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Gallery Voting Overview

Dakka has a massive image gallery with tens of thousands of wargaming related images. One thing that greatly improves the gallery is getting appropriate ratings assigned to each image, and this is done by you, dakka's users. In a nutshell, each image in the gallery is assigned a rating out of 10 based on how interesting the image is ('coolness') and how good the paintjob is. If the image is of a work in progress model, or has no paint on it, or is not a model at all but is some other graphic, then the paintjob rating should be N/A or 0. If the image is of some general graphic like a tutorial graphic or a pile of tools then the coolness is probably N/A or 0, or 1 is you feel generous.

Ratings should be simple and based on your gut feeling about a model. Perfect paintjobs might be a 9 or 10, good might be 6-8, painting neatly but boringly might be 5 and getting paint on the model somewhere between 1 and 4, but feel free to use your own systems and opinions as it will all average out fairly when other users vote on the same image. The same is true of the 'coolness' rating.

Dont forget, when you vote it will increase your 'Gallery Votes' counter shown under your member details in the forum, which will show everyone that you are a good member who helps support and improve dakka. Please dont just vote randomly (such as giving everything 0 or 10) in an attempt to increase your counter as it can be detected and action will be taken against you. If you accidentally give something the wrong vote then you can use the back button to correct it, but if it is just a rare thing then dont worry about it as other user's votes will average out the score.

How do I Vote?

Vote by clicking the ratings buttons under 'Rate this Image' on the left hand side of any gallery image. You can get started right away by viewing a random image by clicking the 'Gallery' link at the top of any page on Dakka, then clicking 'View a Random Image' on the gallery home page. The random image voting/viewing will rotate through a combination of unrated images, a few low rated images and a lot of high rated images that you have not seen. Random viewing will only ever show you images that you have not seen before, so it is a great way to see things you would not normally look at.

If you would like to help make the gallery better, faster, and dont mind seeing a lot of repeated images or barely related images such as battle report photos, tutorial photos, etc. then you can select 'Votes Required' from the drop down under 'Rate this Image'. If you want to see more images in the same gallery by the same person as the image you are currently viewing, then select 'Same Gallery' from the drop down.