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Lore Question; Necron Monolith in-universe Size  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Slippery Scout Biker

Nehekhara Sector

Most 3rd & 4th edition Codices & Army lists, have fluff that includes most vehicles' in-universe Length, Width & Height.
Sadly i cannot locate my 3rd Ed Necron Codex, the 2011 Necron Codex has no Length, Width or Height for the Monolith. Strangely it doesn't say which edition it is...
I can make guesses & calculations using the model's dimensions, but i'd much rather have the authentic Lore stats for its size, if they were officially given in the books.
Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

Primarch Anubis of the Tomb Kings Legion of the Adeptus Astartes
Lord of the Black Citadel

-- [BFG] Building a Bigger & Better Space Marine Fleet in a Zero-BFG-Support Dark Age
Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


What you're looking for is probably in an imperial armour book - it was in those that vehicules got their official measurments iirc. I just flipped through my 3rd necron codex and can't find any measurments in it, I don't think I missed it.

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

The 3rd ed. model is about as long/wide as a Rhino is long, which would make it about 7m square according to Imperial Armour Vol 2.

(Unless you're the last Warhammer Adventures book which thinks that there are multiple rooms inside a Monolith, and that they have turrets...)

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/09/24 19:24:12

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Decrepit Dakkanaut


I've always felt that Monoliths are one of those models that is kind of size agnostic in that its meant to be like a mobile building and most buildings in wargames at 32mm are grossly under-sized compared to what they would be in reality.

There might also be some Tardis things going on with them in terms of allowing them to be bigger on the inside than the outside.

You can also see them being used as ship to ship weapon guns in Battlefleet Gothic 2 which would suggest not only that they are bigger but also much more powerful than your standard tank on the battlefield.

It might also be that what we call a Monolith has no fixed size in lore and instead represents one of many varied sized vehicles of a similar class. Much in the same way that models of Greater Demons only show them as one size on the tabletop; whilst in the lore and game they can be highly variable. Even in tabletop the old GD models used to do a double role of working in 40K and Epic 40K. So the same looking Greater Demon was once Demon Price sized in 40K and yet also able to go hand to hand with titans

A Blog in Miniature

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Longtime Dakkanaut

There is a larger version of the Monolith - the Megalith - already.

Given that Monoliths can be destroyed by a single melta bomb, or a couple of krak grenades, they can't be all that big...
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


 Lord Damocles wrote:
There is a larger version of the Monolith - the Megalith - already.

Given that Monoliths can be destroyed by a single melta bomb, or a couple of krak grenades, they can't be all that big...

Moon sized space stations have been taken out with munitions smaller than swamprats!

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

The Obsidian Moon was also blown up with a krak grenade. I'm starting to see a design weakness in Necron technology...
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Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

It could be a catch all term for the Imperium which the Necrons in fact have many many Monolith types and classes.

Or, what would be even cooler, since Monoliths exist in multiple dimensions, that they can change size depending on the mission/resources.

Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


At least regarding the idea that monoliths could have mazes and rooms inside of them, while not inside of the monolith itself, since it's meant to be a direct channel to the necropolis well, maybe you actually ended up in said 'ecropolis

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Maréchal des Logis Walter wrote:
At least regarding the idea that monoliths could have mazes and rooms inside of them, while not inside of the monolith itself, since it's meant to be a direct channel to the necropolis well, maybe you actually ended up in said 'ecropolis

I think it's more likely that the Warhammer Adventures books are just whack...
Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


To be fair I never read any so i've got no opinion

Nonehteless monoliths are supposed to ferry necrons directly trhough their tombs or stuff though.

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in gb
Calculating Commissar


 Lord Damocles wrote:
 Maréchal des Logis Walter wrote:
At least regarding the idea that monoliths could have mazes and rooms inside of them, while not inside of the monolith itself, since it's meant to be a direct channel to the necropolis well, maybe you actually ended up in said 'ecropolis

I think it's more likely that the Warhammer Adventures books are just whack...

I feel these are not mutually exclusive

I think it is likely that there is no space within the actual interior of a monolith, excepting maybe for some scarabs. However the portal definitely connects to somewhere you would expect rooms.

None of that suggests the Adventures story is accurate though.

 ChargerIIC wrote:
If algae farm paste with a little bit of your grandfather in it isn't Grimdark I don't know what is.
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Yeah the Monolith itself is just a very fancy Door On Wheels.

Anyone going through the Portal of Exile isn’t actually entering or exiting the Monolith itself.

This is more evident with the new model’s layout.

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Haighus wrote:
 Lord Damocles wrote:
 Maréchal des Logis Walter wrote:
At least regarding the idea that monoliths could have mazes and rooms inside of them, while not inside of the monolith itself, since it's meant to be a direct channel to the necropolis well, maybe you actually ended up in said 'ecropolis

I think it's more likely that the Warhammer Adventures books are just whack...

I feel these are not mutually exclusive

I think it is likely that there is no space within the actual interior of a monolith, excepting maybe for some scarabs. However the portal definitely connects to somewhere you would expect rooms.

That the portal connects to the interior of a tomb/ship is obvious - the Necrons have to come from somewhere. However sometimes it must lead to the interior of the Monolith, as we see in Hellforged a Monolith getting destroyed by grenades being thrown into the portal. That's also not unexpected, since we know that the portal can be used to suck enemies into somewhere that they won't be a threat, and logically it would be capable of connecting to multiple friendly portals at the other end, so there's no reason it shouldn't sometimes be able to lead to the simple interior (and if it was just a solid wall behind it, the original model wouldn't have needed a closable door).

The Warhammer Adventures (Tomb of the Necron) Monolith very explicitly has multiple rooms actually inside of it though (and manned turrets, and a hole in the bottom to deploy Tomb Blades...) but that's because it's stupid and badly written.
(At best you could argue that it's supposed to actually be a Megalith, but the illustrations make it clear that it's meant to be a more-or-less standard Monolith).

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/09/25 20:10:58

Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Yeah the Monolith itself is just a very fancy Door On Wheels.

No Doc, wheeled monolith, I am sure, are not a thing in canon GW lore

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in gb
Calculating Commissar


 Lord Damocles wrote:
 Haighus wrote:
 Lord Damocles wrote:
 Maréchal des Logis Walter wrote:
At least regarding the idea that monoliths could have mazes and rooms inside of them, while not inside of the monolith itself, since it's meant to be a direct channel to the necropolis well, maybe you actually ended up in said 'ecropolis

I think it's more likely that the Warhammer Adventures books are just whack...

I feel these are not mutually exclusive

I think it is likely that there is no space within the actual interior of a monolith, excepting maybe for some scarabs. However the portal definitely connects to somewhere you would expect rooms.

That the portal connects to the interior of a tomb/ship is obvious - the Necrons have to come from somewhere. However sometimes it must lead to the interior of the Monolith, as we see in Hellforged a Monolith getting destroyed by grenades being thrown into the portal. That's also not unexpected, since we know that the portal can be used to suck enemies into somewhere that they won't be a threat, and logically it would be capable of connecting to multiple friendly portals at the other end, so there's no reason it shouldn't sometimes be able to lead to the simple interior (and if it was just a solid wall behind it, the original model wouldn't have needed a closable door).

The Warhammer Adventures (Tomb of the Necron) Monolith very explicitly has multiple rooms actually inside of it though (and manned turrets, and a hole in the bottom to deploy Tomb Blades...) but that's because it's stupid and badly written.
(At best you could argue that it's supposed to actually be a Megalith, but the illustrations make it clear that it's meant to be a more-or-less standard Monolith).

All fair and good points.

 ChargerIIC wrote:
If algae farm paste with a little bit of your grandfather in it isn't Grimdark I don't know what is.
Made in us
Slippery Scout Biker

Nehekhara Sector

Per discussions on r/Warhammer40k, i am thinking Monoliths have a 30 feet by 30 feet base & stand 35-40 feet tall.
(9.144 meters by 9.144 meters base & stand 10.668-12.192 meters tall)

Primarch Anubis of the Tomb Kings Legion of the Adeptus Astartes
Lord of the Black Citadel

-- [BFG] Building a Bigger & Better Space Marine Fleet in a Zero-BFG-Support Dark Age
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