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Slow growing Gloomspite.....good and bad ideas?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dark Angels Dreadnought

So our group (All Miniatures Great and Small) are starting a 500pt slow grow league, and I finally decided to jump in after seeing the Squig Mangler model!

500pts doesn't get you much and I've only picked up a single box of Grots right now. Initially I was thinking...

20 Grots
5 fanatics
2x5 squig herders
character (what is best to start...shaman or loonboss?)

Gives me some variety, plus starts me with a few squigs

I'm guessing, however, that 20 Grots is really not enough, even at 500pts. Better to drop the fanatics and take 20 more Grots for now and then add fanatics when we go to 750?

Got the rulebook coming, will start reading when I'm done with LVO in a few weeks.

Made in gb
Hungry Ork Hunta Lying in Wait

First of all, squigs come with 5 squigs, 1 Herder in each squad for a minimum of 6 per unit, and the fanatics cannot hide in them as they lack the 'Grot' keyword.

Madcap Shaman

Stabba x20

Loonsmasha Fanatics (good ol' ball and chain)

Squig Herd x6
Squig Herd x6

This is 490 point on the dot. I would recommend the trait that allows the Shaman to use the Loonboss command ability 'Im da boss now stab em good' to let the stabba grots do some damage, and for spells cant go wrong with Squig Lure or Itchy nuisance.
Made in au
Hissing Hybrid Metamorph

I'd say the Fungoid Cave-shaman could be a good character choice as well. A lot more durable than the madcap and doesn't have to worry about getting hurt to cast the second spell. Not as good spell on his warscroll though.
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

How squig heavy do you want?
You could essentially run a pure squig army right away.

Loonboss on mangler
5 hoppers
5 hoppers

Just under 500 but I doubt you'll make friends having the mangler in a 500 point game lol.
Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dark Angels Dreadnought

Gir Spirit Bane wrote:
First of all, squigs come with 5 squigs, 1 Herder in each squad for a minimum of 6 per unit, and the fanatics cannot hide in them as they lack the 'Grot' keyword.

Madcap Shaman

Stabba x20

Loonsmasha Fanatics (good ol' ball and chain)

Squig Herd x6
Squig Herd x6

This is 490 point on the dot. I would recommend the trait that allows the Shaman to use the Loonboss command ability 'Im da boss now stab em good' to let the stabba grots do some damage, and for spells cant go wrong with Squig Lure or Itchy nuisance.

? That's pretty much the list that I put up. when i went 2x5 squigs, I just meant squigs....I figured the herder is not really counted
My real question was is 20 grots enough at 500pts, or should I drop the fanatics for a second group of 20?
Made in gb
Hungry Ork Hunta Lying in Wait

Yes sorry I guess I was agreeing the original list was okay and stating for the character to use the shaman over a loonboss.

IF you want consistency take the 20 grots over the fanatics, but I adore fanatics and find they scare enemy players more than they should. ALTHOUGH occasionally they do remind players why they should be scared of them

for upgrading to 1k you need to decide whether you want to swarm them with fgrots and fanatics or branch out into more squigs. A Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig really speeds up the Squigs (the cave squig is decent in CC, the loonboss himself is pretty bad)

A second shaman is never amiss, the lores you have available are awesome and our shamans are cheap! exploit that!

a 1k list I ran against a friend was

Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig 110
Shaman 80
Loonboss on foot 70

Shootas x20 260

Stabbas x40 (pokin' spears) 260

Loonsmasha Fanatics 140

Boingrot Bouncers x5 100
Boingrot Bouncers x5 100

990 total. Was very fun, plus the stabbas coming back at half strength from the Loonshrine is tasty indeed!
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

Consider that Grots recycle. The more of them you take, the more of them you get for free. So I would absolutely go for 40.

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