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Magnetizing bases for transport  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

San Jose

Hello, I'm looking to magnetize my necron army for easier transport. I have 32mm, 40mm, 50mm, 80mm and 90 mm bases. I read about using 3x2/5x2 for smaller/medium models but would i use 5x2 for bigger ones by slapping a bunch to the bottom?

Thanks in advance
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

BeefyBagel wrote:
Hello, I'm looking to magnetize my necron army for easier transport. I have 32mm, 40mm, 50mm, 80mm and 90 mm bases. I read about using 3x2/5x2 for smaller/medium models but would i use 5x2 for bigger ones by slapping a bunch to the bottom?

Thanks in advance

Yup. If you need more grip, just add more magnets.

I use 5x2s for my tyranids, single for the little guys, 3-4 for the big ones.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

San Jose

 Nevelon wrote:
BeefyBagel wrote:
Hello, I'm looking to magnetize my necron army for easier transport. I have 32mm, 40mm, 50mm, 80mm and 90 mm bases. I read about using 3x2/5x2 for smaller/medium models but would i use 5x2 for bigger ones by slapping a bunch to the bottom?

Thanks in advance

Yup. If you need more grip, just add more magnets.

I use 5x2s for my tyranids, single for the little guys, 3-4 for the big ones.

So realistically can I just use 5x2 for all my models? Only concern I'd have would be warriors and the nub in the base.
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

You should be fine. The magnets don’t need to be perfectly centered, so even if there is a peg or slotta base, just glue it under there. I use a little GS to space them to get the magnets as close to the rim as I can. There is a little more then 2mm under there.

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


A few tips

1) If the base doesn't have magnet slots and is your standard GW base then get a bit of greenstuff modelling putty.
Get a pea-sized ball of it and put a tiny bit of superglue on the underside of the base, apply the greenstuff to the dab of glue then apply a tiny bit to the top of the greenstuff.
Immediately apply the magnet to the greenstuff.

Greenstuff+superglue sets very fast and you want the superglue on all fronts to give the bonding to the base and magnet. The greenstuff helps give the magnet support on the sides rather than just the one flat face.

2) As always score the joining surfaces with a blade tip - that means crosshatch on the base and on the magnet side that's going to be stuck down.

3) Once the magnet is one press the base onto a flat surface and move it around in a little circle. This is basically just helping press the magnet down to a flat surface.
NOTE don't push insanely hard on the base, you don't want to flex the surface (esp on larger bases) you just want to ensure a flush fit.

4) Place the strongest magnet under the connection point of the model to the base. This helps reduce strain when removing the model from the magnetic sheet as the strongest magnet is now under the point of greatest contact with the base

5) Larger models will want some additional magnets around the base. Otherwise its liable to rotate on the single magnet spot.
The others don't have to be as strong, they are just there to help keep the model still rather than hold on

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Made in us
Pewling Menial

Atlanta, GA/USA

As opposed to greenstuff, you can also use Baking Soda. I use a two-stage process where I superglue the magnet to the base then sprinkle with baking soda to provide a solid foundation.
Then I run a bit of superglue around the magnet and sprinkle with baking soda again. This really cements the magnet into place.

Either way, you want to make sure to do more than just superglue the magnet to the base. It likely won't happen much with 5x2s, but if the magnet is strong enough it will pop off the base and remain on whatever surface you are using as a transport. The greenstuff or the soda will provie that structure and grip.
Made in us
Neophyte Undergoing Surgeries

Las Vegas, NV

BeefyBagel wrote:
Hello, I'm looking to magnetize my necron army for easier transport. I have 32mm, 40mm, 50mm, 80mm and 90 mm bases. I read about using 3x2/5x2 for smaller/medium models but would i use 5x2 for bigger ones by slapping a bunch to the bottom?

You're getting good N52 rare earth magnets, right?
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