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Post 2021/06/23 18:53:04     Subject: Warcry - best way to expand terrain?

My group doesn't play with the terrain cards, we prefer tables to be more dense. Definitely not mandatory to follow them.
NH Gunsmith
Post 2021/06/23 18:49:54     Subject: Warcry - best way to expand terrain?

I cut my own neoprene mats for Kill Team/Warcry now, by using larger mats and splitting the cost with somebody else (a 4'x4' mat makes two 22"x30" mats), or just picking up used 3'x3' mats and cutting them to size.

The mat doesn't need any specific markings, and terrain can just be plopped down on it.
Post 2021/05/18 07:37:34     Subject: Re:Warcry - best way to expand terrain?

Hi folks - thought I would re-post in here rather than start a new thread.

Just getting my Warcry stuff up together to play. Does anyone have any good recommendations for a rubber/pvc (or other thicker version) mat to replace the one that comes in the original starter set? I couldn't find any official ones, is that correct?

I need to refresh myself with the rules - does the mat need to have any specific markings or layout, or can the terrain just be plonked down on top?

Alternatively, if anyone has made their own base would they care to share? At 22" x 30" I thought another option might be some MDF and modelling clay to make a fully textured play surface.
Post 2020/08/17 08:01:01     Subject: Warcry - best way to expand terrain?

It sounds like you have spent a bit more time with the game, Hellfury. I have just recently picked up the rulebook and those were my first impressions - good if those were wrong actually as it will be nice to have some customisation.

Post 2020/08/16 20:24:48     Subject: Warcry - best way to expand terrain?

 Pacific wrote:
Having just looked through the rulebook for this (have just started collecting a force myself) it looks like the game and rules are very much tied to the official terrain.

The same with the miniatures actually - they look very difficult to convert and the cards all represent a specific miniature and configuration.

I don't think I have ever seen a game (on the sci-fi/fantasy side at least) which ties you into a specific model and terrain range so ardently. I suppose it's nice if you're a newbie and don't want any ambiguity but it does feel like it will severely limit the customisation and character that you can often add to games played at this scale, and one of the great things about the ancestors of this game (the Mordheim's, Necromundas etc.)- and makes me wonder what lastability the game will have from a campaign and modelling perspective.

I dont get the same impression.

As much as I like the idea of the terrain cards, I have long since abandoned them for my own creations. They even tell you how to incorporate that idea using your own terrain collection. The rules being tied to branded terrain I am having a difficult time seeing what your talking about. Obstacles are obstacles, deadly terrain is whatever you and your opponent agree to, platforms are platforms, etc.

As far as the miniatures and cards go... I think a heavy dose of counts as is your friend, especially now that there is a great card creator online.

For example, for my nighthaunt warband, I think the extolled of shyish running around clubbing people like baby seals with a bell is quite anticlimactic. So I made a new card that has the briar queen image and the extolled of shyish rules. I do this a lot for every warband I have, and have yet to see anyone complain about it. They seem to take to the idea and do the same themselves to better fit their creativity or models in their collection.

The effort is minimal.

Post 2020/08/14 15:10:59     Subject: Warcry - best way to expand terrain?

Having just looked through the rulebook for this (have just started collecting a force myself) it looks like the game and rules are very much tied to the official terrain.

The same with the miniatures actually - they look very difficult to convert and the cards all represent a specific miniature and configuration.

I don't think I have ever seen a game (on the sci-fi/fantasy side at least) which ties you into a specific model and terrain range so ardently. I suppose it's nice if you're a newbie and don't want any ambiguity but it does feel like it will severely limit the customisation and character that you can often add to games played at this scale, and one of the great things about the ancestors of this game (the Mordheim's, Necromundas etc.)- and makes me wonder what lastability the game will have from a campaign and modelling perspective.
Post 2020/08/10 19:42:31     Subject: Warcry - best way to expand terrain?

 usernamesareannoying wrote:
I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to expand the starter terrain while maintaining the aesthetic.
Any thoughts?

Keeping in mind your criteria for maintaining the aesthetic the starter terrain has, I'd re commend any terrain in the AoS line with the word 'Azuryite' in it, as the warcry terrain is born largely from that.

The defiled ruins set is also close to it in that regard.

As far as off brand terrain, I think the rsmpart modular plastic gothic ruins made by archon are good. They have a late backer kit for their kickstarter and you can still jump in on that. It's worth exploring if nothing else.
Post 2020/04/15 22:24:46     Subject: Warcry - best way to expand terrain?

beast_gts wrote:
 NinthMusketeer wrote:
I made these for use with the souldrain forest board:

Nice! What's the Forest like to play in?
I could let you know after the pandemic clears up...
Post 2020/04/15 13:29:22     Subject: Warcry - best way to expand terrain?

 NinthMusketeer wrote:
I made these for use with the souldrain forest board:

Nice! What's the Forest like to play in?
Post 2020/04/15 12:57:39     Subject: Warcry - best way to expand terrain?

I made these for use with the souldrain forest board:

Post 2020/04/14 19:56:29     Subject: Warcry - best way to expand terrain?

 usernamesareannoying wrote:
hi beast... my first thought is GW but i wouldn't want to limit it to just that.

The Ruined Chapel and Shattered Plaza match what's in the Core Box.

I've got the Defiled Ruins and Shattered Stormvault 'Ravaged Lands' packs Jjohnso11 & Overread mentioned and they're both great - although the Stormvault does lack cover.

I've also got the Corpsewrack Mausoleum, but that one doesn't seem to be available from GW any more...
Post 2020/04/14 17:46:10     Subject: Warcry - best way to expand terrain?

I have enjoyed the other Warcry terrain sets GW sells. They all have cards and there are cards in the sets that include the starter terrain - which gives you the opportunity to mix and match.

The wife and I have one large deck of terrain cards and we pick that card first and then get the terrain out that matches it. I have the mausoleum set, shatter storm vault, and will very soon buy the Souldrain Forest set.

edit- dang I got ninja'd again.
Post 2020/04/14 17:35:37     Subject: Warcry - best way to expand terrain?

If you're going with GW then I'd just keep buying additional warcry terrain packs as they inter-lock card wise with the core set. That gives you more terrain and more cards to draw terrain with so you can maintain the same feel of the game with your opponents.

Post 2020/04/14 17:18:24     Subject: Warcry - best way to expand terrain?

hi beast... my first thought is GW but i wouldn't want to limit it to just that.
Post 2020/04/14 08:37:57     Subject: Re:Warcry - best way to expand terrain?

 Genoside07 wrote:
I thought in Warcry all-terrain was linked to a card, so throwing in new pieces might not work out well with your opponents.

But you can if your opponent agrees -
The terrain cards in Warcry allow players to set up a range of battlefields using the terrain features in the core set. However, Warcry is the perfect game for players to really embrace the narrative and create thematic battlefields with unique terrain features. If all players agree, you can substitute one or more of the terrain features with different terrain features from your collection.

And not all the cards are symmetrical, so it can sometimes help to have something extra to balance out the table.

Automatically Appended Next Post:

Are you after GW or 3rd-party?
Post 2020/04/14 06:38:10     Subject: Re:Warcry - best way to expand terrain?

I thought in Warcry all-terrain was linked to a card, so throwing in new pieces might not work out well with your opponents.
Post 2020/04/13 16:47:58     Subject: [WC] Warcry - best way to expand terrain?

I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to expand the starter terrain while maintaining the aesthetic.
Any thoughts?