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Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

James Darren has passed today at the age of 88. https://people.com/james-darren-dead-gidget-t-j-hooker-8633577

He was a fairly prolific actor, but I'll always think of him as Vic Fontaine, the holographic singer/giver of romantic advice on Star Trek Deep Space 9. RIP, and condolences to his family and friends.

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/7/24, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~16000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Imperial Knights: ~2300 | Leagues of Votann: ~1300 | Tyranids: ~3400 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000 | Kruleboyz: ~3500 | Lumineth Realm-Lords: ~700
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2023: 40 | Total models painted in 2024: 40 | Current main painting project: Kruleboyz Spearhead
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Original Dangermouse and Count Duckula writer Brian Trueman, gone at 93.


Thank you for a stone cold childhood classic.

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Hey look! It’s my 2025 Hobby Log/Blog/Project/Whatevs 
Made in gb
Moustache-twirling Princeps

Gone-to-ground in the craters of Coventry

"But he was best known for his work with animation company Cosgrove Hall Films - particularly ... Chorlton and the Wheelies."
Well, that's those DVDs getting put on later.

6000 pts - Harlies: 1000 pts - 4000 pts - 1000 pts - 1000 pts DS:70+S+G++MB+IPw40k86/f+D++A++/cWD64R+T(T)DM+
IG/AM force nearly-finished pieces: http://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/images-38888-41159_Armies%20-%20Imperial%20Guard.html
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." - George Bernard Shaw (probably)
Clubs around Coventry, UK 
Made in us
Savage Minotaur

Baltimore, Maryland

James Earl Jones has passed at 93.

The voice of Darth Vader, as I'm sure all of us know, and for me (as a baseball fan) the voice of one of the best monologues about baseball in film history.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/09/09 21:02:41

"Sometimes the only victory possible is to keep your opponent from winning." - The Emperor, from The Outcast Dead.
"Tell your gods we are coming for them, and that their realms will burn as ours did." -Thostos Bladestorm
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Well that sucks.

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Nasty Nob

Crescent City Fl..

As a child I would watch Starwars and Conan back to back. I still Thulsa Doom to this day. Far more than I ever quote Vader.

I had thought He had already died and that I just hadn't heard so I was not expecting to read it today.

The rewards of tolerance are treachery and betrayal.

Remember kids, Games Workshop needs you more than you need them.  
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

93 is a good run, but wow, that sucks. Man was a ledgend.

Made in au
Mighty Chosen Warrior of Chaos

Damn that's sad. But what an amazing life.

I used to have a theory that he tried to say the words 'my son' in every movie he appeared in.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

 warhead01 wrote:
As a child I would watch Starwars and Conan back to back. I still Thulsa Doom to this day. Far more than I ever quote Vader.

I had thought He had already died and that I just hadn't heard so I was not expecting to read it today.

He was obviously great as Vader, but his performance as Thulsa Doom was superior.
I feel like he's the greatest acting loss I've experienced in my life. He was a giant.

The only way we can ever solve anything is to look in the mirror and find no enemy 
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Peter Renaday, original voice artist for Master Splinter has passed away


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Stealthy Grot Snipa


While JEJ is the end of an era, going to light a metaphorical candle for David Knowles who dies the same day aged 32 - Daily Telegraph journalist who set up and ran arguably the best and most informative news podcast on the Ukraine war, which I've listened to pretty much every episode of. Just read his obituary and apparently he was a Warhammer player too, so this seems appropriate.

Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in au
Mighty Chosen Warrior of Chaos

 Skinflint Games wrote:
David Knowles who dies the same day aged 32

Damn, that's young. I wonder if it was related to the stress of his job.

Made in us

John Cassaday, one of my all-time favorite artists and co-creator of one of my all time favorite comics (Planetary), has passed away at a way too young 52:

Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa


 Cap'n Facebeard wrote:
 Skinflint Games wrote:
David Knowles who dies the same day aged 32

Damn, that's young. I wonder if it was related to the stress of his job.

Couldn't have helped, they got up close and personal to some godawful scenes. Just read that counter-terror police are now investigating so there may be more to this :-/

EDIT- this is the bit where they talk about him introducing the team to 40k, seemed appropriate in this context ;-)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/09/12 21:09:31

Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

David Graham, voice of the Daleks, Parker from Thunderbirds and Grandpa Pig has died

Ripe old age, but still sad to see him go.

Reckon I’ll give some classic Dalek stories a whirl tomorrow in his honour.

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Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Very sad Mi'lady. :(
Made in us
Moustache-twirling Princeps

United Kingdom

Actress Dame Maggie Smith dies aged 89 - BBC
Made in us
Savage Minotaur

Baltimore, Maryland

Dang, I'll always remember her as "Old Wendy" in Hook.

Just a few days a go I was watching a youtube short from some show/movie called "Dinner with the Dames" or some such and it had a scene where Maggie and another older Brit actress were teasing Judi Dench about taking all the "old british lady" roles.

"Sometimes the only victory possible is to keep your opponent from winning." - The Emperor, from The Outcast Dead.
"Tell your gods we are coming for them, and that their realms will burn as ours did." -Thostos Bladestorm
Made in us
Hangin' with Gork & Mork

Actor, singer, songwriter and more Kris Kristofferson passed away at 88

Amidst the mists and coldest frosts he thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts.
Made in nl
Wolf Guard Bodyguard in Terminator Armor

Didn't he play Blade's mentor in the Snipes Blade films?
Made in us
Hangin' with Gork & Mork

Bran Dawri wrote:
Didn't he play Blade's mentor in the Snipes Blade films?


Amidst the mists and coldest frosts he thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Dikembe Mutombo passed away at age 58. He was a 4x Defensive Player of the Year in the NBA.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Apparently, Pete Rose just died.

I don't know if he needs introduction.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/10/01 00:40:12

The only way we can ever solve anything is to look in the mirror and find no enemy 
Made in gb
Frenzied Berserker Terminator

Southampton, UK

trexmeyer wrote:
Dikembe Mutombo passed away at age 58. He was a 4x Defensive Player of the Year in the NBA.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Apparently, Pete Rose just died.

I don't know if he needs introduction.

I had to Google him. I'm not aware of baseball having much of a following in the UK.
Made in us
Hangin' with Gork & Mork

Crispy78 wrote:
trexmeyer wrote:
Dikembe Mutombo passed away at age 58. He was a 4x Defensive Player of the Year in the NBA.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Apparently, Pete Rose just died.

I don't know if he needs introduction.

I had to Google him. I'm not aware of baseball having much of a following in the UK.

But the MLB has a World Series...

Amidst the mists and coldest frosts he thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Honestly, if you need a sportsperson explained to you, it doesn't matter.

Pete Rose was notable for being the MLB career hit's leader and being kicked out of the game for gambling. He's also apparently a paedophile and generally abhorrent individual.

I'm far from a big baseball fan, but I'm broadly aware of all major NA leagues and I'd say Rose was probably one of the 10 most significant MLB players.

The only way we can ever solve anything is to look in the mirror and find no enemy 
Made in us
Focused Dark Angels Land Raider Pilot

New York

Paul Di’Anno, original singer of Iron Maiden, dead at 66.

Technically not the original singer, but he was the singer on Maiden’s first two albums. While perhaps not as strong as the next 3 albums with Bruce Dickinson, Iron Maiden and Killers were highly influential as part of NWoBHM.
Made in gb
Frenzied Berserker Terminator

Southampton, UK

Geoff Capes, former British shot-putter, budgie breeder, and worlds strongest man, has died aged 75. Sad one for me, he was a big sporting icon from my childhood.

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

I met him once, Truckfest at the Ingliston Showground outside Edinburgh, 1990.

Also met Noel Edmonds that day. So swings and roundabouts.

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Hey look! It’s my 2025 Hobby Log/Blog/Project/Whatevs 
Made in us
Lieutenant General

Florence, KY

Grateful Dead bassist and founding member Phil Lesh has died at 84

'It is a source of constant consternation that my opponents
cannot correlate their innate inferiority with their inevitable
defeat. It would seem that stupidity is as eternal as war.'

- Nemesor Zahndrekh of the Sautekh Dynasty
Overlord of the Crownworld of Gidrim
Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

Jeri Taylor, co-creator of Star Trek: Voyager, has passed at age 86.


Besides her work on Voyager, she also did plenty on Star Trek: The Next Generation and even wrote a few Trek novels.

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/7/24, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~16000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Imperial Knights: ~2300 | Leagues of Votann: ~1300 | Tyranids: ~3400 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000 | Kruleboyz: ~3500 | Lumineth Realm-Lords: ~700
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2023: 40 | Total models painted in 2024: 40 | Current main painting project: Kruleboyz Spearhead
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.
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