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Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/01/04 11:03:49

Post by: The Apothecary

I think Cypher will take his place. Unless that traitor actually ask for forgiveness.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/01/09 10:09:45

Post by: kitch102

I think he's already dead, and that the IoM is wasting their time praying to what is essentially a 40k eqyptian mummy equivalent. However, I think it'd be awesome if he were somehow to be brought back to life. How? Future tech, recovery of STC's, chaos playing about, who knows, though itd have to be at the end of mankinds time, when the emperor & his loyal primarchs stand side by side once again

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/01/09 11:22:30

Post by: TheAngrySquig

He's dying. He's not going to come back, just die and maybe maybe become a minor chaos god. Either way the Emperor is just a microcosm of the Imperium, barely alive and failing.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/01/09 11:42:23

Post by: ZacktheChaosChild

No. If he came back, that would ruin the grimdark.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/01/09 12:49:32

Post by: kanelom

I rckon he's got some ressurection thingy going on but previous poster is correct, he isn't coming back yet, not while everything is still so grimdark.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/01/09 13:25:01

Post by: Dantanius

HE'S NOT DEAD YET! HE'S JUST RESTING! Primarchs and damnation people, you'll belive a fat musician in a white suit still lives but not The Emperor of Mankind? And the likes of kanelom see fit to attempt to judge Him? With a quote of John 3:16 as a siggy?

Anyways SOMEONE forgot to enter the option of "yes". In some form.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/01/09 15:46:03

Post by: mingus89

he shouldnt ressurect, as hes not dead, his mind and body are in the immaterium, as his worshipers allow that to happen by praying to him, also ressurecting him would stop 40k dead.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/01/09 15:53:32

Post by: ChaosxVoid

I figure he will "die" then be reincarnated by someone of the ultramarines (ofcourse)

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/01/09 17:25:48

Post by: Sharkvictim

Going solely off of current fluff alone if he died he could theoretically come back as a god of some sort.
All of the gore-boners the Dark Eldar popped brought Slaanesh into existence. It stands to reason then that the countless worlds extolling his holy virtues and the untold billions that die (daily) in his name and service would kind of have the same effect on bring the Emperor back from the dead in an intangible/has own plane of existence/codex for creatures of said plane kind of way.
But he isn't dead yet. He's on life support.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/01/09 18:16:57

Post by: azrel9

Star child theory, the emperor will die and the imperium will be plunged into darkness for a long time( thousand years, hundred?) And then be reborn, either that or one of the primarches will return with whatever he needs to be healed, and gaks gonna get real as another crusade starts, humanity recovers its lost technology and former glory, and now the Emporer, being able to channel his physker power (which undoubtly has grown since his incarceration on the golden throne) he will destroy the chaos gods and pacify the warp.

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Like a boss

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/01/09 19:10:17

Post by: el_groovatore

I hope not.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/01/09 19:50:13

Post by: Ravnak

The Emperor will come back as like a god

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/01/09 20:49:14

Post by: Crystal Geyser

he will stay like this forever

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/01/09 21:30:56

Post by: Tech Guard

Nope GW won't let him come back, plain and simple!!!

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/01/10 08:06:32

Post by: BLING MAN

Can you imagine, as a hq choice for SM. He'd be a beast!!!

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/01/15 17:12:31

Post by: TheAngrySquig

Could you imagine if they let khorne into the new chaos codex?

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Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/01/15 18:03:37

Post by: DIDM

he will be the next chaos god

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/01/15 21:18:46

Post by: King Pariah

Just to add to the grim darkness, he will completely die, man will once again be lost in the cold dark reaches of the galaxy.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/01/23 09:45:30

Post by: Thatguy91

No, he will stay static, just like the rest of the 40k universe. Killing/bringing him back to life would ruin the game in my opinion. It would tip the scale into Imperial favor too far and would just super cheesie. Dont like that idea at all. Same thing would happen if he died, the Imperium may very well crumble if he does. He will definitely stay static in my opinion.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/02/16 10:13:54

Post by: darknessforbid

I think he will explode and kill everyone in the universe......

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/02/16 17:44:58

Post by: Jimsolo

Eventually, sure, why not?

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/03/09 09:37:24

Post by: evildrspock

I like the opinion that one Chaos player I met had ... that the Emperor was a false Emperor, basically the 5th Chaos God! 1000 souls sacrificed a day to keep him "alive?" Nah, he's a God, with a writhing mass of humans ensuring his existence, through continued strive with chaos.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/05/08 19:12:30

Post by: Gutstuf Ugfang

it would be cool to see the emperor die and see how the imperium survives. i mainly just want the story to progress.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/06/13 11:17:18

Post by: Chaos Emperor

evildrspock wrote:I like the opinion that one Chaos player I met had ... that the Emperor was a false Emperor, basically the 5th Chaos God! 1000 souls sacrificed a day to keep him "alive?" Nah, he's a God, with a writhing mass of humans ensuring his existence, through continued strive with chaos.

Its malal!!!

i read something on throne of skulls recently that a guy had put, that when the emperor dies, he would join the 'emperor' entity in the warp and be born as, rather ironically a chaos god, and destroy the other four.

if he was a god though what would be his 'thing'? khorne has anger, slaanesh has lust etc...

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/06/13 11:28:18

Post by: wpago

their is always the terminus decree. that states that in the chamber of puritu rests a simple wooden box within this box written upon acient parchement is instructions known as the terminus decree. This artcifact goes unrecored in all the libraies in trhe Imperium and only the supreme grandmaster knows of it. it is a secrete so vast it culd brin gthe imperium to its knee or save it in its darkest hour. the only clue is the golden seal on the box. For their is only another seal that matches it in all of the imperiums far flung worlds. On terra on the Emporer's golden throne.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/06/13 14:44:18

Post by: JbR of the Endless Spire

I believe he is dead already (physically), only his soul is tethered to his corpse still (by the golden throne) preventing him from being reborn or utterly dying. I think there was something like this in the inquisitor rule book. Hence the radicals and puritan sects of the Inquisition, one wants to get him reborn the other leave him where he is in case untethering his soul really does kill him. Or something like that....

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/06/13 15:48:26

Post by: cormadepanda

Id like to see the story progress as the emperor dies, rise as a god who would wage war with the other chaos gods - which would continue to fight for man kind and also add new fluff/story and also make room to expand for a new emperor. Of course i have always been a rebel of the imperium as orks and rebel guard. The emperor no longer protects.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/06/13 16:09:21

Post by: sandant

Well a few fluff options from the various codices in my possession

1. Russ finds The Emperor and Lion el Johnson somewhere in the Formless wastes and simply re-summons them (and himself) temporarily like daemons do.

2. Whatever that key thing that the Grey Knights were given that they were told to use only when the situation is at it's most grim, that either unlocks the golden throne, or is just another tool for summoning The Emperor.

3. Roboute Guilliman finishes healing gets of his lazy arse and becomes the new emperor

4. All of Vulcan's gifts are recovered and the final one somehow summons, you guessed it The Emperor

5. The entire sacrifice 1000 psykers everyday thing is attempting to do the same thing as the Eldar's, "once we have enough people in the infinity circuit our god of death will be born and kill Slaanesh"

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/06/13 16:57:01

Post by: baseballclu

The emperor is dying and will continue to do so until they find the vast majority of the technology lost. The ei banned all ai's whic hwill hurt them because I'm sure there is some old technology that allows you to transfer someone's mind and soul to an ai body. It makes sense if you think about it. Either that'll happen or like the previous poster stated leman russ will do some crazy stuff.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/06/13 17:19:35

Post by: Rimmy

the game wouldn't be as fun if he dies, or lived again. religious zealetry has been fueling war for milleania. it wouldn't make sense.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/06/13 17:23:51

Post by: helgrenze

I still say its like the movie "Dogma"... He can't die because of the machine, but once he is allowed to, he will rise again with his full powers.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/06/13 18:04:56

Post by: timthehierodule

I think he will die and go to paradise with a few pet chickens and a dog called Lesley, then the vampire Jesus(Mephiston) dies due to fact that he had a blood overdose. The emperor is telepathicly informed of this and is so happy that Mephiston has died that he returns to rule the imperium!

Or things just stay as normal and as they always have been during the 40k game.

(I don't like Mephiston)

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/07/15 10:17:15

Post by: HAZZER

As the star child, who the hell is that? Voted for it anyways...

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/07/15 15:35:16

Post by: MeanGreenStompa

He will rise again as the Star Child.

Because I am old and I don't forget old background and lately GW's been bringing back the old stuff in droves.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/07/15 15:56:19

Post by: orkdestroyer1

Nah this is how it goes emperor dies,everyone loses faith,necrons build pylons and close off the warp but just before the emperor gets reincarnated c'tan try to eat people emperor steps in and c'tan get banished to an alternitive universe until the end of time.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/07/15 20:11:58

Post by: Tangent

ZacktheChaosChild wrote:No. If he came back, that would ruin the grimdark.

This is what I think, too. If he came back it would be too... hopeful? Optimistic?

By the way, how do they normally advance the storyline? I asked my local GW if the new rulebook advanced the storyline when I bought it, and they basically said no, and that they think they will advance it in the codexes. Is that the way it's normally done? Or is it via novels? Or what?

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/07/21 16:02:19

Post by: jakingo

An eldar farseer once saw the next event that will take place after the dead of the emperor, in the same date that the emperor dies, the GOD OF DEATH IS BORN a god so powerful that will eliminate all the other chaos gods...........maybe the emperor will become the nex god of death

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/07/21 21:56:10

Post by: LoneLictor

I would prefer to think that he's already dead and he's not powering the Astronomicon, but rather the thousands of psykers sacrificed every day.

Also, on my time on Dakka I've learned that debating this is pointless because the canon is all contradictory and crazy regarding this stuff. In the end it all comes down to personal preference. If you think the background will be better if he's alive, then you'll think he's alive and if you think the background will be better when he's dead, then you'll think he's dead.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/08/16 10:37:51

Post by: Kavish

Other. It would ruin the whole universe if he died or came back. The god of death idea is interesting. Where did you hear/read that?

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/08/16 11:26:29

Post by: Goat

The Inquisition will do whatever it takes to make sure he's preserved as is because it controls the untold billions of people. His true death is a feared thing for the Inquisition. But I'm sure right after the Emperor got into his yellow chair he was like "Please do not circumvent our word filter. Thanks. Manchu did I just du? Fak..." now he's trapped with all these leeches keeping him alive. If he were allowed to die, I'm sure he'll just battle the gods in the immaterium for eternity still fullfilling his current role but also actively fighting chaos on another front. Him and Draigo duo of awesome-sauce for eternity! Did I just troll 800 people with that last sentence?

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/08/16 11:43:05

Post by: kitch102

Thinking about it again now, I can see a massive invasion of, I dunno, Tyranids, and the only hope is the Emperor for some reason. So the Eldar launch a mass assault on Terra, kill the Emp, and free his spirit to be reborn as "......." who then promptly goes about roflstomping everything in site.

It could lead to a nice story of the Eldar assault on Terra, and then the IoM's galactic search for the emperors resurrected form, and then the eventual battle of the titans. All the while this massive invasions still going on. Lots of sub stories can come from that

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/08/16 12:36:55

Post by: Blazesnake

What if the eldar made the emperor their god of the dead, kill chaos maybe save themselves?

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/08/16 13:04:38

Post by: JazzGB

I chose the destroy all AI ending.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/08/16 14:28:32

Post by: kitch102

Blazesnake wrote:What if the eldar made the emperor their god of the dead, kill chaos maybe save themselves?

Kaela Mensha Pwn?

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/08/16 15:26:00

Post by: sandant

The Eldar god of the dead is named Ynnead, and Eldrad predicts that when all of the Eldar have died, that the infinity circuit will have enough souls to awaken Ynnead, and he will rise and slay Slaaneesh forever, freeing all of those Eldar who had been consumed, Its on the same page as Guardians.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/08/16 20:02:18


kitch102 wrote:I think he's already dead, and that the IoM is wasting their time praying to what is essentially a 40k eqyptian mummy equivalent. However, I think it'd be awesome if he were somehow to be brought back to life. How? Future tech, recovery of STC's, chaos playing about, who knows, though itd have to be at the end of mankinds time, when the emperor & his loyal primarchs stand side by side once again

It has been canonically stated that the Emperor is alive. And before you bring up that "All fluff that says he's alive is Imperial propaganda" argument, I'd like to point out that much of the same fluff deems the Imperium to be on the verge of collapse. The only official fluff that says he's dead is what is presented as Chaos propaganda.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/08/16 21:07:41

Post by: reckless ryno

I believe that the emperor will die and billions upon billions will lose faith allowing chaos to flood into this universe full stream
millions of world fall prey to the chaos gods. chaos creates a new empire of servants hell bent on destroying the last
of the Imperium of man. the chaos empire becomes the dominating power bringing them into direct conflict with orks that infest
the galaxy and tau that still spread their message of the greater good. orks just enjoy the fight while the tau seeing this evil begin battles on hundreds if not thousands
of world. these battle taint some of the soldier and Ethereals of tau. these tainted few come to see the power of chaos, they also fall prey to the
chaos and start worrshipping them. the tyrainds are still gonna do what they do best, consume. the dark eldar become embolden and start preying upon more worlds then ever.
in doing so they leave the webway open of longer and longer periods of time
allowing chaos to seeping in. c'tan and the necrons still fight to resurrcute their empire, now with chaos everywhere, this brings c'tan in to direct conflict with the chaos gods. mankind splitter into different factions: most worshiping chaos, few worshiping the dead emperor and the least following the last primarch and the star child when the both come
out of hiding. this new Imperium of man forge their own empire and unites the last pockets of man. seeing the old Imperium
of man will not change their ways in worshiping a dead emperor does not accept them. now mankind is in a three way battle with mankind of survival. new Imperium vs old Imperium vs chaos Imperium.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/08/16 23:35:42

Post by: blood lance

The emperor will die soon. His throne is failing, the mechanicus made it worse trying to fix it, and if he dies, most of the universe will get murdered by the horrible stuff that will break out of the warp

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/08/18 07:43:51

Post by: JB

ZacktheChaosChild wrote:No. If he came back, that would ruin the grimdark.

mingus89 wrote:he shouldnt ressurect, as hes not dead, his mind and body are in the immaterium, as his worshipers allow that to happen by praying to him, also ressurecting him would stop 40k dead.

Crystal Geyser wrote:he will stay like this forever

Tech Guard wrote:Nope GW won't let him come back, plain and simple!!!

As others have pointed out, the Emperor will remain in his current state as long as the 40K game exists. The Astronomican, the imbecilic Lords of Terra, and the IoM battling to survive in a Grim Dark universe all require maintenance of the status quo.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/09/17 19:13:13

Post by: Vindicare-Obsession

The emperor is in a chair and eating thousands of people daily. They cannot heal him otherwise they would've already (not to mention it would end 40k as we know it) and they definatly wont let him die as that would be the greatest heresy.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/09/18 00:56:44

Post by: JOELAP

if magnus the red could reform after his head got cut of the emporer could reform too

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/09/18 20:18:21

Post by: angelshade00

On a side note, IF the Emperor was to wake up, it would be ironic that the first he would turn against would be his own! The Inquisition, the Imperial Guard, the Lords of Terra, even his Marines have fallen so far from what he had envisioned for humanity that he would definitely feel the urge to kick their butts and start from scratch again.

As others before me, I also agree that the Emperor will and indeed should NOT return. If he did, then the game would really have to be called 41k from that moment on, since it will be something completely different.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/09/19 17:34:35

Post by: psychadelicmime

 kitch102 wrote:
Thinking about it again now, I can see a massive invasion of, I dunno, Tyranids, and the only hope is the Emperor for some reason. So the Eldar launch a mass assault on Terra, kill the Emp, and free his spirit to be reborn as "......." who then promptly goes about roflstomping everything in site.

It could lead to a nice story of the Eldar assault on Terra, and then the IoM's galactic search for the emperors resurrected form, and then the eventual battle of the titans. All the while this massive invasions still going on. Lots of sub stories can come from that

Imagine that as a worldwide campaign revealed on December 21st! If that happened, that seems to be a way to progress the story but still keep it sort of grimdark.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/09/20 12:23:32

Post by: Yojiro

Other: We will never know because, in all honesty, the plot will never progress.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/09/20 13:49:20

Post by: angelshade00

 Yojiro wrote:
Other: We will never know because, in all honesty, the plot will never progress.

I believe that too.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/09/24 05:38:44

Post by: Asmodai's Joy

Write-in: I believe the Emperor will resurrect in some fashion nobody has readily predicted, because evidence from books like Mechanicum pretty much flat out say that is what he does. Odds are the Emperor is probably walking amoungst the people of the Imperium of Mankind unbenknownst to them, working towards his ends in earnest as usual.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/09/24 23:22:09

Post by: WaaaaghLord

It was hinted in 5th that his portapotty was broken/breaking. So he's probably dead/dying.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/09/26 16:36:36

Post by: HAZZER

Yes, as a £100 quid modle from either FW or GW....

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/10/18 11:23:30

Post by: JazzGB

Omae wa mou shindeiru

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/10/18 11:36:50

Post by: Anpu-adom

Treeslug... definitely as a treeslug.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/10/18 13:00:57

Post by: carlos13th

It would involve advancing the story so unlikely.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/10/18 14:57:48

Post by: TheHarleqwin

Was the Starchild theory not already shown to have been caused by a Tzeentch cult?

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/10/18 18:21:39

Post by: OlGreye

In the Grim Darkness of the far future there is only no plot progression.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/10/19 01:59:08

Post by: kwah

i said other me and my brother joked about the emperor reincarnating in the tau empire.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/11/19 11:36:14

Post by: FoWPlayerDeathOfUS.TDs

No plot progression.
If not, he would die, kill chaos, shoot GK,SM,IoM in the foot and defeat chaos space marines. The orks would side with him because they witness him curb stomping some chaos titans, and the tau are like, for the greater good, this galaxy isn't fun anymore! Lets leave. Tyranids have a massive physic heart attack, and eldar decide to just hide in the webway forever because there are no more chaos daemons.

Trollolol-sorry, Its seriously how I see the plot progressing though-if it ever does.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/11/19 15:20:40

Post by: Lobokai

Plot will progress after GW goes bankrupt and a WizKids like company buys the rights and does "Imperium 50K" with it.

Either that, or to stave off collapse, GW moves the plot forward. But we already know from the BL fluff that the 42nd and 43rd millenium is much more peaceful for the Imperium... so things do get better.

If GW stays strong, then the plot will never move

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/11/19 16:06:54

Post by: FearTheHappyChair

As a loyal Imperial, all i can say is that hes coming back. As a god maybe?

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/11/20 01:21:45

Post by: washout77

I could see him coming back, but nothing as powerful as he was before.

And really, if the Emperor really did come back it makes you think about what would happen to the IoM. I mean.....would he really approve of the Inquisition on a 24/7 witch-hunt killing just about anyone who's 37th cousin was a heretic? I just feel like he wouldn't like how heavily radical and oppressive the IoM has gotten and would change things maybe for the better? Or maybe im just a hopeful and loyal Imperial....

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/11/20 05:53:10

Post by: blood guard26

I wish he would but GW gets so much money from the game in its current state that they wouldn't want to change anything as it would ruin the suspense and cause them to ,lose a lot f money after the 2nd great crusade wipes out all other races but the tyranids meaning that their money intake would only be at about 12% because they cant sell any other armies besides meq and nids.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/11/23 22:58:03

Post by: cox.dan2

Someone will kill him I think, especially if a waaagh or hive fleet gets big enough.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/12/04 08:47:01

Post by: SneakyMek

I think that only Cypher has the answer to that one, since it seems that alot of Dark angels believe that he is traveling towards Terra to destroy the emperors body and thus complete the entire Star Child theory.

To quote what one of the inquisitors (i think it was at least) had to say about him kinda puts some interesting thoughts on the entire Emperors reincarnation thing.

"I know not whether Cypher is the greatest threat, or the greatest hope for the Imperium. I only pray we can stop him before we find out."

So like i said, the truth to the emperors future lies most likely whit Cypher.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/12/20 11:13:31

Post by: steelcult

The Emporer will die, and the universe will be replaced with something far sillier. This has happened at least 6 times now.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/12/20 14:07:14

Post by: hdbbstephen

Oh dear, "Imperial Treasure 4: The Secret Lies with Cypher"

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/12/20 15:44:11

Post by: KOlBamekil

It's simple, he will never die.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/12/20 16:08:53

Post by: NoGoodPainting

Interresting how "He is already dead" has the most votes when fluffwise there are almost always miracles happening which are traced to the Emperor. A Salamanders Chaplain's Crozius starts working even though the fuel cell is destroyed and the mech's say it is beyond saving just when he needs it, the appearance of a golden figure before a faltering IG General etc etc.

I doubt he will ressurect, but he is far from dead. If anything, he is comatosed. People saying he is already dead are basically saying people in a coma are dead.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2012/12/20 19:12:34

Post by: phantommaster

He gonna die, their ain't anything anyone can do about that.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/01/21 10:42:03

Post by: Spartan089

Write in: No because GW will never ever move the story forward of their cash cow.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/01/21 13:38:42

Post by: TheIncredibleBulk

I don't think GW will even entertain the idea unless they hit financial difficulties, which is unlikely in any case. However, saying that if they were to do it they could turn it into a spin off game.

So story wise:
A big Chaos attack on Terra. A Chaos Deamon gets to the chamber which holds the golden throne and unleashes a major psychic attack on it which opens a major warp hole type thing. It destroys the golden throne and releases the emperor from his coma. The emperor awakens, as he was not dead when placed upon the throne - he had suffered a fatal wound, but not died. The emperor has just enough left in him to take out the deamon. The death of the Deamon sends a psychic blast that sends the emperor through the warp portal.

The High Lords of Terra and Custodes witness this and send 2 teams of Custodes through the portal before it collapses.

The High lords of Terra then order the Second Crusade. Their mission: to find the Emperor of mankind!

Therefore 40k can continue, but it becomes more crusade based, but the IoM has probably lost more worlds than won since the Horus Heresy so their progress will be slow at best. It keeps the argument of is the Emperor alive or dead going and gives the IoM a meaning going forward.

With regards to the 2 teams of custodes, they can then have a spin off game kind of like Space hulk where they go on search and rescue missions to find the Emperor, doing battle against Chaos deamons and the like.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/01/21 15:40:32

Post by: Scambone

ah boo, pessimistic majority (already dead is winning right now)

He's gonna stand up and regenerate his current physical body.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/01/21 22:11:38

Post by: Orlanth

I have opinions but voted 'no opinion' because the game development is in such inept hands now that the little remaining internal consistency is in danger.

Anything can happen because most GW story developers are idiots who write effectively at random.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/02/22 10:29:08

Post by: brentyboi

 Chaos Emperor wrote:
evildrspock wrote:I like the opinion that one Chaos player I met had ... that the Emperor was a false Emperor, basically the 5th Chaos God! 1000 souls sacrificed a day to keep him "alive?" Nah, he's a God, with a writhing mass of humans ensuring his existence, through continued strive with chaos.

Its malal!!!

i read something on throne of skulls recently that a guy had put, that when the emperor dies, he would join the 'emperor' entity in the warp and be born as, rather ironically a chaos god, and destroy the other four.

if he was a god though what would be his 'thing'? khorne has anger, slaanesh has lust etc...

I always like to think it's hope.... The hope of billions of humans for a better god then slannesh he's creepy.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/02/22 20:52:23

Post by: guinness707

Interesting conversation going on here. I've oft pondered this self same question over the years in both the fluff and marketing angles. As far as fluff goes I think the Horus Heresy books are starting to shed light on the mysterium of the Emperor of mankind. In Dan Abnett's book "They Shall Know No Fear" we are introduced to the 'Perpetuals'. From the moment I started reading about them I've come to the conclusion that they are in fact the Star Children or at the very least somehow involved with them. Also, from the two new codexes its apparent that (for now at least) the plot of 40k has stalled out at Abbadon's 13th Black Crusade (did GW really think the forces of good would win that?). As we move through 6th though and even looking forward into 7th its clear that GW insists this is the 'end time'. Also, from the DA codex it looks like Lion El'Johnson is alive and well in a secret chamber in the Rock. Healed up and ready to roll, just asleep waiting for a call. In that little blurb it also specifically mentions that only the Emperor is aware of his existance thus proving that at the very least the Emperor has his conciousness still. From the Space Marine's codex we can also infer that Robute Guilliman could potentialy return as well as the lost Russ. Who knows how many other Primarch's could return as well.

Here's my prediction though. GW will continue to stall the timeline at the 13th crusade for one or two more codex's. At some point in 6th I see them doing another campaign book like Crusade of Fire (which I beleive was a market test for that sort of product). This book though will be the Seige of Terra or something. I like another post talking about how the eldar will lay seige to Terra. Could be that the Eldar themselves get all fractal about which way to go. Let the emperor 'die' so that another Star Child can take his place, or let him continue as is so that the infinity circut can be filled, blah blah blah. Abbadon has no idea that his killing of the Emperor's current form would only usher in a new Emperor on some other distant planet. He is just a pawn of the Chaos gods after all. The Inquisition is typicaly split on what to do since half of them like things the way they are and the rest want the galaxy to burn so it can be reforged stronger than ever (Dark Heresy is a great source for all that junk). Irregardless of the results of that campaign it sets up the direction that GW will go for rest of 6th and into 7th ed. The Emperor WILL be born again and one of two things will happen. First, there is only one Emperor (good guys win at Terra) and the lost Primarch's will rally to his banner as he purges the imperium in a new Great Crusade. Alternatively ALL the Star Children will lay claim to being the Emperor and a new civil war will break out the likes of which hasnt been seen since the current emperor unified Terra. In either of those eventualities GW gets to release new codex's and miniatures for these Crusade armies (and lets be honest, buying their products is what they ultimately want us to do).

On a side note I think that Guilliman, Russ, and Johnson (and any other 'lost' primarch) are all fighting by the Emperors side psychicly and they will only be able to wake when the Emperor does so.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/02/23 17:49:01

Post by: Grimstonefire

I don't think they will ever move the story forwards significantly.

Imo because of the faith in him I think his godlike form can no longer be contained within a mortal frame.

So IF something were to happen it would be more likely that an avatar could be summoned like a daemon once his mortal body is destroyed and he fully ascends to godhood.

An Obi-Wan situation where he actually gets stronger once he's killed.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/03/10 10:10:47

Post by: IGtR=

Can you imagine, as a hq choice for SM. He'd be a beast!!!

Imagine him leading an apocalypse formation, or my BT Crusade, or multiple chapters of space marines.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/03/23 10:18:18

Post by: vindicarej

The Emperor protects the virtuous.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/03/23 15:29:46

Post by: KillaCam

I would love to see GW advance the storyline. However it is very unlikely that they will. There was a old collection of short stories on her a few years ago that have since been taken down that addressed this very topic. Wish they were still up as it was a great read.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/03/23 16:24:32

Post by: Satan's Little Helper

He's too much of a main character to actually die, and to be honest, nothing that big really ever changes in 40k

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/03/23 18:57:26

Post by: Evileyes

I don't beleive GW will advance the fluff, so I think he will stay exactly as he is forever.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/03/23 20:42:14

Post by: Sgt_Smudge

I'd love it if Terra was under siege by Abbadon and a swarm of 'nids and as Abbadon was about to slay the Emperor, he gets up and all his Primarchs surround him and they slay Abbadon and save Terra, breaking Chaos' and the Tyranid's morale and driving them back before magically disappearing away. Lo and behold, Imperium has new saint-story...

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/03/24 00:04:30

Post by: aosol

The over all story of Warhammer 40k is stagnant and he'll never be anything more or less.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/03/24 02:01:14

Post by: Amaya

No. I don't think Games Workshop will ever advance the storyline to that point.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/03/24 20:47:06

Post by: Selym

Personally, I think the Emperor is dead. But, I like to think that one day, Tzeentch will re-animate his corpse for a joke

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/04/24 10:58:01

Post by: Alathazal

 ZacktheChaosChild wrote:
No. If he came back, that would ruin the grimdark.

"...the green meadows of the far future, where there is only fluffy bunnies!"

He's dead (or at least is for all intents) let's leave him that way.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/04/24 12:16:10

Post by: Selym

Alathazal wrote:
 ZacktheChaosChild wrote:
No. If he came back, that would ruin the grimdark.

"...the green meadows of the far future, where there is only fluffy bunnies!"

He's dead (or at least is for all intents) let's leave him that way.

Yess! Hail your Corpse God!
You shall never know the power of a true God!

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/04/24 14:36:37

Post by: Mad Boss Morgrot

The emperor lives....just
I don't think he will be brought back yet... Not until the primarchs return, Such as the lion.
Again they're resting until the imperium needs their services again.....

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/04/24 20:51:58

Post by: clively

He's dead. Game Over.

The astronomicon is simply powered by the sacrificial psykers, the emperor hasn't played a part in it in nearly 10k years.

And that gateway he was supposedly keeping closed? That was a pile of BS. He left the great crusade so that he could use his gene labs to make administrators and others to run the administratum. But he couldn't tell the Primarchs that otherwise they'd rebel....

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/05/02 23:54:49

Post by: Tiberius Atellus

I think he'll come back... and die. That'd make fans happy for a bit and then still keep with the Grimdark Setting. Humanities greatest hero, dead. i'm sure the imperium will still worship him in death.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/05/03 21:06:42

Post by: Ardaric_Vaanes

Well if he comes back then things are going to change in terms of the setting and I'm not sure GW want to take that risk, I could imagine them killing him off and having the Imperium under greater threat than ever before but I can't imagine any kind of enlightenment for it or the Emperor coming back as the fluff would no longer be grim-dark, I could be wrong but I reckon that things can only get worse for Humanity in the 40k universe.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/05/05 15:14:13

Post by: TheDungen

Oh yes if he were to die.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/05/25 10:17:17

Post by: Exalbaru

He fell onconcious during a taining exercise right after creating his sons. When he entered his coma he began dreaming and everything has happened in his mind.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/05/25 10:27:45

Post by: LlamaAgility

What's the Star Child?

Anyway, GW keeps it still because that's how they earn.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/05/25 17:30:27

Post by: Uial-Ras

Personally it depends how he dies if his life just gives out finally we gets B A starchild if he is killed we lose him

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/06/27 00:38:37

Post by: John Crighto

I do remember a very old codex. Deamon Hunters or SOB I can't remember which, it was inquisitorial for sure, though. The opening pages had a short story excerpt thing about the High Lords of Terra in a meeting at the Astronomican debating on whether they should resurect the Emperor or not. Two said they know that if they did somehting like 10,000 powerful psykers they could bring him back fully but the others where against this and as the two walked off to find the psykers the group agreed to have the Officio Assassinorum contacted on their behalves. I can't remember details since I read this years ago, can anyone remember what I am blabbering about or am I crazy?

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/08/29 15:25:01

Post by: DieselJester

As per a pic running around the internet: A small band of Orks will land on Terra and loot the Golden Throne.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/08/29 20:12:34

Post by: Da krimson barun

The real empy is dead.The one one the golden throne is actually a trap laid by:CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDD!!!!!!made of baneblades.100 of them that dissapeared...

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/09/30 10:07:40

Post by: Lt. 'Tweek'

I think he is already in a state of immortality, but also forever dead. Clicking 'already dead' would not have been straight forward enough, so I had to clarify my opinion with 'other'.

Yes, he is dead, and will not be brought back to life. However, he is also alive and able to connect with the universe via his mind. The state he is in inside the golden throne keeps him alive, so he cannot be brought back to life while living.

If he was ever tried to remove from the throne, he would forever die. However, he cannot ever be removed...
It's kind of a paradox

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/09/30 10:57:03

Post by: FlingitNow

Hasn't this been confirmed in Vulkan Lives if the Emperor dies he comes back immediately. They'll never advance the time line to such a date though.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/09/30 16:40:02

Post by: Tappers

No because he isn't real. Also what is the Star Child?

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/09/30 21:58:04

Post by: Da krimson barun

Exalbaru wrote:
He fell onconcious during a taining exercise right after creating his sons. When he entered his coma he began dreaming and everything has happened in his mind.
not very good speeling.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/11/12 05:28:09

Post by: Aftermath.

The emperor will not return. He is virtually dead, and there is nothing that can be done to revive him. The Golden Throne is also failing, and it is a certainty that it will cease to function in time.

The imperium of mankind is doomed.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/11/12 07:46:35

Post by: Selym

Necro much?

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/11/16 13:59:01

Post by: DouglasJB

I did not know this was an issue.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2013/12/02 11:14:21

Post by: scommy

He will come back - one day.

Till then Marbo is the next best thing.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/01/03 10:14:22

Post by: Admiral Valerian

When the Emperor dies, the following will happen (IMHO):

1) The Emperor will become a god in the Warp.
2) He will destroy Slaanesh.
3) He will close the Eye of Terror, destroying the Daemon Worlds within along with their mortal inhabitants (the non-mortal ones will continue to exist in the Warp).
4) He will decimate the ranks of the Daemons of the Warp, obliterating the weaker Daemons and calming the Warp somewhat.
5) The Astronomican will no longer need to be fed, as the Emperor can sustain it on his own from the Warp.
6) He will free Magnus from Tzeentch, and use Magnus to reunite the other loyal Primarchs and complete the Imperial Webway, ushering in a new Golden Age for Mankind...and a new era of war and conquest against the resurgent Necrons and Eldar among others.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/01/03 14:59:38

Post by: Ceann Fine

In the 40k universe I always read it as the gods were created by worshippers so shouldn't he already have a strong presence in the warp?

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/01/03 18:20:28

Post by: Theophony

He is and always will be Alpharius......not the MOD.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/01/05 00:42:37

Post by: Overlord Thraka

No. Because the would mean GW would have to advance the storyline.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/01/05 01:12:06

Post by: MWHistorian

There's a way to progress the story and still keep the grimdark.
Have the Golden Throne fail and the emperor's spirit disconnects with his body. This throws the Imperium into total chaos (not CHAOS) and the Imperium's enemies gain a lot of ground. The Ultramarine Empire becomes isolated and many planets find themselves alone. Necrons and Tyranids move in and Chaos starts an actually successful crusade against the Empire that's crumbling before their eyes.
But then the Primarchs come back and they have to slowly fight their way back. The new Emperor warp diety awakens and they begin another Great Crusade against much more entrenched foes. The xenos and traitors get more territory and power, but the Imerium loses ground but gains leadership. It'll make the human situation more desperate but not hopeless. Heck, maybe even the Eldar gat get a reprieve from dying out. It'll change things while still keeping the status quo.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/01/06 19:15:37


 The Apothecary wrote:
I think Cypher will take his place. Unless that traitor actually ask for forgiveness.

Better choice would be someone reliable-Marneus Calgar

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/01/07 11:47:28

Post by: Selym

 The Apothecary wrote:
I think Cypher will take his place. Unless that traitor actually ask for forgiveness.

Better choice would be someone reliable-Marneus Calgar

If only because his level of fluff-murder is almost on par with that of Matteus Wardius himself.

Able to hold the Avatar's Sword, my left bollock.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/01/07 12:04:00

Post by: Admiral Valerian

 Selym wrote:
 The Apothecary wrote:
I think Cypher will take his place. Unless that traitor actually ask for forgiveness.

Better choice would be someone reliable-Marneus Calgar

If only because his level of fluff-murder is almost on par with that of Matteus Wardius himself.

Able to hold the Avatar's Sword, my left bollock.

What did you expect? The Avatar is GW butt-monkey. Even if Ward wasn't the writer, the Eldar would have been humiliated regardless.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/02/05 11:27:25

Post by: Simple Man

he's already dead, glory to the dark Gods!

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/02/05 11:48:10

Post by: Nightlord1987

Death to the False Emperor! duh.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/02/05 12:33:11

Post by: scarletsquig

Already a corpse, and the technology behind the golden throne is the thing that keeps the astronomicon running.

The IoM just doesn't know it, and think it's magic that requires ritual mass sacrifice.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/02/06 13:30:25

Post by: Selym

 scarletsquig wrote:
The IoM thinks it requires ritual mass sacrifice.

As you do.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/03/10 17:18:58

Post by: oguh7

As Space Wolf player I´m probably going to go for resurrection as himself, at the Wolftime...

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/03/26 08:41:37

Post by: Tressel

GW will not progress the storyline. Mainly because they can rehash the same stuff over and over and the fans will keep buying it over and over.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/04/11 11:14:40

Post by: Leigen_Zero

I somehow misread the first option 'no opinion' to read 'onion'

So I know firmly believe the emperor will return as a gigantic space-onion...

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/04/11 12:05:40

Post by: danp164

He already resurrected as Malal, the minor Chaos god of hating Chaos gods, think about it, he never extolled the idea of Godhood as was strictly against religion, imagine the irony.

And that children, is GrimDark.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/04/11 16:38:11

Post by: Maniac_nmt

No, he will not resurrect because GW does not want him to.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/04/11 19:40:30

Post by: Hyglar's Hellraiser

For the glorious emperor to resurrect, then it would need to come from the heretical thought that he is already dead. Since the astronomicon shines and he protects us from nameless horrors this is a baseless treachery.
(actually I voted starchild so I guess I'm a heretic!)

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/06/13 13:43:24

Post by: paintwhore99

The Emperor will finally show his true colors. The Emperor is really Khorne. He is playing the whole Palpatine angle. Come on it is obvious. how much blood does he need a day to live? Dude is getting his from both sides.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/06/13 19:54:56

Post by: Hive Fleet Cerberus

Nah, he's dead already. But It would be cool if Tzeench brough him back, which he would do because reasons. Or, If the Chaos Gods take control of him, in his weakened state, and make him either no more than a pawn chaos or a Daemon. Would totally ruin the fluff, but just imagine a Daemon Emperor

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/06/27 10:37:28

Post by: Flippa

He's not dead and doesn't want to go on the cart!

In all fairness they should just switch the throne off, I mean he's an eternal like John Grammaticus and Vulkan according to the fluff he will regenerate all his wounds etc and just come back as before.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/08/15 11:58:00

Post by: thegreatchimp

I don't think its possible that he's already dead. His will that's keeping the forces of chaos at bay. That's the reason why they have to sacrifice 1000 psykers a day to sustain his life force.
From reading the fluff the Star Child thoery seems most likely, especially as the Imperial cult and Eclesiarchy try so hard to supress it. It's a lot more fitting with the universe than a ten thousand year old skeletal remains jumping up from the throne, completely healed. Though I don't think GW will ever bring the Emperor back in any case, no more than they will have Russ return, Abbadon finally bite it or the Dark Eldar be prosecuted for war crimes. The sense of eternal suspense and the insecurity of the Imperium is what makes 40k. Also I think if they brought back the Emperor it would seriously annoy Chaos players!

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/08/15 23:30:54

Post by: Selym

 thegreatchimp wrote:
I don't think its possible that he's already dead. His will that's keeping the forces of chaos at bay. That's the reason why they have to sacrifice 1000 psykers a day to sustain his life force.
From reading the fluff the Star Child thoery seems most likely, especially as the Imperial cult and Eclesiarchy try so hard to supress it. It's a lot more fitting with the universe than a ten thousand year old skeletal remains jumping up from the throne, completely healed. Though I don't think GW will ever bring the Emperor back in any case, no more than they will have Russ return, Abbadon finally bite it or the Dark Eldar be prosecuted for war crimes. The sense of eternal suspense and the insecurity of the Imperium is what makes 40k. Also I think if they brought back the Emperor it would seriously annoy Chaos players!

It'd be alright so long as Horus got a second shot, and instead of trying to kill the emprah with a sword, he just blew him up by crashing several emperor-class warships into the Imperial Palace at 3/4 the speed of light.

The effect would resemble a much more impressive version of a planet-killer shot.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/08/15 23:34:45

Post by: lliu

The emperor is infinitely powerful. All hail The Lord of mankind through the blood of my battle-brothers.

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paintwhore99 wrote:
The Emperor will finally show his true colors. The Emperor is really Khorne. He is playing the whole Palpatine angle. Come on it is obvious. how much blood does he need a day to live? Dude is getting his from both sides.
Pray we never meet on the battlefield, for then I will sear the flesh from your bones in the name of the Astartes. Curse you for challenging the word of the imperium and our eternal lord the emperor. Don't take me too seriously, I'm just an Astartes loyalist.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/08/16 00:01:59

Post by: Snilbog

He's gonna die. Just face it.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
...unless da orkses loots 'im first!!!

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/08/17 04:01:04

Post by: Ciciro

Star Child, of course. The Inquisition War series is still canon!

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/08/18 12:02:07

Post by: Iron_Captain

Yes, and his reincarnation shall be named Sigmar

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/08/18 15:12:13

Post by: lliu

Yes. As a giant Astartes.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/10/17 15:23:48

Post by: dusara217

I personally think that it would be awesome if they had the Emperor die and then become like one of the Eldar Gods in the fluff- only for humanity. Because the Eldar Gods were Gods of Order, and the Imperium and the Emperor are the strongest sources of Order in the 40k Universe, so wouldn't it make sense that when the Emperor's body dies and the last remnants of his soul go into the Immaterium that he would just become a God of Order that is able to hold Chaos at bay? It would only make sense, because Slaanesh was born from the Eldar's fethed up civilization, so wouldn't the Emperor (the most powerful God in 40k) just start cleansing the Warp that's directly around Terra? The Emperor would basically just remain in the same state as before, only he would be able to better combat the Ruinous Powers. Maybe he could capture the souls of dead Space Marines and turn them into his version of Daemons. Sort of like Angels in the Christian religion.

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paintwhore99 wrote:
The Emperor will finally show his true colors. The Emperor is really Khorne. He is playing the whole Palpatine angle. Come on it is obvious. how much blood does he need a day to live? Dude is getting his from both sides.

In case you haven't read the fluff, the Emprah collects absorbs the souls of the dead. He basically just turns their souls into formless energy and puts into his corpse so it doesn't die. He is the Corpse-God of Order, and if they were to resurrect him then they would sacrifice like 10,000 psykers so that he gains a major boost in power for him to sanctify and control the Warp that is around Terra without having to worry about Chaos.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/10/17 18:00:28

Post by: M0ff3l

Empereror gets offered a 'deal' by the deceiver, next necron HQ confirmed.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/10/18 04:26:57

Post by: Derek L

Star Child because KISS!

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/10/18 09:05:19

Post by: Steelmage99

I voted "Other", as the "No, he won't reincarnate. Nothing will change. He will remain on the Golden Throne"-option was inexplicably missing from this poll.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/10/18 16:14:50

Post by: ahzek

Voted other because I hope not, I like the impending threat of darkness and despair as all fails

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/10/20 02:37:44

Post by: Pyeatt

Emperor will die, use the faith of trillions of people to be reborn a chaos god of logic. Similar to birth of Slaneesh, Earth will rip into the warp and become the Butthole of Terror.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/10/22 07:28:06

Post by: Hive Fleet Cerberus

 Pyeatt wrote:
Emperor will die, use the faith of trillions of people to be reborn a chaos god of logic. Similar to birth of Slaneesh, Earth will rip into the warp and become the Butthole of Terror.

Wouldn't that be the exact opposite of a chaos god? Like, an order god or something. I mean, Chaos god of Order just seems weird.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2014/11/18 15:31:50

Post by: keltikhoa

 Snilbog wrote:
He's gonna die. Just face it.

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...unless da orkses loots 'im first!!!

Yes... where is this option??? its the most likely

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2015/01/20 13:29:59

Post by: Razak

The only living Primarch is Lion El Johnson who is "sleeping" inside the tower of Angels on the rock (I know that Space Marines can rest parts of their brain without sleeping but he seems to have been sleeping for quite some time).

Are there any other "living" Primarchs?

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2015/01/21 06:47:22

Post by: Asterios

Sorry but the Emperor will die sacrificing what is left of his life force to seal off the eye of terror.

 Razak wrote:
The only living Primarch is Lion El Johnson who is "sleeping" inside the tower of Angels on the rock (I know that Space Marines can rest parts of their brain without sleeping but he seems to have been sleeping for quite some time).

Are there any other "living" Primarchs?

isn't the ultramarines primarch still alive but frozen in stasis and allegedly still moving but very slowly? also isn't another primarch missing in the warp with a chunck of his troops?

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2015/03/22 10:57:21

Post by: TomWilton

The Emperor will sicken, producing a lull in the Astronomicon. Then, it will suddenly flare up again into life as we discover The Golden Throne failed and he was emergency moved to Mars. Mars is where the only other Golden Throne in the universe exists and the Cult Of The Emperor will morph into the Return Of The Omnissiah! Followed quickly by new 40k Mechanicum Codex.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2015/03/23 01:06:24

Post by: FireSkullz2

*Clack* *Chitter* *Chitter* *RAWR*

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2015/04/23 10:28:36

Post by: Pyeatt

Someone said on page 1 that him waking up would stop 40k dead. Why?
We know how our 40k universe will end. Contact will be cut off from several points of the galaxy. A feeling of doom will creep in from all sides. It will be discovered that many more tyranid hive fleets from the main body between systems have arrived. And if the Emperor doesn't wake up by then, the Swarmlord himself will eat him right on the throne.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2015/08/31 11:02:39

Post by: Animus

This is silly mistake I always see.
He already is the Star Child, and cannot be reborn as something he already is. The Star Child was supposed to be reborn as the New Man once again.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2015/08/31 13:55:06

Post by: Selym

in b4 lock - threadcromancy

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2015/10/03 21:46:18

Post by: Tactical_Spam

The Emperor cant die because the Orks believe he is alive. If the Orks believe it then its true

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2015/10/03 21:47:48

Post by: Selym

I think we've now hit zombie thread territory.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2015/12/06 14:17:39

Post by: Thessik

I hope nothing happens. Mostly because GW has proven pretty conclusively that they don't know how to advance a timeline without screwing it all up.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2016/01/07 10:35:19

Post by: ionusx

he will remain on his throne and continue to act through other people right until the end. in short the emporer has been telepathically putting pieces in their place and we all just dont know it yet.

i am of the opinion that he has been sending psychic messages to the orks through ghazzy which he views as a desperate gamble to prevent the tyranids and orks from tearing apart his imperium. he will se the two against eachother in a perpetual melee without theoretical end. thats right ghazzy isnt the prophet of a waaagh hes the prophet of the emporer he may never know it though, its likely the emporer plans to marytr him at the feet of the tyranids

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2016/01/07 13:09:19

Post by: Selym

Why does this thread just keep coming back?

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2016/01/07 13:20:14

Post by: VikingChild

'Course he'll come back, and herald an all new game system - Warhammer 50K!

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2016/01/07 13:42:44

Post by: Selym

 VikingChild wrote:
'Course he'll come back, and herald an all new game system - Warhammer 50K!
In which it turns out that the Ultramarines were able to stomp out all opposition save for the legions of chaos (who only survived by hiding), setting the stage for the most exciting battle ever - Ultramarines vs Black Legion!

And nothing else!

For another 10,000 years!

Give us money!

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2016/01/07 16:21:26

Post by: EmberlordofFire8

]mingus99 wrote:

his mind and body are in the immaterium

No, his soul is in the immaterium, his mind and body are on the Golden Throne.

Corax will save the Emperor.

Razak wrote:
The only living Primarch is Lion El Johnson who is "sleeping" inside the tower of Angels on the rock (I know that Space Marines can rest parts of their brain without sleeping but he seems to have been sleeping for quite some time).

Are there any other "living" Primarchs?

Maybe Vulkan, Corax and Russ. Plus Magnus, Mortarion and the other Daemon Primarchs.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2016/02/08 13:52:17

Post by: Squidsy22

Don't know too much, so maybe my opinion doesn't count, but I hing we will end up in a C'tan-esque situation in which he will physically manifest in shards of his greater, warp based being. He may also pick up their feeding habits; and as 10,000 powerful souls a day is barely enough to keep him alive catatonic... what happens when he manifests physically? Hopefully, he will eat suns. If not... well, say hello to WH50k, AKA necrontyr Mk.II: humanity edition...

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2016/02/08 18:02:47

Post by: Quarterdime

Hmm... how long did it take the Eldar to create Slaanesh? I ask because if the Emperor is indeed dead, then how long would it take for all those prayers to make a new chaos god in the Emperor's image?

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Also, when exactly was the golden throne jerry-rigged to become a life support system? And by who?

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2108/07/09 02:19:59

Post by: Alpharius

It was one to begin with, and Dorn built it per the Emperor's whispered instructions.

It became the stopper to the cesspit that is the 'Imperial Webway'...a bit later on.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2016/02/09 04:16:35

Post by: Quarterdime

 Alpharius wrote:
It was one to begin with, and Dorn built it per the Emperor's whispered instructions.

It became the stopper to the cesspit that is the 'Imperial Webway'...a bit later on.

Wait, so... Emps had Dorn build a life support system before he suspected a thing? Just in case? And then somewhere along the way Emps decided to try to turn it into a Webway device? And THEN once the Emperor was dying they quickly pulled the plug on the webway part and used it as the life support system it was originally meant to be? Is that it?

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2016/02/09 12:32:23

Post by: Rune Stonegrinder

He is Sigmar........

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2016/02/18 08:10:37

Post by: EmberlordofFire8

Wait, so... Emps had Dorn build a life support system before he suspected a thing? Just in case? And then somewhere along the way Emps decided to try to turn it into a Webway device? And THEN once the Emperor was dying they quickly pulled the plug on the webway part and used it as the life support system it was originally meant to be? Is that it?

No, He built the Golden Throne as a backup, so that He could live forever. The Webway was anothe^r Project, and the Golden Throne ran of it, basically.

Thats the lite Version.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2016/03/09 20:38:58

Post by: Retrogamer0001

 sandant wrote:
Well a few fluff options from the various codices in my possession

1. Russ finds The Emperor and Lion el Johnson somewhere in the Formless wastes and simply re-summons them (and himself) temporarily like daemons do.

2. Whatever that key thing that the Grey Knights were given that they were told to use only when the situation is at it's most grim, that either unlocks the golden throne, or is just another tool for summoning The Emperor.

3. Roboute Guilliman finishes healing gets of his lazy arse and becomes the new emperor

4. All of Vulcan's gifts are recovered and the final one somehow summons, you guessed it The Emperor

5. The entire sacrifice 1000 psykers everyday thing is attempting to do the same thing as the Eldar's, "once we have enough people in the infinity circuit our god of death will be born and kill Slaanesh"

Lion El Johnson is very much alive and sleeping within the deepest chamber inside the Rock.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2016/03/14 19:22:24

Post by: PrayingSeraph

I believe the Emprah had planned to become a god through all of the events in the backstory and when he dies, he will become a god to take on the Chaos gods.

It would be the perfect "Just as planned"

If he dies and stays dead, it will just go to show he was a worthless tyrant.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2016/03/17 01:46:37

Post by: Masonicon

Maximum Spoiler Warning:
In the End of Ani-Toonspiracy, God Emperor of Mankind(or at least his essence) are absorbed by Plankton from Spongebob using Apocalymon Body(along the rest of Warhammer 40k gods: Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh, Tzeentch, Nightbringer, Deceiver, Void Dragon, and Outsider) where it got their powers(Warhammer gods aren't the only gods that's absorbed by Plankton, whole bunch of other gods are also absorbed including even Dr. Manhattan and so on. and this takes place after his Golden Throne damaged beyond repair and once he actually dies, his decayed skeleton become vessel for Kingdom Hearts' Heartless to eats Warhammer 40k universe

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2016/05/11 13:48:26

Post by: Chef_of_Cadia

I honestly hope the story never advances because I donn't want 40k to get turned into the cartoon kid's book mess that is AOS

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2016/05/11 14:30:59

Post by: Selym

I swear this thread is immortal now.

Just like Empy? Who knows...

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2016/05/11 16:40:06

Post by: The_Lion

So much to read.....

Well I think the Emperor will come back as himself and renewed from Russ restoring him. Then all of the Primarchs will return except the ones that have been killed unless the Emperor knows how to bring them back.

He will then finish the Human webway and wreck house on Chaos for a whole new crusade!!

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2016/07/09 20:36:58

Post by: Heretic Tom

I think it'll be business as usual forever, I don't see gw ever changing it.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2016/07/13 15:20:45

Post by: grenstauf

My write in is: 'He shall re-manifest as David Bowie in M41000.'

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2016/07/13 18:39:44

Post by: jasper76


The Emperor never existed in the first place.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2016/07/13 20:40:40

Post by: DalinCriid

If I am not mistaken, the Emperor Souls is bound with the C'tan shard on Mars. As long as one is alive, the other will live live also. So, the Emperor still lives.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2016/07/14 12:40:46

Post by: BO0MER

Maybe a chaos crusade will finally break through to terra and kill the emperor causing him to be come the chaos god of "..." who will then fight the chaos gods and repulse the crusade? hence entering the area of 41K?

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2016/07/14 20:11:47

Post by: odinsgrandson

 TheAngrySquig wrote:
He's dying. He's not going to come back, just die and maybe maybe become a minor chaos god. Either way the Emperor is just a microcosm of the Imperium, barely alive and failing.

With all of his worshipers, he'd be a major chaos god.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2016/07/14 20:31:48

Post by: Selym

 jasper76 wrote:

The Emperor never existed in the first place.
We've always been at war with that spiky faction. They can hear your thoughts, so only think happy Emprar-loving thoughts.

Oh, you stole something? Just take a quick trip to the Officio Arbites, they'll have a quick word with you and get this whole mess sorted out.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2016/09/15 12:27:38

Post by: Just Tony

The Apothecary wrote:I think Cypher will take his place. Unless that traitor actually ask for forgiveness.

Cypher is Lion El' Johnson, and is attempting to get to the throne to save the Emperor.

Roboute Guilleman comes out of stasis with his wound healed (see Miracle of the Primarch) and is put as the acting head of the Imperium. Which turns out to be his plan the entire time. We find out that the Ultramarines had turned to Chaos as well, but had not taken part in the invasion of Terra as a back up plan in case Horus' assault failed. Ever an opportunist, Guilleman instead followed the confusion by taking charge of the Imperium. His Codex Astartes was put into place to prevent any Legions from being able to withstand his once he called for the Primogenitors to reunite with his Ultramarines. And it would have worked out perfectly, had Fulgrim not assassinated Guilleman for betraying the Warmaster. After returning from the grave, Guilleman is placed in charge of the Imperium as the voice of the Emperor. It is at this point he has the ruling body executed, strides into the Throneroom and unplugs the Emperor.

Which does not have the effect he was hoping for. The Emperor fades, but the catastrophic psychic death scream never happens, as the Emperor is born anew. The remaining loyalist chapters are rallied by Cypher, who reveals himself as Johnson before the assembled Marines. Now massively outnumbered by the Chaos forces, as the Primogenitors have all turned to Chaos following their Primarch's example, the battered Imperium of Man find themselves at the End Times.

Then a hero rises from the common ranks, baleful power behind young eyes now heavy with the wisdom of centuries. Recognized easily as the Emperor reborn, the Imperials rally around their new Emperor, Sister Mary Sue of the Order of the Ebon Chalice.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2016/11/17 11:39:30

Post by: Cothonian

I had an interesting thought regarding this...

I;ve heard some theories that the Emperor's passing would cause him to manifest as the fifth Chaos god. At this moment, there are of course the four major Chaos gods that everyone knows about, but there is also a fifth that is rather neglected: Malal, god of Anarchy. I think the Emperor dying and manifesting as Malal could be perfect. Emperor dies, Imperium collapses into anarchy, Malal can now reach his full potential.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2017/01/19 10:24:13

Post by: Haravikk

I'm of the opinion that the Imperium's worship of him as the God Emperor of Mankind is a self-fulfilling prophecy; before the heresy, despite being powerful, he was still mortal after a fashion, and the whole reason he wanted to stamp out religion (human and alien) was to destroy the chaos gods, but as worship of him spread he has gained some of the same power, elevating him in part towards godhood (the very thing Horus accused him of, but which the Emperor never actually wanted).

As a result, I think he is very much alive, and that it may be that worship that actually sustains him, rather than the Golden Throne, as well as fuelling minor miracles such as the faith powers of the sororitas, allowing suicide missions to succeed against all odds and so-on.

As to whether he can be brought back I'm not sure; Guillman is supposedly healing despite being in stasis, which could be down either to his Primarch physiology or the Emperor's influence, if the latter then it's possible he could eventually heal himself.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2017/01/19 16:55:18

Post by: amazingturtles

If it doesn't turn out that the Emperor is a pile of rabbits that they heaped onto the golden throne, then sure!

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2017/02/20 10:09:02

Post by: Blackie

Other: the emperor never existed.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2017/03/21 19:12:17

Post by: Foxhound25

The Golden Throne is sustaining and torturing him. The worship of the faithful and the sacrifice of psykers is imbuing him with God powers. The irony is that in order for the Emperor to fully become a God is that he needs to die. Once the Golden Throne fails, the Imperium will be plunged into a period of dark years and the enemies of the Imperium will make great headway. After some time and when needed, the Emperor will reappear as the God he has always been worshipped as.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2017/06/24 15:18:13

Post by: Salabasama

Yes, as a FW resin monster.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2017/06/24 15:34:19

Post by: Selym

He shall cost 1,250 points, he will be the bulwark, and the fist.

He shall be MATTICUS WARDICUS' wet dream in battle, such that no foe can withstand him him.

He shall wear the finest 1+++++ saves, such that no weapon can harm him.

He is owah Emprah, and we shall know no savings accounts!

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2017/11/29 20:06:45

Post by: kernbanks

Surprise me

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2018/01/31 11:11:58

Post by: Cat_astrophe

Hope not, sincerely, but we’ve already got Guilliman back so it’s only a matter of time

Saw this on the poll thing and didn’t think to check the date

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2018/04/12 13:52:47

Post by: parakuribo

I've only started this game but after a couple of trips to Lexicanum(not Wikia or 4Chan. Don't do drugs, kids!) I'ma just say this:

The Emperor has already died, and Robute will take his place. He then starts to work with Tau and Eldar to bring peace and unity toward the universe. Unfortunately some men(particularly Inquisitors, BT, DW) believed him to be unfit to rule after his cowardice and slumber, starting a second Heresy. At this point it's between Robute's new force ot SM's/Tau/Eldar, the 'rear' servents of the Emperor and every other xenos now trying to stay out of their sight.

This would be a worse time as the chaos gods have learned about forgiveness and working together. The Warbands are now learning about those as well as how to bide their time...

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2018/05/13 11:08:58

Post by: Lone Cat

He will be reborn.
yet it will happen when Golden Throne fails. and yes a new struggle to restore mankind

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2018/05/13 13:30:36

Post by: GamerGuy

In Dark Imperium we see the emperor in his true form, a manipulator who used his primarch's as tools, allowing them to call him "father" but never referring to them as "sons"... I see two outcomes.

The Primarchs return in one manner or another, and a second civil war starts over whether on not to unplug the Big E...

The Emperor becomes a threat to mankind. because that's Grimdark AF....


Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2018/05/13 23:22:26

Post by: Casbyness

So much heresy in this thread :O

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2018/05/14 18:48:47

Post by: Archebius


I want the storyline to advance... but do I trust the current writers enough to advance it?

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2018/07/15 14:02:24

Post by: Rybrook

Trazyn will get him, carbonite comes to mind

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2018/08/16 14:31:05

Post by: Andykp

Star child and then the universe will implode and we will get a new universe made up of bubbles of realty and the gods will be real!

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2018/09/17 13:26:17

Post by: ionusx

he will die first, i currently have a working theory so here me out :

with the return of the primarchs its clear GW are setting up for the end of days here and so all of them must return slowly but surely. so i propose a theory, the emperor will die and then return at the end of it all. we will see in wave 1 the following return: sanguinus, leman russ, mort, fulgrim, magnus, roboute, jagahti khan, then 1 other chaos traitor i suspect it will be alpharius/omegon but it could very well be preturabo or angron.

so heres how i suspect gak will go down, roboute his hands tied in a million different engagements and far away from the galatic core fulgrim launches an invasion of terra itself, the defenders fight a seemingly lost battle but far away hope is kindled. from deep within he palace a psychic wail is unleashed and on baal deep in the blood angels chapter monastery the tomb of sanguinus explodes and a shiny golden light takes off into the night. dante witnesses this himself and dispatches the blood angels in force to follow it. the follow its trail even through the warp and arrive in time to join the battle for terra. as the demons and emperors children threaten to storm the inner palace itself they are confronted by the golden warrior of dantes vision. fulgrim steps forward to fight his brother and gets tossed out of the palace for his traitorous ways. what follows is a savage thrashing to the emperors children dante dies in this engagement but is allowed the glory of meeting his primarch in person before he finally falls in battle.

far from terra the wolves drive the thousand sons to ground at the ruins of prospero. magnus still recovering from his wounds at the hands of logan leaves his sons to fend off the wolves but ultimately they are dug out and as logan storms magnus's inner sanctum magnus opens a rift into the warp itself and tries to flee for his life only to be tackled by a giant hairy abhuman the size of a rhino. this is leman russ now driven half feral from the curse of the wulfen. they struggle but ultimately magnus is knocked out cold. russ shocked by his surroundings and by the appearance of his wolves is lashes out at his sons before he comes to realize his error. they bind magnus and haul his ass back to terra.

at this point roboute gullieman returns to terra and is greeted by sanguinius, the great khan arrives shortly afterword followed by russ himself with brother magnus in tow. these sons of the emperor go before their father and finally with mournful eyes disconnect their father from the golden throne so he can finally die the heroes death owed to him. magnus is taken and bound in his place to the throne. his jailors the custodes and the adeptus mechanicus set to work drugging magnus, binding him to the task of keeping the warp rift shut and keeping the astronomican lit a task only magnus himself has any hope of doing.

this sets the stage for a pretty significant lore shift and lets them basically setup a stage where chaos has an agent on terra in magnus who can later free himself, or be freed some other way. and this lets them finally take the emperor off the shelf and let him die so that he can be the perpetual he is and revive himself. it lets them bring back sanguinius and leman russ in ways that are both satisfying to the respective factions as it paints them in a very positive light and it allows for them to finally make that art on the inside of the core rules mean something. for those who dont know what i am referring too. inside of the core rules hardback printed on the back most pages is a scene of a battle in the emperors palace. chaos marines and primaris battle tooth and nail while thunderhawks and chaos titans trade blows. at the center of this is the door to the emperors throne room and in front of the door is what appears to be a giant snake demon fighting what is VERY clearly a ressurected sanguinius.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2019/03/23 23:52:54

Post by: Skullphoquer

I think the Chaos Space Marine will destroy Terra and with the destruction of the golden throne a big warpstorm will suck up the solar system or even more, something like a second eye of terror.
At that Point the Imperium is fethed up and will kill it self in a huge Civil war.
And the Xenos will conquer the Galaxy or Tyranids will eat up the left overs.

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So yeah, the big E is a corpse with a still living psyker might.

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He will die, and the chaos gods will suck him/his warp presence up in their warpstorm.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2019/04/01 19:43:39

Post by: Lord Royal

Isn't the emperor an officially approved Perpetual? So he dies and revives... like the Highlander. So in a way Abaddon is actually a loyalist. Because the emperor is in a state of stasis that prevents him from being ressurrected. The emperor is alive. And Roboute DID talk to him. But I think that Big Daddy begged Roboute to kill him, that he can arise and be a god again. But Junior just thought: No can do that! Now it's my time! And Daddy, you're sitting on the biggest daemon fart gas bubble that you can imagine, stay your time is over!

I think that Abaddon will kill the emperor. Cypher will try to intervene and guard him, but will lose against Abby. And then in the greatest moment of his life. Abaddon has finally reached his final goal Drachnyen sticks in the emperor's chest. Finally!
But the emperor opens his eyes regains flesh and skin and his youth. A golden light shines and Abaddon is shattered into bits but the gods are pleased and finally raise him into the noble ranks of a daemon prince. But the emperor didn't have to move.

In the aftermath the Imperium is devided into two parts. Imperialists with Terra as capital and Roboute's Fellowship with Macragge as capital. But the gate under Big E's butt forcing him to act as cosmic warp plug. In the game the emperor won't be seen proparbly, it would simply take away any heroism if you see him die in enemy fire. But that could end in a not too uninteresting scenario where Space Marines have a new faction that doesn't need to be Imperium or Chaos. While Grey Knights, Custodes, Inquisition and so on will stay with the emperor, there will be some space marine chapters that will follow the Macraggean Republic that stands for progress and not an AdMech induced dictated stagnation (wildly speculated).
I'd like to see the Imperium shatters into smaller pieces. So a game Humans vs Humans doesn't feel like it would need a clear explanation to happen.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2019/04/24 15:49:47

Post by: Vakruz

I personally think that he will resurrect as Nico Yazawa from Love Live to bring death and destruction to the entire universe as a small annoying idol girl

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2019/04/25 08:14:35

Post by: LordMcAllister

I also think he will stay in the state he currently is in forever. People will keep on feeding him tasty psykers and keep him in his nearly dead state thus preventing him from being resurrected / reborn.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2019/06/26 12:44:50

Post by: Elian

It's controversial!!

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2019/06/26 15:58:11

Post by: Smellingsalts

He transferred his Mind into Guilliman and secretly walks amongst us.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2020/09/14 11:15:27

Post by: Thousandeyes

Other vote:

Nope. Even GW wouldn't do that, it would be too much of a change.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2020/09/14 13:48:44

Post by: Statistx

I read some theory that GW might want to go back to a style similar to Horus Heresy, where it's mostly (now) Primaris, loyal and traitor, focussed with a few xenos races sprinkled in between, cause their trend of ignoring races and pushing more and more primaris units, might go even further.

Can't remember the details and of course it was still a fan theory, but I think it was more or less Guilleman splitting off cause of his Primaris love and instead of chaos vs imperium, it would be more like religious imperium vs imperial truth and the emperor could either resurrect or stay 'imprisoned' as the religous guys holy idol, while the imperial truth guys want to free him.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2020/10/15 14:04:14

Post by: Cryptek of Awesome

He will return as Primaris Emperor of Mankind.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2020/11/16 19:03:38

Post by: Hecaton

He will return as the Horned Rat.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2021/01/19 01:04:36

Post by: Athurion

GW confirmed he is a perpetual. So if he truly dies, then yes, he will ressurect. Same as Vulkan.
Which leads me to believe either,

A: the high lords of terra dont know he's a perpetual and think they're doing him a solid by keeping him "alive"
B: more likely, they do know, but don't want him to ressurect because while he's on the throne they have more control, they were able to create the Ecclesiarchy and encourage the worship of him as a god, which as we know the Emperor disapproves of (poor Lorgar)

I created background for my Alpha Legion to say that they're basically on a suicide mission to "assassinate" the Emperor in order for him to ressurect and bring order back to the galaxy

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2021/01/27 15:59:17

Post by: kirotheavenger

There should really be a poll option for "no, he will stay in limbo on the Golden Throne".

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2021/02/19 15:50:43

Post by: TGG

Star Child for the win - Fear the old lore

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2021/02/20 01:11:27

Post by: Veldrain

No. He will choose to die rather than endure this torment.

If no one has mentioned it, 50K The Nightmare To Come, is some excellent fanfic.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2021/05/23 08:22:48

Post by: tauist

After having read the transcript of Dan Abnett's recent interview in ArsTechnica, seems like the Emperor is stuck with being in the state he is currently, and if this would ever be to change, the 40K universe would cease to literally exist.

The Golden Throne is also apparently much more important than most of the lore implies..

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2021/08/25 20:38:04

Post by: ccs

No, the emperor will not resurrect. Not in the lore & definitely not play wise.
It'll continue to be a talked plot point though.

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2021/08/27 13:09:29

Post by: Shadow Walker

Hecaton wrote:
He will return as the Horned Rat.

This would be the best end times surprise

Do you think that the Emperor will resurrect in some form? @ 2021/10/06 17:54:40

Post by: Tawnis

Do I think he WILL eventually return? Yes. Do I think he SHOULD eventually return? No.