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Vote for Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
Which Entries Are Your Favourites?
Mothsniper 3% [ 12 ]
Captain Brown 4% [ 14 ]
Vejut 2% [ 9 ]
inmygravenimage 3% [ 12 ]
ShadowsAndDust 2% [ 8 ]
XvArcanevX 5% [ 18 ]
Mr Nobody 3% [ 12 ]
Daia T'Nara 3% [ 11 ]
TheChrispyOne 3% [ 11 ]
phoenix89 5% [ 18 ]
JoshInJapan 4% [ 15 ]
Llamahead 2% [ 8 ]
Syro_ 2% [ 8 ]
Leopold Helveine 6% [ 21 ]
Lovejoy 8% [ 31 ]
KidCthulhu 2% [ 8 ]
youwashock 4% [ 13 ]
Gulgog TufToof 3% [ 12 ]
halfling84 3% [ 12 ]
Geifer 3% [ 10 ]
Xyabis 2% [ 8 ]
Pariah Press 4% [ 14 ]
Nevelon 3% [ 12 ]
Maharg 6% [ 21 ]
Midget Gems 5% [ 20 ]
ZergSmasher 3% [ 10 ]
CancelledApocalypse 5% [ 20 ]
Total Votes : 368
Author Message

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Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

This month the topic was: Nice Ride - An entry where the "rider" gets around on anything other than his own two legs - weather it be a tank, a mech, a noble steed, snake monster, chariot, or even Professor X's wheel chair. MasterBlaster runs bartertown? Yes he does. Frame of mind and point of view are also important thing. To the mouse tucked in the druid’s hat, he’s got a nice mode of transportation. And the raven perched on a staff can save some wear and tear on his feathers. Vehicles where you can’t see the rider are fine if you have closed cockpits on giant mecha and the like. Let someone or something do all the hard work, and sit back and enjoy the ride!

As always, you're free to hand out as many votes as you like, and for any entry you feel deserves recognition, based on anything from technical proficiency or model choice, a neat conversion or a cool take on the theme, or anything else! You're also very welcome to leave some feedback here for the entrants, and many of the images click through to the Dakka gallery if you'd like to give out a vote or two there as well.

Mothsniper -Demolishers

Captain Brown - Harlequins

Vejut - Steam tank

inmygravenimage - Mandalorians


ShadowsAndDust - Blood Angels Leviathan Siege Dreadnought

XvArcanevX - Dredd on his Lawmaster

Mr Nobody – Ork Trukk

Daia T'Nara – Dalek chaos marine

TheChrispyOne – SkrapJet

phoenix89 - Breaka-Boss on Mirebrute Troggoth

JoshInJapan - Deadzone Striders

Llamahead - Zardoz, commander of the host

Syro_ - Taxi crab and friends

Leopold Helveine - Pale Maggothlord.






Lovejoy - Cavalier Marshall

KidCthulhu – Wolfrider

youwashock - Spaceships

Gulgog TufToof - Evil Sunz Gnot Tank

halfling84 - Aethon heavy sentinel

Geifer - Bo-Katan Kryze and Tooka:

Xyabis – Imp on giant bat

Pariah Press - Sentinels and Squat Sky Surfer

Nevelon – Bike Chaplain

Maharg - Marauder horseman

Midget Gems - Ork Star Wars Pod Racer Conversion

ZergSmasher - Dark Angels Stormraven Gunship

CancelledApocalypse – Raven Guard rhino and veteran

Poll will run for 5 days. Let me know if anything is wrong.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/06/05 01:20:19

Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

Thanks Nev! Quick fix needed, though - you've used one of phoenix89's pics twice and missed one out from the entry thread
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

 CancelledApocalypse wrote:
Thanks Nev! Quick fix needed, though - you've used one of phoenix89's pics twice and missed one out from the entry thread

I paid extra for that.
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 CancelledApocalypse wrote:
Thanks Nev! Quick fix needed, though - you've used one of phoenix89's pics twice and missed one out from the entry thread

Good catch. When people attach pictures directly to their post I need to go fish the links out of their gallery. This unfortunately adds more spots where mistakes can be made, as well as messing up the order if people have a preference for how the photos appear.

I touched on this in the summer blockbuster thread, but am going to repeat myself here:

While not a requirement, it would be nice if people used the same format when submitting their final entries. Upload your pictures either to the Dakka gallery or other place instead of attaching them to the post, and submit them as such:

<your name> - <title of entry>
Spoiler tag
<image link to picture1>

<image link to picture6>
EndSpoiler tag

No need for the code tag or anything, I’ll still just c/p from your post, but it will save me a lot of effort with getting the formatting and tags right. Plus save me from having to figure out the title of your work. And you can still include whatever you want in the body of your final entry post. explanations, stories, opinions and feelings. Just have the final slug of pictures at the bottom of your post labeled nicely for me to grab.

If you want to see what it looks like, you can quote the vote thread just to look at what it should look like when done.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
phoenix89 wrote:
 CancelledApocalypse wrote:
Thanks Nev! Quick fix needed, though - you've used one of phoenix89's pics twice and missed one out from the entry thread

I paid extra for that.

Sorry about that! Fixed now

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/06/05 01:36:35

Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

I'll go ahead and do something I rarely do and comment on everyone's entry since I haven't done that in a hot minute.

Mothsniper: Robogear vehicles are generally pretty goofy-looking, but it's cool to see how they look when painted by someone who knows what they're doing. The strangely-colored dust is a nice touch for an alien world.

Captain Brown: Classic models are always fun to see, and your Harlequins look pretty great!

Vejut: Another classic model, and a deviation from your usual animal buddies. Very well done!

inmygravenimage: Nice collection of Mandalorians, and their pet Loth-cat. This is the way.

ShadowsAndDust: Very clean work on your chonky boi. I've always loved Leviathan Dreads and was sad when they lost their 40k rules (well, they went to Legends, but same diff).

XvArcanevX: "I AM THE LAW!" I've been intrigued by the look of Judge Dredd and his universe ever since I saw the cheesy '90s movie with Sylvester Stallone, and you did outstanding work on this model.

Mr Nobody: Nice old-school Trukk. That exposed engine is just asking to catch bullets though, so maybe he'd better bring along a Mekboy, just in case!

Daia T'Nara: Interesting fusion of universes with this piece. Maybe the guy got his legs blown off and the Dark Gods decided to reach across parallel universes to gift him a replacement. Either way, it's very creative.

TheChrispyOne: Ork Vehicles are the best part of the faction, and you did a great job on this one.

phoenix89: As someone who recently started collecting Kruleboyz, I'm always looking for inspiration for how to paint some of the monsters. I definitely like this particular piece; the purple color of the Troggoth's skin contrasts well against the more drab colors of the guy riding him.

JoshInJapan: Those are interesting mechs; I don't know much about Deadzone other than it's made by Mantic but those models look good at least.

Llamahead: That's an interesting mini; it looks like it's epic scale or something. I like the rubble it's standing ominously over.

Syro_: I love the color choices here; the crab and the guys around it definitely complement each other nicely.

Leopold Helveine: Euch, what a disgusting model! And since it's obviously dedicated to Grandfather Nurgle, that is a high compliment! Very cool model!

Lovejoy: The Freeguild Cavalier Marshal might be my favorite of the new Cities of Sigmar range, and you did a fine job on it.

KidCthulhu: Yet another old-school model in this comp, and with a fairly old-school looking paintjob to boot. Looks great!

youwashock: Totally not a Buck Rogers Thunderfighter and totally not a Gunstar there, I see. They turned out awesome!

Gulgog Tuftoof: Feels a little bad that Grot Tanks got the Legends treatment in 40k, but at least this one you did looks really good!

halfling84: I like the camo pattern you did on the Aethon. Very nice model!

Geifer: Bo-Katan and the Loth-cat again, and they look good!

Xyabis: I wouldn't have minded more photos of this model. From this angle it looks good, but I'd love to see the rest of it.

Pariah Press: The classic Sentinels look good, but the show stealer is definitely the Dwarf riding Marty McFly's hoverboard! He looks awesome!

Nevelon: The Chaplain turned out really great! I have one of those needing paint, so thanks for the inspiration!

Maharg: That looks like yet another classic model, and that paintjob is amazingly crisp!

Midget Gems: Pod Racing seems like a natural fit for Orks, and you did a pretty good job with this model. Nice use of a Tau Piranha body for the main cockpit piece.

ZergSmasher: I rushed the Stormraven at the end, and it shows, but I'm pretty happy with the model, especially considering the state it was in when I acquired it. I consider it a successful model rescue.

CancelledApocalypse: That's one of the cleanest paintjobs I've ever seen on a Rhino. The side doors and their symbols are what especially stands out to me.

Everyone did really well this month. And we can all hold our heads high knowing that we got something out of the Pile of Shame. I don't remember who all I voted for, but everyone here deserves at least some votes. Shout out as always to Nevelon for taking the time to set up the comp threads and especially the voting threads. See you all in the Glow Up challenge!

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/1/23, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~15000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Adeptus Custodes: ~1900 | Imperial Knights: ~2000 | Sisters of Battle: ~3500 | Leagues of Votann: ~1200 | Tyranids: ~2600 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2023: 40 | Total models painted in 2024: 25 | Current main painting project: Kruleboyz Spearhead
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.
Made in pl
Cog in the Machine

I thought nobody would beat Lovejoy, but it is the Orky Podracer that stole my heart this month .
Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

mothsniper - demolishers

You've put a lot of creative work into these, and the details look super clean even in the smallest bits so thats how this one stood out for me.

joshinjapan - deadzone striders

Make a nice pair schemewise and individually the palet are nice combinations, love the detail on the guns btw.

Lovejoy - Cavalier Marshall

The horse and its clothing etc in particular stand out here, love the backpack too. As for the rider, I know that's your own sculpt so thats super impressive.

halfling84 - Aethon heavy sentinel

This paintjob already stood out to me massively during your wip posts, I don't know what it is but that style of camo even though it is unconventional.. is inspiring eyecandy.

Maharg - Marauder horseman

That horse looks so good, the whole paintjob is super clean and love the purplish wash in the crevixes of the horse too.

Midget Gems - Ork star wars pod racer conversion

This is probably the most original and almost-diorama level entry this months imho, hilareous and worthy of the Ork-celebrationary-pin-2024 if it existed.
The sandy finish on everything is a blast, beautiful hue too. Ofcourse every vote counts the same but I'm adding my "top pick" to this.

CancelledApocalypse - Ravn guard rhino and veteran

I wasn't going to comment on more but when I opened the spoiler on this I had to because the linework on this thing is perfect, the snow hyperrealistic (I love weather-effects) and that sigil pops, super slick whites all around. If you had added a single more hue it wouldn't have looked this strong so good decision to keep it simple in the scheme.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/06/05 10:11:21

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

While I can't dive in and comment on each piece specifically, I think they're all fantastic and I'm excited to have been able to join in on the challenge! I know there aren't any stakes but being my first painting challenge I was pretty nervous, so I appreciate the kind words along the way and love the friendly competition. Thank you Nevelon for all the work organizing it as well! See you all again in the glow up!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/06/05 15:22:13

Made in ca
Splattered With Acrylic Paint

Wow! Very impressed with all the entries this month! Great job all around
Made in us
Grumpy Longbeard

Awesome job guys! Especially on the bases, my favorite part of the model.

Captain Brown - I like the Fancy Pants guy, Solid paint job like always! At some point you need to take a groupfoto of the whole army finished.

Vejut - Love the details, the color choice and the base! What did you use for the ground texture?

inmygravenimage - Love that freehand on the helmets, and on the PossumCat creature. Very interesting base treatment, I will have to try that some day.

ShadowsAndDust - Simple but effective color contrast with the base. Intentional or not, that came out great!

XvArcanevX - The methodical edge highlight gradient turned out very nice, and with the 90 vibes!

Mr Nobody - The ENGINE GLOW, That came out well! It looks like that truck wont last very long, but it will do it in style.

Daia T'Nara - Solid work as usual! My two favorite things, awesome freehand and a nifty base.

TheChrispyOne - Very Madmax, and very Orky. Nicely done!

phoenix89 - The paint job you did is absolutely boss, but I want to highlight the base, and its swampy details, very nice!

JoshInJapan - Oh these are so nice, the smooth gradients, and the painted effects, and the color combos just right.

Llamahead - Nicely done! It is hard to appreciate the scale, 6mm is not easy to work with.

Syro_ - Nicely painted good sir! They read well, well done. What did you do for the base?

Leopold Helveine - Thank you, I had fun making those.
You sir got a talent for color schemes, I liked the initial white red combo, and I dig this one even more. Off-black armor on pale beast with dark red and light yellows, disgustingly delicious.

Lovejoy - Epicly sculpted and Epicly painted! Thank you for setting the bar!

KidCthulhu - Good job man, Solid work as usual!

youwashock - The highlights came out nice and read well!

Gulgog TufToof - The gradient add so much! Simple but Very effective. Did those turrets part of the kit? or are they repurposed griblies?

halfling84 - Very nice job on the camo pattern. Now I want to paint some camo on something.

Geifer - Always a fan of freehand, and that helmet is nice! Catlike creature too

Xyabis - GreenGoblin vibes for sure. Love the color scheme and the details in the base.

Pariah Press - I like the weathering and the freehand spider on the hood ;D

Nevelon - Epic Badass. Damn solid paint job as usual.

Maharg - Pink shade-wash is a clever choice, just eye candy all around!

Midget Gems - Lolz, That is AWESOME! Our pod/racers can race now.

ZergSmasher - Thank you sir, alien world dusty blue was the goal. Good job on the flying beast. I especially like the Plasma glow effect!

CancelledApocalypse - Very Crispy! Love the snow bases with the black.

Made in de
Huge Bone Giant

 ZergSmasher wrote:
Geifer: Bo-Katan and the Loth-cat again, and they look good!
 Mothsniper wrote:
Geifer - Always a fan of freehand, and that helmet is nice! Catlike creature too

Thanks, guys!

The helmet decoration is sculpted on. The only thing I can take credit for is not messing up too badly when I painted it.

Nehekhara lives! Sort of!
Why is the rum always gone? 
Made in us
Stabbin' Skarboy

Thanks for the comments guys, and great work all around!

@Mothsniper: I designed these tanks in CAD myself and 3D printed them, so yeah, all that you see was designed to work together. I made it so the turrets can spin, so that’s kind of fun too.

All Orks, All Da Zoggin' TIme. 'Cause Da Rest of You Gitz is Just Muckin' About, Waitin' ta Get Krumped.
My Painting Blog: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/689629.page  
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Thanks ZergSmasher, Minirat debiggerized it pretty good in translation to 10mm, didn't he?

@Mothsniper: The model came on a slightly less than 20x40mm rectangle with the usual cauliflowering, and I edged that to the edge of the base with vallejo texture paste and some 2mm short tufts.

A lot of great work this month!
Made in us
Grumpy Longbeard

 Geifer wrote:
 ZergSmasher wrote:
Geifer: Bo-Katan and the Loth-cat again, and they look good!
 Mothsniper wrote:
Geifer - Always a fan of freehand, and that helmet is nice! Catlike creature too

Thanks, guys!

The helmet decoration is sculpted on. The only thing I can take credit for is not messing up too badly when I painted it.

Not freehanded but freeSkulpted?! Daaaaang

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Gulgog TufToof wrote:
Thanks for the comments guys, and great work all around!

@Mothsniper: I designed these tanks in CAD myself and 3D printed them, so yeah, all that you see was designed to work together. I made it so the turrets can spin, so that’s kind of fun too.

Oh, That is cool! I like the shape for the missel pods.
The reason i asked it because I always wanted to use pin-connectors as missel turrets on something, and wondered if that is what you have done here.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Vejut wrote:
Thanks ZergSmasher, Minirat debiggerized it pretty good in translation to 10mm, didn't he?

@Mothsniper: The model came on a slightly less than 20x40mm rectangle with the usual cauliflowering, and I edged that to the edge of the base with vallejo texture paste and some 2mm short tufts.

A lot of great work this month!

Ah, vallejo texture paste, That works very well!

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/06/08 21:52:15

Made in de
Huge Bone Giant

 Mothsniper wrote:
 Geifer wrote:
 ZergSmasher wrote:
Geifer: Bo-Katan and the Loth-cat again, and they look good!
 Mothsniper wrote:
Geifer - Always a fan of freehand, and that helmet is nice! Catlike creature too

Thanks, guys!

The helmet decoration is sculpted on. The only thing I can take credit for is not messing up too badly when I painted it.

Not freehanded but freeSkulpted?! Daaaaang

I mean it's an actual part of the model, straight from the manufacturer. It wasn't me, officer! I didn't do nothin'!

I don't think I'd have much trouble sculpting something like that, though. I've done similar work in the past.

Nehekhara lives! Sort of!
Why is the rum always gone? 
Made in gb
Mekboy Hammerin' Somethin'


 ZergSmasher wrote:
Midget Gems: Pod Racing seems like a natural fit for Orks, and you did a pretty good job with this model. Nice use of a Tau Piranha body for the main cockpit piece.

 Leopold Helveine wrote:

Midget Gems - Ork star wars pod racer conversion

This is probably the most original and almost-diorama level entry this months imho, hilareous and worthy of the Ork-celebrationary-pin-2024 if it existed.
The sandy finish on everything is a blast, beautiful hue too. Ofcourse every vote counts the same but I'm adding my "top pick" to this.

 Mothsniper wrote:

Midget Gems - Lolz, That is AWESOME! Our pod/racers can race now.

Thanks for the comments guys, great work on your Podracer Moth, looks nice and spiky would be a fun race between them

I haven't done a full set of comment in a while so here we go.

Mothsniper - Nice details on the glows from the weapons and details on the bullets and dirt from the base.

Captain Brown - good base and painting standard, i like the model to the lefts trousers

Vejut - I'm not sure if its the prespsect but that looks like a really small Steam tank, great detail if its a warmaster or similar version

inmygravenimage - Very nice backdrop and good detailed painting, I was going to start watching that series soon

ShadowsAndDust - Good overall painting and combo of colours on the arms/guns and main body.

XvArcanevX - Really cool model and very nice panel highlighting

Mr Nobody - That Engine is running hot! and really draws the eye to it.

Daia T'Nara - lol nice combo of models, very inventive, good job the imperium as lots of steps!

TheChrispyOne - Looks like some nice work from what I can see, would love to see more and bigger pics

phoenix89 - Awesome painting, very nice transitions, feels like you should be getting more votes for this entry IMO. (You can post bigger pics on your post if you go to the share this image section when on the image forum page - bottom left and then the recommended sizes drop down, might need to resize before upload or spoiler them if they are really big)

JoshInJapan - very good painting, I especially like the flame/burnt effects and the cracking glass.

Llamahead - Hell of a dragon to ride and also a good base. well done

Syro_ - They look like an interesting combo of models, good theme choice

Leopold Helveine - Wow this guy is great, really likely the rust and plaguey bits colour/texture contrast to the pale skin.

Lovejoy - Really brilliant attention to detail with the horses coat and the nicks and scrapes on the armour + leather. The stand out model for me this month

KidCthulhu - Awesome model, gave me a good blast of nostalgia

youwashock - really like the transition to the highlights on the extremes on the model, good job

Gulgog TufToof - Cleverly done with the layers of colour moving up

halfling84 - The camo patches with the black outline work very well. Nice

Geifer - Nice model and a very cool little creature thing.

Xyabis - Looks nice, would like to see more photos please

Pariah Press - These made me smile, nicely done with the weathering and very cool models

Nevelon - Nice work make, a very cool looking model

Maharg - A sort of my little Pony nightmare, skin tones on the horse work really well

Midget Gems - Very happy I finally got this done, worked out pretty well IMO. Could of hard a few more gubbins and a grot hanging on if I'd had time.

ZergSmasher - Good clean painting on a big model, well done Zerg

CancelledApocalypse - ooooh very fancy, the freehand on the door is wonderful.

Good Luck everyone

Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

Thanks ZergSmasher, leo, Mothsniper and Midget Gems for the nice comments and for the effort putting those comment posts together. Afraid I haven't had the time or energy to do comments myself this month... :(

 Midget Gems wrote:
CancelledApocalypse - ooooh very fancy, the freehand on the door is wonderful.

^_^' Thanks MG, but I have to confess, the detail on the side door isn't freehand, it's sculpted detail - it's the FW raven guard rhino door. The logo on the roof doors is also a transfer, as are the symbols on the front, though that's probably a lot more obvious...

My favourites this month were Maharg, Leopold Helveine and Lovejoy, but I also really enjoyed the entries from MrNobody, Daia T'Nara, phoenix89, KidCthulhu, Pariah Press, Nevelon and Midget Gems. Great work guys and great work from everyone!
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Thanks for the comments Zergsmasher and Mothsniper! This was a fun model to paint but the clean up was pretty tedious … and I missed a few areas that I didn’t spot until painting.

I will try to get some comments in for everybody but am busy with work and other jobs this month so might not get the opportunity.

Anyhoo, lots of great painting here and I gave out a few votes!
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

What a month! Lots of great entries from everyone, but time for some winners.

We’ve got a pair of ties this months starting at third with 20 votes each:

Orks and speed go and in hand, so no surprise they’d try their hand at pod racing, as Midget Gems shows.

Raven guard are more then just jump packs to race places, sometimes they need a nice ride, which we have with CancelledApocalypse’s Raven Guard rhino and veteran.

With just once more vote each at 21, we again have a tie for the silver.

Not all rides are about speed; some are about style. And spreading gruesome plagues and eating things. Here is Leopold Helveine's Pale Maggothlord, with a siplay of what Nurgle brings to the battlefield.






But not all who pledge thier souls to Chaos are gross and grimy. Maharg’s marauder horseman is clean and fast, shiny and stylish!

And running away with the gold with an amazing 31 votes is Lovejoy's Cavalier Marshall. From the rocks on the base to the pennant snapping in the wind, an amazingly painted work, full of incredible detail (much of which is hand sculpted). Well deserved victory!


As always amazing work from everyone. Very high level of work across the board, with a pair of ties and a packed podium. 4th was even tied for honorable mentions. So while this might be the largest gap for a win we’ve seen in a while, it was still a very tight race jockeying around in the pack for the rest of the spots. But every entry is a win against the grey menace the the endless pile of shame. Fun as always, let’s get moving on this month’s challenge!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/06/12 10:27:28

Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

 Nevelon wrote:

With just once more vote each at 21, we again have a tie for the silver.

Not all rides are about speed; some are about style. And spreading gruesome plagues and eating things. Here is Leopold Helveine's Pale Maggothlord, with a siplay of what Nurgle brings to the battlefield.

OMG 2nd place????

Never in my life expected this heh, every time no matter how well I make my entries I see so many amazing entries and think "how can I possibly compete with this ..heh" but here I am with my first ever award to the challenge threads.


Having some difficulties getting the glowup challenge done atm though (im not good at lighting effects -_- which is pretty much what I want to nail)

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in gb
Impassive Inquisitorial Interrogator


 Nevelon wrote:
And running away with the gold with an amazing 31 votes is Lovejoy's Cavalier Marshall.

31 votes! I think that's way more than I've ever had before! Thanks, everyone!

There was some amazing stuff this month. MidgetGem's podracer is a thing of beauty, and Leopold's entry is kind of the opposite of a thing of beauty, but a fantastic piece of work!
Maharg, Cancelled Apocalypse, and XvArcanevX all pulled off some beautifully clean and precise work, which I love looking at, but can never quite manage to pull off!
Mothsniper's blue groundwork and dust really gave his piece an truly alien atmosphere. Great stuff!

The overall standard was just really high from everyone, TBH.

I'd better get cracking on this month's entry... I haven't even undercoated them yet!

Thanks again to everyone involved!

Made in eu
Incorporating Wet-Blending


Congratulations to the winners, and my apologies for not being able to comment before. There were some truly outstanding models-- my personal favorite was Leopold Helvine's terrifying Nurgle thing.

Now showing Sturm Kafer in 1/35!

Painting total as of 7/22/2024: 73 plus a set of modular spaceship terrain and two walkers and a quad mech

Painting total for 2023: 79 plus 28 Battlemechs and a Dragon-Balrog

Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

 Leopold Helveine wrote:
OMG 2nd place????

Well deserved, Leo!

Thanks to everyone who voted and everyone who commented - and of course everyone who entered. Another fantastic month, congrats to all who got something finished!
Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

Excellent work, everyone. Another month in the books.

Thanks for the comments!
Made in pl
Cog in the Machine

Congratulations for everyone, and thanks for 12 votes
Made in de
Huge Bone Giant

Congratulations to the winners, and good job getting something painted, everyone!

 Midget Gems wrote:
Geifer - Nice model and a very cool little creature thing.

Thank you.

 CancelledApocalypse wrote:
 Leopold Helveine wrote:
OMG 2nd place????

Well deserved, Leo!


Nehekhara lives! Sort of!
Why is the rum always gone? 
Made in bd
Regular Dakkanaut


Congrats to the winners, and thanks ZergSmasher and Mothsniper for the feedback. I've had that Dalek sitting around I don't know how long, since the 90s at least - I've got Ace and Leela miniatures as well so they must have been a set - so now I've just got to find something to stick the top half to and nothing's been wasted.

Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

Congratulations to the winners, those who gave feedback, Nevelon for hosting, and all of us...as twenty seven painters finished something to add to our collections.



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