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Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/04 20:17:36

Post by: Barzam

I figure I might as well start posting my Infinity figures here since they aren't getting much attention elsewhere. Plus, I can use this thread as something of a Plog while I work on my figures. I'll point out, I'm mostly getting these figures because I like them more than out of interest in playing the game. I am interested in playing it, mind you, but nobody around here plays it and nobody I know that does play miniature games is interested in playing Infinity. So, if these figures see any game usage, it'll be in other games, like Flying Lead or Fear and Faith.

So, I might as well post my first figure that's fully completed.

Ariadna Veteran Kazak

I really like this figure. Great sculpt and he's just plain cool looking. He actually has me somewhat interseted in building a small Ariadna force. I've got a blister of the out of production Line Kazaks waiting to be worked on.

I've shown this one before, colors based on Medusa's CA color scheme.

He's totally done, but I should probably clean up his base sometime and put something onto it.

Kaplan Tactical Services is done, but this picture was taken before I dipped him. I'll be dull coating him tonight as well as cleanup on the white bits.

I just ordered the rest of the Kaplan crew last night. Like the Vet. Kazaks, I really like the designs. I can't wait to have them all together.

Hospitaller Magister Knight

Not the best pictures I could have taken, but they get the point across, plus you can zoom in in the gallery. I was trying to match the colors used in the art and what was suggested to me as being used in the studio colors, but I don't think they're all that good of a match. Next time I do knights, I'm using all greys. This is also my first attempt at using glazes. Despite not being too happy with how dark the blue looks, I think he came out all right. He'll be getting dipped tonight.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/05 00:37:55

Post by: GrimDork

It all looks pretty good, keep them coming

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/05 10:39:23

Post by: bantha_beast

Nice to see someoone else with the old Infinity ADD, one faction is never enough! I like the markings on the vet kazak, i should probably try ading some to mine at some point.

Have you had a look at Angel Giraldez's blog?It has colour recipes for most of the factions so you should be able to match the colours he uses pretty closely. Although matching the paint job is another mattter!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/05 20:56:49

Post by: Pacific

Look very nice! Think I probably like the Kazak most, just for the colour combination and you've got the realistic look for him nailed.

Like the bright, clean paintjob on the Knight too however.

Will be interested to see where you go from here!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/06 04:33:52

Post by: Barzam

Thanks for the replies. The Vet Kazak is easily one of my favorite figures. The other would probably be my Chandra Spec Ops. So, I have two more figures to show, both fully completed: My Chandra Spec Ops and a Thorakitai.

Spec Ops first.

Her colors are obviously not Aleph. There was a picture I'd seen on Google showing this same figure in Nomads colors with (I think) a Prowler's head and a Nomad rifle. It looked really cool and the colors worked way better on this mold than the actual Aleph ones, so I decided to copy it. I really like how she turned out. She's actually the first Infinity figure I painted. On top of that, I'm really pleased with how her face turned out. One of the best I've managed to paint.

Next is the Thorakitai.

There was a seller on Ebay selling the figures from the set individually, so I thought I'd get one and see if I could copy the studio colors. I'd ordered the one with the chain rifle, but the seller accidentally sent this one instead. I didn't really mind all that much though. I'm not pleased with this figure. The pictures actually managed to make him look way better than he actually does. I think if I'd tried to do my own thing or just continued using the Nomad colors, my opinion of this figure would've been a lot higher. I had a lot of issues with getting his arms painted. The paint kept gunking up the details. In the end I suppose he's fine, but I know I could've done better. If I ever buy the whole set, I'm going for a different color scheme.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/06 04:36:04

Post by: GrimDork

Definitely like your approach to that Spec Ops, she looks very nice! I wonder if a alternate color scheme could save aleph for me, cause I just don't like them visually. Nice work.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/06 05:10:41

Post by: mashguy

Nice paint jobs. On your Thorakitai, what kind of white did you use?

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/07 00:22:05

Post by: Barzam

Thanks guys.

@Grimdork- I totally get where you're coming from. They have a somewhat unpleasing look to their general design. Only a few really stand out as looking "cool." The Steel Phalanx, Ekdromoi, the Chandra, and the Dakini are really the only ones out of Aleph that I actually like. The rest are just kind of ugly. I do think that some alternate colors would do them some good though.
Once she's been released, I intend to pick up Nesaie. I think she's actually one of the cooler female characters in the line and also manages to be one of the few that isn't cheesecak-ish in any way.

@Mashguy- If I'm remembering correctly, I believe I'd used Vallejo Bone with highlights in ivory. It wasn't the best combination to use.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/07 00:37:06

Post by: GrimDork

Yeah, she's not bad. I'm not in love with the model, but I do like that there is minimal cheesecake.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/07 07:09:39

Post by: Barzam

That's a big part of why I like her figure.

I started work on my Line Kazaks. The ones I picked up actually turned out to be the out of production set of them. I'll probably get the current ones somewhere down the line just so I can have some more variety. If/when I get the current ones, I may also do some mods to their weapons so I can get some extra use out of them.

I kind of rushed on this guy as I just wanted a really basic color scheme on him. I decided to give him so camo pants just so they'd be differentiated from his shirt sleeves. He'll probably be the only one sporting camouflaged pants though. I'd hate to have to paint it on a bunch of figures.

I have to say, this dude has a really ugly face. I also noticed something else about him.

That's not perspective, he's actually a fair bit bigger than my Veteran Kazak. He's also a bit bigger than most of my other true scale figures. Plus he has a huge head. Anyway, I'll greenstuff him up a base like I did for my Vet later. I'm thinking for the other two, what I'll probably do for their colors is use the dark green I used for my Vet's armor on their pants, the lighter green for their shirts, and stick with the dark grey for their boots and body armor.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/07 07:38:34

Post by: rahxephon

Well in order of my favourites; chandra, the vet kazak then probably the morat. For chandra, its mostly due to the face. If it was covered I'd probably like the kazak the most, but they're not easy, and that one is impressive. I am in agreement with the thorakitai, I've always found it difficult to do cream or white colours without them appearing thick whilst still being a full colour. Another point I think that's worth mention is the yellow light effects on the pano knight. I particularly like the one on the left shoulder pad, its come out nice with a clean dark border for contrast. Overall; ACE!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/07 20:25:49

Post by: Barzam

I wasn't trying anything fancy with the lights on the Pano knight. Just experimenting with the Vallejo Glaze Medium and some yellow paint. I just blobbed some yellow glaze in a vaguely circular shape and stuck some white in the middle. That was it. Very easy to do. Glad it came out looking alright though. I'll be doing it like that for sure next time I paint the lights.

So, I've got left, Miranda Ashcroft, or whatever her name is, a Domaru Butai (those are the smurai, right?), and 2 more Line Kazaks. I've ordered an Ahl Fassed and the rest of the Kaplan Tactical Services figures. I'm trying to decide which batch of line infantry to get next. Zhanshis, the new Line Kazaks, or the Ghulam Infantry? Or should I just grab a few Imperial Services figures like the Tiger Troops and the Celestial Guards?

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/07 22:59:55

Post by: -Loki-

 Barzam wrote:
That's not perspective, he's actually a fair bit bigger than my Veteran Kazak. He's also a bit bigger than most of my other true scale figures. Plus he has a huge head. Anyway, I'll greenstuff him up a base like I did for my Vet later. I'm thinking for the other two, what I'll probably do for their colors is use the dark green I used for my Vet's armor on their pants, the lighter green for their shirts, and stick with the dark grey for their boots and body armor.

You're comparing two models from two 'eras' of Infinity design. With first edition, the models were much more exaggerated, almost as much as 40k. Big hands, big heads, bigger overall model, badly proportioned, very big guns. With 2nd edition, they tried a new tack that stuck - properly scaled models. That's why newer models tend to be smaller, with better proportioned hands and heads and weapons tend to look quite small. Look at any of the old Line Infantry, and you'll see the same things - Alguaciles, old Ghulam, Fusiliers, Zanshis, etc.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/08 07:44:29

Post by: Barzam

I'll admit, I rushed a bit on the other two Line Kazaks. But, they're done and all three have their bases done, too. So, I can go ahead and get them dipped now.

I'm calling this guy Beardo. You know, because he has a beard.

Beardo with Melon Head


The paint got kind of thick on her face. That or the details on her right side were fairly soft. Or both. Either way, I lost a little detail there, unfortunately.

Finally, Melon Head, Beardo, and Blondie pose together.

Now, which starter box do I want to get? Ariadna, Yu-Jing, or Imperial Serivces?

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/09 06:35:05

Post by: Barzam

Okay, I got my Kazaks dipped along with some other figures tonight. I'll be able to get them all finished up tomorrow evening. I also got my Ahl Fassed today as well. She'll be fun to paint. I'm thinking I'll go with a desert-ish color scheme.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/09 22:44:06

Post by: GrimDork

Sweet! But remember this is the internet.. Pics or it didn't happen!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/10 03:34:13

Post by: Zeta Ockham

Awesome job there! I'm particularly impressed with the Knight but that CA guy looks great too. They all look great.

Keep up the awesome work.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/10 06:52:38

Post by: Barzam

Well, you can thank Medusa for the CA color scheme. I was just copying someone else's colors.

Okay, pics or it didn't happen, eh? Well, here's my next project.

It's raining today and probably will again tomorrow as well, so I don't expect to get much work done on her. I plan on spray painting her, so the rain makes that kind of difficult.

These are done though.

Yeah, Melon Head's eyes are kind of wonky. I don't care. I'm not going back to fix them. That'll just make things worse.

It's kind of sad that this is it, but here's my current Ariadna force.

I'll expand it, eventually.

Also, I decided which starter to get. So, what I've got coming still is as follows:
-Kaplan Tactical Services box
-Yu Jing Tiger Soldier (female)
-Yu Jing Celestial Guard Hacker
-Yu Jing Starter Set
I'm guessing I'll probably be suffering from burnout before I finish all of them. I still also have the Ahl Fassed, male Domaru Butai, and Miranda to do. That's a lot of figures.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/10 07:59:36

Post by: Pacific

Very nice job, think the skin/faces are very good and top marks for managing to paint eyeballs (something I'm usually far too afraid to try!)

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/11 06:25:12

Post by: Barzam

Okay, I have an update!

I was productive tonight. It didn't rain, so I could use my spray paint. Unfortunately, it's nearly run out now, but at least there was enough to basecoat my Ahl Fassed.

I tried doing a chocolate chip desert camo on her armor. The result is alright. It could've been better, but I tried to keep it scaled to the figure which made it a bit more difficult. The chest probably turned out looking the worst as a result, but thankfully the shotgun covers it all up. I'll be dipping her as I have with all of the others, so hopefully that'll smooth everything out and clean up some of my mistakes. If it doesn't, I suppose a brown wash can do just as much good.

I have to say, she's one of the harder Infinity figures I've done. She's so damn small, I couldn't pin the arms even. I also started on my Domaru Butai, but I think he's actually turning out to be a bigger pain because of those swords of his. If I work on any figures over the weekend, it'll be him.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/11 14:18:47

Post by: Pacific

Looks very cool, think the camo looks effective and suits Haqqislam very well. Will be interesting to see what it looks like post-wash.

The Domaru is one of my favourite miniatures, will be interesting to see what you make of it. But yes, the swords are a pain in the backside, think I ended up putting mine across the body rather than going on the official version from the website pic.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/11 18:38:37

Post by: Barzam

The Domaru look cool, yeah. But those swords! Those are going to piss me off to no end. I think I'm going to follow your lead and not put them on the hips. If I put them there, they're just going to get bent out of shape when I transport them. The figure's back will be a much better spot for them.

I'm not planning on doing anything too crazy or interesting with the Domaru. I'm going to do like I did with the Kaplan and pretty much stick to the stdio colors with some minor variation here and there. However, the rest of my Yu-Jing stuff, when I get it will probably follow the same color scheme as the JSA. I figure if Yu-Jing is pretty much supposed to be the evil empire, I might as well paint them up as the Empire. So, primarily I'll be painting things in my usual dark greyish blackish color with armor plating in white. It'll be a pain, but if I can pull it off, it should look decent. I'll differentiate between JSA and Imperial Services through shoulderpad colors. Red for JSA, orange for Imperial Services.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/11 20:34:00

Post by: Knight

 Barzam wrote:

I'm not planning on doing anything too crazy or interesting with the Domaru. I'm going to do like I did with the Kaplan and pretty much stick to the stdio colors with some minor variation here and there. However, the rest of my Yu-Jing stuff, when I get it will probably follow the same color scheme as the JSA. I figure if Yu-Jing is pretty much supposed to be the evil empire, I might as well paint them up as the Empire. So, primarily I'll be painting things in my usual dark greyish blackish color with armor plating in white.

Evil Empire? That's my colour scheme for (unofficial) Korean Sectorial. Might never do it, it doesn't hurt to have few sketches on the board. Nice minis you have there, though the Kazaks look a little too pale.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/12 06:26:14

Post by: Barzam

Eh. They're fine for my tastes.

I got my Kaplan box today and finished priming my Domaru Butai. I also sculpted a base for the Ahl Fassed, but I'm not happy with how it looks. Hopefully it'll end up looking better once it gets painted. I'm going to have to hold off on the Kaplans though since I'm actually out of scenic bases. So, I'll have to wait until the batch I ordered earlier in the week arrives.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/12 08:47:52

Post by: Pacific

No such thing as Evil in Infinity! It's all particular strategic objectives, and the means you are prepared to take to reach those objectives.. the Yu Jing being more direct than most

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/13 05:45:44

Post by: Barzam

Well, this has been a weekend for getting Infinity stuff. Today I got my Tiger Troop, my Celestial Guard hacker, and my Yu-Jing starter. On top of that, the seller I got the Tiger from threw in a free bilboard sign from Underground Lasers. I went ahead and put that together. It seems pretty nice. I'll have to get it painted up sometime soon. Maybe I'll even get some of their scatter terrain. The meat vender stall seems pretty cool. I'll definitely need to get more scenic bases too. I don't care for having to sculpt my own.

Edit- Okay, I decided to go ahead and order the meat vender stalls and a refrigerated container from Underground Lasers. It turns out, the ebay seller I got the Tiger Soldier from was in fact the guy that runs Underground Lasers. That was cool that he threw in the freebie. It certainly worked in getting me to make an order.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/13 13:43:04

Post by: GrimDork

Sweet, looking forward to seeing what you come up with for all of them

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/14 06:47:07

Post by: Barzam

Here we go, the Ahl Fassed is all finished and the Domaru Butai's paintjob is done. He just needs his swords and a good dunking in the dip.

I fiddled around with my camera's settings and managed to get some pretty good looking closeups. I think adjusting the background helped a little with that.

I wasn't too hot on how she was looking prior to dipping. Now, I really like how she turned out. The base not so much, but it'll have to do.

Here's the Domaru Butai. These colors will probably apply more to the HI rather than the LI. The infantry will probably have more of the dark grey on them.

I'm not sure about the lights on the gun. I may get rid of that. I like how the eyes and the lights on the armor turned out though.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/14 17:02:50

Post by: GrimDork

I agree with you on the OSL for the gun. Not sure why it just doesn't work as well as the rest which is quite nice. A couple more awesome minis keep it up

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/15 06:44:18

Post by: Barzam

Okay, my Tiger Soldier is more or less done. I still need to dip and base, but beyond that, she's finished. She will also be more representative of how I'm going to be painting my Yu Jing figures. As I said before, I'll be marking the shoulder pads with orange for Imperial Services, red for JSA, and I've decided I'll do green for regular military.

Here's the shots...

gratuitous butt shot.

Her backpack looks kind of like a classic Cylon face.

I know that's not supposed to be a third eye or a sensor, but I think it looks cooler that way.
Does anyone know how a Tiger Soldier is supposed to perform an aerial insertion? Is that supposed to be an integrated jetpack on her armor or something? What's the fin for?

A heads up as well, I still don't have my bases yet, so until I get those, I won't be doing any more Infinity figures, plus I'm going to be house sitting for the next week and I won't have access to my paint anyway. I'll try and finish up the Tiger Soldier and the Domaru, but that's all I'll be able to do. I'll try and post pictures when they're finished, but there won't be any new figures up for a little while.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/15 13:20:49

Post by: GrimDork

Still looking good. Will impatiently await your victorious return.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/15 21:20:38

Post by: Pacific

Think you're improving, Barzam, if you compare that to the first few you posted in this thread. Great stuff

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/17 18:45:17

Post by: Barzam

Thanks for the praise. I know I've improved considerably since I started painting last year. I'm think I'm slowly getting better though. Last night I finished up the Domaru Butai and the Tiger Soldier. The Tiger Soldier was my first attempt and basing using cork. It could've turned out better, but I think it was a decent first try. My touchups after the dipping didn't turn out as nice as I'd like them to and I'll have to redo the OSL. I'll probably try to clean them up some more tonight and hopefully I'll get around to posting some pics. Still no sign of those bases I ordered though.

EDIT- After reading up on the fluff for the Ahl Fassed, I'd kind of like to field more than just one of them. How would I go about doing that though since there's only that one model, and she's tiny. Who would be the best base to model a male Ahl Fassed? A Janissary maybe?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Well, I'd planned to finish the cleanup on my two Yu Jing figures. That didn't happen. The reason being that I got my order from Underground Lasers. That was really fast since I just placed the order a few days ago. So, rather than finish the cleanup, I spent a good chunk of my evening building my containers and food stalls. A problem did occur though, one of the wall sections on one of the food stalls was the wrong one. So, unfortnately one of the sides has to go in backwards. I'm probably going to email them about it, but I'm also thinking I could just cut up some plasticard that looks like corrugated metal sheeting that I've got and just cover that side of the stall with it. Maybe make it all rusty and dinged up. The rest of the evening was spent building one o the new Gundam Build Fighters booster kits. Oh, I also got some of my bases I'd ordered. Just one more batch of them left to receive. Now when I get back home, I can get back to work on my figures. I'll probably work on the Kaplans next.

Anyway, here's a few pictures.

There's my Tiger Soldier post dip. I've done some cleanup, but I think I need to do a bit more. She doesn't look as nice as she did prior to the dip. I'll definitely have to redo the OSL on both figures when I get home. You can also see my attempt and using cork to look like busted asphalt. It doesn't look that good, but I'm sure the next time I try it, it'll look better.

There's both figures together. The Domaru is looking okay, but there's some white on his thighs I really need to clean up as well as on his torso. The OSL needs redoing also. You can see I also added a little Japanese flag to his shoulder plate.

Here you can really see the meat vendor stalls. They're pretty neat. The signs on the roofs can be removed as well. That sign is the same type Underground Lasers includes as a freebie as well. It's also the same type I got when I ordered my Tiger Soldier from them. I'll probably give the one that came in this order to Highlord Tamburlaine.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/18 20:28:22

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

And Highlord Tamburlaine will happily accept it.

It will probably get overrun by a lizardman horde for such vulgar and blatant genocide and racism, but what else do you expect from dirty mammals?

Shame I don't really have any good sci fi lizard models.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/19 02:04:14

Post by: daviddasilva

Hey Barzam. Looking good

Can you please send me a PM with the issue (pictures would be great) with the BBQ stands? as far as I can tell our files are fine so it might be an issue with shooting an instruction video.

Underground lasers flunky


Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/19 05:59:44

Post by: Barzam

Hey cool, I didn't know you were a user on here. Thanks again for that promo sign in the order with the Tiger soldier. If you hadn't had that in there, I wouldn't have made my order for the stalls and the containers. You've got a PM with a link to the photo, too.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/26 22:55:57

Post by: Barzam

Hey all, I figure I'll post an update. I started working on 2 of my Zhanshis ladt night as well as my Kaplan sniper and my Shag-ji. I really like the Shang-JI, but man did I ever have to fight to get his stupid fins to glue in. The glue just WOULD NOT set, so the gins kept drooping down.
I also just received the Djanbazan and Janissarie I'd ordered. Their sculpts look way better in person, but there was a problem with my Djanbazan. I'd ordered the Combi Rifle one and while I got the right torso, they had the wrong arms in there. Instead of the rifle arms, the'd put the HMG arms in and those are totally incompatible. It looks like I'll have to contact CB. I hope there won't be any issue because it looks like the little colored missing parts slip is not in the package.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/27 01:42:10

Post by: GrimDork

Please do to continue painting goodsir! Given my recent weaknesses with kickstarter you are one of my best sources for a vicarious Infinity fix

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/28 14:07:47

Post by: Barzam

Just getting down some basecoats.

I've also re-sent my complaint to CB about the mispacked Djanbazan. The Guide for missing pieces that's stickied up at the top of this thread isn't correct. This thread was linked to me by CB.
Maybe this one should be added to that thread?
I went ahead and attached the pic of the DJanbazan in question. For some reason the blue slip with the complaint code for the arms wasn't present in the package, just the white one.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/28 14:31:46

Post by: Kanluwen

They recently updated their "missing pieces" policy, so the old one is out of date.
The blue slips are fairly new as well I think, so you might not have had them if the blister was an older one that just was sitting on a shelf or in a warehouse somewhere.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/29 04:45:13

Post by: Barzam

Okay, I've got a lovely little update here on my Zhanshis, but no update on my mispacked Djanbazan. I sent the email in the requested format with photos, but I haven't heard anything back. Hopefully I'll hear back soon.

I've finished base coating two of the Zhanshis now. They're ready for dipping, which hopefully I'll get around to on Wednesday. Oh, and I know they don't have any eyes painted yet. I'll be doing that after I've dipped and touched them up. Their armor will also be white to match the Tiger Soldier and the Domaru. I just based it in grey because cleaning up white can be a pain in the ass. I unfortunately was unable to work on my Kaplan Sniper, Janissarie, the third Zhanshi, nor the Shang Ji due to it raining today and I won't be able to work on them tomorrow for the same reasons. Can't spray paint in the rain, unfortunately.

Anyway, photos.

I also have some scenery stuff sitting around on my family room's coffee table that I like to mess with. So, I set this up.

And I guess this is why they're always running.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/29 11:48:27

Post by: GrimDork

Nice work. Zombies ruuu'uuun!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/30 07:12:51

Post by: Barzam

Okay, I've got another figure ready for the dip. This certainly isn't as detailed a paintjob as CB gave theirs, nor is it especially original or unique, but I think it works well enough. Plus it looks distinct from my Ahl Fassed.

I give you, my Janissarie

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/31 06:25:15

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

When you've got them all running like that, it looks pretty cool.

You know I'm not a big fan of the poses, but they do look pretty impressive when you've got the clump of them all posed together.

Did you ever get around to painting up your meat markets?

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/31 07:46:49

Post by: Barzam

No, I haven't gotten around to any of my scenery yet, unfortunately. I will get to it, but I want to get through my boxes of figures first. Meat Stalls will be the first I paint up though, I promise you that. I'm just not sure what colors to paint them.

I did work on another figure tonight though.

My second Kaplan, the sniper is all painted up and ready for dipping. I'll be doing that Halloween night. The Janissary and Zhanshis got dipped tonight. I'll finish them up this weekend.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/10/31 23:24:30

Post by: GrimDork

Still looking great, keep them coming

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/01 07:19:39

Post by: medusa

Very nice Kaplans. I got silly and bought a whole Mercs/Qapu army myself based on Kaplans. Real nice looking guys.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/01 20:33:04

Post by: Barzam

Well, it figures that I forgot to bring the Kaplan with me last night. Oh well, I'll wait to dip him until I've got some more figures anyway. Also, I finally heard back from Corvus Belli today about my Djanbazan parts. They finally reviewed my request and they said they're going to ship the parts to me and that I should receive a notice when they do. Hurray.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/01 21:47:30

Post by: GrimDork

Woot, sounds like they've a decent customer service program (seems like most of the big mini/wargaming companies seem to, at least those I've run into).

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/02 05:38:02

Post by: Barzam

medusa wrote:Very nice Kaplans. I got silly and bought a whole Mercs/Qapu army myself based on Kaplans. Real nice looking guys.

I'll admit, I really like their designs. At first I didn't at all, but they've since grown on me quite a bit. I'm almost tempted to try making a QK team. I'm really hoping I'll wind up with some Druze for the holidays. Otherwise I'll just have to buy them myself.

GrimDork wrote:Woot, sounds like they've a decent customer service program (seems like most of the big mini/wargaming companies seem to, at least those I've run into).

It's okay. They got right back to me when I sent my initial request following the now out of date method listed in this forum, but it took them nearly a full week to get back to me when I followed the correct method. I was actually going to write back to them to make sure they even got the request. Well, at least they did finally get back to me. Now we get to see whose replacement bits I've requested get here first: CB's or GW's? (I had bought a Tau Devilfish for my Enforcers, but it was missing a drone sprue)

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/05 06:34:50

Post by: Barzam

*sigh* I got nothing done Infinity-wise this weekend. About all I did was prime some MDF stuff and work on repainting a gunship for Deadzone. I was bad though and I just ordered the OOP Hellcat with HMG off ebay. I'm going to convert it into a sniper rifle. Or, at least I'll try to do that. I have this odd temptation to purchase all of the Hellcat figures. Next on my list of things to do after I complete my Yu-Jing, Kaplan, and Ahl Fassed, I'm going to begin collecting Hellcats.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/05 22:57:30

Post by: Pacific

Like the zombies haha! And the Kaplan look very cool.

If you're after some rules to use with zombies, have used these a few times and they are pretty cool:


Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/08 21:13:11

Post by: Barzam

Well, it's been about a week since CB told me they would let me know when they ship the parts. Nothing's arrived either. Well, I've been taking a bit of a break from Infinity this week. Call of Duty certainly ate up a big chunk of my painting time, too. But, it sounds like my Hellcat may have arrived, so I may be working on that this week. I just have to really decide if I want to go with teal markings for her, or orange?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Okay, as it turns out, I can both play COD and paint. I finally got around to priming and base coating my Shang Ji.

I'll admit, that's nothing all that special, but I don't want him to be, either. I wanted a fairly plain color scheme here and I think I've got that. I also wanted his palette a bit darker than the Domaru's. I'm not sure if I'll actually wind up lightening his plates after dipping him. Thoughts?

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/11 07:23:59

Post by: Barzam

Okay, I've got him all built up and painted. Now he's ready for dipping.

I know I said I really liked the Veteran Kazak, and I do. But, this figure is without a doubt my absolute favorite figure in the line. There's just something about this design that I love.

He looks good paired up with Mantic's Enforcers, too.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/12 00:03:14

Post by: GrimDork

He looks pretty awesome, yes, and your enforcers are also quite nice. So excited to be getting some of those in a month or so (and I'm not seeing this "knee problem" people persist in bringing up either).

He really makes them look like genetically engineer hulks, awesome

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/12 09:04:49

Post by: Barzam

I'll admit, it was a fairly shallow excuse to post pictures of my completed Enforcers. But, I do think he looks good with them.

Here's the focus of tonight's work.

I just did some basic preliminary work on them. Cleaned them up, pinned them to the bases and began attaching limbs. Their rifle arms will be left off until I've got the base coats all done.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/13 08:06:48

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

So how many factions are you at now?

I think at this point I don't really need to bother buying anything- you'll probably pick it up at some point or another as it is!

I like the Shang Ji. Does go well with your Enforcers. I don't think I'd seen those Enforcers yet, especially not in person.

Maybe we can get a few games in around Thanksgiving, especially if the Missus ends up visiting her parents.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/13 09:04:04

Post by: Barzam

At this point? I believe I have at least one figure from every faction except Tohaa. I like some of their stuff, but at the moment they just don't interest me. My eventual hope is to have a playable force for every faction. Ha, that's going to cost me.

I have absolutely no problem trying to play a few games around Thanksgiving. By then the last of my Zhanshis should be done, so we can at the very least try some practice games using just line infantry.

Oh, and I have a painted shot of those two blobs of metal from the previous pic.

So, there's my first Imperial Services figure. As you can see, I gave him orange shoulder pads. Hopefully he'll look better once I've finished him up this weekend.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/13 10:06:25

Post by: Bolognesus

Love the minis! At first t felt kind of weird, but I really like how the colors and style make them looks as if they've just walked out of some comic book panel.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/13 14:58:49

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

I think the bright popping colors help with Infinity and the whole anime vibe it gives off.

If the figures were just a little bit larger I might be convinced to take the plunge. I'm just not a fan of really little pieces.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/13 16:36:01

Post by: Barzam

Heh, the figures look bright, odd, and unfinished because they are unfinished. I still have to dip these guys. I'll be doing that tonight. Once that's done, then they'll get their details all filled in and look much better.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/13 17:16:42

Post by: Bolognesus

...it was actually a compliment, dude

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/13 19:44:56

Post by: Barzam

Thanks. I was just pointing out that they're not done yet. I'm still undecided on how I want to paint my Hellcat. The colors I had in mind would be too similar to what I've got for Yu Jing. How would blue and yellow colors sound? I want the Nomads to have kind of a racing look to them.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/13 20:06:13

Post by: Bolognesus

That would be a very cold looking scheme if nothing else. Not to say that can't work

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/16 20:47:48

Post by: Barzam

Well, I got my stuff from Shae-Konnit yesterday and started working on some of them. So, I've now got 3 new guys ready to start painting.

The Djanbazan is the same one I had with the mispacked arms. Arms taht I still haven't received. Grr. GW's replacement parts actually came faster. Anyway, I'll be swapping his arms with the new Janissary's arms. I've already bent and repositioned the rifle arm and trimmed it a bit to fit better. I'll probably still have to GS it in though. I'm not sure if I'll let him keep that sword or not though. The thing is so thin, it feels like it's just more of the flash. Oh, I also reposed his legs slightly so he'll work better with that base. Once I get his correct arms, I'll be using them on the Janissary and I'll be making him into what he should have been in the first place, an Ahl Fassed trooper.

The Wu Ming was a pain. Those little fins are generally too small to pin, so I have to struggle with my glue to bond properly. I should probably buy some accelerant for that. His paintjob will be difficult. I'm planning on camouflaging him.

The Charontid I'm not doing anything special with. He's just going to be green. Nothing special. Though, I will say that I've had an urge to get three of them and paint them up like the Evangelion units for some reason. Or like Megaman. In fact, I'm surprised nobody's done that yet.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/17 03:18:00

Post by: GrimDork

Hah, I would love to see some megaman or evangelion charontids! Thing is a pretty scary unit, if a bit expensive. Looking forward to seeing those with some paint

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/17 09:23:14

Post by: Pacific

Love the Charontid miniature, think it still looks good despite it being one of the older ones.

Look forward to seeing some mega-man colours!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/17 18:56:22

Post by: Barzam

You guys are making me want to paint him blue now. That or buy a second one.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/17 18:59:37

Post by: GrimDork

I see a charontid and want to paint it... blue? Etc.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/17 23:09:20

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

So did you end up deciding on Rockman blues or Zaku greens?

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/18 07:46:16

Post by: Barzam

I'm going to resist your peer pressure and stick with my original idea and paint him in greens. When I get another (and I will) I'll do him in blues.

I've got a few photos to share tonight.

First, an update on my Djanbazan. I got to fight with his arms, trying to get them to fit.

They don't actually look too bad on him. The GW knife is a bit large, but I don't really care. I like having him wielding a giant knife. It fits with his already nearly Heroic proportions.

I now have 3 out of 5 Kaplan Tactical Services figures completed. FULLY completed. Yes, I'm actually posting pics of finished figures. Shocking, isn't it?

And another view

My Janissary has actually been totally done, I just haven't posted pics yet.

I got my starter set Celestial Guard totally finished. I added a bit more orange to him. He now has a stripe on his helmet and on his backpack. Unfortunately, my camera just did not want to get a decently focused shot of this guy.

And the completed Shang Ji Invincible.

He doesn't look all that different from the WIPs, really.

Also, the Wu Ming and the Charontid have been primed. Painting to commence tomorrow. Maybe.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/18 14:33:57

Post by: GrimDork

Looks awesome, gonna check back on my main screen later.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/18 14:35:37

Post by: Kanluwen

 Barzam wrote:
I'm going to resist your peer pressure and stick with my original idea and paint him in greens. When I get another (and I will) I'll do him in blues.

I've got a few photos to share tonight.

First, an update on my Djanbazan. I got to fight with his arms, trying to get them to fit.

They don't actually look too bad on him. The GW knife is a bit large, but I don't really care. I like having him wielding a giant knife. It fits with his already nearly Heroic proportions.

I think I actually have spare knives from the Dark Elf Corsair box that are a bit better in scale if you're interested.

The Kaplan are looking gorgeous. I'm seriously considering getting some of those guys but my painting is slow enough as it stands.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/18 23:00:16

Post by: GrimDork

The kaplans look awesome, actually all of it does

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/19 01:43:48

Post by: -Loki-

I really wish I had the time to paint random Infinity models. Need to get my current played lists completely painted first.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/19 07:18:36

Post by: Barzam

I barely have any free time, myself. I just try and squeeze in a few bouts of painting here and there. It lets me quickly blow through my queue. Of course, that's all at the cost of everything else I have awaiting paint.

I also wholeheartedly recommend the Kaplan figures. They're very nice. No weird, derpnamic poses and their colors are very simple to do. I have no clue if they're worth using in game, but they're neat looking figures at the very least. I bet they'd look great in camouflage, too if one were adventurous enough to try painting them that way.

Tonight's update though is green stuff!

So, first up will be the Charontid.

Like I said, I based his colors on a Zaku's. I couldn't figure out what to do with those orbs, so I just figured yellow lights would work well enough. I actually just finished painting up his base, so he's all ready for the dip.

The Wu-Ming was the other object of my attentions tonight.

I've got him all finished up too and now he's ready for the dip! Finished pics of them will probably come this weekend. I went with a camouflaged scheme on him since the blurb on CB's site mentions them wearing camouflaged armor. I just had to do it. They look much cooler in camo. The camera just did not do a good job capturing the scheme. There's actually three shades of gree used there, but one of them doesn't even show up here. The colors blend much better in person, too. I just don't get why my camera refuses to take decent photos lately. Oh, I figured I'd leave the orange shoulder pads in there to show his affiliation with the Imperial Services. All other Wu-Ming I get will receive similar paint jobs. I'll need to figure out how to do some Chinese numerals on his helmet, too.

Hopefully I'll be able to finish up the last of my Zhanshis soon too. I'd like to have them ready by Thanksgiving.

Also, I find I really like the older Charontid model. I'll probably pick up another at some point and paint it blue.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/19 07:34:34

Post by: Pacific

All look very nice, especially like the Janissary and Charontid. Just got the rifle version of the Janissary through the post actually, love how solid those miniatures are!

Hopefully this guy will be more careful than my HMG-toting version and not keep walking into mono-filament mine areas..

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/20 21:24:03

Post by: Barzam

I think the older Janissary sculpt better fits the fluff. The new is too scrawny. Though, the new one actually appears to be wearing the same armor as the Ahl Fassed, so he'll be in that role for me. I like the older sculpt for the Janissary more anyway, but that rifle equipped one kind of bugs me. What the hell is he doing? Why would you fire a gun like that?

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/21 01:44:17

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

I like the Zaku green paint schemes.

The yellow is a good choice for the orbs. Reminds me of the verniers all over the more modern Zakus, like the FZ or whatever the one from 0080 was.

You get a handle on those rules yet? You going to teach us Thanksgiving week (I'm assuming you're going to get some time off, right)?

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/21 07:40:26

Post by: Barzam

I had a handle on them. I'll have to go through them again. You can check them out on your own, too. You can download them for free from the Infinity web site. If you want to try it out though, you'll need to bring some D-20s. I don't have any. I started work on the third Zhanshi, so we should have three basic line infantry apiece when we give it a try.

I also worked on my Djanbazan and basically speed painted him. I wasn't too pleased with how he was looking, but once I got some paint on him, I was beginning to come around. Naturally, I managed to knock the knife out of place. Since I didn't want to mess with it anymore, I just yanked the hilt out of his hand and bent the arm up, so now he's signaling to his non-existant squad mates.

I should also add, I suck at doing gem effects, so I'm not entirely sure what to do with that odd little light on the body armor. I'm pretty sure I'd mentioned that his arms came from the new sculpt Janissary. They work surprisingly well on him, with a bit of bending and repositioning.

And here he is with the rest of his non-Kaplan Haqqislamite buddies.

And for your viewing pleasure, the completed paintjob for the Charontid.

I just had a little bit of touchup to do since the previous picture. Mostly involving painting the base and adding a lighter yellow to the orbs. You may also note that like any good Zeek, he only has one pink eye.

And we have the completed Wu-Ming, whose camo you can actually see in these pictures.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/21 13:43:25

Post by: GrimDork

Those look awesome from my phone, gonna have to get on my rig and check them out full screen later. Great work, you are moving pretty fast with nice results.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/25 07:48:52

Post by: Barzam

It seems that I'm posting a fair bit of unpainted metal on this page. Sorry about that. Tonight I have two pictures to post though.

The first is the two "new" figures I'm working on.

So, that's the old Hellcat with HMG and the new sculpt Janissary. I've had both figures for a little while, I'm only just now starting work on them. I finally received my replacement Djanbazan rifle arms from CB this weekend, so I can finally start working on that Janissary. I didn't care for his stock pose and wanted a more neutral look for him. The Djanbazan arms had a nice "at ease" pose that I liked. Since this guy's armor totally doesn't match the existing Janissaries though, I'm not using him as one. Rather, his armor actually matches the Ahl Fassed. So, he'll be the rifle Ahl Fassed. I'm guessing that these guys aren't actually all that good in game though seeing how there's been no effort in making new sculpts for them to fill out the rest of their weapon options. Oh well though, I like the concept for these guys. He'll be getting a paintjob to match my other one.

The Hellcat I modified the pose ever so slightly. Stock, she's leaning way to the side, but I bent the figure so she looks more like she's landing rather than falling over. She's also the first figure I've done that won't be pinned to her base. I felt that with the tiny footprint, the pin just wouldn't be strong enough, so I cut down the tab into a nice, chunky peg and carved a slot for it. It looks pretty good, actually and should be fairly strong. The other bit of modding I did for her though would be this...

I cut down her HMG to make it into a sniper rifle. The barrel with muzzle break comes from Anvil Industries. It's one of the three barrel types they have for their sniper rifles. I also like that this managed to really cut down the bulkiness of the weapon. I'm not sure yet though whether or not I should cut down the hand guard on it. Oh, and I hate having to glue on those fiddly little fins. The damn things are too thin to drill holes for pinning and just don't want to work with my glue. I finally got them to sit though. Hopefully once she's dipped, I won't have to worry about the damn things breaking off.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/25 22:26:31

Post by: GrimDork

I hate it when you get one that's trying to fall over!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/26 08:34:39

Post by: Barzam

I went to see the Doctor Who 50th anniversary special in theaters tonight, so I didn't get nearly as much tinker time as I'd have liked. I did get some work done though on my Hellcat and counts-as Ahl Fassed.

So, I'm attaching pics of where I'm at right now. I'm not really all that happy with the Ahl Fassed. The desert yellow paint I have does not match the shade I'd used when I spray painted the other Ahl Fassed. The result is kind of crap. I think I'm going to have to buy a new can of spray paint and just redo him. I do like how his rifle is looking though. It's a little crude and ugly and improbable since it doesn't have a fuel tank for the flamer, but it works well enough for me to get the job done.

[Thumb - newwips.jpg]
[Thumb - newwips2.jpg]

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/26 17:46:50

Post by: Alpharius

I'm always inspired by Bazram's work because it shows what you can do with brushes only.

I think?

If not, don't shatter my dreams!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/26 19:32:54

Post by: Barzam


Nah, I'm kidding. Only the first Ahl Fassed was spray painted. And that was just for the basecoat. Everything is hand painted because I'm too damn cheap to buy a proper air brush.

Speaking of spray painting though, the more I look at the new rifle Ahl Fassed, the less I like him. I think I'm going to buy a new can of that Tamiya desert tan spray paint and redo him.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/26 23:33:45

Post by: GrimDork

I like the blue-yellow-black you're doing on the nomad, that's as pretty slick color scheme

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/26 23:42:03

Post by: Barzam

Thanks. The Hellcats, or at least the older ones look to me like they're part of some futuristic racing sport or something. So, I wanted them at the very least to stand out and look flashy. There's a couple little details I want to add. I think I need to sneak a little bit of white in on her. I'll probably do that on her rifle. She also needs some kind of racer number. I'll see if I have small enough decals for that and stick it onto her wings.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/27 00:05:12

Post by: GrimDork

I saw someone's Uberfallcommando's wolf pupnik done up in something similar to a nascar driver's jump suit. It worked surprisingly well. It was in the CB dakka subforum, just can't remember the name.

It's a pretty interesting take on nomads for both pieces, and kind of a neat one.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/27 01:34:28

Post by: Barzam

I'd seen that one, too. That's what made me decide to go with the blue/yellow combo. Mine will never look as good as that pupnik did, but it's a neat idea and, like you said, it works really well with Nomads.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/27 07:10:11

Post by: Barzam

Okay, got a little more work done on the Hellcat and I stripped the Ahl Fassed, bought some new paints, and re-base coated him. I think this new coat matches up much better.

So, what do you guys think of my Hellcat Sniper?

[Thumb - hellcat1.jpg]
[Thumb - hellcat2.jpg]
[Thumb - ahlfassedagain.jpg]

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/27 16:35:26

Post by: Alpharius

 Barzam wrote:
Nah, I'm kidding. Only the first Ahl Fassed was spray painted. And that was just for the basecoat. Everything is hand painted because I'm too damn cheap to buy a proper air brush.


That's my main reason/excuse as well...

I love your blue and yellow combo Hellcat - I wouldn't have thought of that combination as I default to my favorite of all time: blue and orange...

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/27 21:24:05

Post by: GrimDork

Looking good! I find the idea of a jump infantry sniper both ridiculous and terrifying at the same time

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/28 05:50:45

Post by: Barzam

Well gentlemen, I've just finished painting up my male Ahl Fassed with Combi Rifle/light flamer. And, I decided I'd grace you all with some more diorama photos taken from my coffee table.

I suppose with the figures I've got, I kind of have a Qapu Khalqi force going on.

I also happened to pick up some new scenery on Tuesday. They're partly why I'm taking these photos.

My new Ahl Fassed together. Aren't they AVA 1 though? I don't think they'll ever actually get to fight together. If I do pick up the Haqqislam starter, I'll probably use the Janissary in there to make the HMG type Ahl Fassed.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/11/28 05:59:16

Post by: GrimDork

I spy a corporation marine too! Interesting scheme for him. Great models all around, and I love the action/ in terrain shots.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/12/07 00:39:10

Post by: Pacific

Saw those pics of the guys in terrain in the gallery and they look awesome.

I would hope pics of some kind of battle report at some point?

Hellcat looks nice as well, the colours suit the mini well.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/12/07 01:05:41

Post by: GrimDork

I absolutely can not wait to get my deadzone stuff so I can take just those kinds of photos with my own minis

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/12/07 07:20:23

Post by: Barzam

You know, I had the stuff with me over Thanksgiving break, but through a combination of just plain forgetting and not having any real time, we never had that battle. Someday I'll get around to it.

I can't wait to get my Deadzone stuff either. At the very least, I'll be able to get some decent diorama shots and backgrounds out of it. So, once I get mine, expect to see it used as backgrounds rather than the Mantic foam I've been using.

For the diorama shots I've been taking, I've just been using the little bit of terrain stuff I do have, which consists of 3 Pegasus Models sets. I have a Gothic Ruins set, which is the building visible in just about ever shot, Gothic Rubble, and my most recent purchase were the barrels. The only other thing in those shots besides my blue table mat is a Warsenal container. It's just the perspective that makes them actually look decent.

And yeah, those Corporate guys get around. I have a few Corporate Vets that have taken up residence on my coffee table. It helps that they look good alongside just about anything sci-fi. Maybe next time I'll sneak my Mercs figures into a few shots.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/12/12 08:55:43

Post by: Barzam

I wound up getting a bunch of stuff in the mail today. A Dotch Yaga from AT-43, a couple of Heavy Gear figures, Deadzone, and an order from Shae-Konnit. I got one of his demo set deals. Fusiliers vs. Alguaciles. I also had him throw in a Muyib and a Lasiq. I seem to be on a bit of a Haqqislam kick, lately. Anyway, the Fusiliers will probably be the next thing I work on once I get done with the Order Sergeant I had in my previous order. I'm painting the Fusiliers up for my cousin since he's got about zero experience working with metal models and barely any experience painting. He'll also be getting half of the dice and I'll print up some quickstart rules for him as well. I figure once I get my Deadzone stuff built, It'll be perfect for Infinity. So, once I'm done with it all, he'll have no excuse not to play the game with me.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/12/13 08:36:59

Post by: Barzam

I mentioned I was working on an Order Sergeant. I got him painted up tonight. Unfortunately, the paint went on a little thick on his helmet and kind of screwed things up. Beyond that, he turned out alright. Really, I was using him as a test for how I'm going to paint my cousin's Fusiliers. I think this scheme turned out fairly well, actually.

He looks fine here, but then you get a look at him from the other side....

Yeah, his helmet turned out kind of crappy. Oh well. I decided not to attach him to any particular order, as you can tell. When I eventually get more of these guys, I want them to be generic so I can use them with any order and not have a conflicting color scheme. This way, they'll be nice and generic.

Also, I can't resist a little dio shot.

EDIT- as it turns out, this is my 1000th post! Hurray!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/12/13 14:06:52

Post by: GrimDork

Ooh now you're an obliterator! And he looks good. Gonna see any deadzone models here it will other be a new blog?

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/12/13 18:41:32

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

The rate he keeps churning painted figures out I might have to dump some of my DZ stuff on him since his set will probably get painted up faster.

Any chance you going to post up that Fortune Hunter from Deep Wars I sent your way?

I've got a few other random figures clogging my desk up if you want to work on. I could pawn them off on you this weekend if you're down.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/12/13 19:38:58

Post by: Barzam

I might sneak a few Deadzone figures in here, but I won't be making a separate blog for it. Unless you guys really want to see how I'm painting my stuff, anyway. I started painting my Survivor up last night, actually. He wasn't turning out too good.

Tamburlaine, your Fortune Hunter is currently on hold. I'd wanted to get my Black Friday Warmachine purchases out of the way first. I'll probably get back to your Fortune Hunter next week.

I've got plenty of my own unpainted stuff clogging up my desk without even counting the Deadzone stuff. As I've said though, my next major project is getting those Fusiliers done.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/12/18 08:33:14

Post by: Barzam

Alright, they're pretty basic, but here's the Fusiliers. I'll try and dip them along with some other stuff tomorrow. After that, they get some scenic junk added to their bases.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/12/18 14:27:04

Post by: GrimDork

I like the blue and khaki. Skins maybe a bit pale but you said you still need to dip so that's probably it.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/12/18 21:40:18

Post by: Pacific

Love the terrain and bits you always have in your photos Barzam, you can tell that you put some thought into it - so much better than "camera phone, check out the manicure job on my thumb and gak-filthy painting desk, job done!" It is appreciated

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/12/23 08:55:24

Post by: Barzam

Thanks for the kind words, guys.

I got that about the skintone from pretty much everyone who saw them. But, you know what, that's probably my one flesh tone paint that goes on the best. The rest are all thick and goopy no matter how much I thin them down.

Well, the Fusiliers are all done. I hope my cousin likes his present. I'll admit that I suck at eyes, but all things considered, I think they turned out decent enough.

Here's the trio

Fusilier 1 (LT, I'm guessing)

Fusilier 2

Fusilier 3 (I think his face turned out the best)

Obligatory action shot where the camera focused on the wrong figures

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/12/23 15:48:44

Post by: Mathieu Raymond

Focal depth can be a b!7¢h.

Can I suggest just a wee bit of constructive criticism?

I love your armour and pants. I just realized how huge those guns were on the old sculpts... 0_o

I would add a bit of a darker colour under the cheekbones, the nose, the brow ridge and lower lip, to accentuate those shadows a bit.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/12/23 16:36:06

Post by: GrimDork

Ahh, they look even better now. Great work, look forward to seeing the next models/batch

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/12/23 19:39:11

Post by: Barzam

 Mathieu Raymond wrote:
I just realized how huge those guns were on the old sculpts... 0_o

I know, the difference was ridiculous when I had them standing next to my Order Sgt. from earlier.

 Mathieu Raymond wrote:
I would add a bit of a darker colour under the cheekbones, the nose, the brow ridge and lower lip, to accentuate those shadows a bit.

I'll try this on my next batch of dudes with exposed faces. I'm not going to touch these figures any further. I'm afraid if I do, I'm just going to mess them up. Hell, the running guy almost had an open bottle of paint drop on him last night while I was trying to do the cleanup.

Speaking of my next batch, that's going to be my Alguaciles that I got with the Fusiliers. I think I've made a decision on the colors. I'll keep the blue and yellow for their armor, but the cloth parts of their uniforms are going to be a light grey rather than the dark one I used on the Hellcat. I've also got a Muyib to add to my rather quickly expanding Haqqislam force.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/12/29 03:19:54

Post by: Barzam

Sorry, no pics right now. I'm trying to get some post-Christmas painting in. Working on my Muyib from Shae-Konnit. Things have been going well, but I've gotten hung up on his visor. I actually tried doing a slightly better quality paintjob, with highlights and such, but I messed his visor up. For the life of me, I cannot do a gem effect or NMM paintjob. I got really frustrated with it, tried painting the visor twice and screwed up both times, now it's all gunked up with layers of paint. It's pissed me off so much I think I might just scrap the entire thing and start over.

That one little screw up pretty much threw off my entire game and the Deadzone minis I was painting alongside the Muyib just do not look good.

The annoying thing is that the Muyib was actually looking pretty good up until I messed up his helmet.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/12/29 14:25:51

Post by: GrimDork

/sadface! That sucks, I remember doing that alot when I was trying to develop fantasy color schemes. Hopefully things level out for you!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/12/31 08:00:00

Post by: Barzam

Well, I tried giving him one more go and I think I'm happy with the Muyib now. I tried a third, final paintjob on his visor and I think this one works.

It also might be hard to tell, but I actually put some effort into doing a proper paintjob on this guy. I actually highlighted him!. So, once he's done he should look somewhat better than my usual style.

What I wound up doing was using Vallejo Metallic Medium in conjunction with their Scrofulous Brown to get a nice metallic yellow. I know, I could have just used gold, but this actually is closer to what I wanted. I'm not sure if I want to add a bit of white to it to give it that look of light reflecting or not.

So, I think he's avoided getting dunked into the Simple Green.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/12/31 16:23:29

Post by: GrimDork

The visor looks kind of alien and creepy. Like giant glowing bug-eyes. And it really works with the angle of the head, like cold indifference to the situation. He looks good

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/12/31 18:03:34

Post by: Alpharius

Could you list all the colors you used for his uniform too?

It looks nice!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/12/31 20:33:50

Post by: Barzam

I don't have them all on hand at the moment, but I can recall most of what I used. Everything is Vallejo paint.
For the greens, the base is German Fieldgrey. The highlight Russian uniform Green. For the tan parts, the base is either Flat Earth or Khaki. I don't quite recall, but they're a similar shade so either should work well. The tan highlight is Desert Yellow. The greens received an Athonian Camoshade wash to bring everything together and give some deeper shadows. The belt and straps are all just flat brown with a Flat Earth highlight and an Agrax Earthshade wash to tone things down a bit and deepen the shadows. The visor, as I said was down using a mixture of Metallic Medium with Scrofulous Brown.

These are actually pretty much the same colors I used on my Djanbazan, my Forge Fathers, and my Corporation Marines.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2013/12/31 22:42:27

Post by: Pacific

Like the modern military look for his uniform, looks good!

And the eyes pop as well, nice colour combination.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/01/01 23:50:33

Post by: -Loki-

Hey, that Muyib looks familiar...


I love the added detail you did to the belt buckles. I might go back and do that to mine.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/01/02 10:18:36

Post by: Pacific

Really nice job on that Al Hawwa sniper Loki. Just finishing painting my one of that now, definitely one of my favourite models in the range. I've gone for a purple/pink streak in her hair as well, I wonder what it is about that model?

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/01/07 07:37:43

Post by: Barzam

I've been quiet for a little bit in here. The reason being that I've been working on some of my Deadzone Marauders and a few other odds and ends, like a Choir of Menoth and a Hasslefree Hazmat trooper. Speaking of which, I finally managed to pull off a decent gem effect on his visor! Hopefully I'll be able to replicate it for the rest of his team though. I even managed to build a small hab unit out of my Deadzone terrain (which will be my new backdrop). But, I didn't forget about the Muyib. He's all painted up and assembled now.

Now that he's out of the way, I can start work on the next figure. That'll likely actually be some Alguaciles. After them, I'll do my Lasiq. Following him, it'll be back to the Kaplans, I think.

Until then, I think a few action shots are in order. I figure you guys are probably tired of seeing my figures fighting zombies, so how about some Orx?

Or how about some corporate mooks?

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/01/07 10:03:20

Post by: NuclearMessiah

So what dip do you use? I have never had much luck doing it as I always get to much excess.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/01/07 15:40:56

Post by: GrimDork

Looking good, I'm gonna have to take some notes on your cool action shots for when I start photographing my stuff with proper terrain behind them.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/01/08 06:54:49

Post by: Barzam

 NuclearMessiah wrote:
So what dip do you use? I have never had much luck doing it as I always get to much excess.

I use a Minwax Polyshade for black and Army Painter Strong Tone for brown. The key to it though is that I use one of these to clean up the excess.

I guess I'm on somewhat of a roll, I got one of the Alguaciles fully painted up tonight.

As you can see, I used a lighter yellow on this guy. I'm not sure if I ought to keep it or switch it out for the darker yellow I used on the Hellcat. Opinions?

Once I've decided on that, I'll probably stick a number decal onto his back.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/01/08 11:18:22

Post by: NuclearMessiah

 Barzam wrote:
 NuclearMessiah wrote:
So what dip do you use? I have never had much luck doing it as I always get to much excess.

I use a Minwax Polyshade for black and Army Painter Strong Tone for brown. The key to it though is that I use one of these to clean up the excess.

I guess I'm on somewhat of a roll, I got one of the Alguaciles fully painted up tonight.

As you can see, I used a lighter yellow on this guy. I'm not sure if I ought to keep it or switch it out for the darker yellow I used on the Hellcat. Opinions?

Once I've decided on that, I'll probably stick a number decal onto his back.

Models are looking good, I think I like the pale yellow.

As for the dips I own the army painter dark and strong, also what matte do you use? I have terrible luck with their matte spray can doing the dusting, I bought some matte varnish for my airbrush hoping that would work better, but haven't tried it yet.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/01/08 15:23:41

Post by: GrimDork

Wow that guy looks completely different what with not being in the red scheme. I approve Makes me wanna paint my moderators a bit differently and see if it shows as much.

That's a neat approach to cleaning up the excess dip junk. I tear tiny bits of paper towel and roll them into tubes, they absorb pretty well. What do you use to clean out your sponge brushes? Standard mineral spirits? Those look great for sponge weathering too.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/01/08 16:05:05

Post by: Barzam

When it's time to dullcoat, I just use a Model Masters matte spray. It gets the best coverage generally. Or, I use Vallejo's brush on dullcoat. It's a bit more tedious, but I have more control over it.

Unfortunately, I don't have anything to clean out the sponge brushes. They're pretty much a one and done deal. But, they're pretty cheap, so it isn't such a big deal.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/01/08 16:15:56

Post by: GrimDork

Ahh I was kind of wondering, floor stain tends to wreck even normal brushes if you aren't persistent. I'll probably stick to my tedious paper towel method then. Which tint of polyshades do you use? I really like Tudor as it's kind of a not-black. Or a "dirty" black, I think it's technically super dark brown, but it feels like a dirty black wash and I find it quite handy to have around.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/01/09 08:19:25

Post by: Barzam

I believe it's the Tudor I'm using. I keep the stuff at my parent's place since I don't really have anywhere to store or use the stuff at my apartment.

I'm on a roll here! The second Alguacil is done.

And here with her buddies.

I don't know why, by my camera is making the pale yellow look white.

I also had picked up the Morat Vanguard Infantry last weekend. I tried two schemes on them. One guy had a more or less woodland scheme, but I didn't like how it came out, so he's taking a bath in the Simple Green. This guy I was going for more of a desert look, so he got more of an earthy look. He actually doesn't look quite so out of place with my HMG Morat, either.

I think I need to clean up his eyes a bit more. I'd thought about giving him camouflage, but it wouldn't have worked very well with his armor. I also tried it on the pants of the other guy and it just didn't look good on the sculpt.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/01/09 13:34:32

Post by: GrimDork

the second Aug is looking good and that morat is really really nice. Excellent work!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/01/09 17:41:12

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

I like the Morat.

I'd go with the darker yellow like on the Hellcat, but that's just me.

The rate you're churning these guys out makes me want to try and match you with my Hordes painting. Maybe eventually our painting will converge and we'll both have finished factions for a game we've both been collecting!

Every time I see your posts makes me want to start putting my stuff up here. Problem is I can't figure out how to use our actual camera. Everything is in kanji and I don't recognize most of them!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/01/31 03:20:19

Post by: Barzam

I was wondering if I could possibly get a mod to move this over the P&M blogs. That way I can start posting some of my other stuff in here. I haven't been working on my Infinity stuff lately (I did finish the third Alguacil though) due to being distracted by other things, like Warmachine, Dead Zone, and soon Warzone. I'd like to have somewhere I can post everything.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/01/31 03:44:16

Post by: Alpharius

I think we can make that happen - though usually PMing one of us works better/faster - or using the Mod Alert button.

I just happen to subscribe to yours, is all!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/01/31 04:12:12

Post by: GrimDork

I was about to suggest the mod alert button but it's been awhile since I used it and memory was foggy. That, and I remembered that Alpharius frequented this thread too.

So can we see the war machine and deadzone soon?

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/01/31 04:36:21

Post by: Barzam

Thanks for moving it for me. I haven't had to move any threads here before, so I wasn't sure what the best way to go about it even was.

Like I said though, I've been getting distracted by other lines besides Infinity. Warmachine has been taking up some of my focus of late. I wound up getting a whole bunch of Menoth clergymen painted up within the last week or two.

I think the Hierophant and the Attendant Priest are probably some of my favorite Menoth figures.

I've also been working on a pair of Flameguard Cleansers. I finished one, but the other guy just kind of got left behind. He's stll on my to-do list though!

Now, what really got me distracted last night though, was this thing

This is my older brother's old, beat-up, filthy Landraider. He built the thing waaaaaaaaay back in the early 90s and never bothered painting it. He basically quit wargaming all together right after building it (he's since seen the light and come back). This thing's been sitting in my parent's garage for over 20 years, falling apart and collecting dust. When my dad finally made me "rescue" it, it was missing the bolters from the cupola, it's banner, it's plow, and both Las Cannons had long since broken off. I had to give the thing a serious cleaning and rebuild all of the weaponry. Last night I probably put the most work into it since I've had it. It's been sitting on my coffee table with just a primer and one set of cannons built. So, I painted it up, got most of the tracks done, added a new gunner, new heavy bolters, a new antennae, a new plow, and finally got around to building the second set of cannons. Since the old mounting system sucked and was broken anyway, I had to devise a new mounting system for them. So, now they're held on by some very powerful magnets. I still need to obviously do some work on it all though before it's actually done, but I'm getting there.

Here's a less dramatic pic of it next to my completed Razorback.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/01/31 04:48:35

Post by: GrimDork

Nice. I still can't seem to get behind the warmachine aesthetic but I can still admire well painted minis. That land raider looks like a chore, I've got one of the well you can't call it new.. or old really. The one that's been in service since at least 3rd edition. Can't get myself do do anything with it. Yours will look sweet when its finished up to the standard of your razorback

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/01/31 09:33:05

Post by: Barzam

I must've been really motivated tonight. I stripped the paint from some old Raptors, tried experimenting with sealing some MDF stuff, and I nearly finished my Lasiq.

From start to finish, he took me less than an hour. I'm surprised how fast he went. Unfortunately, it seems his Camo must already be working, because my camera just would not take a decent picture of him. It's really annoying because he actually looks much better in person than in the photos. I'm just not sure about his visor. The gold didn't come out very well. I'll probably make it blue or green or something.

I really wish the picture came out better. I actually bothered to try and highlight him and it turned out looking halfway decent. The camera just made it look all blotchy though. I'm also doing him a little differently from my other Haqqislam. I chose red as opposed to the usual Cadian-esque green armor I've been using. I had seen a really sweet looking Haqqislam army online that used tan and red and I really wanted to copy the look on at least one guy. Since the Lasiq was the best looking one in that guy's army, I decided to do the same for mine. I think he'll look pretty badass once he's all done.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/01/31 13:20:34

Post by: GrimDork

Looks pretty good from here. It is a nice color choice.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/01 05:47:23

Post by: Barzam

alright, my Lasiq is all painted up, but you're going to have to wait until Sunday night to see any pics. We'll probably be getting dipped this weekend though.

Some good news, my Warzone Resurrection stuff finally came in! Some bad news, I'm missing the Atilla that was supposed to be in my Cybertronic starter.

Overall, everything looked to be in good shape. I did not wind up with one of those later Bauhaus castings. Yeah, the helmet spikes on the Hussars are super tiny and thin, and yes, many of the heads had them already broken off. BUT, I really don't care. I wasn't all that interested in keeping them anyway, so that's fine. The carry handles on the rifles are all good, too. An oddity though is that there's two torsos with no shoulder pads. I could swear that there were supposed to be a pair of loose ones for them, but I didn't see any at all. I might try some hot water reposing on them though because their stances are wiiiiiiiiide. This was an issue I had with them in the KS though.
Also, the Imperial Doom Trooper? his head is tiny. Like, really tiny.
I also noticed that I did have some slight miscasting going on with my Vulkan suit. Just from my glancing over the figures, that seemed to be the only one with issues. There was some very slight mold slip on it, the Bauhaus insignias on the legs are kind of soft, and there's a pair of air bubbles that formed on the thing's chest. I'm not sure if I want to have those modeled as battle damage, or fill them in though.

An added bonus, since mine was one of those final orders shipped out, I got the convention exclusive Brotherhood dude thrown in. His sculpt is really nice. Same for the Capitol backer character and the Mishima Doom Trooper. Very crisp, very clean, very nice looking.

I also had the hardback book in my box. That thing is reaaaally nice. I just hope the binding will last on it.

Now to contact Prodos.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/01 13:56:02

Post by: GrimDork

Always nice when your kickstarter stuff comes in, even if there are a few hiccups.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/04 08:22:29

Post by: Barzam

I got my Lasiq all finished up on Friday night. I meant to get him dipped over the weekend, but unfortunately I came down with something. I haven't really been able to do a whole lot of painting as a result.

I figure I owe a couple pictures of the Lasiq though...

And obligatory "action" shot

Next item to post should be a Deadzone figure. I'd been steadily working on the Marauder captain and he's nearly finished now. Within the next couple days, I should have him done, but with luck, he'll be up tomorrow.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/04 14:23:43

Post by: GrimDork

Ooh. Nice. And looking forward to seeing what you've done with the marauder captain .

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/05 08:16:08

Post by: Barzam

Alright, I've got a bunch of pictures to dump tonight. And all of it is for Deadzone. No terrain though, just figures.

First up, I promised my Marauder Captain, and here he is, like a boss.

I've also made a couple of friends for him.

I also have some Warpath Marauders I've done.

Unfortunately, this is all I've managed to complete for either my Deadzone Marauders or my Warpath ones. I've got quite a few of them, too.

Of course, I need to have my obligatory diorama shot.
The captain and his bodyguard oversee the barricades.

I've also been working (slowly) on my Enforcers. Here's what I've managed to get done so far, minus my sniper who I forgot to photograph.
First up is my open helmet Enforcer. I'll be using him as a stand in for an officer until I get Howlett and the actual SGT. figure.

I totally need to redo that eyebrow.

Basic rifleman Enforcer

Another rifleman Enforcer

Heavy weapon Enforcer

Deadzone Assault Enforcer

Basic Assault Enforcer

And the whole team.

And the action shot

Taking these pics, I realize I need to make some new buildings and change the setup of my game mat. I could also stand to make some new zombies and Plague.

I did do a little work on some of my Mutant Chronicles figures. I'm just taking them slow. I also ordered some clear acrylic 30mm bases thanks to Grimdork's recommendation.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/05 14:34:37

Post by: GrimDork

Everything looks excellent! That's some good stuff. You say there aren't many enforcers but you've totally got more than enough done to play.

About the bases.. just don't blame me if you fall in love

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/05 18:13:51

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

Wow. My land raider. So old. Much dust.

You got it done for me though!


You can drop it off at my place this weekend, since it's MINE!

It came out nice though. I know it was in one piece at some point in history. Glad to see it get a proper home since my kids have no interest in soldiers, tanks, or shooty things unless they are attached to monsters.

Look at your warpath marauders, you ought to stick some number decals on them too. They give off a football player vibe with those bulky shoulderpads and colors.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/05 18:18:30

Post by: Paradigm

Nice enforcers. I've getting a very strong clone-trooper vibe from them, which is cool, and I love the clean look, having gone back to something similar myself. Nice use of spot-colour as well.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/08 06:32:25

Post by: Barzam

I'm going to be using my hard earned vacation hours come Tuesday, so there won't be a whole lot of updating going on. I'll be heading to Japan to visit my brother and his family on Tuesday. Needless to say, I'll be spending a lot of money. I'm not sure if I'll be getting much that'll be of interest to this board though. I will be bringing back a Barzam though, so at least expect to see that.

Until then, I'll probably be doing a little bit of work on other projects. I've got an Eldar tank that's been sitting on my desk partially primed for a while and it's demanding my attention. There's also some papercraft I want to try out (if I can pull it off well enough, I'd like to eventually try my hand at scratch building). I might also snap a few pics of some of the Warzone stuff I've been working on (not much is actually painted though).

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/08 17:23:26

Post by: GrimDork

Oooh japan. Make sure to visit one of those sushi conveyor belt places if that's your thing. And remember the Koi are not for eating!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/11 05:19:01

Post by: Barzam

Eh, I've been to the revolving sushi places. It's alright. I just gets expensive. My goals for the trip are to A)bring back my Barzam, B)buy some Gundam models C)buy some Gundam toys, D)see what other funky stuff I can find.

Before I go (which will be tomorrow morning), I'll share a few pictures of various projects I'm working on at the moment among a multitude of others.

I mentioned I wanted to try my hand at papercraft. I tried building the Toposolitario hovercraft kit for Infinity. I can't say my results were very good though.

I'll try again though when I have the time. Now that I've built one (badly), I have some idea of areas that I need to improve on. If I can get decent enough at this, maybe I can try moving onto making one from plasticard.

Oh yeah, I don't think I've shown that HAZMAT guy before, have I?

He's my first good attempt at pulling off the jewel effect. The rest of his team is awaiting his return though so I can use him as the basis for the rest of them. Right now he's waiting in the queue to get dipped.

I've been working on some 40k tanks, too. Since I can't stand the Leman Russ, I've been wanting to make something that I could potentially use as a stand-in. I think this Plasma Panzer should work.

Lastly, I've had this Wave Serpent sitting on my work table for a few months now with nothing but a half-assed priming job. I figured I'd finally get around to working on it. My plan is to eventually have some urban camo Guardians to hang out with it. My Dire Avengers and Fire Dragons don't have the most urban of color schemes, but I'll chalk it up to them sporting their craftworld colors and the Guardians actually having enough sense to NOT make huge targets of themselves.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/11 05:52:10

Post by: GrimDork

Nice stuff! I definitely like your jewel effect, I agree, it's nice

Paper hovercraft doesn't really look bad IMO.

Plasma panzer is pretty neat too, and I look forward to seeing what eventually goes down with the eldar skimmer.

I see you live in California, you can probably get pretty good sushi at home if you really wanted to, I'm kind of land locked here so it was a nice treat for me

Have a good trip, make sure to get plenty of giant robot toys!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/11 06:02:43

Post by: Barzam

Oooh, I intend to

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/11 07:02:12

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

Yeah, have fun!

Say hi to the professor and family for us!

Protip- check the clearance sections of grocery stores for older candy toy kits. I got most of the dinos from last year's show for under 100 yen each, because they wanted to clear shelf space.
If you see any Honehonezaurus stuff, let me know so I can send you $$$.

Will you be heading to Mandarake?

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/11 08:00:03

Post by: Barzam

Yeah, Mandarake is absolutely on my to-do list. So is the Volks shop in Osu. I intend to grab another of those V-Locker robots. I'm just not sure if I should get the blue knight or the red one. We'll see in a couple days. I'm not sure how many grocery stores I'll be going to, but I'll let you know if I find anything of interest. I will try and grab a few more Ultra Bones though.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/12 12:56:49

Post by: Barzam

Well, I've arrived in Japan. Strangely enough, I wound up doing a tv interview when I met my brother at the airport. No nerd goods for me yet, though I did get my Barzam. I'm probably going to crash momentarily. Shopping to commence tomorrow.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/19 07:01:38

Post by: Barzam

Well, I got home yesterday and slept my jet lag off today. I figued I'd share some pictures of some of my swag.

So, this is [/i]most[/i] of the stuff I picked up while I was in Nagoya.

There's a couple items not pictured due to leaving them at my parents' house. I couldn't get it all in the car along with everything else I had to bring back. Also not pictured is the pile of accessories and stands that much of this stuff came with. I'm going to go over most of the stuff on my Blogspot blog since a lot of it is toys and not models or hobby related, but I'll cover a few of the hobby items on here.
And yes, that is a Barzam pictured there in the middle.

First of my projects to get worked on was this thing

This is the player's fighter from the old Namco shooter Galaga. A plastic kit was put out within the last year or so by Wave. The ship was redesigned by acclaimed mecha designer Kow Yokoyama. His name may not sound familiar, but if you've heard of SF3D/MachinenKrieger, you've seen his stuff before. He has a unique, junky yet organic WWII looking aesthetic to his stuff. I actually built this thing this afternoon. Assembly was pretty easy, but the hull was pretty much all one big part. It could've easily been broken down a bit more. I'll get along on this one later. For now, it's absolutely going onto the back burner.

My next project is this.

The Kampfer Amazing from Mobile Suit Gundam Gunpla Builders. His box is pretty big. I always liked the Kampfer, and this version is no exception. If you haven't watched Gunpla Builders, check it out because it's all about guys who build and customize models, then use them in battles.

After that is this beast.

I know the box says Batsh, but it should be Vatshu. I've always seen in Romanized as Vatshu, so that's what I'm going to call him. This is actually a 1/144 scale all plastic model kit put out by garage kit maker Volks. This is the first of a new 1/144 line and was very recently released. They've got a 1/100 line already and it looks absolutely amazing in person. These kits are detailed as hell and incredibly intricate. The 1/100 series all have full internal skeletons, for instance. {rant} Volks is a garage kit company, so they're pretty niche. Probably moreso than GW, yet their 1/100 plastic kits are bigger, more complex, more intricate, fully poseable, and pre-colored, yet they're still cheaper than GW's recent mecha kits. So you can't tell me that GW's prices are justified in any way. {/rant} This guy is going to require a bit of paint and patience to complete, but it should be completely worth it. Oh yeah, most of you probably have no clue what Vatshu is actually from. Vatshu The Black Knight comes from Mamoru Nagano's decades long comic seres, The Five Star Stories. The series takes a few of the concepts and designs from Nagano's earlier work, Heavy Metal L-Gaim, and expanded upon them significantly. Vatshu here is supposed to be a pretty important machine in the series and is the very first mech seen. He's also pretty damn cool looking. I hope by the next time I get to go, Volks will have put the Bang Doll (I hate that name) into the smaller scaled line. That thing is easily one of the most impressive mechs Nagano has ever designed.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/19 13:11:18

Post by: GrimDork

Looks like a nice haul! Looking forward to seeing your continued progress. May even have to check out the toys.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/19 15:14:24

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

My kids spotted your Ultraman swag and want to play with it now. Which Ultra Egg is that? Narse?

I would assume that large Barzam in the middle is the new HGUC kit? Looks rather large.

All the little Gundams- damashii stuff?

Saddened by the lack of Danball there.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/19 16:09:21

Post by: Barzam

Yeah, that's the Narse egg. I had a hard time finding the eggs, actually. I only found them at the airport. Sadly, the Godzilla ones didn't surface either. I'd love to get the Mecha Godzilla one.

The Barzam is actually the Robot Damashii. He's huge. The four little Gundam figures are from the Assault Kingdom line. The bases for that assortment let you display the Nu with its funnels deployed. The next assortment looks like it'll have the bases form a Samson trailer. I need to get that one.

There is Danball. I just had to leave it at the parents' house. I'll be picking him up with the rest of my stuff. You're going to be jealous of the one I got, I think.

I'm surprised you didn't spot the 1/144 scale Zoid.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/19 16:20:07

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

I spotted the Zoid, just not super excited about them. Built more than enough regular Zoids in my time.

Which Danball did you get? Not the one in my avatar, did you?

If you want me to keep an eye out for egss when I go this summer, let me know. There pretty easy to find out in our neck of the woods, and I've seen them pretty heavily discounted at the toy stores. Worst case, I can order from Amazon JP and get them shipped to our place.

That Barzam really is big, but knowing those other figures are all Assault Kingdom ones makes more sense. How much are those? Like 4 or 500? Do you get to build them, or are they good to go in the box?

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/20 05:26:40

Post by: Barzam

The LBX I got is the Di Ezeldi. He's black, gold, and clear orange and looks like an Orbital Frame from Zone of the Enders. And he's got a bunch of floaty weapons that surround him. I was planning to take pics of him, but due to a rather annoying bout of insomnia/jet lag, I got absolutely zero sleep last night, so you'll have to wait until Thursday night, I guess.

The Assault Kingdom figures I think were around 400-500 yen or so. No real assembly required other than putting together their stands and plugging in hands/weapons. Aside from that, they're good to go right out of the box. On a negative note though, my Zugok was slightly misassembled in that they put one of his ankle joints in backwards, which results in his ankles having very different ranges of movement. On the positive side, the Zugok has a movable mono-eye.

Yes, please keep an eye out for some of those eggs while you're there. For some reason I really like the stupid things. Keep an eye out for the Godzilla ones. There's a 70s Mecha Godzilla and a Gigan in that assortment.

In the wee hours of the morning, while cursing my inability to get to sleep, I figured I'd kill some time by taking some photos of my finally finished Bauhaus Hussar test figure for Mutant Chronicles. I think this is the scheme I want to go with.

I'd really like to thank Grimdork for opening my eyes to those clear acrylic bases. They work really well here.
I figured I'd also take a shot comparing him to similarly armored space European soldier mans.

I think they fit in pretty well with both Infinity and the Eisenkern.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/20 06:52:40

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

I like the green on the Mutant Chronicles guy. Looks very soldiery. Quite appropriate, especially since I can't remember what the studio color schemes were.

And yeah, you're right. I am jealous of the LBX you got. Couldn't remember that name, but it was one that was definitely on my list of purchases. Oh well. Maybe I can find him marked down by the time I'm there.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/20 20:07:30

Post by: GrimDork

*blush* Clear acrylics are awesome And that model looks really nice too, the thin limbs and pose makes him look fairly lean and lethal compared to the eisenkern trooper. He looks pretty tall too, he has a really wide stance and half as much base and he's still tied for height.

Nice use of the deadzone terrain in the background. I'm rushing to get some finished because it makes models hanging around in front of it look even cooler

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/21 02:19:42

Post by: Savnock

So over on the Infinity news/rumors thread you asked which to get next, Geckos or Neoterra.

If you want to play the game, Neoterra. With the Fusileers you already have, you'll have a great force to start with.

However I see you're much more about the painting. In that case, the Nomads you do have a really great scheme. Seeing that on a TAG would be really, really cool.

Also I see that you have a fair number of smaller mech figures from various anime. I'm testing an iNfinity ruleset for mass TAG combat. If you do play here and there, you might be equipped to give the ruleset a whirl. Let me know if you're down for that.

Looking forward to seeing whatever you choose to paint up!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/21 03:18:34

Post by: Alpharius

I absolutely love Japan - and when I went there back in 2000 I picked up so many Kaiju toys that, well, I got a lot of them!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/21 08:21:29

Post by: Barzam

Savnock wrote:So over on the Infinity news/rumors thread you asked which to get next, Geckos or Neoterra.

If you want to play the game, Neoterra. With the Fusileers you already have, you'll have a great force to start with.

However I see you're much more about the painting. In that case, the Nomads you do have a really great scheme. Seeing that on a TAG would be really, really cool.

Also I see that you have a fair number of smaller mech figures from various anime. I'm testing an iNfinity ruleset for mass TAG combat. If you do play here and there, you might be equipped to give the ruleset a whirl. Let me know if you're down for that.

Looking forward to seeing whatever you choose to paint up!

Actually, the Fusiliers I did for my cousin. So, the only PanO I have are an Order Sergeant and a Knight. I think the true deciding factor is going to be price. However, I would definitely like to get both boxes. Speaking of, I just got the Wu Ming set for under $30.

I still have yet to actually get in even a basic game. Someday I'll actually play it. I'd be curious to see the rules for mass TAG combat. At the very least, I'll be able to put my upcoming Rangers Project mech to use.

Alpharius wrote:I absolutely love Japan - and when I went there back in 2000 I picked up so many Kaiju toys that, well, I got a lot of them!

I think that was the same year I made my first pilgrimage to Japan. I'm a big Japanophile. I love the place and have ever since I was a kid. Every time I go, I wind up spending a ton of money.

I do believe I mentioned I would post photos of my Di Ezeldi tonight and I plan to deliver.

The Di Ezeldi comes from LBX Danball Senki (which, if Toyfair is to be believed, will finally be getting its US release, where Bandai will likely promptly give up on it after only a couple releases). The line unfortunately probably won't last long enough in the US to see the Di Ezeldi actually get released here though since he was a pretty recent release and the series, as far as I know has ended. In his basic configuration, he's not terribly remarkable.

What initially drove me towards this guy is the fact that he looks like something out of Zone of the Enders. Plus all the clear orange bits look neat. This figure is actually a remold of another floaty guy that has huge bat wings and an energy spear. This guy gets an entirely different set of accessories though, and they really set him apart.

THESE are his accessories

He is very impressive once he has his sword bits deployed. Plus, he gets a considerable wingspan with them. The swords are mounted on a clear armature that is articulated, so you can put him in all kinds of cool looking poses with his flying swords.

He also has another set of bits...

Basically, they're just the sword bits in a standby mode and in a shield mode. They're neat, but not as cool as the active swords. Plus, they only include one shield and one set of deactive bits.

Another of my projects from Japan is this guy, the Decepticon Overlord!

Yep, this is a model kit. He's a very faithful reproduction of the Japan and EU exclusive Overlord from Transformers Masterforce. While the original was huge, this one actually manages to replicate pretty much all of the features of the original, even the Powermaster gimmick.

The Powermasters Mega and Giga can most certainly be removed and transformed.

As you can see, they're pretty frakking tiny. I'm amazed that I haven't lost or broken them yet. The Powermaster figures can be slotted into Overlord's chest in robot mode or into his alternate modes.
Speaking of alternate modes, Overlord has three. The robot splits into two vehicles and a base mode.

Jet mode.

the Powermaster can slot into the back of the jet or can be placed in the cockpit.

Tank mode.

Again, the Powermaster can be slotted into the tank, or placed in the cockpit.

Base mode.

There's a little car that plugs into the bottom of the jet or the back of the robot. The Powermasters can slot into it as well. The base is pretty much what you see. The turntable in the center has a little gear that can rotate it and there's an articulated maintenance arm on the right side.

It's a model of a rare and insanely expensive Transformer that can replicate basically everything the original did. What more can you say?

I'm slowly working on more Mutant Chronicles figures and this weekend I'll start working on my Kampfer Amazing.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/21 09:04:50

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

We built those mojibakeru you gave us today. They're quiet large compared to the regular cheap ones. I'll see if I can pry them out of the kids' hands long enough to snap some photos. Maybe I can post a pic with some of the egular sized figures as well.

Maybe I'll finally cave and pick up some of those Transformer kits. I've grabbed some for you in the past, haven't I? Looks like fun.

Did you come across any of the new sentai choo choo train kits, or are they not out yet?

I'm curious about those Infinity TAG battles. I would totally field an army of SD Gundams! You may finally sucker me into Infinity yet!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/21 09:20:38

Post by: Barzam

If you get any of the Transformer kits, make sure you get the DX ones. The regular ones have an odd, soft, waxy feeling plastic that's really cheap. The DX ones are nice, solid hard plastic.

You do need to take pics of the Mojibakeru. I want to see just how big they are.

I only saw a few of the toys for Tokyuuger. None of the candy kits. The rare few sentai ones I found were of Kyoryuger's big Brachiosaur looking thing.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/21 10:52:21

Post by: Jehan-reznor

Did you only go to volks, mandarake? you can find awesome stuff at recycle shops, hardoff, bookoff and game sokou's

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/21 15:21:53

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

There's a Hobby Off about ten minutes from the local station near my inlaws, but I stopped going there as the clientele that frequent it scare me even. It's become something of a tourist nerd mecca in the area.

I have gotten some pretty ridiculous deals there in the past, but they've got consignment cases now that are full of ridiculously marked up scalper fodder since the nerd tourists keep coming.

Then again, since the family lives pretty much out in the sticks, it's easy to find deals on older stuff that's been sitting on the shelves for a bit.

One of the local stores we go to often still has Kamen Raider 555 stuff on the shelf from when the show aired. There's a layer of dust on them! It's kind of sad yet reassuring every year we go visit, and every year those orphenochs are still sitting on the shelves, unbought and unloved.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/21 16:19:29

Post by: Barzam

Jeez, I don't remember it being that bad when I went there.

For the most part, I did my shopping at Mandarake, Joshin, and Volks since theirs were some of the better prices and selections. I went to other shops as well, but either they didn't have good selections or they just didn't have good prices. As far as I know, there's no Hobby Offs near my brother's place, but I did hit Book Off as well. That's where I got my Macross Ultimate Frontier from.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/22 06:33:59

Post by: Barzam

Well, I have a few more Mutant Chronicles figures painted up. These are a couple more test schemes. These were pretty rushed and rough, mostly just done to get an idea of what I want the rest of the figures to look like.

Cybertronic Chasseur

Capitol Heavy Infantry

I'm mostly happy with these schemes, so I'll probably clean these two up a bit before too long. As they currently are, they at least look decent from a distance.

Grimdork, you mentioned the height of that Hussar. I decided to do a little size comparison and yeah, the Mutant Chronicles figures are on the large side.

Slightly taller than Infinity figures and they tower over 40k stuff.

Lastly, I actually managed to paint up a Deadzone Reb!

Someday I'll paint some more of them.

Tonight I started putting together my Yu Jing Celestial Guard hacker and a Warmahordes Retribution Ghost Sniper. They should be fun to paint. Tomorrow I'll begin work on the Kampfer Amazing.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/22 15:18:32

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

I like that Capitol guy.

Heavy infantry looks... heavy...

Gives me a Siege on the Citadel vibe with that paint scheme you gave him.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/22 15:21:16

Post by: GrimDork

Everything looks good imo, those dudes *are* tall then. Maybe even 32mm scale huh. Neat models though. Intrigued to see this "Amazing", love me some giant robots.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/27 07:33:41

Post by: Barzam

I've been kind of under the weather this week. I actually finished the Kampfer on Sunday, but I'm only just now able to get photos of it. These aren't really the best photos, but they'll do.

So, the Kampfer Amazing comes from Gundam Build Fighters. It's based on the Kampfer from Gundam 0080 and is used in the show by the PPSE Corporation's top fighter/modeler. In the show, all of the mecha are actually model kits that are used in a videogame-like combat simulator. So, this is a model of a model. This thing is pretty much meant to be the rival mech of the main characters and the pilot is the show's Char Aznable. Really, he's more of a Quattro Bagiina though since he's just wearing sunglasses.

It's a pretty sweet looking update to the Kampfer.

Those big gun looking things on his back are actually weapon cases. Whereas the original Kampfer had a huge arsenal of shotguns and bazookas, this one only has a few weapons included. The containers can store the main weapons and he's got a pair of knives that store on either side of his torso.

The main weapon though is a modular gun. The base weapon is a pistol called the Amazing Pistol.

The articulation is nice and he can actually grasp his pistol with both hands. The pistol then has a rifle body that fits over it and then has two different barrel attachments.
The first, and main attachment is for a standard Beam Rifle.

The second is a Long Beam Rifle attachment, which is utilized like a sniper rifle.

I don't really care for this attachment. It's really just the regular beam rile with a foregrip and a longer barrel. Nothing exciting and unfortunately, the Kampfer cannot replicate the sniping stance he took in the show when he used it to snipe a 1/48 Zaku.

My biggest complaint of this kit though is that it's missing one of its most used weapons. In the show, the Kampfer is almost always depicted with his weapons configured into an SMG. The SMG has a completely different look from the beam rifles, so it would've required a different body attachment. Unfortunately, Bandai didn't include this. Without the barrel attachments, the gun sort of looks like the SMG from the show, but it's totally different. I really wish they'd included the parts for it.

This picture makes me realize I need to make some more Deadzone buildings.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/02/27 13:40:43

Post by: GrimDork

You might need some additional height if you want to use them to backdrop for giant robots, yes. That kit is..well... amazing . Very cool robot with what looks like lots of posability. Neat!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/06 07:15:27

Post by: Barzam

I haven't been keeping this updated, but that doesn't mean I haven't been working on stuff.

Over the weekend, I started work on Vatshu The Black Knight. He's got a lot of small bits and pieces and has wound up being quite slow going. The hard part is yet to come though. That's going to be the skirt armor and his shoulder armor. Currently, I'm unsure if I want to keep those piston pieces in the groin. They're mostly just for show and they kind of restrict movement. Chances are though, once I add the skirt, the movement will be restricted anyway. I'm just not sure yet. I may just trim them down a bit so that they end up just being completely cosmetic.

I wish I had an Eldar Wraith Knight to compare it to.

How about some ugly work table photos?

This guy I've been slowly working on and just can't get happy with.

He was missing his right arm, so I had to improvise one. I wound up using a Dark Eldar one (trimmed off the pinky so it has the right number of fingers). It works well enough, I think. I just hope this looks better when I wash it.

Blech, bad photo.

These are my final two Kaplans. Once I'm done with them, I'll have finally finished an Infinity boxed set!

Helfather is looking surprisingly good.

He's nearly done. I have to say, as my first metal Mantic figure, he's really nice. I've seen a few pieces in person and plenty of pictures and they usually wind up looking really rough. He was very clean though. Only a few strands of flash that needed cutting here and there. Hell, I could actually put him together without using glue. He's also really heavy. Overall, I'm glad I got this guy.

Today and yesterday I started putting together some of my Afterlife figures. I figured I'd start with the Unity Council Marines. Actually handling them in person, I think I can safely say these are some of the best resin figures I've worked with.

The details are all crisp and super sharp. No mold lines, no bubbles, no misalignments, no miscasts. Everything looks just as good as the in the promotional shots. I am very glad I backed that KS.
Just look at how crisp these details are. They certainly put my Mutant Chronicles to shame.

Speaking of Mutant Chronicles, I've finished two of my Martian Banshees.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/07 16:34:52

Post by: Barzam

Got a bit more work done. I finished assembling the rest of my Unity Council Marines last night.

I finally finished my Kaplan Tactical Services team as well. They'll be on their way to get dipped tonight.

Once I have them dipped and dull coated, I'll have to get a picture of all of my Haqqislam forces. I wonder if I can make a legal team?

Lastly, I made a sniper for my small, yet slowly growing Retribution of Scyrah army.

I love the looks of these guys. They're like a high tech WWI or something. I'll paint his eyes and other small details line lenses after I've dipped him.

I'm finding myself wanting to make a counts-as team for Deadzone. I still don't even have the rules down yet, but it's one of those things where you just get hit by inspiration. I want to make a Nexus Psi Police army. I figure I could probably use the Rebs' rules and proxy some other models. I can't deicde if I want to just modify some Corporation Marines, or try using a different line's figures. I'm leaning toward Urban Mammoth's Urban War Viridians and VASA. I ordered myself a set of cheap Viridians last night to see how they size up with the Mantic stuff. They have pretty cool designs though. I'm surprised more people don't use them to proxy IG units.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/07 16:56:23

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

Well, your nexus psi police force can fight my proxy marauder force made out of Trollbloods and trolkins.

Of course, I think I've actually got more viable Marauders painted up than ranged Trollkin at the moment- I need to get started on those Sluggers and get a few extra scattergunners.

I figure I can count some of the warlocks as the ripper suits, maybe the pyre troll as the flamethrower...

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/07 18:15:11

Post by: GrimDork

Ahh deadzone and counts-as, such a lovely combination. The kaplans look great so far, and the elf sniper isn't half bad either. Keep up the good work

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/09 19:09:38

Post by: Barzam

Well, lucky me, I just managed to win another Charontid on Ebay today for all of $7. I guess I'll get to make that Megaman Charontid after all.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/09 19:47:33

Post by: GrimDork

Oooh nice. Was that with shipping too? So far I haven't found eBay to be a good source for Infinity stuff price wise, been sticking to Miniature Market so far.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/09 20:43:59

Post by: Alpharius

Yeah, eBay is more miss than hit, though good deals can occasionally be found there.

Miniature Market is OK if you're spending more than $100US, but I've generally found better prices over on Texas Toy Soldier, and that's where I've moved most of my INFINITY business...

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/09 21:01:07

Post by: GrimDork

I've heard of that one, I'll have to check them out. I don't buy much in terms of Infinity models but that may change in the future, they're really fun to paint.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/09 22:36:06

Post by: Red Harvest

Love the variety of stuff here. How well do those clear bases work, in-game? I like the way they don't look stupid.

Miniature Market is at least open about what they have in stock. I hate placing an order for something listed as 'regular stock, usually ships in 1-3 days' only to have it back-ordered for a few weeks. Not naming any store here.

@Grimdork: They are even more fun to assemble, in a perverse sort of way. Lots of really small fiddly bits on some of the models.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/10 02:21:17

Post by: Barzam

Well, Ebay's been okay for me so far. That's where I've been getting most of my stuff. I've come across a few good deals here and there. I forgot to mention, I also scored a Wu Ming set for about $25 total with shipping. And that Charontid I just won had free shipping, too. The Steel Phalanx guy and my PanO Knight were also good deals with both figures only costing me a few bucks.

Thanks Red Harvest. I haven't actually played any games using the clear bases, but for display purposes, they're great. The fact that I don't actually have to do anything to them once I glue the figure down is a major plus.

Alph, I'll have to check them out. Thanks for the tip.

Grimdork, just remember, Infinity figures are like potato chips. Once you get one, you can't stop. Your lone Moderator won't be a lone for long, I'm sure.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/10 02:35:35

Post by: GrimDork

I got the Bakunin starter, bran do Castro, custodier, msr sin eater, and the lunokhod sputnik set for Christmas. I would probably have impulse ordered some gekkos but mm doesn't have them yet. I've been saving the infinity models to do between batches, a reverend moira is in the painting queue as we speak.

I will have to look at eBay a bit closer then, perhaps its better if you are looking for anything and not just specifics.

The only thing about the clear bases is to watch how you position the models on them, and this is doubly true for metal models. There's no way to hide a coin under them to mitigate top or side heavy minis, so you've got to rely on careful positioning to keep them from being tipsy.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/10 03:43:22

Post by: Barzam

It's sounds like you're pretty well set then. I wouldn't have had the restraint to keep from buying even more.

I just run a few searches by faction every now and then and if I'm lucky, I come across a good deal. Thanks to Disney's Infinity, it's a lot harder to just do a general search.

I'm hesitant about mounting any of my metal stuff on clear bases. I like to make sure that the figure has some support running through the base to keep it from breaking off and I can't really get that with a clear one. For now, I'm sticking with plastics and resin on the clear stuff.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/10 04:28:43

Post by: GrimDork

I think I've seen people pin them to the clear acrylics. The pin goes under the foot so you really don't see it, I think. I'm also using epoxy to weld mine to the bases so I think it will work out.

The Infinity minis were gifts, or there might have been more. Now that dreadball extreme has finally caught my eye, the Gekkos will have to wait and it's just as well as I'd then want a corregedor starter (give a mouse a cookie).

Yeah... it's friggen hard to find CB/Infinity the game stuff sometimes, it's a great name, but too many other people have thought so as well

I used to do that occasional search thing for space marines and marine bits. Now I've got 4500 points of the buggers and probably 60% or better is from 'occasional search' eBay shopping

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/10 04:40:04

Post by: Barzam

I tend to get bored during my lunch breaks at work and that's when I do my hunting.

I'm tempted to get in on Dreadball as well just so I can get more toys for Deadzone, but I just can't quite seem to pull the trigger. That $10 Iron Ancestor with hands is awefully tempting though.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/10 05:25:52

Post by: GrimDork

Yeah that iron ancestor saves me 10 bucks over the urban pattern DZ model. More toys for deadzone is pretty much the primary reason I'm going in for DBX, if I can get anyone to play it, all the better! I'm planning to put in a not-insignificant order for guns/accessories so I can properly outfit all of my new DZ converts. Either hasslefree (lot of rifles,smgs, space guns and so on), or perhaps some eBay bits seller.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/10 05:50:43

Post by: Red Harvest

Pin them to acrylics sounds like a good idea. I'm wondering if a dab of that clear silicone caulk would work better than a glue that might frost the acrylic. Time for some research I guess. And yes, the fact that you do not need to do more is great.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/10 19:26:32

Post by: GrimDork

It's saving me an hour or two per batch of models! The company I got my bases from (Litko) sells an acrylic cement which does not frost. It works on hard plastic and resin plastic so far. For infinity minis I've had to use epoxy resin, but that stuff is pretty heavy duty so I think it'll hold. Is silicon caulk rubbery like the regular stuff or does it dry harder?

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/12 07:19:15

Post by: Barzam

Thanks a lot, BBB.

I'm still a little wary of trying to do metals on acrylic bases. They seem too thin to be able to run a pin through them.

Alph, how do you go about ordering from Texas Toy Soldier? I didn't see any kind of online shop.

Anyway, it's time for some Mo' Rats.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/12 11:07:03

Post by: Red Harvest

Yeah Weld-on 4 for clear acrylics. I was thinking of the rubbery sort of silicone. I have a circle cutter that I could use to make my own bases... Hmm...

Ah the Moarats. 'Cuz it seems like Moar are a-coming At least these guys have their shirts on. They look good.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/12 13:37:31

Post by: GrimDork

Great work! They are very bright and colorful, very much fitting the infinity aesthetic.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/12 15:20:34

Post by: Alpharius

 Barzam wrote:

Alph, how do you go about ordering from Texas Toy Soldier? I didn't see any kind of online shop.

Right here:


I've placed 4 orders with them so far, and they've been great!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/12 18:29:47

Post by: GrimDork

Solid prices on the Deadzone stuff too. Will have to consider them for my next infinity purchase (especially since they already have Gekkos!). I do enjoy the Novelty of having the option of driving to Miniature Market if the whim took me, though the gas would far outweigh any shipping costs.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/13 07:18:35

Post by: Barzam

Thanks for the link, Alph. A lot of the prices are comparable to those on Ebay, but I noticed that most of the boxed sets tend to run cheaper. Especially the TAGs. I guess I know where I'll be getting my Geckos from (eventually).

I got a couple of orders in today. Parts from Hoard 'O Bits and my test Viridians from Noble Knight Games. I said I wanted to use these guys to make a police force for Deadzone, but I wasn't sure about how they'd size up.

So, there's two figures in the blister, both wearing greatcoats. These were the cheapest ones Noble Knight had, so that's the only reason I chose them over the other, regular guys. I went ahead and gave them some pretty basic paintjobs, but only got one done since the other guy wasn't drying fast enough.

Not a bad design. Their designs remind me of the Genoshans from X-men. The sculpting is a little cartoony for my tastes though. After messing around with Infinity figures, I've found my tastes heading more in the direction of truescale proportions. Anyway, the main reason I got these guys was really just to see how they scale up against Mantic's figures.

Ah, that's not too bad. A little chunky, but I think I can live with that.

Yeah, I think I can live with using these guys as cops.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/13 13:07:12

Post by: GrimDork

Cool beans. He doesn't look as out of place as an imperial guardsman might. I think I'm set to order some Hasslefree bits from that Noble Knight place, if I'm thinking of the right seller.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/19 04:43:17

Post by: Barzam

I got my Charontid a couple days ago and got to work on him Sunday night. Right off the bat I thought I'd try and be all fancy and use some techniques that I'm not very well experienced in using (beyond screwing things up) and the results were less than stellar. Then there was just one bad decision after another, paint that got too thick, color choices that were wrong, and some plain old bad painting and I got this mess.

It actually looks better in the picture than it does in person. It just turned out looking like ass. I'm going to have to strip the paint and start over. At the very least, the one good thing I got out of this screw up was that the Megaman X colors don't actually look all that bad on the Charontid. Next time, I just need to stick to base coating and not try to do anything fancy.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/19 13:41:01

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

Looking at his arm, I see why you went with the MegaMan color scheme.

You could always stick with the original Blue Bomber paint scheme, couldn't you? It's a lot simpler.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/20 02:06:43

Post by: Barzam

Eh. I'll stick to the X scheme. Classic megaman uses a little too much of the light blue for my tastes. On the downside, the Simple Green is probably going to undo all of the glue and I'll have to rebuild him again.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/20 02:12:24

Post by: GrimDork

My stuff usually falls apart when it gets dunked in the vat as well. Definitely interested to see what you come up with though.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/20 02:25:41

Post by: shasolenzabi

How do the Afterlife troops stand up to other minis?

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/20 04:49:30

Post by: Barzam

I didn't take any pictures of them with other minis, did I? I'm house sitting for my parents at the moment, so I don't have access to any of my stuff aside from a few misc. items I brought with me. Detail-wise, they're very nice. Everything is sharp and crisp. As far as the styling, I'd say they're ever so slightly more true-scale than GW's stuff, but not nearly as much as CB's. I don't think they would match up too well with the Dreamforge figures, either. I would say that they're probably pretty closer to Mantic's figures in terms of proportions. Assembly is a breeze since each figure is only a couple of pieces. Both factions have officer figures that have some options as well, like alternate hands or separate heads.

While the figures don't offer a lot in the way of options, in terms of sculpting quality and overall design, if it was a choice between them or GW's Cadians, or Mantic's Corporate Marines, I would easily choose the Afterlife figures.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/21 04:12:56

Post by: Barzam

Well, I got some good news from my dad this morning. He was killing a little time in Boston and managed to snag me a Shasvastii Gwailo and a Khawarijs. Yay for me. I got my Morat Vanguard Hacker in the mail, too. Those should be fun.

I've been thinking about picking up some Shasvastii recently, anyway, so this is perfect. I've been wracking my brain trying to come up with a color scheme that I'd like to see them in. I'd been leaning towards doing them up like Medusa's with the purple, bone, and green colors, but I wasn't too sure about it. It finally hit me this afternoon, I'll just paint them in desert colors to match my Morats! I don't know why I didn't think of such an obvious scheme. That way I can avoid doing the super bright studio colors or the generic greens that everybody else uses.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/21 05:06:58

Post by: GrimDork

Sounds like you've got a plan, I look forward to seeing it come to fruition!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/21 05:17:09

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

What the hell?

Where'd they go that he found those guys? I didn't know you were sending shopping lists abroad....

I would have done the same.

[refrains from mentioning the obscure book that was asked for.]

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/21 06:04:19

Post by: Barzam

Hobby Bunker. I didn't send a list, I just asked him to let me know if he wound up over there. And he did. Besides, I'm house sitting for them. I think a couple of Infinity figures is decent payment.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/21 14:40:15

Post by: Alpharius

That's one hell of a Dad!

I'm in the Boston area too, and I don't think I knew about the "Hobby Bunker" - if they're selling INFINITY, I should see if I can't scare up a game over there!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/21 14:58:31

Post by: Barzam

Here's their site.
They're over in Malden, so it can be a bit of a trip. From the sounds of things, they didn't have a whole lot of Infinity figures in stock, but I know they've got other stuff, too.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/21 15:21:20

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

Truth be told, I'd have been trying to hit him up for some Mierce stuff, especially if it wasn't going to be coming out of my pocket.

At least they grabbed Brandon Graham's latest book for me.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/22 07:57:40

Post by: Barzam

Eh, you know I'm not that into fantasy stuff. These days I'd rather play with space men than knights. I'll admit your Mierce stuff looks nice, but I'd just rather have robots and power armor. You can have your dragon monsters, I'll play with my Shasvastii lizard men and my Morat murder monkeys.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/26 05:53:43

Post by: Barzam

Well, I was all set to start painting up my Gwailos, but he turned out to be missing his left arm. Now I've got to figure out how to do the missing pieces request again. Ugh.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/27 03:42:08

Post by: Barzam

Got some updates. Haven't heard anything yet from CB about my missing part. I opened three figures and chucked their packages, so their complaint codes got all mixed up. I didn't actually notice the missing arm until I had the Gwailo built. Hopefully I grabbed the right complaint code.

Anyway, some figures. Here's my Vanguard Hacker and the Kawarij my dad picked up.

Is Kawarij the singular form, or is it Kawarijs?
I modified the desert scheme for the Morat to include some more brown. I'll be using pretty much the same colors when I get to the Shasvastii.

And we've got a distraction side project, a pair of Khorne Berserkers. The red one has been done for quite a few months. He was actually one of my first dipping attempts. The Black Legion one was done more or less to practice painting black without using black.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/27 05:13:13

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

So what did you end up using for black? A grey of some sort?

I'm always on the lookout for black alternatives. Preferably ones that I don't have to mix and concoct myself.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/27 06:23:24

Post by: Barzam

You're spot on. I used Vallejo's German Grey with a few coats of GW's Nuln Oil wash. The end result is that it does indeed look black, but it isn't flat. It's hard to describe, but it gives a stronger impression of there being depth to the figure's paintjob.

And the red one.

Like I said, I did him a long while back. Back when I posted those pics of the MDF food stalls. He was done to test out three things: 1)try painting something red using successing layers, highlights, and the Reikland Fleshshade wash, 2)use cork as a basing material, 3)test out my (then) brand new can of Army Painter Strong Tone dip. Both have now found a home on top of my computer monitor at work. Actually, the only reason I had the red guy on hand for photos was because a co-worker had accidentally knocked him off the monitor and stepped on him and he needed repairs. So, that is actually a repaired model in the photos. No repainting or anything other than some glue was needed.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/27 12:46:24

Post by: GrimDork

Everything is looking good, you make some steady progress for sure.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/28 04:45:41

Post by: Barzam

I got my notice from CB today about my Gwailos' missing arm. I guess that means I can go ahead and start painting him.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
okay, I finally got this little lady all painted up. So, she'll be joining the Morats and the Kawarij for dipping.

That just about finishes up my Yu Jing Starter. Unfortunately, I never got around to finishing the third Zhanshi, so I've still got that to do. Then I have some more Wu Ming to deal with, among other things.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/28 12:40:47

Post by: GrimDork

Yep, those look nice I think after I have taken a solid swing at all of the stuff I have coming from various kickstarters... I will have to adopt your approach and just pick up neat Infinity minis to paint at will. It looks like you're having a good time doing it.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/29 02:35:15

Post by: Barzam

Oh yeah, I'm definitely enjoying myself doing these. Except when I mess them up, like that Charontid. There's nothing wrong with just getting the figures you want because they look cool. Who knows, maybe someday I'll even be able to actually play the game.

So, since his arm is supposed to be on the way, I figured I'd start work on my Shasvastii Gwailos. Here you can get a general idea of what I'm going to be going for.

I want to have as little skin exposed on any Shasvastii I get, so I've decided that, for the most part, I'm going to be painting the parts that look like exposed skin (biceps, parts of the head, neck) as part of the suit. I'll be using the dark grey for that which, once dipped should look pretty much black. I want to use a bit of lighter grey for a few spots, like his mask and "ears," his spinal plates, and probably on his calves as well. What I'm not sure about is what color to make the lights (leaning towards green) and what color to paint the actual exposed skin. It's going to be hard to make him look like he's wearing shoes of any sort, so his feet are going to be exposed. My thought was bone with a green wash, but I'm not really sure. Thoughts?

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/29 03:25:22

Post by: GrimDork

Not sure about the skin... Probably on the right track with something light and green-tinted though. The rest of the colors are nice. I would think for the lights you could do green, yellow, maybe orange... something along those lines.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/30 05:53:10

Post by: Barzam

I wound up using Vallejo's Elf Flesh as a base and giving him a wash using Athonian Camoshade. I think it works well enough. I also decided to actually go with blue lights and eyes on him. He's pretty much all done now. I've just got to wait for his arm to show up.

Believe it or not, I actually FINISHED some figures. I fully completed my Lasiq and my Celestial Guard Hacker, but I noticed that the Lasiq got a few spot of white primer splashed on him, so I'll have to clean that up a bit. Ugh. Anyway though, the CG actually turned out surprisingly well. I didn't think he would prior to actually getting him dipped.

The nice thing about him is that if I didn't want to field him as a hacker, he would work pretty well as an LT. Someday, once I've actually figured out how to actually play the game, I'll learn how hackers actually work.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/30 06:44:20

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

Didn't you tell me you figured out the rules? Isn't that why you gave me a set of the quickstart stuff since you didn't need it any more?

You know, I had an idea for a counts- as Infinity force, but then I forgot what it was.

Liking those white figures. Your bug guy has a nice sense of color to him too.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/30 07:02:59

Post by: Barzam

Nah, I gave you those quick start rules so you could figure out how to play, too. I've got a pretty good sense of how gameplay works, but I haven't actually tried it out yet. Those quickstart rules just cover the basics. There's all kinds of funkyness that comes into play once you start bringing in link teams, weapon and unit abilities, equipment abilities, camo, and hacking.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/30 07:12:43

Post by: GrimDork

Don't forget speculative shots and the like! Definitely a game you wanna start simple with and bolt on the extra rules as you get a better understanding.. at least I should think so.

Hacker looks great, Tudor (if that's what you're still using) makes flat white look pretty good. The other colors are nice too.

I bet your other guy looks cool with blue lights, I usually default to those so I thought I would offer something different, but I think they will probably match the other colors well.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/30 08:12:34

Post by: Red Harvest

Very nice work on the hacker. He can also proxy as a doctor too.

Start with a few 100 or 150 point games. Throw in 1 heavy Infantry, and the rest light infantry or skirmishers. Camo is very important to learn, so it is never too soon to start learning that. You can add in the other rules (like Airborn deployment, hidden deployment, hacking etc) later.

If you can, keep the wiki open in a browser, for easy reference. And if you use Chrome, you can install Aleph Toolbox as an extension. It is a nice army builder. Or you can use the Infinity Army builder. It really helps to have the digital devices around when learning this game.

Have fun!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/03/30 13:57:40

Post by: GrimDork

I was really impressed with the community and support tools available. Is there even an equivalent to the infinity wiki for games like 40k? It was extremely useful for navigating the complex rules, and the built in army builder on the website is great and very shiny.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/01 07:05:14

Post by: Barzam

When I get around to it, I want to do some very basic games just using some cheerleader infantry so I can get the basics. There does seem to be a pretty good and helpful community though, which is really nice.

I thought I was going to spend tonight playing video games, but wound up working on some Deadzone terrian. I've been neglecting those sprues for a while, so it's about time they got a little bit of love. I wound up building two buildings tonight. I built a storage shed, and a fortified building. I think that's about all my fingers and thumbs could take though. They're hurting after trying to get those clips to snap in place. I still need to do a few more smaller buildings. Eventually I'm going to actually remove all of the non-Deadzone stuff from my board.

my bunker

and my storage shed

I think if I ever do any large scale games or Infinity using this stuff, I'll double up the board with my paper mat and then I'll actually throw in the non-Mantic terrain stuff. One thing though that I'd like to do, and I don't know if I have enough parts, is to build a small vehicle depot for my Space Marine tanks to park in.

Oh yeah, and one night I got bored and made a Nurgle icon/objective marker.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/01 14:09:43

Post by: GrimDork

Nice, like to see what people do with their DZ terrain. Don't limit yourself to just Deadzone stuff though, the colonists would eventually start to manufacture their own items and probably have some ramshackle additions to their limited pre-fab structures.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/05 23:24:04

Post by: Barzam

Not much of an update, but I wanted to share these. Someone sold off a bunch of old early 40k kits at the FLGS. I had to grab some just for nostalgia's sake.

Look at 'em! Look at how ugly and misshapen and blobby they are! Gaze upon the wonders of their early 90s teen-done paintjob! Look at how their previous owner so expertly tried to repaint them. Oh, it's glorious. These guys just totally take me back. Needless to say though, I'm going to attempt to strip the paint off. Hopefully it'll actually come off. There's no telling what kind of paint or what the original owner had used on them. There's a little bit of repair work needed, too. The only real question though, what color should I paint them?

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/05 23:41:59

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

Paint 'em like SPESH MAIREENS!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/06 02:38:41

Post by: GrimDork

Nothing says old school beakies to me like Dark Angels!

Good luck with the paint stripping!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/06 07:13:59

Post by: Red Harvest

Holy Moley, Rogue Trader marines. A friend has a few of those. I still have a few Rogue trader Orcs somewhere, pewter ones anyway, I think. Man were they really bad.

Go nostalgia. Paint 'em as Crimson fists. Like on the cover of Rogue Trader.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/06 07:19:12

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

Were those Crimson Fists on the cover of Rogue Trader?

I had always assumed they were Ultramarines since they were blue.

Looking at the cover now, I never realized that. Wow.

I say do that or Dark Angels. We always had Dark Angels and Salamanders, didn't we?

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/07 00:34:18

Post by: Barzam

I haven't tried painting Crimson Fists before. Hmm, I wonder if my Dark Prussian Blue paint will be a good match? I'll have to give it a try.

In the mean time, this guy got finished.

I'd used Blood for the Blood God to paint the blood, but it didn't come out shiny or anything in the pic. I tell you, it was hard trying to make it look splattered. I'm still not a fan of this particular G2. He looks like he's waving at somebody. Oh well, that's two G2s down, one to go.

I've also finished these two for my Enforcers

The Engineer's casting was a little soft, so it was hard to pick out the details effectively on him. All in all though, he's turned out to be perfectly serviceable. Once I get my boosters, I'm going to try and make a standing version. Possibly even a combat ready one. We'll see how hard it is to do once I have another in hand.

On the Captain, I tried something different. Instead of using black for the wash, I used a blue glaze early on in the painting process. As it turned out, Gw's blue glaze is a better blue wash than their actual blue wash. I used it immediately after priming, then drybrushed the off white for the armor over that, painted the grey bits, then applied the top layer of the armor's white paint as a glaze. I think this turned out well. I'll be using that technique again when I do my Nomads.

Oh yeah, we celebrated my birthday party on Saturday (since not everyone will be able to meet up on my actual birthday). As it turns out, I got the Corregidor starter box. So, it looks like I'll have some more stuff to work on!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/07 00:48:58

Post by: GrimDork

Ooh happy birthday, jealous of the corregedor starter but can't wait to see what you do with them!

Enforcers look great, captains armor is really nice. I like your g2 as well, though I agree about the pose. Its a cool base model but none of the poses are spectacular. I'm gonna see if I can cheat with my airbrush for blood spatter.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/09 02:46:12

Post by: Barzam

Okay, that blue Charontid? I got around to stripping the paint and completely repainted him. In the process, I noticed that Simple Green does an odd thing with my metal figures. For some reason it starts turning bits of the metal a really dark grey. It's weird. It's not from the paint, but it scratches off. It doesn't affect the figure though nor the painting process. just strange.

Anyway, I'm now happy with this figure.

As it turns out, I didn't even follow my own advice from earlier. I said I was just going to base coat him and leave the rest of the work for the dip. I didn't do that. I highlighted him. I think I finally managed to pull it off decently though. I plan on adding a few further details to him after he's been dipped. Mainly, I'm going to try and do the gem effect on his red bits. I mainly just did the base red now so that the dip will darken it further and save me some time later.

He looks good with his green buddy. So, that gives me a Zaku inspired Charontid and a Megaman X inspired one. Maybe I should do an Exrah Dom at some point?

Also, my Shasvastii got his arm last Friday, so he's all ready to go now.

He'll have more pics once he's been dipped, but you get the idea I was going for, I think.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/09 03:00:49

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

I think what you really want to paint next are some armored werewolves.

I think you want to buy some of those armored werewolves that Mierce is making, don't you?

I sat down and started painting my Deadzone stuff again. We need to do that still...

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/09 03:32:22

Post by: GrimDork

Both minis look good. This is what I've come to realize and like about dipping (especially with Tudor), you can do your own highlighting, washing, glazing, whatever... the dip is still happy to come along at the end and do it's thing. It's wash/higlight blend thing. It's great

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/09 15:12:53

Post by: Barzam

 highlord tamburlaine wrote:
I think what you really want to paint next are some armored werewolves.

I think you want to buy some of those armored werewolves that Mierce is making, don't you?

I sat down and started painting my Deadzone stuff again. We need to do that still...

Good. post some pictures of your stuff once in a while.

And I don't know what Mierce werewolves you're looking at, but the Kickstarter ones don't look to be wearing armor. Now, whenever I get my Wrath of Kings ones, those'll have armor. So, I think I'm covered in that department. I suppose I could always get a kilt wearing, rifle wielding Infinity werewolf though... nah. I'll just wait for them to update the basic Dog Soldier.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/10 07:02:21

Post by: Barzam

You know, I'm surprised at how few replies I get in here. Maybe I need to post more SPEHSS MEHREEEEENZ! Maybe I'll post some this weekend. Maybe.

For now though, I got a few figures dullcoated and finished up. How 'bout some mo' Morats?

I got my Hacker all done. I really like this figure. I also like how my new desert scheme looks. I'll definitely be using these colors on my Morats from now on. Yaogats, when I get some are going to look badass done up like that.

Less cool, but here's the second of the three Vanguard Infantry figures, sporting the older desert colors.

And all of my Morats together, so you can see just how much their uniforms don't match up!

And just for the hell of it, all of my Combined Army (so far) together.

Oh, I also ordered myself a birthday present on Monday. Of course like, a day later they come out with the news of that encryption exploit, so that makes me feel better. Anyway, I did indeed get a TAG. I couldn't help it and wound up getting the Anaconda. I can't field the thing legally even, but I'll have one.

Speaking of fielding things, I ran the numbers and it turns out I can actually run a fully ITS legal Qapu Khalqi force at a bit under 250 points. It probably isn't the best, and it doesn't get a whole lot of orders, but hey, I can do it.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/11 06:39:37

Post by: Barzam

Yep, today is my birthday. I turned 29. Bleh! And I spent the day at work. Best part of the day was going out to dinner and having cake with family. Since it's my birthday, I figured I would do something I haven't done in a while. 40k. I've had an unpainted War Walker sitting around and decided I'd start painting it up. My initial plan was to do the vehicles in urban camo, but I think I've decided to throw away that idea and just go with the craftworld colors. It seems my Eldar will be forced to wear bright, "shoot me here" colors.

I don't have much Eldar, but I can show you what I've actually painted along with my WIP War Walker.

So, there you see my Hojo Clan Eldar. They were meant to be clan Takeda, but the chart of family crests I'd used at the time was mislabeled and it turned out that the crest I used actually belonged to Hojo, not Takeda. The colors were meant to be evocative of Takeda Shingen's colors. I think Hojo actually tended to use blue. Oh well.

The Dire Avenger's Exarch is probably my favorite of them (after the dual wielding guy). I reversed his colors so he could stand out a bit better. I also think that of the bunch, he turned out the best.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/11 22:31:55

Post by: GrimDork

Looks cool!

In regards to your previous post...

Queue cheesy recruitment video music...

Hikes thumb at himself, "I'm doing my part! Are you?"


I should think you would get more hits than me for sure, you paint better and update more regularly. I post on a lot of other hobby blogs, like this one!, and that's where a lot of my traffic comes from. If you are actively seeking more hits you might consider dumping a batch of your minis into a painting and modeling showcase thread and linking to the blog for more like them etc.

Also do you participate in the cb sub forum community showcasing thread?

OK I'll go back my corner and quietly await more goodness!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Also happy birthday

Just a bit older than me, feel like I'm getting old how about you?

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/12 05:57:22

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

Yeah, Hojo was blue.

You should have asked me or Keiko, we would've set you straight. At the very least you should have played enough Sengoku Basara/ Musou games to know the difference!

Regardless, they look good (even with the wrong crest, BLASPHEMER) and put to rest the thought in my head that you didn't have any Eldar. Not sure why I was thinking that either...

Maybe I'll paint some Tyranids in response then!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/12 06:38:49

Post by: Barzam

If you want further blasphemy, to counteract my red Hojo, I made some blue Takeda. To be fair though, I've seen pictures of both clan crests in those colors. I don't know why you didn't think I had Eldar though. You were there when I bought the Dire Avengers.

You're a year younger than me Grimdork? Here I was thinking you were older. Yeah, I do feel old. I especially felt old a few years ago when I was doing substitute Teaching. Nothing does a better job of making you feel old than being around teens.

I snapped some more pics of the rest of the Dire Avengers. I'll probably take your advice and post them all in the Showcase section once I've resized them all.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/12 13:00:54

Post by: GrimDork

Interesting to hear how I come across on the internet. My niece and nephew are a year or two away from highschool, it's crazy! I'm practically a crusty old grognard already...

Yeah hit up the showcase thread hard and link back here, you could make a couple of threads for different stuff. Like a big showcase for all of your Infinity minis, and then your eldar etc.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/14 07:43:51

Post by: Barzam

Just gotta get off my duff and rescale the images, then I'll do it.

Until then, I finally started painting one of my Afterlife figures from Anvil Industries! Yay!

This is the Sergeant for the Unity Council Marines. I wasn't going to go with these colors originally. I was planning to do a District 9 MNU style uniform with tan fatigues and white armor, but that wasn't looking so good, so I decided to fall back to the usual Cadian green/tan combo. That scheme looks good on everything! The hardest part here was doing the rank insignia on his shoulder. That's a tiny little area to paint on. In fact, free hand in general is difficult, especially when you're trying to freehand text that's partially obscured, like on his chest plate.

In other news, my Warwalker is nearing completion. Really, I just need to work on touching up the base.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/14 07:55:31

Post by: shasolenzabi

Barzam, nothing says your boned like squads of troopers with a few cannon and chainblade toting mecha supporting them!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/14 13:56:20

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

That looks pretty Border Break- ish.

Would I be correct in that assumption?

My plamo radar doesn't work that good these days, unless it's an SD kit.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/14 14:35:05

Post by: Barzam

You would be wrong. It's from Assault Suits Leynos. You know, Target Earth.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/14 15:23:54

Post by: Chemical Cutthroat

Lordy, I remember Cybernator back in the day... that game was a blast back on the SNES.

Same series right?

I like the trooper. The little ACOG and what looks like a supressor is a nice touch. Colors are clean and you're right, its a solid scheme. Would've like to seen the District9 colors though. Maybe some other day on some other model.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/14 15:30:55

Post by: highlord tamburlaine


The Leynos huh? I forgot they'd made a kit of it. I guess the chainsaw should have been a clue.

Like I said, I'm out of the plamo loop unless it's an SD kit.

Didn't they make a Valken as well, or were going to?

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/14 21:57:30

Post by: shasolenzabi

 highlord tamburlaine wrote:

The Leynos huh? I forgot they'd made a kit of it. I guess the chainsaw should have been a clue.

Like I said, I'm out of the plamo loop unless it's an SD kit.

Didn't they make a Valken as well, or were going to?

I had to order the arm mounted close combat weapon from Kotobukiya thru Hobby Search

Plum is the manufacturer, and I have on my wish list the valken and Valken booster kits so that will be 5 "not -Knights" in all. The chain blade shows the camo type that the mechs will get. Barzam knows of my projects!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/15 07:45:38

Post by: Barzam

Chemical Cutthroat wrote:Lordy, I remember Cybernator back in the day... that game was a blast back on the SNES.

Same series right?

I like the trooper. The little ACOG and what looks like a supressor is a nice touch. Colors are clean and you're right, its a solid scheme. Would've like to seen the District9 colors though. Maybe some other day on some other model.

Cybernator wasn't the same game, but same universe. Believe it or not, but Cybernator/Valken is actually a prequel to Leynos/Target Earth.

Check out Dwartist's rendition of these guys. His is pretty much in MNU colors.

shasolenzabi wrote:Barzam, nothing says your boned like squads of troopers with a few cannon and chainblade toting mecha supporting them!

I wonder what mine is saying?

[Thumb - Leynos.jpg]

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/15 18:36:06

Post by: Chemical Cutthroat

Yeah, its what I meant when I said same series. Not the same game.

I heard they're hard to get ahold of... mebbe check out some emulators.

I have a couple assembled Mecha, but I'm terrified of painting them. I may glue them into a solid pose and give it a shot... I've always wanted to paint up a weathered Gouf Custom...

EDIT - Oh man! Cybernator is available on the Wii's Virtual Console! I know what I'm doing when I get home!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/15 18:49:22

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

There was also a sequel to Leynos that came out on the Saturn, but I believe it was only available in Japan.

I do know that there were multiple suits that you can use.

Plus, if you're into the assault suit games, you ought to do yourself a favor and check out Front Mission: Gun Hazard for the Super Nintendo/ Super Famicom.

You can probably score up a copy on Ebay at a reasonable price, or go the emulator route (where it's probably been translated anyway).

Same type of game play, except made by Square with Amano Yoshitaka art. Cool game.

Paid 300 yen for it years ago, brand spanking new as some shop I was at was clearing out stock of old Famicom games. Oh how I wish I had picked up all the other games I had seen in shrink wrap on those shelves!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/15 19:03:42

Post by: Chemical Cutthroat

Yeah, I've gathered up as many of the Front Mission games as I can find.

Along with a metric ton of Armored Core games. And let us not forget the XBOX360 bastard child that I loved dearly... Chromehounds.

One of my personal favorites, which nobody understands or appreciates, is a game called Phantom Crash for the original XBOX, which was a blast to play.

They had a sequel that ended up coming out for the PS2 of all things... named S.L.A.I. And it was... not as good, but still cool.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/16 06:51:30

Post by: Barzam

I actually beat Gunhazard. had no clue what was going on, but it was fun. I beat the original Front Mission as well. Again, with no clue what was going on. I did play S.L.A.I. as well. I didn't like it at all though.

Hmm. I wonder what I've been working on?

This thing is way smaller than I was expecting. All of the pictures made these look like they're really big. Honestly, it's not much bigger than a Warjack. The base is only a 40mm one, too.
I had a hell of a time getting those legs to glue in the right position. Everything else, aside from the operator arms went together just fine. The operator's right arm didn't want to stay on.

My plan for it tomorrow is to get it all primed. Once that's taken care of, when I have the chance, I'm going to spray paint the whole thing grey. Then I start hand painting the rest of the kit. The grey will remain in the joints, mostly. I'm thinking it's main colors will be dark green for the main color, a bit of a light olive drab, and tan and a hint of red here and there. Mostly I'll be trying to emulate the studio colors since I think they look pretty good on it.. Then I get the pleasure of trying to apply the dip using a paint brush. That should be fun. Of course, I'm also assuming I don't somehow screw up the paint job. Man I hope this one goes smoothly.

I really wish I could ditch the sword though. I have a fear that it's just going to wind up getting bent and/or broken off. I would much prefer to give it some kind of rifle in it's left hand, but I don't have any that would look right. I absolutely don't have anything that'll look like the official Spitfire it's supposed to have. I'm afraid that if I ever do use it in a game, I'll wind up forgetting it even has a ranged weapon.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/16 12:01:01

Post by: Chemical Cutthroat

I didn't really like SLAI either, I thought Phantom Crash with all of its weirdness was a lot better, and the music was EXCELLENT.

So an Anaconda! Its a cool looking TAG, though part of me thinks I like the Operator more sometimes. I was a little miffed he wasn't in a shooting position, and instead was in that big knife-killy position.

I wouldn't worry too much about the sword breaking, as long as you transport it carefully. I was worried about the one on my Marut, but that thing is really sturdy. I've had more trouble with the Dragoe. To the point where I'm going to make a Zinge order because that ammo belt is just a nightmare.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/16 12:06:28

Post by: GrimDork

Looks good, can't wait to see you paint it

I have a feeling that most or all tags are a bit underwhelming. He's probably... a little bigger than a fantasy gw/mantic ogre? Ehh no he looks a fair bit bigger than that, but my plague s1 could probably menace him, huh? I don't care, I still want a pair of gekkos and maybe a Iguana

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/16 12:14:08

Post by: shasolenzabi

Yeah I get the impression that my models are all asking me to finish them as well.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/16 12:18:40

Post by: Chemical Cutthroat

 GrimDork wrote:
Looks good, can't wait to see you paint it

I have a feeling that most or all tags are a bit underwhelming. He's probably... a little bigger than a fantasy gw/mantic ogre? Ehh no he looks a fair bit bigger than that, but my plague s1 could probably menace him, huh? I don't care, I still want a pair of gekkos and maybe a Iguana

I guess they might be overwhelming when compared to the 28mm Heroic type 'big models'. But on an Infinity table were its mostly truescale infantry they look rather intimidating. But they're also fast and agile as well. Whereas a Dreadnaught is a lumbering walker that trundles along, TAGs are fast! When you have a TO Cutter darting through terrain towards a juicy target, that is an entirely different kind of menace eh'?

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/16 13:41:35

Post by: GrimDork

Oh yeah I didn't mean to undermine their presence or menace, just figured they would be smaller than people coming from 40k like me might expect. Or Barzam, with his giant robots.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/16 13:45:15

Post by: Chemical Cutthroat

Haha! Not at all. But yeah, the scale of menace is very different I guess.

Also a distinct lack of skulls means you have to find menace from other things.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/16 14:16:58

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

I still think those TAGs are small.

But I've been preoccupied with painting Mierce stuff lately, so everything is small in relation to that.

Doesn't help up painting mostly giant Fomorians and reptiles...

It still surprises me that we haven't seen more Shirow inspired landmate style robots other than in Infinity really.

On the tabletop that is.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/18 08:28:08

Post by: Barzam

I actually came across another Shirow inspired one. It's made by a company called Victory Force miniatures.
It's pretty ugly though. On the plus side, that company does make some nice looking riot cops. Definitely tempting....

Anyway though, my Anaconda has been painted! Huzzah!

Overall, I'm happy with how it's turned out. The one thing I'm not sure about is the reactive armor plates on the thighs. From a distance, they look okay, but up close? Not so much. Should I leave them be, or just make them dull grey?

action scene!

Those two bodies and three of the flames, I've been looking high and low for those damn things! They've been missing for months now and I just rediscovered them yesterday underneath a box I'd been using for spray painting. I'm glad to have them back, they provide some nice scenery details.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/18 11:38:49

Post by: GrimDork

Sweet! Isn't dipped yet right? That will probably help the plates but the already look good I'm the second picture. Nice work!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/18 12:11:33

Post by: Chemical Cutthroat

I think the plates look good. Once he gets dipped I don't think they'll stand out as much. Nice clean flatwork, he's looking good!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/18 22:52:27

Post by: GrimDork

Yeah I can't get my colors to look that good and solid without the airbrush and even then sometimes. I am not a clean painter, I live vicariously through more talented souls who have that talent while I continue to plug away at my growing horde of gribblies

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/19 04:04:54

Post by: Barzam

My trick on this one was to build it and paint it in sections. Spray painting the base grey on it really helped things along, too. What also helped was when I found out my Vallejo grey-green is an almost exact match to Tamiya's German Grey spray paint. Also, my various attempts to learn how to make and use glazes have taught me the necessity of really watering down my paints.

I got the Anaconda, the third Morat Vanguard, and my Shasvastii dipped today. I used a 1" width house paintbrush on all three and that actually worked really well. I think that from now on, I may have to start tracking those brushes down. They got the job done much easier and much faster than actually dipping the figures.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/19 05:42:58

Post by: GrimDork

I know some people exclusively brush dip. Even with regular (though hopefully cheap) hobby brushes. I like my drill for now but I'll be using brushes a lot with scenery.

Can't wait to see the end results!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/19 05:43:36

Post by: shasolenzabi

Yeah I also brush on washes

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/19 12:16:37

Post by: Chemical Cutthroat

Indeedy. I tend to do focused washing in different colors, but even when I do full washes I brush it aaaaall on.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/19 12:30:19

Post by: sing your life

Nice work on metallics.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/21 06:44:30

Post by: Barzam

Thanks Sing.

Lately I've started washing in different colors rather than going all in with the same color. It tends to do a better job of adding depth, I've found.

So, over the weekend I finished up three things. 1)my Anaconda. 2)my Shasvastii. 3)my third Morat Vanguard.

I love how it turned out. It's kind of annoying that I'm only allowed to field a single Anaconda. If CB ever makes any more generic mercenary TAGS (and I hope they do), they'll probably get similar color schemes. I actually put decals onto it, but my camera for the most part wouldn't take a decent shot of them. I would've had the star and rescue arrows on the chest piece, but the ones I had were all too big.

The one picture of decals that did come out though, show the unit's call sign and number

And all of my mercenaries together.

I see this picture and realize I need some Druze. I'll definitely have to get that blister packed on with the Spitfire to hang out with them.

As mentioned, I finished my Shasvastii Gwailos with Spitfire. He's hard to photograph decently. Plus he leans way too far forward and has balance issues. And his base was a pain in the ass to do. Regardless, he makes me want to get some more Shasvastii. At least get some more Gwailos.

Lastly, at the FLGS over the weekend, I found that some guy had sold off an entire assembled, but mostly unpainted Eldar army. Prices were all really good, but I had to restrain myself and limit the purchases. So, I grabbed a set of 12 Banshees for $30 and a Farseer for $5. Tonight I started work on the Banshees and the Farseer.

I'd say he looks decent. I'll post the Banshee test figure once I clean her up a bit more.

I also had the misfortune of spilling a fairly new pot of black wash on myself and my table. Thankfully, none got on the floor, but I think my shorts are ruined now.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/21 12:06:25

Post by: GrimDork

Everything looks great! Elder looks very nice. I need to get some more of those corpses to spice up my own photos!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/23 06:14:17

Post by: Barzam

This week's been off to a great start. My parents finally got a new dog. In October 2012, we had to put down our very old Boston Terrier Bud due to neurological issues. I've been trying for about half a year now to talk them into getting a new dog. My mom's been putting it off, but yesterday it finally happened. I went over to their place to see him tonight. He's pretty damn cute. He's a 1 year old Rat Terrier, and his name is Rat Man Do. How awesome is that? I'll attach a pic of him. He'll be keeping my old Kelpie company now. It was nice to see her playing with another dog again.

In miniature related news, I've started work on a rather large figure my brother picked up for my birthday. He still needs work though before I go posting him here. I also worked on my Banshees and my Chapterhouse Warp Stalkers. I whipped up a couple of test figures.

It's obviously a non-standard scheme for Aspect Warriors and I don't mind that. I think it turned out pretty decent. I need to figure out a different name for those Chapterhouse guys though. I don't like Warp Stalkers or whatever they're called and they're clearly not standard Banshees. I think Howling Wolves works well though.

My new Eldar look like they'll fit in well with my other Hojo troops.

Also, I finally got around to starting these guys.

Not too sure where to go from there though.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/23 07:15:12

Post by: Red Harvest

Nice work on the Anaconda. Have you finished the pilot yet?

Perhaps Kiki thinks the camera will steal her soul?

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/23 07:26:49

Post by: Barzam

Thanks. I haven't even touched the pilot yet. I'm going to lay off of the Infinity for just a bit so I can work through some of these Eldar.

Kiki always looks worried.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/23 12:31:55

Post by: GrimDork

Haha both dogs are rather cute I still prefer the Corgi though.

Nice looking eldar!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/23 13:59:17

Post by: Chemical Cutthroat

Agreed, every Kelpie I see looks somewhere between deeply concerned and slightly neurotic. Love em' though!

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/24 06:43:06

Post by: Barzam

 Chemical Cutthroat wrote:
Agreed, every Kelpie I see looks somewhere between deeply concerned and slightly neurotic. Love em' though!

Are you around a lot of Kelpies?

I've finally gotten around to formatting those pics of my Hojo Clan Eldar. So, enjoy some more Eldar troops.

Dire Avengers (basic)

Dire Avenger (badass)

I know this guy is probably not game legal, but I don't really care. He looks cool.

My whopping TWO Guardians

These guys were from the "cheapie" pack of 4 mono-pose guys. The other two from the set were used to try out camo patterns that didn't turn out so well. These guys were done to see which scheme I'd prefer for the basic troops as their standard colors. I'm leaning more towards the one on the right.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/24 06:53:23

Post by: shasolenzabi

They look good Barzam

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/24 19:08:25

Post by: soulcow

Just started skimming through this thread ^^ nice work.
I don't know much about Eldar, but why don't you mix the basic troop colours up? I wouldn't know if Eldar have another view on uniforms than IG :p

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/24 23:15:33

Post by: GrimDork

I think he's painting them up like some kind of uhh... period Asiatic army of some kind? Or maybe something else, there's a theme in there somewhere, but it's beyond my realm of experience.

They do look nice

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 231440140/04/15 04:55:44

Post by: Barzam

Yeah, like I said, I was basing them of Takeda Shingen. His guys are usually depicted wearing red and black armor. The Exarch was supposed to have the Takeda clan crest on his sashimono, but due to someone's error, he wound up with Hojo's crest. The Eldar were 40k's original space samurai anyway, so it seemed fitting to base my own Eldar on a samurai clan.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/25 18:39:37

Post by: soulcow

No I meant, between the two colour schemes you made on the two guys out of the pack of 4 ^^ Why don't you mix your troops up with those two schemes? Because I can imagine an IG army taking the same colours because they wear uniforms, but I don't know about uniforms in eldar armies
And I wouldn't know if mixing up similar colour schemes could be cool or would look odd :/

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/26 05:46:20

Post by: Barzam

I'm not too sure about that either. Most people paint their Eldar armies up pretty uniformly, from what I've seen. I may do the Guardians with a bit more individuality. As long as they retain the main colors of black, red, and bit of bone, and brass, I don't really care if they all match up. We'll see how the mood strikes me whenever I eventually get to that point.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/26 07:55:25

Post by: Pacific

I absolutely love the new Morat miniature style, but there are a few of the older ones I do like - this one especially!

Very nice job with all of the minis! The Anaconda looks fantastic, I love the colour scheme you have used for it.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/04/28 12:54:26

Post by: Chemical Cutthroat

Actually chief, at least last time I played, the Dire Avenger Exarch IS totally legal that way. You can give him two shuriken catapults, and the Bladestorm ability (or whatever it is called) and he's basically a crazy bullet-hell shuriken shooting machine gun.

I love the scheme.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/05/03 09:43:34

Post by: Barzam

Really? I can use them like that? Huh.

Thanks for the kind words, guys.

This week hasn't been productive at all. I've been having some issues with insomnia and it's been getting me stressed out. About all I managed to do this week as complete a couple more Banshees. I'll post more pics of them when I get one of their Exarchs done.

Today and yesterday though, I actually was productive! I got a few things done, or at least close to done.

I got the first of my retro Crimson Fists done. His insignia decal didn't want to sit right though no matter what I did with it.

I got my G1 Plague painted. All he needs now is his basing.

And I finally started working on one of my Unity Council powered armor troops. I actually did more work after the photo was taken and he's nearly finished. I just need to finish up painting his base.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/05/03 12:43:38

Post by: Chemical Cutthroat

Wow... what is that last guy again? That miniature looks all kinds of awesome. Though I'm a sucker for any sort of rotary weapon.

The retro guy looks good. A little bright for Crimson Fists, but I can't remember if they were brighter back then or not. He's a little blast from the past.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/05/03 13:06:52

Post by: GrimDork

Cool stuff all 'round.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/05/03 14:16:38

Post by: Barzam

 Chemical Cutthroat wrote:
Wow... what is that last guy again? That miniature looks all kinds of awesome. Though I'm a sucker for any sort of rotary weapon.

The retro guy looks good. A little bright for Crimson Fists, but I can't remember if they were brighter back then or not. He's a little blast from the past.

The Crimson Fist seems dark enough for me.

The power armor is an AJAX Power Suit for the Unity Council faction in Afterlife, which is being done by Anvil Industry.
The figures I got were part of their recent Kickstarter. No rules yet, but they should be coming before too long. They just put out some great looking attack dogs that I'm going to have to pick up, too.

Also, I went ahead and completed that AJAX.

and a shot so the markings are visible.

That UC Marine on the right was just finished last night, too. And I forgot to mention, I magnetized the arms on the AJAX, so when I get to them, I'll be able to swap out the arms to give him different loadouts.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/05/03 14:44:30

Post by: Chemical Cutthroat

That looks badass. I really like those miniatures, and the paint job looks great chief.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/05/04 00:46:03

Post by: GrimDork

Those are spiffy, and well painted. I could see folk using them as not-terminators and not-guardsmen for sure. Or for their intended purpose, that's always a thing

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/05/04 16:33:17

Post by: Red Harvest

Good stuff.

About the Crimson Fist decal... there is no nice way to say this, but decals pretty much suck when applied to curved surfaces. So, you're going to have to paint the insignia on if you want it to look really nice.

Had to smile when I saw the beaky though. Takes me back to the good old days of RT/2nd ed.

Barzam Paints random miniatures- 6/30/2020 Dusk Raider Thunder Warrior Sniper @ 2014/05/05 12:28:07

Post by: Chemical Cutthroat

I used to have a bottle of this varnish-like stuff that your could paint over decals and it would 'suck them up' for lack of a better term, and really stick em' to curved surfaces. Sort of like those easter egg sleeves that you dip in hot water and they conform around the egg.

I can't for th elife of me remember what the stuff is called. I'll have to poke around in my brain-files some more.