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Made in us
Servoarm Flailing Magos


I have had several requests for a tutorial for making these, so here it is:

(For a pistol grip, do not use a lasgun. Use the rear grip from the bolter, and paste it to the bottom edge of the shotgun receiver.)
[Thumb - PICT0710.JPG]
Here are the pieces you will need: a scout shotgun piece, a regular boltgun, and a lasgun.

[Thumb - PICT0712.JPG]
Step 1: cut the grips away from the scout shotgun. Make clean cuts, as it will help the process.

[Thumb - PICT0713.JPG]
Step 2: Seperate the foregrip from the boltgun (if making a pistol-grip shotgun, cut off grip too and skip to step 4)

[Thumb - PICT0714.JPG]
Step 3: Cut off stock and grip assembly from lasgun.

[Thumb - PICT0715.JPG]
Step 4: Glue pieces together with plastic cement. This will make the finished piece more durable and will fill small gaps.

http://www.teun135miniaturewargaming.blogspot.com/ https://www.instagram.com/teun135/
Foxphoenix135: Successful Trades: 21
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Longtime Dakkanaut

Misery. Missouri. Who can tell the difference.

That is a great looking shotgun. This so easy, thanks for sharing it.

251 point Khador Army
245 points Ret Army

Warmachine League Record: 85 Wins 29 Losses
A proud member of the "I won with Zerkova" club with and without Sylss.

Made in us
Servoarm Flailing Magos


My pleasure. I had a couple people reading my IG blog ask how I made it, and it is simple enough, so I just took some pics. These are great for 1-off conversions for games like Inquisitor, Kill-team, and Dark Heresy.

http://www.teun135miniaturewargaming.blogspot.com/ https://www.instagram.com/teun135/
Foxphoenix135: Successful Trades: 21
With: romulus571, hisdudeness, Old Man Ultramarine, JHall, carldooley, Kav122, chriachris, gmpoto, Jhall, Nurglitch, steamdragon, DispatchDave, Gavin Thorne, Shenra, RustyKnight, rodt777, DeathReaper, LittleCizur, fett14622, syypher, Maxstreel 
Made in us
Blood-Raging Khorne Berserker

Looks nice, but since I don't play guard, is there a difference between a scout shotgun and a combat shotgun? Just seems expensive...

I'm not like them, but I can pretend.

Observations on complex unit wound allocation: If you're feeling screwed, your opponent is probably doing it right. 
Made in us
Servoarm Flailing Magos


In 40k, there is not really a difference. In Dark Heresy, there is. This tutorial was developed when making character models for the RPG Dark Heresy, which is set in the 40k universe.

http://www.teun135miniaturewargaming.blogspot.com/ https://www.instagram.com/teun135/
Foxphoenix135: Successful Trades: 21
With: romulus571, hisdudeness, Old Man Ultramarine, JHall, carldooley, Kav122, chriachris, gmpoto, Jhall, Nurglitch, steamdragon, DispatchDave, Gavin Thorne, Shenra, RustyKnight, rodt777, DeathReaper, LittleCizur, fett14622, syypher, Maxstreel 
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