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40K Army List Template  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in ca
Fresh-Faced New User

Hey guys, I’m pretty new to the game, and am trying to find a streamlined and efficient way to make my army list and have the data easy to access/read. The Warhammer Plus app seems to have a decent feature for it, but I am not keen on adding another subscription service to my monthly bills. I tried googling images of a template, only one seemed to fit what I am looking for.

Does anyone have a template or an idea for me to make my army list (i prefer having the info on sheets of paper rather than an app).

Thank you!
Made in nl
Sneaky Lictor

A friend of mine has been calling newrecruit.eu the new battlescribe for 40k, might want to give it a shot
Made in ca
Fresh-Faced New User

shortymcnostrill wrote:
A friend of mine has been calling newrecruit.eu the new battlescribe for 40k, might want to give it a shot

Thank you, I will check that out tonight!
Made in ca
Fresh-Faced New User

That newrecruit.eu site is awesome. Very easy to use and well organized information. Thanks again for the tip!
Made in nl
Trigger-Happy Baal Predator Pilot


I always make an exel sheet for the game i am playing.

full compagny of bloodangels, 5000 pnt of epic bloodangels
5000 pnt imperial guard
5000 pnt orks
2500 pnt grey knights
5000 pnt gsc
5000 pnts Chaos legionars
4000 pnt tyranids
4000 pnt Tau
Made in ca
Fresh-Faced New User

 skeleton wrote:
I always make an exel sheet for the game i am playing.

I’m going to try and make my own excel template as well, it will be a fun project for me and get me a bit more used to the program as I haven’t used it since my high school days.
Made in nl
Sneaky Lictor

4TheEmp4R0R wrote:
That newrecruit.eu site is awesome. Very easy to use and well organized information. Thanks again for the tip!

You're welcome, glad you found it useful!
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


New recruit is what I use. Takes some getting used to but works pretty decent. That and it has both heresy and 10th is a nice bonus although the Heresy stuff is a bit wonky here and there since its a more granular game than 40k.

If you dont short hand your list, Im not reading it.
Example: Assault Intercessors- x5 -Thunder hammer and plasma pistol on sgt.
or Assault Terminators 3xTH/SS, 2xLCs 
Made in us
Novice Knight Errant Pilot

Ice Station Zebra

Wow this is much better than my usual pen, paper, and calculator.

Times Mad Doc Grotsnik has made British Pop Culture references I've had to look up: 05
SamusDrake wrote:
If unpainted models are good enough for Zeus, then they're good enou)gh for me.
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