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Legions Imperialis - Core box set  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in fr
Long-Range Land Speeder Pilot

Clermont De L'Oise

Hey all,
A special one for me here. I'm diving back into the epic scale after more than 30 years. I remember playing Space Marine then Epic with my brother and now Legions Imperialis with my own son. We got our first game in and he annihilated me. My goodness, Rend on those Veletarii is nuts.

I went for traitor guard and loyalist marines. I had to do the Ultramarines. Some may say "boring" but I think the blue looks great at this scale. I wish I had not chosen to paint the Ultra symbol on the troops now as I realize I will have to do this for all future troops as well

For the guard I wanted a colour that would contrast against the blue of the Ultras and we settled on red (classic Red v Blue). I ended up with the Prosperine Spireguard of the Thousand Sons.

Titans next. Legio Xestobiax and Legio Oberon.

Thanks for looking

Made in fr
Regular Dakkanaut

Small models, but lots of Courage and Honour in those pics!
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