We're talking about the restriction that makes it a once per game respawn, right?
Respawning units showing up in the deployment zone was a thing they tried with various special missions in the past. It sort of works, but it has the obvious downside of keeping you too far away from the rest of the game to meaningfully interact for a turn or two. Which, in a 5 turn game, is a pretty big deal. A unit that dies on the third turn and respawns on the 4th turn might be in position to contest no man's land on the 5th turn. Maybe.
On the other hand, dumping all the respawned units in your deployment zone can essentially make your deployment zone unassailable.
I'd probably prefer respawning in the deployment zone over finite respawns, but I'm not sure either is ideal.
What about unlimited respawns coming in from any board edge outside the enemy deployment zone, but you only bring in 10-man squads? So you have a constant trickle of reinforcements, but each squad is easy to kill off and doesn't get much from strats/buffs?