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Tips for Airbrushing Car Paint?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in ph
Fresh-Faced New User

Hey guys!

I’m working on an automotive model and trying to get a smooth, glossy paint job with my airbrush. I’m struggling a bit with the clear coat, it sometimes ends up with a rough texture or that annoying orange peel effect.

Anyone have tips on how to get that nice, smooth finish? What works best for you when layering paint and clear coats without losing detail?
Made in nl
Trigger-Happy Baal Predator Pilot


Orange peel effect is mostly do to low temprature. i always use a rattlecan and have no problems.with a mat finish, dont know how a gloss finish would look with a rattlecan.

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Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

San Jose, CA

How thin are you making you coats? What prep did you do to the surface before/after priming? What paint/medium are you using?

I used to do cars pretty extensively during my long warhammer hiatus.

Most important things I learned from 75ish cars...
if you do all the prep and paint in thin ass coats it alleviates orange peel.
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