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Advice needed on custodes and magnets  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in dk
Regular Dakkanaut

So, I'm sitting with the Adeptus Custodes Combat Patrol.. When I look at the weapons, there is a theoritically perfect spot to magnetize weapon heads to handles.. But I am REALLY nervous about if the plastic is too thin, even though my magnets are only 1mm thick.. Have anyone tried magnetizing the weapon heads? I would love to see or hear about it


PS: Yes, I never learn to post images XD

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2025/01/11 09:38:21

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Personally I wouldn't bother on areas that tiny unless there's a really good push-fit already happening on the plastic.

My view with magnets is that its nice to save money, but the model has to be functional, playable and the process of creation not too painful to make it a viable option.

Eg if the magnets are tiny the parts might wobble on the connection (annoying); if it takes forever because they are super tiny and you have to be insanely careful then its a pain to perform etc...

I've seen people magnetize everything on models going down to using loads of tiny magnets. Insane stuff can be done. However I draw a line at practicality. That's a very personal line and, obviously, some don't draw the line in the same place

For me there reaches a point where I'd rather just accept the limits of what I've built and have an excuse to buy more models.

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Made in dk
Regular Dakkanaut

 Overread wrote:
Personally I wouldn't bother on areas that tiny unless there's a really good push-fit already happening on the plastic.

My view with magnets is that its nice to save money, but the model has to be functional, playable and the process of creation not too painful to make it a viable option.

Eg if the magnets are tiny the parts might wobble on the connection (annoying); if it takes forever because they are super tiny and you have to be insanely careful then its a pain to perform etc...

I've seen people magnetize everything on models going down to using loads of tiny magnets. Insane stuff can be done. However I draw a line at practicality. That's a very personal line and, obviously, some don't draw the line in the same place

For me there reaches a point where I'd rather just accept the limits of what I've built and have an excuse to buy more models.

It will fit every criteria you mention, if the magnet is not thicker than the material.. Custodes are really expensive models, and having to buy another pack just to have the right weapons is just too much imo..
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