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[H] Leagues of Votann force and Jyhad/VTES collection up for sale [W] £ [UNITED] [eBay]  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Coastal Bliss in the Shadow of Sizewell

Suffolk, where the Aliens roam.

As the title says have my smalll Leagues of Votann army up for sale over on ebay at the moment, includes a couple of units of Herathkyn, a Sagitaur, Cthonian Beserkers, Grimnyr, Pioneers on bikes, plus a few of the heroes inc the Store anniversary model and a unit of Hearthguard.

Also have my small Jyhad/Vampire the Eternal Struggle collection up, a large chunk of it is Jyhad, so much so I split it up into three lots, but also some Bloodlines and White Wolf era cards and a selection of the follow up sets to Jyhad.

Also some left over bits from previous auctions.


edit - oh and these are all ending Monday evening (24th) UK time from 7pm.

As always thanks to anyone heading over to take a look.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/06/23 09:30:00

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