tauist wrote:Been reading past issues of White Dwarf again, and ran across a miniature artist I wasn't aware of previously. Mr Michael Immig. John Blanche visited him in Germany around late eighties and was super inspired by his creations. So much so, that he got an entire article in White Dward issue #100, which showcased some of his dioramas (One of his Space Marine conversions was featured earlier in
WD #95).
I instantly became interested in seeing more of his works. However, he only seems to be active on Instagram & Facebook.. and I dont have access to those.
Anyone know if he has published any art books of his works? Or perhaps some articles or interviews online in German?
Any further intel would be appreciated!
There's one video on youtube about him, but didnt want to link to it since its just regurgitating
WD#100 content, word for word, read out aloud with low res screenshots..
I can tell you a couple of things by virtue of some cursory research.
Michael Immig apparently was project lead/editor on more than a couple of german
RPG publications, most notable among them several sourcebooks for "Das Schwarze Auge" ("The Dark Eye", a german oldschool fantasy
RPG that's been pretty popular) and "Shadowrun" (a genre mix of Cyberpunk and "Urban Fantasy"), but also Battletech. You can look up an incomplete list of these on Amazon:
In addition to that, Immig seems to have been editor of the magazine "Wunderwelten" for some time - it appeared between 1989 and 1999 and was a fanzine mostly devoted to "Das Schwarze Auge" (think similar to how originally White Dwarf was mostly about classic
RPGs) and is possibly available in some sort of archive online.
Note that Immig worked for the german firm FanPro GmbH that held the german licenses for Battletech etc. - at the time, the german editions often diverged significantly from the english originals, and often included additional scenarios and other material invented/introduced by the localization team.
The most relevant thing for you, however, would probably be
Armalion - a tabletop miniature game based on The Dark Eye, for which Immig is credited as an author for both the basic rulebook as well as the siege expansion, and some campaign books as well. Armalion fared pretty well from the late 90s to the mid-00s, until Fanpro sold the miniature line to RalPartha; the last book for it was published in 2008, and in 2012 the system was replaced by an unrelated new game that floundered totally within 2 years. Armalion had its own magazine (the Armalion Journal) and such.
You can look up Immig's publications for these game systems here:
Interestingly, some of the DSA/Armalion publications that list him as project lead also list him as the main contributor for photos, so possibly there's some of his private collection featured in there (although be advised that that stuff was notoriously sparse with pictures and photos in general) - if you're willing and able to hunt for a couple of obscure german
RPG/tabletop source books from a quarter of a century ago on the vague hope that they might include some pretty pictures is a question i can't answer for you