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The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2016/04/28 14:16:02

Post by: godardc

Hi there,
and welcome to my second blog (my first one is about my IG Armored Battle Group: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/663147.page !

I'm taking a break from the Imperium at the moment, and as I have always loved the Heresy-era Emperor's Children, and had a discount on a Betrayl at Calth box, I began a little force of the third Legion !

Disclaimer: I did not invent this metallic purple, I found it on the internet, but I cannot find the website again, so I can't credit it.
I follow the tutorial from Dlicious for painting golden.

I use Forge World heads and torsos for the sergeants and the officers, and a Forge World transfer sheet for the Legion's emblem / number..
The phoenix power spears are home made, from Chaos warriors (warhammer battle) bitz.

So, this is the paint scheme I chose for my standard marines, after some feedbacks from DakkaDakka (special thanks to MajorTom11 and sm3g) :






The same models, but now BASED with Agrellan earth and Ushabti Bones highlights:

The legionaries:

The contemptor:


Front face:

His face was really nice to paint:

However, I'm not pleased with his mantle, I shouldn't have varnished it:

The last one:


A sergeant with home-made phoenix power spear:

And the chaplain from Betrayl at Calth:

(I'll drill the barrels, don't worry)


First, paint the area you want to be purple with a metallic paint (I used leadbelcher), I did 2 thin layers:

Then, with Druchii purple, do several layers (I do 5 layers on the infantry IIRC, this is the dreadnought with just the first one):

Then, do it again until you are satisfied

For the white parts, it is simple enough:
2 thin layers of administratum grey, and then several super thin layers of white, until I think it is ok.

For the golden, I do the following:
a base of rhinox hide,
then a mix 2:1 of Auric Armour Gold and runelord brass
then a wash of agrax earthshade
then again mix 2:1 of Auric Armour Gold and runelord brass ( not in the recesses),
then a mix of 2:1 of Auric Armour Gold and ironbreaker for the lightnings,
and, eventually, just ironbreaker for lightnings (be careful when doint it, be very light).

(This is not exactly the tutorial, Dlicious wrote)

My army will be based with desert bases, when I have the paint. Something like that:


I'll try to paint a little every day, updating this blog once every week at least, and add everything to THIS post.

Feel free to criticize / express yourself.

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2016/04/29 01:39:51

Post by: LancsHotpot

Great looking marines you have there!

I love the simple yet very effective way you've achieved that purple

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2016/05/01 01:07:29

Post by: godardc

Thanks, it is true that it is simple, but it takes time, as I have to wait for it to dry each time...

A little more purple if you want: I just finished 5 more legionaries, and took a picture of everything (light isn't good as it is 3 am in France, sorry )


Legionaries and contemptor:

This is all for today !
Happy wargaming everyone !

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2016/05/01 01:28:08

Post by: 40kFSU

These guys look really good. The purple is very unique and the white sets it off perfectly.

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2016/05/03 23:49:58

Post by: godardc

I have eventually based my legionaries !
I used Agrellan Earth on a Rhinox Hide basecoat, then I drybrushed it with Ushabti Bones (even if you can't see it on the pictures ! ).
The vexilla's base isn't exactly like the others, but I don't mind.




The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2016/05/04 00:02:24

Post by: Ustrello

Looking good I would suggest maybe sealing the base though as it will eventually flake off. I personally seal it in with watered down PVA glue.

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2016/05/04 00:07:01

Post by: godardc

Oh, thanks, good idea ! I didn't even think about it.

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2016/05/04 00:13:23

Post by: Ustrello

 godardc wrote:
Oh, thanks, good idea ! I didn't even think about it.

No problem! It acts as a matte so it will bring down the color so be careful not to get any on the model if you dont want to matte it.

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2016/05/04 05:53:49

Post by: evildrcheese

These are some awesome looking EC, I really like the little conversions and the extra bits you've been using. Subbed.


The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2016/05/07 00:12:08

Post by: Spetsnaz0129

Nice Choice of Colours, the metallic Purple Sets these Marines Apart from others from the IIIrd Legion.

My Only Thoughts are that the bases could use some variety of slate/gravel to make them more interesting and add detail. Models are very nice themselves, great work!.

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2016/05/20 11:51:00

Post by: godardc

I agree Spetsnaz0129 : the bases could and should be better. But don't worry ! I plan to add sand and rocks on them, just give me time^^

Eventually, I painted my CHAPLAIN , he is a conversion from Betrayal and Forge World's bitz (torso and head) :

Front face:

His face was really nice to paint:

However, I'm not pleased with his mantle, I shouldn't have varnished it with:

The last one:

What do you think about him ? I have the feeling I am missing something with thim. Maybe I should add purple on his helmet ?

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2016/05/20 12:07:23

Post by: Theophony

I think he looks great, cape and all.

If you were wanting to add more purple then how about doing the chestplate that the insignia is on in purple and changing the circles to another color,,, maybe gold. But don't go changing anything unless you feel absolutely sure you need to as he looks great as is.

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2016/06/13 20:35:12

Post by: godardc

So, this my first cataphractii miniature.
I tried something new on his power sword, but it looks gawky.
The next one will have the leather things ( I don't even remember the french name for this) painted red, to see if it is better.
Overall, I'm satisfied of my painjob. I hope you like it !
I won't paint anything else during my exam period.
(I took these photos with an old phone, I broke mine yesterday...).

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2016/06/29 14:10:24

Post by: thebuilder

These are really, very good. Stunning painting and great, simple basing.

Any phoenix terminators on the horizon?

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2016/07/07 20:18:01

Post by: godardc

Hey, thanks !
I won't buy anything else (except maybe the red books) until I have painted everything I currently have, so no phoenix terminators before several months, I'm sorry.

I have added sand to the bases, what do you think about it ?
How would you paint the sand ? I don't know what color to paint it !

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2016/07/07 20:23:28

Post by: Heretic Tom

They look great! This is probably my favorite heresy-era legion and you've certainly done them justice.

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2016/07/08 00:12:56

Post by: godardc

Thanks Heretic Tom !
But now that I see the pictures on my computer' screen, they are awful !
I tried to show you the sand I've added on the bases, but I don't think you can even see it with those pictures.
I broke my Xperia last week, and I use an old phone now.
I guess I won't post more picture until they fix my Xperia...

I washed the sand with Agrax Earthshade, and I plan to paint it tomorrow, using probably karak stone and hilglighting it with ushabti bones.

Any advice to paint on sand ? I've never did it^^

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2016/07/08 03:07:12

Post by: Heretic Tom

I'm pretty new to all of this, so take that into consideration, but I would suggest starting with your darkest color and then dry brushing a lighter shade on top of that, and then dry brush your lightest shade on top of that, only hitting the highest areas. And your pics aren't THAT bad

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2016/07/08 05:37:47

Post by: CragHack

Oh, it's Ancient Rylanor also, if you don' like the glossy look on the cape, you could try washint it with Lahmian Medium, b/c it also works as a matting agent.

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2016/07/08 05:44:36

Post by: evildrcheese

Looking good dude.

Basing looks fine as it is from the pics, nit sure you need to paint the sand any further.


The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2016/07/08 05:47:01

Post by: Heretic Tom

 evildrcheese wrote:
Looking good dude.

Basing looks fine as it is from the pics, nit sure you need to paint the sand any further.

I was looking at them again and thinking the same thing. Looks like sand to me

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2016/07/08 12:49:11

Post by: godardc

Yes, I did Rylanor !
I loved him, even if we don't see him a lot in Fulgrim, and, as I still don't know if I want to play traitors or loyalists, I did a loyalist character.

For me, it was quite obvious the sand was just sand glued to the base: I don't like when real objects are glued to a base without being painted, I'm sorry^^
So I painted 3 bases (agrax earthshade wash, then karak stone, then screaming skull drybrushing).

Here is the result:


EDIT: two more pictures:


I think it works better on the terminator: maybe bigger sand areas are better ?

Do you think it adds something to the minis ?

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2016/12/11 11:25:56

Post by: godardc

Hi there !
After a long, long time without posting, I'm back.

I have painted some more stuff, and I have taken some better picture (I hope) of old stuff.

So, new pictures of the chaplain:

New pictures of Rylanor:

The first squad completed, 15 marines:

The second squad, in progress, 8 marines:

Some models:


I won't paint anything else for this army in 2016, (exams, others minis to paint...). However, this blog will show some more exciting things in 2017, like Palatine Blades and vehicles, and the first battle reports.
If you have some MK IV jump pack to sell, let's me know, I need 6 for my Palatine Blades, currently unglued.
Thanks for watching, and Happy Xmas to all !

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2017/01/22 13:40:11

Post by: godardc

So, I forgot to post some new stuff I had and I am currently working on !
Here we are:

Two apothecaries, and phoenix power spears for my sergeants and palatine blades (at last I am able to assemble and paint them !).

Dice and book for my own pleasure

Wishing you a happy wargaming !

EDIT: here is a preview of what is coming:

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2017/02/04 11:30:39

Post by: godardc

So, I have spend a lot of time painting my Palatine Blades, but they aren't finished yet.
I have two questions for you, guys:
Firstly, I have painted the clothes white, as you can see.
However, I'm not sold on it, do you think black or red would be better ? Black like the weapons, or red like the eyes.
And, secondly, I have taken the pictures outside this time, are they better ? A better light ? Thanks !

First Palatine Blade, WIP:


The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2017/02/05 10:39:56

Post by: evildrcheese

Nice! Loving the use of purple and silver.


The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2017/02/05 14:58:38

Post by: EmberlordofFire8

Love the purple armour!

Unfortunately, the same can not be said about the chaplain. It might be the camera angle, but he looks WAY to short to be a marine.
Cant wait to see the palatines finished!


The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2017/02/06 17:29:45

Post by: godardc

Thanks, guys !
Be assured that the chaplain is the same height as the others marines: he is the one from BaC with some adjustments.

So, pictures of the finished full squad !
Unfortunately, the pictures aren't that great, I will take better pictures later this week..
I'm really happy with how they all turned up. Just the power effect on the spears I am not sure about, but I can't do better (I really need to learn how to do power weapons).


The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2017/02/12 17:38:26

Post by: godardc

As I have promised, here are better pictures of the Palatine Blades squad.
I had a lot of fun painting them and magnetizing their backpack. Now I'm painting the two apothecaries, who are going to be finished for the end of this month.
As always, feel free to tell me what you think about the Palatine Blades !

The prefector:

The squad:

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2017/02/14 16:53:08

Post by: EmberlordofFire8

Those are quite good. Keep up the good work!!

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2017/02/18 11:12:07

Post by: godardc

 EmberlordofFire8 wrote:
Those are quite good. Keep up the good work!!

Thanks Ember ! But I think I should have painted the cloth part red rather than white.

Another Child of the Emperor today:

I had some "difficulties" with him.
Firstly, I painted all the white part BEFORE painting the backpack, so when I did it, it splattered on his helmet. I had to paint it anew. Stupid move...
Now the white is imperfect

And secondly, he fell into a pot of paint, but, fortunately, the paint had totally dried.

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2017/02/18 11:52:52

Post by: EmberlordofFire8

Sorry to hear that. My own project is full of problems, mostly to do with red paint. Brushpainting takes to long, and too many coats, and my new spray FAILED at what it was supposed to do in a most spectacular fashion (they turned out more orange than red).

Keep up the good work!


The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2017/03/01 10:18:34

Post by: godardc

Sorry to hear that, Ember !
How did you manage to fix it ?
Thank you for the kind words

I painted my second apothecary yesterday, so here are the pics:

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2017/06/21 22:32:21

Post by: godardc

So, no new model today but I made myself a lightbox and I tried it with my IIIrd Legion !
I'm pretty happy with it, pictures are really better (but I made it a bit tiny). However, my phone isn't the best camera so...
Yes I know, the same models again, but I'm getting better with the pictures and it is an important part of a blog, isn't it ?^^
So do you see any difference ? Are the pictures better today ? Thanks !

Some legionnaries:


Palatine Blades:


The terminator:


The full squad:

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2018/12/22 21:59:09

Post by: godardc

So, I am painting some more cataphractii terminators, but I can't set my mind on the paintscheme:
Which one do you prefer ?
The original brown, the white one or the red one ?


A wip neutral termi with no colours yet


Sorry for the bad pics, but as they are wip it is not that important

I may prefer the red one, but there is no red in the rest of the army so it would stand out a lot I guess

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2020/04/04 16:08:44

Post by: godardc

And here we are again. I've finally painted the full terminator squad:

A few details have been corrected since I took the pictures (two scratches on two shoulders pads) but otherwise they are the final models !
(Gosh, what terrible pictures I used to take )

And this is the list I'm currently thinking of playing:


++ Crusade (Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List) [2,500pts] ++

+ HQ +

Chaplain [90pts]: Bolt Pistol, On Foot, Power Armour (Centurion/Consul), Power Maul, Sonic Shrieker
. Consul: Chaplain

Legion Champion [125pts]: Artificer Armour, Combi-Bolter, Jump Pack, Phoenix Spear, Sonic Shrieker
. Consul: Champion, Legion

Praetor, Legion [330pts]: Digital Lasers, Mastercraft a Single Weapon, On Foot, Paragon Blade, Sonic Shrieker
. Cataphractii Pattern Terminator Armour: Terminator Armour
. Master of the Legion
. . Terminator Command Squad, Legion
. . . Space Marine Chosen, Legion: Combi-Bolter, Power Fist
. . . Space Marine Chosen, Legion: Combi-Bolter, Power Fist
. . . Standard Bearer, Legion: Combi-bolter, Power Fist

+ Elites +

Apothecarion Detachment [90pts]
. Apothecary, Legion: None (Infantry, Power Armour), Power Armour
. . Chainsword or Combat Blade: Chainswords/Combat Blades
. Apothecary, Legion: None (Infantry, Power Armour), Power Armour
. . Chainsword or Combat Blade: Chainswords/Combat Blades

Contemptor Dreadnought Talon [380pts]
. Contemptor Dreadnought, Legion: Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon
. . Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon: Twin-linked Bolter
. Contemptor Dreadnought, Legion: Twin-linked Volkite culverin
. . Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon: Twin-linked Bolter

Palatine Blade Squad [485pts]: Artificer Armour, Jump packs, 9x Palatine Warriors, 3x Phoenix Spear, Sonic Shriekers
. Palatine Prefector: Pheonix Spear

+ Troops +

Tactical Squad, Legion , Compulsory [230pts]: Bolters, 14x Tactical Space Marines, Legion
. Additional Wargear: Additional Chainswords/Combat Blades, Vexilla, Legion
. Tactical Sergeant, Legion: Phoenix Spear

Tactical Squad, Legion , Compulsory [230pts]: Bolters, 14x Tactical Space Marines, Legion
. Additional Wargear: Additional Chainswords/Combat Blades, Vexilla, Legion
. Tactical Sergeant, Legion: Bolter, Phoenix Spear

Tactical Support Squad, Legion Volkite Caliver [125pts]: Support Squad, Volkite Caliver
. Sergeant, Legion: Bolt Pistol, Volkite Caliver
. 4x Space Marines, Legion: 4x Bolt Pistols, 4x Frag and Krak Grenades, 4x Power Armour

+ Fast Attack +

Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron, Legion [170pts]
. Javelin Attack Speeder, Legion: 2x Hunter-killer Missile, Multi-melta, Twin-linked Lascannon
. Javelin Attack Speeder, Legion: 2x Hunter-killer Missile, Multi-melta, Twin-linked Lascannon

+ Heavy Support +

Land Raider Battle Squadron, Legion [245pts]
. Land Raider Phobos: Auxiliary Drive, Frag Assault Launchers, 2x Twin-linked Lascannon Sponsons

+ Allegiance +

Legion and Allegiance: III: Emperor's Children, Traitor

Rite of War: The Maru Skara

+ Use Playtest Rules +

Use Playtest Rules

++ Total: [2,500pts] ++

Created with BattleScribe

Maru Skara.
Hidden Blade:
Palatine Blades, the Contemptors and the Javelins.
The praetor, terminators and chaplain would ride in the land raider.

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2020/04/04 22:58:51

Post by: gobert

Good to see the 3rd are still getting some attention godardc. The metallic purple is great, it was the inspiration I’d been looking for when I did my Chaos Warriors and later my Traitor Guard, so thanks! Love the crisp white on their shoulder pads too... now hopefully it won’t be as long between update for these guys

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2020/04/07 22:28:39

Post by: godardc

 gobert wrote:
Good to see the 3rd are still getting some attention godardc. The metallic purple is great, it was the inspiration I’d been looking for when I did my Chaos Warriors and later my Traitor Guard, so thanks! Love the crisp white on their shoulder pads too... now hopefully it won’t be as long between update for these guys

Hey !
I'm glad I could help ! That's actually why I post: I know I am not great at taking pictures (I'm actually getting better !) or the best painter out there, but everything can help. I spend an enormous amount of time online before painting an army, looking for paint schemes, armies, ideas... All of this thanks to people who took the time to share. Thanks to them I could get ideas (like my cartoonish Eschers), wether for a full paintscheme or a small detail.
Feel free to share your purple guard !

As soon as the quarantine is over, I'll order a javelin and / or volkite weapons so it won't take as long, hopefully haha

So guys, I know I have nothing news, but I have some final pictues where the infantry is in good light, and where they are all together:


So here we are ! Everything painted and correctly pictured, now awaiting reinforcements. The good news are I've painted all my lists and armies, even if I still have a fews units left to paint it is nothing I use in games, so 30k will have the priority as soon as I finish painting my Escher gang and receive those reinforcements !

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2020/04/07 22:50:40

Post by: fingol23

These are really nice, you definitely made the right call on what colour to paint the peturges on the Terminators!

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2020/04/08 09:10:52

Post by: gobert

Gotta love a good group shot! Minis always look better all bunched up.

Spoilered a few pics of my guard and warriors;

Hoping the craziness ends soon and you can buy some more bits for the legion!

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2020/04/09 12:51:51

Post by: godardc

Guys ! Guess what ? I had a converted praetor that I had forgotten to paint, and it's now done !
Here he is:


Converted from BaC. I loved doing this guy, and I'm super happy with him. The cloak has been highlighted twice, I don't know if it shows on the pictures.

 gobert wrote:
Gotta love a good group shot! Minis always look better all bunched up.

Spoilered a few pics of my guard and warriors;

Hoping the craziness ends soon and you can buy some more bits for the legion!

The guards are traitors from Blackstone fortress but what about the Chaos Warriors ? Are they super old ones ?
Nice work anyway, I like them !

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2020/04/09 14:34:54

Post by: gobert

That’s a good result! Praetor looks ace, I’m still gutted that I missed out on BaC :(

Correct, the guard are Blackstone Fortress and the Chaos Warriors are from Battle Master, which was a game from GW and MB. I’ve got the mounted Warriors being stripped at the moment.

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2020/10/10 23:39:28

Post by: bubber

Great looking army. Would love to see a group shot

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2020/10/11 13:55:24

Post by: tzurk

Thanks for bringing this thread back to life godardc! Lovely to see some updates to the army. The metallic purple is inspired and they look brilliant all together. I think the dreadnought is my fave - very stoic/imposing.

Hope to see more soon

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2021/08/07 17:48:45

Post by: godardc

Back again !
I've had a somewhat fantastic year, fulfilling most of, if not all, of my wishes, be them personal or professional, but this brought me very far away from model making. And I'll have less time for the next 2 years. But right now I'm on vacation !
So it's a great time an update, isn't it ?

Just a glimpse of the things to come this week:

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2021/08/08 11:19:44

Post by: godardc

Ok here is the first batch of flowery marines !

I am yet to decide which one I like the most, so let see of you have any preference ?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
And...the force is based ! I kept purple and white, not the most contrasting but fitting for Emperor's Children and looking like the real life meadow that gave me inspiration.


The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2021/08/09 10:49:19

Post by: gobert

Good to see these guys back, the meadow is very fitting for EC. Great choice

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2021/08/15 13:09:06

Post by: godardc

Here the still wip Land Speeder Javelin, I'm a bit disappointed by the purple, it's clearly visible on the picture, not so much with naked eyes, there are "brush lines" visible.
However except for that I'm pretty happy globally with it. Still a few hours to go, and then I'll have to assemble and paint the crew.
Enjoy !


The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2021/08/16 17:57:55

Post by: godardc

Aaaaand it's done !
I'm fairly happy with how it came out, and now I have nothing more to paint for my beloved Children.

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2021/08/16 19:23:10

Post by: gobert

Great looking Speeder! The brush marks to be could be sold as weathering . I like how the gunner is standing, it’s a much more realistic pose than the seated 40k gunners

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2021/10/26 16:46:01

Post by: godardc

Hi there !
Putting my one week vacation at good use, I hereby present you my new champion (wip):

I used magnets for his head, pack and right arm. The pauldrons and his jetpack are to arrive this week, fortunately you will be able to see him completed and painted before Monday.

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2021/10/26 17:10:23

Post by: brushcommando

He looks really cool! I like that the head magnet lets you change the pose around.

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2021/10/27 15:04:59

Post by: godardc

Kasper Vespasian, champion of the Emperor's Children, is done !
Unfortunately, I haven't received his pauldrons or jump pack yet, and my earth paint was dry, so I cannot go further today, but it's almost there:

And an alternative posing:

I hope you like it and he will be posted fully finished once I receive everything I need.

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2021/10/28 21:51:26

Post by: gobert

Nice return Godardc, I like how his pose is variable with the alternative head and arm.

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2021/10/29 08:15:24

Post by: godardc

 gobert wrote:
Nice return Godardc, I like how his pose is variable with the alternative head and arm.

Hey !
It's nice to finally have some time to work on my projects, the few last months and next few months weren't / won't be great for The Hobby but I'm getting such a great professional opportunity, I'm blessed. Fortunately I'll be on vacation again this December to work probably on a FW dreadnought or some kakophony, I love those models.

In addition, I received the FW shoulders pads I was awaiting, pretty quickly to be honest, and I bought everything I needed for his base:

So yeah, he is finally really finished this time, ready to slay my opponents' heroes and HQ !

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2021/11/30 17:46:23

Post by: godardc

So I went to my first Horus Heresy event in Paris, 16 players, 8 loyalists and 8 secessionists, the tables were divided between 3 different themes: 2 jungle tables, 2 industrial desert tables and 2 urban tables. We all played 3 games, one on each theme.
I fought against a SW (got my arse beaten hard, it was an ambush type game), a Salamander and a beginner Ultramarine.
I ended up winning two and losing one game. I met plenty of nice guys and we played on wonderful tables, it was a great day !
My list worked pretty well actually, the Maru Skara allowed me to quickly advance in the Salamander's deployment zone (we had to secure the opponent's deployment zone for this mission) but didn't work that well in defense (against the SW). I learned my lesson and put only 1 unit in reserve against the Ultramarines that had to rush into my deployment zone to escape. The Maru Skara is, all in all, a quite flexible RoW.
The two 15 strong blobs of tactical with an apothecary and a vexila each were surprisingly resilient and saved the day. The javelin worked exactly as intended, nothing incredible but always useful, I need a second one.
However I really need to buy artificer armors on my sergeants and an invulnerable save for my champion, the poor guy was killed by a Salamander champion...

Here are a few pictures:

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2021/12/04 10:20:08

Post by: gobert

Cool pics, the Children look fantastic in battle!

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2021/12/04 10:28:08

Post by: Boringstuff

Nice pics of the games!

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2021/12/05 09:23:07

Post by: godardc

Yeah I must admit they used better cameras that I am used to and the light was way more suitable than in my previous apartment !
It's so cool to see this project taking life from the first BaC testing model to playing the army at events

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2022/03/26 12:18:46

Post by: godardc

And thus, the ever growing IIIrd legion received reinforcements !
I'm currently working on my contemptor legion and my five last palatine blades. I have very little time so it's not going to be quick, but I plan that before the end of April, both will be done.

I'm super happy with the fact I managed to make them all look quite different, except for one spear marine who has an almost perfect clone
Can't wait to see the full squad painted
Currently adding green stuff to the crest marine to fill the gap due to the conversion process around the hands and crest

And the contemptor dreadnought:

It's not exactly what I had in mind, I should have put his left leg a bit more behind him and his right arm / shoulder in a better firing position, but it's close to it.
Both weapons are magnetized, I have two volkites, a plasma cannon and twin linked lascannons.

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2022/03/27 10:06:46

Post by: gobert

Nice looking resin godardc, the crested chap should be really cool when he’s all painted up!

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2022/04/30 18:24:42

Post by: godardc

Hi guys,
I'm back with a new batch of painted sado-maso hedonist warriors !
Took some time, but I can only paint during the weekend. Here they are:


You may notice that the spears' blades are painted differently: that because I forgot the paints I used for it on the previous Palatine Blades when I moved. I need to bring it back here next time I go back home.
Otherwise, I'm very satisfied with them, I was kinda suspicious they wouldn't look as good as the previous one due to the break I had to take between each squad.
Next to be painted: the dreadnought !

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2022/05/02 08:23:08

Post by: gobert

I think they came out well, the crested dude certainly looks cool.

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2022/05/08 12:46:46

Post by: godardc

Another weekend, another unit !
Here is one of my all time favorite from the Emperor's Children, and Forge World in general, the Emperor's Children contemptor dreadnought:


I have one of every contemptor weapon for his right arm, except for the volkite, and he is magnetized, but so far I've only painted the ones you see here
He took more time than planned, and I had some difficulties with my metal paints (namely the gold), I'll have to buy new ones.
I hope you enjoy him !

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2022/07/02 16:23:32

Post by: godardc

And for today, at long last, my outrider squad !
They are supposed to be equipped with melta but...there is no option for that in the kit.
So here they are:

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2022/07/07 07:02:41

Post by: gobert

Cool work on the outriders, they look like a great kit (even if they don’t have their meltas!). The contemptor came out really well too, will you be adding his posable cousin and some MkVI friends to the army?

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2022/07/10 20:37:22

Post by: godardc

 gobert wrote:
Cool work on the outriders, they look like a great kit (even if they don’t have their meltas!). The contemptor came out really well too, will you be adding his posable cousin and some MkVI friends to the army?

Yeah I must say I'm very happy with the contempor among all !
I don't think I'll buy any of the new kits for the moment, I've just received my rulebooks and I need to twerk my list a little bit because I can't take jump pack on my palatine blades anymore, which... Let's say it frustrates me a little, just a little bit
So I might need to give them a transport, we'll see
I have a MKIV assault squad that needs to be assembled and painted, so they are going to be next !

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2022/08/08 11:41:56

Post by: godardc

Hi guys,
So I'm finally on vacation and got some time to make minor changes on some models. I've given my cataphractii sergeant a phoenix power spear and magnetized my cataphractii heavy weapon gunner and my old contempor.
In addition, I've started working on my last units: an assault squad and a second javelin. Should be done before the end of the month.
Here are some pictures:



I guess the magnet isn't strong enough for such a heavy weapon


And you can see I painted his helmet again, much better this way


The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2022/08/12 11:41:46

Post by: godardc

Hi guys,
I made some progress on my assault squad, and converted an apothecary to go with my palatine blades. He has a magnetized back pack / jump pack for flexibility.
Enjoy !



The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2022/08/16 18:27:23

Post by: godardc

Back again !
Almost done with the assault squad, I am going to post the whole squad once it's done, on Friday. Pretty happy with them
But today I want to show you my champion's new helmet, what do you think about it ?



I believe the crest really adds something, makes him stand out as an officer. The special Emperor's Children helmet isn't bad in any case but I've used it on every sergeant so there is that
Which one do you prefer ?

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2022/08/16 19:32:16

Post by: Captain Brown

Feather crest all the way.

My two cents,


The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2022/08/22 20:31:50

Post by: godardc

 Captain Brown wrote:
Feather crest all the way.

My two cents,


After seeing the champion now that some time has passed, I must say I am totally sold on the crest too !

So, I came up with this list for an event in October, with the models I already have, despite the new edition changes.
It's a 2,500 pts list focussed on infantry, based on my 1,250 list using the Maru Skara RoW that did great last time.


+ HQ: +

Cataphractii Praetor [177Pts]: Warlord
. Legion Cataphractii Praetor: Grenade Harness, Paragon Blade, Sonic Shriekers, Volkite Charger

Centurion [95Pts]: Chaplain, master-crafted power weapon
. Chaplain: Bolt Pistol
. . Power Weapon: Power Maul

Centurion [135Pts]
. Champion: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, paragon blade, Sonic Shriekers, Warhawk Jump Pack
. Champion

+ Elites: +

Apothecarion Detachment [135Pts]
. 3x Apothecary: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Power Armour

Contemptor Dreadnought Talon [405Pts]
. Contemptor Dreadnought: Gravis Lascannon, Gravis Power Fist with in-built ranged weapon, Graviton Gun
. Contemptor Dreadnought: Gravis Melta Cannon, Gravis Power Fist with in-built ranged weapon, Meltagun

Palatine Blade Squad [360Pts]: 4x Charnabal Sabre, Palatine Prefector, 9x Palatine Warriors, 6x Phoenix Power Spear, Sonic Shriekers

Terminator Cataphractii Squad [250Pts]
. Legion Cataphractii: Minor Combi-Weapon, Power Fist
. Legion Cataphractii: Power Fist, Reaper Autocannon
. Legion Cataphractii: Minor Combi-Weapon, Power Fist
. Legion Cataphractii: Minor Combi-Weapon, Power Fist
. Legion Cataphractii Sergeant: Minor Combi-Weapon
. . Power Weapon
. . . Phoenix Pattern Power Weapons: Phoenix Power Spear

+ Troops: +

Assault Squad [165Pts]: Bolt Pistol, 7x Chainsword, Legion Assault Sergeant, 9x Legionaries, 2x Power Maul
. Bolt Pistol
. Power Weapon
. . Phoenix Pattern Power Weapons: Phoenix Power Spear

Tactical Squad [184Pts]: 14x Bayonet, Legion Tactical Sergeant, Legion Vexilla, 14x Legionaries
. Power Weapon
. . Phoenix Pattern Power Weapons: Phoenix Rapier

Tactical Squad [184Pts]: 14x Bayonet, Legion Tactical Sergeant, Legion Vexilla, 14x Legionaries
. Power Weapon
. . Phoenix Pattern Power Weapons: Phoenix Power Spear

Tactical Support Squad [120Pts]: Augury Scanner, Legion Tactical Support Sergeant, 4x Legionaries, Rotor Cannon

+ Fast Attack: +

Javelin Squadron [190Pts]: Bolt Pistol
. Javelin Land Speeder: 2x Lascannons, Heavy Bolter, 2x Hunter-Killer Missile
. Javelin Land Speeder: 2x Lascannons, Heavy Bolter, 2x Hunter-Killer Missile

Outrider Squadron [100Pts]: Bolt Pistol, 3x Bolt Pistol, 3x Chainsword, Chainsword, Legion Outrider Sergeant, 2x Legion Outriders, Twin-linked Meltagun

++ Total: [2,500Pts] ++

Created with BattleScribe

As you can see, it's not an optimal list. The praetor is going to walk with the cataphractii (they can't outflank and I have no transpot. I gave them an autocannon (long range) and grenade launchers to pine enemy units. Magna were too expensive and short ranged.
The champion is going with the assault squad in to give them some punch, while the chaplain is going with the palatine blades and an apothecary. Both units are going to enter via outflank (they can charge after coming outflanking).
The dreadnought and the outriders are going to outflank too, giving them anti tank support.

The three assault units have or are with characters they have sonic shriekers.
The warlord has the broken mirror trait, giving him a pseudo fearless

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2022/08/24 20:59:03

Post by: Mr Nobody

I particularly like your choice of basing. The Emperor's Children always look a bit nicer with a prettier base. Also, did you get that name plate from Versatile Terrain?

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2022/08/26 05:28:06

Post by: godardc

 Mr Nobody wrote:
I particularly like your choice of basing. The Emperor's Children always look a bit nicer with a prettier base. Also, did you get that name plate from Versatile Terrain?

I was inspired by a fan art where some eldars are dying and Fulgrim just stands there, watching some beautiful flowers after the battle. I think it's indeed very fitting, and I wanted something original, not grim, as I intended to represent the Emperor's Children at there height, end of the Crusade and still clean and proud.
Indeed, those are versatile terrain name plates. They took time to arrive, I'm not gonna lie, but everything was well made and exactly like expected !

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2022/08/28 15:54:43

Post by: gobert

Great work godardc, the Champ and Apothecary are looking sharp!

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2022/08/30 19:25:59

Post by: godardc

 gobert wrote:
Great work godardc, the Champ and Apothecary are looking sharp!

Thank you ! I hope to be able to show you the whole assault squad soon, before the end of September and maybe even a tactical support squad before mid October
After that, I have an event in Paris, so I am going to post some battle reports / pictures
And then, in December, I hope to buy the last special characters and units of the IIIrd legion
A busy end for 2022 !

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2022/12/23 11:56:02

Post by: godardc

Hi guys,
Ok so I might be a bit late
But eventually here is the assault squad!


Enjoy !
I hope to be able to work on a support squad next
Wishing you all a happy Christmas

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2022/12/25 13:09:55

Post by: godardc

Merry Christmas, guys !
Nothing crazy today, but I've finally replaced my old sergeants kitbashed weapons for real official phoenix power spears, which look obviously better


And here is a kitbashed warmonger. I wanted him to look not too fancy but more like a warrior, as they are supposed to be junior officers going to the hardest battles.



The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2022/12/27 20:27:32

Post by: Mr Nobody

I like the pose on the warmonger. You could paint a few more scuff marks than your standard paint scheme. Something to get across a more hazardous combat role.

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2022/12/27 22:57:33

Post by: gobert

Loving the finished assault squad, they came out great. The warmonger is a cool concept for a character, your rendition works well as someone looking for a fight.

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2023/01/14 22:08:23

Post by: godardc

Hi guys, and happy New Year!
Today, I only have a WIP to show you, but I'm still working hard this weekend and hope to be able to show them finished next Saturday
Here is a WIP Tactical Support Squad with FW rotor cannons, to help my assault units to get into combat:


This is the first time I painted a model not fully glued, as you can see I glued the weapons and the left arm only after having already painted the whole model, to be able to access the chest part. I made them using some BaC leftovers and a FW rotor cannons pack, that's why all the faces don't match the direction of the cannons, they were already build.

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2023/01/21 22:37:22

Post by: godardc

Hi guys,
And for this weekend, the finished tactical support squad !
Well, not exactly: I haven't managed to glue the ammo yet, because it's bloody difficult. Any tips about that ? I'm using very hot water and it does bend easily enough but still, it's very difficult to get from under the backpack to the ammo pit in front of the model !
Any help would be appreciated.


Enjoy !

Automatically Appended Next Post:
And for the last post of the weekend, I present to you my kitbashed warmonger and my finished tactical support squad with better pics (natural light):
I know, I didn't glue the ammo belt but it's too fastidious right now and I am going to do it next weekend instead.

Warmonger :

Tactical Support Squad:

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2023/01/27 23:42:46

Post by: gobert

These ECs keep getting better! The Support squad look great. As for the ammo belt I’m not sure what would be best. I’ve not used much resin, but others I’ve seen have heated it with a hair dryer or hot water to get the shape right. Beyond that I’m not much use!

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2023/01/28 10:06:04

Post by: JamesY

When I did the ammo belts on the iron circle bots, I glued it to the model on one end, and when that was dry dipped it into hot water and quickly glued the other end and shaped it. Made it much easier as had more working time. It does depend on you having an angle that you can get the belt into the water when attached to the model, though.

Models look great.

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2023/02/15 11:32:41

Post by: godardc

The Big Day is finally upon us: I've painted the last unit of my pre-Heresy Emperor's Children army list !!!
Finishing such a project, after all this time, is such an accomplishment

So here are pictures of the second and last Land Speeder Javelin, and after that some group pictures of the whole army.

I have to confess I experienced huge difficulties with this second speeder, the worst of them all being that I apparently didn't wash it correctly.
But at the end of the day, I am totally satisfied with it.

Here it is:

Yes, I am aware I glued some parts upside down
It's okay anyway I can't change it

And now for the big final (the chaplain and two terminators aren't really part of the list but still deserve to be shown)

I am not in the best conditions to take beautiful pictures but it has to be enough for now

Thanks to everyone that followed my thread, and I hope that I could give some inspiration to people, and help them enjoy the hobby !
All is not over although, because I need to finish collecting the last models of the range: the phoenix terminators and... FULGRIM Himself !
Not part of the army list but they are going to be the next addition to this thread, with the special characters.
Anyway, it was a great project that taught me a lot, I'm not satisfied about everything but it gave me the will to go further and to reach new heights. At the end of the year or early next year, I plan on starting a White Scars army, using all I learned and new technics. I'll keep you in touch anyway !
Have a great day !

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2023/02/21 18:45:55

Post by: gobert

Noooo! All good things must come to an end I suppose. It’s been fun to watch the project develop and become a beautiful army. Glad to hear there are still a few units to come and even better to hear that you have a new army planned. I’ll keep my eyes peeled for the white scars coming

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2023/02/26 11:42:05

Post by: godardc

Hi guys, as promised, I still have a few things to show here. Today, I present to you my magnetized cataphractii terminator standard bearer (I can still use it with his bolter/melta, that I also magnetized), made using a phoenix power spear, a quite simple and effective, if not impressive, kitbash, and the rotor cannons tactical support squad finally completed with the ammo belt !


I especially thank JamesY, your idea really helped me with those ammo belts !

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 gobert wrote:
Noooo! All good things must come to an end I suppose. It’s been fun to watch the project develop and become a beautiful army. Glad to hear there are still a few units to come and even better to hear that you have a new army planned. I’ll keep my eyes peeled for the white scars coming

Thanks for the nice comments and the motivation all along this project!
I'm happy that you liked it and don't worry, I still have a few more units to show before ending this thread !

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2023/02/27 12:56:02

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Those ammo belts went on great after all! Also love the standard bearer - the standard really looks like cloth!

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2023/02/28 15:53:53

Post by: JamesY

 godardc wrote:

I especially thank JamesY, your idea really helped me with those ammo belts !

You are welcome; they look really effective!

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2023/03/01 19:53:30

Post by: gobert

Glad to hear the ammo belts went together ok! Love the banner, even more so that he can drop it and get his gun if needed!

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2023/03/12 08:29:45

Post by: godardc

Hi guys,
So today, something special: my first traitor Emperor's Children unit. I tried something different, as I wanted to picture them in a more chaosy, corrupted way and not disciplined anymore. It's difficult to show on a model while still making it look beautiful so I opted for a "psychedelic", motley, paint scheme.
Here are my first two test models for my kakophoni squad:


The bases are based on my interpretation of Istvaan, and they contrast well with the purple of the marines.
Overall, I'm okay with them but the zenithal priming that I tried for the first time isn't really showing i believe... I made a second drubrush with a lighter pink on the parts facing the sun (helmet, above the backpack, ...) to help strengthen it a little bit but I don't know.
Hope you enjoy them !

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2023/03/19 16:02:14

Post by: godardc

Hi guys,
Here is the first squad done !

Have a nice weekend !

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2023/03/19 16:15:15

Post by: Bobug


The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2023/03/20 15:48:01

Post by: Boss Salvage

Great squad of noisy boys, appreciate the high contrast white blasters and the weirdly colored bits sneaking into the armor scheme.

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2023/03/20 18:56:10

Post by: godardc

Thanks !
It's not exactly what I had in mind, but with the squad done, I can say that I'm happy with the results. I can't wait to finish the next 5 guys with some chaos bits to give them a definitive late Heresy vibe, but I'm happy I tried something different

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2023/06/17 12:14:06

Post by: godardc

Hi guys,
Here are my first two converted Kakophoni marines. I hope you enjoy them too !


The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2023/06/18 19:33:27

Post by: gobert

Nice! I love how you’re slowly corrupting the Legion now you’ve finished your main force. Will there be some pink armoured children in the future? The black sections on the cacophony marines are a cool addition

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2023/08/21 14:52:54

Post by: godardc

Hi guys,
I've eventually finished the whole squad. I can say that I had fun painting them, it was a real change. They have grown in me, definitely !
I've kept on adding Chaos' parts, I hope it's not too much !
So here they are :


Automatically Appended Next Post:
 gobert wrote:
Nice! I love how you’re slowly corrupting the Legion now you’ve finished your main force. Will there be some pink armoured children in the future? The black sections on the cacophony marines are a cool addition

Thank you very much for your support !
Well, right now I don't plan on expanding them as a full army, I considered it but I don't have enough time and space. If I were to collect another army, it would be Mechanicum or White Scars, I think.
Whoever, I still have a few named characters to paint
But in the original heraldry, like my first EC and not the corrupted ones

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2023/08/25 16:53:51

Post by: gobert

Fair enough, corrupted cacophonii marines makes total sense. I look forward to seeing more names characters in the OG scheme

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2023/10/01 15:03:39

Post by: godardc

Hi guys,
After a lot of work, many hours of painting, I can eventually present you captain Lucius, the faultless blade !
As one of my favorites characters of the Heresy and the first named character of the army, I really tried to step up. I used Brush and Boltgun tutorial for crimson cloaks (I really like it and I'll definitely use this way of painting cloaks again), GW tuto for white cloaks (I don't think I managed to make it justice even if it is pretty basic) and I tried Duncan Rhodes crystalline blades for the Blade of Later. It was my first time trying such a blade and the shape of the sword didn't help, but overall I'm happy with it. You can notice that I painted the lenses green : I believe they the red lenses aren't showing enough on the purple armor, and it looks better this way. I'm not willing to paint all the lenses of the army, let's just say they Lucius is showing some character here haha
And in addition, my two dreadnoughts have name plates (from versatil terrain) now.
So, here they are, c&c are welcome :



The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2023/10/02 19:35:34

Post by: gobert

Lovely work on Lucius, the blade looks good and the cloak is fantastic! The texturing is a good way of highlighting and I find much more fun than just layering. Cool name plates too

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2023/10/03 18:52:43

Post by: godardc

 gobert wrote:
Lovely work on Lucius, the blade looks good and the cloak is fantastic! The texturing is a good way of highlighting and I find much more fun than just layering. Cool name plates too

Thank you !
Yeah I'm super proud of the cloak, and it's not even difficult to paint. I found that most of time, breaking paint schemes into smaller parts and taking time is the correct way to get good paint jobs, everything is achievable if you take your time and think how to get there step by step.
Unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to paint the head this week, and definitely not Saul Tarvitz. The good news is I received my last models for the army (10 sunkillers, 5 phoenix terminators and... Fulgrim Himself) ! The last months of the year are going to be productive

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2023/10/10 16:24:35

Post by: godardc

Hi guys,
So today I finally painted Lucius' face. I've had difficulties despite following the wonderful GW's tuto, it was very delicate and I have barely any experience in painting faces. I must they that I am disappointed, yes, but I can't do any better for the time being. I'll paint Sault Tarvitz very soon so I'll have another go at faces, but right now here is Lucius with his face !
C & C are welcome !


The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2023/10/21 20:17:05

Post by: gobert

I too struggle with faces, but I think he looks pretty good! In any case with a helmet as fancy as his, who’d take it off! . Good luck with Tarvitz and the other minis too

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2024/01/08 14:47:15

Post by: godardc

Hi guys and happy new year ! Wishing you in a lot of plastic crack and that your pile of shame diminishes quite a bite !
For my first miniature of the year, I present to you Captain Saul Tarvitz of the 10th company !
I tried a NMM blade for the first time, using the Warhammer TV tuto, but I didn't manage exactly what I wanted. I also used the Warhammer TV tuto for the face, as I did with Lucius, and I believe it's quite a success, this time ! And the cape was painted the same as Lucius, too. But this time I decided to paint it white, in order to show the purity of mind and soul of Tarvitz, by contrast with the passionate red of Lucius. I haven't received his nameplate yet, unfortunately (I need to order it and the one for Fulgrim next month). His head is magnetized.
Here he is :


From brothers, to enemies :


C&C are welcome !

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2024/01/11 08:14:22

Post by: tzurk

Looking great mate. The dreadnoughts are really intimidating with the dark/white/gold scheme.

Love the effect you're getting on the cloaks too - very painterly!

Nice army coming together - thanks for sharing!

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2024/01/21 14:12:44

Post by: gobert

Tarvitz is an awesome mini! Love the eagles on him, the good youve chosen works well on them. The textured cloaks are great too

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2024/01/31 07:43:38

Post by: godardc

Hi guys,
Today we have my first Sunkiller. The whole unit is to be painted this month. I choose not too add too much gold etc to let him fit with the rest of the army, but I noticed that many people paint them with golden weaponry and it does look good. I'll paint the next one like that too see and we'll compare them.


C&C welcome !

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2024/02/01 02:34:20

Post by: RedSarge

You could try just the central barrel on Lascannon as gold? Nothing says, deadly like fancy Ghooo-hold! lol

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2024/03/01 15:29:54

Post by: godardc

Hi guys,
So, I've just finished the sergeant Sunkiller and I painted his lascannon gold, as we previously discussed. I like it but I think I'll keep it just for the sergeant, making him stand out. The plumet on his helmet is to arrive in a week or two, but otherwise he is finished. I hope you like it !
Which lascannon do you enjoy the most, the golden or black one ?

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2024/03/01 15:35:29

Post by: Not Online!!!

I envy your skills!

This is one impressive EC marine.

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2024/03/02 19:09:04

Post by: godardc

Not Online!!! wrote:
I envy your skills!

This is one impressive EC marine.

Thank you !
I see so many flaws, so many parts that I painted too quickly, but overall they look good enough for the game or for being shown, indeed !
I am really trying to improve with the characters and I learnt a lot with this army throughout the years...

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2024/03/23 18:08:55

Post by: gobert

Great work on the Sunkillers!

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2024/03/24 18:32:47

Post by: godardc

Hi guys,
So today I played my first two games of the "new" edition. I'm quite happy with how the list works, as intended. All the armies were painted and beautifully at that ! My opponent were nice people. Very enjoyable.Here is what I brought to this two 2,000 points event :


++ 1. Crusade Force Organisation Chart (LA - III: Emperor's Children) [2,000Pts] ++

+ Expanded Army Lists +

Expanded Army List Profiles:: Exemplary Units On, Legacy Units On

+ Allegiance: +

Allegiance: Traitor

+ Rite of War: +

Rite of War: The Maru Skara (EC)

+ HQ: +

Centurion [122Pts]: Warmonger

. Warmonger: Artificer Armour, Astartes Shotgun

. . Power Weapon: Phoenix Rapier

Centurion [135Pts]

. Champion: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Sonic Shriekers, Warhawk Jump Pack
. Champion

Praetor, Cataphractii [415Pts]: Stoic Defender, Warlord

. Command Squad, Cataphractii

. . Cataphractii Chosen: Magna Combi-Weapon, Power Fist
. . Cataphractii Chosen: Magna Combi-Weapon, Power Fist
. . Cataphractii Chosen: Magna Combi-Weapon, Power Fist
. . Cataphractii Standard Bearer w/Melee Weapon: Power Fist
. Legion Cataphractii Praetor: Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Grenade Harness, Paragon Blade, Sonic Shriekers

. . Magna Combi-Weapon: Magna Combi-Weapon - Meltagun

+ Elites: +

Apothecarion Detachment [150Pts]

. Apothecary: Bolt Pistol, Power Armour

. . Chainsword: Chainsword
. Apothecary: Bolt Pistol, Power Armour

. . Chainsword: Chainsword
. Apothecary: Bolt Pistol, Power Armour, Warhawk Jump Pack

. . Chainsword: Chainsword

Contemptor Dreadnought Talon [195Pts]

. Contemptor Dreadnought: Gravis Melta Cannon, Gravis Power Fist with in-built ranged weapon, Meltagun

+ Troops: +

Assault Squad [165Pts]

. Legion Assault Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Power Armour

. . Power Weapon: Phoenix Power Spear
. 7x Legionaries (collective): 7x Bolt Pistol, 7x Chainsword
. Legionary w/ Options: Bolt Pistol, Power Maul
. Legionary w/ Options: Bolt Pistol, Power Maul

Tactical Squad [184Pts]

. Legion Tactical Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Armour

. . Power Weapon: Phoenix Power Spear
. 13x Legionaries (collective): 13x Bayonet, 13x Bolt Pistol, 13x Bolter
. Legionary w/ Options:: Bayonet, Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Legion Vexilla

Tactical Squad [184Pts]

. Legion Tactical Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Armour

. . Power Weapon: Phoenix Power Spear
. 13x Legionaries (collective): 13x Bayonet, 13x Bolt Pistol, 13x Bolter
. Legionary w/ Options:: Bayonet, Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Legion Vexilla

Tactical Support Squad [110Pts]: Rotor Cannon

. Legion Tactical Support Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Power Armour
. 4x Legionaries (collective): 4x Bolt Pistol

+ Fast Attack: +

Javelin Squadron [210Pts]

. Javelin Land Speeder: 2x Lascannons, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Heavy Bolter, 2x Hunter-Killer Missile
. Javelin Land Speeder: 2x Lascannons, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Heavy Bolter, 2x Hunter-Killer Missile

Outrider Squadron [130Pts]: Twin-linked Meltagun

. Legion Outrider Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Power Armour

. . Chainsword: Chainsword
. Legion Outriders: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword
. Legion Outriders: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword

++ Total: [2,000Pts] ++

Created with BattleScribe

My first game was against a Raven Guard army. Only scoring units in the opponent's deployment zone were scoring points. Interesting game with both armies being quite quick and needing to get to the opposing side of the table.
My opponent deployed only 2 units on the board and put everything else in reserve, which put some pressure on my as I could either spread to advance or try to castle up to avoid the deep strikes.
I ended up losing, mainly because I charged a 1 PV leviathan with my terminators and they all failed their save, but it's like that some times. It was interesting to face the Raven Guard, he played the Decapitation Strike RoW and he was a very nice person.
MVP was either the javelin that shot down a hovering stormeagle or the terminators that counter charged an assault squad (using the EC's special reaction) while being charged at the same time by another and winning this fight, quite easily. If only they managed a single invu save or two against the leviathan...
My opponent MVP was his veteran squad with his praetor, which costed him an enormous amount of points but did great, even if they only killed tacticals (but killed them all !).

His list was :
1 (telepathy) librarian with a recon squad
1 praetor with a 9 men veteran squad (in a stormeagle)
3 assault squads
1 leviathan


My sergeants, loosing all of the challenges

The big melee, won by my unit

The second game was against a weird Imperial Fist army using the Iron Brethren RoW.
It was something like :
2 tactical squads, bare or almost
10 men heavy bolter squad with a castellan
2 techmarines
1 Thanatar
9 thallax in a single unit
2 units of castellax
1 unit of 3 tarantulas

There were 5 objectives on the board so he had to move and couldn't just castle up.
His tarantula intercepted my bikes and killed them on turn 2 and made one of my tactical flee on Turn 1 (fortunately not outside the board, thanks to the vexila) so it wasn't really a great start but it could totally have been good if he didn't mixed his rules :
He was hitting me in assaults on 3+ because his guys had WS4 (like in shooting) and I noticed that too late but after loosing 2 challenges against techmarines, it appeared that he thought they had a 4++ invu... It costed me a praetor, nothing less haha
Well, next time I'll know my rules and my opponent's one !
Other than that, one of my tactical managed to destroyed the 9 men thallax unit after being charged by it and winning the fight by 1 points
He shouldn't have assaulted them, even diminished !
I didn't even shoot the Thanatar. I managed to kill all the castellax in assault, thanks to the deep striking Terminators and the assault squad (manly thanks to the champion haha)
His Thanatar was definitely his MVP, moving from his edge to mine virtually unopposed and killing a javelin, a tactical squad and my support tactical squad, at least.


The Thanatar, towering the battlefield at the beginning of his 1st turn

My dreadnought, dying to a few bolter rounds...
A lot of things that shouldn't have happened, actually happened during this game !

So what's the lesson in there ?
Vexila are mandatory
Stop spreading my units too much, they need to support each other !
My terminator command squad isn't that expensive after all and quite efficient, even including the price of the warmonger (he did great both games !) but less resilient than I thought.
The champion in the assault squad is a really strong combo, no need to put him in a better squad
The Maru Skara + the deep striking unit isn't too much
I don't know for the bayonets, I almost forgot them so couldn't notice if they were good or not, but I did win some important fights by a single point, so even if they are marginally good, it can still be enough to be worth it. I need more data !
Maybe putting a thunder hammer or something on the biker sergeant, there were no vehicles during those games and they lacked power against infantry, even by charging them. Could have won me a fight !

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2024/03/25 19:57:12

Post by: gobert

Looks like a fun set of games with some beautifully painted armies!

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2024/04/27 15:31:14

Post by: godardc

Hi guys,
Let me introduce you to the first half of my Sunkiller squad ! The five first are done, they are now a playable unit. The rest of the squad won't be long before showing up too.
I hope you like them !


It appears that I forgot to glue the power cables going from the weapons to the powerpacks on the back of the marines : rest assured it is going to be fixed when you see the full squad together !

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2024/05/06 15:02:17

Post by: gobert

Nice looking squad godardc!

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2024/05/08 12:23:20

Post by: godardc

 gobert wrote:
Nice looking squad godardc!

Thank you ! They should get their first games at the end of the month of June, as there is going to be a big Horus Heresy event in Paris that I'm going to attend. Big games incoming (3,000pts, a first for me !) which means I'm in need of some AT firepower. They are just the right unit for that ! I'm advancing quite well on the last models, so the whole 10-man unit is going to be done before the end of the week and you will get to see the full painted unit

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2024/05/10 13:37:59

Post by: godardc

Hi guys,
Chose promise, chose dûe, here is the completed squad of Sunkillers. At long last ! I don't have my lightbox with me so there are only group photos, but still.
C&C are always welcome !
I'm quite happy with them, and happy that they are done haha
I took the opportunity of the many days off of the month of May to finish them ASAP, I'm glad I could progress on the army. Next is going to be the last unit : the phoenix terminator squad, and after them there are only going to be a couple of characters. Everything has to be painted before June, 22th, so I can't lose any time.

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2024/05/20 18:42:00

Post by: gobert

That’s a lot of Las action!

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2024/06/09 07:29:18

Post by: godardc

Hi, guys !
This morning, I have the joy to present the Lord-Commander Eidolon himself !
He was a pleasure to paint, and quite quick at that.
I haven't painted his unhelmeted head yet, and I'm likely to repaint his cloak in a not so distant future, but so far so good. He is to lead my force to an event at the end of the month, so we are going to see him in action very soon !
I tried not to overload him with golden. Indeed, I actually really enjoy my paint of Lucius, on who I've been very light with golden and white paint, unlike Sault Tarvitz, so I tried to paint him more like that.
Here he is, enjoy :

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2024/06/16 12:01:37

Post by: gobert

Eidolon looks stunning! The selective use of white and gold works well on home! I look forward to seeing him in action!

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2024/06/17 22:46:50

Post by: godardc

Thank you !
Here is the list I am going to play this weekend :


++ 1. Crusade Force Organisation Chart (LA - III: Emperor's Children) [3,000Pts] ++

+ Expanded Army Lists +

Expanded Army List Profiles:: Exemplary Units On, Legacy Units On

+ Allegiance: +

Allegiance: Traitor

Legions Astartes or Hereticus: III: Emperor's Children

+ Rite of War: +

Rite of War: The Maru Skara (EC)

+ HQ: +

Centurion [135Pts]

. Champion: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Sonic Shriekers, Warhawk Jump Pack
. Champion

Centurion [152Pts]: Warmonger

. Warmonger: Artificer Armour, Astartes Shotgun, Meltabombs, Sonic Shriekers

. . Bolt Pistol
. . Power Weapon: Phoenix Rapier

Lord Commander Eidolon [215Pts]: Warlord

+ Elites: +

Apothecarion Detachment [150Pts]

. Apothecary: Bolt Pistol, Power Armour

. . Chainsword: Chainsword
. Apothecary: Bolt Pistol, Power Armour

. . Chainsword: Chainsword
. Apothecary: Bolt Pistol, Power Armour, Warhawk Jump Pack

. . Chainsword: Chainsword

Contemptor Dreadnought Talon [405Pts]

. Contemptor Dreadnought: Gravis Melta Cannon, Gravis Power Fist with in-built ranged weapon, Meltagun
. Contemptor Dreadnought: Gravis Lascannon, Gravis Power Fist with in-built ranged weapon, Graviton Gun

Palatine Blade Aquilae Squad [375Pts]: 4x Charnabal Sabre, 9x Palatine Warrior, 5x Phoenix Power Spear

. Palatine Prefector: Bolt Pistol, Phoenix Power Spear

Terminator Cataphractii Squad [220Pts]

. Cataphractii: Combi-Bolter, Power Fist
. Cataphractii: Combi-Bolter, Power Fist
. Cataphractii: Combi-Bolter, Power Fist
. Cataphractii Sergeant: Combi-Bolter

. . Power Weapon: Phoenix Power Spear
. Cataphractii w/Heavy Weapon (1 in 5): Heavy Flamer, Power Fist

+ Troops: +

Assault Squad [165Pts]

. Legion Assault Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Power Armour

. . Power Weapon: Phoenix Power Spear
. 7x Legionary: 7x Bolt Pistol, 7x Chainsword
. Legionary w/ Options: Bolt Pistol, Power Maul
. Legionary w/ Options: Bolt Pistol, Power Maul

Tactical Squad [184Pts]

. Legion Tactical Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Armour

. . Power Weapon: Phoenix Power Spear
. 13x Legionary: 13x Bayonet, 13x Bolt Pistol, 13x Bolter
. Legionary w/ Options:: Bayonet, Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Legion Vexilla

Tactical Squad [184Pts]

. Legion Tactical Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Armour

. . Power Weapon: Phoenix Power Spear
. 13x Legionary: 13x Bayonet, 13x Bolt Pistol, 13x Bolter
. Legionary w/ Options:: Bayonet, Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Legion Vexilla

Tactical Support Squad [110Pts]: Rotor Cannon

. Legion Tactical Support Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Power Armour
. 4x Legionary: 4x Bolt Pistol

+ Fast Attack: +

Javelin Squadron [210Pts]

. Javelin Land Speeder: 2x Lascannons, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Heavy Bolter, 2x Hunter-Killer Missile
. Javelin Land Speeder: 2x Lascannons, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Heavy Bolter, 2x Hunter-Killer Missile

Outrider Squadron [130Pts]: Twin-linked Meltagun

. Legion Outrider Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Power Armour

. . Chainsword: Chainsword
. Legion Outriders: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword
. Legion Outriders: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword

+ Heavy Support: +

Sun Killer Squad [365Pts]: 8x Lascannon, 8x Sun Killer

. Novaetor: Augury Scanner, Chainsword, Lascannon

+ Lords of War Have Moved to "Lords of War Detachment" +

Lords of War Have Moved to "Lords of War Detachment"

++ Total: [3,000Pts] ++

Created with BattleScribe

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2024/06/18 12:34:02

Post by: toasteroven

An impressive force.

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2024/06/18 14:50:02

Post by: Boss Salvage

Army looks glorious all together! Hope they do well this weekend, especially the Sun Killers. What a cool EC unit (that the internet doesn't seem to like much, which means I'm here for it )

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2024/06/21 22:16:56

Post by: godardc

 Boss Salvage wrote:
Army looks glorious all together! Hope they do well this weekend, especially the Sun Killers. What a cool EC unit (that the internet doesn't seem to like much, which means I'm here for it )

Well, unfortunately we won't see how they behave as I got my wallet stolen and had to cancel going to the event... That's so unfortunate, I was a few hours away to take the train for Paris

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2024/06/23 08:50:19

Post by: gobert

Oh no! That sucks, hopefully it doesn’t cause much more of a PITA than missing the games. The Army looks resplendent in any case. At least this way the Sun Killers might dodge the bad luck of being a freshly painted mini!

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2024/06/25 11:06:42

Post by: godardc

 gobert wrote:
Oh no! That sucks, hopefully it doesn’t cause much more of a PITA than missing the games. The Army looks resplendent in any case. At least this way the Sun Killers might dodge the bad luck of being a freshly painted mini!

So far, so good ! But it's a shame because it was the first HH convention in Paris, and it was quite a big event. I had been talking about that for months and literally the day before, that happened...

Well, today I have the very last unit of the army, the phoenix terminator squad ! And good news, found my light box so I also got better pictures of Eidolon.

The phoenix terminators :

I didn't use a lot of decals, as they are already adorned enough, I didn't want them to look overloaded. They were very pleasant to paint but time consuming, a lot more than I thought initially.

Eidolon :

All my characters have a cloak painted in a different way : the dark cloak is to sho the dark heart of Eidolon. The red one is the show that Lucius is driven by his passion, while Tarvitz wears white, a symbol of his purity of soul and heart.

Next, I am to paint the Primarch Fulgrim Himself. It's quite a daunting quest, I'm telling you ! It's crazy to eventually be there, after all those years
I know it's not 100% over, because I have to do a little tidying like painting the red optics and the power weapons green (I started doing this on the characters and really liked it), but overall, we are edging to the end of the project. And what a journey !
Anyway, I am not in a hurry and Fulgrim is going to need some time, so enjoy the pictures of today !
Thanks !

The IIIrd Legion: an Heresy-era Emperor's Children blog. @ 2024/06/28 19:41:26

Post by: gobert

Sounds really Sh1tty, but you’ve got shiny new Terminators to help! They are super cool minis and look great in your colours. Love the idea for the 3 cloaks showing their character, nice one!