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2023/09/10 07:00:11
Subject: [H] An eBay market [W] € [Italy/EU] [eBay]
Fresh-Faced New User
Buongiorno a tutti, qui di seguito vi lascio il link delle mie vendite su eBay. La maggior parte della roba che vendo è fuori produzione sia del Warhammer Fantasy Battle che di Warhammer 40000. A intervalli regolari metto in vendita miniature o lotti di materiale di modellismo di cui non faccio più uso. In caso di acquisti multipli faccio una unica spedizione. Spedisco in tutta Italia e Unione Europea, nel caso siate al di fuori di questi territori ci possiamo comunque mettere d'accordo sulla spedizione.
Good morning everyone, below I leave you the link to my sales on eBay. Most of the stuff I sell is discontinued from both Warhammer Fantasy Battle and Warhammer 40000. At regular intervals I put up for sale miniatures or lots of modeling material that I no longer use. In case of multiple purchases I make a single shipment. I ship throughout Italy and the European Union, if you are outside these territories we can still agree on shipping.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/09/10 07:01:01
2023/09/20 13:56:27
Subject: Re:[H] An eBay market [W] € [Italy/EU] [eBay]
Fresh-Faced New User
Buongiorno a tutti, nuovi oggetti messi in vendita. Spadaccini dell'Impero, Grandispade in Metallo e artiglieria imperiale con equipaggio, sempre in metallo
Good morning everyone, new items on sale. Swordsmen of the Empire, Metal Greatswords and manned Imperial artillery, also in metal
2023/10/27 09:52:15
Subject: [H] An eBay market [W] € [Italy/EU] [eBay]
Fresh-Faced New User
Buona Mattina a tutti. Ora in vendita un esercito di Space Marine del Caos, uno di Primogeniti, numerosi lotti di Demoni in Metallo e di unità dell'Impero sempre in metallo e un trio di Personaggi del Signore dei Anelli.
Good Morning everyone. Now on sale: an army of Chaos Space Marines, one of Firstborn, numerous lots of Metal Demons and metal Empire units and a trio of Lord of the Rings Characters
2023/11/21 18:08:41
Subject: [H] An eBay market [W] € [Italy/EU] [eBay]
Fresh-Faced New User
Buonasera, ora in vendita Modelli di Tau in metallo, Campione di Khorne in metallo del 2001 e un lotto di Dogs of War
Good evening, now on sale Metal models of Tau, Champion of Khorne in metal from 2001 and a lot of Dogs of War
2024/01/14 14:50:15
Subject: [H] An eBay market [W] € [Italy/EU] [eBay]
Fresh-Faced New User
Buon pomeriggio, in vendita Lotti di Bits di Forge World, Skaven, Adeptus Mechanicus e Lupi Siderali, oltre a navi di Battlefleet Gothic.
Good afternoon, Lots of Bits from Forge World, Skaven, Adeptus Mechanicus and Space Wolves, as well as Battlefleet Gothic ships, are on sale.
2024/01/29 11:18:13
Subject: [H] An eBay market [W] € [Italy/EU] [eBay]
Fresh-Faced New User
Buona mattina, ora in vendita Imrik in metallo, una Space Marine Reclusiam Command Squad, Corsari Neri su Sprue e la Scatola Base di Kill Team del 2016 in Italiano.
Good morning, now on sale metal Imrik, a Space Marine Reclusiam Command Squad, Black Corsairs on Sprue and the 2016 Kill Team Starter Box in Italian
2024/02/13 11:03:10
Subject: [H] An eBay market [W] € [Italy/EU] [eBay]
Fresh-Faced New User
Buona Mattina, ora in vendita una scatola di Shadowspear senza manuali, un lotto di mezzi di Space Marine da restaurare o usare come scenici e un piccolo lotto di Bits Necron.
Good Morning, now on sale a box of Shadowspear without manuals, a lot of Space Marine vehicles to be restored or used as scenery and a small lot of Necron Bits.
2024/02/23 13:32:01
Subject: [H] An eBay market [W] € [Italy/EU] [eBay]
Fresh-Faced New User
Buon pomeriggio, ora in vendita i seguenti libri della Black Library /
Good afternoon, the following books from the Black Library are now on sale:
Warhammer 40000 Black Library Knightsblade di Andy Clark Paperback,Warhammer 40000 Black Library Kingsblade di Andy Clark Paperback,Warhammer 40000 Black Library Cadian Honour di Justin D. Hill Paperback, Warhammer 40000 Black Library Traitor Rock di Justin D. Hill Paperback e Warhammer 40000 Black Library Farsight Crisis of Faith di Phil Kelly, Paperback
2024/03/01 12:19:36
Subject: [H] An eBay market [W] € [Italy/EU] [eBay]
Fresh-Faced New User
Buon pomeriggio, ora in vendita un lotto di Space Marine Tattici su sprue, Dante in Metallo, Gabriel Seth in finecast e Mephiston (Primogenito) in plastica e due personaggi incompleti della Death Guard in metallo . Inoltre in vendita un Disk Rider in metallo di Rogue Trader.
Good afternoon, now on sale is a lot of Tactical Space Marines on sprues, Dante in metal, Gabriel Seth in finecast and Mephiston (Firstborn) in plastic and two incomplete figures of the Death Guard in metal. Also for sale is a Rogue Trader metal Disk Rider.
2024/03/09 11:20:51
Subject: [H] An eBay market [W] € [Italy/EU] [eBay]
Fresh-Faced New User
Buongiorno e buon fine settimana a tutti. Segnalo l'arrivo di nuovi arrivi Skaven, Alti Elfi e Elfi Oscuri oltre a una piccolo unità di Arcieri Imperiali.
Good morning and happy weekend to all. I would like to point out the arrival of new Skaven, High Elves and Dark Elves as well as a small unit of Imperial Archers.
2024/03/17 10:12:40
Subject: [H] An eBay market [W] € [Italy/EU] [eBay]
Fresh-Faced New User
Buongiorno a tutti.
Per il Warhammer Fantasy segnalo l'arrivo sul fronte dell'Impero di: una squadra di Cavalieri del Lupo con Prete e una unità di 19 Guardie Teutogene con Gruppo commando.
Sono arrivati anche i Wood Elves, con una scatola sigillata di Sister of Thorn e una aperta di Eternal Guard.
Per il Warhammer 40000 invece una scatola completa di Sword Brethren in metallo.
Good morning everyone.
For the Warhammer Fantasy I would like to point out the arrival on the Empire front of: a team of Wolf Knights with Priest and a unit of 19 Teutogen Guard with Command Group.
The Wood Elves have also arrived, with a sealed box of Sister of Thorn and an open box of Eternal Guard.
For Warhammer 40000 a complete box of metal Sword Brethren.
2024/04/01 08:14:34
Subject: [H] An eBay market [W] € [Italy/EU] [eBay]
Fresh-Faced New User
Buongiorno a tutti.
Ora in Vendita una scatola sigillata di Warhammer 40000 Kill Team Pariah Nexus e due romanzi della collana Warhammer Horror.
Sono The Reverie e The House of Night and Chain.
Good morning everyone.
Now on sale a sealed box of Warhammer 40000 Kill Team Pariah Nexus and two novels from the Warhammer Horror series.
They are The Reverie and The House of Night and Chain.
2024/04/18 16:13:58
Subject: [H] An eBay market [W] € [Italy/EU] [eBay]
Fresh-Faced New User
Ora in vendita Bits di Adeptus Titanicus su Sprue, Bits del Signore dei Anelli su sprue, uno Stendardo in metallo dei Angeli Sanguinari e due guide alla pittura: Legions of Omnissiah e Armies of Expansione (In Italiano).
Good evening.
Now on sale are Adeptus Titanicus Bits on Sprue, Lord of the Rings Bits on Sprue, a Blood Angels Metal Banner and two painting guides: Legions of Omnissiah and Armies of Expansion (In Italian).
2024/05/05 19:04:55
Subject: [H] An eBay market [W] € [Italy/EU] [eBay]
Fresh-Faced New User
Buonasera, ora in vendita nuovi blister di modelli in metallo, scenici e una coppia incompleta di Warhawk Riders sempre in metallo.
Good evening, new blisters of metal and scenic models and an incomplete pair of Warhawk Riders also in metal are now on sale.
2024/05/22 09:08:06
Subject: [H] An eBay market [W] € [Italy/EU] [eBay]
Fresh-Faced New User
Buongiorno, ora in vendita 4 Blister di Scinchi Preti dei Uomini Lucertola in metallo.
Good morning, now on sale 4 Blisters of metal Lizardmen Skink Priest
2024/07/02 07:49:04
Subject: [H] An eBay market [W] € [Italy/EU] [eBay]
Fresh-Faced New User
Buongiorno a Tutti, diversi nuovi prodotti in vendita.
Un Gruppo di Goff Boys in plastica, due scatole sigillate di Boschi Citadel, un Vagone a Pompa dei Orchi in metallo in scatola sigillata, un Girocoptero dei Nani in Metallo in scatola Sigillata e una scatola sigillata di Wulfen della 13A Compagnia.
Good morning everyone, several new products on sale.
A Group of plastic Goff Boys, two sealed boxes of Citadel Woods, a sealed box metal Orc Pump Wagon, a sealed box metal Dwarf Gyrocopter and a sealed box of 13th Company Wulfen.
2024/09/08 08:35:59
Subject: [H] An eBay market [W] € [Italy/EU] [eBay]
Fresh-Faced New User
Buongiorno e Buona Domenica a tutti.
Ora in vendita un Orco Sciamano Selvaggio in metallo e una scatola completa di Goblin Doom Diver, sempre in Metallo.
Ricordo che posso fare una spedizione unica se fate diversi acquisti, basta che conclusi gli acquisti mi avvisate e io vi invio un'unica fattura, con una sola spedizione.
Good morning and happy Sunday everyone.
Now on sale is a metal Savage Orc Shaman and a complete box of Goblin Doom Diver, also in metal.
I remember that I can make a single shipment if you make several purchases, as long as you have completed the purchases you notify me and I will send you a single invoice, with a single shipment.