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Made in za
Junior Officer with Laspistol

South Africa

Earlier on I promised a new member Vipcaniac that I would try to make an article about his conversion.I struggled with the pics so decied instead to leave the articles to those with more skill and make this tutorial.

step 1:
Simply assemble your cold one.

step 2:
This step is also simple,just assemble the DE knights legs.

step 3:
Roll a small amount of greenstuff around the waist of the Eldar guardian(rember to leave a hole in the center so that you can still slip him onto the DE legs).

step 4:
Slip the torso of the guardian onto the DE legs and place your rider upon his mount.Do not at this point glue your rider in place.

step 5:
Add your guardians gun control arm.

step 6.
Converting the mace arm is done by cutting the guardians hand of at the wrist,do the same with a DE knight mace hand.The glue it onto the guardian arm at your desired angle.Then attach the arm to your rider.

step 7:
Now attach the banner to the models saddle.

step 8:
Glue the DE shield to your riders back(for added affect/detail).Rember to remove the hand with a hobby or craft knife.

step 9:
In this step we will make the gun for the side of the mount.
Start by cutting the jet bike's gun along the edges of it's barrel.
Next cut the rear of the gun off short at the "L" segment.
Place the gun above the riders feet it should be at the cold ones chin.

The finished product:

So there it is guys,Vipcaniac I hope this makes up for my bad article skills.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/07/18 22:55:34

"I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member."-Groucho Marx
Made in us
Irked Necron Immortal

Great conversion! Can you give some explanation as to what the exodites are?

Mathhammer is NOT Warhammer.
**Necrons**Thunder Barons (Counts-as) Grey Knights**Ogre Kingdoms** 
Made in us
Dipping With Wood Stain

They are the eldar whom left the eldar empire because they felt things were getting a bit to decadent. After finding new worlds to colonize they adopted a lifestyle less reliant on technology.

Most versions have them as dino-riders. There are some that have different take

take care
Made in us
Intoxicated Centigor

Apex, NC

I read about them in my codex and just thought they were awesome. I coincidentally had the idea to make them on primitive mounts before finding an old exodite codex. I am also working on shining spear conversions but I just cannot find a suitable mount.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Scyzantine Empire

I used the Dire Avenger torsos for my Exodite Dragon Knight conversion, along with the DE heads, legs, and arms. I didn't get around to mounting the guns, however, since I'm taking a different tack with them than you. Gotta love dinosaurs with lasers.

What harm can it do to find out? It's a question that left bruises down the centuries, even more than "It can't hurt if I only take one" and "It's all right if you only do it standing up." Terry Pratchett, Making Money

"Can a magician kill a man by magic?" Lord Wellington asked Strange. Strange frowned. He seemed to dislike the question. "I suppose a magician might," he admitted, "but a gentleman never could." Susanna Clarke Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell


Made in us
Intoxicated Centigor

Apex, NC

If you do not mind, I would like to use some of your ideas for my Shining Spears. Also, I am thinking of just equipping my units with guns in their hands. I have plenty of arm bits for my Eldar that have shuirken catapults. What do you think?

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Scyzantine Empire

The pics above are my Shining Spears... They don't have guns, although with WYSIWYG, I'll have to do something. I was thinking of mounting all the shuri's on one of the old DE chariot cold ones, making him a kind of "gunboat" and letting him be a marker the way the heavy weapon platform is for guardians.

Speaking of Guardians, I put them on the Lizardmen cold ones using Wood Elf Glade Rider legs. They kept their shuri's - crack shot dino hunters counts as twin-linked - and I intend to give them reins to hold in their off hand. They might look better if both hands were holding the gun though...

What harm can it do to find out? It's a question that left bruises down the centuries, even more than "It can't hurt if I only take one" and "It's all right if you only do it standing up." Terry Pratchett, Making Money

"Can a magician kill a man by magic?" Lord Wellington asked Strange. Strange frowned. He seemed to dislike the question. "I suppose a magician might," he admitted, "but a gentleman never could." Susanna Clarke Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell


Made in us
Intoxicated Centigor

Apex, NC

I cannot find any of those Glade Rider bits. Anyone have ideas? I tried several bit sites. It looks like I have to buy the whole box. I am not paying 5.99 for 4 legs.......that's how much the war store wanted.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Scyzantine Empire

I go through Hoard*o*Bits on Feebay, but you'll be competing with me to get them They don't sell them in their webstore, only as an auction item - despite my pleading.

I think the Glade Riders box gives you 8 of them, but you get lots of other bits to help customize your exodites too, so don't throw them away!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/07/23 20:14:49

What harm can it do to find out? It's a question that left bruises down the centuries, even more than "It can't hurt if I only take one" and "It's all right if you only do it standing up." Terry Pratchett, Making Money

"Can a magician kill a man by magic?" Lord Wellington asked Strange. Strange frowned. He seemed to dislike the question. "I suppose a magician might," he admitted, "but a gentleman never could." Susanna Clarke Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell


Made in us
Intoxicated Centigor

Apex, NC

The only problem with the Glade riders is that it is 35 bucks and I do not like the mounts! How about I buy a box and you pay me for the bitz you want.....lol jk

Made in us
Intoxicated Centigor

Apex, NC

Just found those guys on ebay - they had some wood elf riders on BIN. I got a few packs of bits.....

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Scyzantine Empire

Here's the painted pics of the Silver Spear/Exodite Dragon Knights:

The Exarch's weapon arm is magnetized to swap out the PW (which I'll never use) for a laser lance or star lance (which I'll almost always use). Hope you enjoy!

What harm can it do to find out? It's a question that left bruises down the centuries, even more than "It can't hurt if I only take one" and "It's all right if you only do it standing up." Terry Pratchett, Making Money

"Can a magician kill a man by magic?" Lord Wellington asked Strange. Strange frowned. He seemed to dislike the question. "I suppose a magician might," he admitted, "but a gentleman never could." Susanna Clarke Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell


Made in us
Intoxicated Centigor

Apex, NC

I cant wait to see what the new riders will look like with the correct legs. I might have to swap arms out so these finished ones can be Shining Spears

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Moving flat out..

Wow. These are great!

Gonna have to work on some Exodites / Guardian Jetbikes / Shining Spears after checking out this thread..

Are there and updates to the Exodite army?

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Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Scyzantine Empire

I've got some pics of my jetbike riding Autarch up. Finished a complete squad of 12 riders +1 Warlock last month and I'm working on my jetseer council - waiting on Chapterhouse to get their new heads and bodies for space elves out!

What harm can it do to find out? It's a question that left bruises down the centuries, even more than "It can't hurt if I only take one" and "It's all right if you only do it standing up." Terry Pratchett, Making Money

"Can a magician kill a man by magic?" Lord Wellington asked Strange. Strange frowned. He seemed to dislike the question. "I suppose a magician might," he admitted, "but a gentleman never could." Susanna Clarke Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell


Made in gb
Mad Gyrocopter Pilot


Those silver spear/exodite dragon riders look all sorts of awesome. Thinking of maybe using those cold ones models some time to make carapace armored rough riders myself.
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