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[H] Lots of Old and OOP Warhammer (FW, etc) [W] $$$ [USA only]  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Longtime Dakkanaut

One of my New Years Resolutions was that I've come to accept that a LOT of the Warhammer I've bought likely will just continue to sit around, so I may as well sell it. Everything listed is NIB, unless otherwise noted:

*Eldar Bonesinger $70

*Wolf-Kin of Russ $110

*Typhon $60 (This model was one I got off ebay in the following condition: The base is assembled and magnetized, but Typhon has not been attached. He's got a paperclip attached to his foot to pin, but neither head or scythe arm have been attached. He comes in an official FW box so this is not a recast.)

*OOP FW Vampire Counts Battle Standard Bearer SOLD

*OOP FW Event Only Skin Wolf $90

*OOP Plague Ogryns SOLD

*OOP Renegade Ogryn with DKK Victim SOLD

*OOP Renegade Ogryn with Dual Hand Weapon $55 (This one was a Christmas gift from years ago. My brother got it off ebay and it came in a plastic baggy. The seller claims it was not a recast, but I can't verify it. If someone buys either ogryn models listed above, I'll toss this guy in for another $10.)

*Dark Vengeance $220

*Sister of Battle Army Box $200

*Games Day Skaven Warlord $50

*Games Day Chaos Warlord $50 (This model is still sealed in a clampback, but his axe snapped off in one hand and will need to be reattached)

Happy to send pics of anything or to haggle over prices!!

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2025/01/15 00:14:27

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