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Made in gb
Kabalite Conscript

Looking for UK trades please, PM me!

HAVE (all new on sprue)
Night Lords Nemesis Claw from Kill Team: Nightmare. Can trade upgrade sprue alone +/- the basic Chaos Marine squad sprue, also cards and tokens if you want them.

Limited edition Black Templars Bayard’s revenge

Limited edition Primaris Captain with power fist and plasma pistol

Limited edition Operative Umbral Six Vindicare Assassin

Limited edition inquisitor Cartovalnus

5 Striking Scorpions from Kill Team Salvation

Specialist games
Adeptus Titanicus 2x Warhound with new LI weapons sprue (not plasma, Vulcan etc). Supplied with deeper 80mm bases for AT, not the thinner LI ones.

Necromunda 2x Ambot (ie one complete set)

Age of Sigmar Underworlds
Da Kunnin Krew (just sprue, no cards)
Zarbags Gitz (just sprue, no cards)

Scenery - can arrange to meet or deliver if nearby in Midlands.
6 tile Realm of Battle board (painted and flocked, both heavy and bulky). This is the standard board with hills and rough ground, not specific 40K sector imperialis or AoS clockwork one. No bag but will box up securely.

Dark Angels Fortress of Redemption (built but unpainted, higher postage cost because it is bulky)

Large scale action toys
Macfarlane Sister of Battle Artists Proof

WANTED ideally new on sprue
Kill Team Chaos Blooded

Kill Team Chaos Legionaries (either whole team of just the upgrade sprue)

Eldar Dark Reapers or Howling Banshees

Chaos Possessed (current)

Chaos Terminators (current)

Almost anything for Legions Imperialis

>1000 on ebay
Several trades on Dakka e.g. https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/4920/458288.page
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