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Necrons, my immortal project (beware big pics and videos!)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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My very first army that I consciously collected and first for games over 2000 points were the Necron.

As soon as they appeared in GW I was a huge fan of them.

It has become quite a lot over the years/decades:

Of course, various projects have been running for years. For example, I want to finally finish building my third original monolith and of course make major changes this time too. But I don't know exactly how yet. (Far too many ideas.)

Then there's my Necron flyer project (from the time when the first flyers appeared in the game). I bought a whole box of these Cylon flyers, which I want to convert into Necron flyers. Here, too, I still need time and more information to even get started...

So we come to the Necron project, which has been on my mind ever since they got the first real codex, or rather the first plastic miniatures for scarabs. I loved the rules for the first generation metal ones and of course saw them as individual minis (sometimes even without a base required). But then came the plastic version. 4 medium/small beetles on a base and their swarm rules. I already knew the swarms from Fantasy and was excited about the "innovation".

But then I glued the first scarab base and was confused and disappointed.

That was supposed to be a swarm? A measly 4 models that had nothing to do with the "flood of silver bodies". Based on the description at the time, I imagined something like the tomb swarms in Fantasy, but I got 4 models on a base (instead of a "carpet" of small, scurrying bodies).

The values ​​were also strange. 4 models, as a swarm, on one base, but only 3 life points???

Even with several bases, the feeling of an "almost unstoppable flood" never came about, and then there was the imbalance of 4 models to 3 life points...

That kind of thing bothered me (I usually took one model off my bases, or left it out altogether, so that the 3 life points would make more sense to me). That's why my enthusiasm for scarabs only came back with the 3rd generation. Finally there were more models, models that as a whole had the corresponding life points and with a little additional base design came closer to my ideas.

But still not quite! With a "flood of bodies" I imagine a base that is as full as possible, where you can hardly see anything of the ground in front of the models (especially since scarabs can/should dig over each other or float). So I'm trying to achieve that with my own scarab bases now. Since I want to practice first and see how it works best, I'm making a few scarabs myself (I even thought about just using tomb swarms with silver/metallic painted beetles instead). This is one of my first attempts: (Of course there should be more "beetles" on it!)

I'm trying to collect bits for the additional base design and also produce them by recasting.


Testmini would be ready:

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at 2025/01/11 22:21:31

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Mysterious Techpriest

I knew you would have them! I was jealous of my friend who had the seated Necron destroyers and the giant scarabs.

Do you have a name for your army or Lord?

 BorderCountess wrote:
Just because you're doing something right doesn't necessarily mean you know what you're doing...
Warhammer 40k Poetry(Updated Frequently)メカ
SamusDrake wrote:
If unpainted models are good enough for Zeus, then they're good enough for me.
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 Lathe Biosas wrote:
I knew you would have them! I was jealous of my friend who had the seated Necron destroyers and the giant scarabs.

Do you have a name for your army or Lord?

No name for lord or army. Unfortunately.

So far, only a single Necron warrior has a name.
"Pete da Bot"

Background/story of Pete:

Pete was once part of a Necron commando that was supposed to infiltrate and spy on a hive on Necromunda. Unfortunately, it didn't go as planned. Pete's troops were discovered and caught. In an epic battle, the Necrons were destroyed. One Necron warrior after another was forced to teleport back to the crypt to regenerate. The rest even fled by teleporter. Pete was also among the last to try to escape.

But Pete's teleport didn't work as it should. Although his systems repaired themselves with the help of experimental nanotechnology while teleporting, instead of teleporting back to the crypt with the others, Pete teleported back in front of the enemy's gun barrels in the hive on Necromunda...

To keep it short: To Pete's chagrin, this happened again and again. Pete was shot until the emergency teleportation activated itself, then Pete's Necron body repaired itself during the teleport, only to land in the same place shortly afterwards in another hail of bullets and laser beams (including the odd missile).

That would probably have gone on forever, but at some point it was too slow for his opponents or they ran out of ammunition or, at least these days, it is whispered behind closed doors, his opponents at the time would have died of old age after many, many years and the individual Necron who kept appearing in the same place would have been forgotten.

Whether it was due to the frequent recurring deaths or near-deaths, the countless teleportations or for some other reason, Pete changed. At some point, it seems, he became aware of himself and his situation. More than just a functioning warrior machine, but a single Necron on a foreign planet, but fully conscious!

At some point during his countless attempts to teleport back to the crypt, he lost his Necron weapon, so he quickly organized a replacement (from a careless ganger). Again and again he came or entered into contact with the inhabitants of the world on his own initiative. They eventually got used to the single Necron and even gave him a name (Pete).

Now he is waiting for his fellow Necrons to arrive. But so that he doesn't get too bored (after what must have been centuries of waiting), he confines himself to Necromunda as a bodyguard and bounty hunter. A lonely Necron who immortally teleports back to the site of the first battle after every fatal wound, only to start all over again.

To make matters worse, he is a foreign character, or rather there are several versions of him.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/12/24 00:34:27

Made in de

So, first of all, let's continue with my Scarab project:

Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be what I actually imagined. Maybe that will change with an appropriate paint job...?!

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In between I took a photo of my Epic Necron:


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2025/01/01 22:39:44

Made in de

It goes on...:

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Very slowly but steadily.

I always thought the 3rd Edition Scarabs were the best. But now I like the second one better...

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Something different to relax in between...:

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