JNAProductions wrote:I feel like literally twice the PPM of normal Bearers is a tad much. But I do see your reasoning… maybe 95-100 points per 5 models?
I think that's reasonable. I could definitely see their cost dropping from there given that they have fewer overall wounds (or at least fewer overall bodies.) I was just hesitant to start them too low given:
A.) Homebrew; don't want to scare opponents off of letting you use them by accidentally under-costing them.
B.) If running these guys with shields, you get a very similar package to normal
PBs; similarly hard to shift just with the wounds concentrated in fewer bodies.
C.) If we price them too low, they probably start to encroach on Nurgling territory. Nurglings would still have their niche, but we'd be talking about two squads that both have multi-wound bases, but one of those bases is T6 instead of T3 and with a better invuln to boot.