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Alien vs Predator Miniatures Game, Prodos loses license to AvP. p.266  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

I think the stretch is actually that some of them will be added in free. It's in the position of a lot of the other free goals (for some levels) so I hope so!

I've upped to the new wargaming pledge level, but had to combine my 2 pledges into 1 to do it, as that about taps me out.

Looks like I'm allocated as follows atm:

3 Queens
3 Crushers
2 Praetorians (1 free if we reach goal)
2-3 PredAliens (1 more free if we reach goal, 1 in trade for my Berserker)
40 Warriors
8 Facehuggers (will just be putting these on the bases of my Queens)

Not sure if I need quite so many warriors . Could go down to 30 and some dice. This will be the Aliens equivalent of "Nidzilla" (and actually probably will be using them for my nids as well, happy to try them in both systems! Although those Warriors will be tall for genestealers, so are the rest of my other counts-as models so it evens out).

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/11/23 23:51:48

Made in gb
Omnious Orc Shaman

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away...

That's a crazy list RiTides (crazy in a cool way...). 3 Queens - wouldn't want to mess with them

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

CL VI Store in at the Cyber Center of Excellence

 RiTides wrote:
I think the stretch is actually that some of them will be added in free. It's in the position of a lot of the other free goals (for some levels) so I hope so!

In the Army we used to say 'Hope isn't a method'.

It would be fantastic if free ones were part of the goal, and if they were, Prodos would do well to advertise it as such. That could get even me to increase my pledge a little. As it is, getting the opportunity to spend 10 GBP each for clear resin versions of the Preds isn't much of a motivating factor. Just to cover the three in the box game and the free Berserker is 40 gbp or about $65 at the current exchange rate. I know by reading the KS comments section I should be willing to drop to my knees and please the folks at Prodos for the chance to do so, but I suspect I'll pass on that.

Every time a terrorist dies a Paratrooper gets his wings. 
Made in us
Mutating Changebringer


 CptJake wrote:
 RiTides wrote:
I think the stretch is actually that some of them will be added in free. It's in the position of a lot of the other free goals (for some levels) so I hope so!

In the Army we used to say 'Hope isn't a method'.

It would be fantastic if free ones were part of the goal, and if they were, Prodos would do well to advertise it as such. That could get even me to increase my pledge a little. As it is, getting the opportunity to spend 10 GBP each for clear resin versions of the Preds isn't much of a motivating factor. Just to cover the three in the box game and the free Berserker is 40 gbp or about $65 at the current exchange rate. I know by reading the KS comments section I should be willing to drop to my knees and please the folks at Prodos for the chance to do so, but I suspect I'll pass on that.

I'm unclear where this hope is coming from: Update 21 seems pretty unambiguous "The next Stretch Goal is for Cloaked Predators. Each of the 5 designs will be available at £10 each (including the Berserker and Female)"

Is there some information that has not otherwise been presented?

Made in au

Perth, West Australia

 Buzzsaw wrote:
I'm unclear where this hope is coming from: Update 21 seems pretty unambiguous "The next Stretch Goal is for Cloaked Predators. Each of the 5 designs will be available at £10 each (including the Berserker and Female)"

Is there some information that has not otherwise been presented?
All 6 stretch goals listed in green on the plan are freebies. Since it's listed in green on it, that would be where it's coming from I imagine.

I've been hoping the value of this KS would increase enough for me to jump in. I had a look at the new wargamer pledge and nope, the value is still not there sadly, way too expensive for me to justify. I hope the retail plastic release is good.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2013/11/24 01:03:46

Made in ie
Fixture of Dakka

The one problem with that is all the other green goals specifically say free the cloaked predator one doesn't. We'll find out one way or another tomorrow I'd say but I'm not expecting to get a free one it would be nice but I don't think we will get one free (and I do think there should be one free given the mold and sculpt are already done it's just casting a different type of resin)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/11/24 01:07:10

Made in us
Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

I thought they might not have announced it because of it not being for most levels, although I'm at a high level now . Praetorian is a non-green freebie for all levels so the trend may be bunk.

Nice pledge increase today, hopefully that will continue!
Made in se
Regular Dakkanaut


Comparison chart updated so you can enter your own values for the boxed items and/or game components should that interest you.
Also included the latest pledge with rules. I did this because some of the boxed figures differ slightly from the addon counterparts.
This allows everybody to do a fair comparison based on their interests.

AVP pledge comparison
Made in au
Expendable Defender Destroid Rookie


Just thought I'd leave this here, I've been inspired by the kickstarter to start some terrain for this game since I can't get my hands on any of the minis in Australia (damn you Fraggle )


Check it out and I hope it inspires you all to go and get a head start on the terrain for this game too.

Made in us
Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

I'm having trouble with the spreadsheet, but I don't see why 2 x "Looking Good There Boss" is coming out better than 1 x "You want me, you ugly son of a..."

By choosing the higher pledge, you lose out on a free model (£10), a berserker model (£10), a free add-on unit (£15), and if we reach the goal, a free praetorian (£20). For a total of £55.

But you gain £35 in add-ons (assuming the Prodos baby arrives), plus the £25 rulebook, for a total of £60.

You also get an extra £10 from the money you're putting in- you pay £240 including shipping, and get £250 in add-on credit. Whereas with 2 of the lower pledges, you pay £210 including shipping, and get the exact same £210 in add-on credit.

So, I think something is wrong with the spreadsheet... or maybe it just comes from it being done as percentages, but I guess my point is, you actually get more free credit with the higher pledge than with the 2 lower ones.
Made in us

RiTides - how many times have you had to replace your F5 key during this campaign?
Made in se
Regular Dakkanaut


 RiTides wrote:
I'm having trouble with the spreadsheet, but I don't see why 2 x "Looking Good There Boss" is coming out better than 1 x "You want me, you ugly son of a..."

By choosing the higher pledge, you lose out on a free model (£10), a berserker model (£10), a free add-on unit (£15), and if we reach the goal, a free praetorian (£20). For a total of £55.

But you gain £35 in add-ons (assuming the Prodos baby arrives), plus the £25 rulebook, for a total of £60.

You also get an extra £10 from the money you're putting in- you pay £240 including shipping, and get £250 in add-on credit. Whereas with 2 of the lower pledges, you pay £210 including shipping, and get the exact same £210 in add-on credit.

So, I think something is wrong with the spreadsheet... or maybe it just comes from it being done as percentages, but I guess my point is, you actually get more free credit with the higher pledge than with the 2 lower ones.

I just put everything in there and let the spreadsheet crunch the numbers - I am not betting my life on it, but I am pretty certain everything is correct. At least these two pledges are correct. As is, the newer pledge gives you a 32% discount counting the freebies in action and all that. 2x Looking good gives you 30% discount. If all the freebies are unlocked the total value of the wargamer pledge is £391 at a 39% discount (you pay £240) and the 2xlooking good you get £360 worth of stuff at 42% discount for £210 You get ´£31 less of stuff for £30 less, which makes the discount higher in getting 2 lower pledges. If you can't fit everything you want into that value (£360) then this might not be the solution for you. Simple eh?

I think you are overlooking the value of 2 times the freebies for two pledges. It makes a big impact. The more unlocked stuff the better the lower pledges are off - especially if the praetorian is unlocked.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/11/24 02:17:51

Made in us
Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

Haha . Not many, actually, I'm not much of an F5'er!

Basement, here's my calculation:

"You want me" £240 pledge (including shipping)
Add-on credit: £250
Stretch goal add-on credit: Free model (£10), Berserker (£10), Free add-on unit (£15), 8 Facehuggers (£16), Rulebook (£25), and three extra add-on credit goals (£10 + £10 + £15). For a total of £111
Free Praetorian if we reach the goal: £20
Free model if we reach 2000 backers: £10

That gives a total of £250 + £111 + £20 + £10 = £391

2 x "Looking good!" pledges £210 (including shipping)
Add-on credit: £210
Stretch goal add-on credit: 2 Free models (£20), 2 Berserkers (£20), 2 Free add-on units (£30), 20 Facehuggers (£20). For a total of £90
2 Free Praetorians if we reach 2000 backers: £40
Free model if we reach 2000 backers: £10

That gives a total of £210 + £90 + £40 + £10 = £350

I think the only difference is that you seem to be double-counting the free model if we reach 2000 backers. I think that is "1 per backer" not "1 per pledge", unlike the other stretch goals. Without that difference, it's a percentage of 39% versus 40%.

So, all that just to point out- while there is a slight percentage difference, if you're choosing between those two options, I think the higher pledge level is better as you actually get more free stuff. Particularly if you were adding any credit in addition to the 2 x Looking Good pledges, you get more for your money by putting it into the higher pledge level (as otherwise you're just diluting your discount by adding on funds).

Hopefully that makes sense
Made in se
Regular Dakkanaut


 RiTides wrote:
Haha . Not many, actually, I'm not much of an F5'er!

Basement, here's my calculation:

"You want me" £240 pledge (including shipping)
Add-on credit: £250
Stretch goal add-on credit: Free model (£10), Berserker (£10), Free add-on unit (£15), 8 Facehuggers (£16), Rulebook (£25), and three extra add-on credit goals (£10 + £10 + £15). For a total of £111
Free Praetorian if we reach the goal: £20
Free model if we reach 2000 backers: £10

That gives a total of £250 + £111 + £20 + £10 = £391

2 x "Looking good!" pledges £210 (including shipping)
Add-on credit: £210
Stretch goal add-on credit: 2 Free models (£20), 2 Berserkers (£20), 2 Free add-on units (£30), 20 Facehuggers (£20). For a total of £90
2 Free Praetorians if we reach 2000 backers: £40
Free model if we reach 2000 backers: £10

That gives a total of £210 + £90 + £40 + £10 = £350

I think the only difference is that you seem to be double-counting the free model if we reach 2000 backers. I think that is "1 per backer" not "1 per pledge", unlike the other stretch goals. Without that difference, it's a percentage of 39% versus 40%.

So, all that just to point out- while there is a slight percentage difference, if you're choosing between those two options, I think the higher pledge level is better as you actually get more free stuff. Particularly if you were adding any credit in addition to the 2 x Looking Good pledges, you get more for your money by putting it into the higher pledge level (as otherwise you're just diluting your discount by adding on funds).

Hopefully that makes sense

Yes but they have said that "All freebies are per pledge" So that's what I am going on.. Initially I had the berserker down as 1 per backer and the 2000 backers goal as well, but changed it as soon as they put in writing. I even quoted them a few pages back in this thread. Even so I wouldn't pledge based on what may be, but on "Current". I just thought it is a good way of comparing and also - if you don't like the game components and infants etc - you can zero them out and still compare pledges to see what fits the bill best

And of course you are correct about diluting the discount if adding funds outside the pledge. I wouldn't recommend that

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/11/24 02:30:11

Made in ca
Dour Wolf Priest with Iron Wolf Amulet


 Sheep wrote:
Just thought I'd leave this here, I've been inspired by the kickstarter to start some terrain for this game since I can't get my hands on any of the minis in Australia (damn you Fraggle )


Check it out and I hope it inspires you all to go and get a head start on the terrain for this game too.

I had to go in on the Battle Systems Modular Terrain set, it's just too damn cool with AVP minis. Plus it'd make for some very different 500pt Kill Team 40k missions.

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

 Sheep wrote:
Just thought I'd leave this here, I've been inspired by the kickstarter to start some terrain for this game since I can't get my hands on any of the minis in Australia (damn you Fraggle )


Check it out and I hope it inspires you all to go and get a head start on the terrain for this game too.

Kudos there Sheep.

Thats some pretty good looking start, I'd like to see the progrees as you finish it. This is going to be one badd azz tabletop game, for as much as its costing for the resin sculpts.

At Games Workshop, we believe that how you behave does matter. We believe this so strongly that we have written it down in the Games Workshop Book. There is a section in the book where we talk about the values we expect all staff to demonstrate in their working lives. These values are Lawyers, Guns and Money. 
Made in gb
Rotting Sorcerer of Nurgle

Portsmouth UK

I like big preds & that's no lie...

Check out my gallery here
Also I've started taking photos to use as reference for weathering which can be found here. Please send me your photos so they can be found all in one place!! 
Made in gb
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience

On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

 Sheep wrote:
Just thought I'd leave this here, I've been inspired by the kickstarter to start some terrain for this game since I can't get my hands on any of the minis in Australia (damn you Fraggle )


Check it out and I hope it inspires you all to go and get a head start on the terrain for this game too.

That is extremely cool.. glad to see people starting to really get into this already.

I'm imagining some kind of jungle-terrain board, with the team of Predators hunting aliens. Perhaps, one veteran with a team of young bloods taking them on their 1st hunt, as in the comics..

Epic 30K&40K! A new players guide, contributors welcome https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/751316.page
Small but perfectly formed! A Great Crusade Epic 6mm project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/694411.page

Made in au
Expendable Defender Destroid Rookie


Thanks guys glad you like it, I've always loved doing terrain but this game has given me the push to try to do bespoke terrain.
There's something to be said for starting from scratch with a game.

Made in gb
Omnious Orc Shaman

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away...

Great post in the KS comments thread by user: Simone C. - thought i'd post it here for all to see

Simone C. about 1 hour ago

Some useful links:
Pledge calculator: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jgbimzc5tryltul/avp-calcv4.5.xlsx
Links to AvP Open Day (images and comments)
AvP Open Day (video)
Player comments:

Brief review:
The game was a lot of fun. In the board game we played using the Battle System terrain (Jarek explained that they were supposed to have a copy of the board in for use, but it hadn't arrived from the Printers, much to his annoyance).
We were playing a Four player game of 3 Predators (each with a Predator) and 1 guy which 2 large squads of Aliens. Off the bat at first, the Predators did very well, scoring 6 out of 10 points within 3 turns. But once they got rushed by two squads of Aliens... Well, it didn't end well for the Yautja.
Aliens dominated due to moving quickly and having lots of cover.
However, in the wargame in a large open area, Xenos got decimated. We (me and another Aliens player) had to use cover to our advantage and hope our speed got us in close.
Marines are the 'glass cannon' faction. Single wound models, but they have 18 inch reach for their weapons and can reroll on Smart guns, flamers auto-hit, the medic can heal. If a large enough set of aliens or Preds got in, it wouldn't look good for the Marines.
Aliens are essentially the 'zerg rush' they're supposed to be. In hard and fast. Their attacks aren't the most damaging, but the Stalker has 4 attacks basic (although very weak).
Predators are very tough (they have 3 wounds at Level 1, compared to the other factions 1 wound), have an invulnerable armour save, and can be spec'd for either close combat or range combat. They probably need to be a bit more balanced, as in CQC they seemed a tad weaker than the Aliens.

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

CL VI Store in at the Cyber Center of Excellence

The open set up of the Battlesystem terrain is a lot different from the tight corridors of the terrain included int he board game.

That is going to make a big difference in how the Aliens and other factions play in the board game.

Every time a terrorist dies a Paratrooper gets his wings. 
Made in us
Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

 Pacific wrote:
 Sheep wrote:
Just thought I'd leave this here, I've been inspired by the kickstarter to start some terrain for this game since I can't get my hands on any of the minis in Australia (damn you Fraggle )


Check it out and I hope it inspires you all to go and get a head start on the terrain for this game too.

That is extremely cool.. glad to see people starting to really get into this already.

I'm imagining some kind of jungle-terrain board, with the team of Predators hunting aliens. Perhaps, one veteran with a team of young bloods taking them on their 1st hunt, as in the comics..

Agreed, nice work, Sheep! Love that Queen Chestburster panel with the inscription around the edge.

Also thanks for those links and summary, Ruguld.

CptJake- Agreed, and sound like the Xenomorphs perform best in tight spaces or with lots of cover, like the movies actually . Marines being glass cannons also sounds right.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/11/24 14:46:27

Made in gb
Omnious Orc Shaman

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away...

 CptJake wrote:
The open set up of the Battlesystem terrain is a lot different from the tight corridors of the terrain included int he board game.

That is going to make a big difference in how the Aliens and other factions play in the board game.

Agreed, although I guess as it's modular you can make more corridors, just need extra walls. Either that or you need barriers / barricades to break the open spaces up and create a corridor effect?

Updated pledge table to include the new wargaming pledge level.

I'm looking at upping my level to the Real Aliens... Just need to find something expensive for the wife's Christmas present (jewelery no doubt) then I can argue the case for some more cash

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/11/24 14:46:56

Made in us
Foul Dwimmerlaik

Minneapolis, MN

I saw this posted on Board Game Geek:

- Game play was solid and a lot of fun. Needs a bit more balancing to be perfect, but players yesterday gave feedback. Let's hope they listen to it.
In CQC, Predators kicked ass in 1v1. However, a squad of aliens was able to rip the Predators apart. Same as Aliens in the War game. In open terrain, the aliens just get decimated.

- Board game was different enough from the war game, but similar enough to act as a gateway to the war game. However a lot of the stuff had spelling errors. Jarek apologised for his Polgrish and said it would be corrected in the final version.

- Models look very nice. Even the Predalien (Which WAS there, I might add, I just couldn't take pictures of it. Just so there's no more confusion), which unfortunately has to be edited. The camo Predator also looks nice. I uploaded pics of it to the gallery.

- We got given freebies. I took a bunch of people with me, they gave me their stuff. Freebies are always good.

- Models are very sturdy. When someone asked if they break easily, Mark picked a model up and dropped it on the ground. It was still fine.

Note: When I got home, however, I managed to break the tail off of an Alien. So, they're flexible within reason, but if you bend them too far they will break (so don't give them to little kits).

- The Battle system terrain whilst nice, was not the board game, which was a letdown. Jarek apologised and said we would see it as soon as they got it from the printers.

- Battle System is very nice, and works well with the AVP. We also saw the next couple of bits for the next Pledge level with Battle Systems. Thoroughly recommend it!

- The guys couldn't seem to agree on the rules, which held up game play a bit. I feel like some of the rules were made up on the spot, which probably why the balancing was an issue. Nevertheless, it didn't take away from the fun, just made it more challenging.

Not the most reassuring news. But to be expected. The alien tails breaking seems to be a given. The rules being "85%" might likely be true given this info.. Quite a few simulation games need an off the cuff judgement now and then to keep things running.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
This was there as well:

"Board game had mission cards that we were told could be randomly drawn. Not only that, but there were also 'Affect cards' that would do things. Such as a fire breaking out and turning the sprinklers on - when that occurred all Predators couldn't cloak. There was also gravity turning off, which meant models could move an extra 2 spaces, but were at -3 to attack. Those sorts of things weren't in the War game."

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/11/24 16:14:57

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Up my pledge to chopper. With everything offered the Mars pledge just wasn't cutting it. I thought I'd just add onto the pledge but I figured at least this way I'd get the extra free 15.00 addon and a couple more huggers.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/11/24 20:44:48

I’m sure glad GW is going to all plastic, so the ever-rising cost of white metal won’t impact the cost of their miniatures.  
Made in us
Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

I am at 275 but with the 230 wargaming pledge, 10 shipping and 35 for more add-ons.
Made in no
Fresh-Faced New User

Some of the figures are really great, especially the ones that were done before this KS.
But not including them what was later shown?

Sentry Gun:
Images come from the Prop Store.

Predator Berserker:
Image comes from Predators TV spot and promo images.
google: "new predators"

Predator Hounds:
images were "borrowed" from Robert Rodriguez’s Troublemaker Studios. Predators movie concepts.

Alien Praetorian:
It's a picture of a custom made action figure which belongs to Jova Cheung http://www.flickr.com/photos/jova1701/

Alien Crusher:
This image comes from the art/promo of Aliens Colonial Marines game.

AvP Alien Warrior:
This image comes from http://mistake91.deviantart.com/art/Alien-Warrior-151563705

Marines Extra Parts:
There are exactly the same render parts been shown already, just in different angle, except some of the heads.

Predator Young Bloods:
The image belongs to Alien vs. Predator: Evolution, mobile game.

Prodos, can we see missing renderings/prototypes?
FOX does not allow you to show your work, while allows you to share someone else's work as your own?
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

CL VI Store in at the Cyber Center of Excellence

You probably want to PM Prodos via the KS link if you really want an answer.

Every time a terrorist dies a Paratrooper gets his wings. 
Made in us
Elite Tyranid Warrior

Are these going to come out in plastic at a later time? I know these are resin, but the price for what I'm interested in is a bit on the high side.

That being said, I'd love to see at least concepts for the Praetorian and Crusher. Right now the predalien alone is making me want to pledge.

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

CL VI Store in at the Cyber Center of Excellence

The contents of the box will eventually appear in a retail version of the boxed board game in some type of plastic. Other figures may only ever be available in resin.

Every time a terrorist dies a Paratrooper gets his wings. 
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