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Made in us
Humming Great Unclean One of Nurgle

In My Lab

Ku'Gath Plaguefather


Ranged Weapons
Putrid Vomit

Experimental Necrotic Missiles
Lethal Hits, Anti-Infantry/Swarm/Beast/Mounted/Cavalry 2+, Anti-Monster 3+, Blast
Overkill: If a model is killed by this weapon, continue allocating the damage until either all damage is used or the entire unit is dead

Melee Weapons
Tools Of The Trade
Lethal Hits, Anti-Infantry/Swarm/Beast/Mounted/Cavalry 3+, Anti-Monster 4+

Attendants' Laboratory Tools
Lethal Hits, Anti-Infantry/Swarm/Beast/Mounted/Cavalry 4+, Anti-Monster 5+, Extra Attacks

Core: Deep Strike, Deadly Demise 1d6, Feel No Pain 5+
Faction: The Shadow Of Chaos

Greater Daemon Of Nurgle (Aura): While a friendly NURGLE LEGIONES DAEMONICA unit is within 6" of this model, that unit is within your army’s Shadow of Chaos.

Immortal Researcher: Against attacks with an original Damage Characteristic of 1, Ku'Gath can reroll any save roll. Each time an attack is allocated to Ku'Gath, subtract 1 from the Damage characteristic of that attack.

Field Testing: Any unit that is hit by Experimental Necrotic Missiles or suffers damage from a melee attack made by Ku'Gath suffers from one of the following penalties, determined by Ku'Gath's player.
1-Brittlebone: Decrease the Toughness characteristic of models in that unit by 1.
2-Pusweep: Models in that unit cannot score critical hits or wounds. (Note that a 6 is still always successful and Anti-[Keywrod] X+ still causes wounds on X+, it is simply not a Critical Wound.)
3-Atrophic Canker: Decrease the Strength characteristic of all melee weapons in the unit by 1.
4-Rustmoss: Worsen the Save characteristic of models in that unit by 1.
5-Petrifying Plauge: Reduce the Movement characteristic of models in that unit by 2", and whenever they roll to Advance or Charge, they must roll one additional d6 and discard the highest result.
6-Cacklefever: Worsen the Leadership characterstic of all models in that unit by 2.
A unit cannot be affected by this ability more than once per phase, and the same penalty applied multiple times does not stack.

Unit Composition
Ku'Gath Plaguefather, Epic Hero

Damaged: 1-7 Wounds Remaining
Subtract 1 from hit rolls made by Ku'Gath, and when determining the penalty applied with Field Testing, roll a d6 to randomly determine the result instead of choosing.

Monster, Character, Epic Hero, Pysker, Chaos, Daemon, Nurgle, Ku'Gath Plaguefather

Faction Keyword
Legiones Daemonica


Big Chonky Boy.

He should be more than Rotigus or a standard GUO, due to his abilities and damage. But how much? Not sure.

Clocks for the clockmaker! Cogs for the cog throne! 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

This one's a little tricky to wrap my head around because some of his perks have notable limitations and so do some of his drawbacks.

His melee is the most marine-killer-y between himself, a GUO, and Rotigus. Without crunching the numbers, I assume he's probably also better at killing hordes than the other two but worse at hurting vehicles?

The missiles look pretty brutal. At a glance, pretty sure you're killing about 4 meq or 8 geq with them each turn? That's pretty potent for clearing out MSU. And non-MSU units will be left with a debuff of your choice.

Immortal Researcher looks strong at a glance. However, most armies won't be shooting this guy with D1 weapons in the first place unless there's absolutely nothing better to shoot at. So maybe not too big a deal? That said, this is a potentially very frustrating rule for armies that *do* find themselves desperate enough to try and whittle down this guy with D1 attacks. Thousand Sons trying to flamer him to death come to mind.

The -1 damage is kind of a big deal as it basically negates the downside of only having a 5+++ instead of a 4+++. You're basically just auto-passing your first FNP against each multi-damage attack. Which probably makes this guy even more durable than Rotigus despite only have 20 wounds?

Field Testing feels like it could be streamlined if only for the sake of making it easier for your opponnet to understand/memorize it. There are multiple effects here that boil down to either making the target die faster or kill slower. I feel like you could get these down to 2 or 3 effects pretty comfortably.

Overall, he's more lethal against against most if not all targets. He's probably more durable. He has flexibility when handing out debuffs (Field Testing) rather than being locked into a single one. He's doing a healthy chunk of damage from across the table rather than being confined to a small-ish section of the table the way a GUO or Rotigus are.

For the missiles, sheer squad-clearing offense, and resistance to multi-damage weapons, I'd be inclined to start him off at 75-100 points higher than a GUO and see how that feels. As a big, chonky model he's kind of hard to price. Some opponents will be packing enough offense to make sure he doesn't shoot his missiles twice, and others will just have to ignore him all game in favor of going after more killable targets.

. Psychic tests are unfluffy. Your longing for AV is understandable but misguided. Your chapter doesn't need a separate codex. Doctrines should go away. Being a "troop" means nothing. This has been a cranky service announcement. You may now resume your regularly scheduled arguing.
Made in us
Humming Great Unclean One of Nurgle

In My Lab

330 is a price I'd be willing to pay to take this guy, so yeah, I getcha.

Clocks for the clockmaker! Cogs for the cog throne! 
Made in gb
Lord of the Fleet


 JNAProductions wrote:
Ku'Gath Plaguefather


Ranged Weapons
Putrid Vomit

Experimental Necrotic Missiles Name could be more Nurgle-y
Lethal Hits, Anti-Infantry/Swarm/Beast/Mounted/Cavalry 2+, Anti-Monster 3+, Blast Too many keywords
Overkill: If a model is killed by this weapon, continue allocating the damage until either all damage is used or the entire unit is dead Get rid of this, 10th is trying to move away from overspill attacks. Just say a unit hit by it has to take an immediate Battleshock test.

Melee Weapons
Tools Of The Trade
Lethal Hits, Anti-Infantry/Swarm/Beast/Mounted/Cavalry 3+, Anti-Monster 4+ Too many keywords

Attendants' Laboratory Tools
Lethal Hits, Anti-Infantry/Swarm/Beast/Mounted/Cavalry 4+, Anti-Monster 5+, Extra Attacks Too many keywords

Core: Deep Strike, Deadly Demise 1d6, Feel No Pain 5+
Faction: The Shadow Of Chaos

Greater Daemon Of Nurgle (Aura): While a friendly NURGLE LEGIONES DAEMONICA unit is within 6" of this model, that unit is within your army’s Shadow of Chaos.

Immortal Researcher: Against attacks with an original Damage Characteristic of 1, Ku'Gath can reroll any save roll. Each time an attack is allocated to Ku'Gath, subtract 1 from the Damage characteristic of that attack. He's T12 with a 5++ FNP, doesn't need to be tougher still.

Field Testing: Any unit that is hit by Experimental Necrotic Missiles or suffers damage from a melee attack made by Ku'Gath suffers from one of the following penalties, determined by Ku'Gath's player.
1-Brittlebone: Decrease the Toughness characteristic of models in that unit by 1.
2-Pusweep: Models in that unit cannot score critical hits or wounds. (Note that a 6 is still always successful and Anti-[Keywrod] X+ still causes wounds on X+, it is simply not a Critical Wound.)
3-Atrophic Canker: Decrease the Strength characteristic of all melee weapons in the unit by 1.
4-Rustmoss: Worsen the Save characteristic of models in that unit by 1.
5-Petrifying Plauge: Reduce the Movement characteristic of models in that unit by 2", and whenever they roll to Advance or Charge, they must roll one additional d6 and discard the highest result.
6-Cacklefever: Worsen the Leadership characterstic of all models in that unit by 2.
A unit cannot be affected by this ability more than once per phase, and the same penalty applied multiple times does not stack. Make it a D3 option, and just a "once per game, pick a unit within 12" ability

Unit Composition
Ku'Gath Plaguefather, Epic Hero

Damaged: 1-7 Wounds Remaining
Subtract 1 from hit rolls made by Ku'Gath, and when determining the penalty applied with Field Testing, roll a d6 to randomly determine the result instead of choosing.

Monster, Character, Epic Hero, Pysker, Chaos, Daemon, Nurgle, Ku'Gath Plaguefather Not sure why he's a Psyker when he doesn't have any psychic abilities.

Faction Keyword
Legiones Daemonica


Big Chonky Boy.

He should be more than Rotigus or a standard GUO, due to his abilities and damage. But how much? Not sure.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Too many keywords

Tbf, 10th edition getting rid of the "Poison" USR is annoying. Do you feel like those weapons should be less effective against some of those keywords, or is it literally just the wordiness of the rule? If the latter, then maybe define a "Toxic" rule elsewhere. So you can be wordy once, then just say "Toxic" in each of the weapon profiles.

Not sure why he's a Psyker when he doesn't have any psychic abilities.

IIRC, Rotigus and maybe normal GUOs have the Psychic keyword on their melee attacks for some reason. Could probably add the Psychic keyword to Ku'Gath's weapons or just remove the keyword from the datasheet. Although keeping it doesn't do any harm either. It just makes him vulnerable to anti-psyker effects.

. Psychic tests are unfluffy. Your longing for AV is understandable but misguided. Your chapter doesn't need a separate codex. Doctrines should go away. Being a "troop" means nothing. This has been a cranky service announcement. You may now resume your regularly scheduled arguing.
Made in us
Humming Great Unclean One of Nurgle

In My Lab

GUO’s are pyskers. So, Ku’Gath is a pysker.
And yeah-if there was a “biological” keyword, he’d just have anti-biological. But that doesn’t exist.

Clocks for the clockmaker! Cogs for the cog throne! 
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