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I've watched a lot of videos about the new formula Vallejo paints, and more and more I'm seeing comments about bubbles in the paint. Is this a major issue for the new ranges?
After the comments I cancelled an order for them, the last thing I'm wanting is to battle is bubbles, I had enough of that with their matt polyurethane varnish, it has foam as well as bubbles!
I rate Vallejo highly and want to keep using them but I don't want bubbles!
More importantly, is there a fix?
If you think any paint enough it will create foam and bubbles.
This is especially true for brush on varnish. The secret to combatting bubbles is to thin less, use more medium and less water, or in the case of varnish, no water at all.
I’ve used several of the new VMC and VGC and have no problems with bubbles in any of them. Unless of course you’re thinning them down to 50% or more of water.
If you’re thinning agitate them less when thinning and mixing, that can also help.
Ghool wrote: If you thin any paint enough it will create foam and bubbles.
Yes, but my Vallejo Xpress color paints are bubbly without any thinning.
I shake any paint a little before squeezing it from the dropper bottles, it's a perfectly normal thing to do. I only have the bubbles issue with Vallejo paints.
I've had trouble with their primers in the past too.
Ghool wrote: If you thin any paint enough it will create foam and bubbles.
Yes, but my Vallejo Xpress color paints are bubbly without any thinning.
I shake any paint a little before squeezing it from the dropper bottles, it's a perfectly normal thing to do. I only have the bubbles issue with Vallejo paints.
I've had trouble with their primers in the past too.
The problem is the Xpress colour.
Squeeze a few drops out and let it sit for about 10 minutes before using it.
The more you agitate it the more bubbles you’ll get.
I will often add a drop of medium to thicken them up if they’re just creating foam.
Ghool wrote: If you thin any paint enough it will create foam and bubbles.
Yes, but my Vallejo Xpress color paints are bubbly without any thinning.
I shake any paint a little before squeezing it from the dropper bottles, it's a perfectly normal thing to do. I only have the bubbles issue with Vallejo paints.
I've had trouble with their primers in the past too.
The problem is the Xpress colour.
Yes, that is indeed the point that I was making
Ghool wrote: Squeeze a few drops out and let it sit for about 10 minutes before using it.
The more you agitate it the more bubbles you’ll get.
I will often add a drop of medium to thicken them up if they’re just creating foam.
Thanks for the tip, but it's much easier to simply use brands that don't have this problem
'It is a source of constant consternation that my opponents cannot correlate their innate inferiority with their inevitable defeat. It would seem that stupidity is as eternal as war.'
- Nemesor Zahndrekh of the Sautekh Dynasty Overlord of the Crownworld of Gidrim
Ghool wrote: If you thin any paint enough it will create foam and bubbles.
Yes, but my Vallejo Xpress color paints are bubbly without any thinning.
I shake any paint a little before squeezing it from the dropper bottles, it's a perfectly normal thing to do. I only have the bubbles issue with Vallejo paints.
I've had trouble with their primers in the past too.
The problem is the Xpress colour.
Yes, that is indeed the point that I was making
Ghool wrote: Squeeze a few drops out and let it sit for about 10 minutes before using it.
The more you agitate it the more bubbles you’ll get.
I will often add a drop of medium to thicken them up if they’re just creating foam.
Thanks for the tip, but it's much easier to simply use brands that don't have this problem
And that’s why use Contrast. I bought a couple Xpress Colour and didn’t like the way the behaved at all.