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Jain Zar finally finished!  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Been Around the Block

Glasgow, UK

This was a slog! Started this mini in May and never had much time to spend with the brushes over the summer so very relieved to finally have her over the finish line! I might come back later and smooth out some gradients and push the edges a bit on the hair and armour as I hope to enter her in a local painting competition late this year.

[Thumb - Jain Zar WIP(DSC_2913)-large.jpg]

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Very nice!

Made in us
Been Around the Block

New mexico

This, my guy, is artistry in its highest fashion!! The blade, cloth, and hair are very inspirational and clean!! I agree, maybe a little more edging. But maybe not. It's very crisp. The basing is beautiful. Maybe a piece of wood for a nice deep brown for all that yellow?

Sigmar is all but lost here. 
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

Very impressive, great job! I love how the cloth looks like it is flowing.

8930 points 6800 points 75 points 600 points
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Made in gb
Been Around the Block

Glasgow, UK

 Nevelon wrote:
Very nice!

Thanks Nevelon, this was the mini I entered in May’s Dakka painting competition, but failed to finish, so was about time!


Automatically Appended Next Post:
Gost_engineer wrote:
This, my guy, is artistry in its highest fashion!! The blade, cloth, and hair are very inspirational and clean!! I agree, maybe a little more edging. But maybe not. It's very crisp. The basing is beautiful. Maybe a piece of wood for a nice deep brown for all that yellow?

Thanks Gost_engineer for your kind comments! I will certainly try to find something additional for the basing.


Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Bilge Rat wrote:
Very impressive, great job! I love how the cloth looks like it is flowing.

Thanks Bilge Rat, much appreciated!


This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/09/28 18:10:02

Made in us
Been Around the Block

New mexico

Have you found a piece of dark brown?! I still find myself looking at this astounded! So smooth!

Sigmar is all but lost here. 
Made in gb
Been Around the Block

Glasgow, UK

Thanks, not had time to revisit the base yet, started working on an Exarch instead (will post once completed). Hope to soup up her base once I get closer to the upcoming competition in late November
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