Just for fun (because obviously they'll never be a faction), what kind of rules would a Thyrrus army have?
The Thyrrus are squid-like aliens who view life as a performance, and whose battlefield tactics aim to be spectacular rather than effective. They seem to have little or no sense of self-preservation. As a result, they'd be a high-risk, high-reward army with a high chance of hurting themselves.
- I imagine their vehicles would blow up a lot when destroyed (Deadly Demise on a 4+). They could also have anti-vehicle weapons that make the enemy's Deadly Demise trigger on a 5+ (like the new Exorcist tank).
- Maybe something related to Tank Shock, such as Tank Shock costing 0 CP (still limited to once per phase), because ramming enemies looks awesome.
- There could be an enhancement giving a character the Precision rule in melee combat, effectively always being under the effects of the Epic Challenge stratagem.
- I see the Thyrrus primarily as a melee army, but whose few ranged weapons tend to be quite powerful and often have Blast and/or Hazardous.
- Being squid-like and caring nothing for their lives, they would have very little in the way of saves.
- Their focus on spectacle might, in many cases, translate into forcing the enemy to take Battleshock tests. On the other hand, they would have no scouts or infiltrators, because hiding from the enemy runs counter to their philosophy of war.