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Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/06/27 16:12:16

Post by: AlphaFreds

Would the Heresy make a good film franchise?

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/06/27 17:40:54

Post by: chilledmonkeybrains

Answer: Yes

Would GW ever agree to do it properly? Not a chance.

Welcome to Dakka, AlphaFreds! If you're into narrative campaigns (plenty of HH action, too) then head over to http://www.animosity40k.proboards.com


Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/06/28 03:49:21

Post by: Byte

Ahhh... wrong forum much?

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/06/28 15:24:55

Post by: cincydooley

It would work better as, IMO, a TV Series, probably in CGI (and not Ultramarines CGI)

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/06/28 16:02:29

Post by: Midnightdeathblade

We can wish all we want. It will never happen. And i belive 40k will never become succesfully recognized in the film industry, reguardless how badass a 40k movie could be with the right backing and people behind it.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/06/28 17:20:43

Post by: boyd

 cincydooley wrote:
It would work better as, IMO, a TV Series, probably in CGI (and not Ultramarines CGI)

Not that it is much better, but something in the realm of Star Wars: Clone Wars wouldn't be bad.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/06/28 17:47:52

Post by: tomcat31

It's a good idea in theory, and could happen. Especially now gw are in partnership with Warner brothers.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/06/28 18:37:42

Post by: Midnightdeathblade

I was not aware of this patnership! When was it started?

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/06/28 18:43:31

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 cincydooley wrote:
It would work better as, IMO, a TV Series, probably in CGI (and not Ultramarines CGI)

That was my first thought, it would allow for all kinds of stories, changing narrators and protagonists etc. Bacially Clone Wars with more skulls.

A film can only tell one story and needs a single story arc.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/06/28 20:30:49

Post by: cincydooley

boyd wrote:
 cincydooley wrote:
It would work better as, IMO, a TV Series, probably in CGI (and not Ultramarines CGI)

Not that it is much better, but something in the realm of Star Wars: Clone Wars wouldn't be bad.

Exactly what I was thinking

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/06/28 20:33:29

Post by: PrehistoricUFO

I've always thought an HBO series would be superb, can't wait for a GW exec to man up and sign a deal. With HBO or AMC, it could have as much violence, blasphemy (as limited as it is in the 40K setting), madness and gritty presentation as would be needed to accurately present the HH series. Ideally the cast would be all then-unknowns.

I could also see such a well-done sci-fi series propelling the Warhammer 40K IP to completely new levels of awareness.

Not films, a full-fledged TV series imo. Live-actors, not CGed ones because the intricate conversations and deep political intrigue and rivalries need real humans to powerfully portray.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/06/28 23:19:47

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 PrehistoricUFO wrote:
I've always thought an HBO series would be superb, can't wait for a GW exec to man up and sign a deal.

While it's a nice day dream I don't think this is a question of GW 'manning up'. A series like this would cost $10s of millions and 40k does not have enough of an adult fanbase to justify it.

Even with CGI and green screens you need well paid professionals to design every virtual set, every image, every costume.

No one's jumping to spend millions on a relatively obscure property like this. Even Star Wars floundered as a live action show because it was too expensive. And if Star Wars can't do it...

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/06/30 10:19:11

Post by: tomcat31

Gw teamed up with Warner brothers for the LOTR and hobbit games.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/06/30 11:11:59

Post by: Cathix

If GW Did agree to make a film or a TV or web series, with our luck Micheal Bay would be the director and Christopher Nolan would write the scrips lol

In all seriousness though, If they just made everything CGI like star wars the clone wars, I believe it would do rather well, CGI equipment is becoming less and less expensive to buy and use, look at 3D printers as a comparision

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/06/30 11:26:17

Post by: The Shadow

I don't think it would happen, but if it did, I think a trilogy, or somewhere around that length, would be best. I don't think 40k has the fanbase to last more films than that.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/06/30 11:56:28

Post by: ChaoticMind

I say three, It would have to be like Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings, important plot only, drop any minor characters who aren't required for the main plot, long movies anyway, and stupid big budget. Otherwise -1 movie, kill the ultrasmurf propaganda film.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/06/30 15:09:31

Post by: Zeke 169

Knowing how GW likes to market long-term, an HBO Miniseries would be great.

Look at the Space Operas of Battlestar Galactica, Stargate SG-1, Firefly, Children of Dune, I think they could feasibly pull it all off. Even looking at the storytelling from Game of Thrones each episode touching on the lives of the main characters.

However, IF it were to make it as a movie I would hope they wouldn't go beyond a trilogy. Focus on the main plot points otherwise you would lose the audience in the expanse of the world.

Then would you include much if any of the Eldar, Necron, or Orks? Or just focus on Brother v. Brother conflict?

Furthermore...who would you cast for each of the Primarchs? The Emperor?
The Sigilite?

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/06/30 15:14:18

Post by: Verd_Warr

 ChaoticMind wrote:
I say three, It would have to be like Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings, important plot only, drop any minor characters who aren't required for the main plot, long movies anyway, and stupid big budget. Otherwise -1 movie, kill the ultrasmurf propaganda film.

This is why LoTR should have stayed as books (imo). Though considering the source material, HH probably wouldn't suffer nearly as much from PJ & his SO "interpreting" it. Although it would more likely get the J.J. Abram's "treatment."

As previously mentioned, a ("grown up") Clone Wars type series would be great for any 40K story.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/06/30 15:26:59

Post by: dekinrie

considering the target audience of GW pre-teens to 14 the HH would not be inline with the marketing something like the clone wars cartoon maybe based on the ultramarines tyrannic wars that
way you could have pretty much faceless enemies dying by the bucketload but as their animals fly right by the age rating censors even marines dying wouldn't be a problem aslong as they kept the helmets
on with the odd hero to command them

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/06/30 23:12:53

Post by: CthuluIsSpy

5+, but only if they are R rated. I want to see Fulgrim and Konrad go absolutely bat gak!

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/07/01 10:54:13

Post by: AlphaFreds

Well its never gonna happen! An HBO series would be unbelievably good there's not enough sex for it to reach a wider audience, maybe it should just stay as an endless book franchise

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/07/01 11:57:28

Post by: CthuluIsSpy

AlphaFreds wrote:
Well its never gonna happen! An HBO series would be unbelievably good there's not enough sex for it to reach a wider audience, maybe it should just stay as an endless book franchise

HBO doesn't need sex for a show to be good. Band of Brothers had no sex that I could think of, and that was a great series.

Hey, there's a thought, how about Band of Brother - 40k edition? It could focus on the relationships between the different Primarchs, and how they end up turning against each other.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/07/01 12:46:12

Post by: PredaKhaine

I said 5+. Just because I want more films than Harry Potter got.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/07/01 19:46:41

Post by: Earth Dragon

I would love some great CGI Warhammer movies, but as with many great films in the last couple of decades with source material, the writers will trim the fat not making this or that character a major part of the story, if at all, and we'll have to listen to nerd rage ramblings about how Salamanders are supposed to be charcoal, not African looking, and that's what "ruined" the movie for them.

If they were to do movies, perhaps try the same styling of the Avengers. Have a few movies highlighting different chapters and such, intertwine them a little, and then have a movie or two that wraps it all together. It might take about 6 movies to do, but if done well, they could have a lot of success. The main thing is meeting the balance of "fanboy" expectations, and writing the movies to where people not familiar with 40k at all could understand.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/07/02 03:06:00

Post by: VensersRevenge

 CthuluIsSpy wrote:
AlphaFreds wrote:
Well its never gonna happen! An HBO series would be unbelievably good there's not enough sex for it to reach a wider audience, maybe it should just stay as an endless book franchise

HBO doesn't need sex for a show to be good. Band of Brothers had no sex that I could think of, and that was a great series.

Hey, there's a thought, how about Band of Brother - 40k edition? It could focus on the relationships between the different Primarchs, and how they end up turning against each other.

The relationship idea is a good one. I would watch that.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/07/02 03:58:57

Post by: MandalorynOranj

I don't think the Horus Heresy would be very well suited for adaptation. Too much of the important and interesting stuff is internal (like te Primarchs' thoughts and stuff) that would be tough to portray on screen. I think something without marines would be much better suited to the screen, or at least something with marines as just supporting characters. My vote always goes for Eisenhorn or Gaunt's Ghosts as the best-suited for adaptation.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/07/03 17:44:09

Post by: grantosjones

It *could* make a great film/series of films. But it'd kill WFB!

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/07/07 16:02:11

Post by: ImotekhTheStormlord

To make this decent, you would need a budget far above what GW is willing to stake.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/07/31 10:33:03

Post by: secretsquirrel

would it make a decent film franchise - with the right backing, but i cant really see GW commetting to this unless the "price was right. "

Would it make a great HBO series - F#@k yeah!!

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/07/31 11:13:10

Post by: dkoz

I can see it making a good HBO AMC or sci-fi channel series. I think that's a better idea than making a movie.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/07/31 11:14:34

Post by: Meade

40k is such a rich and varied background, there are plenty of possibilities for a movie or TV series... but doing Horus Heresy right off the bat is insane, I think some Inquisitorial drama off the lines of The Eisenhorn/Ravenor series, or a Rogue Trader setting, would make for a better story, more sex, and be a decent enough introduction to the universe. And CGI actually makes it all possible. Of course they can't make it rated R, because they're GW and they must sell to the masses of pimpled teenagers. Damn you GW.

I think there's hope. If 40k video games and books can be successful, and they are arguably probably more successful than the miniatures at the moment, movies can as well, the execs probably want to see how the Lord Inquisitor animation does first. Not to mention every major comic book series seems to be going to film these days and things like 40k are what comics used to be.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/07/31 14:23:28

Post by: Christopher300

I have always thought a 40K story would be better done stylised like the film 300 or sin ciy, with that comic book style. I think t would make the space marines look a little less goofy, allow the use of cgi and humans ad also to make combat scenes look pretty awesome.

For the horus heresy I would say it would have to be at least 2 films with it specifically to the point. It would alos have to be written well, whereas i think a 40k film in general would be good as a mindless shoot em up film, this particular story would need to have a bit more feeling otherwise people wouldn't bother watching a second film if they really didnt give a f### about Horus in the first place nor really care that he could be swayed from the emperor.

Also in my opinion they would have to tone down the buddy on buddy love (for want of a better phrase) that the astares share as that gets very tedious (much like in lord of the rings and the hobbit on hobbit love). The astartes would have to be shown to be a bit more "human" and less of just a "clone race" as really apart from the war side of things, Astartes are pretty dull people.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/07/31 15:07:41

Post by: c0j1r0

I think a 40k movie would do really well if it was marketed right and written/directed well.

This would probably never happen, but if WETA produced it, it would look amazing. I can always wish though. WETA obviously did an amazing job with the LoTR movies, and the Halo 3 live action trailers they did were amazing as well. If anyone could pull of a good production of 40k, it'd be them.

And I agree, as much as a I love Space Marines, I think I'd rather see a movie that was Inquisition or even IG centered. They have a little more depth than Space Marines. Maybe a movie about Yarrick during Armageddon?

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/07/31 16:00:34

Post by: SheSpits

Only way I believe they can truly make the movie hit home. Bring the 40k idea of humanity on the break of extinction. Would be to follow a young IG's men through the ropes. It would make a great TV series as well. First session (if we go TV series) we watch him /her train and create relationships with fellow IG members. Towards the end of session one he/she meets a SM and hears the tales of war. Session 2 he is shipped off to duty escort a commissar during their mission he encounters some more races. He understands the char more and gets a look into his thoughts of the universe. Towards the end of this session he goes to war!!!! Session 3 we follow him through a major battle marked in 40k history every episode is a key battle we see less sit back and hold the line IG (like on the table) and a more aggressive side of IG. Towards the end of the session our buddy comes across the marine he met while in training. Bested by an enemy the guardsman has never seen. Wounds on the marine are something he has never seen. At this point the guardsman is introduced to Demons. Something he has only heard in whispers. That’s about it I’m at work and I can go one for days. Movie wise just cram all this together leave off where I did and make part 2. LOL

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/07/31 18:41:41

Post by: Filch

I think GW needs a radical approach. Instead of gambling on a Block Buster hit or miss, we need to try kick start a few short stories into movies. Some movie producers are using kickstart to test how many people are willing to see a movie before investing major capital to make their films. Knowing that GW is uninteresting and unwilling to take risks making unprofitable media, perhaps they could be persuaded to grant copyright licensing use for eager film amateur who are hardcore fans of WH40k, by producing to GW their best story pitch and 1-5 minute trailers. These trailers will showcase the film maker's capabilities and what he or she can do with little capital before being granted GW funding. If GW is impressed by the visual trailer and the film maker's talent and is willing to grant limited copyright usage, but is still unwilling to fund the project then it all falls on kickstarter and the people to make the film happen. GW should still reserve the right to cancel a project or issue a cease and desist order if the film does not meet GW's views or policies.

I feel that the collection of short stories set in the WH40k universe such as, "Let the Galaxy Burn" is a great source of well written drama, thrilling and riveting stories that show case many perspectives in the wh40k setting.

This strategy will avoid the pitfall of a major box office flop. Unlike a tv series, where the audience needs to watch if from the beginning to understand what is going on, a few self explained and contained stories will allow unfamiliar viewers to jump in and take a glimpse into the wh40k universe. Each short movie is independent of each other so if 1 or a few were a failure it would have little to no effect on future ventures. If a couple short movies succeed to gather high praise and critical acclaim, a collection of the short movies could be packaged together and sold as a collectors edition. The collectors edition should contain items not attainable by internet streaming or downloading such as limited edition tangible figurines, info cards (a picture of an actor in character and a brief bio), terrain pieces etc... Nothing that can be shared on the internet such as soundtracks, behind the scene video, or any media.

The short films can be as short as 1minute to 40 or 50 minutes. TV shows are 30 minutes, movies are usually an hour or more. The whole point of a 30 minute show is to keep you intrigued to tune in next week often leaving on a cliff hanger. The whole point of a 60-120 minute movie is to get you to come in and pay for a ticket and often maybe boring or just unpleasant for someone to sit for so long. These wh40k short story films do not have to adhere to such standards. It would be interesting to see how well a story can be told in as few minutes as possible. It would also be interesting to see how well a story can keep an audience entertained for as long as possible.

Save the major stories in wh40k for GW when they do decide that they can make money on making block buster movies.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/08/01 01:45:39

Post by: st2me

boyd wrote:
 cincydooley wrote:
It would work better as, IMO, a TV Series, probably in CGI (and not Ultramarines CGI)

Not that it is much better, but something in the realm of Star Wars: Clone Wars wouldn't be bad.

Thats really not a bad idea and would cost as much as making a full movie now cartoon or CGI is the bigger question. CGI has better detail and looks cooler but takes longer to make, while a detailed cartoon series would be pretty freaking cool

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/09/01 11:43:14

Post by: CloudRider

1 movie to cover the primarchs chaos gods and the emperors finding of the primarchs with a few interesting battles or fights in between/throughout.

1 movie to show a certain primarch that fell to Chaos (probably Horus) and the other chapters he took with him.

And then you could go onto how the iron warriors and the imperial fists always hated each other. And the Thousand Sons conflict as well as showing a chapter example of how it slowly falls to the grasp of chaos

I think there should be the main characters too.
I just don't know where to put them...

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/09/01 13:56:09

Post by: Gutsnagga

 MandalorynOranj wrote:
I don't think the Horus Heresy would be very well suited for adaptation. Too much of the important and interesting stuff is internal (like te Primarchs' thoughts and stuff) that would be tough to portray on screen. I think something without marines would be much better suited to the screen, or at least something with marines as just supporting characters. My vote always goes for Eisenhorn or Gaunt's Ghosts as the best-suited for adaptation.

Ooooooh Now you've got me thinking about a Ravenor film adapation... that would be awesome!

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/09/01 15:15:16

Post by: joker8911

boyd wrote:
 cincydooley wrote:
It would work better as, IMO, a TV Series, probably in CGI (and not Ultramarines CGI)

Not that it is much better, but something in the realm of Star Wars: Clone Wars wouldn't be bad.

I was thinking more Band of brothers/Pacific.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/09/01 23:32:26

Post by: Strombones

This thread is going to turn ino a fanboy nerdgasm of proposed 40k movie scripts.

I vote 3. Part one Horus as a good guy. Part two Horus as a troubled good guy. Part three Horus as a bad guy. Isnt that how the books went anyway?

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/10/02 10:53:49

Post by: sgtspiff

0 as the HH is simply to black and white to make a good movie or even good books.

Alpha legion maybe could make a good film.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/10/02 21:22:13

Post by: filbert

It would never work - too much of a niche appeal, too esoteric for mainstream audiences, notwithstanding the fact that it assumes too much knowledge from the viewer/reader. It's familiar to all of us because we know the background but to someone new watching it in a cinema? No way - it would require lengthy and boring prologues too narrate the background.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/10/03 06:01:07

Post by: lost_soul

If they ever did thsi it would have to be a series and they could only do one or two books per movie. IMO they would need to hand it over to the guys that did the final fantasy movies. Ultra marines was a disgrace. The dawn of war and space Marine games were huge hits, I have people that know nothing about warhammer reading the horus heresy now just because of the those games. Hell you could make it a mini series on sci-fi or cartoon network.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/10/03 16:06:24

Post by: erzu07

As much as i would love to see a HH movie series I don't think it will happen. You can put plenty of sex between the humans on the ships, you've got the violence, but the big issues is all the guys in the big ass armor running around. Live action just has a hard time with that. Sure you can CG the more fast pace scenes but they are most likely going to look a bit silly. I can only think of a handful of actors that might pull it off. Now if you want to do a regular SM CGI series then I say do a deathwatch show. This way you have a small group of badasses that are from different chapters and can team up with the other chapters and IG companies every so often. I think it would be a more mainstream way to introduce people to the 40k universe.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/10/08 02:03:08

Post by: Terimus

Personally, I would love to see the Horus Heresy on Film. I've only seen little bits and pieces of various 40k Films, Ultramarine being probably the best animation wise, but I would love to see a live action 40k film with a high budget. Seeing the Primarchs in full on battle.. now that would be amazing!
In all truth though, it would be very difficult and most likely improbable, but would still be awesome as fetch!

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/10/08 02:19:24

Post by: KommissarKiln

boyd wrote:
 cincydooley wrote:
It would work better as, IMO, a TV Series, probably in CGI (and not Ultramarines CGI)

Not that it is much better, but something in the realm of Star Wars: Clone Wars wouldn't be bad.

I note that people have not said the Clone Wars, and if that was intentional, I commend you all. I think if GW really actually thought about how much profit a serious film or TV series would rake in, those business execs would gak themselves. Sadly, the thought has not occurred to them and never will.

Off topic: speaking of violence and the 2003 Clone Wars, I hold what Grievous did to a frigging small army of clones to be the most brutal scene in Western animation I've personally seen. (Yeah, I excluded anime intentionally)

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/10/18 18:03:22

Post by: sellswordstudio

Before they do a film adaptation I would like them to finish Lokens story arch personally...

...But ya the whole time I read the first three books I couldn't help but think what a great mini series like Battlestar Galactica, at least the first couple of books would make...

...Ive given up on them finishing the main story though as HH is doing to well for black library

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2096/04/18 21:18:36

Post by: Swastakowey

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/12/04 11:35:25

Post by: Krucho1986

Three movies - First is the rise of the eldar empire with the old ones and its fall, second is the rise of the imperium of man and the subsequent black crusade, third would bring us up to present day.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/12/04 16:01:17

Post by: Lobokai

Animated Series. Have the first be a Rogue Trader in 40k. Give him/her a tie in with an Eldar craft world and a good relationship with a notable SM Chapter. It would work really well.

After that, up the production value and go HH.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Seeing as GW stole my allies and escalation ideas (seriously, we've played with almost identical rules for 3 years). Maybe they'll stalk me and take this idea too.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/12/04 16:36:43

Post by: inkybones

If it was about space marines it wouldn't be on HBO, its just not much of a drama like 'the Game of Thrones'. "There is only war" makes for a pretty boring story. If it was about the Inquisition then maybe. I just don't see the Horus Heresy as interesting enough for a mini series. Or a series about how Chaos isn't really evil... just misunderstood.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/12/04 23:33:37

Post by: KommissarKiln

I'm seconding swastakowy's idea-- at least, I would watch a film/series about the individual Guardsmen. If it were anything like Gaunt's Ghosts, there would be a spectrum of developed characters, none of whom in particular have serious plot armor.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/12/27 16:27:24

Post by: Za_Docta

All depends on who they hand writing and directing off to. For example, were Gav Thorpe, Dan Abnett, and William King doing the writing, and it got directed/produced by J.J. Abrams, we'd probably end up with something awesome. However, if they were to give the Horus Heresy the same treatment they gave The Last Airbender (i.e. if Shyamalan gets his filthy hands anywhere near the project), we're probably going to end up with something pretty stupid. Just saying.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2013/12/27 21:16:50

Post by: MandalorynOranj

 Za_Docta wrote:
All depends on who they hand writing and directing off to. For example, were Gav Thorpe, Dan Abnett, and William King doing the writing, and it got directed/produced by J.J. Abrams, we'd probably end up with something awesome. However, if they were to give the Horus Heresy the same treatment they gave The Last Airbender (i.e. if Shyamalan gets his filthy hands anywhere near the project), we're probably going to end up with something pretty stupid. Just saying.

Giving the writing duties to any of those people would be a bad idea (see Ultramarines, written by Abnett). You don't put novel authors in charge of screenwriting, they are two entirely different skill sets. Being good at writing books has absolutely nothing to do with being good at writing movies because of the huge difference in media.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2014/01/05 10:49:48

Post by: scommy

Ya if they could get the Weta Lotr crew to make it.....that could be a blast.

Or the guys that made Starship Troopers 1 or 3, man those were awesome funny movies.

Could be centred around a IG company composed of men and women, that takes care of the love story and the human aspect people can relate to. Perhaps based on a Cain book to include some humour. Space marines could make an appearance for the win as the elite strike force in the final climactic battle. Tau and/or Eldar would be good opponents with their great looking units.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2014/01/05 10:51:08

Post by: thetallestgiraffe

God no it wouldn't make a good movie! It would end up being some terrible bolter porn thing with the Imperium portrayed as the good guys in all cases. People would get annoyed because it wouldn't show their army's bit, for example, the word bearers vs the ultra marines. The hobbit has been made into 3 movies and covers all points in the book nicely. Can you imagine a 20 odd HH books even fitting into 5 movies? roughly four books a movie, giving them about 40mins each if you make the movie three hours long

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2014/01/05 14:15:42

Post by: Mr. Burning

 scommy wrote:
Ya if they could get the Weta Lotr crew to make it.....that could be a blast.

Or the guys that made Starship Troopers 1 or 3, man those were awesome funny movies.

Could be centred around a IG company composed of men and women, that takes care of the love story and the human aspect people can relate to. Perhaps based on a Cain book to include some humour. Space marines could make an appearance for the win as the elite strike force in the final climactic battle. Tau and/or Eldar would be good opponents with their great looking units.

Agreed with this Marines should be whispered about and glimpsed. a whole movie or TV series based on their exploits would get tedious pretty quickly.

Besides. The one key factor against a movie or TV series (excluding appeal tio a wider audience) are merchandising rights.

Film or TV studios are not going to get into bed with a company who currently refuse to licence their IP.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2014/01/05 17:07:35

Post by: Kiryu Mk 3

It depends on how they would go about approaching the franchise. A TV series would allow for more time and character development. Also, with it being done right you could do really get the whole story out there. However, if interest wains and passes before the story is complete you may have a problem. Also, with the various companies vising for their piece of the pie. A series of films would be nice if done right as well. But, the same problems persist. Also, you're working with a limited time for the film. There is no chance of a live film unless its IG. Space Marines just can't be done except for in CG. The quality of the CG will have to be on par with Space Marine game.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2014/01/06 19:13:59


 AlphaFreds wrote:

Would the Heresy make a good film franchise?

Maybe. But I doubt anyone except us fans would understand it.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2014/01/07 03:19:43

Post by: Iron_Captain

40k (or 30k for this matter) would make for smashing movies, but I think the HH would be better as a tv series.
That would offer a chance for people unfamiliar with the universe to be introduced. They would also be able to fit more of the books into it.
To make it even more interesting, they could even have a Imperial Army protagonist.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2014/01/08 18:44:56

Post by: Lyell

Disclaimer: this is just my opinion - please don't burn me as a heretic.

I truly think that the WH40k(30k) setting has movie potential.

The WH40k universe is definitely versatile enough to base any form of motion picture on it.

Web Mini Series - Inquisition/Rogue Trader/Death Watch

TV Series - Fething Band of fething Guardsmen

Movie - Endless epic Bolter porn.

And about long and boring prologues
HH isn't that complex to understand

Sorry i am not a writer but i would find following sufficient to start a HH movie:

I am a space marine,
a genetically augmented human and we are legion.
Led by the mighty and godlike Primarchs we are fighting a crusade to again unite long lost human worlds with the Imperium of Mankind.
In the name of our glorious emperor we seek out the separatist and xenos to forge a better future for humanity.
I am Captain Garviel Loken (!obligatory!) and this is my story.

And then he "dies" at the end of movie 1.

I need a fake movie poster with Isstvan III burning and the fitting sub-title "Let the galaxy burn"

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2014/01/10 03:54:22

Post by: aapch45

I think something like band of brothers, following Horus from his discovery by the emprah, to his demise would be interesting.
really humanise, ans crush Horus.... like boromir.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2014/01/10 03:55:24

Post by: Asherian Command

 aapch45 wrote:
I think something like band of brothers, following Horus from his discovery by the emprah, to his demise would be interesting.
really humanise, ans crush Horus.... like Ned Stark and Robb Stark


Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2014/01/10 22:00:08

Post by: aapch45

 Asherian Command wrote:
 aapch45 wrote:
I think something like band of brothers, following Horus from his discovery by the emprah, to his demise would be interesting.
really humanise, ans crush Horus.... like Ned Stark and Robb Stark



I'm a huge GOT fan as well

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2014/01/10 22:44:12

Post by: RageAgainstReality

Probably 3/4, you would need to obviously cover the major battles: both Istavans, Calth, prospero and the like. You then need to display the sheer scale of the galaxy spanning war and cover later battles such as Lorgar and Angrons crusade into Ultrama and then of course devote at least an entire film to the siege of Terra including the massive naval battle for its air space. Honestly it's not feasible.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2014/01/16 07:36:08

Post by: Kogwar

I would say three movies. The first would cover the fall of Horus, this would be used to set up the issues that would lead to the heresy ending with Horus waking from his sleep. The second would be the betrayals at Isstvan 3 and 5. The last movie would be the siege of terra. Then you could have a series of follow up films covering other specific peoples stories. Or it could work as a hbo style series.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2014/01/17 18:24:57

Post by: Crantor

You would need to come up with creative way of getting it out to the masses to generate interest. A full fledged space opera is likely to fail. Go with a mini series.

Start with 6 episodes to generate interest. The books are popular but if you make the series gritty and sexy then people will watch and go and want to read the series generating more demand.

I would base the series on John Grammaticus. With a bit of artisitic liscencing you could make him into evn more of a Flashman type of character. Follow his plot line with the Heresy in the background with references and maybe the odd flash scene of epic battles (over the course of the series if you add them all up, the scenes could almost be a complete battle timeline). Start with his background, the 30K universe and his dealings with the cabal.

If it works then you expand the series to 12 more episodes. He should rarely if ever run into marines but, erebus could figure prominently in the back story. You'd never really see Horus of the Emperor. But you'd hear a lot about them. You could have one episode with marines using the whole Vulkan lives plot line where he runs into a rag tag bunch of Istvaan survivors. Make the season finale, with him arriving at Maccrage to go after Vulkan (who would be the only Primarch we ever see up until that point).

After these two seasons, if it takes, then you produce either spin offs of 2hr tv specials. maybe one dealing with the remembrancers on Fulgrim's ship with the whole Fulgrim/Ferrus plotline in the background. Maybe another could be the whoel Alpharius protocol intrigue. Even one based on the assassins. even a Garro one shot could work if properly done. But you keep producing as many seasons of Grammaticus as you can.

If all of that then takes, then perhaps someone would be bold enough to make a trilogy. Starting with the first movie that would build to the Istvaan Massacre, the 2nd would start just after Calth leading to the storyline in Unremembered Empire with the loyalists trying to rally then finish with the third movie being the siege of Terra.

Then after you could reboot the series with an Imperium Secundus series based on some other no name character.

Ambitious? Lol. Yes. But one can dream.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2014/02/06 10:14:06

Post by: hk1x1

I think a lord of the rings style trilogy would work best, but with the film industry the way it is at the moment I hope they never make it,
as it would simply get ruined.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2014/02/06 10:20:09

Post by: Inget namn

I'm not sure wether i would want the heresy books to become films... I'm afraid it would ruin the books! But IF they were to be made into books, there would have to be more than 3 at least

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2014/02/06 19:43:47

Post by: st2me

dkoz wrote:
I can see it making a good HBO AMC or sci-fi channel series. I think that's a better idea than making a movie.

They would all be great to make the series but I think it would definitely have to be animated or CGI, and that if GW would even let them make a movie. Especially since Ultramarines was considered a fair good first movie.

they could also do like the Star Wars Clone War series and just make a bunch of 30min long episodes and run it for a couple season, the season could be based on the books or just important events, alongside short stories.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2014/03/07 18:38:37

Post by: Apower101

I decree this must be done

btw, how do you make an image smaller?

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2014/03/17 00:11:30

Post by: Hlaine Larkin mk2

Personally I feel the GoT model would work the best if they ever made a filmed version of the series
It would also require multiple seasons and would need the series to essentially be finished so they can get the timeline sorted before making so they have enough to jump between areas of interest much like GoT ie the first season could build up to Istvaan (With the inital fall of Logar) then split into all the major plot lines after the dropsite massacre

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2014/04/08 17:23:35

Post by: Commissar41.0

It would have to be 5+ movies becasue we all know the first movie is going to be introduction of the Emperor and the Primarchs and then the last like 20min Istvaan III Atrocity for a little clue to next Movie.....Movie 2 Istvaan III then politics...yada yada yada...some Xenos here and there the Survivors of Ist III tell Emperor about Horus and the rest of the movie Istvaan V BUT JUST THE BEGINNING!!! where Loyalists are bending traitors over 1 by 1......Que Movie 3 Istvaan V everythings goin good then BAM!!!! everyone shows true colors continue witth fighting show few survivors leaving then telling the big E whats what then cut to Horus telling the Word bearers to go kill the Ultratwats at The Battle of Calth....Movie 4 Calth happens throw a plot twist in there where the Ultramarines find out they plan to invade Terra try to tell E but cant, E finds out they are coming preps his golden anus for the wrath of the traitors and then last shot of the Traitors translating in orbit of Terra end it there.....Movie 5 Siege of Terra and the Emperors Palace then everything is over and the end of the movie narrating "And so it has been for 10,000 years the forces of Chaos trying to finish what they had started on Istvaan V but the Defenders of mankind and Our Angels of Death have never yielded, never faltered but there is no hope to rebuild what We once were....For it is the 41st Millenium....and there is only War!

BAM!!!!! theres the movie list and thats how it should go and if that last speech isnt the last thing said.....someones gunna be hurting

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2014/06/10 12:05:32

Post by: Superscope

The horus heresy would be more suited for one of those long runing TV series as the details into leading upto such a massive event in the 40K universe would not be able to be shown in films unless you went the way of the harry potter films (each one being a book).

Personally, i say for the starters they should do a band of brothers style TV series with gaunt's ghosts. Would be a safer and easier to produce option imho.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2014/06/11 05:37:41

Post by: Johnnytorrance

If all of Monty Python was around today as they were in their prime, then it would be a great movie

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2014/07/12 00:51:55

Post by: Filch

Dedicated Fans volunteered production and acting for a web series approved by GW. Make the webseries 10 to 20 minutes initially to test the waters. Keep cost down by telling a story about a small platoon of imperial guardsmen in charge of medical emergency rescue like MASH. Keep the characters out of direct fire but have the chaos of bombs and gun shots go off in the background. Focus less on action, more on character development, atmosphere, and drama.

Telling a strory about the pre-heresy spacemarine needs high end special effects, professionals actors, and big budget.

If GW was to do a movie, it should be a non-canonical short story from Let the Galaxy Burn or other such sort story collection.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2014/08/12 10:12:13

Post by: Jonavic

I would love to see an animated HH movie, rather than a action live movie, imo.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2014/10/15 14:48:37

Post by: Jendi

IMO Trilogy and a sequel would me more than enough

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2014/10/17 15:47:45

Post by: dusara217

Earth Dragon wrote:
I would love some great CGI Warhammer movies, but as with many great films in the last couple of decades with source material, the writers will trim the fat not making this or that character a major part of the story, if at all, and we'll have to listen to nerd rage ramblings about how Salamanders are supposed to be charcoal, not African looking, and that's what "ruined" the movie for them.

If they were to do movies, perhaps try the same styling of the Avengers. Have a few movies highlighting different chapters and such, intertwine them a little, and then have a movie or two that wraps it all together. It might take about 6 movies to do, but if done well, they could have a lot of success. The main thing is meeting the balance of "fanboy" expectations, and writing the movies to where people not familiar with 40k at all could understand.

This is probably the best idea i've read so far. If they were to make movies, then this would definitely be the way, but if they were to go with like an HBO series then they should probably just stick to the first 3 books and maybe include the Siege of Terra.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2014/11/15 10:20:48

Post by: jabbakahut

This topic comes up every week in the Facebook 40K fan page, it's pretty funny to see how far it gets before someone says "this again?"

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2014/12/16 19:18:09

Post by: zombiekila707

Should be a TV show for HBO cable could not handle 40k...

personally it should be animated and should have 7 seasons. Lets say 12 episodes 1 hour long.

Center around Gavriel Loken maybe switch it up with other famous characters like Garro.

Realistically it is just as insane to do 40k is really big!

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2015/01/17 12:32:02

Post by: Talon of Anathrax

 Zeke 169 wrote:
Knowing how GW likes to market long-term, an HBO Miniseries would be great.

Look at the Space Operas of Battlestar Galactica, Stargate SG-1, Firefly, Children of Dune, I think they could feasibly pull it all off. Even looking at the storytelling from Game of Thrones each episode touching on the lives of the main characters.

However, IF it were to make it as a movie I would hope they wouldn't go beyond a trilogy. Focus on the main plot points otherwise you would lose the audience in the expanse of the world.

Then would you include much if any of the Eldar, Necron, or Orks? Or just focus on Brother v. Brother conflict?

Furthermore...who would you cast for each of the Primarchs? The Emperor?
The Sigilite?

I'd definitely cast the guy who played Thranduil as Fulgrim:

They're both completely twisted (and ruthless and evil), and both fit the description perfectionist + insane + enormous ego + bishōnen hawtness

I'd like to cast schwarzenegger as the Lion (because neither of them talks much), but I'm not that sure that his voice wouldn't sound too stupid for a primarch

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2015/01/17 14:01:37

Post by: Knockagh

I'm afraid we are a very small band of players in the big world of entertainment. Would be a lovely idea but there is no chance. If it did happen it would be a 'B' movie to beat all cheesy nasty straight to DVD losers and we the community who love 30/40k would moan about it forever.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2015/01/17 15:51:35

Post by: Bean_town_tau

I think that a trilogy would probably do best. I think you streamline the plot, dropping certain characters and events but still making references and Easter eggs. I think if someone was able to do live-action with CGI mixed in it might make it more appealing to non-hobbyists. Lots of action, lots of gore. I would totally get behind a movie like that. Fingers crossed it happens some day.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2015/06/22 10:35:36

Post by: Ragnarose

Films would screw it up as they would probably cut alot of important details to put it into a 2 hour film

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2015/06/22 12:51:42

Post by: Warsmith262

I think the HH would be best done as an animated TV series.
too much to cover in film, and studios would just screw it up.
Animation saves costs because then you don't need to spend as much on actors, effects, props etc.

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Another great way to do it would be to do it documentary style. Where military experts and survivors give interviews. short clips of action. plenty of stills. etc

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2015/06/23 04:08:36

Post by: Henesy

A cgi series would be great. If one was aiming to encompass the Horus Heresy in bursts of 30 minute shows. One could do it in a format where it explores the beginnings of each primarch in a separate episode. First episode is Lion El'Jonson's time on Caliban, perhaps speed some of it up a bit and do each primarch in order as the Emperor recovers them, thus providing the background for the story itself piece by piece as the action is fed in each episode without having to be put through all the there are X or Y primarchs and their names are X or Y something something emprah episode pilot.

Furthermore it would be awesome to build up the first season with various crusades and all the pre-heresy fun things. Flesh out the now matured primarchs a bit. The season finale is a two-parter that ends with Horus turning to chaos. Season 2 is debuted with the Heresy being mounted on Terra, providing plenty of dramatic, action packed fluff for all of the now seasoned and thoroughly background-laden viewers.

I think it could reach a large audience.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2015/07/23 10:51:11

Post by: Shas'O Dorian

No it wouldn't. It'd be much better as an HBO series like GoT

However I feel it is best left as books.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2015/07/23 12:10:32

Post by: Roknar

I don't think anything space marine related would make for a good TV/movie franchise. They would be better kept as almost mythical beings in some 40k series, where they occasionally make appearances as the show goes on.

Some guardsmen or whatever that become rogue traders eventually and a the whole corruption from within thing slowly becoming apparent with lots of plot twists. having to deal with inquisition for what they may or may not have seen on the battlefield, with bonus points for cypher cameo. And glimpses of space marines and chaos that show just how insanely powerful they are and giving a hint of what the imperium really is and how the universe is so much more than the ones in charge would have your average citizen believe.

After all they do everything to keep the reality of daemons and chaos a secret. I suppose it wouldn't be unlike firefly but cranked up to eleven, which is why it would never happen.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2015/08/25 01:14:55

Post by: Lockark

HH has to many characters doing to many things for it to work. The events leading up to fulgrim and angron turning into demon princes could take at least half a movie if not a whole movie to explain.

If you don't do this it's super confusing why half why threw the movie two characters turned into huge monsters with out ackword plot dump.

A mini series covering the events leading up to the drop sit massacre would be a lot cooler. And if done well could lead to more stories getting told.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2016/05/04 10:18:50

Post by: WargamingWarrior

I think that book like 'Baneblade' would translate on to the big screen better than the Horus Heresy Series.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2016/05/04 10:27:43

Post by: oldzoggy

I don't believe that any film studio capable of making it work would ever want to produce it. Movies about alternative subculture bands or toys are generally awful.

The audiobooks are fine if you want some action without reading listen to those.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2016/05/04 13:12:43

Post by: Soldier0Fortune

I agree with both the Tv Series and HBO suggestions. I think it is too grand of a tale to be told properly in just a few movies, and if you are going to make something like 5+ movies may as well make it into a proper Seasoned Tv Series to properly tell the story in detail. Think Game of Thrones or Walking dead in terms of episode length, number of seasons and detail.

I am unsure if it would do better as live action or CGI......If it is live action it really needs to be properly cast , and if it is CGI it DEFINITELY shouldn't be done like the Ultramarines.... Bah that was a mockery of the true badassery the 41st Millenium contains.

Oh, and I also agree with R Rating ! If Fulgrim ends up with the personality of a naughty school child who tickles peoples feet for jollys ....i'll snap.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2016/05/06 19:37:48

Post by: gorgon

 WargamingWarrior wrote:
I think that book like 'Baneblade' would translate on to the big screen better than the Horus Heresy Series.

My vote would be for Eisenhorn. If it had to be HH...maybe a story involving Garro and the Knights Errant? Whether it's 30K or 40K, they'd need to tell a 'smaller' story.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2016/05/06 21:01:21

Post by: JamesY

No one would stump up the funding needed to do it justice. It's too niche a product to attract investors, and it would never recover it's cost. As much as I'd love it, I think it would be better done, and more likely to happen, via video game. Gears of Garro style.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2016/05/10 15:59:33

Post by: Shadow Walker

I think anything wh40k should be made as tv series [or mini series] only. It would let the audience better immerse in the new [for majority] world.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2016/07/06 15:19:04

Post by: ProtoClone

I said three.

I really feel like the HH could be done in three movies. The main focus has to be on Horus and his eventual fall.

So, breakdown:
Movie 1: The corruption of Horus, the hero of the Imperium of Man.
Movie 2: Forces are divided, catching the Imperium off guard.
Movie 3: The Imperium rebounds and Horus falls.

Viral marketing: So as to not leave the other Primarchs out of the picture, 15-20 minute webepisodes detailing their story during the HH.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2016/07/06 16:41:12

Post by: Lamoura

They could do a trilogy off the first 3 books and then split off from there with shows or movies

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2016/12/11 14:14:36


Where's the TV option? I would kill (exaggeration obviously) to see HH become the next Game of Thrones.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2017/01/12 10:49:06

Post by: Marxist artist

Sadly never going to happen , major cgi just to make marines big, plus they would insist on a female marine to be politically correct. Not against female characters just not a female marine, it. Could get worse they might want a marine love interest!

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2017/01/15 01:39:57

Post by: amazingturtles

Marxist artist wrote:
Sadly never going to happen , major cgi just to make marines big, plus they would insist on a female marine to be politically correct. Not against female characters just not a female marine, it. Could get worse they might want a marine love interest!

I guess one good thing about the Heresy books in that respect is that there are a number of female characters for once. Granted i think most of them die horribly, but since pretty much everyone dies horribly, that's less of a problem than it can be.

(though i am one of those evil heretics who has no problem with the idea of female marines. i mean, i'm also ok with marine love interests that don't involve female characters so you should probably not listen to me here.)

on topic, leave 'em as books. or have the people who did the spartacus shows handle it as miniseries; game of thrones is far, far too self-serious.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2017/01/17 13:39:12

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

I really don't think you could ever get 30k or 40k onto celluloid, be it Cinema, TV or Netflix.

Why? It would never pass the censors unless you gut the grim dark.

Don't forget - The Imperium is fascism writ ridiculously large. Billions toil, unpaid, in Hives never seeing open sky or sunlight, or indeed anything but the Manufactorum they were born into.

Consider the humble Lasgun. We might joke about them in-game - but they're horrific weapons. Even a glancing hit is going to leave a livid burn. Then consider the Bolter, arguably the signature weapon of 40k - the shells detonate inside you...every shot, someone or at least someone's body part is exploding.

Then there's the body horror aspect - Mechanicus anyone? Servitors (lobotomised and adapted humans, rarely if ever by choice?)

Close Combat? Superhuman strength in a strength boosting body armour, swinging a finely balanced, designed-for-the-job chainsaw around? Swords to the guts are one thing. Seeing someone ripped apart in a split second as his attacker also punches his first through his squadmates head, helmet and all? Can't be filmed. It'd be censored, and not without good reason.

Sure, you could have cutaways - but then what's the point at all?

It's ultimately unfilmable. It just cannot be done.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2017/04/17 07:34:17

Post by: Ryuhoshi

Nope, nope, nope. I'd rather read the books. They already have a few inconsistencies between them to put them all in a movie/s. XD

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2017/04/26 00:06:16

Post by: Megaknob

5 or more it's bigger then the lord of the rings and the hobbit put together

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2017/09/21 10:06:12

Post by: ajaxcrackmaster

It'd work better as a tv series.

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
I really don't think you could ever get 30k or 40k onto celluloid, be it Cinema, TV or Netflix.

Why? It would never pass the censors unless you gut the grim dark.

Don't forget - The Imperium is fascism writ ridiculously large. Billions toil, unpaid, in Hives never seeing open sky or sunlight, or indeed anything but the Manufactorum they were born into.

Consider the humble Lasgun. We might joke about them in-game - but they're horrific weapons. Even a glancing hit is going to leave a livid burn. Then consider the Bolter, arguably the signature weapon of 40k - the shells detonate inside you...every shot, someone or at least someone's body part is exploding.

Then there's the body horror aspect - Mechanicus anyone? Servitors (lobotomised and adapted humans, rarely if ever by choice?)

Close Combat? Superhuman strength in a strength boosting body armour, swinging a finely balanced, designed-for-the-job chainsaw around? Swords to the guts are one thing. Seeing someone ripped apart in a split second as his attacker also punches his first through his squadmates head, helmet and all? Can't be filmed. It'd be censored, and not without good reason.

Sure, you could have cutaways - but then what's the point at all?

It's ultimately unfilmable. It just cannot be done.

Are you serious? 40k is dark, yes. But you're obviously blindly hyping up how dark 40k is. There are definitely things from 40k that would not be allowed on television or mainstream film, but none of those are the things you've listed.

There's plenty of disturbing and dark gak all throughout film and television. Bodies explode in mainstream action movies all the time and people are horribly murdered in mainstream horror films all the time. You mention so much about how "it wont get past the censors" but at least in my country, it certainly would. The only thing that don't get past american censors are graphic sex and extremely disturbing violence, which nothing you listed is really. The only things in 40k that probably couldn't be shown are dark eldar/slaanesh related but those could easily be implied instead of directly being shown and make it past any censors.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2017/10/21 10:11:41

Post by: Rayvon

 ajaxcrackmaster wrote:
It'd work better as a tv series


Hollywood has been a steaming pile of gak for a while now, they would ruin it like they do most other really good stories.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2017/10/22 11:53:18

Post by: Lum

Honestly, as much as I like the Horus Humbug I can not see it as a successful film franchise... AT least not the first 40k-franchise. I personally think that some other series that is a bit more relateable than 2,5 - 3 meter tall demi-gods of war capable of ripping through metal and rocks with their bare hands and brandishing literal mini-rocket-launchers like it's a SMG as well as some abnormally huge and heavy armor? Could very well scare off newcomer.

My idea? The Gaunt's Ghosts series would make for some absolutely amazing movies that probably are a better way to introduce people to the dark, dystopic future. Normal people caught between titans, sorcerers and deamons trying Theke best to survive and fight for their cause.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2017/10/25 06:51:25

Post by: Crazyterran

I think traitors would be disappointed with HH movies, since most of them would end up being action movies focussed on the 'good guys'.

That being said, Know No Fear would make a great action movie imo. Guilliman punching people in space, the brotherly betrayal between the Ultramarine trying to reconnect with a former comrade amongst the Word Bearers, a not quite Last Stand...

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2017/10/26 09:15:11

Post by: BaconCatBug

Anyone else feel that Ciaphas Cain would be good adaptation material? You can focus on a story without Marines, it's got comedy and action.

But then again I'd love for an anime studio like Trigger to take on a 40k story, so long as they don't butcher it with CGI.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2017/10/26 09:54:28

Post by: Blackie

I voted no. There are too many sci-fi works with something similar to imperium of men vs some evil factions.

Without orks, eldar, drukhari, sisters of battle, gen cult, harlequins, necrons, daemons, tyranids or even 40k BA, SW and DA a movie about warhammer 40k or 30k would be appreciated by a few fans.

AM vs tyranids is basically starship troopers but it's just one movie. Necrons have something from stargate, terminator and matrix but I think they can look quite fresh too.

It should be something more original than the average sci-fi tv series or franchises and IMHO the 30k setting is too limiting.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2017/10/27 13:58:23


It could be bigger than the LOTR movies because they can keep expanding it like Star Wars.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2017/12/11 21:26:30

Post by: Dynas

Sounds like an HBO or Showtime or AMC network show honestly. It could easily be 10 seasons. Also, have to be TV MA, if they don't do it with the violence like it is meant to be I wouldn't want to watch it.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2018/02/26 10:40:04

Post by: Just Tony

5+, but they'd have to be animated movies. Not CG with some people mixed in. With as astronomical as the budget would be, it'd about have to be hand drawn or cartoon like CG, non 3D

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2018/03/02 17:27:17

Post by: Aetare

I’d prefer to leave them as books. They’re too niche to survive credibly in the mainstream cinema scene.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2018/10/03 23:49:54

Post by: ccs

Cathix wrote:
If GW Did agree to make a film or a TV or web series, with our luck Micheal Bay would be the director and Christopher Nolan would write the scrips lol

In all seriousness though, If they just made everything CGI like star wars the clone wars, I believe it would do rather well, CGI equipment is becoming less and less expensive to buy and use, look at 3D printers as a comparision

Doesn't make the people running them cheaper.

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 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
I really don't think you could ever get 30k or 40k onto celluloid, be it Cinema, TV or Netflix.

Why? It would never pass the censors unless you gut the grim dark.

Don't forget - The Imperium is fascism writ ridiculously large. Billions toil, unpaid, in Hives never seeing open sky or sunlight, or indeed anything but the Manufactorum they were born into.

Consider the humble Lasgun. We might joke about them in-game - but they're horrific weapons. Even a glancing hit is going to leave a livid burn. Then consider the Bolter, arguably the signature weapon of 40k - the shells detonate inside you...every shot, someone or at least someone's body part is exploding.

Then there's the body horror aspect - Mechanicus anyone? Servitors (lobotomised and adapted humans, rarely if ever by choice?)

Close Combat? Superhuman strength in a strength boosting body armour, swinging a finely balanced, designed-for-the-job chainsaw around? Swords to the guts are one thing. Seeing someone ripped apart in a split second as his attacker also punches his first through his squadmates head, helmet and all? Can't be filmed. It'd be censored, and not without good reason.

Sure, you could have cutaways - but then what's the point at all?

It's ultimately unfilmable. It just cannot be done.

And that's just what the "good guys" do. The things they fight against....

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2018/12/05 17:34:01

Post by: deotrims 16th

you would either make a long film trilogy and trim it like lotr and get over the fact you wont see every type of person or just do a clone wars type series much more in depth with each series kinda flash backing to the start of that primarch but the main war still going on and explain a lot more but still no need to go into the exact depth of how the warp works or something because that would be boring on screen and anyone that liked it would search wh40k if they want to know also films have to have great actors and be a real people film whereas the series could be clone wars type cartoon or better but not the ULTRAMARINES sort of cgi people

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2018/12/06 21:36:55

Post by: gnome_idea_what

deotrims 16th wrote:
you would either make a long film trilogy and trim it like lotr and get over the fact you wont see every type of person or just do a clone wars type series much more in depth with each series kinda flash backing to the start of that primarch but the main war still going on and explain a lot more but still no need to go into the exact depth of how the warp works or something because that would be boring on screen and anyone that liked it would search wh40k if they want to know also films have to have great actors and be a real people film whereas the series could be clone wars type cartoon or better but not the ULTRAMARINES sort of cgi people

Dude, punctuation. I’d rather see a film series, because I don’t care about getting more than the main events into movie media. A lot of it works better as independent stories, and tying in every HH novel group is going to just distract from the main conflict without actually adding very much to the movies.

I’d go with a course of events something like this: Introducing the setting at the time of the Crusade and the Primarchs, then Horus falling, Istvaan III and V, Prospero, Calth, the Dark Angels, Mars, the siege of Terra, Sangy, Horus, and the Emperor’s deaths, and a bunch of stuff I probably missed or ordered wrong because I’m less than halfway through the BL series. These events directly tie into Horus’s betrayal and the subsequent war, while creating a logical sequence of events.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2018/12/07 20:28:34

Post by: Knockagh

Space marines would translate terribly onto a screen. They are for the most part pretty wooden characters.
Gaunts Ghosts though would make an incredible tv series. It’s got everything a good drama needs.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2019/03/08 18:08:43

Post by: odinsgrandson

 Knockagh wrote:
Space marines would translate terribly onto a screen. They are for the most part pretty wooden characters.
Gaunts Ghosts though would make an incredible tv series. It’s got everything a good drama needs.

This a thousand times.

Space Marines would make awful film characters. The video games have taught us that Marine phrases sound awful when you say them out loud. Also, making them all 7 foot tall with 6 feet of shoulder span wouldn't help any.

They would work as supporting roles- as sort of inhuman beings that might help or might be threatening. But trying to portray them as sympathetic live action humans would be a mistake.

If they want to make marines sympathetic, they probably need to go with animation.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2019/03/08 19:51:11

Post by: Andykp

They have ruined it with the books why ruin it any further. Those books are a travesty.

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They have ruined it with the books why ruin it any further. Those books are a travesty.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2019/05/10 11:03:01

Post by: White Guy White Scar 5

I think that if they were making the horus heresy into movies, they should make a movie for each of the books.
Then you wouldnt have to condens it down into nothingness and pull a MCU: pump out movies like a they are bullets from a minigun.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2019/05/10 14:52:15

Post by: Kap'n Krump

 Midnightdeathblade wrote:
We can wish all we want. It will never happen. And i belive 40k will never become succesfully recognized in the film industry, reguardless how badass a 40k movie could be with the right backing and people behind it.

I mean, I'm sure the same thing was said of comic books a few times.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2019/05/10 19:20:08

Post by: Ratbarf

What Games Workshop should really do is hire the team that did the Samurai Jack and Clone Wars cartoons. That kind of over the top action against and between huge armies in five to fifteen minute chunks would be the best representation of the cool parts of 40k without needing much if any backstory or context and would look amazing. Possibly add in hyper detailed stills ala Spongebob for character moments.

I just want to see the White Scars take on some Speek Freeks like this episode from The Clone Wars.


Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2019/05/10 21:36:52

Post by: Formosa

if done properly it would be dancing on the graves of the MCU and Star Wars, a year later disney buys GW

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2019/06/11 16:29:15

Post by: Darling

Maybe if instead of trying to capture the whole story they could do it as a series of vignettes of key or interesting parts.
That way they would be able to hint at the larger whole without the baggage of pacing and accuracy.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2019/06/11 17:18:38

Post by: Argive

I think the only way it would work is if a major player player(netflix/AMC for example) forked out the dosh.

I would do it in 4 films or a 10 episode series..

However what you have to consider is that if big money is forked out, it would need to be marketable to the unitiated audiance.
Sadly I think they couldint really mentioned warhammer 40k in the name....Because WH40k is sadly stigmatised as the extreme domain of beardnecks with 0 social skills... Not true at all but it is what it is.

I think In order to be applicable to the wider audiance youd have to start from the start. Have you guys tried explaining Wh40k universe to someone who doesnt know anything about it? It seems obvious to us, but for someone who has zero prior knowledge its a herculean task.
I.E. The Emprah being the protagonist of the first movie set in a mad max type setting. This would have to cover the history, summarise the dark age/golden age and why things are the way they are and why the big E is creating space marines.

The following movie would be about the crusade and the recovery of the primarchs and towards the end there would be lot of charcter building and thats how you convery the different primarchs characters across. Or just not even focus on the primarchs at all. I think the Emperah should become slightly more distant and we get more the view point of some marines/ Fleet commanders & high ranking humans. Maybe the lords of terra? Ending the movie with word bearers getting their spanking thus setting things in motion.

The nex movie should be about how things have moved on and how the Big E really becomes distant and chaos creeping in and Horus being full on turned, and making the cogs turn etc. the heresy being in full swing ending with the massacre then setting out for terra

Final movie should be purely about the siege of terra, the big fight and how the big E becomes entombed in the golden throne and the immediate aftermath.

Dunno if that makes sense..

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2019/06/11 21:20:33

Post by: Sacredroach

Funny, but I was thinking the same thing earlier today. It would definitely work as a series of movies supplemented by Streaming programming (who has cable anymore?).

Unification Wars as above, followed by Primarch Discovery shows over the course of 1-2 years and advancing the plot.

Great Crusade as above, followed by Legion Vignette Action shows over the course of 1-2 years, advancing the plot.

Ullanor Crusade as above, followed by The Descent into Chaos showcasing the collapse of the Primarchs

Isstvan...just a single word for the title. The following shows could be the Flight of the Eisenstein series

Seige of Terra. The finale to the 5 movie, 30-40 episode arc.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2019/10/15 10:05:06

Post by: Darian Aarush

Good God no!

Hollywood would butcher it. Best left as books.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2019/10/17 14:17:13

Post by: Nurglitch

Certain Horus Heresy books deserve to be butchered, because they're awful. Other ones, well, it would suck to see the changes necessary to make them mass market products.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2020/02/19 10:40:27

Post by: Tyzarion_Kronius

A series of 56 books. It'd be a massive undertaking to turn that to film.

I'd say start from how many Star Wars films there are. 12 Skywalker Saga and 3 anthology films. And all those films should be three hours long.

And I'd say it'd better be an HBO series with roughly each book compressed into a GoT finale length episode of 80 minutes.

56 episodes would be seven eight episode seasons.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2020/06/13 16:18:02

Post by: Shadow Walker

It should be a TV series with 3+ seasons.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2020/06/17 02:58:47

Post by: Scott

I agree with the sentiments that this project would be impossible as a film series - better as a series from one of the streaming services. No Hollywood studio would ever do this series justice, it is simply too big.

To do the Heresy properly, you would have to begin by introducing the series universe first - via the Guard or and Inquisitorial team or a Rogue Trader, as others have mentioned.

[Personally, I'd like a project focusing on one generic conflict, showing all the Imperium's assets deployed against one xenos enemy. Begin from the perspective of the unified command prosecuting the conflict, then to the fleet action required to clear the planetary defenses, to the landing. Begin that through the eyes of a Princeps, expand outside the Titan to an overview of the battle, show the Marines, the Guard, etc. Three hours running time, showing the glory of the Mechanicum's god-machines to the gritty, crushing horror of the poor Guardspersons experience. Jump back and forth as needed.]

Horus Heresy films - maybe in someone else's lifetime, I'll have to be satisfied with the books.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2021/07/08 15:11:42

Post by: Tawnis

I think that for HH, the only way to do a story like that justice would be a series, not movies. There's just too much to tell to fit it into a movie franchise and have it make sense to the uninitiated and not shaft long time fans.

That being said, I think that something like Gaunt's Ghosts would make either a great film franchise, or something done in the style of Band of Brothers. It doesn't have anywhere near as much of a barrier to entry to the uninitiated, it wouldn't take anywhere near as much of an SFX budget (compared to other 40k stories at least), and would be manageable in live action.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2023/06/30 10:12:57

Post by: Tsagualsa

The best chance at doing the Heresy at least some justice would be some sort of series like Rome, or the Sharpe series - basically give up on covering all of it in epic detail right away, there's just too many plotlines and plot beats you'd need to have, instead take some ground-level legionnaires and follow them closely, have them stumble around in the background of the important events and thus have a lens that is much more relatable for the audience through which they can be seen. Otherwise, the sheer scale of it would overwhelm the audience too much.

Start with some random anti-Xenos action pre-Istvaan to establish the setting and character, how big a deal Primarchs are and so on, devote the rest of the first season to the Dropsite massacre and the immediate aftermath. Have some loyalist main characters, Iron Hands among them to show the trauma, and some traitors as well, to have a core cast for both sides to get a nice A-B-main plot going, with occasional C and D plots as diversion. From there on, you can follow the basic beats of the dash to Terra, culminating in the Siege and perhaps even the Vengeful Spirit.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2023/06/30 21:32:33

Post by: Adeptekon

Rome was ok, but putting in as much effort as that would make it entertaining enough to keep tuned in for a while. I stopped watching after the first season.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2023/10/03 14:30:39

Post by: Eilif

As 40k is still ostensibly a game for kids, and it's gotten freaking long, a clone-wars type CGI cartoon is probably the best option.

Clone wars does a good job of addressing some of the more serious issues of war, power and rebellion while glossing over some of the harder aspects to keep it suitable for kids, a mix that GW has brewed for a long time.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2023/10/03 20:38:22

Post by: Jaxmeister

Leave as books, at least then our imaginations can run riot within the story telling. If you let TV or film execs get their hands on it the whole thing will be ruined. It'll be the whole nonsense we had with lotr with Arwen driving off the ring wraiths, just to keep her part slightly interesting.

Horus heresy Film Poll @ 2024/03/09 19:37:13

Post by: bullisariuscowl

 AlphaFreds wrote:

Would the Heresy make a good film franchise?

first of all, nice shoebill stork. you have a good taste in animals.
second, I'm not sure about a 40k film to begin with. Judging how hollywood has treated other franchises, I wouldn't want a dumbed down HH movie for the wider public who would never watch it to begin with, that's why I often prefer fan films, as they are just fans making stuff they want to for other fans to like.