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2024/09/10 15:04:21
Subject: A New Way Of Doing Energy Blades?
Longtime Dakkanaut
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/09/10 15:07:42
--Lord of the Sentinels Eternal-- |
2024/09/10 15:09:29
Subject: Re:A New Way Of Doing Energy Blades?
Regular Dakkanaut
This looks really cool, thanks for sharing!
2024/09/11 09:43:45
Subject: Re:A New Way Of Doing Energy Blades?
Longtime Dakkanaut
Thanks, I appreciate that!
--Lord of the Sentinels Eternal-- |
2024/09/16 17:06:58
Subject: A New Way Of Doing Energy Blades?
Veteran Inquisitorial Tyranid Xenokiller
Wow, that's a fantastic result for such a simple application! Gold star for you for Experimentation in the Miniatures Arts.
New Career Time? |
2024/09/16 23:37:56
Subject: A New Way Of Doing Energy Blades?
Making Stuff
That's really clever, and looks very cool.
2024/09/17 05:50:46
Subject: Re:A New Way Of Doing Energy Blades?
Boom! Leman Russ Commander
pretty amazing.
If you want to experiment a bit further: try out using fluo paint (for example from GSW) on the metal pin. There are some white ones around which should work with tinted transparent plastic around
~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
845 |
2024/09/17 07:23:24
Subject: A New Way Of Doing Energy Blades?
Longtime Dakkanaut
The Power Cosmic wrote:Wow, that's a fantastic result for such a simple application! Gold star for you for Experimentation in the Miniatures Arts.
insaniak wrote:That's really clever, and looks very cool.
Thanks guys, I appreciate the compliments!
Pyroalchi wrote:pretty amazing.
If you want to experiment a bit further: try out using fluo paint (for example from GSW) on the metal pin. There are some white ones around which should work with tinted transparent plastic around
Thanks, that's a very interesting idea. I just saw that they have a white fluro, I will have to pick that up to experiment with!
--Lord of the Sentinels Eternal-- |
2024/09/17 17:14:27
Subject: A New Way Of Doing Energy Blades?
Stubborn Hammerer
Struggling about in Asmos territory.
Soul Samurai wrote:The Power Cosmic wrote:Wow, that's a fantastic result for such a simple application! Gold star for you for Experimentation in the Miniatures Arts.
insaniak wrote:That's really clever, and looks very cool.
Thanks guys, I appreciate the compliments!
Pyroalchi wrote:pretty amazing.
If you want to experiment a bit further: try out using fluo paint (for example from GSW) on the metal pin. There are some white ones around which should work with tinted transparent plastic around
Thanks, that's a very interesting idea. I just saw that they have a white fluro, I will have to pick that up to experiment with!
Cool idea and application, maybe pearlescent paints (amsterdam paints) are a nice idea too, otherwise maybe greenstuff world's chameleon paint lineup..
"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"
2024/09/18 08:46:36
Subject: A New Way Of Doing Energy Blades?
Longtime Dakkanaut
Leopold Helveine wrote:Cool idea and application, maybe pearlescent paints (amsterdam paints) are a nice idea too, otherwise maybe greenstuff world's chameleon paint lineup..
Thanks, I could see pearlescent paints giving a sort of shimmering effect, that could look very cool.
--Lord of the Sentinels Eternal-- |
2024/09/19 11:08:02
Subject: A New Way Of Doing Energy Blades?
Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit
Yo that is a really great idea! Combining a lot of different skillsets into one very impressive piece.
2024/09/19 16:26:12
Subject: A New Way Of Doing Energy Blades?
Longtime Dakkanaut
Tek wrote:Yo that is a really great idea! Combining a lot of different skillsets into one very impressive piece.
Thank you!
--Lord of the Sentinels Eternal-- |