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Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/05/20 21:14:30

Post by: Guardling

Been a long time lurker on Dakka Dakka, from when it was just Ork gangs, so I'm finally going to try myself a blog.

my primary project right now is the Zone Mortalis stuff mainly so I can have a cool background to photograph my minis on.
So I got me some magnets:

I'm using the round things as my "master" magnet to keep the polarity of the magnets consistent.
The holes for the magnets are about 6mm across, but I bought 5mm ones as I thought I had a drill bit the same size and would like to potentially use them elsewhere.
Turns out I don't have a 5mm drill bit...

Gluing the magnets was super easy but I ended getting a little tower of magnets with the top on painted instead of my "Master Magnet"

The computer add-ons don't have great placement for the magnets so I added some plasticard strips to the back to help keep it flush.
I used two strips that I think are 0.5mm thick as there is a little step.
Strange that this is there as the rest of the kit has very convenient magnet holes...

... ...
These still things were a bugger to figure out. Settled on a strip of 0.5mm(?) Plasticard and some hope it won't be noticed once painted...
There is a very specific placement to the strip as its resting on two curved surfaces, I tried to keep it parallel to the notch it's resting against.

I also have them big floor tiles:

I've been working on these for a while...
Started with a grey primer and sploged some Mournfang Brown around the metal areas. A quick dry brush of Leadbelcher leaves me with the top tile.
I then filled in the squares with Karak Stone and picked out pipes with Straken Green
For the hazard stripes I used Zamesi Desert, masked it off and painted Mechanicus Standard Grey over it.
Then I slathered Nuln oil all over it followed by stippling more Karak Stone and picking out details in various colours.
Picked out the stripes with more Zamesi and some Abbadon Black
I used a bit of Dryad Bark to tidy up on the metal
I am probably not going to repeat the hazard stripes as I really didn't enjoy the process.

My plan is to use a similar method for the walls but replacing the brown with Standard Mechaninicus Grey and the Karak Stone with Celestria Grey, Maybe using that black contrast paint instead of Nuln Oil

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/05/21 01:14:40

Post by: Captain Brown

Good luck Guardling.

I ended up just doing various layers of brown, rust, silver, and grey on my tiles to same time as I am using them for a larger old-school Necromunda set up. Not the great detail you have put into the lower piece.



Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/05/22 09:58:35

Post by: Guardling

Thanks for the encouragement Captain Brown, I am a very neat person usually, so thing like rust and tonal variation are very hard for me to grok. Washes are my happy middle ground.
I notice you're also doing a Necromundian themed guard army, I'll take a look at them when I can and get some photos up of what I've been doing with mine.
I've finished assembling and magnetizing the pieces I have, having the floor tiles are quite handy for aligning the pieces together for gluing.

I ran out of time for rattle-can priming, so slapped some brown on a test piece. I was going to use the Stand-Mech Grey, but it is exactly the same colour as the plastic which meant I couldn't see where I had applied it.
I also primed the greebles brown as I intend to give them the same sort of treatment as the metal on my floor tile.

While I was assembling the double wall I noticed something:

you know how the toppers for the wall reverse to allow for stacking?
Well the topper for the double wall only fits the underneath the double wall.
So using the single wall toppers as a guide i marked out and cut some small wedges out. I used theses as a guide for a hacksaw to trim it down.

I then flied it smooth until I was left with something that looked like this:

Fits perfectly.

Now I have some daylight and no family around I can get priming

Aaaand I ran out of primer...
Aaand the last of it clumped badly...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/05/22 10:02:13

Post by: Kayback

OH that's neat.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/05/23 21:33:17

Post by: Guardling

I didn't get as much hobby time as I'd like, been doing the check my friends are all still alive thing.
But I did get my test wall piece done:

Metal: Standard Mechanicus Grey base, dry brush Leadbelcher, Nuln oil wash
Concrete: Celestria Grey base, Nuln Oil wash, Celestria Grey stippling
I'm not satisfied with the grey and was after some thing darker, closer to the box photos.

I also had some 3mm magnets arrive that are the same size as my "5mm" drill bit and have been adding them to other greebles I have lying around.
Sticking them in the booby trap models from the new Necromunda is the best thing I've done.
I was so happy with them, I was showing them off to the cat.

So just layered over some Black templar over the top and got a much nicer colour, though the patchiness irks me...
The idea is to have as few steps as possible, because it's scenery and I want to be able to easily replicate it at a later date, so the nuln wash followed by a contrast layer may be reduced.

The servitor is Leonardos, he's helping, so I gave him a fresh coat of paint.
He used to look like this:

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/05/25 21:11:32

Post by: Guardling

Again very little hobby time, so I picked out something simple to do while the (very) little one wrecks the living room.
Putting magnets in bases...

I had previously painted all my Necromunda bases separately and planned to just super glue one on whenever I need them.

I had measured the hole and found they were not quite big enough so had been widening it with a drill bit before gluing the magnet

Then through the power of distraction I discovered I could force the magnets into the slightly too small hole and they'd stay there without glue
And not come out, I know because I put one in the wrong way round and then had to cut it out.

I then spent an embarrassingly long time trying to get them all into a tower...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I thought I'd upload some of the photos I've got hanging around as well:
I squeezed in a few new hazard stripes on Leonardos, seeing as he originally had them and he's supposed to be painting them, It'd be weird if he didn't have them...

Some Eschers that I've had sat on my painting queue for a long time.
Built as the box says because I wasn't sure on how new Necromunda was going to be working.

And my version of the Necromundian 8th:

I went for the paint scheme and method suggested by the Warhammer TV bloke but also gave them the red weapons that I remember 40k having in my childhood.
I added in spare ganger heads, from the Orlocks so far but I have some Escher and goliaths with helmets on ready.
They don't have much in the way of Imperial insignia due to the models having originally been part of my Tau force.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/05/25 23:49:38

Post by: Captain Brown

Nice work Guardling



Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/05/29 21:47:35

Post by: Guardling

Thank you Captain Brown, I quite like your N. 8th, and have been getting ideas how I'm going to do my vehicles.
I'm going for a more PDF version for my guys so will probably focus less on camouflage if I ever get any vehicles.

So painted my test piece over with Chaos Black and redid the Leadbelcher drybrush and I'm pretty happy with the result.
Also got my Greebles painted up:

I got the Chaos Black paint from a box of older paints I had hiding under the box of current paints, also in this box were the good old Foundation paints!
Some of them were pretty thick and knarly, but with some Lamian Medium I was able to thin them down to slightly thinner than a new pot. the heavy amount of pigment in them gave excellent coverage.
This was them used to prime the rest of the kit and some othe stuff I picked up off of ebay:

I also spent some time starting a guy carring a Heavy Bolter:

The original idea behind him was for him to be one part of a heavy weapons team, but a full vat grown Goliath recruited/loaned/conscripted to the PDF, maybe with an Escher as his ammo runt, Legolas and Gimli style. Shortly before posting though, I remembered about a Catachan hero with a HB, Captain Harker or something and thought this could be a good stand in.
The Catachan torso is a place holder for now that I will probably bulk out or replace with some Miliput/Greenstuff armour.

With this idea bouncing around my head, I made and painted a Space Marine:

This guy I just a basic Primaris body and legs with regular Marine arms and backback.
I made another guy a while ago when thinking about Inquisimunda, but I had painted him as an Ultramarine, before learning that the Imperial Fists are stationed on (and recruit from AFAIK) Necromunda.
Here they are with guardsman for height comparison:

Fist guy doesn't have a name yet but I'm thinking something beginning with Leo, but not the spartin.
The Ultramarine is Veteran Brother Alpharius. He and his two shining blue clad brothers are here to offer advice on the Codex Astartes and inter-chapter training to new Imperial Fist recruits and Necromudian Guard units.

Got my self a good chunk of time to do whatever I wanted when tragedy struck:

That's my bits box where small bits go, 24 carefully sorted compartments gone in a blink.
Whats worse is it's entirely my fault and I can't blame anyone.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/05/30 08:00:41

Post by: BigJim

Noice! Loving the board.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/06/02 20:50:13

Post by: Guardling

Thanks for the encouragement BigJim.
Managed to get most of a day free from little one this week so I spent it "playing" Space Engineers, getting a vehicle airlock working without venting the atmosphere of the entire hanger.
Then I felt guilty about wasting so much potential hobby time I did some work on my Goliath Harker:

I started by bulked out the torso with superfine Milliput and sculpted the rough shape. once dry I sanded it smooth and carved the detail sharper.
Next I painted over the white so that I could more easily see any imperfections, filed/sanded/carved them smooth and repainted.
The breast panels will be added on with plasticard, like I did with the back notch.
I will probably use green stuff to sculpt the cloth on the arms and midriff.
Throughout it all I had a Ganger and a Cadian torso on hand so I could reference them.
While uploading these photos, I misspelt "Imperial Guard" as Imperial "Gourd" so I found his name

Speaking of gangers, I ended up painting my reference guys

Like my Eschers, these guys are setup according to the premade gang in the box set.
Colours are based on the example photos but I kinda changed it more to my liking.

Also, he has an E-Cigar.
I have a thing about there being wood in Necromunda as trees don't really grow in steel and concrete. So it'd have to be imported and thus very expensive and not used for disposables like burning.
Although there are mushrooms, so paper (and thus cigarettes) may be possible and you can probably burn dried mushrooms as fuel...
Maybe the wood you see on some minis is actually hardened mushrooms?
Also the old fluff had mention of long lost hab domes where the replicated stuff like fields, but again, rare therefore expensive.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/06/05 21:55:20

Post by: Guardling

Been hard to get into the mood to do any hobby the last couple of days (guess why) but I got there.
I spend most of my day painting barrels

I have a few of them, all free and single so I thought I'd try doing something interesting with some of them.
The four barrel block is based off a set up I see often where I work. Basically four barrels ratcheted together (usually on a pallet) with hoses going to a pump, which in turn goes somewhere important.
Usually nowhere because they're waiting on paperwork...
The pump is just sprue and garden wire, the nozzle is something out of one of my bits boxes, a suspension spring from a model car I think...
Straps were made out of some clam-shell packaging I had floating around, super-glued and bent into place. In retrospect I might stick to plasticard for that sort of stuff in the future

And because I had been putting off the Zone Mortalis stuff for too long I thought I'd pick out the easy bits:

Really simple, brown base, heavy dry brush of metal, mask coloured stripe on and then wash. I like to think the bit in the middle so Painted it black and gave it a grey highlight

Found some lamp greebles from one of the older building sets, put a 3mm magnet behind the bottom bolt, now they stick to my magnetised walls. It looks weird on the ground level as they hang about waist height for my little Ultramarine helper...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/06/09 22:38:34

Post by: Guardling

Partner told me that i shouldn't be buy any more Warhammer when I still haven't painted up the Blackstone Fortress box set they bought for my Christmas present.
That was after I have just bought a load of stuff online
So gotta get them finished
So here's rouge trader Janus Draik:

Over-all I struggle a bit with the Blackstone Fortress models as the detail on them is so fine and I can't keep my hands that steady, they twitch and I drop stuff.
Which is why he seems to be missing his pipe and some spikes. Oh well, it's a poki stick now...
I have tried playing the game and somehow we finished a game without using the board.
So safe to say I don't think I understood the rules

That said, I love the traitor guard that comes with it and have few of them already painted with some regular cultists, originally painted them red, but with most of my "good guy" have red in their schemes I thought I'd change it to blue. Like that Tzeentch blue.
I did notice however, that in my poor effort to replicate an "evil skin" colour, I painted them all brown.

...Yeah, no.

So I wanted to try out a few new "evil skin" colours and ended up with this guy:

This guy is a random model I got from a job lot of bits.
Base layer, then a contrast wash. A layer of the base colour again, then dry brush of flayed one flesh.
Will probably do that last drybrush as a layer as I'm not happy with the results and it'll be on hand and faces anyway.
I am keeping it simple as I haves forty of them and they're infantry.

Got some more Necromundian 8th done, some veterans with shotguns:

I haven't read an Imperial Guard codex since maybe 4th edition so I have no idea how effective they are or if they even still exist.
But they look cool and, in theory could be used as a counts as gang. I used to run Shotguns with Boltshells a lot when I originally played Necromunda
I've only played a couple of games of N17 and only read the box set rules so don't know if I can still do that

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/06/20 21:24:31

Post by: Guardling

Been sent back to work this week, which meant not a lot of time to post updates.

Finished the last of the PCs from Blackstone Fortress:

He was fun to paint as bits didn't keep falling off

I've set most of the PC on the Zone Mortalis bases with a vauge intention that I could use them... doing something... not sure really...
Except the Xenos scum, because good guardsmen died to keep them off Imperial property.

I recieved some 3d printed shoulder pads with fists on them from eBay.
First impressions are good very detailed, can't really see printlines, better quality than the Cadian heavy weapons team.
I forgot what printer the seller used, a resin one though.

Second impresion is, they flare out a bit more on the bottom than regular pads and the detail is too fine.
Wait, too fine detail?
Yeah, like a few layers of paint was enough to completely obscure the lines between the fingers, ended up using two thin coats of white, no primer and then painting the fingers with my smallest brush with thinned black.
Still better than free hand. Especialy when you randomly drop things.

Also on subject of Space Marines I stareted putting together some bits for my Fist squad:

I used Miliput to smooth out the torso to make it look closer to regular marines.
I'm not worried about the legs as they are near identical to the deathwatch legs in my bits box
I definatly wanted a guy with a storm shield although I wasn't sure what with,

The storm shield is from a deathwatch kit and I filed the Inq logo down and plan to fill in the lettering.
His gorget is from the scion kit and there is a book from there to replace the primaris helmet that was on his hip.
The helmet was a deathwatch helmet which turns out are sort of taller than regular marine helms that I cut the facplate off and replaced with a lone nurgley helmet.
Not sure what to do with his off hand yet. I have a deathwatch hammer at the moment but it feels wrong.

Returning focus back to actual Necromunda themed stuff, I revisited Gourd, my Goliath guardsman:

I noticed that he was a bit skinny compared to a regular ganger so I took the arms off and padded out the torso.
I also blocked out his legs, at time of writing he has another layer of miliput and some shoes ready to be a added.

Finaily as a pallete clenser I put together a Catachan model:

You'll notice he doesn't have the roid raging muscle arms, I wasn't a fan of them and saw an opportunity to use an old plastic Orlock autopistol.
I remembered some part of a book that said that the orks didn't notice when they were being shot at with lasguns because they were to quiet so the jungle fighters of this particular world had to use autoguns to properly scare/suppress them and cause them to retreat.
And heres what I ended up with:

Camo is super simple, after I highlighted the green, I just dabbed on some quite thin brown and black splodges.

You may notice that my pictures aren't that great, thats because I have to use my phone.
I do have an actual camera, but I need a tripod to use it because I just can't hold it still enough to get a clear image.
So I have some dowel cut-offs, some parts from a FauxPro and a creative mind:

I call it the "WHY???!!!POD".
It can't hold the cameras wieght and my partner says its upsetting to look at.
So now to wait untill I have enough disposible money to buy one...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/06/21 17:50:52

Post by: gobert

Nice work on Espern, in fact good work on the whole gang. I particularly like your UR-025. Cool stuff.

The fist shoulder pads look cool, but I see what you mean about the gaps between the fingers being a bit small. Could you maybe get a knife between them to open it up a little?

That catachan looks great, his pose is right out of an action movie too, great work!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/06/28 22:03:40

Post by: Guardling

Finding I have next to no time for hobby, maybe that'll change once I get back to regular hours at work.
I'm also really, really bad at getting one thing done at a time, I guess because it's for me to relax, I can't start the things I don't want to do

So after a long time of pretending they didn't exist, I did some more work on the Zone Mortalis terrain:

Got the door frames done, tried to match my floor tile with the floor part, but so far it looks a lot brighter.

Also finally finished a wall, pretty happy with how it came out, wasn't sure about the yellow light but looking at the photo I think it works

It's been a pain in the arse to paint as nearly all my paintbrushes have suddenly lost thier points, I suspect the little one.
As all I had was a fine (it says 1 on it) paint brush, I avoided doing the stipling I did on the floor tile and just did a line of wash around the edges

Got my culists finished to my liking with their new skin:

There are a few weapons swaps in there, mostly they are to help break up multiple models with the same pose.
Really liking the Blackstone Fortress Traitor Guard as well, apart from the fur

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/07/01 05:08:20

Post by: Captain Brown

Some solid work Guardling.



Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/07/04 22:07:53

Post by: Guardling

Been hard at work picking a project and sticking to it...
So focusing on my goliath guardsman, Gourd, I got some legs going:

He's been a mixture of sculpting the rough right shape and carving/sanding down.
They're pretty much the same size as the ganger legs, which it good, but the torso is a bit narrow in comparision, which is what I get for making them seperatly...

So focusing on my goliath guy, I ended up painting some base layers on the gangers that have been assembled for at least a year:

These guys are built as the examples that came with the box set.

So focusing on my necromunda minitures, I ended putting together and base coating a new Necromundian Guard guy:

My second missle launcher guardsman, I imagine him as a goliath juvie "recruited" to house spider, which is why he can bimble around carrying the launcher and rifle like it's nothing. My previous HWT guy is an Orlock that has dumped everything he's not using on the floor.
His face is from a goliath ganger cut to fit in a cadian "empty" helmet. Cigar and rifle sling are just plasticard. His off hand is from one of the spare arms for the rouge psyker from Blackstone Fortress.

I am trying to figure out how I'm going to do their ammo runts but I can't figure out how to have them carry multiple missles when the missiles in question are the same size as the men.
Well they can, but they'd look stupid, especially in the tight confines of the hive...
A very brief google search shows me where GW got pretty much the entire design for them, and those rounds are nowhere near the length GW portrays them.
So gonna have to cut them down or make my own..

So focusing on my Minis, I got a tripod today and experimented with taking some pictures from a real camera:

After lots of snapping away, I got a useable picture that points out all the little mistakes I made while painting him... Yay
But seriously, now I've more or less sorted out the shaking problem, I have a problem with focusing...
The camera is an older DSLR but it has an autofocus that can't quite get minitures.
Just got to figure out how to disable or manually set the focus now...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/07/12 21:26:55

Post by: Guardling

So instead of finishing painting the walls I have got, I started putting some of the stairs and platforms kit together:

I have found that putting small gouges into the contact surfaces seems to help plastic glue bond better.

When making the bent stair set I decided to cut off the spare tabs:

I just repeatedly scored the gap and then snapped them off, before cleaning it up.
This allowed me to put handrails on the midlevel platform and gave me some greebles for elsewhere.
As the other mid level platform wasn't being used for stairs, I just took one tab off so that it matched the corner pieces.
I have more sprues from these sets so I'm not worried about making them super modular.

I also have some pipes ready to go:

Stuck some magnets in thoses power core things (and on the inside of the power thing)
Also I used some milliput to smooth out the joins on the pipes as they were a bit missmatched.

I then primed pretty much everything I could
When test fitting the lift together, noticed it didn't seem to fit to well with the plastic game board so I shaved and sanded down a part of the floor peice utill it did. Unfortuantly I forgot to take pictures, but I did see an opportunity to add magnets...

Those crosses are where I ended up putting magnets so that they line up with the ones in the Pillar piece. tried it on the upper lift part too and it seems to fit properly.

Finally I started putting some base colours on:

As an experiment, I tried putting the karak stone layer straight on the primer with the plan of painting the mournfang brown on after to see if its quicker/better.
Last time, I did the leadbelcher drybrush before the karak and then had issuses with not being able to be to messy and potitialy messing up my metal.
This time I think it'll be easier to clean up the leadblecher in the karak as the dry brushing should keep away from the edges.

Back on my dayshift at work this week so hopefully will have more time to paint, photograph and use dakka while small one is in bed.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Forgot I put some spacemarines together:

Just primaris bodies and regular marine arms, helmets, backpacks and bolters.
Used miliput to fill in some gaps as they don't fit together that well...
Luckily the shoulder pads hide most of that...
I got the base colours down on these guys as well, but forgot to take photos before I stashed them out the way.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/07/13 12:00:26

Post by: gobert

Neat work on prepping the terrain, good luck with the ordering experiment. The mixed marines work well too

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/07/19 21:29:30

Post by: Guardling

Thanks gobert, the result of the experiment is:

Not a differance in final result, but when I put the brown down first I could do it a lot more aggressivly and get all the nooks and crannies better the first time around.
Leadbelcher after the Karak worked a treat though.
Added some red as a spot colour for more interest, came out well on the locking wheel, but i think it looks to bright on the hatch. Maybe I'll dull it down a bit with a wash or two.

Got my stairs and lift platforms done:

They're just a simple Mournfang-Leadbelcher-Nuln oil thing that I spiced up with black legs on the stairs and grey lift controls on the... lifts...
I did go out of my way to fit the railing onto the mid stair platform though.
the upper set of stairs had to have a small groove cut into it for the railing to sit next to it. I could of just left it off, but health and saftey has no short cuts...
This arangement of stairs seems to only properly work wrapped around one of the pillars so inside railings were not necessary.

Unfortunatly they seem a bit bland, so I'm trying to figure what I want to add colour-wise that doesn't draw to much attention to them.
Hazard stipes most likely...

Lastly finshed some of the plasma condiuts:

I had a test piece I did a while ago (bottom centre) and it transfered well to these bits, really happy with how they came out.
I've gone with the brass metal look for the exposed plasma coils and painted some of the small cables orange.
I thought about doing more colours for all the different pipe running down the sides but had no idea how to make it consistant, so I didn't.
Used red again for the bit with the power cores, seeing as it can be used as an objective it might as well be noticable..

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/07/20 02:03:03

Post by: kavika0311

A lot of good looking work you’ve got here. I like the amount of thought you put into the backstory for your work.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/07/26 20:22:12

Post by: Guardling

So struggling to find motivation, I didn't do anything 40k this week,
Was going to hit up a socialy distanced pub with work mates, but the day was crap and everyone just wanted to go home and shower.
So I spent my booze money in my FLGS and bought myself an overpriced assassin:

Pretty much painted him as the picture on the box showed, or tryied to anyway.
The scenic base that took up half the sprue didn't match my zone mortalis bases so I spent a long time figuring out how do do something similar, and settled on a random fence
and skull.
Really happy with the way he came out did lots of thin layers and mixing paints.
Everythings colour (except the white) started with mixing something into black: Macragge Blue for the suit, further highlighted with Celestria Grey, Sotek Green for the gun, Dryad Bark for pouches and Wazdakka Red for the straps.
Unfortunatly a lot of the colour isn't very clear but thats a combination of lack of good light a crap phone camera, just gotta deal with that later.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/07/27 07:42:28

Post by: gobert

Shame the pub didn’t work out, but good choice to replace it with minis! The black mixes came out really well and suit the assassin feel nicely. The base looks great too, the skull on the back of the fence is great

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/08/03 22:29:06

Post by: Guardling

Thanks for the encouragement Gobert and Kavika.
Work was rubbish, we told management two weeks, they told client one week. Management is upset we took two weeks.
Result is I've been to tired to do anything last week.
But lucky me, I have holiday this week, Yay!

I didn't get much painting done, but did dig out my camera and an actual tripod to take some better photos while I still have daylight:
Spider Parade! That sounds better than it is, unless you're arachnophobic, in which case you're safe. For now.

Clicking on the tiny images opens up the the image in the Dakka gallery so please vote, it gives me nice little doses of serotonin...

In other news, I've been working on my Imperial Fists a little bit:

They got their basecoats on and then I'll just hit them with a wash and bring the colours back with some layers.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/08/04 06:30:46

Post by: gobert

The Spiders look great in their natural habitat. The Classic SM helmets look cool on the Primaris, a simple change to tie them in to the old marine aesthetic!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/08/04 12:23:15

Post by: endtransmission

The Spiders look fantastic! I love the old shotguns on them too. I've got some of them in my guard force too

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/08/05 22:21:46

Post by: Guardling

Thanks for the serotonin Gobert and Endtransmission!
Managed to get enough to comment on other peoples blogs!

Some more photos up, this time it's all my painted Space Hulk minis:

Yup, all four of them.
I think I have base layers on most of the Terminators, but the Genestealers can go die in a flame template, Brood Lord was hard enough not doing it 20+ more times.
Plus I think I want to rebase them but can't bring myself to damage the original models (looks at broodlord regretfully). Not taking to account the guys ripping up the floors to make it harder.
Did play it with the family though, Partner and eldest son had a team each on the escape mission, had to fudge it a bit to stop the survivors getting slaughtered on the last two squares away from safety.

And some actual Necromunda stuff:
Got me some close ups of my Eschers:

Pretty much as the instruction manual says...

And some guys from the other gangs I have:

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/08/06 01:06:05

Post by: youwashock

Working for a living is a drag. Especially working against deadlines...

Your Escher are magnificent. Love the Patriarch. The Assassin is perfect. The skull graffiti is a great touch.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/08/06 04:30:14

Post by: Viterbi

Great blog, your Necromunda Spiders look nice in their natural environment and the following stuff is also amazing. And I hope you find the motivation for the Genestealers, because the broodlord looks ace!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/08/06 08:23:30

Post by: gobert

A great bunch of minis, the Space Hulk stuff is excellently painted. I too hope you can find the motivation to paint the stealers because the broodlord looks amazing!

The orange hair on the Escher leader is fantastic and her metallic blue whip is very well done too.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/08/06 08:38:33

Post by: Fifty

Bosses who don't understand that things take longer to do than to say are super annoying!

Still, you are getting some lovely models painted a a decent rate, in general, and your Necromunda board to give good photo backgrounds is really coming along nicely.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/08/07 22:44:20

Post by: Guardling

Thanks for the kind words people,
All the time off I had and I didn't do much productive stuff, mostly sat on the PS4.

I did start on a project that I actually started around christmas:

I had a pice of foam board with the idea to make a sort of display shelf for my minis.
Basically I just got out all my plasticard scraps and just glued them to the board in a semi random, but still relatively flat fashion
There were some photos from the actual gluing stage but they were to blurry to use
I then grabbed some leftover polyfilla and made a thin mixture to spread all over the place

Once dry I went over it in sandpaper to knock off all the obvious ridges from it.
I then used some manky old PVA glue to add this manky old sand stuff I have.
I did this in two ways blobs of glue on the board and then sand on top and then just mixing sand in with the glue and sploging it everywhere.
When it was (mostly) dry I hit it with a coat of grey primer and then some red and yellow rattle cans I still had for something else completely unrelated.
I used the rattle cans lightly which gave me this lovely brownish look:

I followed this up with some dry brushes of various old paints I had lying around and dabbing what turned out to be dark green onto the places where I'd put the sand.
This didn't turn out looking good and some of it was knocked off.
So I gave it a good spray of some "Petrol Resistant Laquer" that I had only ever used once and kept for two years.
I then used this custom wash that I had made a whole pot of and used only once.
Followed by some paint I forgot I had to dab in the exposed patches, leaving me with this:

...Looks alright now...

And here it is in place with some minis for scale:

And I Now I have some where to put my vehicles, which may as well be scenery to me:


Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/08/08 09:32:49

Post by: gobert

Great shelf solution! Will you be adding LEDs for atmospheric lighting? Then again Grim Darkness and all that! Some clear plastic for the sides helps keep dust to a minimum too

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/08/08 15:30:56

Post by: Guardling

Nope, the shelves are not very nice cheap plastic things that are supposed to be temporary, but I'm not going to replace them untill i move house again.
My entire hobby space consists of two of these... Well four, but they stack...

I do have some fairy lights that I might tape to the "ceiling" though...

Dust is a regular problem for me though, my minis spend so long between layers and I forget to dust them before painting...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/08/10 17:30:45

Post by: JoeRugby

Looking good dude, love the Escher leader

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/08/15 14:17:49

Post by: Guardling

thanks JoeRugby, I'm looking forward to more updates on your own blog, liking your BSF stuff

So was my birthday last week so my partner got me more warhammer, just took a while to arrive through the post:

They asked if I'd finished the Blackstone Fortress I got last year so I hid the "bad guys"

So knowing I labeled my blog as "Necromunda stuff" I started only the only non-necromunda thing:
Started by putting magnets wherever could to keep as much modularity as I could:

Had a fun time trying to get the dozer blade to stay on so it's magnet setup is bit of a mess.
It stays on now but barely...

Put some magnets in the turret for the radio upgrade. I put some magnets for the smoke launchers inside the back hatch.

Here he is with everything stuck on. The main gun is also magnetised and the turret has a couple of extra magnets in it originaly for the seachlight, but the field forces the turret gun slot up which makes it easy to attach the main gun.
The missile also has its own little magnet to.
Other modifations from the base chimera are a spare tank track I had in a bits box and the winged skull thats supposed to be above the drivers hatch has been replaced with an aquilla.
As for building the thing: I had head that people have had a hard time with the tracks but I found them easy.
Those lasguns on the back though where a nightmare
Due to the door parts not fitting inside the hull properly, I just glued the rear door down

By the time I had it ready for priming the weather took a turn for the worse, but there was a break:

A lot of the sanding and gap filling disappeared with the primer
Now to figure out a colour scheme enter photoshop:
(except not really photoshop, I'm cheap and use GIMP instead)

1) Is a favourite, but it seems to close to Inquisiton colours to me
2) Is based off a camo cloak I did for my sniper, It worked pretty well with my zone mortalis scenery
3) Straight off using the pattern of the fatigues of my Necromundian guard.
4) Similar to the Fatigues, but with some white edges, but it feels like somethings missing...
Maybe needs more red and spider pictures...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/08/15 23:55:32

Post by: gobert

Nice Birthday haul! Looks like you’ve put some effort in to getting the Chimera ready. It’s always impressive seeing how people magnetise their vehicles. FWIW, I think 4 looks the best, if you’re after adding red then maybe swap out the white?

If you’ve not done the BSF bad guys I’d highly recommend doing them, they’re great minis!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/08/17 06:32:54

Post by: Viterbi

Happy belated birthday and nice new stuff. Good work on magnetizing the tank and love that you hid the baddies because they weren't painted from last year Although I can understand that. They are nice sculpts, but can be tedious towards the end, that's why I painted the last 10 models as green ghosts

For the tank scheme 4 looks cool. And I think with some decals and a bit of battle damage it should work well.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/08/23 21:19:56

Post by: Guardling

Been Painting this week, lots of it but nothing finished...
Started on my platforms for the zone mortalis.

Intending to do the base colour for the metal last so I can be less fussy with the Karak Stone
Also almost finished putting the base colours on one of my floor tiles:

it's been taking a long time to finish.
Just got to fill in some thin bits with Karak. Intention is to have some lettering in the centre squares so I painted it Eshin grey so that I can darken it to black, but still have dark bits...

Started work on my chimera, gone for the white edged stripes in pic 4:

Painted the whole thing with dawnstone and started with black for the tracks.
I then used 1:1 Nuln oil and water to pick out the rivets and wash the bottom of the side skirts. I added some Wildwood contrast around some deeper panels and hatches
I also painted the bottom of the tank and underhangs with Eshin Grey and put some codex grey in some recesses.
I then gave it a pretty liberal drybrush (well not quite dry...) of Dawnstone to blend the colours back and an edge highlight of Celetia grey:

I also blocked in some colours for other things.

I decided it needs red weapons and some spider motifs. I'm also thinking red and white hazard stripes for the dozer blade. It will absolutly have at least the "Necromunda" transfer that came with it. Not sure about battle damage though as I'm going for more of a PDF than an actual regiment, I'd imagine the most it would see would be police action and there doesn't appear to be many gangers with anti-tank weapons... Yet.

And then I dropped it and snapped off two lasguns and the magnet for the missile.
Must be time for bed...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/08/30 20:11:22

Post by: Guardling

Busy week at home this week, so I've been barely chipping away at the painting.
Chimera So far:

Decided on spider web motifs for it, after all the spiders rest in webs right?
The black and white stipes where surprisingly hard to do with all the panels going everywhere
Making all the weapons systems red has satisfied me and I'm really happy with how the dozer blade came out.
Really want to put the "Necromunda" decal on it, but unfortunatly, its to big for the uninterupted flat bits.
I most definatly dislike those las guns sticking out the back, I think they need updating to the more modern design...

Set myself up a little photoshoot to try and get some action shots, here what came out well:

I'm looking forward to 12 hour night shifts at work next week, so thinking of sneaking some hobby stuff in, maybe I'll get something done

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/08/30 22:15:34

Post by: gobert

Sweet work on the chimera, the spiders web is a great addition. The Red and white dozer blade is a cool addition too. Loving the bright yellow truck the Rogue Psyker is stood on, cool atmospheric underhive pics to boot

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/09/06 20:33:13

Post by: Guardling

Gobert: Thanks, I find the little photoshoots help motivate me and tell a story, even if I'm not entirely sure what it is

Anyways, started doing some making and dug up my goliath guardsman, Gourd:

Got some green stuff on him to bulk out his abdomen and get some chest plates on, his back also got a rework.

I primed him to check for defects and started adding equipment to him.
When I was done I realised I hadn't sculpted the armour for his boots, whoops.

I also started on the grim task of sorting and putting together my regular guardsmen, these guys have been snapped apart, stripped, used in conversions, snapped apart again... So putting them back together was tricky, but I should have enough bits for a total of twenty guys with lasguns.

And some heads I've had for a while and cleaned up while I had green stuff out for Gourd:

The one on the left is gonna be Gourds new face, the rest are spare Escher faces that have been cut to fit over gouged out Cadian faces.

I painted my Imperial Fists to a state I'm happy with:

I have since put them on Necromunda style bases and am thinking about putting some markings on their pauldrons, most likely tactical arrows. They all have a Red and black checked plate on them with white N on it to signifiy their allegiance to the planet of Necromunda.
I don't have names for them all yet, except Brother Leon with the big plasma gun.

And lastly I started blocking out colours on this lady, forgot her name:

She's from the rouge trader kill team, and I do already have some Voidsmen painted, but I also want to use her for my N8th, so I'm going for a style the fits between.
Some parts I've started with the same base colour, but I intend to go differant directions with them.
The cloth metal and leather are getting a nuln oil wash, the armour is getting a flesh wash and the skin will be highlighted with Mournfang.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/09/08 06:06:13

Post by: Viterbi

Action shots look cool and love the IF, very nice yellow!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/09/13 19:00:40

Post by: Guardling

Got started putting together an Ambot:

Those are just the spare bits... gonna have to do sothing with those legs later.

Heres the actual ambot I'm working on:

lots of little details on this model, another dakka user, Graphite, recomended keeping the head, arms and legs for painting, which was good advice it seems
I've decided to go for an Escher scheme for this one, gonna go for grey and yellow armour plates and look though my bits box for some themed greebles.
Metal is Dryad bark with Leadbelcher drybrush, gives me a nice used metal that doesn't look rusty as I would imagine a machine like this is expensive and thus well maintained.

Put some shade on the rogue trader medic:

Apparently she's called Rejuvenat Adept Sanistasia Minst. I guess I'll call her Mint for short...
Then went out with smallest child and pulled a muscle.
Not painfull, but too distracting to paint during my biggest painting window of the week.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/09/14 05:12:48

Post by: Viterbi

Using the intended GW names is futile, calling her Mint will definitely suffice
Ambot is coming along nicely.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/09/20 20:25:35

Post by: Guardling

Viterbi: Yeah, especialy as they are often fimilar words that have been rejigged like her (S)Anastasia forename (which, fittingly, is linked to ressurection). Also as I've not painted her as the the canon character, it makes sense to have my own name.

Speaking of the Ambot though, I'm struggling to continue painting it...
I feel like it needs something else colourwise to the point where I'm tempted to give it thigh high leather boots.

For the meantime though, I started catching up on terrain:

The Pillars are about done, but not their top pieces, and they match up with my test peice
I've made progress on the wall bits that I have, put all the base colours ready for a wash, but forgot/didn't bother to take photos.
The second floor tile just needs stippling some Karak Stone on it and some large alphanumerics to go in the centre grey tiles.

I got to a place where I was happy with Mint, but:

When I compared her to the other Starstriders I'd painted I realised her armour looked quite dirty in comparision.
Not good for a healthcare professional.
It's not very clear on the photos, but there is a lot of contrast between the Celestria Grey and the white, so I decided I wasn't as happy with it on the Voidsmen either.
I had picked up that white Contrast a while ago so I thought now would be a good time to give it a go:

Guy on the left just had a couple of layers of white before the contrast and the Right guy had some Celestria Grey to see how that looked.
And then I got distracted and replaced the lasgun from one of the Voidsmen with a shotgun from a differant Voidsman:

He's had a little bit of greenstuff to fix some bits since this photo. I have a few Voidsmen doubles so have been doing some conversions on the spares, the donor for the shotgun now has a chainsword and a feathered hat.

Anyway, I'm happy with her now:

Untill I saw this photo that is, I think I need another hightlight for her face...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/09/20 22:41:09

Post by: gobert

Loving the white armour on your Rogue Trader retinue, very bling and fitting!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/09/27 20:34:18

Post by: Guardling

Gobert: Me to, gonna have to update my Voidsmens armour

Not much of an update today, been mostly distracted by other hobbies:
While looking for bits I found some polystyrene half spheres that I've been after for years to make Tau terrain with:

Put in some Crisis Suits for scale, they're not actually based with (fake)fur, it's just my bed (AKA my other workspace) is covered in stuff.

Did some base colours on my shotgun toting Voidsman and his contrast layer and started on my guy with a minigun.

Also did a skin highlight for Mint, mixing in some pink to the brown:

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/09/29 01:41:30

Post by: Captain Brown

Nice work Guardling.



Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/10/04 20:58:31

Post by: Guardling

Been working on my Zone Mortalis walls this weekend finialy got them up a "finished" point:

The floor tile is almost finished as well, spent a while stippling it, just got to get some splatters on it and I'm thinking of using the tank decals for the centre grey squares.
At somepoint I started adding spots of Leadbelcher with Gulliman Flesh contrast to the dents in the metal work and Agrax Earthshade to the dents in the concrete... So for consistencies sake I had to go back and apply it to my already "complete" Pillars

Also got my Ambot to a point where I'm pretty happy with it:

I went with Escher colours and added a few appropriate bits to it.
Somehow I managed to mess up gluing its left arm on and because I used a plastic sprue slurry I can't take it off and reposition it.
I haven't quite sold my self on the orange yet though.

And an action shot:

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/10/05 06:06:09

Post by: Viterbi

Great update, everything looks so cool and I love the action shot. "Ok boys, we jump out in 3, 2..."

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/10/05 07:16:03

Post by: gobert

Loving the action shots, the scenery really adds to the well painted minis. Ambot is looking really cool, the chipped yellow is great. I see what you mean about the orange, it’s a bit lost with the yellow, would a pastel blue or deep pink work with your Escher colours?

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/10/06 16:17:47

Post by: Captain Brown

Looking good Guardling.



Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/10/21 08:19:46

Post by: Guardling

I recently started night shift so I've not had much time to hobby but I had a "day" of last night so spent it painting.
I had to move most of my stuff to the living room as my hobby space was occupied by my sleeping partner
Been working on the wall and pillar toppers for the Zone Mortalis set:

I was originaly going to paint these with the same Celestria grey I was using on the walls, but the test piece didn't feel right, so I stuck to the same black drybrushed metal the walls have.

For painting them I basically started by rougly brushing in Mournfang Brown into the centre detailing and then painting in a bit more carefully (well, not much) with some black for the outside trim.
I then drybrushed the whole lot with Leadbealcher, heavily in the centre and less so on the trim, I also picked out scratches and dents while I had the paint out..
Next I picked out all the fiddly wires with Trollslayer Orange, the lsmall pipes with Calgar blue and the large pipes with Straken Green.
And then dumped a load of Nuln Oil on everything and finished it off with a thin layer of black over the trim to take away some of the drybrushed Leadbelcher.
And the result:

With these bits done the Zone Mortalis Column and Walls set is complete, now I just need to finish the Platforms and Stairs set...

I've also spent some time painting Gourd:

I was hoping the paint job would hide the hide the sculpting I've done and it mostly does, however his boots are not great and look more like Uggs
And a pic a little later on to show of his pose and scale:

I think the HB works to draw attention away from his feet and the fact that he hasn't got the tags on his pockets.
Still got to paint his face and some more detail bits.

And some responses, I'm never sure where to put then (or how) so they're going at the end of my post now:

Viterbi: Thanks, lets hope their plan goes well

Gobert: The only other colour I used on the eschers was some green hair and gems, so I might give that a go

Captin Brown: Thank you

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/11/10 14:49:56

Post by: Guardling

Lifes taken a turn for the worse at the moment, stopping me from enjoying any hobby time.
I did manage to sneak some minis into work to paint during my break time though:

Repainted the orange decor on my ambot to green, a bit more contrast helps I think

Got some work done on my N 8th, now I finaly have a regular guy with a lasgun

I started putting base layers on one of the Blackstone Fortress Beastmen:

But I was discouraged by the amount of gap filling I'm going to have to do on his buddies

And lastly I've finished off Gourd:

I'm kinda dissapointed with how the sculpt came out, the paint job helps alot...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/11/10 18:55:27

Post by: gobert

The new green on the ambot looks really good, definitely an improvement. The BSF minis are cool, but quite a few benefit from a bit of GS. Gourd looks pretty good, though for my money his helmet and shoulder pads seem a little on the small side compared to his body.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/11/10 21:41:13

Post by: Olthannon

Love the painting you've done, I really like those models. I might have to pick up the Blackstone Fortress stuff.

Can you tell me how big those ambots are? I want to use them for some ad mech conversions.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/11/11 08:31:09

Post by: Guardling

gobert wrote:The new green on the ambot looks really good, definitely an improvement. The BSF minis are cool, but quite a few benefit from a bit of GS. Gourd looks pretty good, though for my money his helmet and shoulder pads seem a little on the small side compared to his body.

I see what you mean about the head and shoulder pads, but the Goliath heads are pretty much the same size as guardsmen heads so I'm not to worried about that.
I personally like that the shoulder pads are too small, makes his arms look BIG. Also, the Adeptus Administratum are already annoyed at having to issue a 7XL breastplate, he can have the same pouldrons as everyone else...

Olthannon wrote:Love the painting you've done, I really like those models. I might have to pick up the Blackstone Fortress stuff.

Can you tell me how big those ambots are? I want to use them for some ad mech conversions.

The ambots are just shy of 5cm or 2 inches.
Neatly, each sprue has two sets of legs and the stubber servitor for the Skitarii dunerider fits quite well on them:

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/11/11 21:21:48

Post by: IGtR=

Necromunda work is looking fantastic - good idea for the extra legs, which I must say are a nice departure from the general trend in modern GW kits to not give you substantive spare bits.

Thanks for sharing

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/12/26 22:27:21

Post by: Guardling

Well the last month of work for me has been utter
Been too stressed out and worried to get much done.
End result is I work for a new company, it's the same as my old job but with better pay.
But now thats happened I'm starting to get into the swing of things
I got some Voidsmen armour updated to the new white contrast style:

I decided that the stock of my shotgun conversion looked wonky and didn't fit with the rest of the models, so I got rid of it.

Next up, the Blackstone Fortress beastman:

I decided to give him some Necromundian guard trousers as it would be highly likely that the cultist would be pilfering issue gear.

Next Up aI started on fixing a crane platform that I'd made.
I disagreed with the galvanic servohauler crane being so low to the floor so I had made a plaform out of old necromunda bulkheads toraise it up a bit and give a sort of crane on rails vibe to it, Unfortunatly it got droped and broke so time to fix:

The pieces used. The struts are 5mm(ish) plasticard square tubing measured and cut. The tabs have been removed from the Necromunda bulkheads for easier gluing.

This is pretty much ho I lined it up, the square rods wear a bit to long so I had to trim them to fit the inside.
I've used a glue/sprue slurry to bond and gap fill. takes longer to to dry but fills up some of the dodgy conections for a more secure bond.

The completed base of the crane, there is enough room for an armoured container to slide underneath.

The completed crane, loads more clearance for lifting. It's a lot less wobbly than it used to be. Now to just paint over the bits I've sanded back
I got all ready to paint it the same as it was when I realised that I'd run out of Mournfang Brown.
I use mournfang brown for literally everything.
Oh dear.

But luckily a flash of inspiration happened while Small was playing with my Zone Mortalis walls, just paint all the trim black!
This helps blend it with most of my Necromunda terrain and stops it being just another brown blob as well.

And while I was on the terraim binge, I painted up some crates:

These guys where arranged the same as the Kill Team Arena box piles are supposed to be, just because it have loads of individual crates and that is actually a pain.
Glue/sprue slurry is my friend here again as I can use it to fill somne of the gaps between the crates to make a stronger bond

I also painted up one of the Zone Mortalis lifts but i got more interested in photgraphing the model on it than it:

Anyways, Christmas happened yesterday:

I'm excited for the escher box set as it contains (mutant) kitties!
Going to have to paint one the same as my cat... And maybe name them after the nicknames I call her...
For now it'll have to go on the pile of birthday pressies I still haven't started...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/12/27 01:30:28

Post by: gobert

Nice work on the crane, it really does look better being that big taller. The black edges seem to work well too. I do love the Beastmen from BSF, they’re really cool sculpts and they look great in the metallic blue. A good Christmas haul too, I look forward to seeing it again soon all painted up!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/12/27 09:10:46

Post by: Arakasi

Just stumbed on this today, and glad I did. Nice to see your journey and progress. Couldn't help but think "Bumblebee" when I saw the finished Ambot.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2020/12/30 22:05:31

Post by: Fifty

That crane is a nice little kitbash. Makes good use of both bits of kit.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/01/02 21:35:44

Post by: Guardling

gobert wrote:Nice work on the crane, it really does look better being that big taller. The black edges seem to work well too. I do love the Beastmen from BSF, they’re really cool sculpts and they look great in the metallic blue. A good Christmas haul too, I look forward to seeing it again soon all painted up!

Thanks, it's amazing when just changing a base colour can do

Arakasi wrote:Just stumbed on this today, and glad I did. Nice to see your journey and progress. Couldn't help but think "Bumblebee" when I saw the finished Ambot.

Haha! Now I can't un-think that.

Fifty wrote:That crane is a nice little kitbash. Makes good use of both bits of kit.

Thank you, as much as I like the look of old necromuda stuff, I hate the carboard terrain, so I'm always trying to find something to do with those bulkheads

In the spirit of trying to use stuff I can't put together right:
I had a section of Thermic Plasma Conduits (henceforth pipe) that I had only one foot for.
Luckily I was browsing the zone mortalis designers twitter and got some hints for what to do with it:

Chop a quarter of it off, add those pipe fitting bits and tada!

They locate into the wall greebles so the don't need magnets to stay up
(I painted the "inside" of the pipes and the pipe ends black before gluing them together)
The other secton just got glued to a damaged piece with the single foot as support:

And then following my lack of paint, I went to my FLGS and found it was shut.
But the local Games Workshop or "Warhammer" store was open so I went in there decided to buy myself a painting handle as well.
Spent the next hour painting things brown:

And then drybrushing it Leadbealcher:

And then getting distracted and painting a Kitty:

This is Door Stop, named and coloured after my cats nickname.
Very simple white with white contrast, dawnstone with nuln oil for the grey, then a highlight of the respective colours.

And here is Trip Hazard, named and coloured after my dogs nickname.
Belly is Morghast Bone, main fur is Mournfang, and the dark bits are Dryad Bark, then Nuln Oil over it all and re-highlight. I think I mixed in some Morghast with the Mournfang for a better highlight as well.

Also seeing as my Eschers are my only fully painted gang (or force and so technically, army) I thought I would start on the other bits in the box:

I'm provisionally calling her Bast, because they looks like they're in charge of the kitties.
It took me a really long time to realise that they're holding a lead, so I was then trying to set up a little shoot with Trip Hazard pouncing on the ganger from behind, but the lighting wasn't good and I couldn't make it work.

So New Years Day rolled around and I was set up ready to start documenting what I'd achieved this year...
Maybe take some photos while the light is good...
Maybe make a plan about what I should resolve myself to do this year...

And instead I spent about six hours cleaning, sorting and rearranging my "workspace"
I did however discover I've got another set of Zone Mortalis walls/stairs/platforms to get though:

Automatically Appended Next Post:
So I started on another Voidsman:

Didn't want theses two looking identical, so I cut his head and cigarette hand off.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/01/03 10:06:36

Post by: gobert

That’s some hobby adhd all in one post! It looks like you’ve got the rusting up process down, very efficient. Are they all just blue tacked down for ease of batch painting? The kitties look good, especially for a quick contrast job

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/01/05 22:22:11

Post by: Guardling

 gobert wrote:
That’s some hobby adhd all in one post! It looks like you’ve got the rusting up process down, very efficient. Are they all just blue tacked down for ease of batch painting? The kitties look good, especially for a quick contrast job

Haha, gonna have to steal that hobby ADHD line.
I work in a dockyard where I see a lot of metal in various states, I wouldn't say mine looks rusty, just battered and old.
The bases are just stuck down with masking tape, for ease.
I have to stick with that I'm afraid, the models are too small for my twitchy fingers to get any detail

Any way spent all night thinking about an idea for a zone mortalis conversion instead of sleeping.
The idea being that the central pillars sit on top of a fan, and the platform pieces have a fan that goes over the top of the pillar...
Therefore, the pillar must be mostly hollow to accomodate the air flow.
(Which may help explain why people can still breath in the underhive, where I work, the tunnels can "randomly" suffocate you and you have to wear gas monitors and have BA trained people ready to save you)
Therefore a ganger could more than likely break though a wall and use it as a hiding place, either for sleep or storage.
(Speaking of which where do underhivers sleep? Do they have tents? post sentries? What stops gribblies from grabbing them while they sleep?)
So spent till 3am thinking about it before going to sleep and waking up at 6am.
Get me some hobby time and start prepping:

Took me best part of an hour the score that bit out, broke a knife blade.
Then saw an advert for a 3d printed bits that included a "zone mortalis" pillar with a hidden bedroom.
Kinda knocked my enthusiasm for a while, I'm sure I'll get back to it eventually, maybe even this year...

So started on something else:

Deliberatly left that fourth wall off, don't need it. Just clippers. Actually the plastic was too thick for my regular clippers to cut, so I went overkill and fished out my tin snips.

Chomp chomp chomp chomp chomp chomp chomp...
The idea being the printed game tiles for the N17 box set have destroyed wall sections on them, therefore I must have some as well.
(This idea is so obvious that i'm not bothered by other people stealing my idea before I thought of it)

Got me a bit of plasticard in there to help keep the fitting and a sprue support bar. With it's amazing gap filling properties, plastic glue slurry helped make sure it din't matter how accurate my cuts were.

Put more support sprues in and started some detailing at the top, just some scraps of resin I had lying around that I cut and sanded to the right shape.
Of note my first support bar was too low when I put it on so that didn't fit over the top (bottom) of the flipped topper piece.
So I had to cut it off and move it higher. Plastic glue slurry is my friend here.

Gonna fill the space up with sprue bits and the parts that I've cut off.
Don't have anymore filler unfortutaly so will have to see what I can do with the slurry I have.
Maybe make it thicker?
Maybe add some sand?

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/01/06 20:30:05

Post by: gobert

Steal away, I picked it up from someone else anyways so I can hardly lay claim.

The fan idea sounds really cool. I hope you manage to make it happen. I’ve seen people use PC cooling fans to good effect before. It looks like you need a dremel or a junior hacksaw for the panels though.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/01/06 23:17:23

Post by: IGtR=

Such bravery to chop them up, but the results are definitely worth it.

Looking forward to seeing this one progress and thanks for sharing

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/01/17 22:27:28

Post by: Guardling

gobert wrote:Steal away, I picked it up from someone else anyways so I can hardly lay claim.

The fan idea sounds really cool. I hope you manage to make it happen. I’ve seen people use PC cooling fans to good effect before. It looks like you need a dremel or a junior hacksaw for the panels though.

...Fan Idea? I hadn't thought of putting an acual fan in there...
Now I am thinking about it

IGtR= wrote:Such bravery to chop them up, but the results are definitely worth it.

Looking forward to seeing this one progress and thanks for sharing

Thank you
I had more than one set so looking to make some variety.
Definatly still avoiding damaging them as much as I can though

First up today is the damaged wall sections:

Just using scrap plasticard to provide a base to glue chunks of the stuff I've cut off. I then started filling the gaps with chuncks of cut up sprue.

I started on two collapsed wall sections as well.
This started as the double wall section that I cut in half as it seemed the most efficient use of parts

Again, a scrap plasticard base with the cut-offs glued in

I then filled in the gaps with sprue chuncks before liberally coating it with plastic glue slurry.
The slurry will soften the edges and fill the gaps, hopefully making it easier to paint.
Also when it is dry I can then cut into it as well for a bit more effect.

Also worked on some lights I had from somewhere

Each has a little magnet in it so I can just pop them anywhere as greebles

I've put together the stuff from the gang stronghold and started based coating it
But while I was doing it I noticed something:

While I was removing everthing from the sprue I saw these and thought "neat, they've given us some broken railing pieces"
Then whilst assembling the tower as per instructions, I noticed I was missing some railings...
Checked to the sprue number and discovered that these railings were supposed to be whole...
Wierdly the damge to each of the four sprues was identical, which is why I thought it was intentional.
So I dug though a bits box and found some sector mechanicus railings, problem solved.

I also noticed that the top platform for the watch tower is the same height as the half set of stairs
so using a spare set of legs I made a half height platform:

Anyway base coating:

It tried out using black as a base coat for everthing and roughly brushing my usual Mournfang brown over the top for my platforms.
This way I get some pre-prepared shadows going, which given the large number of deep recesses is going to be a time saver.
I started with Eshin grey for the walls but I think it's too dark so I'm thinking of using mechanicus grey instead.
I have also decided I dont like the wall sections much. Specifically the way that they fit together, with themselves and my existing ZM terrain.
All of the stronghold wall pieces have a little triangle gap on the back bottom of them
No idea why they didn't just do them flat like on the front...

Anyhow, on to my big mistake while building the kit:

These gates can be built so that they go under a walkway piece, or so that there it no covering at all.
Unfortunalty I built mine so that there is no possiblity of a walkway over it...
But I've been thinking to my self about coverting things recently and an idea popped into my head:

First I made myself some plasticard connectors for the pillars and figured out the spacing for it to go over a wall.

Then I found something to use as a bridge, in this case it was two cut up armoured container bits that I glued back together.
With a bit of cutting, sanding and some plasticard bits I got the clips onto the bridge
I then rebuilt the messed up railings using some cover panels:

A bit of plasticard tube to fill the gap...
And tada!

I'm not worried that its wonky seeing as that adds to it charm.
I am however annoyed at that little triangle gap at the bottom of the gates pillars

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/01/18 06:22:59

Post by: Viterbi

Very cool update post, terrain is coming together very nicely and looks exactly as ramshackle in parts, as you would expect. The collapsed terrain is genius!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/01/19 22:34:59

Post by: Guardling

 Viterbi wrote:
Very cool update post, terrain is coming together very nicely and looks exactly as ramshackle in parts, as you would expect. The collapsed terrain is genius!


Quick update:
Put some paint on my collapsed walls

Pretty much the same as my regular walls but I used a dawn stone base for the rubble.
I also forgot to do the nuln oil wash and plan to drybrush the rubble with more grey

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/01/20 08:08:07

Post by: endtransmission

Great work on the walkway and collapsed walls, they all look great!

Those railings all being damaged in the same place is really weird. I had to go check mine after you posted that. I think your repaired one looks a lot better though, so I think you won out

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/01/21 16:23:24

Post by: Captain Brown

Very nice converting and kit-bashing there Guardling.



Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/01/23 22:08:13

Post by: IGtR=

Great kitbashing, and still admiring your fearlessness on embarking on this project - it is paying dividends!

Thanks for sharing

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/01/24 21:19:01

Post by: Guardling

endtransmission wrote:Great work on the walkway and collapsed walls, they all look great!

Those railings all being damaged in the same place is really weird. I had to go check mine after you posted that. I think your repaired one looks a lot better though, so I think you won out

Yeah, I think that a part of it just got caught in the mold or something, but I had fun piecing together the railings

Captain Brown wrote:Very nice converting and kit-bashing there Guardling.



IGtR= wrote:Great kitbashing, and still admiring your fearlessness on embarking on this project - it is paying dividends!

Thanks for sharing

Thanks for that, it's been good doing something more creative.
I used to convert things all the time but haven't been "in to it" for a while

Been trying to do a little bit of hobby stuff everyday so:
On wednesday I put some colours onto my gate bridge to see how I like it:

I'm not sure about the brown metal for the railings, might change it for black.

Also painted up the little light things, not happy with them, but don't want to to look at them anymore:

On Thursday, I finished batch painting my bases

Seeing as I paint the vison arcs onto the bases, I'm not tidying the trim until it's glued to a mini

On Friday I started putting together guards(wo)men for my Necromundian 8th:

These are guardmen with thier faces carved out and replaced with cut down Escher heads. It looks a bit wonky so I tried filling some gaps with green stuff and attempting helmet straps

On Saturday I finished off a bunch more Guardsmen so they're ready to paint.

I have made sure that they all have the pouches and bayonets that they're supposed to, but a few of them were cut into individual pieces so had to put them back together.
It also turns out that its a good idea to cut off and reposition the bayonet sheaths for the kneeling legs.

On Sunday (today) I discovered a jar full off Dettol and older minis.
Turns out, about six months ago,I put some Kroot models in to strip the paint off.
So I cleaned them up using some alcohol and then a soap wash:

I think it was my intention to repaint their original bright green scheme to match the more subdued Kroot guy from Blackstone Fortress.
Regardless the pieces on the Krootox fit together really badly and are going to need new Green Stuff or Miliput to fix.
One of the Kroot Hounds is missing a leg as well. I did have a Green stuff stump to replace it but Dettol ruins green stuff so it'd need redoing.
It's probably going to be a really really long time before I try sorting out my Tau stuff again, so I'm happy to leave that on the backburner

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Also discovered this guy in a tiny pot, My attempt at a Karskin conversion:

Cadian torso, vox caster head with the face carved out and replaced with plasticard and a trimmed off gas mask from the command (?) spure.
The arms and gat are from some Tempest Scion bits I have with the decorative trim filed off.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/01/27 19:14:25

Post by: gobert

The Escher guardswomen work well, though it looks a lot of effort for such a subtle change. Do they get to keep their brightly coloured hair in the Guard? The bases and terrain are coming together. I like the brown rails, they look like ancient industrial steel

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/01/27 22:01:07

Post by: theCrowe

Really enjoying all the rubble and ruined walls. Super work. Your games will be all the richer for it.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/01/27 22:48:11

Post by: tzurk

Really impressive work going on in here mate from the kitbashing to the painting to the little dudes themselves. Great detail work on the kasrkin face - it looks aces.

A board full of terrain like that is going to be unreal to play on for you and your mates. Love the tzeentch graffiti!

Thanks for sharing, looking forward to more

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/01/28 18:03:31

Post by: Thumpingbear

Great looking terrain, your rust work is great. The rubble effect on the collapsed walls is inspiring, will have to nab that technique!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/01/29 14:37:34

Post by: Viterbi

I love your Dettol find and its story Excited to see those Kroot painted up, BSF guy made me want to get some more for a Kill Team, but could resist the urge up to now.
Great work on the other stuff as well, I always find such big batches very daunting.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/01/31 22:34:19

Post by: Guardling

gobert wrote:The Escher guardswomen work well, though it looks a lot of effort for such a subtle change. Do they get to keep their brightly coloured hair in the Guard? The bases and terrain are coming together. I like the brown rails, they look like ancient industrial steel

It is a very hard to see change. I hadn't thought about their hair as they are wearing their helmets, but I would imagine the only thing stopping them would be the lack of access to the chemicals needed to dye their hair. Most militaries have an only natural colours policy, but I would say brightly coloured hair counts as "natural" on Necromunda.
theCrowe wrote:Really enjoying all the rubble and ruined walls. Super work. Your games will be all the richer for it.

Haha. Games. Yes. With other people I assume?
tzurk wrote:Really impressive work going on in here mate from the kitbashing to the painting to the little dudes themselves. Great detail work on the kasrkin face - it looks aces.

A board full of terrain like that is going to be unreal to play on for you and your mates. Love the tzeentch graffiti!

Thanks for sharing, looking forward to more

Thanks, that Tzeentch graffiti is acually a greeble I found and then magnetised, I got it in an eBay bits box, no idea what its from.

Thumpingbear wrote:Great looking terrain, your rust work is great. The rubble effect on the collapsed walls is inspiring, will have to nab that technique!

That rubble is very time consuming compared to filler as theres a lot of going back to it to find gaps to fill with slurry
Viterbi wrote:I love your Dettol find and its story Excited to see those Kroot painted up, BSF guy made me want to get some more for a Kill Team, but could resist the urge up to now.
Great work on the other stuff as well, I always find such big batches very daunting.

I also find big batches daunting and so I often don't do them...

So in an attempt to carry on hobbying every single day, I failed at the first hurdle...
Lots of hard work and illness made me to tired to really start anything till the weekend.
So I got started on some miliput gap filling for my Krootox:

Also slapped a new leg stump on my kroot hound, I think I originally named him Lucky
I made up a bit to much miliput so went through my box of "soon to paint" minis to find gaps to fill there.
Still had loads left so put it to work on a project I've had on the back burner for at least a year:

This was meant to be a Space Hulk display but I was unhappy with the flooring so I ripped it out.
It just containers glued together in two rows of three, I used miliput to fill the inside gap between the containers for added strength
The outside has been painted the same as my other containers so it can do double duty as a background piece, you've probably already seen it.

I also did a bit of priming for my spiders:

As was pointed out, the Escher heads were a lot of work for very little result, the best one being the one with a face mask...
Speaking of Eschers:

Took a while to get her to a place where I was happy. Gonna have to remember to glue her hair on at some point.
Tried to go with the box art for this one, skin is dawnstone highlighted with flayed one flesh.

Got up the urge to work on my pillar hideout:

I found that after a quick snip, the door from an armoured container was an almost perfect fit for a floor. The toppers for the pillars are the pieces with the highest clearance so used that to set the right hieght for the floor.
I then started just slapping some plasticard bits and sprue around the wall.

I then started adding in greebles from wherever. I cut up a door from a necromuda baracade and glued some sand bags to it to make a bed and pillow.
Next plans are to fill up the gap under the bed with boxes and bags, add more greebles to the walls and do some gap filling with miliput.
Also the fourth wall neads some cladding and greebles but I'll leave it off till after I paint it for access.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/02/07 22:15:11

Post by: Guardling

Been picking at my box of half painted terrain this week and I've almost emptied it.
It's mostly been stuff from the Gang Stronghold set but there were a couple of ZM platforms as well.
I didn't take any photos as there didn't seem like much point, most of it went from colour to colour with a wash.
I did however, bust out the camera and tripod to take some "decent" photos:
Cultist assault an Escher stonghold:

Renegade Guardsmen direct and support cultist assault:

Cultists and renegade guardsmen attacking an Escher Vehicle depot:

Escher gangers defending thier vehicle depot:


Jelena finds a Promethium stash, but Doorstop has concerns:

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/02/08 08:10:31

Post by: gobert

Wow! Great pics guardling, you’ve really captured the grim darkness of the underhive. The BSF guardsmen and beastmen look great in the necromunda setting too

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/02/08 12:31:26

Post by: theCrowe

Fantastic work. Always nice to see minis in their natural habitat. Especially when all done and presented so well. Exaltworthy!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/02/14 07:43:20

Post by: Viterbi

Great action shots, love the color scheme on the traitors and the big yellow Goliath truck (?) behind the Eschers.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/02/14 21:43:10

Post by: Guardling

gobert wrote:Wow! Great pics guardling, you’ve really captured the grim darkness of the underhive. The BSF guardsmen and beastmen look great in the necromunda setting too
theCrowe wrote:Fantastic work. Always nice to see minis in their natural habitat. Especially when all done and presented so well. Exaltworthy!
Viterbi wrote:Great action shots, love the color scheme on the traitors and the big yellow Goliath truck (?) behind the Eschers.

Thanks for the kind words, that is indeed a GSC Goliath truck, I bought it for some sort of civilian vehicle and converted the cultists back into regular miners/workmen.
I have a vague plan to aquire other GSC vehicles as well, for "civilian" use, those quad bikes look like they'd be ideal for transport through the underhive...

Anyways... This week I've been doing a bit of finishing off of stuff:

This is pretty much my finished scheme for the stronghold walls
I had originaly painted most of it dark grey, but there wasn't enough contrast with my existing stuff.
So I stippled dawnstone on to the bits that look like concrete then darkened and drybrushed metal onto everything else.
I then picked out pits and scratches in the metal with Leadbelcher and Guliman flesh.
The railings on the walkway got a layer of Contrast Black Templar.
This helps keep to my theme of "warm" brown/creme on floor and "cold" black/blue on walls

I also modified the "funnel" piece that came with the set:

For some reason I decided that I wanted it to conect to my pipes so I carefully cut and trimmed the bottom of the funnel till a pipe "down" piece lined up with the pipes on their legs.
I was originally going to cap the end but decided it would look better open.
I made a mess of it so used miliput to blend the pieces together, and smooth out the inside pipe as well. Both pieces where already built and painted so I wrapped most of it in masking take to avoid smearing wet miliput everywhere.
If I was to do this again, I wouldn't glue the funnels legs on until the end.

I started magnetising and assembling the spare pillars I had and decided to permently glue the long platform pieces in.

I can't use them without pillars and these are spare so I don't feel like i'm losing much modularity.
Also made glued in one as a t-section so that the platform is more secure.

I also made the hard decision to glue most of my promethium barrels together:

Sure it's fun to be able to put them scattered all over the place, but they give negligible cover and theres like a dozen of them to pick up afterwards. I still have a couple of loose ones if needed.
I used plastic glue slurry on the bottom to hold them securely as well as gluing them normally, I'll paint any visible slurry like leaking oil to hide it later.

And then, because I'm starting to like converting ZM stuff:

The Necromunda box set has a tile with big pipes leaking green goo onto the floor, so this is my take on the idea.
The pipes are just blu-tacked in at the moment as I'm still trying to figure out what I am going to do with the top section.
Once thats done, I'm probably going to miliput the big pipes into place and add some smaller pipes on top.
And yes, it fits onto the tiles the same way as a regular ZM wall does... So far...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/02/21 20:57:48

Post by: Guardling

Not much today, been mostly plugging away at getting some layers on my ZM bits:

I got a little distracted trying to paint a rusty door:

I just stippled some Trollslayer Orange in the corners before my Leadbelcher drybrush.
I was aiming for something that looks like it could be rusted shut but I don't think I've gone far enough

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/02/22 15:31:41

Post by: gobert

You’ve got some nice variety going with all of these zone mortalis bits. I think you’re right on the door needing more rust to look like it won’t open

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/02/28 14:52:18

Post by: Guardling

 gobert wrote:
You’ve got some nice variety going with all of these zone mortalis bits. I think you’re right on the door needing more rust to look like it won’t open

Maybe like this?:

This time I painted it with Trollslayer Orange then drybrushed with Mournfang Brown followed by a light drybrush of Leadbealcher.

In other news I built a top for my pipe wall out of sprue:

It's almost done, just needs some pegs inside to support the top piece for when it's reversed.

After giving the pillar room a base coat, I decided the remaining walls were a bit bare:

I had two of those pipe boxes so I cut all the pipes off and repositioned them around the blank space.
I then painted some base layers on:

I was originally planning on having everthing white on the inside, much like a compartment on a ship, but I decided it'd be too far away from the way I've been going so far.
So I'll just do the back wall the same as the concrete on the outside.
I thought about having the door bed super rusty, but then I remembered my experiences of sitting in rust, so I would imagine sleeping in it would be a no-no...

Lastly I put together a base out of sprue:

I plan to use this to start a pile of rubble or some hive flora.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/02/28 16:04:52

Post by: The Riddle of Steel

Guarding, that terrain work is really impressive. What a great variety of nicely painted and weathered pieces! I also love the old metal Kroot rider - please get that painted. I always felt the Kroot deserved a bit more love. They were always more interesting to me than the Tau.
Keep up the good work on that terrain.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/03/03 22:07:03

Post by: IGtR=

Some great creativity on display here, and so nice to see you experimenting with the available bits and bobs at your disposal

Thanks for sharing

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/03/07 17:27:16

Post by: Guardling

The Riddle of Steel wrote:Guarding, that terrain work is really impressive. What a great variety of nicely painted and weathered pieces! I also love the old metal Kroot rider - please get that painted. I always felt the Kroot deserved a bit more love. They were always more interesting to me than the Tau.
Keep up the good work on that terrain.

Thanks for the kind words, but...
I actually don't like the Kroot, kind of in the same way a Tau commander would dislike them
They were useful, cheap units that filled a hole I had, but they weren't pretty and kept eating things they shouldn't...
Not to say they are bad models or race, just I got into Tau due to their clean aesthetic and shootyness and Kroot didn't really fit that...

IGtR= wrote:Some great creativity on display here, and so nice to see you experimenting with the available bits and bobs at your disposal

Thanks for sharing

Thank you, I have plenty of spare parts, so I should probably start using them.

So I've reached a level where I'm happy with the pillar room:

I think I've done a bit to much rust on this compared to my other ZM stuff, but oh well.
At some point I'll glue it shut and paint the outside in line with the rest of the pillars.
And probably make a "door" for it.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
updating blog on iPad is awkward so I forgot:

Painted this up too, unfortunately it's on the spare wall piece from my pipe wall. Thinking about adding some text to it, like "enlist" or something

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/03/08 04:21:57

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Fantastic conversions. And that mural is very nice. Maybe "Do your part, citizen!" or some other such propaganda?

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/03/08 22:44:42

Post by: gobert

Great stuff guarding, the cosy little room looks good, but the mural is fantastic!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/03/09 03:53:05

Post by: Captain Brown

The mural doesn't require any text, as it basically speaks for itself.

My two cents,


Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/03/09 09:45:17

Post by: IGtR=

Maybe instead of text on a propaganda poster, you could try some graffiti over the top? A genestealer cult icon, chaos star etc.?

Thanks for sharing

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/03/09 11:10:44

Post by: endtransmission

I love the use of sandbags as pillows!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/03/09 17:25:01

Post by: theCrowe

 Captain Brown wrote:
The mural doesn't require any text, as it basically speaks for itself.

My two cents,


I agree with CB. Just dirty it up and call it done. Great job.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/03/12 20:37:12

Post by: Olthannon

Just catching up on your blog, really awesome stuff. The classic red on the weapons are a tidy little contrast to the rest of the guard models. Nice work on that mural, looks solid without any text. One thing I'd consider, maybe a thin outline around the face using a maroon/ dark brown ? Looks awesome either way but to me that would finish the war propaganda look you have for it.

Can't wait to see more updates!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/03/13 10:22:39

Post by: Viterbi

Amazing work on the freehand, fits great with your terrain color scheme!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/03/14 08:51:02

Post by: gobert

It’s almost like a picture within a picture! Nice on guardling

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/03/14 20:34:32

Post by: Guardling

Warboss_Waaazag wrote:Fantastic conversions. And that mural is very nice. Maybe "Do your part, citizen!" or some other such propaganda?

gobert wrote:Great stuff guarding, the cosy little room looks good, but the mural is fantastic!

Captain Brown wrote:The mural doesn't require any text, as it basically speaks for itself.

My two cents,


IGtR= wrote:Maybe instead of text on a propaganda poster, you could try some graffiti over the top? A genestealer cult icon, chaos star etc.?

Thanks for sharing

endtransmission wrote:I love the use of sandbags as pillows!

theCrowe wrote:I agree with CB. Just dirty it up and call it done. Great job.

Viterbi wrote:Amazing work on the freehand, fits great with your terrain color scheme!

gobert wrote:It’s almost like a picture within a picture! Nice on guardling

Thanks, going to go with no text because I'm lazy. I have some sketches ready for more murals for my next set of ZM terrian I haven't bought yet.
Olthannon wrote:Just catching up on your blog, really awesome stuff. The classic red on the weapons are a tidy little contrast to the rest of the guard models. Nice work on that mural, looks solid without any text. One thing I'd consider, maybe a thin outline around the face using a maroon/ dark brown ? Looks awesome either way but to me that would finish the war propaganda look you have for it.

Can't wait to see more updates!

Thanks, there is actually an outline on the face but it's Cadian vs Kislev flesh so its bareley visable in the photos... I might do what you suggested just to bump the contrast a bit

I've spent most of this week plodding along with Zone Mortalis terrian, most of it is ready for a wash now, except I'm nearly out of Nuln

So I finally finished this lady:

She's been on my paint handle since the begining of this year, since I finished her sister, Bast...
I'm out of glue at the moment so no proper base for her.
Once she was out of the way I decided to paint up my Spindle Drones from Blackstone Fortress:

I tried to do something non-standard with the legs, basing them with Foundation Necron Abyss (thinned with Lamia), dry brushing them with Liche Purple and then, because it was to bright for my liking, Black Templar contrast.
Unfortunatly it made it to dark so I put a heavy drybrush of Liche followed by some soft edge highlights of Necron and Wazdakka Red.
The effect comes out as a very subtle iridescent look that the camera didn't pick up very well.
Carapace is just Dawnstone highlighted with Celestia and then a pin wash of Hybrid Purple in the crevices
On the whole I'm really happy with how these came out, they look suitably "other".

And finaly I started putting some base layers on the blob of guardsmen (and women):

I randomly put them in three groups and then painted each one with either Dryad Bark, Steel Legion Drab or Bugmans Glow skin for variety.
Probably going to bin them off at every opportunity...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/03/14 20:39:25

Post by: gobert

The lady looks really cool, but watch out for those Spindle Drones. You won’t like them when they’re angry!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/03/18 20:30:13

Post by: Captain Brown


I just painted up three of them myself.

Nice find,



Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/03/19 21:14:47

Post by: Ragsta

Loving the terrain work and developing Guardsmen in particular. Some very nice terrain work, keep it up


Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/03/21 12:51:28

Post by: IGtR=

Terrain looks great, even as a background to the minis!

And nice work on the spindle drones. They are in my painting queue, but I was holding off as I wasn't sure as to how to paint them but I will nab your idea I think and get cracking!!

Thanks for sharing

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/03/21 21:01:19

Post by: Guardling

gobert wrote:The lady looks really cool, but watch out for those Spindle Drones. You won’t like them when they’re angry!

Sadly I don't really know, me and the fams only attempt to play Blackstone Fortress was a mess but I love the minis
Captain Brown wrote:Milliasaurs.
I just painted up three of them myself.
Nice find,

I actually bought them just after I saw yours, but they were on my eBay watchlist long enough for the seller to offer 20% off...
Ragsta wrote:
Loving the terrain work and developing Guardsmen in particular. Some very nice terrain work, keep it up

IGtR= wrote:Terrain looks great, even as a background to the minis!
And nice work on the spindle drones. They are in my painting queue, but I was holding off as I wasn't sure as to how to paint them but I will nab your idea I think and get cracking!!
Thanks for sharing

Yeah, I like the idea that blackstone is wierd not-quite-right to look at stuff which is why I decided to go with colours that shouldn't normally drybrushed on top of each other.

Anyways, onto the meat of my post:

First thing I did with these guys is drop them in Dettol overnight. The milliasaurs were unpainted but I stuck them in anyway as there was that white residue you sometimes get on metal(mold release?)
Tooth brush, don't get wet, don't feed after midnight, etc...
These then went into a jar of alcohol which got the smell off pretty well.

Given that these were pretty old models I had to dig out my old paints:

Except I didn't have the colours I wanted and a few of them had dried out

Heres what I ended up with:

I, of course, painted them up in Inquistorial colours, the undersuit being OOP Terracotta hightlighted with OOP Red Gore
Armour and gun were Eshin grey, Contrast Black Templar, Eshin Grey highlights with a few sharp bits with Standard Mech Grey
Boots straps, pouches, hood etc were Dryad Bark, Nuln Oil, back to Dryad with some Mournfang Brown mixed in
Their roll mats were painted Dawnstone, Celestria and Black Templar camo stripes to tie them back to my Necromundian guard.
I was toying with the idea of giving them red guns, but decided it wouldn't fit for them

The next problem is to decide what to do with the bases:
A part of me regognises that these are OOP models and so if I end up passing them on, they'd be better complete with their tabs.
The other part wants to cut the tabs off and pin them to a Necromunda base

Also started on my Milliasaurs:

I plan to paint these a fleshy colour with maybe blue or purple scales.
I have been making some notes lately as I am passively trying to make a whole Neromundian bestiary, these being the first proper models for that.

As far as I know, the only other metal models are RipperJacks

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/03/21 23:21:18

Post by: gobert

Nice job on the troopers. Most of my stuff is ancient but I tend to commit heresy and snip the tabs off. I want the to look a certain way and it’s often not possible to do both things. I think it as fifty who recently did some serious base butchery to maintain some tabs if you’re after ideas to make it work?

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/03/28 21:01:47

Post by: Guardling

 gobert wrote:
Nice job on the troopers. Most of my stuff is ancient but I tend to commit heresy and snip the tabs off. I want the to look a certain way and it’s often not possible to do both things. I think it was Fifty who recently did some serious base butchery to maintain some tabs if you’re after ideas to make it work?

I'm leaning on the side of snip snip...

Got some Storm trooper reinforcements in the post this week:

Mr. Respirator on the right didn't come with his slotta tab, so thats another point towards snip snip...

And some finished Milliasaurs:

Scales have been painted with Liche Purple, with (thinned down) Hormagaunt Purple highlights.
I was going to do the claws and teeth bone colours but settled on using 'Guant Purple and Dechala Lilac instead, which kinda reminds me of the metal teeth the Alien had in, uh, Alien...

I painted some thermic plasma regulators:

I've had them for a long longtime and been trying to figure out a colour for them and my limited Sec-Mech stuff
The eagle eyed among you may notice that they look strange and thats because I modified them to line up with my ZM terrain.
Literally just snipped the tabs off the main body and the support underneath the platform.
Main colour is OOP Terracotta with Agrax Earthshade and a Bugmans Glow highlight
Rest of stuff is my usual work flow, but with Agrax instead of Nuln Oil (I'm running out)
The plaforms are Mornfang then a heavy Leadbelcher dry brush in the crevices, followed by a Dawnstone drybrush for the platfom surface, the Agrax wash, then another lighter drybrush of Dawnstone.
For a bit of fun, I picked some cables out with yellow as well as the panels with alphanumerics on the top.

Anyway my prize model of the weekend:
The Brain Leaf/ Slave Vine:

Main body is one of the optional supports from the ZM Gang Stronghold, I lengthened the base with some platicard and an armour panel
I wrapped garden wire around the support for the vine and then threw on a couple of skeleton bits and an old Orlock autogun I had lying around for the previous host.
I fixed up those big gaps between the vine and the support as well behind the skelly with liberal amounts of Armageddon dust.
At some point I put my sim card into my new phone which has a much better camera...
Then I painted it:

...And failed to take a good photo of it... This looked way better on my phone...
I also realise that it has no leaves on it to infect people...
I kinda got distracted and forgot, partialy as I didn't have anything I could use as leaves.
If I was to do this again, I may use either the GW Creeping Vines or the etched brass vine/leaves I swear I've seen somewhere...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/03/29 08:12:06

Post by: gobert

The brain leaf sounds rather nasty! I agree that some feathery leaves would help, but perhaps this one is deciduous? The dead hanger helps tell the story too. Do you have any rules for its use? Perhaps a stash of weapons near it that gangs fight over?

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/03/29 19:46:41

Post by: Captain Brown

 Guardling wrote:

As far as I know, the only other metal models are RipperJacks


They also made Giant Rats (with spikes coming out of their backs and one with two tails). I have extras of both (Rats and Ripperjacks) if you are interested?



Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/04/04 21:29:51

Post by: Guardling

gobert wrote:The brain leaf sounds rather nasty! I agree that some feathery leaves would help, but perhaps this one is deciduous? The dead hanger helps tell the story too. Do you have any rules for its use? Perhaps a stash of weapons near it that gangs fight over?

No rules for it yet, will probably treat it as a trap, and swap a zombie model in on a failed roll
Captain Brown wrote:
 Guardling wrote:

As far as I know, the only other metal models are RipperJacks

They also made Giant Rats (with spikes coming out of their backs and one with two tails). I have extras of both (Rats and Ripperjacks) if you are interested?

Good to know, I think I remember those rats. I am interested, but I take a while to decide on anything, especialy anything coming over the ocean

This week was just plugging away at ZM pillars and wall and then trying to find easter eggs...
For some reason I didn't take many photos of the completed pillars before I mixed them in with the old one

Now I have gotten all my pillars and walls painted up, time for me to start on the platforms...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/04/05 06:14:08

Post by: Viterbi

Love your dedication to detail and if I ever tackle my Zone Mortalis set I will have to do all the cables too, it just looks too damn great. Excited to see you tackling the platforms next.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/04/05 10:23:12

Post by: gobert

They’ve come out great, and make fantastic background for the pics. They’ll look even better with their platforms I’m sure

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/04/05 13:05:29

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Kudos for really paying attention to the details on the terrain, I think it really pays off!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/04/11 17:26:27

Post by: Guardling

Viterbi wrote:Love your dedication to detail and if I ever tackle my Zone Mortalis set I will have to do all the cables too, it just looks too damn great. Excited to see you tackling the platforms next.

gobert wrote:They’ve come out great, and make fantastic background for the pics. They’ll look even better with their platforms I’m sure

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:Kudos for really paying attention to the details on the terrain, I think it really pays off!

Thanks all, been pretty prolific this week...
Got my platfroms done finally:

I had to change up my method a bit due the Karak Stone (a "layer" paint) needing like 5-6 layers to get an even coat over the Mournfang, so I used Morghast Bone (a "base" paint, which covered better) and then some Karak, this saved a lot of time and effort, especially in those little bits.
Hit it all with about half a pots worth in Nuln Oil, tidy up with Karak and then add spots of Agrax in the dimples (and some added where there weren't).
I did think about doing the underside Karak as well, but settled on Drayd Bark as I could do it in one layer, it was dark enough to not need touch up in corners and I wasn't going to be able to see it anyway...
The lights were painted red with Leadbelcher cages

While these were all drying I rearranged my shelf space so that I have somewhere to store all the finished ZM terrain seeing as I should no longer keep it on my paint queue boxes.
I also set up a little thing ready to put minis on on my display shelf:

I then had a nice afternoon to myself set up the camera and have a play with settings unhindered by children and I have finally figured out how to manually focus and adjust the shutter speed which is something I barely understand:

My final test photo (v. big):

The new Stormtroopers got a lick of paint:

I bit the bullet and snipped their tabs off to put them on ZM bases.
I did paint them the same but somehow the new guys overalls came out a bit brighter than the others.
Kinda the risk you run when you mix paints I suppose.

Some how I got up the required energy for some bulk painting and smashed these guys out:

This is about as far as I can go on them, I can't do much better on their faces as they are just too fine for me
Armour is Wazdakka with Evil Sunz red.
Straps and the loin pads are Morghast bone with flayed one highlights.
Trousers are Mech. Stan. Grey with a wash of Agrax.
Vials are Macharius Solar orange highlighted with Fire Dragon Bright amd Yriel Yellow
Unfortuatly I couldn't get a brilliant focus on the camera for these guys, I suspect this was because there are so many of them and they are on two levels, the top ones being further away and thus, out of focus

Now I have two painted gangs I might even, possiblly, think about maybe playing a game.
Both my Eschers and these guys are modeled as the Gangs GW printed out cards for so they should be balanced for beginner games with the family.

Now I have lots of space in my Paint Queue I can start putting together more models to avoid doing my Guardsmen...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/04/12 08:00:27

Post by: gobert

I love your little display shelf, you get great pics in there. The goliaths look cool hanging out around the platforms. The Red is really bright, they must be fast for their size! the stormtroopers look good on their new bases, snipping the tabs is a small price to pay for cool looking minis

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/04/14 01:50:53

Post by: The Riddle of Steel

Excellent work in the terrain and Goliaths. Terrain can be tedious to paint but it sure is worth it to have amazing games in your own home.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/04/15 15:42:42

Post by: Captain Brown

Underhive is coming along Guardling.



Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/04/18 17:54:11

Post by: IGtR=

A sizeable chunk of the underhive being worked on, and nice to see the painting progress!

Thanks for sharing

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/04/18 20:44:23

Post by: Guardling

gobert wrote:I love your little display shelf, you get great pics in there. The goliaths look cool hanging out around the platforms. The Red is really bright, they must be fast for their size! the stormtroopers look good on their new bases, snipping the tabs is a small price to pay for cool looking minis

Thanks but I still felt bad doing it...
The Riddle of Steel wrote:Excellent work in the terrain and Goliaths. Terrain can be tedious to paint but it sure is worth it to have amazing games in your own home.

Thank you I think I caught a good wave(?) when I was painting them, seeing the rapid progress cut a lot of the tedium.
Captain Brown wrote:Underhive is coming along Guardling.

IGtR= wrote:A sizeable chunk of the underhive being worked on, and nice to see the painting progress!
Thanks for sharing

Thanks, it's nice to be able to progress

Speaking of progress, I totally forgot to take any photos building the Ambot.
It turned out I didn't have the goliath armour plates or pouches I wanted so I had to just make thing up as I went along.
I used a couple of kroot shoulder pads and a spade on its back as well as some Goliath Grenades.
The Mohawk is part of the big two handed axe as is the skull on its pauldron.

Super blurry photo of my base layers.
Started with Dryad bark and Mach. Sol. Orange then drybrushed Mournfang over that followed by a drybrush of Leadbelcher.
Then I added some red and just locked into painting mode and after two nights remembered I should take some photos:

I'm extreamely happy with how it came out and proud of the almost gradient I got going
Red is my usual W. Dakka, E. Sunz with some Nuln and some M. Sol. Orange for edges
The white stripes are Celestra, nuln, Celestra, Celestra + Ceramite.
The grey bits are Eshin stipling avoiding the edges to show the base coat and then again with dawnstone.
And then any bit that I thought needed a bit more rust I pin washed with some very watered down M. Sol. Orange
Money shot (BIG):

To celebrate my recent great progress I though I'd turn back to my Guardmens that need painting and bought myself some genestealer cultists on bikes:

I'm thinking rough riders.
I'm also thinking of making the riders removable (Magnets!) so I could replace them with Gangers!
Unfortunatly they have hands modeled onto the handle bars:

Enter Blue stuff or Ora-moo-moo or whatever its called...
Did some quick molds and filled them with Sprue Slurry as an experiment as then I can use plastic glue to attach the new handle bars.
If it doesn't work I don't really lose out and can just re-use the blue stuff.
I also realised that I need Zone Mortalis bases so i rolled out the rest of my blue stuff onto one of my tiles:

Hopefully that should pick up enough detail for me to make Milliput or sprue slurry base toppers.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/04/19 07:07:55

Post by: Viterbi

That Ambot is amazing. He already looks great in the normal pics, but the spoilered one is so cool. The lighting and scene are perfect!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/04/21 09:25:26

Post by: Olthannon

Nice work on the Ambot! That red colour scheme looks great. They are great looking sculpts, look pretty damn meaty.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/04/21 16:46:57

Post by: Captain Brown

Yes, the Ambot looks ready for the table.



Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/04/21 17:17:43

Post by: The Riddle of Steel

Nice, ambot. My kid is reading the Warhammer books for young readers. He just read the Claws of the Genestealer and there is an ambull in there. He was really fascinated by the ambull more than anything else in the series so far. I need to show him your ambot and see what he thinks!

Looking forward to seeing progress on the rough riders.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/04/21 20:15:55

Post by: IGtR=

Ambot looks siiiiick and really interested to see how the blue-stuff/sprue goo works - some mad hobby science going on here!!

Thanks for sharing

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/04/25 21:10:24

Post by: Guardling

Viterbi wrote:That Ambot is amazing. He already looks great in the normal pics, but the spoilered one is so cool. The lighting and scene are perfect!

Thank you, there is a bunch of goliath gangers hiding behind it to use it as a wall breaching tool, which was the original "story" but the angle to get them also hid the Ambots face to much.
Olthannon wrote:Nice work on the Ambot! That red colour scheme looks great. They are great looking sculpts, look pretty damn meaty.

Yes they are, but they are a PITA to assemble, and the guns are so tiny it didn't seem like there was any point to them.
Captain Brown wrote:Yes, the Ambot looks ready for the table.

I remember somewhere there was rules for a single player "hunt the ambot" mission so I might give that a go sometime soon
The Riddle of Steel wrote:Nice, ambot. My kid is reading the Warhammer books for young readers. He just read the Claws of the Genestealer and there is an ambull in there. He was really fascinated by the ambull more than anything else in the series so far. I need to show him your ambot and see what he thinks!
Looking forward to seeing progress on the rough riders.

Haha, I've been hearing those books are surprisingly good, you never know whats in childrens stories and people kinda just dismiss them as quick cheap money makers. Your kid also make an excellent case for getting an actual ambull...
IGtR= wrote:Ambot looks siiiiick and really interested to see how the blue-stuff/sprue goo works - some mad hobby science going on here!!
Thanks for sharing

Thanks and onto mad hobby science!

Warning now, the flow of time is dodgy in this post as several things were happening at the same time, which I not normally how I do things

To start with I coated two of the bike bases with a liberal amount of sprue go and just rammed them into the mold.
I wieghed them down and left them to dry overnight, demolded it before work the next day and poked it.
Too squishy. So I left it untill the evening to dry a bit:

These are properly fused onto the bases now.

They look alright, but onto the bad:
Some idiot left a fingerprint in one...
The bases are now softer than they were
They are a nightmare to cut and trim
They are also really hard to sand
Some air bubbles
The bike handles came out hollow.
They stank
They look "soft"

I was stuck with these two bases now, so I painted them to see if that would help:

It does.
And after seeing Catbarf do another (awesome) spotty Tyranid I put way to many spots on it..
It looks alright on camera but when you compare them with the other ZM bases it looks wrong.
But thats because the ZM bases are not the same design as the ZM floor tiles...

So far I should of just stuck to Milliput/GS, but I decide to try again:
This time I up my sprue content of my slurry, making it thicker and hopefully easier to dry,
Because it is thicker and I want to avoid damaging the integrety of the remaining bases I slapped my new thick slurry direct onto my mold.
I then put some wieghts on a piece of perspex(?) with it's protective film still on it over the top to flatten it and hopefully force the slurry into the gaps.
I then left it for three nights to make sure it dries. Did the tidying and painting of the first bases while I waited and started on the GSC quad bike.


I swear it didn't look like that when I demolded it and left it through work...

I think I see the problem with using the slurry, It needs air and pressure and they kinda cancel each other out.
I'm also starting to think that I was quite lucky with how the first two came out.
When I get the time I'll bust out the milliput for the others.

Anyways I started painting the quad bike:
Decided to go with the grey I used on my Chimera, but no camo, so that it could be used as a civ vic

The underside and metal was Dryad, drybrushed with Mournfang and then Leadbelcher
The body was Dawnstone washed in Nuln. I then brought that back up with dawnstone with Celestra highlights. I also added some Agrax splatter around.
The wheels were Eshin, with Wildwood contrast and then drybrushed with Stand. Mech. Grey, but this didn't seem like enough so I added an edge drybrush of Dawnstone
I magnetised the servo arm and painted it Zamesi, Agrax, Zamesi then a Morghast bone highlight:

Plan is to have the weapon systems removeable and eventually removeable riders, but I'm gonna have to sculpt legs...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/04/26 05:46:02

Post by: gobert

The sprue slurry looks like tricky stuff, but the results look pretty decent to me. I like the idea of reusing leftovers that would otherwise go In the bin. What did you use to soften the sprues?

Great start on the quad bike too, good luck with the riders!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/04/27 09:21:05

Post by: Viterbi

Excited to see the quad develop more, I love the GC vehicles, the mix between civic mining and military is spot on. Your color scheme works very well with them.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/04/30 06:45:25

Post by: Guardling

I'm not sure I like where this one is going:

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/05/02 06:39:07

Post by: Viterbi

Does look good so far too me. She is a rather flashy one. If you can sort out the corset (maybe something purple-y?) it should all come together.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/05/03 12:22:06

Post by: Guardling

gobert wrote:The sprue slurry looks like tricky stuff, but the results look pretty decent to me. I like the idea of reusing leftovers that would otherwise go In the bin. What did you use to soften the sprues?
Great start on the quad bike too, good luck with the riders!

The Sprues are melted down with plastic glue. Started as a test with some spare glue and ended up being really usefull...

Viterbi wrote:Excited to see the quad develop more, I love the GC vehicles, the mix between civic mining and military is spot on. Your color scheme works very well with them.

Which is what makes them great for converting back to civvie stuff!

Viterbi wrote:Does look good so far too me. She is a rather flashy one. If you can sort out the corset (maybe something purple-y?) it should all come together.

Well The Voidsmen started off as red shirts from Star Trek with the armour inspired by the white straps of old british infantry.
So obviously the captain has the wear yellow/gold and then the orignal shirt was actually green and just looked yellow on camera.
So I followed that theme and ended up here:

Although I like the Purple idea, so might just strip her and have her doing her own thing as Rouge Traders are wont to do...

Actual progress has been slow this week, but I finaly made a move on the Necromundian 8th Guardsmen:

The camo is Celestra grey with a wash of 50/50 Nuln Oil/Water and then drybrushed with more Celestra. Stripes are just Black Templar Contrast, they are cunningly positioned over any mistakes I left on the grey.
Armour is black with St. Mech. Grey highlights
Shoes and straps are black with Dryad Bark highlights
Red is Wazzdakka with more 50/50 Nuln, then back To Wazdakka with Evils Sunz Red highlights
I opted to leave the officers fatigues without camo stripes to show that they're not of the same ilk as the enlisted.

And now I have a mob of them:

They blend in well with the previous lot, depite me putting a lot less effort into painting them.

While I was taking that photo I decide to take a photo of just a wall for a side project:

Plan is to make a tileable image to either print off for a background or add into a 3d model

And my other thing:
Decided my Chimera needs dismounted crew so I cut the tank commander torso off it's legs.

Unfortunatly I don't seem to have any spare arms without shoulder pads, so might rip the arms off of one of the officers I just finished, but thats okay because I don't like him that much anyway.
Also on my list of things to do I make up crew for the heavy weapons I have...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/05/03 12:49:04

Post by: bobbuilder

I have a few of them, all free and single so I thought I'd try doing something interesting with some of them.
The four barrel block is based off a set up I see often where I work. Basically four barrels ratcheted together (usually on a pallet) with hoses going to a pump, which in turn goes somewhere important.
Usually nowhere because they're waiting on paperwork...
The pump is just sprue and garden wire, the nozzle is something out of one of my bits boxes, a suspension spring from a model car I think...
Straps were made out of some clam-shel

some nice work, i like the barrels ratcheted together i may make something similar but as a bomb for my bridge on my diorama

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/05/04 16:59:59

Post by: gobert

That’s a great photo of the Guard blob, they look like they’re heading in to the underhive to clear out some uppity gang

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/05/05 20:29:23

Post by: Captain Brown

Keep at it Guardling.



Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/05/06 11:32:03

Post by: IGtR=

Interesting to see the experiments on the sprue goo - I guess given it is a homebrew material, there are bound to be teething problems - think of this as experimenting prior to a full roll-out of a new material!

Balance of air/pressure is an interesting one - maybe weigh it down with something with air gaps?

Thanks for sharing

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/05/09 05:49:26

Post by: Viterbi

Funny what color can do, those Voidsmen really look rather british with the red on them. I like the idea of Star Trek colors for the rest, the science blue is very cool. But the trouble with the RT is that she's wearing a very elaborate outfit. Excited to see what solution you will come up with.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/05/09 06:15:20

Post by: Guardling

Been busy with other hobbies this week so small update:
Officer, cigarette from a Voidsman

Crewman for the chimera

Spotter for the heavy weapons team

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/05/10 13:37:19

Post by: IGtR=

Liking the guard. What were your thoughts on the new sprue announced for the Cadians?

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/05/11 20:44:27

Post by: Guardling

bobbuilder wrote:
some nice work, i like the barrels ratcheted together i may make something similar but as a bomb for my bridge on my diorama

Go for it, just know it was a PTA to get the straps and barrels together in a square I think I used rubber bands to hold them in place while I glued it together

gobert wrote:That’s a great photo of the Guard blob, they look like they’re heading in to the underhive to clear out some uppity gang

My head cannon is they don't really bother with gangs and instead focus on cultists (gene stealers or chaos)
And I would imagine gangs would avoid them due to the disproportionate response the guard would make, after all gangs rarely have vehicles let alone tanks.
And lastly I remember House Spider being one of the upper level Houses compared to the mid level Houses that we know and love (unless GW has been changed that) so messing with them could put the gangs House in a spot of political bother...

Captain Brown wrote:Keep at it Guardling.

Thank you

IGtR= wrote:Interesting to see the experiments on the sprue goo - I guess given it is a homebrew material, there are bound to be teething problems - think of this as experimenting prior to a full roll-out of a new material!
Balance of air/pressure is an interesting one - maybe weigh it down with something with air gaps?
Thanks for sharing

Small stuff works, like the handlebars I was doing, but I think I'll stick to using the sprure slurry as an extra thick glue slash gap filler
IGtR= wrote:Liking the guard. What were your thoughts on the new sprue announced for the Cadians?

After seeing the New Guants Ghosts I was super excited about the possibility of new guard sprues but the reveal was disappointing because it basically says they're not going to properly update them anytime soon.
The new heads are cool and everything but they are very individual which means they stand out more when you have ten people with the same face, but finally there are some women actually in the guard...
But at least there's some easier access to special weapons

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/05/12 11:53:41

Post by: tzurk

Hey mate,

Guardsmen look great all ranked up like that with the armour. Loving the little conversions for the officers/crew too.

Further up, the ambot is a really impressive paintjob - super neat striping and nice rusty metallics.

Love the detail work on the barrels with pump too.

Keep it up!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/05/12 15:08:08

Post by: Two Spartan

Plus one on appreciating that ambot paintjob. Love the hazard stripes and the rust.

Nice work

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/05/15 06:39:54

Post by: Viterbi

Great officer conversion, the cigar really makes that model.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/05/16 20:33:15

Post by: Guardling

tzurk wrote:Hey mate,
Guardsmen look great all ranked up like that with the armour. Loving the little conversions for the officers/crew too.
Further up, the ambot is a really impressive paintjob - super neat striping and nice rusty metallics.
Love the detail work on the barrels with pump too.
Keep it up!

Thank you,
Two Spartan wrote:Plus one on appreciating that ambot paintjob. Love the hazard stripes and the rust.
Nice work

Thank you, I always forget hazard stripes don't have to be just black/yellow
Viterbi wrote:Great officer conversion, the cigar really makes that model.

Thanks I like him a whole lot more now

Got some N8th painted up:

The cigar is an E-Cig, like other guardmens, but I may change it to a real one, as he could probably afford it. He has had his las-pistol changed for a bolt pistol to show how much better he is than the enlisted and carries a Scion knife on his belt.
The medals are way to fine for me to do anything decent with.

Chimera Crewman:


His right arm is a flamer arm with the hand cut and reposed, and then the stock was rebuilt from sprue slurry to get it to fit properly.

"Backblast clear!"

Most of my time this week was spent on another set of pipes:

Started with black, and gave a heavy drybrush of Mournfang, then Leadbelcher

Added some black to the pipe body and other put some other base layers on and then soaked it in Nuln Oil

It ended up a bit darker then my previous pipe bits but now I have more than enough

This weekend I got my self som foam board to fix up my display shelf:

Before I was using some black paper taped to the back which was constantly falling down and looking rubbish

I also grabbed some cheap battery powered fairy lights for the ceiling, literally duct taped into place.
This should give me a nice fill light for when I take proper photos.
An STC of great importance has been discovered!

The original intention is to glue print outs of a photo of my ZM walls that I did the other week, so I spent quite a while trying to sort out the correct scale to print out at:

I found that I could set the physical size of an image and once I knew the dimensions of the ZM pieces it was easy to plug in the numbers.
Unfortunalty I looks a bit wierd to me...
Tileable photo:

Plan for the background are now to paint it with something similar, which is what the construction lines you may be able to see on it are for, they actually line up iwith any ZM terrain pieces I put down...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/05/19 18:16:26

Post by: gobert

The tiles look pretty cool to me, they’ll make a good backdrop for the underhive. The new members of the 8th look great too

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/05/21 17:36:22

Post by: Captain Brown

The pipes look great Guardling.



Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/05/22 01:31:03

Post by: The Riddle of Steel

The mag-nocular guy has a very nice pose. And the pipes look excellent.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/05/29 07:17:21

Post by: Viterbi

Great idea to pimp the display shelf, hope everything turns out as planned.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/05/30 20:54:51

Post by: Guardling

gobert wrote:The tiles look pretty cool to me, they’ll make a good backdrop for the underhive. The new members of the 8th look great too

Captain Brown wrote:The pipes look great Guardling.

The Riddle of Steel wrote:The mag-nocular guy has a very nice pose. And the pipes look excellent.

Viterbi wrote:Great idea to pimp the display shelf, hope everything turns out as planned.

Thanks for the kind word people.
I spent last weekend away for work and then followed that up with a nasty cough so I haven't had a chance to do much hobbying lately.

Decided I'd update my doors from the N17 box set to match better with my ZM stuff...
From this:

To this

I also filed down the sides so they'd fit better inbetween the walls:

I also had some doors from the Rouge Trader Kill Team set:
If I trimmed the top and bottom nubbins flat, then the door would fit inbetween ZM walls as well:

And then I chopped the top off:

Now it fits under a platform, Not sure what I'm going to dio with that but hey, hobby progress...

Last bit of terrain, a Sector Mechanicus strut.
Its as wide as a ZM pillar and now I've glues a spare pillar topper to it, as tall as two levels:

I was thinking of painting it a differant colour, but I just couldn't decide what, so I stuck with my ZM scheme and it seems to look alright.

Lastly I actually painted some minis out of my paint queue:

The last of the Rouge Trader Voidsmen that I have.
Their red uses Bugmans Glow as a highlight to make it differant from the red weapons the N8th use

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/05/31 09:02:31

Post by: gobert

You really have a great looking set of terrain pieces guarding. That Sector Mechanicus pillar is fantastic, gives it a real grandiose feel to the area! One of the rich gangs must be in the neighbourhood.

I’m loving the look of the voidsmen, the white armour is great. Will they be getting Necromunda bases too?

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/05/31 10:44:52

Post by: IGtR=

Loving the latest terrain, and always good to get painting minis!

Thanks for sharing

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/05/31 15:54:08

Post by: Guardling

gobert wrote:You really have a great looking set of terrain pieces guarding. That Sector Mechanicus pillar is fantastic, gives it a real grandiose feel to the area! One of the rich gangs must be in the neighbourhood.

I’m loving the look of the voidsmen, the white armour is great. Will they be getting Necromunda bases too?

Thanks, They'll be getting ZM bases as soon as I get some more superglue, my last sachet gave up the ghost this morning

IGtR= wrote:Loving the latest terrain, and always good to get painting minis!

Thanks for sharing

Thanks, I got inspired to start on my other rouge psyker today and noticed something:

Think Guard! Think!
If the Emperor knows all, why does he not let us speak?

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/06/04 17:36:31

Post by: gobert

Great pic of the guardsmen being interrogated by the dapper new rogue Psyker!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/06/06 14:19:24

Post by: Guardling

 gobert wrote:
Great pic of the guardsmen being interrogated by the dapper new rogue Psyker!

Haha that's the old one, still hadn't finished the new one at that point, but here he is now:

Somehow work has left me to tired to do much hobby lately, and now they're sending me away for a week...
So time to pack my suitcase:

This here is my painting "queue", it's got lots of minis in it.
Hopefully I'll paint some thing

Edit: box contains
14 chaos cultists
10 traitor guard
3 BSF beastmen
8 servants of the abyss
4 negavolt cultists
4 ur-ghuls
9 orlocks
3 Eshers
2 Esher kitties
And a rouge trader in a pear tree...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/06/07 08:01:49

Post by: Guardling

Painting progress, just some layers on some Escher Wyld Runners:

I have a Death Maiden to paint as well but their scheme is so different I didn't want to confuse myself...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/06/07 18:26:58

Post by: gobert

That’s a good pile of minis to keep you busy on the road! The ladies and pups are coming along nicely already I see, are you taking them anywhere nice?

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/06/08 06:42:58

Post by: Guardling

 gobert wrote:
That’s a good pile of minis to keep you busy on the road! The ladies and pups are coming along nicely already I see, are you taking them anywhere nice?

Taking them training on why they should not climb down any vent or tunnel they see. I'm sure they loved the case study of 3 men dying one after the other as they tried to rescue the previous guy.

I got the girls to a point where I'm happy (for now)...

Unfortunately the lighting in the hotel room is rubbish so it's hard to get a decent picture

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/06/09 07:41:37

Post by: Guardling

Had a practical exercise involving running, climbing and crawling around wearing an air cylinder so when I got back to the hotel I fell asleep as soon as I sat down.
Did wake up for a few hours but was too bleary to do any proper painting so just put some base layers on all my chaos cultists:

There's a mix of cultists, traitor guard and servants of the abyss in there

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/06/10 18:37:40

Post by: gobert

Sounds like an interesting day, my guess is either potholer or SBS training not bad base coating for bleary eyes!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/06/14 19:22:27

Post by: Guardling

 gobert wrote:
Sounds like an interesting day, my guess is either potholer or SBS training not bad base coating for bleary eyes!

Haha, it was confined space rescue and recovery at city and guilds level.
Five days of stuff that I'm never going to actually do due to existing controls.
But I need the qualification just in case...
I learnt a lot, mostly that I'm not as fit as I thought I was...

The training wiped me out both physically and mentally so hobby time has mostly been rearranging minis in boxes and congratulating myself on a job well done...

Took a couple of phone photos to give the illusion of progress:
Here's all my Voidsmen, been wanting to get a group shot of these guys for a while.

And here's my Wyld Runners, never understood why sci-fi brings out bows as "cool" weapons...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/06/17 06:39:07

Post by: Guardling

I've acquired a few more Escher bits since I originally painted this Ambot so I thought I'd do a quick refit:

Just painted some more panels yellow and got rid of the green.
I'm happier with the look now

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/06/17 08:57:02

Post by: Olthannon

Really nice work on that yellow, I love those ambot minis I can't wait to paint up my own.

Do you have a recipe for it?

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/06/20 07:54:34

Post by: Guardling

Yellow is just some thinned layers of Zamesi desert with a wash of Riekland Flash shade and then more Zamesi
Highlight with Pallid flesh, and some spots of Agrax Earthshade where it seemed appropriate

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/06/23 19:08:06

Post by: Guardling

Struggling to figure out what I want to do now that my Zone Mortalis terrain is done so gonna start digging through my decades old project pile...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/06/24 22:04:22

Post by: Captain Brown

 Guardling wrote:
Struggling to figure out what I want to do now that my Zone Mortalis terrain is done so gonna start digging through my decades old project pile...

Send it to me?

Build a platform and start there.

My two cents,


Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/06/25 07:09:31

Post by: Guardling

Captain Brown: haha, already got a platform going...

So picked up my ancient attempt to recreate old school Necromunda terrain out of platicard:

I had originally planned to scribe the panel lines into the platform but I didn't like the look of my attempts so I may give it a miss now.
I spent some time slapping some of that yellow citidel paint with sand in it (Armageddon Dust?) And shoving it in any gaps
Also on my table

Here's a tunnel entrance I made a long time ago, I hated doing the rivets but it came out looking good so time to start painting.
I was considering doing the original blue colour scheme but I think I may just paint it brown and black metal with some blue stripes to match my ZM stuff

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/06/25 15:16:15

Post by: Captain Brown


I did that in my Terrain LOG, the scoring works best if you do it before adding the bulkheads. Because you can have a nice, flat surface and can use a metal ruler to ensure your scoring is straight. Use the sand in the corners, as on a flat platform most of it would eventually blow off. Wait, where would you get wind in the Under Hive you ask? From the filtration ducts of course.



Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/06/25 18:28:15

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

If you use construction paper or the heavy cardstock from model boxes to make panels and glue them to the surface, they'll be easy to cut to shape without adding an unreasonable amount of chonk to the platforms.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/06/26 05:31:04

Post by: Viterbi

Excited to see what will emerge from the old project pile. And great group shots of the Voidsmen!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/06/26 12:31:10

Post by: Guardling

Captain Brown wrote:Guardling,
I did that in my Terrain LOG, the scoring works best if you do it before adding the bulkheads. Because you can have a nice, flat surface and can use a metal ruler to ensure your scoring is straight. Use the sand in the corners, as on a flat platform most of it would eventually blow off. Wait, where would you get wind in the Under Hive you ask? From the filtration ducts of course.

I think that's what I originally did with the panel lines, but the effect wasn't very visible.
The sand is going be rust once painted so won't be blown off by the wind.
Also I work in confined spaces and tunnels that are similar to what would be in the underhive, if there's no airflow, it's a bad sign.

Warboss_Waaazag wrote:If you use construction paper or the heavy cardstock from model boxes to make panels and glue them to the surface, they'll be easy to cut to shape without adding an unreasonable amount of chonk to the platforms.

Actually the lack of chonkyness is a bit of a problem as there is like a 3mm(I think) gap for the original card stock with some nubs to pin it in place so gap filling is needed. Although the separate panels would probably help a lot with my panel lines.
Also 1mm plasticard is wobbly but I've mostly sorted that with some 5mm square tube and I beams underneath

Viterbi wrote:Excited to see what will emerge from the old project pile. And great group shots of the Voidsmen!

Thanks, If I've kept it for this long I should probably start using it

Started painting the tunnel entrance:

Started by adding orange onto all the sandy areas and then sort of half stippled and half brushed black onto the beams

I then hit everything with a metal dry brush and Nuln Oil wash.
Once that was dry I used some Agrax Earthshade to give some of the panels a slightly different shade.
Then I used thinned orange to add some rust back and various washes and contrast paints to add grime, including some Apothecary white for the black metal

Then I found a test piece I did some time ago:

To late to match it now...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/06/26 22:55:31

Post by: Pointer5

The tunnel entrance looks great. I wouldn't worry about the color difference in the 2 walls. Different areas get a different paint job all the time.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/06/28 18:22:07

Post by: gobert

Nice work on the OG Necromunda stuff, it looks great all dirtied up. I too quite like the different colours, the previous test could tie the ZM and OG stuff together quite neatly

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/06/30 07:14:12

Post by: Guardling

Pointer5 wrote:The tunnel entrance looks great. I wouldn't worry about the color difference in the 2 walls. Different areas get a different paint job all the time.

gobert wrote:Nice work on the OG Necromunda stuff, it looks great all dirtied up. I too quite like the different colours, the previous test could tie the ZM and OG stuff together quite neatly

The idea is that these are old abandoned structures (by GW fist, haha) so a change of colour is good.
Also the platforms and bulkheads don't appear to be made of concrete like parts of the ZM stuff is so kinda of still keeping to the theme...

Anyhow, started on another platform, this is the top part of the two story building with the tower in the middle.

Same process as before but this time I tried picking out some panels with thinned down dryad bark

Unfortunately the flat surface turned out a bit streaky after the initial washes...
Hopefully I can hide that when I add some more rust, stains and splatter.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/07/07 21:51:10

Post by: Guardling

Quick update:
This week I have been mostly been playing around on Blender making some old style Necromunda terrain compatible with the new ZM stuff for the distant future when I have room for a 3D printer
I did however find some relatively cheep Cadian Hostile Environment Forge World bits on eBay:

Can't say I'm impressed with them though, but that may be because they there's a possibility that they're recasts.
The idea was to use them as a base for Karskin conversions but may just continue my original idea...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/07/08 16:53:05

Post by: Captain Brown

I always loved the classic bulkheads.


Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/07/11 06:15:33

Post by: Viterbi

Platform looks good, rust and stains will dirty that up without a hitch.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/07/11 22:00:01

Post by: Guardling

Captain Brown wrote:I always loved the classic bulkheads.


Viterbi wrote:Platform looks good, rust and stains will dirty that up without a hitch.


Started painting the bottom level of the tower platforms today:

Started with the orange foundation paint on most of the books and crannies, the stippled on the mournfang brown to avoid streaks.
I then realised that I hadn't put all the panel lines in so decided to paint them differently
I used dryad bark and an old terracotta paint to block them out, they're a bit rough right now but I'll tidy them up later.
You can also see where I have accidentally scratched the paint when working so definitely need a varnish.
Maybe I should of sanded the plasticard before painting... Oops

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/07/12 15:39:55

Post by: Captain Brown


A simple way to add some detail, but still make it figure friendly is getting a stich wheel and the thinnest plastic card you can get. You cut out little squares and rectangles of the plastic card, run the stich wheel along the outer sides and when you flip it over and glue it down you have batch and access panels with rivet heads along all the outer edges. Because when you use thin plastic card, the stich wheel makes and impression that looks like evenly punched rivets on the other side. It also will not cause wobbly model syndrome when glued to the deck.


Stich wheel is also called a pounce wheel, perforation cutter, or overstitch wheel, you can find them a craft stores, shops that sell stitching material, or on Amazon.

Hope that helps,


Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/07/20 06:20:11

Post by: Guardling

Still alive, been a bad couple of weeks for the hobby, self isolation, flooding, sick child and tight budget have slowed me down
Did some work on my attempts at plastic Karskins

Head and torso from cadians, arms are filed down Scion arms, legs are catachan legs that have had their pouches filed down.
Got some Scion backpacks for then and need to convert some more heads

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/08/17 09:28:55

Post by: Guardling

So been struggling a bit with motivation and spending a lot of time getting ready for a major event (nothing to do with minis)
Have made up for that by reading a few 40k books, gotten through the Eisenhorn series, the Ravenor series, the first Guants omnibus and now half way through the second one.

So managed to get my self started on my Van Saar minis:

like all my gangs I've just built them according to the instructions and boy did I not enjoy it.
All the parts are way too fiddly and kept popping off while painting

I wanted try and paint them like bugs as there armour has a bug like aesthetics so I started wth a silver dry brush over black

I then used some green and purple ink to paint in the panels following the box art

In other news I did a test paint for my plastic Kasrkin conversion to see how it looked:

I'll be honest I'm not a fan, might just stick to regular scions or more inquisition storm troopers

I also sketched up an idea I had floating around in my head:

The idea being a Goliath ganger trying to join the imperial fists, but because he's a vat grown genetic monstrosity he's not compatible with the Astartes augmentation process...
So they rejected him and since then he's been prowling the underhive with captured or replicated power armour pretending to be a space marine and gets super mad when anyone points it out
Obviously this is a very thinly disguised way to get lore friendly angry marines...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/09/13 09:19:27

Post by: Guardling

Still Alive:

Will get a proper update in when internet stops being silly...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/09/14 08:57:35

Post by: Guardling

Been a bit slow on the Warhammer side last few weeks (months? IDK) but I got a surprise in the post:
Quite a while ago I signed up for the Warhammer Imperium magazine and because it took so long I completely forgot about it.
So now I have a couple of Necrons and a Primaris Lieutenant and some useful tools so of course I got my self hyped up and started back on the hobbying:

By breaking down a ZM pillar and cutting the edge off.
Go hobby ADHD...

Idea is to make few 3x3 blocks of scenery that have been detailed up and are more interesting than the bog standard ZM stuff.
In this case a larger pillar thing that takes up a 2x2 space

Digging though my bits I discovered that the old terrain floors are big enough to substitute in for ZM platforms

Then I discovered that there is actually like a 2mm size difference so

I trimmed it with some 5mm plasicard I beam and clipped off one side.
With a bit of sanding and some 5mm square tube I managed to make some that fits

My current plan is see if I can scrounge up a couple of wall section ends to fill the gap with

So with that I mind I started something completely different:

Again plan is to have it fit a 3x3 square but this time use up the random stuff from my bits box

The main feature are these box things that came From an old Stingray playset. Plan is to trim the SecMech platform, attach the boxes and raise the platform to the same height as the ZM platforms...

I also decided that I should actually use some of the railings I have and sliced two together so that they fit on the diagonal of the SecMech platform.

I then did a whole bunch of stuff without taking any pictures...
Yay. I'll save that for next time...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/09/14 09:02:01

Post by: Arakasi

Terrain is looking good, keep it up!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/09/16 09:55:33

Post by: Guardling

 Arakasi wrote:
Terrain is looking good, keep it up!

Thank you,
I'm keeping progress going but a lot of it is checking fits and filing things flat and checking fits and trimming and checking fits

Did some little bits to my SecMech platform, mainly just getting legs on it...

I used one of the add on ladders from the gang stronghold box to set the correct height to marry with the ZM platforms and just used plasicard I beams for the legs.
Getting the "Stingray Box" to correct height was the trickiest bit as the bottom has the same sloping as the top.
But luckily the screw holes gave me a good spot to jam some I beams in which I could then trim off at the right height

For my 2x2 pillar block found what I wanted to fill the corner with:

I used the wall panel I cut off the Pillar earlier and an end panel from a wall section. These things look similar but are not the same, having slightly different shapes and thicknesses.
I trimmed them to be the same size and then used some 5mm thick I beams and square tubes to bulk out the corner.

Decided to make myself a pipe to go with another 3x3 unit

Pipe is some random tube I found that had snapped in half, so I cleaned it up and tried to glue it back together. Unfortunately, that didn't work but I liked the texture of the tape I used to hold it while it dried so I so got that on it neatly.
Here's a mock up of what I'm gonna do with it

I then glued on some rod and wires for interest and a flat mounting point so I could glue it under a platform...
Later I'll glue the stairs and platform to the pillar to make it one thing, but I'll probably paint the pipe first

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/09/16 11:05:52

Post by: blockade23

Looking great! Any progress on those newer Karskins? The old metal versions were awesome, and I like the scions, but if there's a relatively simple way to make 'close look alikes' from my bits box I'm all for it.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/09/17 10:34:29

Post by: gobert

More cool terrain guardling, you’re bashing the various kits together really well. The tape on the pipe works well, as though it could be lagged with something. Looking forward to seeing what you do with Imperium too

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/09/18 12:55:21

Post by: Guardling

blockade23 wrote:Looking great! Any progress on those newer Karskins? The old metal versions were awesome, and I like the scions, but if there's a relatively simple way to make 'close look alikes' from my bits box I'm all for it.

Haha they're not that simple due to the face, I think there's an appropriate head in the Cadian add-on sprue now that might make it easier.
But I have no real plans to continue them due to them not quite fitting the PDF with local support background I'm going for...

gobert wrote:More cool terrain guardling, you’re bashing the various kits together really well. The tape on the pipe works well, as though it could be lagged with something. Looking forward to seeing what you do with Imperium too

Thanks, ended up being a super easy way to add some interest without trying to do a full recreation of a thermic plasma wotsit.

Anyway test paint Necron:

Its no secret Necrons have and use Blackstone, so I thought I'd try tying one to my Blackstone Fortress spindle drone paint scheme.
I did exactly the same paint scheme but it didn't look right so I started adding to it
What I ended up with was thinned Necron Abyss with a Liche Purple heavy dry brush
Nuln oil wash, pick out some highlights with more Liche
I then gave it an edge highlight of Warlock purple, which I also used for the tubes and glow of the weapon, followed by another edge highlight of Wazdakka red.
I then gave it another edge highlight of Necron Abyss, but this time doing the bottom edge and then followed that with a highlight of Sotec Green.
Caparace and face are Dawnstone with some purple ink brought back up with Dawnstone and then highlighted with Celestra Grey.
Eyes are just Orange with a dot of yellow.
I am half tempted to change the weapon glow to be the same as the eyes...
All in all I'm happy with how it came out, and I may update the spindle drones to match

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/09/18 17:19:57

Post by: Captain Brown

Nice work Guardling.



Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/09/18 18:02:15

Post by: Guardling


C'mon brain, stick to a project...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/09/19 09:37:27

Post by: gobert

That’s one fancy Necron! I thought you’d used some colourshift metallics, but the double colour highlights work superbly! I think Orange orbs would work well, certainly add a bit of extra detail

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/09/26 06:35:10

Post by: Viterbi

Love the Necron test scheme, ties it really nicely into the BSF aesthetic. And all the terrain builds are looking good!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/09/27 08:48:20

Post by: Guardling

gobert wrote:That’s one fancy Necron! I thought you’d used some colourshift metallics, but the double colour highlights work superbly! I think Orange orbs would work well, certainly add a bit of extra detail

Thanks, I decided to go with the orange as it contrasts better with the scheme, but now I'm tempted to go classic green
Viterbi wrote:Love the Necron test scheme, ties it really nicely into the BSF aesthetic. And all the terrain builds are looking good!

Thank you, I've started basecoating the rest of the Necrons but that Necron lord (I don't know what it is) from the first magazine is a pain to paint now I've glued him together.

Anyways got a delivery from eBay and started painting:

These are 3d printed bases designed by Dragons Rest (I think) and I've wanted them and the terrain set since I first got BSF
Unfortunately the bases are solid so unless I start drilling holes no magnets (not that I have anything to stick them to...)
Also they needed a surprising amount of clean up and I wasn't really able to smooth out the layer lines but I'm happy with them

The paints I used pretty much in that order
And then the spindle drones rebased:

The bases don't accommodate for the spindle drone tabs so I cut them off, which was a mistake in hindsight.
They need some tidying up where the superglue has frosted and they are pretty fragile...

Back on the ZM stuff:

I glued the pillar and wall bits together with the pipe and stairs I made and added a bit of tube with a notch cut for a corner platforms tab to fit

Then I went to a craft fair and spied some handy bits, namely some 30cm MDF squares to glue under my ZM board for rigidity
And cut one up:

Snip snip. I used a new hotglue gun to attach it, running out of glue sticks in the process. Then used milliput to fill in the gaps as well as spreading across the MDF as a dubious sealant...
Plan is to paint the space as a sump pool...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/09/27 17:40:11

Post by: gobert


The bases did take a fair bit of work to get ready but they are pretty cool! I ended up cutting the the tabs down to a small round peg to fit in a suitably sized drilled hole. Lovely colours you went for to really suit the spindle drone bases, hopefully they don’t fall apart too often !

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/10/17 09:26:22

Post by: Viterbi

Those bases look great and good to see you got some more color on the murderous robot.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/10/19 11:40:41

Post by: Guardling

gobert wrote:Snap!
The bases did take a fair bit of work to get ready but they are pretty cool! I ended up cutting the the tabs down to a small round peg to fit in a suitably sized drilled hole. Lovely colours you went for to really suit the spindle drone bases, hopefully they don’t fall apart too often !

I was going to try and pin them to the bases, but when I got them off there wasn't room for the stuff I have, but now I know for next time

Viterbi wrote:Those bases look great and good to see you got some more color on the murderous robot.

Thanks, they make a nice break from the stuff actually on my paint queue.

Anyways, got me some new legs on my Stingray platform:

I used Lego to set the leg straight and then with some carefull fit, snip and refit get the right angle for the top of the legs.
For the bottom I left them deliberately to long so I could trim the to the correct height by having them hang of the edge of a flat surface and marking then snipping to fit.
I used milliput to fill in what gaps I could and provide a more secure bond for the legs...
With the spare milliput I shoved it and some more into a blue stuff mold of my ZM offcut

Plan is to make a sump corner tile:

Been waiting quite a long time waiting for more glue sticks to carry on with and then realised that I forgot to order them

Other news is I finally finished something on my paint queue:

Orlocks! Pretty sure I've had them partially painted in my queue for at least a year

I had put some scratches on the power fist for an additional bit of detail

Getting pretty crowded in their box now:

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/10/21 17:10:13

Post by: gobert

Looking cool, love how the gangs are so easily identifiable with their colours. The photos on the terrain are awesome, keep em coming!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/10/22 20:00:43

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

I am so glad to have found my way here. So much excellent work you've done, clearly a labor of passion. Looking forward to seeing what you do next.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/10/22 22:13:27

Post by: ValhallanWinter

I really love your innovative terrain builds, very clever use of parts to match your needs while keeping a consistent industrial feel.

The color coded gangs are great, it makes me think of those old arcade beat 'em up games in a good way.

Are you planning to make any narrative missions or skirmish rules for some of your more scenic terrain pieces?

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/10/24 10:00:00

Post by: Guardling

gobert wrote:Looking cool, love how the gangs are so easily identifiable with their colours. The photos on the terrain are awesome, keep em coming!

Thanks I've let my tertian get covered in unfinished projects at the moment but should be clearing that up soon...
Skalk Bloodaxe wrote:I am so glad to have found my way here. So much excellent work you've done, clearly a labor of passion. Looking forward to seeing what you do next.

Thanks allot, been hard to get any passion lately
ValhallanWinter wrote:I really love your innovative terrain builds, very clever use of parts to match your needs while keeping a consistent industrial feel.

The color coded gangs are great, it makes me think of those old arcade beat 'em up games in a good way.

Are you planning to make any narrative missions or skirmish rules for some of your more scenic terrain pieces?

Thanks. I generally don't plan rules or missions as I pretty much never play (not a fan of other people) but sometimes I do little stories or situations that I try and take a picture of...

Anyways remember this?

Well I went to my FLGS intending to pick up a new box of Goliath gangers and picked up this instead:

Even better for what I want...

The idea behind the picture was a Goliath ganger who was obsessed with becoming a space marine but was so jacked up that he got rejected for the conversion process.
This of course made him mad as hell and he started running around attacking patrolling marine and stealing their armour.
It didn't seem so feasible having a regular ganger kill an Astartes, but a giant stimmer?
So I spent a few hour smashing bits together:

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Forgot I painted the 2 by 2 pillar:

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/10/24 12:59:51

Post by: gobert

Sweet work on the stimmer, he certainly looks big enough to take down a lone marine and claim some of his armour. Nice work!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/10/25 15:12:30

Post by: IGtR=

Love the not a space marine - something very comic book-y and therefore very fitting for Necromunda and older forms of 40k!

Thanks for sharing

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/10/25 17:24:20

Post by: brushcommando

I'm loving the creativity behind your idea for the in-universe angry marine(s?). Conversion looks brilliant.

Also, since he seems to be stealing the show from your terrain piece, I also think that looks brilliant. I love it when I get to see people make their own terrain. It's something I rarely have the patience to attempt myself.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/10/26 19:43:24

Post by: Guardling

gobert wrote:Sweet work on the stimmer, he certainly looks big enough to take down a lone marine and claim some of his armour. Nice work!

Thanks. He keeps surprising me with how big he actually is, I keep thinking he's like a scout/neophyte or something but he towers over Primaris Marines...

IGtR= wrote:Love the not a space marine - something very comic book-y and therefore very fitting for Necromunda and older forms of 40k!

Thanks for sharing

Haha yeah, very comic book bad guy, now I feel like he need minions... Maybe some women hacked off that they're not even considered for the Astartes...

brushcommando wrote:I'm loving the creativity behind your idea for the in-universe angry marine(s?). Conversion looks brilliant.

Also, since he seems to be stealing the show from your terrain piece, I also think that looks brilliant. I love it when I get to see people make their own terrain. It's something I rarely have the patience to attempt myself.

Thank you, I do love the zone mortalis stuff but it very quickly looks all the same.
A good thing about the ZM stuff is it's so modular and compatible with other kits it's easy to mock up something interesting.

Should probably mention some of the bits I used to make angry man, who I'm provisionally calling Iratus
The obvious one is he's based off a Goliath Stimmer, but I left off the chest tubes, I used the close combat arms so I would have to remove the bindings
His head from one of the Blackstone Fortress Chaos Marines, it seemed to fit better than an actual Goliath head.
His knee caps are genuine space marine knee caps from an old mangled monopose firstborn.
The chest piece had to be bent out of shape in order to fit him
The armour plates around his waist are made out of plasticard cut into the roughly the same shapes as on a Primaris marine and his kit layout is inspired by that
He has a imp fist shoulder pad from the Deathwatch sprue and another pad from what I think is a Primaris kit made of blue plastic. It had a raised circle in it that I thought would be a perfect start to an angry face...

Started painting my boi pink:

Apparently you should use pink as a base if you're painting yellow... Something something... Does something, looks cool... I don't know, but I tried it out.
I then slapped a thin layer of white on in a semi dry brush way (wetbrush?)

And then some base colours:

Yellow went on nicely with the pink undercoat but I'm not sure what difference it made...
I started painting him up in Imperial Fist colours as they have a presence on Necromunda.
Actual Angry marine colours are similar but with red shoulder pads, not sure whether to replicate that or not.
The imp fist logo is definitely getting vandalised...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/10/26 20:10:09

Post by: brushcommando

You could do the other shoulder pad in red, as if it came from a blood angel or something, keep the scheme the same and make it seem like all the armor didn't come from one place. Maybe have a different chapter's logo partially scratched out to indicate it's seperate origin?

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/10/31 14:58:18

Post by: Guardling

 brushcommando wrote:
You could do the other shoulder pad in red, as if it came from a blood angel or something, keep the scheme the same and make it seem like all the armor didn't come from one place. Maybe have a different chapter's logo partially scratched out to indicate it's seperate origin?

Its a good idea, but given the supposed rarity of space marines I highly doubt someone from the underhive is going to bump into any chapters that don't operate out of Necromunda... Plus this guy would probably only have successfully killed like three or four 'Fists over a decade...

Anyhow, I've got him to a place I'm happy to call him finished for now:

Went with a clean Imperial Fist look and then started decorating with red before trying out some scratches and weathering with various inks, mostly Agrax...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/11/01 10:50:21

Post by: Viterbi

Loved the bit about waiting for glue sticks, but hadn't ordered them Besides that the Simmer conversion looks great and love his backstory. Also good to see you getting more terrain done, the swamp tile will be interesting to watch developing.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/11/01 13:29:25

Post by: brushcommando

Wow. Angry man turned out great.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/11/01 15:20:17

Post by: Captain Brown

Yes, he really does look quite angry.



Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/11/04 20:22:57

Post by: Guardling

Viterbi wrote:Loved the bit about waiting for glue sticks, but hadn't ordered them Besides that the Simmer conversion looks great and love his backstory. Also good to see you getting more terrain done, the swamp tile will be interesting to watch developing.

Thanks, but it get better because I forgot to order them again!

brushcommando wrote:Wow. Angry man turned out great.

Captain Brown wrote:Yes, he really does look quite angry.

Thanks guys, I had a look in the dakka gallery and it turns out the last (tagged) angry marine photo was five years ago! Feels a bit like dragging up a dead meme but it's an idea out of my head and into the real world

Anyway been a bit slow on the hobby due to moving onto a night shift.
I'm asleep during the day so no light for painting and my workspace is in my bedroom which is shared with my partner so no making on my days off.
But hobby finds a way...
A few hours into my sleep I was woken by the postman (bringing me the imperium magazines I've been neglecting) and then had an idea...
An idea that wouldn't leave my head so I could go back to sleep:

These things. They're annoying as they don't mesh with the modularity of the regular ZM terrain very well
And I've started making 3x3 blocks centred which the stronghold bits just don't fit into.
So my solution?
Cut the in half:

The platform piece was easy as there were already guide lines, I just scored round it with a Stanley a dozen times and then I could easily snap it in half. A quick file smooth and they're ready to go.

The wall part was trickier though but I found my previous glue bond was not so good so I broke it down to its components. I used the Stanley to make a straight grove at the top and then:

I went straight down from the top on the bottom piece and this turned out to be a bad idea.
On the inside near the middle, there is an angled outcrop of plastic that redirected my cut before I realised.
For the top piece I used the Stanley to cut some guide notches and sawed all around the outside working my way in, this gave a surprisingly (for me) straight cut.
A bit of filing, test fitting and clean up later I got what I wanted:

A strong hold piece that can go with my 3x3 system.
It's not glued in place yet as it still needs a bit of gap filling on the edges and I have to rebuild the railings slightly, but it was out of my head which meant I could go back to sleep...

*Work alarm goes off*

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/11/05 13:38:07

Post by: Olthannon

Awesome work on Mr Angry and the terrain.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/11/05 19:40:46

Post by: Captain Brown

Nice solution there Guardling.



Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/11/05 20:17:18

Post by: ValhallanWinter

Excellent conversion work! The corner looks natural and the walkway meshes with the rest of the fortification, impressive work as always

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/11/07 17:30:27

Post by: IGtR=

Oooh - a timely experiment/tutorial. Not least because a bunk of us dakkaites panic bought the stronghold on the misunderstanding it was going out of stock....

Thanks for sharing!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/11/07 17:50:19

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Love the Angry Marine!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/11/09 11:07:36

Post by: Viterbi

I love how you went from deep sleep to answering the door for the postman to hey, I gotta saw that terrain in half And it looks great, amazing safe! But on another note, I hope glue sticks have now been ordered for real

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/11/10 20:39:12

Post by: Guardling

Olthannon wrote:Awesome work on Mr Angry and the terrain.

Captain Brown wrote:Nice solution there Guardling.



ValhallanWinter wrote:Excellent conversion work! The corner looks natural and the walkway meshes with the rest of the fortification, impressive work as always

Thank you
IGtR= wrote:Oooh - a timely experiment/tutorial. Not least because a bunk of us dakkaites panic bought the stronghold on the misunderstanding it was going out of stock....

Thanks for sharing!

No problem, I like everything in the strong hold kit, apart from the walls, the only thing they mesh with is themselves, which limits the kit IMO
Kid_Kyoto wrote:Love the Angry Marine!

Thank you
Viterbi wrote:I love how you went from deep sleep to answering the door for the postman to hey, I gotta saw that terrain in half And it looks great, amazing safe! But on another note, I hope glue sticks have now been ordered for real

Let's not talk about the glue sticks

Just come off night shift, worked my first day and started making plots and plans when boss rings
"Can you do night shift?"
So been working away at random bits and pieces and not taking pictures as light is poor
I decided to cut a hole in one of my ZM floor tiles to make way for a lift (or hole) piece.
This left me with four little sections of tile, so in the interests of trying to stretch out my part as much as possible:

These were glued onto a T section of flooring I had already made and the notch gaps filled with 5mm I beam that had one side clipped off.
Plan is to have a wall and a storage area underneath, maybe with fencing...

I cut them out by repeatedly scoring with a fresh Stanley. Do it enough times and you'll get a clean cut through anything. Eventually.
I kept the bracing underneath intact and put a layer of plasticard over it.
Before leaving for work tonight, I used some sprue slurry to fill the gap in the edge

I also had a good go at cleaning up the ends of the strong hold walls.
I decided to trim as much as I could back to the pillar part and rebuild it with plasticard

I started with a 3(ish) mm I beam straight down the middle and a Lego frame to make sure it runs straight and then a used a plasticard chunk a few layers thick and cut/carved/filed it down to the approximate shape for the wedge

Then more gap filling with sprue slurry, it's weird colours right now as I put some of that red sprue the the SecMech stuff sometimes has.
I also did the other side and started on another piece that I forgot to take photos of.
It's a lot of effort but it fits and make me dislike the wall less, so I guess that's a win...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/11/15 21:21:03

Post by: Guardling

Did me a 3x3 with stairs

I noticed the railing on the mid level platform is on the outside which stops my other 3x3s from fitting properly.
So I cut the connectors off and shortened one of the railings so it fits...


Also put together a straight section with some pipe work and one of the doors from the N17 boxset:

The door need a bit of filing and its feet removed to fit.
The pipe was a bit harder as I had to clean out bottom of the floor panel to make room. I also added some plasticard spacers (1.5mm worth) onto the pipe foot attaching it to the wall so that the pipe will butt up to the next piece.

Lastly finished the stronghold end clean up:

They fit nicely now

And actually mesh with the rest of the ZM walls!

Now I have a whole lot of painting clean up to do...
Also I did yellow railings on my stairs so now I have to change all the stronghold railings to match...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/11/16 17:33:59

Post by: Captain Brown

Building and painting terrain is always an evolving art. Good luck there Guardling.



Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/11/16 23:56:28

Post by: gobert

Great work on these pieces Guardling. The modularity you’re achieving is fantastic! Best of luck repainting all your rails yellow

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/11/18 20:41:06

Post by: IGtR=

Nice meshing of the two together

I must say I was confused when the two didn't meet up nicely when I got the Stronghold kit out to play. As I said, a timely tutorial!

Thanks for sharing

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/11/19 22:07:50

Post by: Guardling

Captain Brown wrote:Building and painting terrain is always an evolving art. Good luck there Guardling.



Thank you Captin Brown
gobert wrote:Great work on these pieces Guardling. The modularity you’re achieving is fantastic! Best of luck repainting all your rails yellow

Thanks, trying for a balance between modularity and unique enough to be interesting.
IGtR= wrote:Nice meshing of the two together

I must say I was confused when the two didn't meet up nicely when I got the Stronghold kit out to play. As I said, a timely tutorial!

Thanks for sharing

Thank you, glad I can help others.

Today on Guardlings Hobby ADHD, I get distracted by my cat... I mean Tau:

Another Dakkatron posted some pictures of their Tau army that had a very similar colour scheme to mine, so I had to have a look see and realised that I haven't uploaded any pics of them to DakkaDakka...
So I spent all my hobby time digging them out and taking some pictures of the painted stuff...
I started this army nearly 20 years ago in an ugly blue and silver colour scheme and then tried to redo the paint scheme and add some eBay miniature rescues to it like ten years ago.

Crisis team, I have several teams with this load out, these are just the fully painted ones.
Also have some of the new models, but they're eBay rescues with really badly poses and I haven't been able to take them apart.

My Assualt team, Equipped with plasma rifles, Fusion Blasters and Vectored thrusters, these guys did hit and runs on armoured targets. The extra thrusters are buttons from a broken calculator I had

Some Fire Warriors, these are the squad leads from three of the teams. I think only the one without a helmet is a Shas'Ui.
The all have unit designations based on the codex force organisations so like Charlie Alpha One would have been, Troops, Fire Warriors, group one. Using Charlie and Alpha seemed to human-centric to me so I made myself my own Tau phonetic alphabet using known Tau words. Sadly I don't know where I put this so can't share it with you Dakkanauts... yet...
I have also noticed that the models have the wrong flash, it's saying they're crisis suits, whoops...

Got me some good old pathfinders, I absolutely love their plastic versions by the way, I have some just not finished

Got me a prone sniper but I didn't want to use one of the weird long bases so I made him into a casualty instead, I think his railgun went onto a Kill Team member.

Drone controller and a crashed sniper drone objective.
Would you believe the drone is scratch built? Not sure why I did it

Some XV15 stealth suits

My XV25 Shas'Vre, this guy has been my best performing model ever, he had the Skyfire rule for while and struck fear into Storm Talons everywhere.
Much earlier on in his career he solo'd six(!) Khorne Beserkers in hand to hand...
Well... he killed one and all the others exploded in rage trying to slaughter him and just exploded.
Chaos is a fickle mistress.

My original Ethereal, fluff was my force was a Dal'yth colony and not a proper sept world so they imported their upper echelons from their host Sept

My newer Ethereal. When I got him I updated the my fluff, In the wake of some set backs during the fourth expansion the Tau were looking for some easy wins and upgraded the small colony with mass of new equipment and personnel and it became an official (minor) Sept world.
The old guy is still around though complaining about youngsters on their hover boards...

With that upgrade they got a "modern" broadside, he sucks. (72" S10 AP1 to 60" S8 AP1 )
My old broadsides were converted back to a crisis team, they were good while it lasted...

For some reason my Kroot have feathered hats. No idea why, it was a decision made long ago.
I don't like their colour that much as they look like skinny Orks.

This is what I want my Kroot to look like, test piece for the Blackstone Fortress Kroot.

And a Shaper, he had some really bad slippage down his face

Back then I was super into converting models so would did some models that made sense to me:

Devil fish/battle suit pilots for objectives

A fire warrior with a flamer, with short range Breachers being a thing now, this guy would be a suitable addition

And for a shooty combined arms race, Tau sure don't have as many infantry weapons as the guard.
So logically they should have a man portable missile pod. I love them, but they need rebasing...

Woo, that was a lot, I swear I'll do some more Necromunda stuff soon, got stuff in the post as well...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/11/24 11:30:54

Post by: Guardling

Supply Drop:

Got Nightshift today, so do I sleep or start cutting sprues?
Sprues it is...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/11/25 07:35:27

Post by: Viterbi

Really cool to see all the Tau minis. I actually started an army when I revisited the hobby 7 years ago, but it didn't last long. I have a very offensive "in your face" playstyle and it just didn't work that well with them. Sisters are the better fit for me.
But still love the Tau aesthetic and your color scheme works well!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/11/25 20:45:59

Post by: Guardling

 Viterbi wrote:
Really cool to see all the Tau minis. I actually started an army when I revisited the hobby 7 years ago, but it didn't last long. I have a very offensive "in your face" playstyle and it just didn't work that well with them. Sisters are the better fit for me.
But still love the Tau aesthetic and your color scheme works well!

Thanks I had a very mobile flowy force, infantry would be in small units with a buddy unit helping them, sort of like the two fireteams in a squad IRL, one gets attacked, the other moves to cover it, etc.
But with the rising inclusion of more and more powerful units (2+ invun saves for nearly every hostile) in the meta I couldn't compete, so I stopped playing.

Anyways you'll be pleased to know I finally got some glue sticks!
So here's some sump boards put together:

Just cut another ZM tile down the middle. I used the heated nozzle of the hot glue gun to melt and rub flat the glue on the edges of the plastic where it meet the MDF.
I also tried to use hot glue to blend the sunken parts into on my corner piece but it didn't work so well
Just need some spray paint to prime and seal the MDF.

Spent a while just rearranging pits of plastic to get ideas on what to build and came up with a bit of pipe winding around a pillar:

A bit of cutting pipes up and gluing them back together:

Some of the pipe feet broke when I was trying to take them off for repositioning, but that worked in my favour as I was able to put half of one one the floor and glue the other half to the ZM pillar

Also mocked up my first tall piece:

I'm thinking about putting a lift on the other side and maybe another section of the silo. Also not sold on the platform covering the silo, tempted to do some "liquid" inside the silo peeking out...

with that idea, I sorted out the bits I would need with the intent of saving parts that wouldn't be seen.
I'm going to use plasticard square tube for the platform parts between the two levels and then figure out how to blend the silo to the ZM stuff later.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/11/25 21:40:54

Post by: Captain Brown

Terrain construction does sometimes take a mock up or two before one is happy with the plan...and sometimes even the plan changes afterwards.



Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/11/25 23:44:07

Post by: gobert

There’s something very 40k in a pipe going round an obstacle that it could just go straight past! I love it (and also realise you’ll probably put another pillar there )! The quarter pillar fits surprisingly well, and it definitely needs some glowing liquid inside it

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/12/01 00:44:20

Post by: Guardling

Captain Brown wrote:Terrain construction does sometimes take a mock up or two before one is happy with the plan...and sometimes even the plan changes afterwards.



I agree, mock ups are very useful if you're trying to make stuff modular.
Also no plan survives contact with the enemy, including myself

gobert wrote:There’s something very 40k in a pipe going round an obstacle that it could just go straight past! I love it (and also realise you’ll probably put another pillar there )! The quarter pillar fits surprisingly well, and it definitely needs some glowing liquid inside it

Thanks, I was thinking of putting a door in, just to hammer home the ridiculousness of it.
But alas that kind of kink (I'm pretty sure) is actually a safety feature, something to do with the liquid getting to much momentum
I've mostly seen it on aerial photos of long distance pipelines, sometimes they go up and over instead, but lying flat is probably cheaper

Onto what I've been doing this... Week?...
I don't know, I haven't seen sunlight in a while...

Been gluing this together, it's been slow, regular glue is not holding it properly because I'm using the double walls to make single walls.
So sprue slurry it is, and little scaffolds made of mega blocks.
Also not shown is the back which is currently drying, in my disorganized haste to find something weighty I used a replica firearm to hold it down, so thought it prudent not to post that here...
I did however swap out the regular wall ends/caps with the offcuts from the pillar assembly, further saving my precious ZM bits.

One day I had to go into town whilst I should of been sleeping and popped into my FLGS and then came out with two more boxes of Necromunda figures...

Enforcers, also got the shield guys
After having a look at the sprues I was annoyed with their weapon options, not enough shotguns, not enough hitty sticks, the pistols are stub guns, and somehow no Bolters.
Also dislike the helmets they look to much like Primaris Marines to me
So I got chopping, the arms from the Scion kit blend well, but I just used the hands. There were no right hand hitty sticks, so made my own with a bit of (bad) pinning.
Face is from the Starstriders heavy, and beret is from a Scion head I didn't like the look of

Wots all this then?
I may pull his head off later down the line and replace it with the sallet like helmet some of the Skitarii have.

Got some base colours for a paint scheme for you to judge, but I'm dreading what you're going to say:

Yeah... I'll see myself out...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/12/01 07:55:29

Post by: endtransmission

There are bolters on the sprue, they just don't look like marine bolters, and bolt pistols aren't a thing until you can get to a trading post sadly... so they don't include those at all.

I like the edging on the double height walls. Might need to do something like that when I get around to rebuilding some elements

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/12/01 15:19:13

Post by: Ragsta

I really like the colour scheme for those Tau, glad you dug them out for a photo shoot!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/12/01 22:39:01

Post by: Guardling

endtransmission wrote:There are bolters on the sprue, they just don't look like marine bolters, and bolt pistols aren't a thing until you can get to a trading post sadly... so they don't include those at all.

I like the edging on the double height walls. Might need to do something like that when I get around to rebuilding some elements

Huh, you learn something new every day...
I have had an issue with new models where I haven't been able to easily identify what many weapons are because they just don't fit the design language that I know.
The edging is 4.8mm Plastruct square tubes, the actual Necromunda bits are 5.0mm, but no-one is going to notice a 0.2mm difference unless there a few of them...

Ragsta wrote:
I really like the colour scheme for those Tau, glad you dug them out for a photo shoot!

Thanks, I don't see a lot of Tau on Dakka, other than the occasional outrageously cool art piece so I never really bothered putting pics up.
Maybe I'll make sorting them out another project for me to ignore later...

Anywho, another update, so quick after the last one!

Put me some control panels and cables on my round the block pipe to give it some interest also slapped on some dryad bark to hide any exposed plastic.

While I'm on that topic, it's worth mentioning I had to file off a small bit of the pipe feet in order to get the section to sit flat on the ZM floor tile as shown in red

Made a plasticard filler for the top of my silo tower

And here it is to test it's fit.
Those end caps are from the pillars rather than the walls to use left over parts and save bits. This meant I had to trim down the sides yet leave a tab to fit. There's some pretty ugly work on the inside with carving and sprueglue...
I may replace the top level with some SecMech flooring but its a noticeable bit bigger the the ZM bits, I can make it work, but the lift is going to be an issue

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/12/05 07:57:04

Post by: Viterbi

Finally glue sticks!!!!!!

Great work you've been doing, the terrain is looking grander every time you post new pics. The enforcers are lovely models, that being sad I only build five as sisters conversions and sold the other five off

Regarding the color scheme you are going to try to emulate the Judge Dredd scheme, aren't you I think it will work well, once there's some shading and highlights on. Maybe do the cap in red, although that may be a bit over the top.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/12/06 09:58:26

Post by: Guardling

 Viterbi wrote:
Finally glue sticks!!!!!!

Great work you've been doing, the terrain is looking grander every time you post new pics. The enforcers are lovely models, that being sad I only build five as sisters conversions and sold the other five off

Regarding the color scheme you are going to try to emulate the Judge Dredd scheme, aren't you I think it will work well, once there's some shading and highlights on. Maybe do the cap in red, although that may be a bit over the top.

Thanks, definitely going with the Judge theme, trying to break away from doing everything "stock" as it were. Not sure on the berets yet, I'm thinking of black or blue with red trim, similar to the Judges helmets.
Also pondering converting them to storm troopers.
Definitely going for looks cool with them, so expect shotguns and maybe some real Bolters.
Gonna do some research for names, can't remember to many of them from the comics

And on to my progress...
Back on dayshift now so I've had plenty of time to make some real progress rather than just picking at stuff:

Started by trimming some SecMech platforms from the plasma tower things and glueing it to a another square from the bits box

The top side got a trim back for the lift and a bit of plasticard ...

Used bits of sprue to fill in the gap for the silo piece and sprueglue to hold it together.
When I finally got it together I noticed that it was a bit wonky

I also made some more mock ups of terrain:

Some pipes, it took a while to figure out how to make it go in a corner, when I glue it up I'll probably put some more gubbins around it...

Definitely having a straight up silo, thinking of some supports or platforms to line it up it with the rest of board

Also did the dome,

Glued some sprue supports underneath to help lock it into the board grid.

As I started gluing it together, I decided to change it around.
The pipe coming off the side was a pain in the bum to do and is two different pipe corners chopped up a sprueglued together

That's all for now

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/12/06 22:07:12

Post by: Guardling

Some base colours:

Not sure on what colour to do the dome, maybe blue?

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/12/07 18:38:48

Post by: gobert

You’ve been busy Guardling! A nice blue would be good on the dome, or maybe a yellow?

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/12/10 18:24:39

Post by: Captain Brown

Nice idea/job to make the tower plug into the board.

Is that smoke coming out of your tower?



Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/12/12 22:21:55

Post by: Guardling

Been, uh, busy lately, new Halo game came out and it hasn't been disappointing like the last two.

Pulled myself away for a bit to do something constructive and started painting some scarabs from the Imperium magazine.
Now gotta divide which Blackstone base I want to use.
Not to toot my own horn but I seem to prefer my hand made one to the Dragons rest one...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/12/20 12:21:00

Post by: Guardling

gobert wrote:You’ve been busy Guardling! A nice blue would be good on the dome, or maybe a yellow?

Thanks, Going for dark blue, but may lighten it as I go along
Captain Brown wrote:Nice idea/job to make the tower plug into the board.

Is that smoke coming out of your tower?



Thanks, yes it is smoke, I have one of those hand portable ones that keep me away from the Lho Sticks...

Anyways, been sick and so not much to say

Got my "judge" done:

For some reason my nuln oil is drying super glossy which is messing with my ability to finish off the 1/4 silo and dome...
Any ideas to fix or just buy a new pot?

Also been picking at some other terrain:

Quick and dirty bit of plasticard to cover the hole, then to figure out how to make it into a storeroom

I wanted something to help blend/hold the silo in place and settled on zone SecMech platform offcuts that I had.
They line up with the platforms on top of a ZM wall, eventually I plan on adding some ladders and some LoS blocking stuff beneath the platform, not sure yet

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/12/20 17:56:13

Post by: Olthannon

Nice work on the terrain, love the colour of your Tau. Most of all though, love the feathered hats on your Kroot. Very fancy!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/12/23 08:02:29

Post by: Guardling

 Olthannon wrote:
Nice work on the terrain, love the colour of your Tau. Most of all though, love the feathered hats on your Kroot. Very fancy!

Thanks I believe the hats were from the two piece empire spearmen and maybe some from the empire militia kit as well

Anyways gotta remember to actually post some photos now and then...
First up got my base colours on my 1/4 silo and dome:

Just need some washes now but I'm holding out for an experiment with my nuln oil and some spray varnish to see if it kills the gloss problem I've been having.
The dome will get some railings at some point.
Got some paint on my full silo to get so I don't have any bits I can't get to when/if I add more stuff.

Also did a little bit on my diagonal pipe, turns out measurements were a little off so I used a scrap of pipe I had to pad it out:

Also put some paint on the sump boards I'd made up.
I tried using some watered down no more nails to seal it but it didn't work that great:

I've put some of that sand paint on the sump liquid that I'll later paint as floating rust for interest.

Also got a supply Drop of Bolters originally for my enforcers, but they seem a little to big:

Digging around my bits box I found some Deathwatch Bolters so might use those instead
I may use these heresy era Bolters and the arms that came with to update my not so secret "Ultramarines" kill team...

Automatically Appended Next Post:

Trying out some purple on this lady...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/12/23 16:46:43

Post by: Captain Brown

Good progress Guardling.



Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/12/25 10:22:28

Post by: Guardling

Merry Christmas!

I wonder who he's giving this gift too?

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/12/27 19:36:07

Post by: Guardling

Feeling a bit bluegh need to get out of my slump.
Here's a space marine
I got the idea after I saw the loader whilst looking at heavy bolters.
The space marine is Brother Pende, the loader I'm provisionally calling Negruj

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/12/28 17:28:38

Post by: Olthannon

That's a really sweet colour scheme on the marine.

What model is the loader? The blue uniform is a great look.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/12/28 19:51:02

Post by: Guardling

He's a Praetorian heavy bolter crewman.

They're basically Mordian Iron guard with pith helmets, usually painted up like Victorian era British soldiers

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/12/28 20:29:38

Post by: gobert

That’s a cool idea Guardling. I like the cross hatch highlighting that you’ve done too, it’s funky

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2021/12/31 15:45:17

Post by: Guardling

Thanks Gobert, the hatching came about as the heavy bolter looked super plain without it...

Anyways got some Mantic pipes and conveyors for Christmas... The plastic was much nicer than the other Mantic bits I got so spent some time smooshing some bits together:

I was thinking about doing a retrospective look at the stuff I've been doing the last year but never got the time or energy to do.
I am however getting ready to plan my plans for the new year, just picked up some paints and primer I think I may need.
Had a slight distraction on seeing the new outcast gang, but now I have the sprues in hand I'm sorely disappointed.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/01 10:29:49

Post by: Viterbi

That marine/loader team is looking great, but what we really need is more pics of the judge! Color scheme is looking great and works really well on him.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/01 23:25:49

Post by: Guardling

 Viterbi wrote:
That marine/loader team is looking great, but what we really need is more pics of the judge! Color scheme is looking great and works really well on him.

Thanks, here's a slightly better pic:

Also been working on some more of my "Ultramarines" Kill team at about the same time as Brother Pende, I was just more interested in him so he got the spotlight.

They still need their white markings and maybe some cross hatching as well

My main focus of the first day of the year was to dig through all (or so I thought) of my notes to see if I can find anything on the fluff for my Tau army.
Not much was found except a few ancient sketches that I've decided to share.

I did however find out the name of my Tau force's primary planet:
I think it has something to do with exploding plants.
No idea what the Imperial name for it is, but probably something thing fire related.
Now a new memory has been unlocked, I recall that one of the dominant plants produces and stores a gas that can easily be refined into fuel grade Prometheum.
I had models for them that I'll have to recreate...
The Imperial presence on the planet was primarily scientific in nature in figuring out how to get the stuff to grow on other planet.

First minis of the year are some Tau:

From left to right, original colour scheme, current colour scheme, and my attempt to replicate it. In the back are the paints I used, for posterity, or the next time I forget how I did it...

And also because I call this a Necromunda blog:

The left girl has been on my painting queue for a while, I "finished" her sister a while ago but decided to make some little changes, like darkening the head dress bling and painting the lion cloth yellow to both contrast the white leggings and to tie back to my other Eschers.
The white and yellow were shaded with Agrax, and I'm pretty chuffed with how the covered face came out...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/02 00:20:56

Post by: youwashock

Nice work on the Judge and the Death Maidens. The sketches are a lot of fun, too.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/03 19:49:03

Post by: gobert

Great update Guardling! The tau sketches are really cool, as is the idea of exploding plants. Good luck replicating the latest colour scheme.

The death maidens came out well. How populated are all of your gangs now?

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/05 23:05:37

Post by: Guardling

youwashock wrote:Nice work on the Judge and the Death Maidens. The sketches are a lot of fun, too.

Thanks, gotta get back into the drawing, im pretty rusty

gobert wrote:Great update Guardling! The tau sketches are really cool, as is the idea of exploding plants. Good luck replicating the latest colour scheme.

The death maidens came out well. How populated are all of your gangs now?

Thanks Gobert, the Eschers are the biggest gang at 19 models (including their Ambot and kitties). Goliath have the basic 10, an Ambot and then five more gangers in the paint queue. Orlock and Van Saar have another ten each and then the lone ranger Palanite for a total of 56 Models.
Unless you count my N8th as House Spider who have 20-30 (edit: 37) lads and lasses and a dog

So anyways been promising myself I'd make a plan and to do that I've been cataloging my minis:

Paint Queue:
Goliath Stimmer 0/1
Goliath Forgeborn 0/4
Rouge Trader Cohort 0/2
Chaos Cultists 0/14
BSF Traitor Guard 0/10
BSF Servant of the Abyss 0/8
BSF Negavolt Cultists 0/4
BSF Beastmen 1/4
BSF Ur-Ghuls 0/4
BSF Chaos Marines 0/3
Regular Chaos Marines 0/9
Spacehulk Terminators 1/12
Spacehulk Genestealers 0/22

Imperium Magazine:
Royal Warden 1/1
Necron Warriors 2/13
Skorpekh destroyers 0/3
Plasmacyte 0/1
Necron Overlord 0/1
Scarabs 1/4
Flayed Ones 0/5
Technomancer 0/1

Primaris Marines:
Lieutenant 0/1
Assualt Intercessors 0/11
Captain 0/1
Aggressors 0/3
Librarian in Phobos Armour 0/1
Inceptor 0/1*
Reivers 0/3*
*From My bits box

Delaque Gang 0/10
Palanite Enforcers 1/10
Palanite Subjugators 0/6
Underhive Outcasts 0/12
Floor Tiles 2/14

Kroot 3/38
Kroot Hound 0/2
Krotox 0/1
Kroot Shaper 0/1

Devilfish 0/3
Hammerhead/Skyray 0/2
Pirannah 1/1

Gun Drones 1/25
Shield Drones 2/6
Sniper drones & Controller 4/4
Recon 1/2
SMS (Hammerhead) 4/4
Missile Pod 0/2
Missile Pod Turret 0/2
Markerlight 1/2
Pulse Accelerator 1/2
Grav Inhibitor 1/2

Crisis Suits 5/11
Broadside 1/1
XV15 Stealth suits 2/6
XV25 Stealth Suits 1/6

Fireblade 1/1
Fire warriors:
Pulse Rifles 4/36
Pulse Carbines 0/6
Pulse Blasters 0/6
"Disarmed" 0/12

Path finders
Pulse Carbines 0/12
Ion Rifles 0/4
Rail Rifles 0/4
Metal 6/6

Etherals 2/2

Also have some boxes with Orks, Eldar, LoTR, Advanced Heroquest and lots of old metal minis, including the dreaded Chaos Toilet.

Err... It's a lot...
So my New Year Resolution PLAN:
1: Try and finish at least one whole unit a month, whole gangs count, addons don't. I don't have to start the same month as I finish, or I'll have a fail snowball.
2: Probably going to have to change the name of my blog as I will be more than likely diversifing
3: Think about trying one of them Hobby Bingo Cards,looks like a good way to look for more
4: Paint some of the Imperium Magazine models, the whole point of them was to give me time to do little and often not hoard them like I did
5: Post more on Dakka. I get anxiety, so I like lurking, but I can probably contribute more, especially to other people needing that little pat on the back that keeps them in the hobby.
6: Dig a model out of my ancient pile every now and then and paint it.
7: The one that hurts me the most... Sell some stuff, I haven't touched an Ork in nearly ten years, I've moved three times since I've last looked at the Eldar box...
8: Maybe think about modernising my Tau, with new codex coming out soon, now seems like a good time, I have a severe lack of big stompy or flying things...
9: Photograph, Strip and repaint my Vampire Count, the first mini I ever bought, maybe 25 years ago, back when characters came with mounted and dismounted versions...

To start off going for an easy one, an eBay rescue, stuff in the freezer for smashing up:

Who ever assembled this unit needs to be shot shown the light of the Greater Good.
The poses are very drunk and one has his pants on backwards... But I can't complain that much, mine were much the same when I first got them...
Taking them apart has been interesting as they are the only "Modern" crisis suits I have, much nicer than what I had to work with back in my day

Slapped some base layers on the Krootox and hounds hoping for an easy Unit win for January...

...Before remembering that both Krootox and Kroot hounds are addons for a unit and by my own rules don't count

Also some base layers on two Goliath Forgeborn:

I had the other two ready to paint, but they fell off thier temporary bases, these guys were premtively pinned.

First Unit of the year, is probably going to be Kroot, they're easy to do (so far, theres some conversions) which should give me some breathing room.
But I want to do Palanites...
We shall see...
Till the next time!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/06 12:10:30

Post by: Viterbi

Some interesting stuff to expect in 2022, excited to see your plan develop! And selling stuff is hard, but was something that helped me get the head clearer. It's so easy to amass plastic and lead, but realizing how long it would take to actually paint it... On the other hand, there sometimes comes the feeling of "Hey now I could paint this... oh no, I sold this" It's not an easy decision.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/06 20:39:18

Post by: gobert

Sounds like the gangs are developing nicely! Your plan is a good one, certainly I should follow a similar one. I’m not one for selling; a big part of me carrying on with this stint of hobbying has been the variety that my hoard gives me… but most of my recent stuff has been purchases… so I’m not doing so well on that front! The tau suits look like they’ll be a fun rescue, with any luck they’ll come apart easily for you

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/08 00:03:07

Post by: Guardling

Viterbi wrote:Some interesting stuff to expect in 2022, excited to see your plan develop! And selling stuff is hard, but was something that helped me get the head clearer. It's so easy to amass plastic and lead, but realizing how long it would take to actually paint it... On the other hand, there sometimes comes the feeling of "Hey now I could paint this... oh no, I sold this" It's not an easy decision.

Thanks, I'm hoping I can stick to the plan.
My problem with my hoard is that I have a very small hobby space, it's about 1.5x1.5m and is shared with my other expensive hobby. I did manage to bring myself to chuck a load of junk that I had collected to start off the new year.

gobert wrote:Sounds like the gangs are developing nicely! Your plan is a good one, certainly I should follow a similar one. I’m not one for selling; a big part of me carrying on with this stint of hobbying has been the variety that my hoard gives me… but most of my recent stuff has been purchases… so I’m not doing so well on that front! The tau suits look like they’ll be a fun rescue, with any luck they’ll come apart easily for you

Thanks! As for the Tau suits, spoiler alert: They didn't.

Finished up my Krootox and hounds:

I used Dawnstone as a base for the Krootox skin, and then Agrax. When it came to highlighting it back up, I used Dawnstone mixed with Agrax (which handily watered it down) and then regular Dawnstone.
With both the Krootox and the hounds I tried to highlight the colour back up with stripes, which you can sort of see best on the hounds ribs.
They're a bit more defined in real life, but my phone is my only working camera right now...

Also a new Tau Fluff memory has been unlocked:
While moving my Kroot to a smaller easier box I noticed that quite a few of them had different coloured guns...
Most had brass and brown wood and some had gunmetal and grey(ish) wood...
Pretty sure the background was that the brown wood guns where brought to the planet, where as the grey wood guns were made locally.
I think this was due to me noticing none of my plants or trees were brown, yet Kroot guns are made with wood and so any new Kroot I painted would now get a grey gun.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/09 11:36:57

Post by: Olthannon

Nice work with the Kroot, the warpaint is a nice contrast.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/09 20:42:24

Post by: Guardling

 Olthannon wrote:
Nice work with the Kroot, the warpaint is a nice contrast.

Thanks, needed a way to tie them back to the Tau,

Had an idea, spent way to long painting it:

Howling Griffons seemed like a good paint scheme to go with for the Imperium magazine Primaris Marines.
I half wanted to do Void Sons as they don't have much background, but now I have an excuse to buy some gryph-hounds...
Not super happy with the robe I think I put to many highlights on it... Might simplify it later on, which could give me some room for some freehand...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/09 22:08:26

Post by: youwashock

Librarian turned out very cool. That coat is awesome. Krootox looking very good, too.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/09 23:09:02

Post by: Capt.

Kudos to anyone that paints the Howling Griffons.... That's an awesome Librarian

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/12 22:35:06

Post by: Guardling

Haven't done one of these in a while:

Adeptus Mechanicus survey team and work party secure a possibly working void shield generator in the depths of the Underhive...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/14 19:24:01

Post by: gobert

Oooh! Howling Griffons will be a great use of your Imperium Marines and you’ve certainly got them off to a cracking start.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/14 22:04:55

Post by: DoctorDanny

That librarian paint scheme is very striking. You painted the cloth very convincingly, especially the top part.

This thread also makes me want to do something with genestealer cultists. I reckon they'd make good ruffians for Stargrave

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/15 17:09:19

Post by: Guardling

youwashock wrote:Librarian turned out very cool. That coat is awesome. Krootox looking very good, too.

Capt. wrote:Kudos to anyone that paints the Howling Griffons.... That's an awesome Librarian

gobert wrote:Oooh! Howling Griffons will be a great use of your Imperium Marines and you’ve certainly got them off to a cracking start.

Thanks all, I had the idea that the robe could be fancy instead of the camouflage it's supposed to have and then did not look to see if anyone had already had the idea.
Not sure if I'll carry it on to any future Eliminators(?) though
DoctorDanny wrote:That librarian paint scheme is very striking. You painted the cloth very convincingly, especially the top part.

This thread also makes me want to do something with genestealer cultists. I reckon they'd make good ruffians for Stargrave

All my GSC stuff has been converted back to civilian use, as that's where it should be, in the hands of good, Emperor fearing, citizens.
There's also the Underhive Outcasts Gang that would fit the ruffian bill well, but you're probably gonna get better poses and equipment off the GSCs

Anyhow onto what I've been up to...
I got up the gumption to go and blitz through a squad of Fire Warriors:

And then I realised that they need basing, so I got a nice reminder on why I really really like the the Zone Mortalis bases.
Okay back to paint--
Uh-oh, their shoulder pads are damaged, sprue slurry to gap fill, back to painting...
Oop... They need their head antenna...
They've all mysteriously disappeared, no problems, I can make some:

This small detail work is uncomfortable...

At last good enough, hand sore, but now I can paint...

...Some base colours, my wrist is killing me...
Need a hobby time-out for a few days...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
But then, I hear it...
In the back of my head...
You know what you need to do...
It won't leave me alone...
You know, Guardling, you know...
Constantly there!
You need to do it...
Constantly whispering!
...You need to make a train...

Choo Choo...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/16 10:09:00

Post by: gobert

I feel you on the pre made bases! The tau are making a good start. Hopefully the train eases your pain

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/16 13:04:14

Post by: Olthannon

Love the little admech diorama, very cool. The inside of the robes is such a nice contrast.

Good luck with the train!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/16 23:04:25

Post by: Guardling

Quick update on the train:

Got a gap to fill in the side, but I've got an idea...

It's meant to be small BTW, seeing as it mainly for pulling those armoured Chacons around...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/18 22:33:33

Post by: Captain Brown

 Guardling wrote:

But then, I hear it...
In the back of my head...
You know what you need to do...
It won't leave me alone...
You know, Guardling, you know...
Constantly there!
You need to do it...
Constantly whispering!

The first stage in the madness that comes from using the one power, is the voices in your head. Care full Guardling.

Then again, you pretty much convert every piece of GW terrain you acquire.



Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/20 08:08:04

Post by: Guardling

gobert wrote:I feel you on the pre made bases! The tau are making a good start. Hopefully the train eases your pain

Thanks, The train scratched an itch for sure, but now I don't want to go back to the tau, the guys with pulse carbines are the original firewarrior kit and there is a very noticeable difference of quality and paintablity between them and the breachers...
Olthannon wrote:Love the little admech diorama, very cool. The inside of the robes is such a nice contrast.
Good luck with the train!

Thanks, I painted the admech guy from memory so I just assumed that they had white inner robes, just a happy little accident...

Captain Brown wrote:
The first stage in the madness that comes from using the one power, is the voices in your head. Care full Guardling.

Then again, you pretty much convert every piece of GW terrain you acquire.



I'm blaming the inq28 community, I binged neil101s blog and then the latest 28 magazine came out... It's only a matter of time before I start going crazy...
Regarding terrain, my first thought was "that's not true!" And then I looked in my terrain drawer to prove my point and...

Anyways not much this week due to playing to much Resident Evil Village and prepping for my other hobby this weekend.
On the flip side I've somehow signed up to playtest a friends skirmish game.
I did get some layers on my forge born last night while avoiding my Firewarriors:

Just got sort out the straps and gloves and then I'll be calling them done...

Also did a bit of work on my Howling Griffons Librarian, evening out the robes and trying to decide on a pattern to paint on them:

I gave him a thin layer so you can still see the previous highlights, it just a bit more subtle and doesn't photo well...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/20 09:00:03

Post by: endtransmission

Great stuff, the librarian is looking really nice in those colours. I hear you (and many other internal voices) about the hobby ideas too :/

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/20 17:42:22

Post by: Captain Brown


Gangers are proceeding nicely.


Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/21 18:45:46

Post by: gobert

Those forgeborne are cool! Are you going to do camo over the red and yellow on the Libby? Brave!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/22 11:52:35

Post by: Guardling

Thanks Endtransmission and Captain Brown
Gobert, no I'm not going camo, going to do some fancy trim and/or a griffon rampant, but need to work up the courage to freehand it...

Quick update, finished my two forgeborn but no pic yet, got a wash on my Firewarriors, using Agrax instead of nuln, which after finishing a test model, feels better.
And then there's the train:

I spent an awfully long time opening up some gaps in the funnel big enough for my personal smoke machine to waft out...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/22 16:37:05

Post by: Viterbi

Great mix of stuff atm. A little sad, that the Tau took the back burner, but if you don't feel the minis, it's good to concentrate on other stuff. And a HG librarian and scratchbuilt train are great alternatives for us

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/22 18:07:35

Post by: gobert

The train is looking great, it certainly seems to have made the tech priest driving it happy

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/24 11:32:47

Post by: Ezki

Nice work on the train

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/24 21:53:10

Post by: Guardling

Viterbi wrote:Great mix of stuff atm. A little sad, that the Tau took the back burner, but if you don't feel the minis, it's good to concentrate on other stuff. And a HG librarian and scratchbuilt train are great alternatives for us

Haha, concentrating on one thing... It was more that I was focusing on my other expensive hobby, so it was easier to do tiny bits at a time than the batch painting...
gobert wrote:The train is looking great, it certainly seems to have made the tech priest driving it happy

Haha thanks, I don't the ganger out front is sharing the tech priests enthusiasm...
Ezki wrote:Nice work on the train


Now I'm winding down from my energetic Sunday shooting BBs at people, pretty sure I gained the Killer Reputation skill (don't know the N17 equivalent)...
Got some time to photo what I've been up to last week...

First up some Agrax earth shade on my Firewarriors:

As a test I fully painted a Breacher:

I used layers of Sotek green mixed with Temple Guard Blue instead of my previous drybrush of TGB over Sotek and I like the results much better if more time consuming...

I played a game for the first time in a while:
Friend of mine is writing his own rules for a mainly historical skirmish game and needed playtesters to mess things up for him...
It's alternating activation but the leaders can issue orders (move/shoot/etc) to anyone nearby, we played at a twice the intended size to check scalability and boy did we mess things up for him...
General moving, shooting and H2H was fun, but mass H2H was not.

That's the end of the game shot, my guys have the brown bases
Literally should of read the rules before I set up, I hid my leader in a corner out the way because that's what I learned to do with my Tau...
Good fun was had though...

And lastly my Forgeborn:
Spots, my favourite ganger at the moment:

Premo, with a GSC backpack:

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/27 16:53:17

Post by: Olthannon

Nice work on the gangers, I think of all the new models, the Goliaths match up well with the old ones.

Your Tau colour scheme is great

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/28 23:41:52

Post by: Guardling

A whole unit done!

Except I forgot to glue and paint the Firewarrior shoulder pads...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/30 01:01:35

Post by: gobert

Nice work Guardling, the tau are looking great, even if you missed the shoulder pads! It’s easy done that’s for sure.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/30 18:33:22

Post by: Viterbi

The Tau unit looks great, love the color scheme! And looking at the Necromunda newbie, I gotta say, someone went to the gym

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/30 20:19:16

Post by: DoctorDanny

Those Tau are gorgeous Guardling. I'm still looking for an excuse to start a Tau army. Hmmm... I'm also looking for an excuse to get some Necromunda Goliaths or corpsegrinders for that matter.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/01/31 17:59:20

Post by: Guardling

Olthannon wrote:Nice work on the gangers, I think of all the new models, the Goliaths match up well with the old ones.

Your Tau colour scheme is great


gobert wrote:Nice work Guardling, the tau are looking great, even if you missed the shoulder pads! It’s easy done that’s for sure.

Thanks, the shoulder pads were all damaged so I put them to one side for fixing

Viterbi wrote:The Tau unit looks great, love the color scheme! And looking at the Necromunda newbie, I gotta say, someone went to the gym

Thanks he's looking buff, but he's not as big as the other gangers, got a stimmer on the paint queue as well and they're massive
DoctorDanny wrote:Those Tau are gorgeous Guardling. I'm still looking for an excuse to start a Tau army. Hmmm... I'm also looking for an excuse to get some Necromunda Goliaths or corpsegrinders for that matter.

Thank you, I recommend Goliath just because it's easier to do a full "force" with a lot of options...
Also they have a pet crocodile... That I want...

Anyways a lots of little bits today:
Finished my unit of the month, but technically it's two half units as I believe Breachers are a separate unit to Firewarriors (they're not in the codexes I have).
This brings me up to 24 models for the month, yay almost a model a day!

Also did a little servo skull:

This little guy is inspired by Osjclatchfords servo skulls, his base is a green stuff press mold from a blue stuff mold of a ZM tile on a button.

I also splashed some paint on my train:
Rust layer:


Yellow paint:

And finally weathering:

Kinda regret doing yellow as it's the colour used by my Eschers, but its too late now and looks good as it is...

After seeing the Ash Wastes announcement, I decided to do something ash wastey...
...And started work on a sump diver:

This one started life as the GSC Wolfquad rider, with some catachan legs, but when comparing them to a regular Orlock they seemed a bit short, so I cut the legs off at the knee and added some shoes from another GSC rider. Then there was some sprue slurry to make the baggy trousers and fill the gap between the knees and boots.
I'm not sure on arms yet, but looking at Scions for now...

Had to stay home today to look after sick child but got some time to dig out the first model I ever bought:

The concept and passage of time is bit of a mystery to me but I reckon I got him mid to late nineties for a small undead army of mostly skeletons, pretty sure that's his second coat of paint though.

While I was at it, I noticed a couple of cool little freehand shields I did:

Not sure when I did this, but I got the ork orc in my Advanced Heroquest box...
Dwarfs work is peeling as I believe I used an Imperial Fists decal underneath so I could "trace" it...

And this monstrosity as well:

Don't mind that the painting is a bit... ...crap...
Yeeeah I'll see myself out...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/02/01 20:31:38

Post by: gobert

24 minis is a great haul for the month! The Tau and train are looking great, good job getting them dome. It’s cool to see some of your early work, it’s pretty good tbh

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/02/01 21:27:33

Post by: Olthannon

Loving the paintjob on the train, the rust looks excellent.

I also really like that vampire model, I think my brother might have had that one, the opera cloak is brilliant.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/02/03 16:59:58

Post by: Viterbi

Love the month recap shot and what fun stuff you have around from the mists of time. The shields look very cool!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/02/06 20:48:05

Post by: DoctorDanny

Aww that poor lad looks really under the weather.

I love how your projects are all over the place. Keeps it fresh.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/02/08 20:02:45

Post by: Guardling

gobert wrote:24 minis is a great haul for the month! The Tau and train are looking great, good job getting them dome. It’s cool to see some of your early work, it’s pretty good tbh

Thanks, I haven't counted the train as a mini, I wonder if I should as it's terrain?
Olthannon wrote:Loving the paintjob on the train, the rust looks excellent.
I also really like that vampire model, I think my brother might have had that one, the opera cloak is brilliant.

Thanks, I've gotta remember to get some more Dettol to strip it and start again with more skilled hands. Hopefully steadier hands as I dropped the mounted version this morning and knocked him off his horse...
Viterbi wrote:Love the month recap shot and what fun stuff you have around from the mists of time. The shields look very cool!

Thanks, I'll be posting some of them up again soon, if I remember...
DoctorDanny wrote:Aww that poor lad looks really under the weather.
I love how your projects are all over the place. Keeps it fresh.

Thanks its mostly that I make and paint for the fun of it so if I'm not enjoying it, I switch projects.
But it does mean that I'm really bad at finishing things, Necromundas small model count makes that easier...

This week(last week?) started off with some bases for my Noctilith Necrons.
In a sudden inspiration while bemoaning the lack contrast between my scarabs and their Blackstone Fortress bases I decided to copy the marblish base on my Librarian:

That means sanding the bases flat with a rasp file and scoring a few lines in with me mate Stanley.
I somehow ended up with a pot of astrogranite which I used to blend the rubble on the base and draw lines of dust.
Given some of them a coat of pallid flesh for now...
The necron warriors bases where a bit harder as they had divots in them, sprue slurry to the rescue, big blood, trimmed down filed flat, job done.

Onto the Necrons proper, the warrior sprues that came with my copy of Imperium were the same instead of the part A and B, but I didn't notice until I cut the sprue, end result is I lost two warriors but gained a scarab swarm. Acceptable.
I did however have some parts left over to make two half necrons:

Left guy has an old style torso from my bits box.
Not sure what to do with these as in lore Necron bodies disappear when killed, maybe have them stepping out of a portal somewhere...
Had a pot of Tesseract Green so wanted to test it out, also secretly want a green glow on my necrons:

Some I painted white first, some silver, some left as the previous orange...
So go some paint on the warriors:

Dark green base coat, blue drybrush and a lighter purple one on top.
Started highlighting the lower edges with teal but my brushes were having issues with my hands so onto the next thing...

Which is this thing that I saw in a YouTube video when I should of been sleeping...

Pretty simple, I just used copious amounts of sprue slurry to hold the barrels in place so it's taken a while to dry...
So green stuff is my friend now:

Not really, but it's looking alright. Loosely based off of one of the harnesses we make everyone wear, it does connect as it should under the air tank.
Speaking of the air tank, logically they should be wearing a rebreather, rather than air cylinders as that gives you a lot more time, but rebreathers look boring so cylinders that everyone can easily identify it is...

Poked some bits at the Underhive Outcasts trying to make civilians, but there's not a lot of non weapon hand in my bits box:

But I had a spare rock saw from the Forgeborn kit. This one has the females arms and they seem the right first for a regular male.
Had to drill divots for the arms and gap fill with sprue slurry.

Now for my previous distraction, presenting the Wyrdvane Psyker Deupavor:

It was time for the end.
He knew it, just as his tutor/master had known it two hundred years ago.
His body was failing him and soon the black ships would return for him, or more likely, the Commissariat.
But he wanted to know, just as his master wanted to and yet warned him against.
His student sat at his desk opposite, with the guilded box in front of him, scared eyes flicking between it and his master.
Inside was and equally guilded needle pistol, the toxins infused with water and ointments from Holy Terra, blessed a thousand times.
He opened his minds eye and surveyed the room and extended his warp feelers, ten little fingers and ten little toes.
He saw his students mind glowing brightly, and further away the the dim lights of the guardsmen that were assigned to him.
They were his responsibility, to keep safe, no matter how much they despised him.
He extended futher, never look up, never look down he had been told.
He knew what was up, the great and noble houses, protected by psykers much more powerful than him who would rip his mind from him for mearly being in the wrong place, as was their instructions.
But down?
The Underhive?
It was teeming with life, millions and millions of little sparks, some bright, some dull, some just nothing.
But it was still dangerous, there were things down there skirting on the edge of his vision, brushing past his feelers...
And he needed to know.
He took a breath and hooked a feeler toe into the box and dove.
Miles down, past the lights of workers toiling, past the lights of gangers fighting, past the little lights of the vermin...
And he saw each mind as he passed, concern for the amount of corpse starch they'd recieve tonight, anger at the bullets ripping into to flesh and the chittering...
little minds drawing him further down and Then he saw them.
Bright minds.
With claws and hooks.
Circling him, unsanctioned psykers, probing at him.
But they were nothing to him, and he punched a finger out, startling them with his speed and accuracy, snuffing out a grotesque light.
The others retreated to what they thought was the edge of his vision, thier illusion of power shattered.
He dove further down, they did not follow.
Down here, most minds were that of beasts and insects, including those of mankind, however tenuously they clung to that claim.
But there was a light!
Clear, intelligent and refined, drawing him closer.
As he grew closer, more appeared, welcoming him, dancing around him, showing him the path he should take...
Without warning they tightened around him and he saw that they were not minds, but fingers, claws, hooks, a net!
And they had him, and yanked him downward towards what he knew would be teeth, so he kicked and punched with his fingers and toes to no avail...


The guilded box flew open, scrolls on my desk whipping into the air.
I looked at my master, his face, his face was terror.
I took the gun in my trembling hands.
"Do it!" his wretched twisting visage screamed at me, "You must do it Deupavor!"

So I did.

He was a delight to paint, really happy with how his face came out, used Druchi (sp?) Violet wash to get a cool shade, and his skin ended up being paler than his purity seals parchment.

See you next time

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/02/08 20:29:09

Post by: Meer_Cat

An eclectic and impressive amount of work done on interesting projects. I like how the colors came out for the scarab swarms.

For your extra warrior torsos, how difficult would it be to customize some floating bodies and turn them into Destoyers?

Rock on.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/02/12 18:37:30

Post by: gobert

Nice work on the Psyker, not sure he looks that well though!. The warp background is a good addition for him too. The boat looks intriguing, not sure now safe it looks being so low in the water!

The train should 100% count in your tally

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/02/13 07:40:18

Post by: Viterbi

Lovely fluff piece for the Psyker and as you said excellent skin! And the shot with the star background is great

Half-warriors coming out of a portal might be a good save to get some use out of them.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/02/17 09:42:39

Post by: Guardling

Meer_Cat wrote:An eclectic and impressive amount of work done on interesting projects. I like how the colors came out for the scarab swarms.

For your extra warrior torsos, how difficult would it be to customize some floating bodies and turn them into Destoyers?

Rock on.

Thanks, as for converting to Destroyers, I have no experience with Necrons or the Destroyer model so it would be pretty hard for me, also on of them is missing his back

gobert wrote:Nice work on the Psyker, not sure he looks that well though!. The warp background is a good addition for him too. The boat looks intriguing, not sure now safe it looks being so low in the water!

The train should 100% count in your tally

Thanks, I imagine the boat as more of a large row boat but I'll be figuring out and engine soon, besides H&S doesn't come that far down the hive...
Viterbi wrote:Lovely fluff piece for the Psyker and as you said excellent skin! And the shot with the star background is great

Half-warriors coming out of a portal might be a good save to get some use out of them.

Thanks, my partner got a laser/light projector and now I spend half my time staring at the wall.
Portal Necrons is probably gonna be the easiest...

Anyways onto what I've been up to:

Got me a LED strip to replace the fairy lights on my display shelf, it cheap but:

Colour options!
Had to use tape to help hold down the strip as the sticky is not very good on its own, but a great improvement for lighting options for photos.
Edit: It just fell down anyway... Maybe I should of used better tape..
Now just need to get a decent camera, but unfortunately I've maxed out my hobby budget for this month... ...and next month ...

Did some work on my what is now a sump tank:

Added some plasticard for the sump, a couple of sprue sticks for the impression of support beams, some sprue slurry to blend them together.
A broken SecMech platform and a chunk cut off to finish it
Some paint:

Slapped some paint on this while I was at it:

Put some little panels on the half sump tank, not sure what to do with it yet:

I'm thinking having it lying on its side but not sure how to cap the ends yet...

Made another platform:

Splashed some paint on it and then as I was getting ready to put on the grey that I had previously used I decided it'd look better in black:

And then threw on some red, yellow, blue and green for pipes and cables:

Then realised I hadn't put a wash on before adding the black, whoops...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/02/18 08:50:59

Post by: gobert

Cool lights, hopefully you can get them fixed to frame with better tape. The sump is developing nicely and I definitely like the black on the new platform

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/02/18 12:55:12

Post by: Olthannon

Man I love stuff like that, lighting on game boards is just so cool. Really nice scenery!

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/02/18 14:35:21

Post by: Guardling

Well it's pay day and I was wondering where all my money was, turns out it was in the post...

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/02/18 20:46:40

Post by: Dirk Reinecke

Excellent work on the Necromunda terrain. I look forward to seeing what you do with you new supply drop.

Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden... @ 2022/02/19 03:39:11

Post by: youwashock

Lots of cool stuff happening here. Love the train. A super cool and unique piece. The sump diver is a great idea. And you even built a place for him to hang out!