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The Infantry Unit that Kroot are Missing.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in ca
Stealthy Kroot Stalker

There are a lot of spaces in which GW could expand on the Kroot range in the future, though even if they do so, I imagine it will only be a few more models over the next many years. Great Knarlocs are the obvious choice to come back as a monstrous vehicle smasher to fill in that missing gap of the army, but Kroot are also missing an elite infantry unit as well as an initiation unit. So, here's my take on what that kind of unit would look like:

Kroot Long Quills
5 Long Quills + 1 Hound Pups: 70pts
10 Long Quills + 2 Hound Pups: 140pts
Led By: Kroot Flesh Shaper, Kroot Trail Shaper, Kroot War Shaper.

Long Quills: M:7" T:3 Sv:6+ W:2 Ld:7+ OC:1
Hound Pups: M:12" T:3 Sv:6+ W:2 Ld:7+ OC:0
Infiltrators, Stealth

Long Quills are equipped with a Twin-Linked Kroot Rifle, Kroot Pistol, and a Close Combat Weapon.
Hound Pups are equiped with Kroot Fangs.
One Long Quill per 5 can exchange their Twin-Linked Kroot Rifle for a Dvorgite Shredder, Londaxi Arbalest, Dart Bow, or a Big Game Rifle.

Big Game Rifle: (Heavy, Precision, Devastating Wounds) R:36" A:1 BS: 4+ S:6 Ap:-2 D:2
Dart Bow: (Anti-Infantry 3+, Assault, Heavy) R:24" A: D3 BS:4+ S:4 AP:0 D:2
Dvorgite Shredder: (Ignores Cover, Torrent, Assault) R:12" A: D6 BS:N/A S:5 AP:-1 D:1
Kroot Pistol: (Pistol) R:12" A:1 BS: 4+ S:4 AP:0 D:1
Londaxi Arbalest: (Anti-Vehicle 4+, Anit-Monster 4+, Devastating Wounds, Heavy) R:18" A:3 BS:5+ S:8 AP:-2 D:2
Twin-Linked Kroot Rifle: (Twin-Linked, Rapid Fire 1) R:24" A:1 BS:4+ S:4 AP:0 D:1

Close Combat Weapon: A:3 WS:3+ S:4 AP:0 D:1
Kroot Fangs: A4 WS:3+ S:2 AP:0 D:1

True Seekers:
When this unit makes an attack against a character unit, this unit's weapons gain the Lethal Hits and Ignores Cover rule.

First to Blood:
When this unit makes an attack against a single unit that is at starting strength, this unit gets +1 to hit and +1 to wound against that unit.

The idea behind this unit is essentially an inverse to the existing Kroot units, one that gains a buff when setting up attacks to enable other units to get the detachment buff when attacking. It's also a way to field some Kroot veterans on the board, giving them the classic +1W +1A that veterans usually get in armies. The idea behind the pups was that these Veterans are also responsible for training the young Kroot Hounds in the field, their expertise giving them more control over the rambunctious young hounds.

I've actually done some conversion work to make a unit like this and it's going to be my next big painting project, so I'm excited to share that when it's done as well.

I'd like to hear what you think though, would you be concerned going up against this. Fellow Kroot players, is this well designed enough to be an interesting addition to the army?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/10/16 20:08:38

Made in us
Humming Great Unclean One of Nurgle

In My Lab

Feels pretty much fine to me.

Clocks for the clockmaker! Cogs for the cog throne! 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Disclaimer: I'm not up on the state of affairs with tau/kroot, so take my feedback with a grain of salt.

At a glance, these guys seem fine. Nothing seems OP. Nothing scary for their points. A kroot alpha strike unit to try and buff your other kroot is a fun idea.

I wrote a way too long post about how this unit's limited number of special weapons means it's good at doing some damage to a unit but bad at actually finishing off those preferred targets before I refreshed myself on how the kroot detachment works and realized that's the whole point. Silly me.

If I were to nitpick a few things:
* I feel weird when necrons and eldar have worse sniper rifles than younger species, but that's a game abstraction I can live with.

* I'm not sure randomizing the number of attacks on the bow really adds anything. You can probably just make it A2 or A3 and be fine. I'd lean towards A3 as this seems to be meant as a marine killer, but its lack of AP means that they're going to ignore 2/3rds of your attacks anyway.

* The pups' attacks seem too weak to really contribute. Even with +1 to-wound, they're doing next to nothing against meq and aren't amazing into geq. So I feel like I'd end up using them as ablative wounds for the other models, but then I'd feel sad and guilty about going out of my way to kill puppies first. :(

. Psychic tests are unfluffy. Your longing for AV is understandable but misguided. Your chapter doesn't need a separate codex. Doctrines should go away. Being a "troop" means nothing. This has been a cranky service announcement. You may now resume your regularly scheduled arguing.
Made in ca
Stealthy Kroot Stalker

 Wyldhunt wrote:

If I were to nitpick a few things:
* I feel weird when necrons and eldar have worse sniper rifles than younger species, but that's a game abstraction I can live with.

* I'm not sure randomizing the number of attacks on the bow really adds anything. You can probably just make it A2 or A3 and be fine. I'd lean towards A3 as this seems to be meant as a marine killer, but its lack of AP means that they're going to ignore 2/3rds of your attacks anyway.

* The pups' attacks seem too weak to really contribute. Even with +1 to-wound, they're doing next to nothing against meq and aren't amazing into geq. So I feel like I'd end up using them as ablative wounds for the other models, but then I'd feel sad and guilty about going out of my way to kill puppies first. :(

Yeah, I'm very much of the mind too that Aeldari should have the best snipers in the game, and they very much do not.

It's because the profile already exists as the Dart Bow portion of the Dart Bow/Tri Blade from the War Shaper model. Yes, it should be A2, but I made it D3 for internal consistency.

Yeah, that's essentially the case. I wanted to make them a similar unit to Farstalkers, but have a bit of difference, so I was trying to figure a way to do a hound thing that was different. I was able to model them easily, so I went that route.

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

You could maybe give them the drone treatment? Don't make them models with an Attacks characteristic. Instead make them a representation of some sort of special rule?

. Psychic tests are unfluffy. Your longing for AV is understandable but misguided. Your chapter doesn't need a separate codex. Doctrines should go away. Being a "troop" means nothing. This has been a cranky service announcement. You may now resume your regularly scheduled arguing.
Made in au
Longtime Dakkanaut

Release the Hounds:
When you use this rule, remove one hound pup model.

An enemy unit that charges a unit with this rule suffers 1D3 mortal wounds before combat begins.

Made in us
Mysterious Techpriest

 Hellebore wrote:
Release the Hounds:
When you use this rule, remove one hound pup model.

An enemy unit that charges a unit with this rule suffers 1D3 mortal wounds before combat begins.

I really like this. But I went to another for more intel.

I talked to one of my foul xeno worshipping friends who plays tau and he recommended that the Hound could be a token that has the ability to grant the snipers "fights first" in a round that they were in cover, or maybe were in cover and remained stationary.

 BorderCountess wrote:
Just because you're doing something right doesn't necessarily mean you know what you're doing...
Warhammer 40k Poetry(Updated Frequently)メカ
SamusDrake wrote:
If unpainted models are good enough for Zeus, then they're good enough for me.
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