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Skaven. Is the double furnace solo screaming bell good again?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Calculating Commissar

pontiac, michigan; usa

So with combined wounds i'm doing double furnace and double grey seer with a chieftain bsb at just about minimum points i can take on all while still having two level 4 grey seers but no priest wizards. I'm also going to throw stormvermin on the furnaces, have minimum amount clanrats and then take some rat ogre support.

So this list is interesting. Plague furnace has a 3" -1 to toughness bubble for enemies surrounding it and plague priest makes it -1 to be hit in combat. Also there's a skaven spell that's a magical vortex that is short ranged but lowers enemy toughness by -1 for anything in 3" of said small template vortex and multiple wizards can substitute for this power. I'm also taking a spell lore for another possible -1 str and -1 toughness hex for enemies and other buffs. So basically enemies could lose 2-3 toughness and be absurdly weak. Imagine ogre sized units or chariots getting down to toughness 2. It's quite absurd.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/10/20 02:00:11

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Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Plague furnace is incredibly strong. Two with spell synergy sounds like it could be amazing. Have you had any success?
Made in us
Calculating Commissar

pontiac, michigan; usa

I wish i got to try out this list but my driver had a funeral to go to and my opponent would've been late. I hate last minute things but a funeral is a funeral. Just wish the driver remembered since he's supposed to know his own schedule and said he'd be free that day only to change last minute.

I'll let you know how this list pans out when i get to play with it. Until then maybe you guys can toy with the idea or make some adjustments.

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