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What happened to Fallen Corvis?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Fresh-Faced New User

Hey, all! Does anyone know what happened with the fan-made game Fallen Corvis? It was basically Mordheim/Frostgrave for the Iron Kingdoms. It was pretty much what I was hoping Company of Iron was going to be.
I used to have the rules, but must've deleted them. I went looking for them, but they're gone without a trace, and I can't find them anywhere on the internet.
If anyone has a copy of them, I'd be much obliged!
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Probably dead and gone as most of the fan based and home brews evaporated with the community.

Im pretty certain that Line Of Sight stopped playing Warmachine and switched to 40K but did record their thoughts on the recent SFG acquisition of PP
Made in no
Umber Guard

It was a LOS thing, so it is gone.
Made in ca

Muskoka Ontario

The Rules of Brawlmachine are floating out there, is it anything like Fallen Corvis? (I have those rules if you like) I've been curious to find the rules for Fallen Corvis myself to compare

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