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Adding Ship Battles in a 10th edition campaign  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in it
Fresh-Faced New User


Hello there,
as the title mentions; I am writing some rules to add ship battles in a open map campaign with 7 players. The rules of the ship battles follow the principles of Battleship Gothic Rulebook v1.10 and the overall campaign is based on the Galactic Conquest ruleset (with a few changes specially in the Subsistence phase) while the retribution system is taken from the last Crusade update. Basically the most difficult part for me is to define the rules for post-battle phases like Renown points assignment; ship repairing and upgrades. Is there any group doing some similar campaign? Your advice and experience is really welcome!
Made in ca
Longtime Dakkanaut

Somewhere in Canada

I think this is a very cool idea, and I'd like to follow a project like that and contribute where I can... But that's the issue- I don't know much about some of the existing systems you're using. Also, for clarification:

1/ Battlefleet Gothic rules for the starship battle component of your campaign.

2/ What is Galactic Conquest? It seems to provide the overall campaign structure- I'm assuming it has some mechanics that interact with both fleet and ground battles?

3/ It sounds like you're using 10th edition Warhammer 40,000 Crusade playing ground battles and managing the growth of the ground forces and the narrative context. By most recent update, do you mean that you're using the Pariah Nexus Crusade book?

4/ You mention that it's map-based, but at what scale? With fleet battles, I assume you want a sub-sector, with multiple systems, and multiple planets within each system. Do you also have maps for ground battles, or are they fought for control at the planetary level?

I don't know of any other projects that are seeking to integrate fleet battles into campaigns that also involve 40k ground battles.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/11/11 02:12:12

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

We used to do this in the CA Bay Area back in I think 6th or 7th edition. We integrated BFG, had a sector map and individual planetary-scale maps too.

If you DM me an email address, I can send you a copy of our campaign rules, though they are way more detailed than anyone would really ever want.
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