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Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/17 18:19:01

Post by: mondo80

So according to Bell of Lost Souls, the Necrons will be the next one to get an updated codex.


New talk is doing the rounds on the Necrons coming in the months ahead, on the heels of Grey Knights.

Codexwise: the Necron codex is described as being a minimal updated codex, similar to Grey Knights, crammed into a very short release window.

Models: Unlike Grey Knights there is talk of a new combo-plastic kit for Destroyers which will include the parts for Heavy Destroyers and Necron Destroyer Lords. There is mixed chatter on whether the clear green rod will be replaced with standard plastic.

Timing: Look for these to be coming in Fall.

Most likely become a Hardcover book be written in a format similar to the Ork codex.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/17 18:25:44

Post by: Kangodo

From Lord_Gir:
This 'talk' is based pretty much on speculation as far as I can tell ('cos I'm such an authority). The Necron Codex (hardcover) 'disappeared' from the UK and US GW sites and the AUS one on closer inspection. But with a bit of digging you can still find it in the "codexes and supplements' sections. The rest seems to be wish-listing and educated guesses as to what would need to be done for the release

And the rumours are worthy of face-palming.
"Coming in Fall" < This will mean somewhere in the next five months. My baby-nephew could tell us that
"Minimal updated" < Wild guessing from people on a forum. "Grey Knights had a minimal update, perhaps Necrons will have the same" is not a reliable rumour.

That post was made for clicks, nothing more.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/17 18:26:03

Post by: changerofways

Mephiston is not pleased.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/17 18:26:45

Post by: MajorWesJanson

If true, good good good! For one, they need fixes for the good of the meta- Tesla should not work on snap-fire. And the Tran-C'Tan and Mindshackle Scarabs need toned down. And as a bonus, it means my wallet can relax for a few weeks.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/17 18:45:43

Post by: Kangodo

All I hope for is that they don't give in to the lame QQ about Tesla and MSS.
If MSS makes you lose the game, you should learn the rules.
 changerofways wrote:
Mephiston is not pleased.
That had to be expected!
We've had Space Wolves and Grey Knights. I was nearly 99% sure that the next release would be Xenos.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/17 18:48:57

Post by: gianlucafiorentini123

''Coming in the months ahead'' makes me doubt this rumour, recently the best we've been getting is about 2 weeks notice.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/17 19:06:21

Post by: Tannhauser42

On the other hand, I would not be surprised by a quick update to the Necron Codex. No new models are really needed, other than maybe some big mechanical gribbly? But we already have the FW Tomb Stalker for that.

Also, there is a possibly underhanded reason for the quick releases of the GK and Necron codices: removing Matt Ward's name from the publications. After those two, how many others will still have him credited as the author?

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/17 19:07:52

Post by: omerakk

Banking on Destroyers and monoliths becoming awesome again since after they nerf wraiths, mss, annihilation barges, night scythes, and chariots... we won't have much else to play with

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/17 19:16:43

Post by: Thokt

 MajorWesJanson wrote:
If true, good good good! For one, they need fixes for the good of the meta- Tesla should not work on snap-fire. And the Tran-C'Tan and Mindshackle Scarabs need toned down. And as a bonus, it means my wallet can relax for a few weeks.

Boooooo. Necrons aren't exactly rolling everyone in the tourney scene, and without any reliable high strength shooting, we're very reliant on those barges dealing out the hurt. Sure, NS rock the same weapon, but come from reserves and require careful maneuvering to line up targets. I really feel that tesla working on snap shots is one of my army's standard rule bends, like RP or ATSKNF or BF etc. Necrons have some severe limitations to deal with, very limited range, one feasible CC unit, very limited tank punching weapons, etc. Come to think of it, as far as ground forces go, are only source of medium level firepower is the AB. Why nerf 'em?

I'd be happier with a codex that made a variety of Necron units, new or old, competitively feasible, so we can see a similar variety in builds. Necrons are not incredibly OP - they have fewer OP units than a number of armies out there, and have not proved to be an OP force in recent tourney builds. I think players have just gotten a bit weary of the same old tricks, but that's not the fault of the Necron player - we just need a new bag of tricks.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/17 19:55:23

Post by: UltraPrime

 Tannhauser42 wrote:
Also, there is a possibly underhanded reason for the quick releases of the GK and Necron codices: removing Matt Ward's name from the publications. After those two, how many others will still have him credited as the author?

This is taking some peoples delusions a little too far...

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/17 20:17:20

Post by: Tannhauser42

UltraPrime wrote:
 Tannhauser42 wrote:
Also, there is a possibly underhanded reason for the quick releases of the GK and Necron codices: removing Matt Ward's name from the publications. After those two, how many others will still have him credited as the author?

This is taking some peoples delusions a little too far...

Except, I have nothing personal against Matt Ward, so I'll thank you for not implying I am delusional. But I honestly would not be surprised if GW may want to remove his name from their products, as he is no longer employed there. Particularly if his departure was less-than-amicable, and, especially, if he were to work for another game developer. If you were GW, would you want to sell a product with his name featured on it if he were to start working for a competitor?

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/17 20:34:59

Post by: BlackRaven1987!!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Why does GW hate me!!!!!! Come on my BA NEED an update I have spen countless hours/days/weeks painting customizing and making the army the best I have ever done why can't they toss me a bone PLEASE!!!!!

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/17 21:02:40

Post by: Frankenberry

My Blood Angels are now Black Raging.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/17 21:04:08

Post by: Azreal13

 Tannhauser42 wrote:
On the other hand, I would not be surprised by a quick update to the Necron Codex. No new models are really needed, other than maybe some big mechanical gribbly? But we already have the FW Tomb Stalker for that.

Also, there is a possibly underhanded reason for the quick releases of the GK and Necron codices: removing Matt Ward's name from the publications. After those two, how many others will still have him credited as the author?

The existence of the BA book makes this theory very dubious.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/17 21:38:43

Post by: Tannhauser42

And isn't the BA book also due for an update, as well? Besides, my eBook version of the BA Codex is credited to the Design Studio.

Honestly, no, I do not put much (next-to-none, really) stock in this "theory" at all, but I did say I would not be surprised if it was something GW wants to do.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/17 22:00:41

Post by: Azreal13

The BA book is the oldest Ward book, and thanks to core edition changes and other codexes, the weakest, and was also rumoured to be ahead of the others in the queue.

To potentially bring another Ward book forward to eliminate his name from the books when there is already a Ward book in line for update and in greater need defies logic.

Which probably means its true.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/18 06:11:58

Post by: DexKivuli

I'd be really pleased if a sea of reanimating metal skeletons is a credible list! Nagash Warhammer Fantasy Battle to 40k cross-over kit ;-)

 Thokt wrote:
... very limited tank punching weapons ...

I think there are many things that it can be argued Necrons don't have... but I think we've got quite flexible anti-tank. Gauss, haywire stormteks, Eldritch lance destroteks, war scythes. When I'm using necrons, tanks are one of the things that don't cause me the least bit of stress.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/18 15:44:56

Post by: Anpu-adom

UltraPrime wrote:
 Tannhauser42 wrote:
Also, there is a possibly underhanded reason for the quick releases of the GK and Necron codices: removing Matt Ward's name from the publications. After those two, how many others will still have him credited as the author?

This is taking some peoples delusions a little too far...

They did something similar (albeit slower) when Alessio Cavatore left the company.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/18 15:50:20

Post by: ClassicCarraway

 DexKivuli wrote:
I'd be really pleased if a sea of reanimating metal skeletons is a credible list! Nagash Warhammer Fantasy Battle to 40k cross-over kit ;-)

 Thokt wrote:
... very limited tank punching weapons ...

I think there are many things that it can be argued Necrons don't have... but I think we've got quite flexible anti-tank. Gauss, haywire stormteks, Eldritch lance destroteks, war scythes. When I'm using necrons, tanks are one of the things that don't cause me the least bit of stress.

Yeah, my regular Necron opponent LOVES it when I take lots of AV against him. He practically cackles madly as I deploy my future casualties, er I mean, tanks.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/18 15:57:42

Post by: CthuluIsSpy

 DexKivuli wrote:
I'd be really pleased if a sea of reanimating metal skeletons is a credible list! Nagash Warhammer Fantasy Battle to 40k cross-over kit ;-)

 Thokt wrote:
... very limited tank punching weapons ...

I think there are many things that it can be argued Necrons don't have... but I think we've got quite flexible anti-tank. Gauss, haywire stormteks, Eldritch lance destroteks, war scythes. When I'm using necrons, tanks are one of the things that don't cause me the least bit of stress.

Technically he does have a point. There are few High-strength low AP weapons in the necron arsenal, which does mean that necrons have to rely on RoF to down tanks.
Which they can totally do.

What they do struggle with are monstrous creatures, but that's understandable; being able to wreck vehicles army wide whilst being slightly weaker to MC than most armies is a fair trade, imo.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/18 16:00:05

Post by: Sigvatr

If they retcon the fluff back, I'll spend 1000$ right on the spot.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/18 16:16:11

Post by: th3maninblak

 Azreal13 wrote:
The BA book is the oldest Ward book, and thanks to core edition changes and other codexes, the weakest, and was also rumoured to be ahead of the others in the queue.

To potentially bring another Ward book forward to eliminate his name from the books when there is already a Ward book in line for update and in greater need defies logic.

Which probably means its true.

This makes sense. Necrons are fine, and honestly could wait another year for an update and not feel the sting. If it takes much longer, us Blood Angels players might actually rage out and raid GW headquarters.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/18 16:19:20

Post by: Kangodo

 Sigvatr wrote:
If they retcon the fluff back, I'll spend 1000$ right on the spot.

You can buy my 5th Edition book for $500, that will save you 50%!!!
 CthuluIsSpy wrote:
Technically he does have a point. There are few High-strength low AP weapons in the necron arsenal, which does mean that necrons have to rely on RoF to down tanks.
Which they can totally do.

What they do struggle with are monstrous creatures, but that's understandable; being able to wreck vehicles army wide whilst being slightly weaker to MC than most armies is a fair trade, imo.
That is true, but that VOF is only within 24", anything beyond that is really dangerous.
We do have some long-range options, but they are generally 'meeh'.
Stalker has 36" range and quite expensive for their life-expectancy.
Heavy Destroyers are 36" and overcosted.
Gauss Pylons got kicked in their big shiny metal balls by 7th Edition.'
Doomsday Arcs could use Ordnance or something.
And then we have the Transcendent C'tan.

I don't mind having fewer options against MC's, I think it fits the army and their style.

 th3maninblak wrote:
This makes sense. Necrons are fine, and honestly could wait another year for an update and not feel the sting. If it takes much longer, us Blood Angels players might actually rage out and raid GW headquarters.

I think both armies desperately need an update.
Blood Angels because 'Black Rage' is not just a special rule, it's how people feel when they play their army.
Necrons because they need a lot of small tweaks. It's a good Codex, especially in the tournament scene. But nearly every unit could use a small tweak or change.

I personally thought it would be: Dark Eldar > Blood Angels > Necrons.
Any way would make me sad, because it'd be an attack on my wallet since I want all the new units ánd Limited Editions of BA and Crons.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/18 16:25:01

Post by: Uriels_Flame

I played necrons when I had 1 HQ (Lord), 1 Elite (Immortals), 1 Troop (Warriors), and 2 FA options (Destroyers and Scarabs).

It was so easy back then....

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/18 16:25:50

Post by: lliu

Woo hoo! Hope Necrons don't get nerfed.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/18 16:28:54

Post by: Sigvatr

Kangodo wrote:
 Sigvatr wrote:
If they retcon the fluff back, I'll spend 1000$ right on the spot.

You can buy my 5th Edition book for $500, that will save you 50%!!!

I recently sold my own 5th codex

I'd even pay 2000$. 1000$ for common sense and going back to TruCron and 1000$ for the entire act being basically spitting Matt Derp in the face.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/18 16:33:48

Post by: CthuluIsSpy

I wouldn't be surprised is GW released a supplement that appealed to the Oldcron players.
Complete with C'tan cults and hoards of killer robots.

Tbh, I was hoping for there to be renegade tech-priests who are affiliated with the Necrons. Just imagine it, Skitarri decked out with gauss. That would have been awesome, and it would have reflected that bit of lore in the 3E codex about Mars.

I guess the design team just didn't want Necrons to compete with Chaos in the mortal minions department.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/18 16:34:28

Post by: Sigvatr

 CthuluIsSpy wrote:
I wouldn't be surprised is GW released a supplement that appealed to the Oldcron players.

Fall of Orpheus?

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/18 16:39:40

Post by: pretre

Ahh, Larry. Well, we'll see how this shakes out.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/18 16:47:18

Post by: Anpu-adom

I expect our Fearless units to get a nerf, similar to Instinctive Behavior for Nids or Mob Rule for Orks. GW still seems to fear effective tarpitting.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/18 16:49:27

Post by: CthuluIsSpy

 Sigvatr wrote:
 CthuluIsSpy wrote:
I wouldn't be surprised is GW released a supplement that appealed to the Oldcron players.

Fall of Orpheus?

Still no pariahs and C'tan though.
I mean, GW can charge you another $10 for the privilege of using a unit that was in a prior edition

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/18 17:02:13

Post by: BrotherGecko

I have never bought into the rage quit hysteria when it comes to new codexes until now. I think GW is on a knifes edge with this potential release. Too much nerf and I feel like I will be honestly done. Given how LoW have busted the game I already don't like the state of things. Making me spend $50 for arbitrary point changes and the potential loss of things will not endear me to continue with the hobby.

Bring back Pariahs please. Don't really care how they mold back into the fluff. Bring back The Deceiver and Nightbringer. Put the C'tan back to where they were or at least let the OG 4 still be independent forces within a greater Necron power struggle. You can keep the dynasties and sentient lords. But return them to being cosmic horrors ruled by careless gods. Give me a flayed one / warrior dual kit or plastic flayed ones. Make them more betterer by maybe allowing lords to join them.

Enough of the wish listing as I could go on and on with it. Fact of the matter is I don't need another terrabad army (DA anyone). I would probably have to walk away if it came down to it.

.....doesn't help that Infinity is rapidly hitting me in all the happy zones with what they have been doing lately.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/18 17:11:11

Post by: Las

I'm not surprised. If you look at the army descriptions in the 7th fluff book necrons boast a 7th style art page. The releases have pretty much been in line with this. Which makes me sad for DE.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/18 17:12:52

Post by: Mechanical Crow

 Tannhauser42 wrote:

Also, there is a possibly underhanded reason for the quick releases of the GK and Necron codices: removing Matt Ward's name from the publications. After those two, how many others will still have him credited as the author?

Actually that's not far from the truth, they did the same in fantasy with Alessio, I think it has something to do with residual payments.

Also its worth noting that before 7th there was the rumour of crons vs blood angels as the starter set, so it can be a possibility that crons and blood angels are the next campaign.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/18 19:13:51

Post by: th3maninblak

 Mechanical Crow wrote:
 Tannhauser42 wrote:

Also, there is a possibly underhanded reason for the quick releases of the GK and Necron codices: removing Matt Ward's name from the publications. After those two, how many others will still have him credited as the author?

Actually that's not far from the truth, they did the same in fantasy with Alessio, I think it has something to do with residual payments.

Also its worth noting that before 7th there was the rumour of crons vs blood angels as the starter set, so it can be a possibility that crons and blood angels are the next campaign.

Yeah i never heard that. I thought it was supposed to be orks vs BA. That was the rumor forever.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/18 19:18:47

Post by: Jaceevoke

I just can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of dread at this prospect

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/18 19:41:48

Post by: Cryptek of Awesome

 Jaceevoke wrote:
I just can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of dread at this prospect

I'm going to take it as encouragement to get a bunch of games in with a codex I actually like.

I'll also cling to a shred of hope that they'll make Monoliths good again.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/18 20:26:11

Post by: Anpu-adom

Crypteks... seriously.

C'Tan need to be worth their points. And be flying monstrous creatures.
Tesla will instead match the rule that is in the Space Wolf codex... no extra hits on snapshots.
Necron shooting... just about everything needs another shot. Gauss flayers need to move to Assault 3 or something.
It would make sense that Necron vehicles could overwatch when assaulted (being sentient, etc).
Like I said earlier, our scarabs, spyders, and wraiths will be nerfed somehow... just because they are fearless.
MSS will get a nerf... even though it isn't overpowered. It literally gives us half a chance in cc vs a space marine special character.
We'll get a Warlord Table with the special abilities of our special characters on it.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Jaceevoke wrote:
I just can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of dread at this prospect

Me too.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/18 20:33:10

Post by: RivenSkull

 Anpu-adom wrote:
Crypteks... seriously.

C'Tan need to be worth their points. And be flying monstrous creatures.
Tesla will instead match the rule that is in the Space Wolf codex... no extra hits on snapshots.
Necron shooting... just about everything needs another shot. Gauss flayers need to move to Assault 3 or something.
It would make sense that Necron vehicles could overwatch when assaulted (being sentient, etc).
Like I said earlier, our scarabs, spyders, and wraiths will be nerfed somehow... just because they are fearless.
MSS will get a nerf... even though it isn't overpowered. It literally gives us half a chance in cc vs a space marine special character.
We'll get a Warlord Table with the special abilities of our special characters on it.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Jaceevoke wrote:
I just can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of dread at this prospect

Me too.

Yeah, I have this creeping dread the new codex may get semi gutted.

With Tesla? No doubt the no snapshot thing now thinking about it. Now all the Necron Players will have to buy new Immortal boxes to make Gauss Immortals.

Don't forget the 30 point cost increases for AB and Scythes.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/18 20:39:05

Post by: Sigvatr

Nerfing Tesla Immortals will make Immortals change from being "meh" to "worthless".

Immortals were useful before because they had Assault weapons with a 24" range. Rapid Fire weapons were stay still and fire 1 shot at 24" or move but only fire at 12''. This was because Immortals were useful (besides the higher T).

But since Rapid Fire weapons can now move and fire at 24", Assault lost all its advantages for Immortals. In fact, Assault is now WORSE than Rapid Fire.

Immortals already aren't a very good unit and nerfing them will make them disappear from the battle field completely.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/19 02:54:55

Post by: Neronoxx

The only way to go from the top is down right?

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/19 11:34:05

Post by: ChaosxVoid

Love necrons, can't wait for anything they release, will probably get the special edition book too haha

Really if you fear dread or find yourself going to a different hobby dont do the models and switch hobby, more necrons for me

I like the move necrons have taken, from soulless automatons that fade away to noble killers that keep coming back.

my 2pense

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/21 14:23:00

Post by: chnmmr

I am dreading the Necron release as the Grey Knight book is a sign of bad thins to come.

I predict:

1) Crypteks gone (they have a generic model without tons of options.)
2) Stuff people used gets nerfed
3) stuff people didn't use gets barely buffed.
4) All the funky wargear options will be removed. Ie mindshackle scarabs, etc
5) the AV13 till penetrated rule will be changed to until glanced.
6) Monoliths will be nerfed for a stupid reason.
7) C'tan shards will be removed from the codex and placed in a data slate... nerfed.
8) War sycthes will be nerfed to AP3.
9) Gauss will be removed.

I know this looks incredibly cynical, but it is inline with changes to the GK codex.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/21 14:34:32

Post by: CaptainLoken

Wow....one of the most over powered books gets a "nerf", so that it is in line with other armies, and people freak...

By the way, Grey Knights are STILL powerful...just not so stupid as they once were. Psychic Space Marines with assault bolters and Force Weapons on EVERY model is POWERFUL. Don't believe me? Do the mathammer, and see for yourselves.

"No more Psybolt ammo? I QUIT!!!" Good. Go. Go FAR away. Rapid fire Missile Launchers on Dreadnoughts was too much.

As it is, each Grey Knight squad can get at LEAST 20 S4 AP5 Assault shots, followed up by 22 S7 AP3 Force attacks at I4 on the charge. If you can't do it with that, then you are doing it wrong.

Necrons are going to get nerfed, and I cannot wait. Watching every vehicle vanish off the table by Turn 2 due to TROOP fire is too much. The Necron Air Force is too much. Mindnumbing Scarabs are too much. S7 weapons that ignore ALL armor saves is too much.

If you can't play fair, then go play another game.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/21 14:35:20

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Wouldn't it be awesome if Crypteks got a kit like this one.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/21 14:41:26

Post by: Brother SRM

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
Wouldn't it be awesome if Crypteks got a kit like this one.

It's a shame they didn't really follow through with kits like that one, the Terminator Lord, and the Space Marine Captain. The single sprue plastics are neat and everything, but I really liked the options available. I wouldn't be surprised if there was just a plastic Cryptek in a clampack.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/21 14:42:40

Post by: lliu

Yes, Necrons are coming, so please don't buy the current codex. A month until the new one comes out.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/21 14:51:13

Post by: Kangodo

 CaptainLoken wrote:
Necrons are going to get nerfed, and I cannot wait. Watching every vehicle vanish off the table by Turn 2 due to TROOP fire is too much. The Necron Air Force is too much. Mindnumbing Scarabs are too much. S7 weapons that ignore ALL armor saves is too much.

You are contradicting yourself.
1) You can only have all Vehicles removed at turn 2 if your opponent is spamming blobs of Warriors, which means he isn't going to play Wraiths (only place where MSS is worth it) or Flyers.
2) Night Scythes probably get the Valkyrie treatment (going from 100 to 125).
3) They are called Mindshackle Scarabs and are only worth it on Destroyer Lords.
4) S7, AP1 attacks on one model is too much? Didn't you just talk about Grey Knights where every model comes with a Nemesis Force Sword and Hammerhand?

Sorry to ruin your party, but an army with a 55% winchance on tournaments will not see any significant amount of nerfs.

chnmmr wrote:
I am dreading the Necron release as the Grey Knight book is a sign of bad thins to come.

I predict:

1) Crypteks gone (they have a generic model without tons of options.)
2) Stuff people used gets nerfed
3) stuff people didn't use gets barely buffed.
4) All the funky wargear options will be removed. Ie mindshackle scarabs, etc
5) the AV13 till penetrated rule will be changed to until glanced.
6) Monoliths will be nerfed for a stupid reason.
7) C'tan shards will be removed from the codex and placed in a data slate... nerfed.
8) War sycthes will be nerfed to AP3.
9) Gauss will be removed.

I know this looks incredibly cynical, but it is inline with changes to the GK codex.

Ooh please, what a nonsense. The GK-Codex got non-GK units removed from the book and one unit that didn't have a model.
So unless you think they will make a Canoptek-dataslate no such thing is going to happen.
And we do have a model for nearly everything, exception being the Harbingers. But we do have a Generic Cryptek-model.

1) Not going to happen, there is a higher chance we get a new Harbinger-type as some form of Psychic-protection.
2) I can guarantee you that units like Barges and Night Scythes get a cost-increase.
3) Like what?
4) No, no, no, I'm not even going to bother with this.

The new Grey Knight-codex is amazing unless you played a lot of Inquisition/Assassins.
I understand that some people dislike the change, but please keep the ranting to the GK-thread and don't ruin the Necron-thread with dumb predictions.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/21 15:08:36

Post by: chnmmr

Kangodo wrote:
 CaptainLoken wrote:
Necrons are going to get nerfed, and I cannot wait. Watching every vehicle vanish off the table by Turn 2 due to TROOP fire is too much. The Necron Air Force is too much. Mindnumbing Scarabs are too much. S7 weapons that ignore ALL armor saves is too much.

You are contradicting yourself.
1) You can only have all Vehicles removed at turn 2 if your opponent is spamming blobs of Warriors, which means he isn't going to play Wraiths (only place where MSS is worth it) or Flyers.
2) Night Scythes probably get the Valkyrie treatment (going from 100 to 125).
3) They are called Mindshackle Scarabs and are only worth it on Destroyer Lords.
4) S7, AP1 attacks on one model is too much? Didn't you just talk about Grey Knights where every model comes with a Nemesis Force Sword and Hammerhand?

Sorry to ruin your party, but an army with a 55% winchance on tournaments will not see any significant amount of nerfs.

chnmmr wrote:
I am dreading the Necron release as the Grey Knight book is a sign of bad thins to come.

I predict:

1) Crypteks gone (they have a generic model without tons of options.)
2) Stuff people used gets nerfed
3) stuff people didn't use gets barely buffed.
4) All the funky wargear options will be removed. Ie mindshackle scarabs, etc
5) the AV13 till penetrated rule will be changed to until glanced.
6) Monoliths will be nerfed for a stupid reason.
7) C'tan shards will be removed from the codex and placed in a data slate... nerfed.
8) War sycthes will be nerfed to AP3.
9) Gauss will be removed.

I know this looks incredibly cynical, but it is inline with changes to the GK codex.

Ooh please, what a nonsense. The GK-Codex got non-GK units removed from the book and one unit that didn't have a model.
So unless you think they will make a Canoptek-dataslate no such thing is going to happen.
And we do have a model for nearly everything, exception being the Harbingers. But we do have a Generic Cryptek-model.

1) Not going to happen, there is a higher chance we get a new Harbinger-type as some form of Psychic-protection.
2) I can guarantee you that units like Barges and Night Scythes get a cost-increase.
3) Like what?
4) No, no, no, I'm not even going to bother with this.

The new Grey Knight-codex is amazing unless you played a lot of Inquisition/Assassins.
I understand that some people like the change, but please keep the ranting to the GK-thread and don't ruin the Necron-thread with dumb predictions.

I'm not ranting. I genuinely believe this is the tone of changes to expect. Streamline and making the codex less complicated to use, which will probably result in a lot of options being removed unfortunately, especially if they break the flow of a turn when used. I'm sorry you don't like it, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if the Necrons lost a lot of their toys like the arrow, maze and such. Not because they are overpowered, but because they break the flow of the turn.

We will see, I hope it will be a simple fixing to make their rules fit with 7th ed as I have a sizable necron force myself. But focusing -purely- on the GK component of the GK codex, you can get a feel in my opinion of the type of changes that GW will be doing to the remaining codexes.

-Simplicity probably as the loss of some army flavour.
-More focus on the army having specific advantages and disadvantages.

We'll see what actual leaks come out (if it is indeed necrons next,) rather than getting irritated when someone makes a prediction that is as valid as any other.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/21 15:15:28

Post by: Davespil

 CaptainLoken wrote:
Wow....one of the most over powered books gets a "nerf", so that it is in line with other armies, and people freak...

By the way, Grey Knights are STILL powerful...just not so stupid as they once were. Psychic Space Marines with assault bolters and Force Weapons on EVERY model is POWERFUL. Don't believe me? Do the mathammer, and see for yourselves.

"No more Psybolt ammo? I QUIT!!!" Good. Go. Go FAR away. Rapid fire Missile Launchers on Dreadnoughts was too much.

As it is, each Grey Knight squad can get at LEAST 20 S4 AP5 Assault shots, followed up by 22 S7 AP3 Force attacks at I4 on the charge. If you can't do it with that, then you are doing it wrong.

Necrons are going to get nerfed, and I cannot wait. Watching every vehicle vanish off the table by Turn 2 due to TROOP fire is too much. The Necron Air Force is too much. Mindnumbing Scarabs are too much. S7 weapons that ignore ALL armor saves is too much.

If you can't play fair, then go play another game.

Your rant is less of an indictment of an overpowered army and more about you being a terrible player. We should nerf a fairly even army because you can't beat them. What else can't you beat? I'll get Matt Ward right on it.

Other than the flyer spam which might or might not get a point increase, Necrons is a pretty fair and balanced codex. But having seen what they did to Orks I am worried. I don't know how much of a point increase they'd put on the flyers, though. They were written with 6th ed and the flyer rules in mind. The point increase would be minimal if any to the Doomscythe, and probably like 20 to the Night Scythe. And since unbound is now the thing, every army can have flyer spam.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/21 15:24:10

Post by: pretre

 Davespil wrote:
I'll get Matt Ward right on it.

You might want to watch your Rule 1 there buddy. Also, you might want to read up on recent events. Ward is out.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/21 15:26:44

Post by: ChaosxVoid

necrons are far from being over powered, they are good for sure, I hope they dont change much and add some more models and not take away the characters.

All we can do is wait and see and try to ignore the salty people lol

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/21 15:34:30

Post by: Thud

Larry Vela wrote:Breaking news!

GW, having released 7 codexes in the first eight months of 2014, will release a new codex some time in the remaining four months. Probably. It will have the same format as the other 7th codexes, most likely, and may or may not be accompanied by new models.

Stay tuned for more!

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/21 15:35:11

Post by: Kangodo

chnmmr wrote:
I'm not ranting. I genuinely believe this is the tone of changes to expect. Streamline and making the codex less complicated to use, which will probably result in a lot of options being removed unfortunately, especially if they break the flow of a turn when used. I'm sorry you don't like it, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if the Necrons lost a lot of their toys like the arrow, maze and such. Not because they are overpowered, but because they break the flow of the turn.

And what gave you that idea? GK's have a lot of options.
Hell, the Librarian is just insane with thousands of combinations.
5 weapons, 2 different ML's, 5 options of ranged weapons, 6 options of Relics and 4 different Special Issue Wargear.
If anything, the Codex: Necrons have too few options compared to what the last three armies gained.

Things we will probably see:
-Lord-wargear list that every lord has access to.
-List of Relics for Overlords (and perhaps C'tans).
-Point increase to Barge and Night Scythe
-Rewording of MSS (because they've reworded it in every FAQ)

We will see, I hope it will be a simple fixing to make their rules fit with 7th ed as I have a sizable necron force myself. But focusing -purely- on the GK component of the GK codex, you can get a feel in my opinion of the type of changes that GW will be doing to the remaining codexes.
As I said: Remove Canopteks and have their own dataslate so each army can use them?
Highly unlikely.
We'll see what actual leaks come out (if it is indeed necrons next,) rather than getting irritated when someone makes a prediction that is as valid as any other.

No, that is false.
Some predictions are more valid that others:
Saying they'll get a list of Relics is really valid.
Saying they'll move C'tan shards to a dataslate because of Assassins! is not really valid, that would be as valid as saying that all Gauss weapons become S10.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/21 16:13:28

Post by: CalgarsPimpHand

 CaptainLoken wrote:
Wow....one of the most over powered books gets a "nerf", so that it is in line with other armies, and people freak...

By the way, Grey Knights are STILL powerful...just not so stupid as they once were. Psychic Space Marines with assault bolters and Force Weapons on EVERY model is POWERFUL. Don't believe me? Do the mathammer, and see for yourselves.

"No more Psybolt ammo? I QUIT!!!" Good. Go. Go FAR away. Rapid fire Missile Launchers on Dreadnoughts was too much.

As it is, each Grey Knight squad can get at LEAST 20 S4 AP5 Assault shots, followed up by 22 S7 AP3 Force attacks at I4 on the charge. If you can't do it with that, then you are doing it wrong.

Necrons are going to get nerfed, and I cannot wait. Watching every vehicle vanish off the table by Turn 2 due to TROOP fire is too much. The Necron Air Force is too much. Mindnumbing Scarabs are too much. S7 weapons that ignore ALL armor saves is too much.

If you can't play fair, then go play another game.

Grey Knights haven't been even remotely OP since 5th edition. There was really nothing unfair about them. Sounds like you have a serious (and outdated) chip on your shoulder.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/21 16:37:58

Post by: Azreal13

 Thud wrote:
Larry Vela wrote:Breaking news!

GW, having released 7 codexes in the first eight months of 2014, will release a new codex some time in the remaining four months. Probably. It will have the same format as the other 7th codexes, most likely, and may or may not be accompanied by new models.

Stay tuned for more!

This is the most accurate thing attributed to Vela in months!

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/21 18:37:36

Post by: Kangodo

 Azreal13 wrote:
This is the most accurate thing attributed to Vela in months!

It's better than faeit212.
Because he makes a mistake and tells us the Codex was removed from the website.
That sparks a big discussion about what we could be seeing.
And then he reports those discussions as 'rumours'.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/21 18:41:50

Post by: Sasori

So... no real rumors here?

I am not looking forward to a new Necron book....

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/21 18:43:42

Post by: blaktoof


also states Dark Eldar next, not necrons.

and lists BA after DE and then necrons...which if true means necrons will be early 2015.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/21 18:43:53

Post by: CthuluIsSpy

 Sasori wrote:
So... no real rumors here?

I am not looking forward to a new Necron book....

Better than having to wait 10 years for one, I guess.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/21 18:54:50

Post by: Uriels_Flame

Poor Brets...

They just can't catch a break. They'll get updated and then the new edition will come out - invalidating their play style

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/21 19:45:02

Post by: jspyd3rx

When sixth edition hit. It was stated every book was to be updated with necron being last.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/21 21:32:00

Post by: MLKTH

The next necron book will likely not be more powerful than the current one, but it will be more compatible with the core rules and might very well have better internal balance. I, as a tournament-going necron player, am looking forward to it.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/22 14:40:11

Post by: adamsouza

Anything really good, gets a slight point bump.

Anything underperforming gets a new special rule and/or a points reduction

New Warlord Traits

Some new formation with a nifty special rule. My guess is endless scarabs, since it encourage the most sales.

MSS gets the rules rewritten and dumbed down


GIANT plastic model - morknaught/ imperial knight sized

Plastic Pariahs

something anti-psyker and something anti-air

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/22 14:41:09

Post by: lliu

 gianlucafiorentini123 wrote:
''Coming in the months ahead'' makes me doubt this rumour, recently the best we've been getting is about 2 weeks notice.
I agree. The Grey Knights news came out a week before and it was correct, but "in fall" is very inaccurate. The metamorphoses of Warhammer 40K makes me think I am coming to know the astuteness if the GW design team. Sorry, I got Erudite for my factions test.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/22 16:02:53

Post by: Anpu-adom

Ok, things that we are guaranteed to get...
New Dataslate-style codex
Warlord Traits
Lords of War in the Codex
Formations in the Codex
Tactical Objective Cards

Things that I can almost guarantee we won't see...
Lost Characters (all of our characters have models... we were the first book designed to deal with the Chapterhouse Lawsuit)
New models... repackaged models, maybe but no new models or units.

Unlikely, but possible...
Monolith packaged with replacements for the green rods.
Warriors packaged with replacements for the green rods.
Warriors repackaged to 8 models and 2 swarms (10 total models)... scarabs entry dropped to 2 per FA choice, for the same or increased price.
Destroyer 3 pack repackaged to include plastic destroyer lord and heavy destroyer bits... that have replacements for the green rods.
Specific Harbinger models

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/22 16:13:38

Post by: wuestenfux

Well, I'm not really happy to hear this.
The actual Necron codex is pretty good and the army is fun to play.
I guess that GW will nerf some units ratiher hard. Hello Strike squad.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/22 16:35:38

Post by: Kangodo

Why wouldn't we get new models? Orks and Space Wolves had them!
 wuestenfux wrote:
Well, I'm not really happy to hear this.
The actual Necron codex is pretty good and the army is fun to play.
I guess that GW will nerf some units ratiher hard. Hello Strike squad.

Anrakyr the Traveller
Illuminor Szeras
Imotekh the Stormlord
Orikan the Diviner
Trazyn the Infinite
Vangard Obyron
Necron Lords
C'tan Shard
Flayed Ones
Triarch Praetorians
Triarch Stalker
Necron Immortals
Necron Destroyers
Doomsday Ark
and Necron Monolith,
They would all love to have a word with you

If increasing the point-cost of Night Scythes, Barges and Wraiths means that the rest will be buffed, then I am incredibly happy.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/22 16:51:25

Post by: wuestenfux

Well, Lynchguard and Triarch Praetorians could be made a bit cheaper. Then there would be eventually playable.
The Doomsday Ark doesn't work properly. It needs an overhaul.
Also the Monolith would require an overhaul. It went from good in the previous incarnation of the codex to absolutely bad.
Wraiths should stay as they are since they are already costly.
Immortals and Warriors are fine.
Destroyers are too expensive to field them, dito for the Heavy version.
Flayed Ones need cheaper models and an overhaul of the rules to make them work.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/22 17:04:12

Post by: Fishboy

Release schedules and rumors are all over the place hehe. Just the other day BOLS had a release schedule showing DE next after all the WFB end of world stuff came out.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/22 17:25:43

Post by: Kangodo

With Orks losing their mob-rule, how likely do you think it will be that we keep Ld10 on everything?

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/22 17:50:33

Post by: Mechanical Crow

I think that fact they hinted at it already on the GW site we might see it in as little as a few weeks.

Don't expect new models.

- Mind shackle scarabs gone or made a relic or mega pricey or nerfed
- night scythes going up to 150+ pts
- Telsa not working on snap fire
- likely that reanimation will just be FNP


Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/22 17:56:55

Post by: wuestenfux

 Mechanical Crow wrote:
I think that fact they hinted at it already on the GW site we might see it in as little as a few weeks.

Don't expect new models.

- Mind shackle scarabs gone or made a relic or mega pricey or nerfed
- night scythes going up to 150+ pts
- Telsa not working on snap fire
- likely that reanimation will just be FNP


This would really be bad news and it has already been said a few times.
But GW is unpredictable.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/22 18:01:44

Post by: Ferrum_Sanguinis

Wow nice job GW, updating the only soft cover dex that DOESN'T need updating.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/22 18:12:58

Post by: Mechanical Crow

 wuestenfux wrote:
 Mechanical Crow wrote:
I think that fact they hinted at it already on the GW site we might see it in as little as a few weeks.

Don't expect new models.

- Mind shackle scarabs gone or made a relic or mega pricey or nerfed
- night scythes going up to 150+ pts
- Telsa not working on snap fire
- likely that reanimation will just be FNP


This would really be bad news and it has already been said a few times.
But GW is unpredictable.

Put it this way, I wont be surprised if GW releases all the ward stuff as quickly as possible without model updates. Or very minor updates. The cron book might actually address the stupidity of the Tranny C'tan.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/22 18:22:25

Post by: Sigvatr

Le list of sensible changes:

- Necron Lord upgrade cost reduced compared to Necron Overlord
- MSS 30 pts
- Streamlined Crypteks - lose most of the equipment as most of it is trash anyway
- LG removed, replaced with Pariahs (anti-Psyker unit that reduces the LD of all nearby enemies to LD 7, nearby Psykers suffer Perils for rolling Doubles, auto-hit Psykers in melee)
- Flayed Ones gain Fearless and Rending
- WBB replaces RP again (4+++, denied by Sx2 or AP2 attacks, regenerate at start of turn, Reg-Orb removes restrictions)
- Immortals gain a Salvo Gauss weapon, pts increase by ~3-5 pts
- CCB cannot join units, wargear is never shared between rider and vehicle
- Named Characters gain a good points reduction
- Add a Named Character that improves WBB and works as a support named character
- Destroyers gain W2
- Triarch Stalker points reduction (20-30)
- C'tan shards: massive points reduction across the board, reworked abilities to specialize each shard
- Wraiths: points increase, ~+15 pts
- Canoptek Spyders: slight points increase, Gloom Prism adds +1 DD each
- Monolith: becomes able to regenerate Necron Warriors and Immortals; if either have been downed in the previous turn, they can be teleported through the portal and re-roll their WBB roll; DS protection is in, Teleportation out of combat is in
- AB get a points increase of 30-ish points
- NS gain a points increase, models may only snapfire if disembarking from a NS
- Doomsday Ark gets more shooting profiles:
+ Standing still: S10 AP1 pie plate
+ up to 6'': S7 AP 2 pie plate
+ 6'' to 12'': S7 AP3 blast
- Gauss SP may fire at all targets with full BS
- finally a FAQ by the lazy bunch aka FW

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/22 19:05:11

Post by: Drakmord

People were saying that RP would become FNP with the last codex, too. I doubt it'll happen.

Tesla not generating extra hits while Snap Firing is likely.

Don't the new Challenge rules make MSS less crazy, already?

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/22 19:16:35

Post by: Anpu-adom

 Sigvatr wrote:
Le list of sensible changes:

- Necron Lord upgrade cost reduced compared to Necron Overlord
- MSS 30 pts
- Streamlined Crypteks - lose most of the equipment as most of it is trash anyway
- LG removed, replaced with Pariahs (anti-Psyker unit that reduces the LD of all nearby enemies to LD 7, nearby Psykers suffer Perils for rolling Doubles, auto-hit Psykers in melee)
- Flayed Ones gain Fearless and Rending
- WBB replaces RP again (4+++, denied by Sx2 or AP2 attacks, regenerate at start of turn, Reg-Orb removes restrictions)
- Immortals gain a Salvo Gauss weapon, pts increase by ~3-5 pts
- CCB cannot join units, wargear is never shared between rider and vehicle
- Named Characters gain a good points reduction
- Add a Named Character that improves WBB and works as a support named character
- Destroyers gain W2
- Triarch Stalker points reduction (20-30)
- C'tan shards: massive points reduction across the board, reworked abilities to specialize each shard
- Wraiths: points increase, ~+15 pts
- Canoptek Spyders: slight points increase, Gloom Prism adds +1 DD each
- Monolith: becomes able to regenerate Necron Warriors and Immortals; if either have been downed in the previous turn, they can be teleported through the portal and re-roll their WBB roll; DS protection is in, Teleportation out of combat is in
- AB get a points increase of 30-ish points
- NS gain a points increase, models may only snapfire if disembarking from a NS
- Doomsday Ark gets more shooting profiles:
+ Standing still: S10 AP1 pie plate
+ up to 6'': S7 AP 2 pie plate
+ 6'' to 12'': S7 AP3 blast
- Gauss SP may fire at all targets with full BS
- finally a FAQ by the lazy bunch aka FW

When had GW done what is sensible?

They will make the changes that might have made sense 2 years ago.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/22 19:59:28

Post by: Sigvatr

Drakmord wrote:

Don't the new Challenge rules make MSS less crazy, already?

6th already made it tame. If you charge yourself, the enemy cannot use his MSS.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/22 22:34:32

Post by: monkeypuzzle

Remove lychguard? What a stupid suggestion. A unit with great models and sensible fluff. If you want pariahs back then add them as a new unit, don't replace an already existing unit with a combo kit. Maybe pariahs could be part of the scheme to transfer necrons back into mortal organic bodies once again?

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/22 23:10:23

Post by: Kangodo

 Sigvatr wrote:
Le list of sensible changes:

-Not just a cost-change (which is needed) but I expect a rework of all weapons so it stops being "Warscythe or GTFO".
Don't know about you, but I've never ever used any of those other options.
Having Voidblades at the same cost of Warscythes is just insulting.
-MSS 30 points would require it to get a buff, because it's already hard to justify it on Lords/Overlords (outside of a CCB)
-Not sure on that, Crypteks are quite standard without their wargear so they'd need Special Rules to make up for it, which increases the base cost.
-Agree on the Flayed Ones, I'm fairly sure they're going to become Troops. It works quite well in IA12.
-Wouldn't that make RP more complicated? It seems they are making army-wide rules easier to understand.
-Immortals with Salvo would be nice, that would make them really different from Warriors. But what numbers are we talking about? Salvo 2/3?
-CCB will surely get that treatment, the Overlord would lose IC if he takes it. But I disagree on the Wargear thing, they had no problem with giving SW's a 4++ Chariot.
-I don't think a point-reduction would be enough, since that still doesn't make them special. My problem with SC's isn't their cost, but more that I see no reason to take them.
-How would we improve WBB/RP with a character?
-Are Destroyers worth 40 points if they had W2?
-Agree on Stalkers, they are quite good atm but too vulnerable for their cost.
-C'tan rework is almost a guarantee.
-50 points for a Wraith might be overdoing it, I'm personally expecting a 5-10 increase.
-Are you sure on the Gloom Prism? They could have done that in the FAQ but it seems they are quite happy with +2 since it's our only defense.
-That would make Monoliths at least 250 points and would overlap with the Ghost Ark, wouldn't it? I am personally expecting them to ignore Ordnance.
-Agree, AB are at least 110 points.
-Don't Night Scythes already have Snap Shots over a certain distance? Valyries went from 100 to 125 and that's a good guideline.
-Conversion Beam-Ark! I would love to see that happen. And even though it's totally useless, I expect DD-Ark to get Gauss.
-Sentry Pylon was really nerfed with 7th :( But don't hope for anything, since we'd need Forgeworld to look at it somewhere in the next decade.
-Same for all the rest from FW.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/22 23:23:19

Post by: Ferrum_Sanguinis

-All I know is that the Croissant fliers are getting a pts increase and/or rules nerf, no way around it.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/22 23:29:01

Post by: Mechanical Crow

 Ferrum_Sanguinis wrote:
-All I know is that the Croissant fliers are getting a pts increase and/or rules nerf, no way around it.

Probably just get hover and turned into normal transports, Im guessing 150 to 160pts.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/22 23:31:32

Post by: Kangodo

Are you serious or.. I guess you forgot the /sarcasm-tag.

@Ferrum: Don't get your hopes up.
It will probably stay exactly the same but at 125 points.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/23 00:14:57

Post by: Red Corsair

It holds 15 model and has 3hps AND a great weapon... no way its less then 150 even if invasion beams gets nerfed as well (like it should).

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/23 01:06:36

Post by: NewTruthNeomaxim

 adamsouza wrote:
Anything really good, gets a slight point bump.

Anything underperforming gets a new special rule and/or a points reduction

New Warlord Traits

Some new formation with a nifty special rule. My guess is endless scarabs, since it encourage the most sales.

MSS gets the rules rewritten and dumbed down


GIANT plastic model - morknaught/ imperial knight sized

Plastic Pariahs

something anti-psyker and something anti-air

Tesla? :-p I've been shooting down Flyrants all day

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/23 01:54:57

Post by: Kangodo

 Red Corsair wrote:
It holds 15 model and has 3hps AND a great weapon... no way its less then 150 even if invasion beams gets nerfed as well (like it should).

Valkyrie holds 12 models, has better armour and same amount of HP's and also great weaponry.
And it went from 100 to 125 points.
Invasion Beam isn't going to be nerfed because everything is scoring right now.

Are you willing to bet money on that 150 points?
Because that would be the most expensive Dedicated Transport after Land Raiders.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/23 02:25:07

Post by: 40KNobz11

Anyone know an actual release month yet?!?! Very excited if we do see an update soon!

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/23 02:52:31

Post by: Ghaz

If someone had a more exact date, they would have posted it already.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/23 03:16:20

Post by: 40KNobz11

I suppose so haha

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/23 04:54:08

Post by: Davor

 Ferrum_Sanguinis wrote:
-All I know is that the Croissant fliers are getting a pts increase and/or rules nerf, no way around it.

Didn't the Tyranid Hive Tyrant suppose to get a point increase? It got a point decrease and improved stats. What I am trying to say is any thing can happen and Necrons can get more cheaper and buffed.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/23 04:59:49

Post by: BlaxicanX

Kangodo wrote:
Valkyrie holds 12 models, has better armour and same amount of HP's and also great weaponry.

A multilaser and a Strength 8 AP3 missile on a BS3 chassis is "great weaponry"?

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/23 06:47:55

Post by: Fireraven

Think Balance not buffs or down grades.what is a little over the top and what is not. So what is a little to strong will take a hit . What is not good at all will get a slight boost. Then add a race specific bonus that is not overly op. And blam you got the idea. I bet the regen will take a hit move it to fnp 4-5+ and there you go.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/23 06:54:59

Post by: Wilson

I heard that their's a new night scythe variant coming, heres a mock up.


Damn, I'm hungry.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/23 16:04:49

Post by: skoffs

> sees thread in News & Rumors section about new Necron codex.
> thread has no actual info. Consists of nothing but wish listing.

I'll come back and check again after DE and BA come out.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/23 16:13:06

Post by: 40KNobz11

I heard BA were getting bumped back.....

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/23 16:19:49

Post by: Jayden63

If we look at what happened to the SW codex I think you can expect several pieces of wargear to dissapear. High on the list will be MSS or MSS will become a Relic and as such only one per army.

Tesla will get nerfed somehow. I'd expect a Salvo weapon to show up somewhere.

I'd expect the Monolith to get a small overhaul. Probably will be very good though.

I'd expect those sniper guys to loose their shooting from space special rule.

Scarabs and cryptec spiders will become cheaper, but entropic strike will be nerfed somehow.

The CCB is going to get a major overhaul and come in line with 7th edition chariot rules. I'd expect it to look a lot like Logan's.

Overall the book will see a lateral shift. Your going to loose some standard fair, but gain a new hotness. However, the overall performance isn't going to go up.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/23 16:20:17

Post by: skoffs

40KNobz11 wrote:
I heard BA were getting bumped back.....
Care to site a source?
No actual snark intended, btw, there's just been too many things heard lately that I'm looking for whatever takes the least amount of salt to pinch.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/23 16:57:39

Post by: wuestenfux

Well, I guess Necrons gets the same treatment as GK.
No new models and some slight rule and wargear changes.

Imothek becomes Lord of War.
Phalanx formation.

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/23 20:21:11

Post by: Sigvatr

 wuestenfux wrote:

Imothek becomes Lord of War.
Phalanx formation.

I hope for GW nerfing FO and then releasing a formation with Imotekh and FO

Necron Rumors @ 2014/08/23 21:19:47

Post by: AgeOfEgos

I'm going to close for now--as it doesn't seem this is really a Rumors thread (quite yet) and more a wishlist/discussion. When a more solid set of rumors comes out for Necrons, we can open up a new thread.
