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![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/11/18 11:24:45
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Dakka Veteran
[Just getting the in character thread started. Good time to introduce your characters and discuss your plans. No rush here. I'm not going to move forward until all characters are ready. Also hoping to get some new folks to join!]
Chapter 1: The Safehouse
Hive Gallows, Reach of St. Boniface: Level 34
Some years after Governor Loisy's Rescue...
The street of this corner of the hive was crowded. Pilgrims and other pedestrians pressed in close to each other while merchants in tattered clothing hwaked their wares loudly. Like much of the hive, the adjacent buildings appeared to be fashioned from stone and adorned the gothic architecture of many Imperial worlds, coupled with the tell tale signs of arcane technology like neon signs and flying sevo skulls. Like many days, it was overcast, cold and raining. Regardless of the weather, pedestrians kept their hoods over their heads and their faces down, lest they draw the attention of the PDF Soldiers or servo surveillance drones, ever watchful for any sign of deviance...
Even though level 34 was part of the middle upper hive, it was easiest to see that the hive had seen better days. If the rumors were true, trade had dried up the last few years while military tithes remained sky high.
Up ahead a ragged street preacher can be heard shouting from atop a crate some of his shouting can be heard as you pass him by.
"The great beast, Leviathon, the great devourer of worlds has cast its shadow across all the sector. Repent of your sins and pray that you be deemed worthy to join the Holy Crusade. Join the righteous Primarch Guillemon. Drive the unclean xenos back into the void!"
Despite his rantings, what the preacher said was likely true. Rumors were running rampant that Hive Fleet Leviathon was pushing across the segmentum, leaving thousands of worlds cold and lifeless. This world was currently in the process of mustering the full might of a fleet of warships, and several regiments of Astra Militarum soldiers to join in the counter attack. If the rumors were true, in less than a weeks time, all of these mightly ships and regiments would depart from this world, leaving it depleted of resources and nearly defenseless.
And in the wake of their departure... chaos would follow.
Which is exactly why you were recruited by Inquisitor Erikson of the Ordo Xenos. You were going to prevent that dark fate from happening.
You duck down a narrow dark ally and find a simple metal door. You knock three times and a servo skull embedded in the wall scans your iris. Satisfied that you are who you are suppsoed to be, the door unlocks, and you enter the safehouse.
The safehouse was no larger than a two bedroom apartment. It indeed had two simple bedrooms, electricity, running water, and a simple kitchen.
In the middle of the common area stood a simple cogitation terminal. This was your only means to communicate with the Inquisition. When you access it, you would receive the following message.
Operation CONTINUITY is a go.
All agents, report to the countryside manor of the noblemen Strausberg in 48 standard hours time. Assist the noble with obtaining his political objectives. Your cover is that you are a mercenary or disaffected patriot. Strausberg CAN NOT know that the Inquisition is assisting him. Officially, the Inquisition is NOT operating on this world. Should the operation fail, memory purges of all agents will ensure all traces of the Ordos involvement is purged.
Getting to the manor would be no simple task. The journey would be about a week on foot, or several hours by ground car or train. The two latter options would mean circumventing tremendous security measures...and not all the local security forces could be trusted.
Going by foot would give you the option to leave the Hive via the sewer system, but that would present its own dangers. Though much diminished from years past, cult activity was still very much present beneath the bustling streets of the hive. Once outside the hive you would still need to secure a ground car or reach a train station to reach the manor in time though. Security outside the hive would not be as intense.
This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2024/11/18 11:30:22
"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/11/18 14:30:34
Subject: Re:Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Boom! Leman Russ Commander
The first to arrive at the location is an old veteran of an off-world Astra Militarum regiment, huddling into a red and blue colored cape to keep warm. He had arrived on planet on a troop ship transporting the usual rabble of officers, overseers and specialists as well as rerouted bobs and bits of other regiments that find their way to the largest staging ground of a combat zone sooner or later to try and get ordered into an at least basically functioning amalgation of a working army - usually an futile attempt. While he did get along splendidly on the ship, finding lots of friends to spend his time with, none of the the basic troopers actually got to know which unit he was from - not an uncommon thing on a troop carrier transporting tens of thousands. The hand full of officers who did enquire and showed a certain tenacity at it only found an entry denoting him as "detailed to special operations" and knew better then to further question it.
On world he didn't have much trouble blending into the chaos and disappearing, taking his time to make sure he had nobody following him before making his way towards the meeting point. After scouting it out for an hour - you did not live to reach his age if you weren't careful - he goes to the door, needing a moment to figure out the iris scanner and enter.
Inside he first takes a look around, noticing that he seems to be the first to arrive and sets up a kettle to brew some tea, the fresh aroma of some spicy leafs filling the room soon enough, while he waits for his would be compatriots to arive.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/11/18 14:30:44
~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
845 |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/11/18 14:58:05
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Battlefield Tourist
MN (Currently in WY)
"H" knew the routines of subterfuge like a baby knows his way to mother's milk. From the marketplace, he cased the place out for a hours as he mingled with the throng of people. He matched them by wearing his cloak hod high and deep, collar pulled up tight against the drizzle.
He bought some Starfruit and nibbled at it as he scouted the area. He had enjoyed playing the role of customer as he barked back and forth with the merchant, driving a deal he did not care about.
After watching an obvious off-worlder enter the compound H waited several beats, and then followed. No need to startle the man and take a face full of las. He leaned casually next to the entryway for a moment, enjoying the tangy taste of the fruit, and triple checking his route. No tails. He stepped into the building as a big crowd of teens stumbled by making a scene of themselves.
He scanned his iris at the scanner for entry. He wrinkled his nose at the device. Such informal ways of recognition were second-hand at best. However, his employers were working at a great distance, and familiarity was not their calling card.
He entered the room and quickly scanned it. The scent of tea leaves greeted him, and he took note of it. The off-worlder he had seen was all ready there.
H took measure of the man, and decided to forward with him. He made the sign of the Aquila and nodded.
"The Emperor be with you. My name is..... Harlowe. There was a brief pause as H settled on his name. He took in the smell of the tea leaves, knowing this man would reek of them. A good way to know him in the future.
Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing: |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/11/19 06:32:19
Subject: Re:Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Boom! Leman Russ Commander
The veteran returns the sign of the Aquila with a friendly smile "May the Skyfather protect you... You can call me Tambo." He was sitting in front of a partly dissembled long las, being in the process of meticulously cleaning, checking and ajusting its parts, as it was common for snipers. The model fitted it's user, a standard guard issue, Gryphonne pattern, so a bit on the older side as those weren't produced for the last 20 somewhat years. But lovingly taken care of, so it would do. While harlow took his measure of him, Tambo did the same.
There was no denying that the body of the veteran himself was past his prime, his statue lean and sinewy, but the fact that he had reached into his 60s in his occupation implied that he knew his trade well. And in a sense he might synergize well with H, both being sneaky types, the one adept at disappearing in crowds, the other in the wilderness.
With a gesture he invites "Harlowe" to a cup of tea and fixes him a mug from the kettle. After the newcomer had his time with the cogitator her starts "Going by train sounds like a sound and fast approach, as long as we can hope to not already be looked for. Do you have any idea if this Strausberg is already being watched by the higher ups? Or can you find that out?" he asks, falling into a tone you would expect of craftsmen chatting about which type of piping to use for a plumbing project.
Taking a sip of the fragrent brew he continues "I would trust myself to lead us through the land if needs be, but I would prefer to not waste a week just to approach a contact that we could use far better to set up on our final target."
Tambo definitly WAS interested to get to know his opposite better, also personally, but given that this task has been assigned from one of the ordos, he knew better then to ask too many questions before knowing if the other had a rather... final approach on keeping secrets.
~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
845 |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/11/19 16:52:15
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Battlefield Tourist
MN (Currently in WY)
"Patience was one of the Emperor's Graces.
Perhaps, we need to see who else our employer has assigned to this task before we get too far ahead. They may have a skillset or resources that would point to a clear path."
H gladly took the tea and sipped it gingerly. Bitter with an earthy flavor, served warm to bring life to weary limbs. He did not think it was a native brew, as he had not tasted its like in the spires and Guild halls. He savored it as he drank, the little pleasures.
Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing: |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/11/20 02:53:25
Subject: Re:Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Dakka Veteran
As a local Harlowe would know a bit of the local power structure.
Governor Loisy and the Cardinal are still the most powerful men on the planet, controlling the local PDF and the Church (with a sizable military force of its own) respectively. The two men had been feuding bitterly for the last few years but had kept it quiet for the most part.
However both men had become increasingly paranoid of each other and the terroristic cults that continued to plague the planet. As a result, you could reasonably and safely assume that the Governor and Cardinal have a vast network of spies and surveillance.
Strausberg on the other hand was a young and up and comer. A minor noble with a knack for creating wealth from the interstellar grox herding trade, a small miracle in and of itself when so many of this world's neighbors had "gone dark" after Hive Fleet Leviathon showed up. But Strausberg wasn't making any big political moves to upstage the powers that least that was known publicly.
"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/11/20 15:04:45
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Battlefield Tourist
MN (Currently in WY)
H relayed the information he knew to the off-worlder. Chances are Tambo had only read the file. H had lived it.
It was likely that H had worked with Strausberg or his organization in the past, but he could not put his finger on it. Of course, his work would have been indirect; likely through some ciphers and cut-outs. His mind swirled as he tried to recall the details, and he latched onto the idea that the nobleman Strausberg was a Grox rancher with contacts off-world.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/11/20 15:04:57
Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing: |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/11/20 19:35:38
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Boom! Leman Russ Commander
Hervé Lachanal was painfully moving his carcass through the hive's streets. he needed no hiding whatsoever - he was one of Loisy's foremost intendants, and would regularly be seen, walking painfully, through the streets amongst the merchants, nbuying whatever food, or most importantly, working material the Colonel and Governor would require of him.
Hervé was not a pureblood kallenese - that is, he was naturally of kallenese descent, but he was of a latter generation of settlers, and thus quite young still -only 34. But he had been crippled quite early on in his career, in fact, no he had been crippled police operation in the sector, as part of a Saint Bonifatius Sabotage Regiment. Since the warzone was nearby, and he was definitly too crippled to fight on, he was sent back to his home. There, he was charged with serving the Governor himself because of his remarkable valour and unquestionnable loyalty thus far...
Except... Said loyalty had been far from unquestionned. When the Chaos invasion was repelled, and Loisy's room sank into the dark of the underhive, he was their, and was retrieved from the rubbles, badly burned. Second injury, after that damn leg that this stupid pirate smashed...
He had seen the colonel for so long, admired and loved him as a fatherly figure. But since he had been returned, things were different. He was not the same man he knew. He had lost part of his humanity, it seemed. All because of that cursed implant, better he never got that! How did he know? He knew, he simply was thta close. But it was no longer the colonel he respected and loved. It had become a monster of calculus and statistics, throwing carelessly soldiers, farmers and workers into the fray to pay sky high tiths regardless of the cost. The vision he had had for this world was beginning to twist into a hellish place about stats rather than human courage and dedication. Hervé felt that, to let Loisy's vision come to pass, Loisy himslef had to be taken out... But the Cardinal was a worst choice even. He loathed that man, he did...
Herve stopped for a second to make up the price of a set of pencils he pretended to need for the governor's office. Then he turned tail and went further along the streets to a small metal door, with iris recognition - exactly where Strausberg had said a friend had a small apartment. He leand a bit towards the door, ever so discretly, and listened. Sounds like there was somebaody inside muttering. Two, three maybe? Whatever. He groaned, unbuckled his laspistol holster, and painfully lept forward into the room.
"Gentlemen. Adjudant-chef Lachanal, a pleasure to meet you."
(I'll let you react to my entry first as the text is a bit long, i've caugth up on motivation and the like in one go)
40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.
"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/11/20 22:01:43
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Battlefield Tourist
MN (Currently in WY)
H raised his eyebrow at the sudden appearance of the Kallanese soldier. He quickly noted that the las-pistol holster was unlatched.
H snapped a quick salute, "Greetings Adjunct-Chef Lachanal. I am Hawk,,,,er,,,, known as Harlow. This is our associate Tambo," he gave a smooth and fluid gesture to the man who smelled like Tea leaves.
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![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/11/21 07:31:57
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Boom! Leman Russ Commander
Lachanal gave a quick look to both. He immediatly recognised Tambo as a guardsman, and this made him somewhat already more comfortable. However, regarding that man who was adressing him right now... Something about him was strange. At least, he was fully certain that he never ever saw him around here or in the higher spheres. Whoever they were, rule number one applied here as well: look confident and show you're not impressed. Which he was, a little bit. After all, who could say what kind of maniacs Strausberg could have hired himself with all of his grox mongering trades and dark market... "I mean no insult, but I will sit on this couch, if I may. These bionics help a lot compensate for that war injury, but they do hurt in return." His strong accent gave him away as an ethnic kallenese no doubt.
He made it proudly across the room, displaying his injuries and his bulky stature and let himself look nonchalent. These were skills he had been learning in dealing with higher ups of all organisations on the world for years at this point. While he took his seat, he carefully read the faces of his counter parts, trying to find anything of value. A twitch of nervosity, maybe. Or a mocking grin. But he found nothing. Too early to say, he thought, but maybe Strausberg did find some truly stealthy people... "May I enquire where the both of you originate from"?
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/11/21 07:38:42
40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.
"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/11/21 08:48:42
Subject: Re:Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Boom! Leman Russ Commander
Tambo had nodded to Harlowes comment that further accomplices might bring in skills and ressources that made their way towards Strausberg easier, when both of them were interrupted.
As the newcomer had entered rather rapidly, Tambo (who was sitting sipping tea and cleaning his longlas) instinctively crouched down a little, ready to duck into cover and his hand was at his own laspistol in the fraction of a second. He might be a bit on the older side, but his reflexes were still on top of things as it looked. As the veteran introduced himself, he relaxed somewhat, filling another mug of tea and offering it to him. "May Skyfather smile upon you, Lachanal." he greets with his hands crossed accross the chest in some kind of traditional gesture. "My name is Tambo, born and raised on Thoth, but that was... quite a while ago." his look scans across Lachanals injuries and augmetics - as far as he can see them - trying to get a measure of his abilities. The other way around it is easy to see that Tambo is not a young man anymore, but still fit in a sinewy kind of way.
Looking between his two compatriots he mentiones "We were just starting to talk about how to best approach our next destination. I'm quite familiar with traversing the wilderness and optimistic that my skills won't let me down in this environment, but I am weary of the time it would take to get there on foot. Do you have contacts or means to get us there faster without raising attention? Maybe some freight train or a good persona to just take the local commute?"
~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
845 |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/11/21 16:03:35
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Battlefield Tourist
MN (Currently in WY)
H heard the Kallanese officers question about origin and opted to ignore it. Technically, the less they knew about each other the better, that is what he told himself. However, if he looked deeper the answer was simpler, he was not sure.
Now, Tambo's question was worth his time. He figured he could acquire the proper identity papers, disguise himself appropriately, and get there by train undetected. However, that might take as long as moving through the wilderness or sewers. He was hoping the old soldier could make all of their lives easier.
Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing: |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/11/21 17:48:10
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Boom! Leman Russ Commander
Lachanal smiled and slightly chuckled. "You know, I have access to whereever I please on that world... And I doubt anyone will question me. I 'm..." he paused, not willing to say who he truly worked for exactly"... a logistical NCO. I need grox meat. I'm entitled to requisition any citizen I want. There you go, by the train, to our good friend Strausberg... You'll just have to dress as workers and behave."
Of course he could unlock all he wanted. he was entitled by none other than the governor himself after all, and did enjoy free roam all across the world. He was besides pretty sure that the inquisition had contacted him exactly because of this. however, how they came to know of his deepest thoughts about his beloved colonel was a concerning mystery to him...
He stood, painfully as ever, and asked tambo for some tea as well.
40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.
"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/11/21 18:34:13
Subject: Re:Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Yellin' Yoof
Rain pouring down. Again. This forsaken planet had nothing to offer outside the coziness of Parsen's luxurious penthouse. His goons were used to this environment, but even when accompanied, danger was lurking at every corner. Every shadow, another pit of darkness bound to swallow you the very moment you lose focus. "Almost 'ere boss. Imma drop ya next corna, ye? the driver shouted to cover the sound of the rain -Good. Wait for me here, I'll be back in an hour. If not, get back to base or something. I don't care, Parsen replied coldly." Parsen stepped out of the old smoking, battered car, barely shutting the door and walking away. He knew his goons would come back to try and uncover the mystery that their boss attended. But he knew how to cover his rear: of course he wouldn't come back. And of course, he did not want to arrive directly at the location. One hand clinging firmly on Mirage, the other grabbing the half consumed cheap cigar, he advanced through these abandoned, dark and cold alley. The air was reeking of foul drugs, and gangsters could come flying from any corner. After a solid five minutes of paranoid walk through this abandoned alley, a falling dumpster was heard coming from the right corner. A drunk, drugs-ravaged, stinking and emaciated man staggered in his general direction. He stopped, raised his head and started insulting Parsen. "The feth you lookin' at you son of a Ratlin'? Get fething lost!" The angered man approaches Parsen, and clumsily grabs him by the collar. Unimpressed, the old man take his cigar and sticks it in the ravaged man's face. Under shock, he shouts and stumbles backwards, his face in his hands. Before he could take his hands off and look around, Mirage sings loudly in the dark of the night, echoes of the blast running across the streets. The disfigured victim falls straight to the ground, bathing in its own blood. "For feths' sake, I didn't expect to have to use it this soon... Tch, I better hurry before I'm discovered." Throwing his cigar away and hiding Mirage again, Parsen presses on. A few hundred meters later, he arrives at yet another dark alley, where he was supposed to arrive in the first place. He stands in front of the scanner, and a red light shines for a quick second. "You are not allowed in this room. Please go away.", says a synthetic voice. "Machine "Spirit" my ass, why are you not working, you piece of junk?!" Smashing the scanner and showing his eye again, a green light finally flickers, and the door unlocks. Mumbling to himself, Parsen lights another cigar, then opens the small rusty metal door to enter the room. Expecting to be the first one and seeing three people already in the room makes him freeze in place. He once again hold Mirage tightly under his raincoat, and takes a deep, fakely warming voice: "Gentlemen... Why don't you introduce yourselves and tell me what you're doing here?", he says, fingers still on his favorite shotgun.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/11/21 22:58:19
40k: Orkz, CSM, Nurgle Daemons, Tau
Bolt Action: M O T H E R L A N D
Video games: basically everything |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/11/22 12:23:10
Subject: Re:Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Boom! Leman Russ Commander
Tambo hands Lachanal his mug of tea as another person appears. This one does leave kind of a bad feeling in his stomach, but while he usually trusts his instincts on that, he also relies on the Inquisition having made serious precaucions regarding who can and who cannot enter this safehouse. So for now, he replies in a similarly friendly (and maybe less faked friendly) voice "I'm Tambo and I'm... taking my assigned rifle, as every loyal soldier of the Skyfather should. Drinking a cup of tea with some associates. And what about you, good sir?"
He already assumes that "Harlowe" gave him a wrong name, but that doesn't matter that much to him. If he gave his true or a false first name seems kind of pointless. Either he can vanish in between the millions of people around here or someone was so close on his track, that the correct name wouldn't change that much. Besides, "soldier Tambo from off world, being sent here, waiting for orders and not questioning things" is always a good cover story.
~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
845 |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/11/22 16:11:56
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Battlefield Tourist
MN (Currently in WY)
H gave the smallest head nod of acknowledgement. He had worked with the newcomers type before, so many times before. However, he looked a little old in the tooth to be in that line-of-work still, he must have climbed the ranks a bit.
H puffed his chest out a bit and stood straight, his tone of voice taking on a deeper tone. "Maybe we should be the ones asking the question around here? You get me?" H was confident that the newcomer would respond better to aggressive posturing, the man was measuring out who he was dealing with; and who he could assert authority over.
H made note of the smell of the man's cigars. Those were the details that you had to keep straight in your head. It could tell you who was who, and who was not as they appeared.
Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing: |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/11/22 19:17:00
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Boom! Leman Russ Commander
Lachanal just gripped on his cup of tea and thanked his fellow soldier, when the door slammed open, and a grizzly man in a trenchcoat appeared, visibly holding to something under his coat. Lachanal, before rising up to his feet, making sure to keep a hand on his pocket for good measure and near his lasgun looked at him carefully, eyebrow raised.
He could swear he knew that guy, unlike the two other members of the now quartet in the room. He couldn't seem to fish out his name from the back of his memory, but he could swear he had struck commercial deals with him prior... anyhow, he knew half the merchants on Saint Bonifatius' Reach, if indeed not even more.
Before anything, Lachanal wanted to make sure that he was indeed a merchant, though, and asked the newcomer "Greetings, Adjudant-chef Lachanal, logisitcal NCO, who have I got the pleasure to meet?". And, a hand still in his pocket, sipped some tea in a relaxed gesture.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/11/22 19:17:34
40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.
"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/11/22 20:32:20
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Yellin' Yoof
The tension in the room falls as Parsen scans it. Everyone seemed to feel comfortable, or at least faked it. As to not sour the mood, the old man bursts into laughter and approaches Harlowe hand out.
"I see you fine people really mean business! Don't go playing the tough guy if you can't back it up though. Still strange none of you know me. You must not be from around here aren't y'all?"
The "Skyfather"? What is this bs, he thinks as he shakes everyone's hands.
"There is not need to deny who I am. I am... how do I put it... either the "bad guy" people in the streets talk about, the "bastard who built this gak hellscape we call a city", or "the boss who gives meh sumthin' ta eat'", he said in a strong accent depicting the poor classes living in the wretched street.
"The manufactorums? Basically mine. I got connections everywhere, and my face is even more present on posters. The name's Parsen, I hope our collaboration ends quickly, and good."
Drying his hat and hanging it on a coat hanger, Parsen makes his way to the screen on which the indications were written.
"Strausberg?!", he said, hiding his surprise. "The manor is close from here in train. I'm pretty sure I could get guys to hijack one if we need it. I can't really afford being seen in public. Pretty sure one of my haters is just waiting to slit my throat open the moment they see me, he chuckled."
"I'll get there through a driver. If you need it, I'll find someone to drive you there too."
Parsen's plan was simple: gain everyone's trust to ensure they would be more willing to help him in the future. Straight out lying would be useless: due to his fame, they would sooner or later learn the truth. And from his experience, you better get rid of anyone who felt betrayed before they had a chance to retaliate. Eliminating the Inquisition's agents however, would be his inevitable downfall. Better work together than against each other.
40k: Orkz, CSM, Nurgle Daemons, Tau
Bolt Action: M O T H E R L A N D
Video games: basically everything |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/11/22 21:08:19
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Boom! Leman Russ Commander
Lachanal faked to think nothin gof it all. Of course the manufactorum and such where not his, Lachanal was after all high enough to know who owned what, and what's more, he was more often than not the one to go out and make the deals for Loisy. But it was no use speaking up against his exagerations right here and there.
He sipped again, and said, with his clear cut kallenese accent, not very resemblant to what Parsen tried to fake.
"We can easily go by train, Parsen. I'm entitled to take with me whoever I fancy, as a logistical NCO. With a tycoon of your greatness aboard, easy to play the "this is a business trip" card. You maybe already had business with Strausberg, don't you?"
Lachanal, having never actually dealt with Parsen -although maybe with some associate at some point- didn't know of his past felonies and how he was pointed at by the ecclesiarchy as a public sinner. Indeed, St Bonifatius society was not quite a porous one, and contacts between various casts of the world's populace would not be plenty, if only because of the now regimented, guard heavy nature of the worlds and its institutions. Not to mention that Parsen, not being kallenese under Loisy's government, was not quite put forward.
This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2024/11/22 21:09:44
40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.
"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/11/23 02:11:33
Subject: Re:Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Dakka Veteran
[You all can keep talking but when you are ready to move forward here is the next scene]
Train Station: Hive Gallows, Level 34
The nearest train station was only about two miles from the safehouse. It wasn't so much a building as it was a simple rockcrete platform which stood adjacent to a rail line. A light passenger train was parked there, awaiting to be boarded. However before you could even get to the platform you run into a massive queue of people lined up around the nearest street.
A nearby loudspeaker repeatedly announced instructions in the voice of the Governor:
"This is your Governor: All citizens must submit themselves for mandatory security screening prior to boarding. Submit yourselves to the Emperor's judgment."
It's hard to see how many soldiers are manning the check point up ahead as it is quite far away, but you make out at least two PDF Troopers and a tech adept standing around a large scanning machine.
Alongside the line, you see a Ministorum Priest chanting and spreading incense through the air with one hand and holding onto a large collection basket with his other hand.
"Donations, donations. In the Emperor's name, Donate to the cause of security. Donate to the cause of charity."
Up ahead, you keenly notice that someone ahead of you, a well off young woman in a flowing scarlet red robe make a large donation in the form of local currency. When she stepped up to the detection machine, the machine announced "Subject clean" after scanning the woman's eyes with a focused laser like beam.
Next up, a well dressed older man dressed in the attire of the merchant's guild and carrying a large briefcase stepped up to the machine and submitted to a scan of his eye. The machine let out an irritated growl. "Mutation Detected," it growled. Immediately soldiers ushered him off to a screened off area away from the security sight. A few minutes later, the man was escorted from the screening area and boarded the train...this time without his briefcase.
The man had notably...not made a donation.
Looking around, you also see a brick wall which could give you the perfect opportunity to sneak onto the train undetected.
Options: (You can act as individuals or collaborate on a single approach here)
Make a large donation. (Each character donating loses 1 wealth. Keep in mind you only start with 1 wealth so not easy to make that up though you are going to visit a rich noble so making some money is definitely a possibility)
Try to talk your way through the checkpoint. Any social roll (persuasion, intimidation, subterfuge could all work, will be Difficulty 3 for any character without the scum keyword in their character sheet. Difficulty 5 for any character with the scum keyword.
Do things stealthy: Strength + athletics DN 2 to climb the wall, then stealth + agility DN 3 to board the train without being noticed. [I'll do the rolls unless you want to roll, just need to know the choice]
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/11/23 02:12:52
"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/11/23 19:43:30
Subject: Re:Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Boom! Leman Russ Commander
at the safehouse
Tambo seems rather uninvolved in the exchange of the other three and only mentions "I think we are all clear on what kind of service our employer expects from me, so I trust you figure something out. When in doubt, I will just pose as simple soldier following orders to go somewhere without questioning it. My garments, accent and playing a bit dumb usually helps too. And the Longlas is easier to explain than to hide. But I could use a good reason why and from whom I was ordered to take that train or car, maybe you can help me out there, Lachanal?"
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/11/23 19:43:59
~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
845 |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/11/24 18:20:06
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Boom! Leman Russ Commander
Lachanal sipped one last time and put his mug onto the couch, and shoved his now free hand in his other pocket. He felt that, as Tambo asked, all eyes more or less fell on him -or maybe not, he wasn't sure about Parsen who seemed not too interested in actually boarding the train.
"Well, in fact, I can. As I said, this is all a business trip we take on behalf of the PDF logistics, and i'm entitled to submit anyone into my service as helpers or retailers. I mean, there's a procedure and all that, but in fact, Iv'e got so much leeway in my position that I am virtually free to enroll anyone I see fit. Just remember, Tambo, that you are my attaché from the off worlders. Since any complaints will likely land into the inquisition's mailbix anyhow, that shouldn't be a problem. Harlowe, if they ask, you or a humble worker I took along to help, Parsen, you are with me as a negotiator. Sounds right to all of you?"
For now, that means Lachanal would likely take the lead. All he needed was to craft some temporary ID or mission orders, and get rolling... He kept silent, waiting for the others to comment and agree on this proposal. He couldn't quite yet tell their natures right now, although it was clear that Harlowe was trying to look other than who he was. And, probably, that Parsen was... unsettling.
40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.
"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/11/25 16:19:24
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Battlefield Tourist
MN (Currently in WY)
H thought..... a humble worker. He rubbed his hands along his pants, and realized they were far too smooth for a humble worker. He would need to spend some time roughing them up before the trip. His current attire was also not appropriate, so he would change into something more suitable for his role.
He humbly travelled along with the group, assume his new role as a servile worker for the Lachanal. At the station, he humbly carried all the baggage, observing how the other servants managed the task.
H watched and listened to see how the others wanted to handle the checkpoint. He was certain he could finesse his way if needed, but it would do no good to get onto the train alone.
He kept his hood up, his eyes down, and his other senses open. It was not his place to speak to his "master" out of turn.
Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing: |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/11/25 17:44:50
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Yellin' Yoof
As much as Parsen hated having to rely on someone else to execute a plan, sticking together was most likely the most intelligent course of action. "Very well, Lachanal. Let's call this a "business trip", then. Doesn't require me to change attire, and even allows me to smoke good cigars", he chuckled. "Give me one second, though." Pulling out a walkie-talkie, Parsen heads out of the safehouse and calls one of his subordinates. "Markov?...", he asks in the device as a light sound is heard and a red light turns on. "Markov, you hear me?, he says while muffling iimpatience. Good. you're in charge until further notice. I trust you'll do as good of a job as the other times", he says in the machine. "Over." He then steps back in the safehouse, and suggests to leave. "Gentlemen, I believe it is due time to leave. Lachanal, you lead the way."
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/11/25 17:46:01
40k: Orkz, CSM, Nurgle Daemons, Tau
Bolt Action: M O T H E R L A N D
Video games: basically everything |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/11/26 02:40:52
Subject: Re:Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Dakka Veteran
The Train Station [See earlier post for the description of the scene]
As you approach the train station and the long queue, a PDF Trooper motions for you all to skip the queue and come to the check point immediately.
An exhausted looking older man with wrinkled skin and a wicked scar down his cheek inspects the paperwork Lachenal submits. "I see..and you have papers for the rest as well." He eyes the rest of the motley crew suspiciously, then turns back to the papers.
After a moment he returns them to Lachenal. "Alright then, go ahead. Have a good trip sir." He snaps a salute and turns back to the checkpoint and the crowd.
Just then you hear an elderly hunchbacked crone (very old female) call out from the crowd. "If you're an officer, then why don't you do something to help the people? These so called PDF soldiers are robbing us blind just to get a ride on the train. In the name of the Emperor do something!"
Murmurs of discontent start to echo throughout the crowd. The sergeant bellows out. "Shut up yah blasted crone. Get back in line!"
Out of the corner of his eye, Tambo catches a glimpse of movement on one of the rooftops overlooking the station. Just a blur of movement though.
The train is ready for you to's up to you to decide whether to get involved further.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/11/26 02:41:58
"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/11/26 06:49:18
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Boom! Leman Russ Commander
Lachanal saluted back at the sergeant, and gestured to the crew to get aboard. Now was not the time to get stuck in any argument that put them at risk of losing their cover, besides, the train station was a chaotic and noisy place and it was absolutely possible that they didn't hear anything. As painfully as ever, and asking a bit of help from Parsen who was the last one not occupied to either watch out nor carry luggage, Lachanal boarded the train,.further pretending not to ear anything to to him and his colleagues being extremely busy right now...
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/11/26 06:49:50
40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.
"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/11/26 09:47:39
Subject: Re:Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Boom! Leman Russ Commander
Tambo had fallen into the good old "I'm a soldier, I'm here to obey, not to think" routine, mixed with a sprinkle of puzzled "no habla gothico!" attitude when someone talks to him paired with lots of smiling, nodding and pointing to his superior officer. Usually that worked quite well for him. When he notices something out of the corner of his eye though, old instincts let him look over, and fumble for a spare monocular he keeps in his breast pocket, putting it up as if to look through if it is clean or in need of some care, trying to make out what was moving up there.
~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
845 |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/11/26 11:26:37
Subject: Re:Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Dakka Veteran
After a few moments of intense focus, Tambo sees some movement from a window on the upper level of the building he was observing.
He sees the barrel of a scoped rifle start to jut out from the window.
Behind the rifle, the sniper quickly tries to re-acquire his target...however Lachanal had acted too quickly in boarding the train and as a result, she couldn't get the officer in her sights.
The sniper lingered a little longer, looking for another target of opportunity.
Meanwhile, the PDF soldiers were completely pre-occupied with dealing with the restless crowd, some of whom were trying to surge past the check point to board the train.
"Back...back you maggots. Anyone that hasn't cleared the checkpoint will have to wait for the next train. back!" The PDF Sergeant yelled out.
"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/11/26 13:30:50
Subject: Re:Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Boom! Leman Russ Commander
Tambos instinct urge him to shout a warning to the PDF soldiers abd civilians and try to find a spot to countersnipe, but he realises how much attention that would draw to him. Considering the fallout of falling out of favor with their illustrous employer he opts instead to take care to be out of line of sight as soon as possible and ushers anyone else of their little team to do the same. "Into the train... NOW!" With an urgent look on his face
Inside he takes care that his companions don't seat themselves near windows towards the shooter and wispers to Lachanal "sniper in the building over there... was aiming for you, but quick enough to change targets..."
Anticipating that the shooting would go down soon and that he as a security attachee to Lachanal would be expected to fight, he hurries over to the far end of their cart, looking for a way to drop down in between carts to find a spot to countersnipe
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/11/26 14:01:06
~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
845 |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/11/26 14:39:44
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Boom! Leman Russ Commander
"You say what?" Asked Lachanal in a voice way more surprised filled than he would have liked. He was not longer used to having folks try to take his head... And also, it was deeply concerning that anyone would consider it. Unless his true allegeance had been brought to light, he could not fathom how anyone could want his head... But maybe it was more widespread knowledge than he believed, after, the inquisition knew. After all, he did open to a very few sympathisers - those few in the ecclesiarchy than were against the Cardinal as much as Loisy and pledged themselves to whoever would be poised to replace them. Could he have trusted unwisely? Anyhow, he would not let this show through and immediately assumed commande of sorts.
"Bathazar, he called, looking at Harlowe, according to his new ID, would you come with me and help me walk, I'd like to have a word with the train officer?"
He needed to have a random talk to reassure himself the mission was not in danger from the get go.
"Parsen... I suppose you'll happily stay here? You may wander off in the train I mean, after all, there's only so much room in a train and we will easily find you if need be... See if anything funny or INTERESTING catches your playful mind..."... As in, look around whether no one looks suspicious. You look dishonest enough yourself to find someone with suspicious intents...
40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.
"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably. |