. Maybe I should offer to fix them for a price given they now have plenty of money, lol.
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


You'd be a bit late he's fixing the Shanty buildings now

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in us
Veteran Knight Baron in a Crusader

Oakland, CA

Full Spectrum Dominance is adding two new factions in a MyMiniFactory Campaign right now.

They're adding Corsairs (high tech and high point cost mech and virtually no infantry) and Reclaimed (reprogrammed, former-AI robots with human minders), two new factions of cards and miniatures that add to the existing four.

It also adds a range of modular buildings (with ruined versions) to The Lazy Forger's host of terrain.

The can all print at scales of roughly 6mm to 15mm.
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

Im still surprised that Full Spectrum Dominance has received very little attention here!

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in us
Veteran Knight Baron in a Crusader

Oakland, CA

For those that love large pictures:

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Malika2 wrote:
I'm still surprised that Full Spectrum Dominance has received very little attention here!

Agreed. It's a very solid rule set. I really like the Activation Dice mechanic, as it forces some thoughtful decisions both while choosing your force and playing on the tabletop.

The miniatures are a real joy to paint. Lots of detail.

I've opted for printing at 10mm scale, which requires a slightly larger table, but provides very good visual impact.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/10/25 18:44:39

Made in us
Veteran Knight Baron in a Crusader

Oakland, CA

Last 18 hours of the FSD Third Wave campaign.

Even for those not interested in FSD as a game, it's worth considering the terrain.

The buildings are modular, both in the ground footprint and the height, with regular and ruined versions. With spaces for magnets to hold it all together...

Not my picture, but a good example of how it all fits together. They also have "L" and "T" building sections.
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


 Malika2 wrote:
Im still surprised that Full Spectrum Dominance has received very little attention here!

I think the STL market here just shrank back a bit after the pandemic ended.

Personally I'm really on the fence with this one - I back his earlier campaign, but I'm starting to take stock of the number of games and armies I want to build and its starting to get way way way way too long a list of potentials that I really don't need to keep adding too. Which feels a huge shame to not reward a sculptor for the work. Then again his campaign has done really well; honestly amazingly well!

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in us
Veteran Knight Baron in a Crusader

Oakland, CA

The campaign closed with over 1100 backers, so the Lazy Forger made all the campaign goals, including my favorite, the starship ruins.

It'll take a few months while all the designs are sculpted, but looking forward to what the Forger comes up with for all of it.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Bought the terrain for AT/LI for the 3D printer I don't use
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