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+WIP+Custom Scratchbuild Terminator - Legion of the Damned counts as Kaldor Draigo+WIP+  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in au
Violent Enforcer


This project started off as a meme.

I don't know at what point I realised this was turning into a serious project, but it happened suddenly.

I spent an eternity working on the legs, and I was kicking myself for not making them longer, but I had to commit.

I still managed to bulk them up in the end and make him a bit taller. His thighs and crotch look a little funny but since he's gunna be a Black Templar I'll be covering that mostly with loincloth anyway.

If you have a little imagination, this might help you understand where this is all going. Since he's gunna be an Abaddon/Guilliman counts as, he's gunna need a big and mean-looking sword, as well as a beefy gauntlet (both of which I'm going to be mostly scratchbuilding). Both Abaddon and Guilliman have gauntlet mounted bolters too, but I'm not sure if this guy will have one. He'll still have a gun, just maybe not attached to the glove. I'm thinking either an armour-mounted gun or the gun being carried by a menial/servitor/serf.

And here's the shot that puts it all into perspective. He's about the same height as Abaddon from the sole of his boot to the top of his armoured terminator hood.

The helmet is NOT set in stone and the ones pictured are only temporary placeholders (although it's currently stuck in there).

Now here's where you guys come in

I need you to tell me why it's bad.
I mean, I personally think it looks good. I like it, have been enjoying making it, and I like where it's going.

Now tell me what's wrong with it, so I can make it better

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/12/24 07:56:49

Made in gb
Angry Chaos Agitator

I think it looks good! No big critiques from me. Torso looks a bit long; you could probably take a mm or 2 out of the waist area.

The more rounded look of the cowl makes me think of the terminators that people often refer to as ‘Saturnine pattern’, I think having shoulders more akin to that would fit well, and make it stand out suitably against other terminators:


This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2023/11/01 02:08:20

Made in au
Violent Enforcer


shmvo wrote:
I think it looks good! No big critiques from me. Torso looks a bit long; you could probably take a mm or 2 out of the waist area.

The more rounded look of the cowl makes me think of the terminators that people often refer to as ‘Saturnine pattern’, I think having shoulders more akin to that would fit well, and make it stand out suitably against other terminators:


So with the waist/stomach area, since he's a Black Templar, I'm planning on greenstuffing tabard cloth there for detail. It would tuck under the belt (which will be a loose leather belt) and under the lower armour layers.
I think I've managed to shave the height of the stomach area down a little for better proportion, but can't really do more than this without replacing the little bit of under-armour for something else.
It's tough because I do want to give a bit more shape and detail to that front-bottom part of the chest armour, but I need to keep enough space for some exposed tabard.

I know his codpiece is, shall we say, generously proportioned;
Could it be this is making the torso look a bit long? I'm just being mindful of the fact that I know the crotch is out of proportion and trying not to scale other things from there.
This came about as a result of when I made the thigh armour thicker in a particular way that would also serve to make him look taller. Made his crotch lower (and longer ) than it needed to be. I figured I wouldn't waste my time fixing it because it will be covered eventually anyway.

And man, with regards to the Saturnine pattern armour... I was thinking about it, but I have no idea how I would do shoulders like that.
Tryna keep it "scratchbuilt", and by that I mean no 3rd party or new 40k bits, so I guess I'll keep an eye out for something with the right shape.
I'd dismissed the idea originally because of the shoulder issue, but with your suggestion and how it's shaping up, would deff be a strong move You're right, it could certainly play the part.
If I really want too, I can sacrifice some of my sanity and just make them myself with green stuff, but I'm reserving that as a last resort lol
Made in au
Violent Enforcer


Small progress update for the arms.
got the base/skeleton for them done and will be adding green stuff soon to make them look more like proper space marine arms, rather than tubes stuck together.

Here's a close-up and size comparison for the power fist. Very messy looking at the moment, but it's got the right shapes and that's all that matters for this stage of the conversion.

The chainsword is only temporary, instead imagine a much cooler sword with a slightly better pose, and most of what you see is still just a dry-fit (not glued).

Obviously, there's still a lot to do and he's still looking quite ugly, but as mentioned above, my focus at this point is giving him correct proportion and a good pose.
I really hope I'm doing okay in that regard because everything else moving forward from that will be built up ontop of it.

It scrambles my silly little brain when I think about all the work ahead of me on this guy, and I wonder why I committed to such a purposefully difficult conversion.
But I'm enjoying myself and I just break it up into mini-projects to take my mind off the stupid amount of time it will take to complete.

Anyway, as before;
Tell me why it sucks, what's wrong with it, why it's bad, and how I've messed up.
Will be a big help if you do
Made in au
Violent Enforcer


More work done on the arms:

Wrapped in wire

Covered in green stuff

Willl be doing the elbows next.
Having to fix and position the hands scares me. The thought of making the fingers on the power fist torments me...

Fun fact, the smaller hand that is not a power fist is actually a power fist, I think it's from an old IG sgt model.
Had to chop off the thumb and swap to the other side, and I plan on fixing it up a good bit more once it has a sword to hold onto.

And in case anyone was wondering, I make the coils by wrapping wire around as neat and tight as possible.
Made in au
Violent Enforcer


WIP sword (don't worry, it'll be a bit smaller than it currently is) and bluetac testing for posing:

I think this first shot looks good. Feels like a solid pose and his body seems decently proportioned.

Second shot is okay, little bit of a funny angle. I think the pose still holds up from this angle but is obviously not the ideal angle.

I don't know how, but in this third photo I feel like the pose is suddenly less bold, more passive. The legs look out of proportion and somehow the sword is more oversized than ever

Something feels off about the pose to me, but I can't quite put my finger on it.
I think there's a certain lack of perspective around his raised leg. It can look, from certain angles, like his leg is not raised at all. But I think if he had both feet planted on something solid it would help with that issue.
Now I'm not sure if this is why I get a kinda off feeling about it, or if there's something else that's not clicking.

I'm looking at this model on my desk right now and it looks so much better from almost every angle in person than photographed. It's actually driving me crazy

If anyone has any thoughts or opinions I'd be eager to hear them
Made in nl
Trigger-Happy Baal Predator Pilot


Sword is to big, its bigger then the model it self.

full compagny of bloodangels, 5000 pnt of epic bloodangels
5000 pnt imperial guard
5000 pnt orks
2500 pnt grey knights
5000 pnt gsc
5000 pnts Chaos legionars
4000 pnt tyranids
4000 pnt Tau
Made in au
Violent Enforcer


 skeleton wrote:
Sword is to big, its bigger then the model it self.

I did address this in the first line of the post. Don't worry, the sword WILL NOT be too big by the time I am finished converting this model
Although it may still be almost as tall as he is, as is the case with the Guilliman and Abaddon models.
Made in us
Insect-Infested Nurgle Chaos Lord

 skeleton wrote:
Sword is to big, its bigger then the model it self.

First time seeing a 40k model?

Games Workshop Delenda Est.

Users on ignore- 53.

If you break apart my or anyone else's posts line by line I will not read them. 
Made in au
Violent Enforcer



Shoulders mostly sorted. Need to putty in some cloth and stuff in places, and a templar cross on them.
Replaced the gorget, new one needs a little bit of work (it's a bit tall) but I think looks overall better.
Gave him a cool "hood" for mega style points.
Fist has had a bit of work done and is almost good enough.
Sword has been scrapped and I started again on it. This one is coming along a little better but is still incredibly frustrating to work on (will post pic when looking decent).

Overall extremely happy so far, but he's starting to look like he skips leg day, so might get around to fixing that up soon too.
If anyone has examples of how they think I could decorate the legs let me know

Also, thoughts on the belt?
I'm pretty meh on it atm, but do I want to create more work for myself remaking/fixing if it's good enough?
I can always scrap the leather belt and go for a more space mariney circular armour plated belt.
Idk how to better describe, but it's so common surely I'm making sense
Made in au
Violent Enforcer


Been getting back into this project after moving and having it packed away for most of the year.
Have decided to take it in a slightly different direction after deciding I wanted to build up a Legion of the Damned counts as Grey Knights army.
So with that I'm now building this guy to be a counts as for Kaldor Draigo (even though he'll be significantly taller).

Pretty happy with the changes and with my progress since getting it restarted. still a little bit of detail layers to go and then will be ready for paint.
Mostly just want to sculpt some flames coming off the armour, some kinda chest details, and I wanna build either a banner or brazier to mount on top.

Recently I started using Milliput and mixing it into Greenstuff and damn... I regret not doing this years ago.
I've always found Greenstuff to be somewhat uncooperative, but the 50/50 mixture is so damn workable.

Made in au
Violent Enforcer


Progress report:

I've finished off the shoulders, added layers of tattered cloth, and made up a "tilt shield" which incorporates a sort of small candle shrine embedded into it. I wanted to do something a little quirky and I know it's probably a contentious design choice but I really like the idea. The only question is if I actually pulled it off or not.
I also trimmed down the gorget and added a piece of detail to the chest. I think I will probably also sculp on some ribcage details. I've been trying to think of what else to do with the space since rib cage seems a little too obvious, but I haven't come up with any other good ideas as of yet.

This helmet, below, was a sort of prototype but I wasn't at all happy with it, hence the resculpt in the next image.

This helmet, below, is the current sculpt which I believe I will be sticking with.

This is the banner I have been working on. I think it looks okay, but I'm not completely satisfied with it.
To tell the truth I think it looks good, but I don't think it looks very good mounted on the model. I don't really want to build another banner, but I am strongly considering building a brazier with fire coming out.
Then I will check which looks better and I'll just save the other for another project.
In all honesty I like how the model looks without any back-mounted decoration, but Kaldor Draigo has a banner an since this is a counts-as I feel compelled to give him something.

I gotta say, I've been really enjoying using milliput. It's a lot more workable than greenstuff, which I've always found to be quite uncooperative.
Speaking of Greenstuff, I will soon be sculpting some flames coming off his feet and legs, as well as on his sword, shoulders, and shield.
I'm actually putting off sculpting the rib cage on his torso till I start doing some flames. I'm waiting to see how I go sculpting fire and if I like how it looks I might sculpt some fire onto his torso too instead of ribs.

Hope yall like what you see. I know he's got a lot going on right now and probably looks more like a terminator Chaplain than a Legion of the Damned terminator, but I think it'll all come together once he's painted (which, truth be told, will still be a good little bit away).

Anyway, thanks for dropping in!
Made in us
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran

Maple Valley, Washington, Holy Terra

Wow! That’s quite an amazing kitbash!

"Calgar hates Tyranids."

Your #1 Fan  
Made in au
Violent Enforcer


Almost completed modelling this madlad with only a few things left to do:
Fix up the ribcage details on his chest, give the power pack on his back more of an embedded look so it's more integrated with the armour, connect the pipes that come out from the power pack to his arm somehow, and fill in the space behind his left knee so it's less sunken.
Then I can start sculping fire in various places. I want to add flames around his feet, coming up his legs a little and some on the base, coming off his sword and a little on the top corner of his shield, maybe some on his shoulderpads, and of course fire coming from the brazier to complete the bonfire.

Who can count how many skulls this guy has? Enough to make a champion of Khorne furious with jealousy
I can at least tell you that much

Decided to go with a brazier over the banner, wasn't really vibing with the banner. Had the idea to put some bones burning in the brazier and was reminded of a Dark Souls bonfire, so thought "eh why not..." and made a little coiled bonfire sword and commit to the reference. I'm sure it'll look good and proper once I've added some fire curling up the sword as well.

The base is some cork with little putty-rocks (leftover putty that I let cure into rock-like pieces) and a sad little forgotten and trampled skeleton man.

Thanks for stopping by

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2025/01/05 01:28:08

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