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Vote for Dakka Painting Challenge Round 118 December 2024: Open Round  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
Which Entries Are Your Favourites?
Daia T'Nara 5% [ 18 ]
Nevelon 3% [ 12 ]
Captain Brown 5% [ 18 ]
Llamahead 1% [ 5 ]
Mr Nobody 6% [ 21 ]
KidCthulhu 2% [ 7 ]
theCrowe 3% [ 13 ]
JoshInJapan 5% [ 18 ]
youwashock 6% [ 22 ]
Halfling84 4% [ 14 ]
XvArcanevX 7% [ 25 ]
Geifer 3% [ 11 ]
endtransmission 2% [ 8 ]
Ezki 7% [ 26 ]
Gulgog TufToof 2% [ 7 ]
ZergSmasher 2% [ 9 ]
Zambro 4% [ 15 ]
inmygravenimage 4% [ 16 ]
Syro_ 2% [ 7 ]
Vejut 2% [ 6 ]
Pariah Press 5% [ 19 ]
Mon-keigh 1% [ 5 ]
Maharg 4% [ 16 ]
Midget Gems 4% [ 14 ]
Midget Gems Jr 5% [ 18 ]
Midget Gems Jr Jr 4% [ 16 ]
DJJazzyJeff 2% [ 7 ]
Total Votes : 373
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Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

This month was the Open Round. Subject to the normal rules, but paint whatever your heart desires. This is a busy month for a lot of people so paint what you have time for. Have a hobby related New Year’s resolution you need to do a few more models for? Now’s the time! Let’s finish 2024 off with some fun and amazing entries!

As always, you're free to hand out as many votes as you like, and for any entry you feel deserves recognition, based on anything from technical proficiency or model choice, a neat conversion or a cool take on the theme, or anything else! You're also very welcome to leave some feedback here for the entrants, and many of the images click through to the Dakka gallery if you'd like to give out a vote or two there as well.

Daia T'Nara - Land Raider Proteus

Nevelon – Barbgaunts

Captain Brown - Arch Zealot and Priest of the Redemption

Llamahead - Familiar for Trench Crusade

Mr Nobody – LotR Diorama

KidCthulhu - Mordheim Swordsman

theCrowe - Bad Doggies

JoshInJapan - The Path To Glory

youwashock - Eldar Seer and Sniper

Halfling84 - Mammut tank

XvArcanevX – “The Atrocity”

Geifer - R. Booty Goldiman

endtransmission - Word Bearer Tacticals

Ezki - Kat, the Witch's Apprentice

Gulgog TufToof - GSC Neophyte Hybrids

ZergSmasher – Vanguard-Raptors

Zambro - Caiman Master

inmygravenimage – Firebrand

Syro_ - Tyranid Prime

Vejut – Skeletons

Pariah Press - Cargo-8 Ridgehauler

Mon-keigh - Traitor Guardsman

Maharg - Legions Imperialis Mechanicum

Midget Gems - Da Red Gobbo's Snowman

Midget Gems Jr (Age 8) - Wood Elf Fairy w/ Fox

Midget Gems Jr Jr (Age 6) - Trident Warrior w/ Cat

DJJazzyJeff - Gargamar, Paladin

If I missed anthing, please let me know

Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

Great work, everyone!
Made in jp
Incorporating Wet-Blending


Lotsa stunning models this month. I'll try to find some time to comment individually, but for now-- great work all around!

Now showing some Deadzone heroes!

Painting total as of 1/31/2024: 16 plus a Deva King statue
Painting total as of 12/31/2024: 107 plus a set of modular spaceship terrain and two walkers and a quad mech and five giants

Made in fi
Foolproof Falcon Pilot

Finland, Espoo

Great stuff!
A good haul of finished models despite of the holidays.

A few comments:

MrNobody: Great out of the box thinking and storytelling. You should definitely make the miniatures a permanent part of that

XvArcanevX: The texture really makes this so much more interesting and alien. It almost jumps out of the screen. Really great work!

inmygravenimage: Brave OSL effect that works brilliantly. The atmosphere is just right, yet the armor still reads as white. Nice!

Pariah Press: That's a big model to finish in a month. Quite the achievement. Great work on the weathering.

youwashock: Convincing conversion work brought to life with a neat and fitting paint job!

Props for Midget Gems Juniors for picking up the brush at a young age. And with good results too!

Happy 2025 everyone and may it be a great hobby year!

Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

Thanks, Ezki!
Made in us
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran

Maple Valley, Washington, Holy Terra

Yes, thank you Ezki. I indeed had to paint fast last month!

"Calgar hates Tyranids."

Your #1 Fan  
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

That should be out 5 days, time for some winners.

Taking the bronze with poise, grace, and 22 votes; it’s youwashock's Eldar Seer and Sniper.

Priority threat: Identified. XvArcanevX brings a wounded Hive Tyrant from screen to table with impressive conversion work and paint, getting second and 25 votes.

Cats make everything better. As proven by Ezki and Kat, the Witch's Apprentice. Taking the gold with 26 votes, Just a magically fun piece!


Open rounds are always fun becasue of the wide assortment of stuff we get to see. And it feels like people push themselves to so something extra special, so everthing is just a bit better. Amazing work from everyone wrapping up the calendar year. We, of course, have two more months on our cycle, so keep on painting!

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Tangentville, New Jersey

Amazing work everyone! Congrats to the well-deserved winners!

Made in de
Huge Bone Giant

Congratulations to the winners and as always good job getting something done, everyone!

I was asked to pass along notes from our sponsors:

Your Spiritual Liege would like you to know you are the reason the Imperium is not a democracy and that most people simply cannot be trusted to make the only correct choice.

Whereas your Feline Overlords allow you to congratulate them on making you make the only correct choice.


Nehekhara lives! Sort of!
Why is the rum always gone? 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Ezki wrote:
XvArcanevX: The texture really makes this so much more interesting and alien. It almost jumps out of the screen. Really great work!

Thanks for the comment Ezki. I spent a fair amount of time on the texture for this model so good to know it’s noticeable.

Really happy to have placed so well again this month! Thankyou everybody who cast me a vote and a hearty congratulations to the other winners. I also want to congratulate all who entered and got a model painted and let you all know it’s always a great pleasure viewing every single piece of work that people have finished. I really do enjoy it!

Here’s to a productive New Year!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2025/01/11 17:14:04

Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord


Thanks for the votes! Congrats to XvArcanevX and Ezki! Good job to everyone for keeping up the pace and getting more painted minis out in the world.
Made in gb
Mekboy Hammerin' Somethin'


Great work everyone, that painting is soo smooth Ezki, really well deserved win there.

Sorry I've been a bit lapse with the League table updates, I've just had to focus on other things atm but here it finally is after a few months


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