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What are your favorite card games to play in social settings with casual players?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Looking for board games or card games to play with family and friends who aren't super into boardgames.
I have been playing a lot of games like Spicy, Skull, and Sushi Go.

Please share your suggestions.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/11/30 21:53:27

Made in us
Brigadier General


Games we're bring out for non gamers:
Forbidden Island
Ticket to ride
Code Names
Star Trek 5 year Mission

Chicago Skirmish Wargames club. Join us for some friendly, casual gaming in the Windy City.

My Project Log, mostly revolving around custom "Toybashed" terrain.

Visit the Chicago Valley Railroad!
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Whatever this is called where you live:

Made in us
Mysterious Techpriest

For all that is holy, do NOT play Cards Against Humanity with your family.... unless you want to be excused from any future gatherings... then go ahead.

But like the old man telling the teenagers about the great evil at the haunted camp... you've been warned.

 BorderCountess wrote:
Just because you're doing something right doesn't necessarily mean you know what you're doing...
Warhammer 40k Poetry(Updated Frequently)メカ
SamusDrake wrote:
If unpainted models are good enough for Zeus, then they're good enough for me.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

 Lathe Biosas wrote:
For all that is holy, do NOT play Cards Against Humanity with your family.... unless you want to be excused from any future gatherings... then go ahead.

But like the old man telling the teenagers about the great evil at the haunted camp... you've been warned.

I don't understand. What could possibly go wrong?
Made in us
Mysterious Techpriest

tipsygeeks wrote:
 Lathe Biosas wrote:
For all that is holy, do NOT play Cards Against Humanity with your family.... unless you want to be excused from any future gatherings... then go ahead.

But like the old man telling the teenagers about the great evil at the haunted camp... you've been warned.

I don't understand. What could possibly go wrong?

This is why we need a sarcasm emoji. I sometimes can't tell. But if your honest, read the game by yourself, and try to imagine reading the prompts in front of your Mom.

 BorderCountess wrote:
Just because you're doing something right doesn't necessarily mean you know what you're doing...
Warhammer 40k Poetry(Updated Frequently)メカ
SamusDrake wrote:
If unpainted models are good enough for Zeus, then they're good enough for me.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Central Valley, California

We like Tsuro, the game of the path. Easy to bring and set up, accommodates numerous players, fast to teach and always a good time. On a very different note, I played Wits & Wagers a while ago at a Library game night and it was an absolute blast.

~ Shrap

Rolling 1's for five decades.
AoS * Konflikt '47 * Conquest Last Argument of Kings * Team Yankee * Horus Heresy * The Old World * Armoured Clash 
Made in eu
Frenzied Berserker Terminator

Southampton, UK

 Lathe Biosas wrote:
tipsygeeks wrote:
 Lathe Biosas wrote:
For all that is holy, do NOT play Cards Against Humanity with your family.... unless you want to be excused from any future gatherings... then go ahead.

But like the old man telling the teenagers about the great evil at the haunted camp... you've been warned.

I don't understand. What could possibly go wrong?

This is why we need a sarcasm emoji. I sometimes can't tell. But if your honest, read the game by yourself, and try to imagine reading the prompts in front of your Mom.

We used to play it with our friends on New Years Eve after the kids had gone to bed. 2 problems now - my wife has 'grown up' and there is now a very precise sweet-spot I have to aim for where she is drunk enough to find it funny but sober enough to still be able to focus on the text on the cards. Other bigger problem - the kids are older now and stay up as late as we do... And I'm not quite prepared for my boys to find out the sort of depraved gak I find funny...
Made in us
Mighty Vampire Count



Highly recommend - fast, easy to learn and for all ages



"Unimaginably ancient xenos artefact somewhere on the planet, hive fleet poised above our heads, hidden 'stealer broods making an early start....and now a bloody Chaos cult crawling out of the woodwork just in case we were bored. Welcome to my world, Ciaphas."
Inquisitor Amberley Vail, Ordo Xenos

"I will admit that some Primachs like Russ or Horus could have a chance against an unarmed 12 year old novice but, a full Battle Sister??!! One to one? In close combat? Perhaps three Primarchs fighting together... but just one Primarch?" da001


A Bloody Road - my Warhammer Fantasy Fiction 
Made in pl
Longtime Dakkanaut

Love Letter and Citadels are perfect for such occassions.

Trying out The Mind may be an option, but it won't work in every group.

For bigger but still family-fun centered games: Camel Up! or Survive!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/12/28 10:21:50

Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

I do like The Mind as it is co-op. However, it is not that popular with my fellow game players.

Good ol' Cribbage is still a very popular option for my family.

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in us
Brigadier General


One more I forgot to mention earlier, if you like Sushi Go,"Sushi Go Party" is worth looking at.

The " Party" edition not only has enough cards for groups up to 8, it also has lots of extra menu options to keep it interesting for repeat plays and more experienced gamers. Just played it tonight with 3 first timer casual gamers and they had a great time.

Chicago Skirmish Wargames club. Join us for some friendly, casual gaming in the Windy City.

My Project Log, mostly revolving around custom "Toybashed" terrain.

Visit the Chicago Valley Railroad!
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Minneapolis, MN

 Eilif wrote:
One more I forgot to mention earlier, if you like Sushi Go,"Sushi Go Party" is worth looking at.

Highly recommended, especially if some of the group are gamers, and some are not. This is much choice when we have 5+ players.

Azul is my choice if we have fewer than 5.

Sea Salt and Paper has been a hit, and I think works well with 2-4.

Love Letter is good for 3-4, and is easy to teach to non-gamers.

For standard deck card games, I like:
Cribbage (2-3 players)
Hearts (4 players)
Euchre (4 players)
There are also tons of Rummy variants you should try out.
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


We all enjoy (with only notepads and pens required, so no purchases needed but the word lists are handy), Telestrations in big groups and Just One in medium sized groups.
Made in pl
Been Around the Block

Łódź, Poland

Space Hulk Angel of Death ))

"From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me'' 
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