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Made in pr
Awesome Autarch

Las Vegas, NV

Located in the beautiful Smoky Mountains on the Cherokee Reservation, this event is designed to be the perfect weekend getaway. The vibrant energy of the Harrah’s Cherokee Casino Resort serves as a perfect venue with an abundance of amenities and facilities all on-site.

Come experience the enchanting fan-favorite that is Cherokee Open, where you can have fun, relax, and enjoy this beautiful resort located in the heart of North Carolina.

Tickets: https://store.frontlinegaming.org/collections/cherokee-2025


Debuting FLG’s new 2025 event challenge item at Cherokee Open! EVERY ticket-holder will receive an event-exclusive collectible pin in addition to the specified swag outlined in your chosen events ticket description.

Combat Juice specialty cocktail made exclusively for FLG will be available again in the hall and at most bars around the entire resort! Be sure to check out the schedule for details on this years open play hours, family dinner in the hall, and other fun happenings!

Check out the new events hub for FLG Events! https://events.frontlinegaming.org/

Made in us
Armored Iron Breaker

Charlotte, NC

As a local to the area. Please do your research before making any travel plans, especially physical traveling, but I would also include restaurants, lodging,(if you are not staying at the host hotel) etc. Some roads are still closed from Hurricane Helena and will be for some time. For instance I-40 will be closed for at least one year while they fix it between Asheville and Tennessee.

This is not to say "Don't Go," just check it out so that you know the detours, and won't be unpleasantly surprised when your favorite watering hole is closed.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/12/01 16:31:23

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