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[[HD Video]] How to paint Space Wolves Space Marine by LBursley  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Jinking Ravenwing Land Speeder Pilot

San Diego, CA USA

Here it is.. I expect this tutorial to be about 3 parts. Just a lot of elements on the mini to cover. Enjoy and check back as the following vids will be edited into this first post

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2009/10/13 19:36:03

Made in ca
Avatar of the Bloody-Handed God


How does the pigment powder stay on without flaking off?

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Made in us
Jinking Ravenwing Land Speeder Pilot

San Diego, CA USA

I applied it over the wash while it was wet. Or you can dilute matte medium with alcohol till water like and bind the pigment to the model.

Made in au
Ferocious Blood Claw

Really high quality stuff. Looking forward to the next installments, thanks.
Made in au
2nd Lieutenant


amazing, really am enjoying it - your inspiring many people with the great tutorials you are makings. on to part 2!! (when will it be up?)

offtopic: Do you ship to australia?

edit: can you list the colours you have used? (in all the videos)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/10/02 07:47:24

*Ex Username: Gutteridge*

Made in us
Annoyed Blood Angel Devastator

Some times I wish I could see some of these in actual time and hear what your are thinking while painting.

And... Dang, there is a lot of detail on that model.

Can't wait to see the next one!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/10/02 08:10:51

"Wot, This? Naw I've had this fer ages. Of course the paint's still wet, it's me favourite. Sell it to ya if you like. One Careful owner."  
Made in us
Jinking Ravenwing Land Speeder Pilot

San Diego, CA USA

hehe part 2 will be done next week.

I ship world wide but am restricted to small boxes. Each Box can hold only 9 items and cost $12.95 to ship. I wonder if paypal is world wide but that is how I accept payments. Just e-mail through my site with the order and I'll shoot you an invoice. The next lager box holds about 27 and costs $41.95usd to send internationally.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Watsabi wrote:Some times I wish I could see some of these in actual time and hear what your are thinking while painting.

I don't talk.. I hold my breath and let it out slowly.. kinda annoying to hear when my nostril is resting on the stereo microphone

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2009/10/02 08:05:35

Made in au
Veteran Wolf Guard Squad Leader

Nice tutorial, definately waiting for the second and third installments.

Funnily enough though it was interesting to see you start this model the same way you started the White scar and infact after watching your white scar tutorial i thought you could probably do a space wolf that way

Quick question. Is there a something similar to your soft washes or something that could be used in place of them? Is it possible to sub in the Citadel equivalent washes and maybe dilute them a little further?

Made in us
Jinking Ravenwing Land Speeder Pilot

San Diego, CA USA

hehe yeah with colors like white and yellow or SW grey it's the same process. Building up. I show the process from the beginning every time even though you guys know I'm gonna put the black wash over primer. I had to keep in mind the new painters that would search for chapters and made the vids complete.

Black wash. GW could be diluted but you can see a youtuber named girlpainting which is the person I grabbed the technique from. She uses all GW stuff. So actually you could substitute with badab black.. you will run out quickly which is expensive. My softbody black is the consistency of didi's magic ink or wonderwash, but mine is formulated to go over primer well. most go over primer nice and absorb in weird pattern, while mine.... well you have seen the vids

Made in us
Battleship Captain


Nice stuff - you make it look so easy. I also appreciate how you can see just how much you thin your paints before you put them on. Great tutorial.

Man, I wish there was a real Black Library where I could get a Black Library Card and take out Black Library Books without having to buy them. Of course, late fees would be your soul. But it would be worth it. - InquisitorMack 
Made in au
Stormin' Stompa


Can you give us a preview of what you're going to do with that flat Space Wolves Grey?
Made in de
Fresh-Faced New User

Hello and great video,

does I see this right? Is there a foundation of SpaceWolveGrey on this armor before washing?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/10/03 13:45:50

Made in us
Jinking Ravenwing Land Speeder Pilot

San Diego, CA USA

No the model was primed white then washed.

Made in au
Lethal Lhamean

very nice.. I assume the model in washed in the intial stage because it leaves the nooks of the model dark on a white undercoat? which you then paint around..

Anyways very nice.
Made in us
Jinking Ravenwing Land Speeder Pilot

San Diego, CA USA

That's exactly it Shaman! I do it to turn the model black and white and basically just paint inside the lines. With little clean up areas where the wash some times settles too thick. But basically that's it for my table top.

Made in au
Lethal Lhamean

ok cool thanx for the confirmation
Made in za
Regular Dakkanaut


Hi I just watched your White Scars and Space Wolves videos...

Im amazed at the speed at which you paint - ROFL!

Seriously though, it looks like your paint is very thin for the most part - what would be nice is to see the mixtures you use, the dilution, how long you allow it to dry for before the next coat goes on etc.

also the primer you use - is it a spray on or a paint on.
do you wash your mini's with warm water and soap before priming etc.
Made in us
Jinking Ravenwing Land Speeder Pilot

San Diego, CA USA

Part 2 is now live!

Made in us
Automated Space Wolves Thrall

Planet Earth

Holy smokes... tons of detail... i can only imagine how long it took you to do all that... looks like you have it fastforward... but how long are you really taking with each stroke... it looks like your just throwing paint on the model

imperialeaglegold: LONG LIVE THE ALLFATHER

"Walk softly, and carry a big gun"
95% of teens would go into a panic attack if the jonas brothers were about to jump off the empire state building copy and paste this if you are the 5% who would pull up a lawn chair grab some popcorn and yell JUMP BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Level up Adoptable! 
Made in us
Jinking Ravenwing Land Speeder Pilot

San Diego, CA USA

I actually paint pretty quick. Without worrying about video taping it would take about 45mins. But with camera, about 2 hours.

Made in za
Regular Dakkanaut


I've been led to believe that priming is a "make or break" part of the process...

Can you give us some advice / tutorials on your priming technique / what you use to prime?

I have used both the Citadel Chaos Black and the Armory Black (both sprays).

I tried both the single shot and multiple quick passes (holding the can about 20cm away) but in both cases it obscures the fine details too much esp. when you start painting over it.

Admittedly this was before hearing about thinning paints and painting with washes and inks etc.

Any advice?
Made in us
Automated Space Wolves Thrall

Planet Earth

Also how many washes did you use on this model in all

imperialeaglegold: LONG LIVE THE ALLFATHER

"Walk softly, and carry a big gun"
95% of teens would go into a panic attack if the jonas brothers were about to jump off the empire state building copy and paste this if you are the 5% who would pull up a lawn chair grab some popcorn and yell JUMP BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Level up Adoptable! 
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