There's almost certainly some edge case that would need to be addressed, but...
Proposal 1: Abilities that target a single unit (i.e. not aura abilities) by units that are embarked within transports. When doing so, treat the transport as the source of the ability.
Ex: It's the Command phase. My farseer is in a wave serpent. There are some wraithguard nearby. Normally I'd be unable to use my Fortune ability on them because my farseer technically isn't "on the table." With this proposed change, my farseer would be able to use the ability and would measure from the hull of the serpent to determine whether the wraithguard are in range.
Proposal 2: Units embarked within transports may be targeted by friendly abilities.
Ex: Same example as above, but the wraithguard are the ones inside a wave serpent, and the farseer is standing on the ground (or embarked in a second nearby serpent.) My farseer activates Fortune and would be able to declare the wraith guard as an elligible target despite technically not being "on the table."
Proposal 2.5: This might technically be covered by the above proposal, but let units target themselves with their own abilities while embarked.
Ex: My spirit seer and her half-strength wraithguard unit are embarked on a waveserpent. Normally, the spirit seer would be unable to bring slain wraithguard back because they're not "on the table." Under this proposed change, she'd be able to bring back a slain wraithguard. You'd just move the model from your dead pile to wherever you've set your squad to mark that it's embarked in the transport.
Ex2: My Exalted Sorcerer is in a rhino with a half-strength Rubric Marine squad. My sorcerer tries to bring back a slain rubric with his ability, but rolls a 1. This causes the squad to instead suffer mortal wounds, thus slaying another model while inside the rhino.
Proposal 3: Let other non-aura abilities work from inside transports. For instance, let Autarchs generate CP while inside transports. Let rubric marine squads and their attached sorcerers generate cabal points while inside rhinos.